Green mood - healthy cream soup with spinach and cream. Green fairy tale: recipe for spinach puree soup Spinach puree soup with cream

Housewives with small children often prepare soup for their babies from fresh or frozen spinach according to recipes presented on the Internet or in specialized literature on baby food. Indeed, this dish is very healthy. But the main thing is that it is well absorbed by children starting from the age of six months, when the child is already familiar with vegetable purees. This nutritious and at the same time light soup will delight adults, especially those who watch their figure and diligently eat right.

There are so many experts, so many opinions. Some nutritionists believe that you should not overuse spinach, because the oxalic acid it contains can harm the stomach. However, most experts argue that spinach must be included in the daily diet of children and adults, because it contains many vitamins and essential amino acids.

Spinach salads, soups, and casseroles are very easy to prepare not only in summer, but also in winter, using frozen leaves. Before you prepare spinach cream soup for your child, you need to find a recipe that is suitable for the baby’s age. It is best to borrow the cooking method from books on baby food.

The following can be said about the benefits of spinach:

If you regularly give your baby dishes made from green vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach), the child will develop well both mentally and physically. Statistics say that schoolchildren eat spinach dishes at home and do much better at school. This is due to the fact that the vitamins and essential acids that this vegetable is rich in help intensify cerebral circulation and increase concentration.

Ladies who want to lose extra pounds should also pay attention to this delicate-tasting vegetable with a beautiful green color. But in this case, you should not add cheese and heavy cream to the diet soup; it is better to replace them with sour cream. If meat is added to the first course, boiled chicken breast is the ideal option. You should avoid smoked meat.

Small children, starting from six months, definitely need to cook soups, since daily consumption of hot liquid dishes contributes to the proper functioning of the stomach, improves intestinal motility, helps normalize stools and prevent constipation. Also, hot soup helps you warm up during the cold season and not freeze while walking. Recipes for fresh spinach soup can be easily found on the Internet.

Spinach dishes should be included in children's diets at least twice a week, especially in winter, when children and adults suffer from a lack of vitamins. You can make a hearty pureed pea soup with cream or a light dietary main course without animal fats, it all depends on individual tastes and preferences.

In order to prepare a wonderful soup, you need:

  • Chop potatoes, zucchini and carrots into cubes. The cubes need to be made thin and equal in size, then all the ingredients will be well cooked and ultimately will be completely soft;
  • It is best to use the smallest and youngest zucchini, then you do not have to peel them and remove seeds. But this vegetable must be thoroughly washed and brushed;
  • Place vegetables in boiling water, add salt to taste, and cook until all ingredients are completely soft. Zucchini cooks the fastest, so you need to cook until the potatoes and carrots are soft;
  • Fresh spinach is carefully sorted, thick petioles, yellowed and rotten plants are removed. The leaves are then washed in a bowl of water;
  • The leaves are finely chopped and added to the cooked vegetables. After this, you need to boil the dish for about three more minutes;
  • Turn the finished dish into puree using a blender, boil again in the same pan and season with spices. If the soup is intended for baby food, no spices are needed.

The first course should be served hot, with fresh black or white bread (you can replace it with dried croutons). You can add cream or a small piece of butter. This soup also goes well with a vitamin salad of fresh vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes), seasoned with vegetable or olive oil. Another side dish option is a hard-boiled or soft-boiled chicken egg.

Frozen spinach is immediately placed in boiling water. There is no need to worry that it contains fewer vitamins than fresh. Modern freezing technologies make it possible to freeze foods while fully preserving all their nutrients.

It happens that a child refuses to eat a tasty and healthy dish because it seems unappetizing to him. This problem can be easily solved by creatively decorate the soup. For example, some housewives add whole heads of cauliflower to it. You can also add broccoli. Cheese soup with spinach will look very funny if you draw a face made of grated cheese on the surface: eyes, nose and smiling mouth.

Your little one will happily eat every last drop of this originally designed dish. But for children under one year of age, it is better to cook soup without cheese, since this ingredient often causes allergies or individual intolerance. You should also exclude cheese from the soup if your child has an individual intolerance to milk protein.

Various cooking options

A soup intended for adults may contain many more ingredients than a dish for a child over one year old. You can prepare a hot dish with seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels. The combination of spinach and seafood is often used in European cuisine.

Also You can safely add the following ingredients to a spinach hot dish for adults:

  • Fresh or sun-dried, salted, pickled tomatoes;
  • Zucchini or squash;
  • Eggplant;
  • Sweet bell pepper.

If you add mushrooms and cheese to the dish, this soup will taste like julienne. However, this option can hardly be called dietary, because mushrooms are poorly absorbed not only by children, but also by adults. But they will make the soup more satisfying and nutritious. They will also enrich the finished dish with vegetable protein. It is best to use fresh or frozen champignons or oyster mushrooms.

To make dietary puree soup more satisfying and nutritious and after it there is no feeling of hunger, you can serve as a side dish sandwiches with boiled meat or toast from dried white bread, decorated with grated, melted hard cheese. You can sprinkle the finished dish with any green herb: dill, cilantro or fennel, or add a few mint leaves to add a piquant taste. But, if the soup is designed for a baby, you should not overuse the greens: a child under one year old can simply spit it out.

A dish intended for adults can be seasoned moderately with spices so that the taste of green vegetables does not seem so bland.

Frozen spinach soup, prepared according to any recipe, will be delicious if the green vegetable is not thawed. If you defrost it first, the greens will give juice, and this will negatively affect the taste of the finished dish.

You also need to keep the following in mind:

  • Spinach does not go well with white cabbage, so it is better to add broccoli or cauliflower to this soup;
  • You cannot replace spinach with sorrel, because the taste of spinach is neutral, soft and delicate. And the taste of sorrel is bright, with pronounced sourness. It is best to prepare green cabbage soup from sorrel;
  • To obtain a homogeneous puree without lumps, the soup must be stirred during cooking and cooked until all ingredients are completely soft;
  • Spinach is well digested in combination with fatty dairy products, so you need to season the first dish with thick cream or sour cream. You should not use store-bought mayonnaise, but a homemade version of this sauce is perfect.

A tasty, healthy and very satisfying first course made from fresh or frozen greens will certainly appeal to gourmets of any age, but spinach soup is especially useful for children and the elderly, as well as those who suffer from diabetes or stomach diseases. To prevent the finished dish from seeming boring and bland, you can add absolutely any ingredients to it, and also decorate it effectively.

Spinach is one of the healthiest foods, so fans of a healthy lifestyle should definitely pay attention to it. This green vegetable grows well in Russian dachas, but you can also buy it in the supermarket, because when frozen, all the vitamins are preserved.

Attention, TODAY only!

What could be tastier than aromatic and healthy first courses for a home dinner table? I suggest making fresh spinach puree soup, which is perfect for both adult and children's diets. It’s quite easy to cook such a delicious soup using the most affordable products. There are a lot of cooking options. Use the freshest spinach leaves, then the end result will please your household. Serve the puree soup immediately after cooking with sour cream, cream, fresh herbs and fragrant bread.

Taste Info Cream soup / Cheese soup / Vegetable soup


  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Spinach – 200 g;
  • Onion – 100 g;
  • Potatoes – 500 g;
  • Carrots – 250 g;
  • Garlic – 5 cloves;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Processed cheese – 200 g;
  • Zucchini – 0.5 pcs.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

How to make fresh spinach cream soup

Peel the potatoes and rinse thoroughly in running water. Cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan of about 3 liters. Pour in 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10–15 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

Rinse the young zucchini. If using mature vegetables, remove the skin and core. Cut into small cubes and add to potatoes. Pour another 500 ml of boiling water. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook for about 5–7 minutes.

Peel the onions, garlic and carrots. Rinse under running water. Cut the onion and garlic into arbitrary pieces, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. Fry the prepared vegetables in heated sunflower oil for about 5-7 minutes. Vegetables should become softer. Adjust the amount of garlic to your liking.

Add fried vegetables to the rest of the ingredients. Stir and bring to a boil.

Wash fresh spinach leaves. Trim thick stems. Cut the spinach itself into pieces. Place in a saucepan. If necessary, add another 500 ml of boiling water. Boil and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Cut good quality processed cheese into pieces. Add to soup. Stir and cook until the cheese pieces are completely melted.

Add salt, ground black pepper, maybe add your own spices. Stir, taste and boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes and turn off the heat.

Grind the finished first course with a blender until smooth. Let sit for 10–15 minutes.

Creamy soup with fresh spinach is ready. Have a delicious lunch!

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Note to the hostess

The presented recipe is one of the few that makes it possible to prepare spinach cream soup. There are many other ways to make this dish, and there are some features in its preparation that can improve the tasty soup and make it even more appetizing:

  • Instead of processed cheese, cream is added to the soup, which is also mixed with all the ingredients using a blender until smooth. After this, the spinach cream soup is served with white bread croutons, which can be fried while the soup itself is being prepared.
  • For the winter, spinach can be frozen and also made into soup. The cooking technology is approximately the same as for fresh spinach.
  • Spinach puree soup is served with croutons and grated hard cheese; it will be especially tasty with Parmesan cheese.

Spinach soups are based on either vegetable or meat broth (most often chicken). It is recommended to defrost frozen spinach before cooking, although it can also be used in its frozen form.

This plant goes well with tomato, and a mixture called herbes de Provence is added to such soups as a seasoning.

Spinach is famous for its beneficial properties and the presence of a large amount of iron in its composition, so it is recommended for feeding children and pregnant women. Properly prepared puree soup with spinach will appeal not only to them, but also to all other family members.

There are many options and recipes for making pureed spinach soup, here is one of them:

  • Spinach - fresh or frozen (1-2 large bunches or 150-200 g).
  • 2 large potatoes.
  • 1 onion (white).
  • 0.5 liters of water.
  • 1 liter of milk or cream (soup with milk has less calories).
  • Vegetable oil for frying onions.
  • Seasonings (salt and pepper, optional).
  • Rye crackers.

The composition of cream of spinach soup is very simple and affordable. If skim or low-fat milk is used to prepare it, the soup is low in calories and is quite suitable for dieters or those wishing to lose weight. The addition of cream makes it nutritious, which explains its popularity in children's menus.

This soup is the best way to feed your baby greens that kids don't like in any other form. The same puree soup with spinach and cream has a soft, delicate taste and pleasant consistency. Kids don’t realize that the puree soup contains spinach that they don’t like and eat it with pleasure, and the addition of rye croutons gives it a pleasant sourness and adds texture.

Spinach - tasty and healthy

Spinach, a green leafy vegetable, is very popular in Mediterranean countries and in English cuisine, where it is served in a variety of forms ranging from salads to soups and various side dishes. In our country, spinach is not used too often, mainly as an additive to green borscht and in salads, but in vain - this green is very beneficial for the body, especially in winter, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals.

Spinach tolerates deep freezing perfectly, retaining all its nutritional and beneficial properties, which makes it an indispensable food product for adults and children, especially in the cold season, when vitamins are insufficient and fresh vegetables are either unavailable or not of very high quality.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish

Before preparing pureed spinach soup, you must carefully prepare all the ingredients, especially the greens. Spinach is often contaminated with sand, so it is first soaked in cold water and then thoroughly washed, leaf by leaf. Rough and soaked petioles are cut off, fresh frozen spinach is placed in a dish without defrosting, otherwise it will become watery and tasteless.

  • Onions and potatoes are washed and peeled.
  • Chopped onions are fried until transparent over low heat in a small amount of vegetable oil. For baby food, it is advisable to use high-quality olive oil. Do not overcook the onion - it should not brown, but only become soft and pliable, so that it can then be easily chopped in a mixer with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Add chopped potatoes to the pan with onions and add water. Simmer until soft over low heat in a covered saucepan. Usually this process does not take more than 10-15 minutes, which is very valuable for preparing baby food for an always busy mother.
  • Spinach is added to almost finished potatoes. There is no need to cook for too long - the dish will lose its taste and aroma; fresh spinach cooks almost instantly; for ice cream, 5-10 minutes is enough. The greens should simply become soft, this is enough, since spinach cooked for a long time loses not only its appearance, but also all its beneficial properties. This soup will not be useful for either children or adults.
  • The finished and slightly cooled spinach puree soup is whipped with a blender until smooth right in the container where it was prepared or transferred to a mixer.
  • Milk or cream is heated to a boil and added in a thin stream to the vegetable mixture, stirring constantly. If the spinach puree soup turns out uneven, you can beat it again with a mixer. Soup made with milk has less calories, and with cream it is suitable for feeding children and adults weakened after illness and in need of additional calories.
  • Season the finished product with salt and pepper if desired. For feeding very young children, pepper is not added, and salt is used in minimal quantities.

Crackers are placed into soup poured into bowls. You can use ready-made rye crackers, but for baby or diet food it is better to prepare them yourself by cutting and drying black bread in the oven.

Puree soup with spinach goes well with cheese, smoked sausage, ham and French toast, and after it you can give the kids a dessert of baked apples and delicious fresh juice. Eat healthy, tasty and varied and be healthy!

Cream soup: recipes

Prepare a delicious and healthy spinach puree soup - an original and quick-to-prepare first course - watch a simple recipe with step-by-step photos and videos.

30 min

‎170 kcal

5/5 (1)

Not many of us know about the benefits of spinach. We very rarely use it for cooking. But this plant contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. And it contains even more protein than legumes. Spinach also contains calcium, an element that strengthens bones, and potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

But due to its specific taste, spinach is not the most popular plant in our country. You just need to know how to properly cook spinach and combine it with other foods. Knowing some culinary subtleties, you can prepare very tasty and original dishes.

Today is the time to make creamed spinach soup. It can be cooked very quickly. And since spinach does not change color during heat treatment, you will get a very beautiful and appetizing soup.

Ingredients and kitchen utensils

Kitchen appliances: a saucepan, a blender that will turn your soup into puree soup.


How to choose ingredients

Choosing spinach is very easy. For puree soup, you can use both young and large, tougher leaves, since they will be crushed in a blender. The main thing is that the appearance of this plant does not raise any doubts. It should be a healthy green color, without yellowing or signs of wilting.

But there is one small nuance. Spinach can be stored for no more than two days. After this, it begins to lose its beneficial properties. Since it is difficult to determine how long spinach has been lying on the counter, it is advisable to grow it yourself. But if this is not possible, then it is better to buy a frozen product. This spinach retains its beneficial properties much longer, and frozen spinach puree soup is no less tasty. But it is not advisable to give such soup to children under twelve years of age. This is an unnecessary burden on the child's body.

Choose hard cheeses. The brand doesn't matter. Use heavy cream, it will give the soup a pleasant creamy taste. You can take milk of any fat content.

Step-by-step recipe for creamed spinach soup

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for creamed spinach soup

I invite you to watch this video. It shows you how to make this soup in a very accessible way. Please also note that other vegetables can be used in the recipe - for example, zucchini or potatoes.

You can add ginger, nutmeg or pine nuts to the puree soup. It is also prepared with lime and mint. To achieve the ideal result you need to experiment. Try combining different ingredients and you will find the most suitable option for yourself.

In our country, spinach is not as popular as, say, in Europe or America, where it is present in almost every dish. Rich in various microelements and beneficial substances, spinach has a beneficial effect on each of the systems of the human body, providing it with a whole list of useful substances. Interestingly, unlike sorrel, a close relative of spinach, during heat treatment it does not lose its natural bright green color, which is a big plus.

This feature of spinach allows you to cook with it beautiful, brightly green biscuits, pancakes, pureed soups, and sauces. And second courses with stewed green spinach leaves seem much more appetizing.

All spinach soups can be divided into several categories - these are liquid and thick soups in the form of puree, lean and cooked in meat broth. In addition, all spinach soups can be divided according to the composition of the included ingredients.

Personally, of all types of soups, I really like spinach soup with cream and mushrooms. The creamy mushroom taste of the soup combined with green spinach leaves makes it attractive in appearance and especially tasty. The soup turns out to be lean, since it is cooked without meat, but I won’t say that it is completely vegetarian, since some vegans do not consume dairy products.

As a basis recipe for spinach soup with cream and mushrooms I took it from the Internet. The original recipe for this soup used dried porcini mushrooms, but since I didn’t have any at that time, I used champignons instead.


  • Champignons - 200 gr.,
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.,
  • Cream - 150-200 ml.,
  • Fresh spinach - 100 gr.,
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper - a pinch

Spinach soup with cream and mushrooms - recipe

Spinach soup with cream and mushrooms. Photo