Gk red arrow. About company

“Krasnaya Strela” is a new brand of the experienced and professional construction company “AndVas”.

Since 1990, the company, as a general contractor, has implemented 112 projects in the residential and industrial construction market in St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Moscow regions, Murmansk and Tallinn. The company acquired a new name in connection with its entry into the real estate market as a developer.

To implement its first project as an independent developer, the company returned to its hometown. The company was founded in Leningrad, but over time its main activity focused on housing construction in the Moscow region, in the city of Dolgoprudny, as well as on the implementation of state and municipal orders for the construction and repair of social facilities - clinics, kindergartens, schools, leisure facilities.

The new name of the developer - “Red Arrow” - like the legendary fast train, symbolizes the connection between Moscow and St. Petersburg, the connection between the past and the future, the connection between generations, the connection between traditions and modern technological solutions. And, of course, the “Red Arrow” is a symbol of speed, accuracy, reliability and comfort. It is these qualities that characterize the developer’s work style.

Krasnaya Strela has its own resources to perform the full cycle of development tasks: from preparing documentation and design to organizing sales and operating the constructed facilities. The accumulated experience, clear planning and control, high qualifications of engineering and technical personnel ensure high-quality and timely completion of all work.

The construction company " ", which belongs to the brothers Andrei and Vasily Cherepnya, bought the project of the low-rise residential complex "Gorki Park" in the village of Enkolovo from the GC " ", a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. For the last year, Krasnaya Strela was the general contractor of this project and had a 30% share in it without the right of operational management. Now her share is 100%

Risks have decreased

Vladimir Petrov, who owns the PulExpress Group of Companies (but does not participate in the operational management of its business, since he is a parliamentarian), confirmed the deal. “The construction market has narrowed during the crisis. This deal allowed us to reduce risks,” he explained.

And the general director of the Krasnaya Strela insurance company explained the decision to purchase the project as follows: “Our company is actively developing, we have long planned to increase our portfolio of projects. Gorki Park is one of the most interesting low-rise complexes in the Leningrad region. In addition, we know it from the inside as a general contractor." He clarified that thanks to this transaction, the company doubled its portfolio of development projects in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - up to 70 thousand m2 of housing.

The transaction amount is not disclosed. It is only known that it was combined - the calculation was made both in money and in square meters. According to experts, the new owner paid 0.5 billion rubles for the project.

The “Gorki Park” project was launched by the company “PulExpress” at the beginning of 2016 on an area of ​​5 hectares, 6 km from St. Petersburg, in the village of Enkolovo. It involves the construction of 14 houses in two stages, three to four floors high, with a total area of ​​29 thousand m2. At the moment, four houses with an area of ​​10 thousand m2 have been built. It is estimated that 0.4 billion rubles have already been invested in the work. And the total investment in the project will be 1.5 billion rubles. It was initially stated that the project would be completed in the first quarter of 2019. But at the moment the lag behind the schedule is 6 months.

Price liberalization

"We do not plan to change the technical parameters and apartment layout of the project. We will only review its economic model, which we consider not very effective. In particular, we plan to change prices - reduce them by 12% to revive sales. Also, we will not break the project into queues - we will build and sell apartments simultaneously in all 14 buildings,” says Nikolai Urusov. As for the lag behind the schedule, Red Arrow plans to minimize it by the fall of 2018.

Let us remind you that the Red Arrow company appeared in 2015. Under this brand, the general contracting company Andvas, which was created in St. Petersburg in the 1990s by businessman Evgeniy Cherepnya, entered the independent development market. He named the company after his sons Andrei and Vasily, who now manage its business. Over its history, Andvas, as a general contractor, has built and reconstructed 400 thousand m2 of housing, as well as civil and industrial facilities in the capital region, Murmansk and Estonia.

As a developer, the company owns two plots of 2 hectares each in St. Petersburg on the territory of the project “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills”. The first one is already building 38 thousand m2 of housing, having invested more than 1.5 billion rubles. The Gorki Park residential complex is the second in its development portfolio. By the end of the year, the company plans to launch the second site “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills”. There will also be 38 thousand m2 of housing.

The market comes to life

According to St. Petersburg, in 2016, 35 low-rise properties (including new phases of projects already underway) with a total area of ​​301.5 thousand m2 were put on sale in St. Petersburg and its suburbs. “The total area of ​​low-rise buildings for sale exceeds 120 thousand m2. This is almost 3 thousand apartments. Over the five-year period, the area of ​​low-rise housing being built has doubled,” says the head of the research department at Knight Frank St. Petersburg Tamara Popova.

Since the beginning of this year, according to data, five more low-rise projects with an area of ​​35 thousand m2 have entered the regional market. "The volume of the low-rise housing market in the St. Petersburg agglomeration is about 0.8 million m2 of housing (8% of the total market volume). In 2016, about 170 thousand m2 were sold on the low-rise housing market, or 4% of the total demand in the agglomeration (for comparison : in 2013-2015, the share of low-rise housing in the sales structure was also 4-5%). More than 50 local companies are engaged in low-rise projects,” says the head of the Petersburg Real Estate CC.


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The Krasnaya Strela company was formed on the basis of the AndVas construction company, well known in the professional community, which was primarily engaged in contract work. The emergence of a new name is due to its entry into the real estate market as an independent developer with the project of the low-rise residential complex “Neoclassic”.

The “Red Arrow” brand was formed on the initiative of the AndVas company, the general contractor of the Dolgoprudnenskaya Construction Company Group of Companies.

Since 1990, as a general contractor, the company has taken part in more than 100 projects in the residential and industrial construction market. The main regions where forces are deployed are St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Moscow regions, as well as Murmansk and Tallinn. Over the past years, the company has built more than 360 thousand square meters. m of residential real estate, in addition, social facilities were built and reconstructed.

The Krasnaya Strela company has sufficient resources to carry out the full cycle of development tasks: from the development of documentation and design to the operation of commissioned facilities.

The company is engaged:

In the field of civil engineering:

  • construction of high-rise and low-rise apartment buildings
  • construction of country cottage complexes
  • construction and renovation of kindergartens and secondary schools
  • renovation of clinics, major renovation of the “City Medical Aid Station”
  • construction of multi-level and semi-buried parking lots

In the field of industrial construction:

  • construction and reconstruction of cargo and fuel berths
  • hydraulic engineering construction, in particular, work on the installation of treatment facilities for storm sewers
  • installation of protective covers for reactor compartments of nuclear test facilities for mothballing nuclear reactors

The structure of the company

The AndVas company with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles is owned equally by Andrey and Vasily Cherepnya. The company was founded in the 90s by the father of the two above-mentioned persons, Evgeniy Cherepnya. The general director of the organization is Andrey Evgenievich Cherepnya. Cherepnya Vasily Evgenievich is the general director of LLC “Struktura”, which is 100% owned by LLC “AndVas”. According to the project declaration, Structura LLC is listed as the developer of the Neoclassika residential complex.

The construction company "Red Arrow" in St. Petersburg was created in 2015 as a new brand of AndVas LLC. The latter owns 100% of the share. The company has been engaged in construction for more than 20 years: not only residential, but also industrial and social. During this time, more than 100 projects were implemented in the North-Western, Central regions of Russia and Tallinn.

Today, the developer "Red Arrow" is building new buildings independently in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Krasnaya Strela LLC itself is not formally a developer, as it creates new legal entities for each project. Among them are LLC "Struktura" (OGRN 1157847140417) and LLC "Okhtinsky Park Development" (OGRN 1157847013015). In one share or another, AndVas LLC is the owner of these companies.

The construction company "Red Arrow" implements residential complexes, performing a full cycle of tasks: from design to sales of objects. The company’s portfolio includes two complexes under construction: one in Shushary - the Neoclassics residential complex, the other in the village of Bugry in the Leningrad region - the Gorki Park residential complex.

Both new buildings from the developer “Red Arrow” belong to the comfort class, have a low number of floors, and are built using monolithic technology. In 2017, it is planned to begin the implementation of a similar comfort-class project near the existing Neoclassics residential complex.

Prices for apartments from the Krasnaya Strela construction company correspond to the declared class. The apartments themselves are usually quite interesting: with one or two large balconies, terraces, storage rooms, and the layouts are quite varied. There are both small studios and spacious three-ruble apartments with windows on both sides and three balconies.

Apartments in the residential complex are sold by the construction company "Red Arrow" in accordance with 214-FZ. Various payment options are offered: installments or mortgages from leading banks - Sberbank of Russia, Bank St. Petersburg, DeltaCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank and others.

There are few reviews about the Red Arrow developer; moreover, not a single independent project has yet been put into operation.