Why does a girl dream about pants? Interpretation of the dream of pants in dream books. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Find out for free from the online dream book what Pants are meant for in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about trousers?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of Pants and what does it mean:

Trousers - Pants seen in a dream may in reality foreshadow an upcoming deception or that you may be drawn into some kind of adventure. Wearing trousers in a dream means that you are confident in your abilities. Losing trousers is a bad name, a mockery. Torn trousers can promise shame and disgrace, very wide or bright ones - joy. Putting trousers on others means well-being. For women, all dreams about trousers usually promise benefits.

Seeing jeans in a dream means that you may find yourself in a contradictory situation. Buying or trying them on means failure and problems. Slacks trousers seen in a dream are harbingers of an unpleasant meeting, torn slacks are problems in business.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Pants in a dream?

Trousers - If you dreamed of trousers, then you will soon be tempted to commit dishonest acts. Putting your trousers on inside out means that you will soon find yourself captive to someone's charm.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do Pants mean:

Trousers - Profit, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of trousers from your dream

Pants - Purchase; self-confidence; benefit for the woman.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Trousers – Black trousers - patience; white trousers - you will understand your mistake; torn trousers - you will have a demotion; wear trousers - you will have influence in the house; lose your trousers - you will be under the influence of your wife; putting patches on holes in trousers is a financial hassle.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why you should wear trousers in a dream?

Pants - masculinity.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Pants by day of the week?

Trousers - For a woman - Seeing trousers on Monday night is a warning: if you continue to say unnecessary things to unfamiliar people, serious trouble awaits you; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to vanity; trousers on Saturday or Sunday night - for drinking with friends.

Trousers for a man - On Monday night - to tiring work; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means that you have to make a choice from several extremely dubious options. Seeing trousers on Saturday or Sunday night means little money.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream of Pants:

Black trousers - you should show maximum patience, white trousers - understanding your misconceptions, torn trousers - loss of patience, anger, aggression, putting on trousers - having influence in the house, looking for trousers - being influenced by your spouse, patching trousers - money troubles.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Pants:

Trousers - You may be drawn into some kind of adventure. Imagine that you are tearing or burning the trousers you dreamed of.

Astrological dream book

Pants to see what does it mean?

Pants - to a loss as a result of your excessive self-interest.

Great modern dream book

Pants - what does the dreamer dream about?

Trousers - You see trousers in a dream - this dream cannot be called good; despite the fact that you are a positive person in all respects, and those around you consider you such, you (like every other person) also contain negative qualities; these properties can rebel in the near future and incite you to an act that cannot be called anything other than base; you will be very worried about this.

Your trousers seem to have rolled up legs - a very pretty young lady will show interest in you; but you will not react in any way to her willingness to get closer; you will not be satisfied with the social status of this woman; you are cowardly, afraid of condemnation from your loved ones for such a low choice; but after some time you will regret what you missed.

You see your trousers turned inside out in a dream - you had a friend or acquaintance whom you completely trusted, to whom you confided many of your secrets; but your paths have diverged, and now you are afraid that your former friend’s knowledge of your secret will be used against you; you are not afraid in vain; Let everything that happened - this breakup - serve as a lesson to you. Another interpretation of a dream about trousers: you will meet a very charming person and fall under his influence; you will be glad of this influence.

Islamic dream book

What do you dream about pants for?

Trousers - In general, trousers in a dream - to an immaculate and infallible life. Wearing new trousers means marrying a virgin. Wearing trousers without outerwear means poverty. Whoever sees in a dream that his trousers have fallen off or is torn runs the risk of cheating on his wife with another woman.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Pants?

Trousers - Dreaming of trousers means that they will try to persuade you to commit dishonest acts. Wearing trousers in a dream means you will be overcome by the desire for intimacy with a man, which is impossible due to certain conventions and circumstances. If in a dream you see a man putting on trousers, in reality you will be brought closer to him by common affairs. Pants worn inside out mean that you will soon find yourself captivated by someone's charm. Black trousers mean patience and endurance, white trousers mean insight from delusions.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why we dream about Pants

  • Trousers - If a woman dreams that she is wearing men's trousers, which is completely unnatural for her in reality, then this means that she may become a widow and will have to take on all the worries about the family. Sometimes a dream predicts that a woman will have to earn her own living.
  • A man dreamed that he had lost his trousers and could not find them, then he would soon marry a strong and powerful woman who would literally hold him with a tight rein.
  • You yourself or someone patching your trousers portends big financial difficulties for you.
  • If you are trying to clean the dirt from your trousers, then in life you will become the object of dirty squabbles and gossip and you will have to take care of restoring your good name and reputation.
  • Seeing trousers on someone or just seeing them is a sign of a favorable combination of circumstances and a tempting offer. Sometimes a dream about trousers predicts making a profit, but warns that your frivolity will not bring you any good.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Ironing trousers - For a woman - to divorce; For a girl, trousers are a sign of marriage; for a man, trousers are a sign of a date.

If you dreamed of trousers, it means that your friends will take care of your well-being, and thanks to them you will enjoy a pleasant time spent together. So if you have a problem, it will soon become less important to you because your friends will sort it out, rest assured that you will stop thinking about troubles.

Why do you dream about trousers - Freud's dream book

If you dream of trousers, this dream suggests that you are in great danger and you need to take extra care, but even if you do this, you cannot be sure that you will be safe.

Dreaming of putting on trousers is a rather unfortunate sign because it says that your immediate or perhaps future future is uncertain and you cannot count on a sense of stability.

In a dream, you dreamed of buying trousers, this is a signal from your subconscious that you are too confident in your wrong actions and that it is quite possible that you will suffer from this.

You dream of dirty trousers - this is definitely a bad sign, and if dirty trousers appear in a dream, it certainly does not bode well. This usually tells you about danger or death of someone close to you.

As our dream book interprets, if you dream of black trousers, this means that you will soon visit one of your friends or relatives.

If trousers appeared in a girl's dream, this is a sign that she will be able to invest her money or take advantage of a purchasing opportunity to save a lot of money.

Seeing red pants in your dream is an overall positive sign and you can relate it to all the situations that happen in your life.

When you dream of torn trousers, this is a cheerful and pleasant sign for your life, not only in the near future, but in general throughout your life.

If you iron your pants in a dream, this is a sign that your life will soon become completely new for you, whether you like it or not.

In a dream in which you dream of your husband’s trousers, this is a sign that a new stage in your married life will come in your life.

According to the dream book, when you dream of trying on a woman’s trousers, this is a very good sign for you, promising that you will be able to implement some important plans in the near future.

If you dream of new men's trousers, this is a mockery of you, which will soon happen in your life.

Pants in a woman's dream is a sign that she will have to miss a loved one, and she will not like it at all, but for some reason she has no choice.

When you had to sew up your trousers in a dream, it is very possible that in the near future you will marry a person with a high social status, and thus you will live in abundance.

When you dream of changing your trousers, this is a signal to you that you should not rush to make a decision if you are not ready yet, and if you do not see a good way out of the situation, you should look for a completely new solution.

If you dream of ironing men's trousers in any context, this is a very good sign because it will soon improve your economic situation.

A girl dreams of seeing women's trousers, then she can be sure that it will go well for her for a long time, so she has no reason to worry about money.

When you dream of blue pants, it is an announcement that you will change your address in the near future.

If a woman dreams of men's trousers, this may mean that you will have to change your place of residence and part with a person close to you.

Why do you dream of men's trousers - Miller's dream book

If you dream of men's trousers, regardless of the context, the dream can have two explanations. The first one says that soon there will be a situation in your life that will force you to make a very important decision. It is not clear what this may affect, so be careful when you come this time, make the right choice with all the reason why you can afford it. The second explanation is that in your waking life you will find more courage than ever before, which will make it easier for you to overcome daily adversity, and nothing can harm you.

Why do women dream about trousers - Vanga’s dream book

When you dream of women's trousers, it is most likely a signal from your subconscious that before you start doing anything on any issue, you should first think about it carefully or perhaps even draw up a detailed plan of action to avoid mistakes.

Why does a woman dream of trousers - Nostradamus' dream book

If a woman dreams of trousers, this is a preview of some kind of fun in which she will take part, but instead of the expected entertainment, it will only bring her trouble.

Why do you dream of new trousers - Hasse's dream book

As our dream book interprets new trousers in a dream, this is a sign that a person you don’t like in your company will make you an offer, and you probably won’t be able to refuse it for some reason.

Why do you dream of trying on trousers - Loff’s dream book

When you try on trousers in a dream, this is a warning that a bad event awaits you in the near future; if possible, avoid noisy companies, as this can have very bad consequences for you.

Why do you dream of white trousers - Longo's dream book

When white trousers appear in a dream, it means that one of your close relatives is becoming involved in an inappropriate relationship, and it would be good if you tried to intervene in some way.

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If you remember which parts of the body the pants cover, it is not difficult to guess that in a dream this element of the wardrobe symbolizes interest in the opposite sex, innermost thoughts and secret desires. The dream book also connects what this item of clothing is meant for in dreams with upcoming events. For example, it warns of possible profits or difficult times - the interpretation often depends on the condition of the trousers in the dream.

A correctly interpreted dream often helps you decide on your primary goals and objectives, make the right decision, and also tell you about the dreamer’s true motivations. Some advice from the dream book may seem unexpected at first glance.

The old Noble dream book by N. Grishina claims that a dream in which the sleeper is about to put on pants is nothing more than a reflection of real events. What pants mean in dreams represents the desire for self-improvement, the desire to increase one’s self-esteem and, at the same time, one’s importance in society at any cost.

When sweatpants appear in a dream, the dream book advises taking the dream as a call to act more energetically. If sweatpants suit you, their cheerful colors create a good mood, in a word, you feel comfortable in them, therefore, you can safely take on a difficult task that you have not dared to start for a long time.

Shopping and new things

The modern dream book warns that if you are planning to buy pants in a dream, you actually risk finding yourself in a slippery and ambiguous situation. To get away with it, you won't have to pay a price. There is one consolation: this price will not be exorbitant.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that everything about which new pants are dreamed reflects the very state of the dreamer, which is most often inherent in him in reality, namely, extreme self-confidence. Oddly enough, this character trait is rather to his advantage.

Why you dream of buying pants, the Gypsy Dream Book suggests that you should understand it quite literally: in reality you will also be expected to purchase new clothes. Perhaps you will receive a new item as a gift, or, having earned a little money, you will decide to treat yourself.

When you try on pants in a dream, know that you are not the only contender for something that is very attractive to you in reality. The dream book urges you not to relax: someone cunning and nimble seriously intends to take your place.

Special signs

The plot, which involves pants inside out, reminds us that the city's charm takes over. In real life, the sleeper will have to be captured by someone’s charm, which he will hardly be able to resist.

Why dream of wide pants often serves as a harbinger of abundance in real life. In the near future, the dreamer will not have to deny himself anything: neither financial expenses, nor the attention of the opposite sex, nor all kinds of whims and caprices.

Deliberately large pants can also reflect concerns about one's capabilities. Was the decision to take on a difficult task too hasty? Will the thirst for self-affirmation lead to a dead end? The Dream Interpretation believes that intelligence, experience and enviable determination will help compensate for the lack of qualifications.

Often, short pants indicate that it is time to change something in life; you have already outgrown the past. Sometimes the dream symbolizes frustration at the fact that it is impossible to correct yesterday. According to some interpretations, short pants symbolize childishness, which you demonstrate in reality at every opportunity.

Multi-colored bloomers

According to most interpretations, in dreams, red pants symbolize passion and spontaneous feelings. The details of the plot will tell you how long-lasting the hobby will be. Who was wearing red trousers: a man or a woman? A lady in red in a man’s dream may be a harbinger of a scandal in reality.

If a woman dreamer dreams of a man in red pants, what she sees in the dream is a harbinger of a new acquaintance, which has every chance of getting a logical continuation in the form of a romantic relationship.

Gray pants personify the unconscious desire to distract attention as much as possible from the intimate parts of the body, to position oneself as a person, and not as a sexual object. A woman who is afraid of frank glances, shallow jokes, or even harassment in the workplace in a male team can see something like this in a dream.

What white pants mean in a dream can be compared to a thrown white flag, that is, complete or partial surrender. The dream book notes the moral readiness of the sleeper for negotiations and reasonable compromises. In fact, how long can you defend your delusions?

Pantsless Team

Such an indecent gesture as taking off your pants in front of honest people takes on a completely different meaning in a dream. Paradoxically, the dream symbolizes the long-awaited deliverance from want and poverty.

The universal dream book is less optimistic. He claims that dropping your pants in a dream foretells losses. True, they will not be so significant as to cause serious financial damage.

Freud's dream book states quite straightforwardly that walking without pants in a dream is accomplished by those who want to do something similar in reality, that is, by persons prone to exhibitionism.

Pastor Loff's dream book believes that a dream in which you managed to lose your pants can be interpreted almost literally: as a harbinger of bankruptcy. In this unfavorable period, the probability of losing everything to the bone is really high.

Ripped trousers

The dream book interprets what dreams of torn pants mean as a harbinger of unforgettable events that will bring variety to drab everyday life. To ensure that the prediction came true, the Mayans briefly sewed a green thread to one of the legs.

If your pants are torn in a dream, the Gypsy Dream Book urges you to take care of your property. The dream warns of an increased likelihood of loss, which will greatly upset the sleeper.

The esoteric dream book believes that a hole in the pants is equivalent to holes in the aura - the invisible protective shell of the sleeper. This phenomenon is fraught with illness and loss of vital energy.

Interpreting what torn pants mean in dreams, the Foresight's dream book recommends refraining from risky adventures in the near future. The probability of receiving a benefit is extremely small, but the losses in case of failure can be huge.

Anything that dreams of holey pants, which have become fairly frayed during prolonged wear, and, at the same time, irreplaceable, from the series of “favorite jeans” and similar wardrobe items, indicates the reluctance of the sleeper to change anything in his usual way of life. The fact that you dreamed about real-life trousers only confirms the meaning of the dream.

Most interpretations agree on one thing: if you tear your pants in a dream, in reality in the near future you should be more attentive and careful than ever. This symbol serves as a warning about expected troubles, many of which can be avoided.

Sewing trousers

If you had a chance to sew pants in a dream, in reality you will have to go through many tests. There is one consolation: you will agree to them for the sake of your family and in the end you will be convinced that the result was worth it.

When it happens to sew up your pants using patches, the dream book urges you to refrain from impulsive purchases and other unreasonable expenses. Soon you may need a large sum or difficult times will come, warns the dream book.

Dirt and washing

Dirty pants in a dream speak for themselves: soiled clothes are associated with trouble, dishonor and other troubles.

If in a dream you find dirt on your pants, pay attention to its origin. Oil stains promise protection. Splashes from a puddle portend deception and a threat to reputation.

The dream book of the sage Zhou-Gong believes that washing pants in a dream is a good sign. In reality, the dreamer will be lucky enough to attend a gala event that he has long wanted to attend.

Awkward situations

When you pee in your pants in your sleep, it is quite possible that your natural alarm clock is going off. This was just a signal that it was time to wake up and relieve oneself in order to prevent such an embarrassment in reality.

A person on the verge of a nervous breakdown can pee in his pants in a dream. A long stay in a state of stress in real life causes the need to release accumulated emotions, in a word, to relieve oneself.

Everything that you dream about shitting your pants calls for paying special attention to financial issues. The dream indicates extreme instability, which can result in either unexpected profits or complete bankruptcy. Try to control the situation to minimize the number of surprises, because money, as you know, loves counting.

You may not have time to run to the toilet in a dream and crap in your pants for one simple reason: the sleeper has diarrhea. In such cases, the dream book warns that it is possible that you will have to deal with a bribe-taker who will express a desire to warm his hands.

You can also shit your pants from an idiomatic point of view: this is how the dreamer’s real fears manifest themselves in a dream. The dream book notes a state of extreme concern, excitement, which does not give rest even at night.


Pants interpretation of the dream book

To understand why you dream about pants, you need to remember what they actually serve. Remembering this, and especially what parts of the body they cover, it is not difficult to guess the meaning. Attraction, innermost desires and secret thoughts, thoughts about the opposite sex - this is what pants can dream of.

But this interpretation is far from the only one; for example, pants in a dream can warn of a difficult period in life, as well as promise monetary profit - it all depends on the context of the dream.

A correctly interpreted dream can do a good job - it will help you decide which things you need to start right now and which ones are better postponed, it will give advice if you just can’t make the right decision, and it will provide invaluable help by telling you about your true motivations, even if at first the interpretation of the dream book will be unexpected.

Nina Grishina's dream book says that the dream in which you are going to put on pants reflects the true reality of events. If you dream about this item of clothing, it means that you are a person who is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, and he is trying with all his might to improve his social status and position in society.

If you saw sweatpants in a dream, it means the time has come for decisive and energetic action. If the pants you dreamed of fit you well, their color lifts your mood, and you feel good and very comfortable in them, you can safely take on any task that you haven’t had the courage to tackle before.

Buy pants

As the modern dream book says, if in a dream you are going to buy pants, in real life there is a high chance of finding yourself in an unpleasant situation, and in order to cope with it, you will have to pay a considerable amount, but it will not be unaffordable for you.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, what new pants may mean in a dream very well shows the character of the one who sees this dream. He, as in real life, is characterized by considerable self-confidence, but it does not spoil him at all and is even useful.

The gypsy dream book interprets what one dreams of buying pants for in a very simple way. And in real life you are about to get a new thing. They will give it to you, or you decide to please yourself.

If in a dream you are trying on pants, keep in mind that there are enough applicants besides you for what you have already reached for in real life, and in this situation the dream book advises you not to lose your vigilance so as not to lose what you are aiming for.

What were the pants like?

Why do you dream about trousers worn inside out? The situation is close in which the sleeper will be fascinated by someone who will be very difficult to resist.

Why dream of wide pants? Such a dream promises quick prosperity in reality. The one who sees them in a dream will bathe in abundance, not denying himself anything - neither money, nor relationships, nor all kinds of desires and whims.

Very large pants, almost huge, reflect your lack of confidence in your own abilities. You are wondering - maybe I was too hasty in taking on this matter? What if it turns out to be too difficult and even impossible, and my self-confidence can only lead to a dead end? The dream book advises not to worry and remember the qualities that are unique to you - even if you don’t have enough experience for such things yet, they will help you not to get lost on a difficult path.

What could short pants mean in a dream? Think carefully - the time has come to allow changes to enter your life, from the old, familiar and comfortable, you have already grown up and must move on. Some dream books interpret short pants as your inherent childishness, which you are not averse to showing to others.

A riot of colors

As dream books say, deep red pants speak of intense passion and spontaneity in feelings. But whether the hobby will last a long time, or will fade away before it even begins, depends on the details of the dream.

Who was wearing red pants: a woman or a man? If a representative of the stronger sex saw such a dream, the lady in red could be the cause of a scandal in reality. But for a woman, a man in red trousers promises a pleasant acquaintance, which has a good chance of developing into something more and lasting for a long time.

If you dream of gray pants, you are trying with all your might to shift your attention to anything, just to divert it from the “lower” parts of your body. First of all, dream books say, you strive to be a person, and not an object for bed. Such dreams are very often seen by women in the service who are wary of excessive attention and harassment from colleagues of the opposite sex.

The dream of white trousers, as well as a thrown flag of the same shade, can be considered a desire to give up one’s position or capitulate. If you saw such a dream, it means that you have stopped defending your misconceptions and are ready to negotiate in order to find compromises that are convenient for both parties. A very wise decision.

Without pants

Such a challenging action as taking off your pants in front of everyone is interpreted in dream books completely differently than in reality. No matter how surprising it may sound, such a dream promises deliverance from want - a long period of lack of money, which has exhausted you, is about to come to an end.

The universal dream book does not interpret such a vision so rosyly. According to his interpretation, removed pants promise losses, including monetary ones. But don’t be afraid of hastily saving for a rainy day - there will be losses, but they won’t cause a serious blow to your pocket.

But the interpretation according to Freud’s dream book is literal and unambiguous - those who do this in a dream are not averse to enriching themselves with similar experiences in reality.

Pastor Loff’s dream book literally interprets such a dream, only in a completely different way: pants pulled down in a dream can be a harbinger of ruin. There is a very high probability of losing everything, ending up walking around the world.

Torn pants

Dream books explain what tattered pants mean in a dream as imminent events that can add variety to a monotonous and dull life. To make such a dream come true, the Mayans sewed a green thread to their pants.

If you are unlucky enough to tear your trousers in a dream, the Gypsy Dream Book advises to be vigilant and closely monitor what belongs to you, because such a dream speaks of the possibility of losing something, which in real life will greatly upset the dreamer.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, a hole in the pants symbolizes holes in the aura - the invisible shell that every person has. Such damage can cause weakness, poor health and loss of vitality.

Explaining why torn trousers can be seen in dreams, the Foresight’s dream book advises not to embark on dubious adventures. The probability of profit in this business is extremely small, and the risk of losing a lot is very high.

Pants with holes, which arose due to long wear, but at the same time loved, very comfortable, familiar to the last thread, indicate an unwillingness to change something in an equally comfortable and familiar life, and if pants in a dream exist in reality , this only emphasizes the meaning of sleep.

Dream books are unanimous on one thing - if you are unlucky enough to tear your trousers in a dream, in real life you should be very careful. Such a dream is a harbinger of failures, but if you do not relax your vigilance, most of them can be avoided.

Sewing pants

Seeing yourself sewing trousers in a dream is not a very good sign. Real life is preparing serious tests for you, but do not despair ahead of time: you will agree to this for the sake of your family and friends, you will pass each of them with honor and understand that the efforts spent were not in vain.

If in a dream you put patches on your pants, the dream book advises you not to make thoughtless purchases or other impulsive expenses - the times are coming when every penny counts.

Dirty pants

Dirt on pants is interpreted literally and unambiguously, being identified with baseness and failure.

Take a closer look at the stains you find on your trousers. If they are oily, you will soon be patronized, and stains from splashed dirt are a harbinger of lies and a threat to the current state of affairs.

Zhou-Gong's dream book believes that washing pants is a very good sign. The one who saw them in a dream will very soon attend an important event that he has wanted to attend for a very long time.

Uncomfortable moments

If you are unlucky enough to wet yourself in your sleep, this may be the first sign that it is time to wake up to deal with your body's natural needs.

The same dream also indicates that a person is in a state of extreme stress. It has accumulated inside so much that the subconscious makes it clear with all its might that the time has come to get rid of it, otherwise it will end in a nervous breakdown.

But what you dream about shitting your pants indicates financial instability. Moreover, it can result not only in loss of money, but also in monetary profit. Money does not tolerate disrespect, so try to keep your financial situation under control. By following this simple rule, you can avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Such a dream can also have an ambiguous interpretation - it is quite possible that you have an upset stomach. And the dream book interprets such a vision as a warning about a bribe-taker with whom you have to deal, but he will act solely in his own interests.

You can also shit your pants in a figurative sense - this is how the sleeper’s fears and complexes make themselves known. Such a dream speaks of serious experiences that haunt a person not only in reality, but do not let go, even in a dream.


Why do you dream about pants?

The wardrobe items that we see in our dreams have very interesting and significant interpretations.

Pants were included in the dream book as an indispensable attribute of our everyday clothing, which we really cannot do without. And therefore they symbolize the most large-scale and serious phenomena upcoming in life. If you dreamed of pants and you want to know the interpretation of the dream, you need to remember a few details: what color they were, what kind of pants they were, and what condition the item was in.

By color

It is no secret that since ancient times, each color has its own deep symbolism and meaning. Therefore, when deciphering a dream in which pants appeared, it is worth taking into account their colors.

  • Reds.
  • Gray.
  • White.
  • Black.

1. Red pants. Scarlet tones have always been associated with love, passion, and infatuation.

A man who sees a woman in red trousers in a dream will soon encounter a real fatal passion in real life - akin to the one that can only be seen in the movies. She will completely absorb him, making him forget about other things.

If a woman saw scarlet trousers on a man in a dream, an intriguing acquaintance awaits her, followed by a romantic relationship and even a serious affair.

2. Gray pants in a dream mean that in reality you are striving to establish yourself as an individual. This remarkable desire may be caused by the dreamer's strong external attractiveness.

Women who work in a male team often have such a dream, where, alas, she is judged more by external indicators. For a man, such a dream represents a desire to achieve success in his career.

3. White pants are a harbinger of great joy in life. This could be long-awaited travel, or sincere true love. Get ready for dizzying events that will become a new step in your life.

4. Black pants in a dream symbolize the dreamer’s perseverance, determination and patience. You move towards your goal, successfully overcoming any obstacles. With this attitude, you really can do anything: success is already on the horizon.


Pants in a dream can appear in different forms - new and not so new, sports, unwashed or torn. The nuances of interpretation depend on what kind of trousers you saw.

If in a dream you choose new pants to buy, this symbolizes your confidence in your abilities. Moreover, it is not at all excessive and does not develop into narcissism. You stand firmly on your feet and know what you are capable of. Sometimes buying pants can be interpreted almost literally: in reality you will soon make some significant purchase.

Buying sweatpants in a dream is a sign that it’s time to act more energetically and confidently. If at the same time you like their colors, you are comfortable and comfortable in them, this is a hint - now is the time to take on something that you have been avoiding for a long time. Now everything will work out.

It's time to stitch up

Torn pants in a dream are a very strong symbol. Usually this dream foreshadows the imminent fulfillment of bright, unforgettable and very important moments in your life. Your usual everyday life will completely change, some event will burst into them unexpectedly, but with pleasant consequences.

At the same time, torn old pants or socks that have been worn for a long time may mean your reluctance to change something. Especially if you dream about your favorite pants that you actually wear. Do not be afraid of changes, because life is a journey, and without change it is impossible.

Big Wash

Dirty pants that are time to be washed are a harbinger of unpleasant events. However, they will not lead to troubles and negative consequences. Perhaps there are gossipers and ill-wishers behind your back who dream of doing harm. But with the truth on your side, their evil plans will soon turn to dust.

If you wash your dirty pants in a dream, this dream promises a pleasant meeting. You will become a participant in a grand celebration or an ordinary friendly meeting. One thing is for sure: this event will significantly invigorate you and lift your spirits.

To correctly interpret your dreams, try to remember the smallest details. And if the interpretation suddenly turns out to be not as pleasant as you would like, do not be upset. A dream can sometimes be just a response from our subconscious.


Why do you dream about Pants in a dream?

Clothes often appear in dreams. If it is a wardrobe item for the lower body, then it is usually related to personal life, and not to the business sphere. But here a lot depends on the gender of the dreamer. So, everything that a woman dreams of about pants is connected with home, family, husband or loved one. If they were new, then a new man will appear in her life. For a representative of the stronger sex, they can be an indicator of prosperity and success. But if he sees such an object, then he must try to keep his emotions under control. He will face misunderstanding from others, including those closest to him, which will bring him disappointment. But this is just a momentary weakness; soon everything will return to normal.

A dream about such clothes can be both a sign of unexpected profit and material losses - if you were left without pants or they were torn and old. Did you dream about trousers worn inside out? Beware! Your secrets will be revealed or your trust may be betrayed. So this is a very ambiguous symbol, and its meaning can only be deciphered after a detailed analysis of the dream.

Hole in pants

Why do you dream about a hole in your pants?

This is a warning dream. A hole in your pants portends that you may become a victim of scammers. Be extremely careful when communicating with strangers, do not agree to their offers and do not believe their promises. The dream may have another meaning: someone from your circle is just waiting for a reason to spread false rumors about you. Don't tell anyone about your plans and don't share secrets.

Put it in your pants

Why do you dream about shitting your pants?

Despite the piquancy of the situation, a dream where you shit your pants should be interpreted only on the positive side: it foreshadows the receipt of a large sum of money or a valuable gift. Perhaps you will be given a bonus or a salary increase. The dream is extremely prosperous for a businessman: success in business awaits him, the company will prosper and generate a stable income.

New pants

Why do you dream about new pants?

Seeing new pants in your night dreams is a good sign. You will make a lot of successful purchases or have an interesting time - go to the theater or cinema. Trying on such a new thing is a profitable investment of money. Your investment will bring you greater profits in the future. Buying it is a successful completion of all matters. Giving away unworn trousers means trouble at home. A woman dreams of such a piece of clothing for a new boyfriend.

Putting on pants

Why do you dream about wearing pants?

In a dream, putting on trousers means that in reality you will have to overcome many adversities. But you will be able to get through this dark streak without heavy losses and shocks. In the end, everything will end well, the plans will be implemented. If you can barely fit into these clothes, then in real life you are playing someone else’s role or are in the wrong place.

Putting pants on someone else means a difficult stage will begin in your life very soon. Troubles will await you from all sides: at work - losses, at home - quarrels. All this will bring you disappointment and pain.

Red pants

Why do you dream about red pants?

A warning about danger is a dream where there were red pants. It promises losses, losses, and all these troubles will fall on the head through the fault of the dreamer himself. To avoid such problems, you need to be more careful at work. It is better to check all current affairs without delay in order to detect and correct mistakes in advance.

Torn pants

Why do you dream of torn pants?

Old or torn pants indicate that the following events will occur in the future:

  • - to see tattered trousers - to a major quarrel, a break in relations;
  • - to tear them - to be in an extremely difficult situation;
  • - putting on such clothes means losing something very necessary and important;
  • - putting shabby trousers on someone you know - he will not live up to your expectations.
Pants for a man

Why do men dream about pants?

If men's pants are in the center of the plot, it means that the dreamer should be alone with himself. He was tired of the bustle and endless problems. It wouldn’t hurt for him to rest for at least a couple of days to sort out his own thoughts and think through plans for the future. If he saw women's trousers, he will soon occupy a high position with a decent salary.

According to Miller's dream book, pants are not a very favorable symbol. If the subconscious showed them in a dream, then in the coming days you will be inclined to commit a dishonest act that will ruin your reputation and have dire consequences. If for some reason you put on your trousers inside out, you will soon meet a person who will conquer you with his charm. However, he may not be at all who he claims to be.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretation of a dream in which pants were present depends not only on the details of the plot, but also on which day of the week the dream occurred. Wearing or putting on trousers for a lady of any age is a sign of finding a new solution to an old problem. But if you dreamed about it on Friday night, then all the issues will be resolved on their own. From Monday to Tuesday this indicates that there will be a cooling in the relationship with your lover. From Friday to Saturday is a bad omen: an unfortunate incident will happen to you that will negatively affect the usual course of your life. If a woman sewed her own trousers, then she would have to deal with a very serious matter that she would not be able to cope with.

Dream book for women

This is why a man dreams of pants:

  • - if he wore black trousers, he will have to show restraint;
  • - sported white clothes - you will have to repent of your committed act;
  • - lost this detail of the suit - it will be under the heel of his wife;
  • - I saw them on my wife - she will have to take on all material worries;
  • - sewed up holes on this item of clothing - will experience great financial difficulties;
  • - cleaned dirt from them - will become an object of gossip.

Dream book for men

According to the dream book for the whole family, women's pants are a symbol of a tempting offer or a successful combination of circumstances. Men's trousers predict a profit, but also indicate that you are too frivolous, so you will quickly spend this money.

For a woman, a dream with trousers promises a love affair with a married man. Light flirting will turn into big troubles for her. If she tried on men's trousers, then monetary losses await her.

Family dream book

  • - If they were black, you need to be patient.
  • - Light - you will understand that you were very mistaken.
  • - Torn - you will be demoted.
  • - Wearing them means taking a leading position in the family.
  • - Putting patches on them is a hassle related to money issues.
  • - If they were removed from you, you will be held accountable for your debts.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Such clothing symbolizes interest in the opposite sex. Buying it means profit. Washing is a desire to improve oneself. To be deprived - your innermost thoughts will become the property of others. If the pants were dirty, dishonor awaits you, and if they belonged to your husband, then he will cheat on you. If a stranger appears in them, then your lover will turn out to be a gigolo. Wearing trousers with holes means poverty.

The wardrobe items that we see in our dreams have very interesting and significant interpretations.

Pants were included in the dream book as an indispensable attribute of our everyday clothing, which we really cannot do without. And therefore they symbolize the most large-scale and serious phenomena upcoming in life. If you dreamed of pants and you want to know the interpretation of the dream, you need to remember a few details: what color they were, what kind of pants they were, and what condition the item was in.

By color

It is no secret that since ancient times, each color has its own deep symbolism and meaning. Therefore, when deciphering a dream in which pants appeared, it is worth taking into account their colors.

  • Reds.
  • Gray.
  • White.
  • Black.

1. Red pants. Scarlet tones have always been associated with love, passion, and infatuation.

A man who sees a woman in red trousers in a dream will soon encounter a real fatal passion in real life - akin to the one that can only be seen in the movies. She will completely absorb him, making him forget about other things.

If a woman saw scarlet trousers on a man in a dream, an intriguing acquaintance awaits her, followed by a romantic relationship and even a serious affair.

2. Gray pants in a dream mean that in reality you are striving to establish yourself as an individual. This remarkable desire may be caused by the dreamer's strong external attractiveness.

Women who work in a male team often have such a dream, where, alas, she is judged more by external indicators. For a man, such a dream represents a desire to achieve success in his career.

3. White pants are a harbinger of great joy in life soon. This could be long-awaited travel, or sincere true love. Get ready for dizzying events that will become a new step in your life.

4. Black pants in a dream symbolize the dreamer’s perseverance, determination and patience. You move towards your goal, successfully overcoming any obstacles. With this attitude, you really can do anything: success is already on the horizon.


Pants in a dream can appear in different forms - new and not so new, sports, unwashed or torn. The nuances of interpretation depend on what kind of trousers you saw.

If in a dream you choose new pants to buy, this symbolizes your confidence in your abilities. Moreover, it is not at all excessive and does not develop into narcissism. You stand firmly on your feet and know what you are capable of. Sometimes buying pants can be interpreted almost literally: in reality you will soon make some significant purchase.

Buying sweatpants in a dream is a sign that it’s time to act more energetically and confidently. If at the same time you like their colors, you are comfortable and comfortable in them, this is a hint - now is the time to take on something that you have been avoiding for a long time. Now everything will work out.

It's time to stitch up

Torn pants in a dream are a very strong symbol. Usually this dream foreshadows the imminent fulfillment of bright, unforgettable and very important moments in your life. Your usual everyday life will completely change, some event will burst into them unexpectedly, but with pleasant consequences.

At the same time, torn old pants or socks that have been worn for a long time may mean your reluctance to change something. Especially if you dream about your favorite pants that you actually wear. Do not be afraid of changes, because life is a journey, and without change it is impossible.

Big Wash

Dirty pants that are time to be washed are a harbinger of unpleasant events. However, they will not lead to troubles and negative consequences. Perhaps there are gossipers and ill-wishers behind your back who dream of doing harm. But with the truth on your side, their evil plans will soon turn to dust.

If you see dirty pants in a dream, this dream promises a pleasant meeting. You will become a participant in a grand celebration or an ordinary friendly meeting. One thing is for sure: this event will significantly invigorate you and lift your spirits.

To correctly interpret your dreams, try to remember the smallest details. And if the interpretation suddenly turns out to be not as pleasant as you would like, do not be upset. A dream can sometimes be just a response from our subconscious. Author: Ksenia Maisova

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Pants according to the dream book:

Pants - To a new boyfriend.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Pants according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Pants in a dream -

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Pants in a dream:

Pants - Profit // quarrel, loss, annoyance; to put on torn ones - loss; putting on new ones means profit, an unexpected find.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about Pants:

Pants - To see means to quarrel with someone; putting on torn pants portends the loss of something necessary; Putting on new pants means profit and an unexpected find.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Pants in a dream

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about Pants - Loss, annoyance

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Pants according to the dream book?

Seeing Pants (trousers) in a dream -

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about Pants according to the dream book:

Putting pants on yourself - Loss; to notice others - well-being.

Lunar dream book If you dream about Pants:

Putting on pants means loss.


Why do you dream about pants?

Pants are a symbol of bright events in life. And this can apply to all aspects, i.e. work, study, personal life, health and wealth. So get ready for big luck.

Such a dream, where you tore or lost your pants, may seem bad to many. But still this is not so, because it is precisely this vision that foreshadows you great success and a bright life, on the threshold of which you are now standing.

But why dream of the pants you are trying to put on? Such a dream may indicate that. That you shouldn't do what you really want. Especially if the pants don’t fit you or you try your best to put them on, but despite the right size, your efforts are in vain. This suggests that in life, that is, in real life, you have taken the wrong position or are not playing your role, taking someone else’s place.

It's time to think about what you do and how you do it. Perhaps the answers lie deep within all these actions? Try to carefully analyze and correct the situation.

Such a dream may also portend that someone will soon take your place. Therefore, do not be so sociable with those people who have already let you down at least once in your life. Also, you don’t need to be so open with close friends, since among them there may be an imaginary friend who is trying to get your place in life.

If you dreamed of new pants or you want to buy them, then this indicates a good completion of all matters. This applies to the cases that you have conducted up to this point. Maybe you did something a long time ago and have already forgotten about your affairs. Remember, it is at this moment that those long-awaited fruits will come. It's time to collect them.

White pants dream of endless joy. This dream also speaks of pure and sincere love. And even if you suffered alone, today you can be ready for those meetings that will completely change your life.

It is during this period of your life that you can meet your soulmate. Don't miss the moment of truth.

But a dream in which you are selling or giving away your pants suggests that soon you will have troubles at home. These troubles are associated with financial losses or temporary lack of money.


Dream interpretation torn pants

Why do you dream about torn pants in a dream according to the dream book?

Torn pants dream of breaking up a relationship. Loss of fortune is possible due to excessive gullibility. Carefully vet people who persistently seek to gain your trust. Don't be naive in business matters.

If one of your recent acquaintances offers any tempting deal, most likely they want to deceive you.

Putting torn pants on a friend means that he will not live up to expectations and your relationship will end in a quarrel.


Dream interpretation white pants

Why do you dream about white pants in a dream according to the dream book?

White pants in a dream are a harbinger of holiday and celebration. Perhaps you will go on vacation or travel, which will bring a lot of positive emotions and allow you to relax and unwind.

There is also a high probability that you will soon meet a person who will be dear to you for many years to come.


Putting on pants

Dream Interpretation Wearing pants dreamed of why you dream about putting on pants? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wearing pants in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Repair - decrease in income.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Dream Interpretation - Dressing, undressing

Getting dressed is an awkward situation; successful event. Wearing a lot means you are sick. Dressing up is a problem; unsuccessful relationships. Dressing sloppily, inappropriately unexpected guest. Getting dressed awkwardly, with delays, delays, interference; responsibility, worries. Undressing malaise; lesion; frankness in relationships; liberation from someone or something.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Pants - decline, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Pants (trousers)

To lose money, as people say, you will be left without pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

You will be accused of clinging to any pants, being partial to the male sex.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Dream Interpretation - Dressing

Dress someone else.

Tip of the day: don’t be frank with people you don’t know well.

This is dangerous for you now.

Dress yourself.

Tip of the day: take on new business boldly


Look for your pants

Dream Interpretation Look for your pants I dreamed about why I dream about looking for my pants? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Looking for your pants in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Seeing and putting on pants in a dream is a warning against a disordered lifestyle / losses / a futile struggle with a sense of one’s own insignificance.

To put on others means well-being in your personal life.

Taking off your pants means bad fame, ridicule.

Repair - decrease in income.

Tearing your pants - without knowing it, you are in a difficult position.

Wearing very wide or bright pants is a joy in the house.

In very narrow ones - great bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

If you dreamed that you tore your pants (lost them, ruined them), get ready for a bright event in your life. To make this happen, sew the left pant leg with green thread (you can do this at night and pull the thread out in the morning).

If you dreamed that you were trying to put on pants (trying on, buying), then someone is trying to take your place in life. To prevent a person from succeeding, urgently sew a small piece of leather to your pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

To see means to quarrel with someone.

Putting on torn pants portends the loss of something necessary.

Putting on new pants means profit and an unexpected find.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Pants - decline, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Pants (trousers)

To lose money, as people say, you will be left without pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

You will be accused of clinging to any pants, being partial to the male sex.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants means showing selfishness in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants is a loss.

To notice others is well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Search

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Looking for someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness. Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Putting on pants


Work pants

Dream Interpretation Work Pants dreamed of why you dream about Work pants? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see work pants in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Seeing and putting on pants in a dream is a warning against a disordered lifestyle / losses / a futile struggle with a sense of one’s own insignificance.

To put on others means well-being in your personal life.

Taking off your pants means bad fame, ridicule.

Repair - decrease in income.

Tearing your pants - without knowing it, you are in a difficult position.

Wearing very wide or bright pants is a joy in the house.

In very narrow ones - great bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

If you dreamed that you tore your pants (lost them, ruined them), get ready for a bright event in your life. To make this happen, sew the left pant leg with green thread (you can do this at night and pull the thread out in the morning).

If you dreamed that you were trying to put on pants (trying on, buying), then someone is trying to take your place in life. To prevent a person from succeeding, urgently sew a small piece of leather to your pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

To see means to quarrel with someone.

Putting on torn pants portends the loss of something necessary.

Putting on new pants means profit and an unexpected find.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Pants - decline, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Pants (trousers)

To lose money, as people say, you will be left without pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

You will be accused of clinging to any pants, being partial to the male sex.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants means showing selfishness in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants is a loss.

To notice others is well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Worker

For important news or an important visit.

Helping a worker means your desires will come true.

A fight between workers means useless expenses.

Seeing workers at work is a harbinger of long-term prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Workers

Workers work - well-being.

Resting is a loss.

Fighting is a surprise.

Helping them means fulfilling their wishes.


Swap pants

Dream Interpretation Change pants dreamed of why you dream about changing pants? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Changing pants in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Seeing and putting on pants in a dream is a warning against a disordered lifestyle / losses / a futile struggle with a sense of one’s own insignificance.

To put on others means well-being in your personal life.

Taking off your pants means bad fame, ridicule.

Repair - decrease in income.

Tearing your pants - without knowing it, you are in a difficult position.

Wearing very wide or bright pants is a joy in the house.

In very narrow ones - great bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

If you dreamed that you tore your pants (lost them, ruined them), get ready for a bright event in your life. To make this happen, sew the left pant leg with green thread (you can do this at night and pull the thread out in the morning).

If you dreamed that you were trying to put on pants (trying on, buying), then someone is trying to take your place in life. To prevent a person from succeeding, urgently sew a small piece of leather to your pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

To see means to quarrel with someone.

Putting on torn pants portends the loss of something necessary.

Putting on new pants means profit and an unexpected find.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Pants - decline, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Pants (trousers)

To lose money, as people say, you will be left without pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

You will be accused of clinging to any pants, being partial to the male sex.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants means showing selfishness in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants is a loss.

To notice others is well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Change

You come in to change the mat - happiness.

You replace the doors with new ones - the birth of a noble offspring.

If you change the bedspread, there will be a job change associated with the move.

Changing the legs of a bed means misfortune with a servant or subordinate.

Repairing or changing doors or gates portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Menu

If in a dream you are studying a restaurant menu that does not include the dish you would like to order, it means that in reality you will have to swallow the insult inflicted by a loved one. A torn menu means a careless attitude towards documents, which you will show, thereby causing yourself a lot of trouble. A waiter taking away a menu from your table in a restaurant that you have not yet had time to study is a harbinger of small, insignificant losses.


Man without pants

Dream Interpretation Man without pants dreamed of why a man without pants dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man without pants in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Seeing and putting on pants in a dream is a warning against a disordered lifestyle / losses / a futile struggle with a sense of one’s own insignificance.

To put on others means well-being in your personal life.

Taking off your pants means bad fame, ridicule.

Repair - decrease in income.

Tearing your pants - without knowing it, you are in a difficult position.

Wearing very wide or bright pants is a joy in the house.

In very narrow ones - great bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

If you dreamed that you tore your pants (lost them, ruined them), get ready for a bright event in your life. To make this happen, sew the left pant leg with green thread (you can do this at night and pull the thread out in the morning).

If you dreamed that you were trying to put on pants (trying on, buying), then someone is trying to take your place in life. To prevent a person from succeeding, urgently sew a small piece of leather to your pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

To see means to quarrel with someone.

Putting on torn pants portends the loss of something necessary.

Putting on new pants means profit and an unexpected find.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Pants - decline, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Pants (trousers)

To lose money, as people say, you will be left without pants.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

You will be accused of clinging to any pants, being partial to the male sex.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants means showing selfishness in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Pants

Putting on pants is a loss.

To notice others is well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Putting on pants

Dream Interpretation - Pants

decline, frustration




Hello, today I had a dream that I was choosing pants for my ex-boyfriend with his real girlfriend, but in fact I communicate with her quite well, even well, but with my ex, not at all...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Katie, most likely, a dream about choosing pants for her ex-boyfriend, suggests that in reality you may again be briefly bound by some obligations or chores.


And I dreamed that I went into a store, tried on pants, and my ex-boyfriend asked if I liked them, and without waiting for an answer, he paid for them.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

K, the fact that the guy paid for your pants, most likely you will receive significant support from this person.


I dreamed that I was trying on pants in a store, but none of them fit - short or big.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elena, the pants in your dream most likely promise you the appearance of a new boyfriend who will seem unworthy to you.


Hello! My friend dreamed about me and that I had 3 chips... like in a casino. I go to the slot machine, throw in the first chip, some numbers come out, another chip - my pants fall out, and the third - a guy's face.
What could pants mean in this regard?
Thank you)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tanya, pants in a dream, as a rule, symbolize losses.


I dreamed of some kind of holiday at our school, my friend was embarrassed to wear her pants and I gave her mine to wear. While she walked around in my pants all evening, I walked around without pants at all!) In tights) But I wasn’t shy at all, I walked as if it was the right way)

What would that mean?

Thank you in advance)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your friend will suffer from the relationship with her boyfriend, and you, without regret, will send your boyfriend into her arms, and you will be happy alone.


I dreamed that I was going to college and wearing my ex-husband’s sweatpants. They are too big for me and also stained in places because they are no longer new. My brother persuades them to change their clothes, and I explain. that there are no others! That's how I woke up.


Lisa, everything is as clear as day. You just can’t forget your ex-husband, and even your brother can’t convince you. There are simply no other men for you, but he doesn’t fit you, he’s not yours, that’s why his pants are too big.


I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, as if we were on the beach, and so we got together and got dressed, and he put on his pants, they were old and patched right between his legs. We broke up three years ago, and recently I saw him on the street. Before that, I dreamed of him being very offended by me. We parted with him badly. and in this dream it was as if I approached him and he seemed to forgive me and we got together and left. But he didn't talk to me. But in this dream I was talking to his uncle. He asked me by name.
It's like he knows me. And this is the first time I've seen him. In general, I was intrigued by his pants, I wonder what they mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The dream in which he had such pants most likely indicates that you may soon find out that this person is not entirely happy.


I dreamed of a husband without trousers, that is, underwear, outerwear, but without trousers. I was standing opposite someone, talking. I don't remember the facial expression.

Dream 15.06:

Hello, I had a dream. that I found my jeans, short to the shin, they are blue. In real life, I lost them quite recently due to moving and I can’t find them anywhere, neither in this apartment nor in that one. She pulled them out and took them in her hands. Thank you!


My daughter-in-law had a dream about me that I put on my grandfather’s torn pants and got ready to go to the store, but she scolded me and didn’t let me in...
for what? what do you think?
p.s. I want to go to university in another city :)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

You will take on your grandfather’s problems or debts, there will be losses associated with him, and in connection with this, and as a result, the planned move will not materialize.


I dreamed that I was somewhere and there were other people from my work there. Then I thought that I would be going home and decided to wear such cute tight pants instead of the tights I was wearing. but in my dream I myself didn’t seem to understand why I decided to put them on, because I was already in clothes. Then I thought it would probably be warmer in them. Thanks for the answer

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elena, you will soon meet a man and be with him, and it will be simply because you are tired of being alone.

Irina N.:

I dreamed that my husband was given pants by his mother, but they were too small for him and he looked stupid in them. I tried to prove to him that they didn’t suit him at all, that they put those pants on him on purpose, to which he argued with me. What is it for?


From Thursday to Friday I dreamed of my husband wearing new black, slightly stained pants and new huge shoes. All this is absolutely not his style of clothing. I was offended that he did not tell me that he would buy clothes.


hello, help me interpret my dream. I recently vacationed with my children for about a month with new relatives. (I got married for the second time) and I can’t say that the vacation was 100% successful, but still, upon arrival in Moscow, I was offered to go to Yakuts for work on tour, I gave the children to my ex-mother-in-law for a month... and now I’m worried that I can’t go to This Yakusk!!! and then I sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday... That I find myself near Kolomenskoye (my children were baptized in the Kolomenskoye museum, and my ex-husband got married to his the current one there) and so I end up visiting a young, thin brunette, she has an older brother, also a brunette, my grandmother was gray-haired, I liked her, it was nice to communicate, she always sat and did not move. This is the girl who said something at school she was studying, through the window she saw her school, it looked exactly like my school, which she graduated from in real life. And there was a table, at the table her brother, who was hinting that her parents should return home, and I supposedly stayed with them. But really at first I came when my parents were still there, and then it turned out that I was there for a couple of days, and they say my parents would be outraged. This brother kissed me like that, and this kiss was long, he was very familiar to me, as if he had kissed me all my life, then I felt it from the kiss, I recognized him as mine. Then his sister seemed to be floating everywhere, but for some reason her head was always lowered in my presence, and before the road I went to the shower, came out and discovered that the whole dream she had been walking around in her panties, and There were washed things on the floor. It’s as if the brunette left her things for me to wear. I start trying on T-shirts, then leggings that I couldn’t fit into and threw them aside, but I put on her dark blue sports pants... and some other coki- I was looking for my things on the shelves, and I told my children (daughters, I don’t know where they got there from) to quickly pack up our things, they kicked us out, but the children began to whine, they liked this place, they were in the games. I got on the bus, right in front of these parents that they returned, and I was embarrassed to leave in front of them, a gray-haired granny sat down with me, at the next stop she got off there, it was already her house, her own... I was touched by this dream, it seems to me, I don’t even know what it seems, it’s better to tell me, please


Hello! Last night I dreamed that my grandmother and I were in a crowded city. And then I saw a person to whom I am not indifferent in life, but our relationship with him is not going well in reality. In the dream, he appeared wearing my sweatpants that I had recently bought. They fit perfectly on him. I was very happy to see him, hugged him and kissed him, he also hugged me and allowed me to kiss him, in real life he doesn’t like sentimentality and doesn’t allow this among people. He also said that he likes these pants and they look great on him!


Hello! Recently I had a very strange dream. I dreamed of a young man, we didn’t really communicate with him, we saw each other a couple of times. And then I dreamed about him... I was wearing his pants. In the dream we were as a couple, I was lying in his arms, we kissed... some kind of nonsense)))))) please help


Today I dreamed that I was in a store and I really liked the pants, they were beautiful, embroidered with some patterns, but they were too big in size, but I liked them so much that I decided to try them on. Then I stand in front of the mirror in new pants, I like them so much, but they are big and expensive, but damn, well, I like them so much, I’m already thinking maybe they can be sewn in, and the saleswoman brings another blouse and it all looks so cool...... ..And then I woke up)


was wearing red pants


Hello, please tell me, I dreamed of black sweatpants hanging on a display window and on the pants there was a yellow number 7.


Someone suggests that I wear black capri pants with an iron zipper in the back along the entire butt. Moreover, I understand that the trousers are too small for me, but someone is forcing me to put them on. I unzip and start putting them on - and they stretch and fit me perfectly, but then, looking closely, I see that they are too big for me.


I dreamed that my daughter and I arrived at the house of my ex-man at that moment while he was supposedly at work, his parents met me and for some reason I took off my pants and went to drink tea. Then I looked at my watch and realized that I had to come ex and I need to leave quickly so that he doesn’t see me. I went into the room, took the pants, put them on, they turned out to be not mine, they were too big for me. And so on twice. In general, my ex came and didn’t even say hello, and I still couldn’t find my pants...


I dreamed that the guy I dated 4 years ago gave me dark pants with rhinestones, I accepted it even though I have a boyfriend


I dreamed that I was choosing sweatpants in my size from some woman. Then I tried them on and took them for myself, but for some reason I didn’t give money for them.


I dreamed of a late uncle who came into the room with bags of toys, and at that time I was sitting with my brother. and then, my uncle, gave me pants, I took them and, it seems, put them on. Why could this be a dream? I never dreamed of my uncle (3 years have passed since he died)


I saw in a dream the man I was dating as if he was in my house, but he was wearing my ex-husband’s sweatpants


I dreamed of a friend in new pants and said that they seemed a little short for her, but I told her yes they were normal, I also thought that mine were short, but now I’m used to it, and I saw myself in pants, it seemed like they weren’t mine, but then I know that they are mine.


I dreamed that an employee asked me to give him my pants, and he gave me his. mine barely fit on him, but his were big on me


Hello Tatiana!
I don’t remember the whole dream, but I remember well that I was in a store, bought some things, and suddenly drew attention to the pants on the hanger. Moreover, I understand that they are not new, but something made me try them on. I put them on and they fit so well that I was amazed when I looked in the mirror. They were brightly colored, something yellow and blue. They were so cozy that I no longer wanted to take them off.


Hello, today I dreamed that a girl I don’t know asked me to try on my trousers, I put them on, but they were short for me.


My mother had a dream in which a young man and I went to a restaurant. But why is he wearing short pants, his legs are visible. What does this mean? Thanks for the answer!


my mother had a dream in which my lover and I were going to a restaurant. But the lover was wearing short pants, his legs were visible. What does it mean?


I dreamed of dark red/purple/jean trousers. These trousers were new and worn by me, and I really liked them, although in my life I don’t wear such colors in clothes. And the second jeans trousers were thrown over my arm and I carried them like that, and their color was golden yellow, I don’t have that color in my clothes. The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday.


I dreamed of a former friend, as if he was standing in the doorway and watching me from another room, thinking that I did not see him. I look, and he’s wearing a light shirt, but he’s not wearing trousers.


I dreamed of several types of men's pants, one of which I put on, they were dark blue sweatpants, very beautiful. Yes, it was also my mother who asked me to try them on to see if they would suit some friend of mine, strange dream... [email protected]. Thank you


I had a dream that I was sitting on the sofa in my sister’s apartment, when I was getting ready to go for a walk, I got up from the sofa and my jeans were torn at the seam


I was wearing white knitted pants and a knitted burgundy dress, and white socks a little larger than my size.


While walking around the market with my mother, we came across a second-hand store, where I found brown-burgundy sweatpants, I liked them, but there was a flaw - one leg was much shorter than the other. I didn't buy them.


I had the same dream overnight that I was at some kind of rehearsal, and many seats in the assembly hall were occupied, but I had 2 of my own chairs for changing and I was going to change, took my pants (pink, and blue inside ), I had these pants about 6 years ago, only there was no blue inside, I was distracted by those who were rehearsing and lost the pants, then I couldn’t find them for a long time, I looked for them in all the rows, in my place where I changed clothes and still couldn’t find them, the dream stopped and others began, but I was still looking for pants


in a dream, my close friend gave me a bouquet of roses, a healthy teddy bear and, for some reason, sweatpants that were too big for me in front of his parents.




Hello! I dreamed that I and a guy (whom I like) were walking through my music. School. (it is located in the basement) he entered one of the classrooms. My ex-girlfriend was there, took off his pants and put them on. By the way, he was wearing gray shorts......he then came up to me smiling. Then we were at my house and he began to wonder what films I like, then it was dark again and I dreamed that he and I were messaging on social media. Networks. Tell me, what does this mean? I'm especially surprised by the pants...


I dreamed that I was trying on my pants, but I didn’t like them anymore, and they brought me 3 pairs of pants and I chose one, and I liked them!


I only remember the pants


I had a dream, I don’t remember what, but I remember for sure that I was trying on black pants where at the bottom they were wide or, as they say, flared


Hello! I dreamed of my father (with whom we are in a quarrel and do not communicate) in short trousers, and he walked past me on the street and did not even say hello! What could this mean?


I dreamed that my father was lying in bed in warm pants and he was hot, I told him to take it off otherwise it was hot, he agreed


I want to wear pants (breeches). I looked closely and they were torn. Already sewn up in several places. but with big holes. I threw them away


I dreamed about how my mother sews pants for my father a size larger than he needs and says that this is a place for the grandchildren they will give to us.


In a dream, I see my son’s jeans in the closet, they have come apart a little along the seams, and I see 2 small spots of blood. What is this dream for? Thank you in advance. Thank you.


Hello, I had a dream, I dreamed about pants, well, to be more precise, long shorts, as if I wanted to wear them, but they’re on the seam, what does that mean?


I left the house and walked down the street with my friend, we came to school with her and only then I noticed that I had no pants, but I treated it like a forgotten book and thought that I needed to return home and put them on, but I moved on and when I went into the school, everyone looked but said nothing and as if nothing strange had happened, so I moved on.


my business mentor suggested wearing pants he had sewn, I put them on, and they turned out to be very wide for me both in the legs and in the waist, I saw it from the outside.


I got down from the bunk bed, took my sweatpants and went to the toilet to change. the pants were gray on the outside and black on the inside


hello! I had a dream that I was climbing on something and caught my pants where the swear words were on my pants. I’m pregnant, is this dream somehow connected?


I dreamed that I was looking at the mirror and taking pictures and admiring the pants that I saw for the first time in my life, they were white with green patterns


I had leggings that I wore to workout. But my friend gave me some special charcoal gray glitter sweatpants that I really liked. They were small in size and I thought that I wouldn’t fit into them, but when I put them on they seemed to be too big, which I was even more happy about.


I dreamed about wearing new, but out-of-fashion black trousers, my sister really liked them, no, no, but I agreed with her and stayed in them.


I saw beautiful pants in the store, a guy tried them on, I really liked the pants, rusty color


I was riding in a minibus and found a bag of men's clothing. There wasn't much money in my pants pocket.


I was outside in shorts. I met my colleague's husband. I said that I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to get dressed. He offered to help, he made sure that no one entered the room while I was putting on my pants. Then different people appeared. My colleague recognized me and already knew that I was wearing shorts on the street. I think she was laughing. I was very ashamed.




I dreamed about my mother wearing someone else’s, big, red, knitted pants.


I bought colorful sweatpants, very beautiful. Yellow color predominated. I was in a very good mood


In the dream, I was at a clothing market and tried on, and then bought, pants (blue).


I dreamed of a girl wearing my pants (jeans) and I couldn’t catch the belt on those pants


In a dream I saw my ex-husband’s warm sweatpants, and they were dirty, not by sight, but by smell. When I picked them up, I wanted to remember what his body smelled like and smelled them. Then I realized that he was already wearing them. The dream was from Friday to Saturday. Thank you in advance