Chargers for car batteries. Features of chargers for gel batteries and their use Scheme for automatic charging of gel batteries

The main function and purpose of the battery charger is to quickly recharge a car battery with high quality. According to the principle of operation, they can be divided into two large groups - pulse and transformer. For many motorists, transformer models have long become classics; they are increasingly being replaced by pulse models. This consumer choice is justified by the compactness and ease of use of pulse chargers. With this charger you can recharge even on the go.

Where to buy a charger for a car battery?

Every driver is familiar with the situation when a car battery is discharged and urgently needs to be recharged. This happens either planned or by accident if you forget to turn off the car radio or radio, headlights or other elements that consume energy from the car battery. Also, rapid battery discharge is observed in winter. In order for you to quickly and without unnecessary problems “bring your car back to life,” it is worth selecting and purchasing a device such as a car battery charger in advance.

If you want to choose to purchase car chargers, the battery must be suitable for the selected type of charging. In order to find out the parameters of a particular model, just look at them in the product card on the website.

In the catalog of the online store “Buy Battery” in Moscow, you will find a variety of models; a wide range of electronic catalogs will allow you to fully satisfy the demand of the modern consumer.

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Today, batteries based on gel electrolyte cannot be called a revolution in this industry, a revolution in the automotive industry or an innovation. Rather, this is a step towards improving the equipment in question in order to increase the charge holding time, increase technical parameters and service life.

The principle of operation of the gel battery has not changed, since the acid filler and lead electrodes have not disappeared anywhere, but you have to think more seriously about how to charge the gel battery, since the traditional use of a conventional charger will only ruin the unit. What charging principles should you remember, and what methods should you give preference to?

Comparison of gel battery with acid battery: advantages and disadvantages

Gel batteries differ from acid batteries mainly only in the presence of silicon in the substance inside the unit. This element will make the flowing electrolyte jelly-like. This feature is relevant for scooters that change position while moving, therefore, there is a need to ensure more stable operation of the battery so that the connection of the gel structure does not come off from the plates. The constant shaking of such vehicles is also a reason for this.

Studies have shown that tilting and vibration can cause a fully charged gel battery to lose a quarter of its charge compared to normal driving.

Among the advantages it is worth highlighting the following:

  • there are no toxic fumes if used carefully and correctly;
  • even damage to the case will not require wiping off the gel substance, and the battery will continue to work;
  • there is no need for maintenance;
  • even an almost discharged battery shows good starting current;
  • It is permissible to leave the battery in the cold.

Along with the positive aspects, if there are also negative aspects.

  1. The higher cost of gel batteries, however, the increased service life more than pays for this cost.
  2. It is mandatory to monitor the current and voltage values ​​during charging. The problem is that these indicators are not always easy to determine, even if the motorcycle is powerful.

More detailed information on how to implement it can be found by reading the article by our author.

To know how to properly charge a gel battery, it is worth following the features of its operation. The degree of charge should always be monitored using a multimeter. Simply turn off the transport device and connect the multimeter to the terminals.

It is necessary to monitor the so-called voltage threshold during charging; this indicator should be in the range of 14.2 - 14.5 volts. The average voltage is approximately 14 volts, but it fluctuates constantly and never remains stable.

The less charge in the battery, the higher the current readings will be, which will gradually decrease during charging. One phenomenon is also associated with this feature: much more energy is consumed when the battery is discharged, despite the fact that the number of volts of voltage does not change.

If the voltage threshold is exceeded, the jelly-like gel will boil and turn into steam. Since gel batteries are not designed for refueling, it will not be possible to replenish the reserves of evaporated gel, and this phenomenon may be accompanied by an explosion. Also, the gel may come away from the plates, and restoration will be impossible.

How to charge a gel battery using regular charging

Effective and safe charging of gel batteries with your own hands is possible even at home. The main requirement is to ensure the supply of direct current. Proper operation requires avoiding use when the charge is low and monitoring a fully charged battery. Also, you should not leave gel batteries in a discharged state for a long time, since they have memory and the capacity may decrease over time. So, why are regular chargers not suitable and how to use them so that they do not harm the battery?

Why regular charging won't work

The answer to the question of whether a gel battery can be charged with a regular charger can be called ambiguous. On the one hand, connecting a conventional charger directly to such a battery will damage it beyond repair. The idea is that the gel melts onto the battery when a specific level of current is applied. The melted gel will no longer return to its original state, but will continue to melt the remaining substance.

The problems will also be as follows:

  • the battery does not take a charge if the battery is almost fully charged, although the gel will not melt;
  • classic chargers are designed for operation with lead batteries, and for gel such currents are destructive;
  • Gel batteries are very difficult to force to accept a charge, even with a customizable starter;
  • heating prohibition requires immediate power off when fully charged;
  • the domestic information market does not have enough information about the use of gel batteries (they are most common in the USA);
  • charging specifics differ from acid batteries;
  • If the battery still starts to heat up during charging, the battery will most likely have to be replaced.

On the other hand, the use of the right technology allows you to charge a gel battery using a conventional charger for a lead acid battery.

To find out how to charge a gel battery with a regular charger, you need to additionally prepare a second battery; it can be old, used or new, gel or lead. You will also need a directly discharged gel battery and a charger. The principle of safe charging in this case is based on the correct connection of devices in the required order.

The step-by-step procedure is as follows.

  1. Connect the second optional battery to the charger.
  2. Connect the intermediary battery terminals to the gel battery (minus to minus, and plus to plus).
  3. Wait a couple of minutes and see if the batteries are receiving a charge.
  4. Feel the body of the gel battery - it will be hot if the battery is faulty. If the case is just warm, wait a couple of hours while the unit charges.
  5. Check the case temperature again, and also use an ammeter for added safety.
  6. If necessary, continue charging the battery for another hour or two and then disconnect the system from the network. At the final stage, remove the terminals.

In this case, the additional old battery acts as a transformer, which takes on the entire load. A gel battery accepts soft charging, which is the result of the electrolyte in the old battery.

For the first time, this experiment was carried out by one of the largest manufacturers of gel batteries, which caused real delight among car owners. For many, it has become possible to restore batteries that have been collecting dust in the garage for many years. The gel does not deteriorate after long-term storage due to its durability, so even an old gel battery can be easily restored.

Using special chargers for gel batteries

It is also possible to charge the gel battery using a special charger. They are not yet licensed in Russia and are often not found on sale, but you can find them if you want.

Such special chargers have a number of distinctive features, and the operating principle is represented by the following charging stages.

  1. Turn on the battery and measure the current to determine the optimal operating mode.
  2. Start charging the battery at the indicators that are determined automatically.
  3. Turn off the charge after a while to prevent the device from heating up.
  4. Wait until the battery cools down and turn on the charge again, but at a different amperage.
  5. Do not forget to measure the current strength in intervals when the battery cools down. If you do not change the current, charging turns off automatically and further cycles do not continue.
  6. As soon as the measured current meets the required parameters, the device will stop charging automatically.

Pay attention to the last step, since in most cases the chargers continue to work until the user turns them off. In this case, chargers have special settings that prevent the gel from melting when the battery overheats. It is possible to restore even a maximally discharged gel battery.

Requirements for special chargers

Since charging a gel car battery requires taking into account its delicate features, chargers designed for this must meet the following requirements.

  1. Possibility to regulate the charge current.
  2. Temperature compensation option taking into account battery heating. Charging conditions must change and adapt to the temperature of the battery itself and the temperature of the room.
  3. The charging process should be staged; it is advisable to charge in three stages. In the first stage, the voltage increases, in the second, the voltage remains constant, and the current decreases. At the final stage, the charge must be maintained at minimum current and voltage values. The need for the last stage is observed only if the battery needs to be stored and will not be used.
  4. Wide range of operating temperatures, optimal range from +5 to +40 degrees Celsius. An extended temperature range will be appropriate if you have to charge the battery in different temperature conditions at different times of the year.

How long to charge a gel battery

You should not charge gel batteries more than a couple of times a year. Always ensure charging is complete, otherwise the capacity of the device will decrease with further use, and it will be extremely difficult to restore this parameter to its original values. Carry out calculations to determine how long you should charge the battery until the energy is fully restored.

Although the main segment in the car battery market is occupied by conventional acid batteries, so-called gel batteries are increasingly appearing. The advantages of such batteries are much greater than those of conventional acid batteries; they are less demanding in operation and maintenance. But everything is in order.


So, a gel battery differs little in design from an acid battery. Inside there are sections with packages of lead plates placed inside. Each package consists of negative and positive plates. All packages are connected to each other and two terminals come out of the housing - “positive” and “negative”, to which the terminals of the vehicle’s on-board network are connected.

But gel batteries, unlike conventional acid batteries, are filled with electrolyte, which is in a gel-like state, hence the name battery.

These batteries are completely maintenance-free, their housing is completely sealed. Since the electrolyte is in the form of a gel, the battery can be positioned in any way; the electrolyte will stick to the plates and will not flow when the battery is tilted or turned over.


The electrolyte, which is in the form of a gel-like substance, will not leak even if the case is damaged, which allows the battery to be used in the future, but not for a long time.

In addition, the evaporation process inside a gel battery is much lower than that of acid batteries, which made it possible to place the entire structure in a sealed case. The vapors that form inside the battery are absorbed by the gel electrolyte and again participate in the reaction.

The main advantage of a gel battery is the provision of high inrush currents, even when the battery is somewhat low. It is indicated that it is capable of providing high starting current even at a charge level of only 30% of the rated one. Moreover, such deep discharges for a gel battery are not as destructive as for an acid battery.

This battery also has a significantly lower self-discharge current. If it is idle for a year, it will lose no more than 10% of its charge. In addition, it can be stored even in a discharged state, without loss of performance. If necessary, you only need to fully charge it to start using it further.

If you recharge this battery correctly, it practically does not lose its capacity. This provides it with the ability to withstand up to 700 charge-discharge cycles, which ensures a significant service life.

Another important advantage of gel batteries is their lower sensitivity to low temperatures. At such temperatures, although the starting current decreases, it is to a lesser extent than with conventional acid batteries.


All this makes it attractive to use this type of battery in cars. But they also have disadvantages. There are fewer of them than positive qualities, but they are also significant.

One of these is the cost of the battery. It will cost significantly more than an acid one, and although its service life is longer, improper operation and maintenance can significantly reduce the “life” of the battery.

And stress can shorten her “life.” This battery is very sensitive to voltage. The optimal voltage for it is 14.2-14.4 V. Exceeding this value will lead to peeling of the gel electrolyte from the plates, the transition of the gel to a gaseous state. Moreover, the amount of gas will be significant, and it will no longer be possible to convert it into a gel. This effect has already been called “melting” of the gel. And considering that voltage regulators on cars often do not have a specific value, but operate in the range of 13-16 V, then the failure of such a battery is only a matter of time.

Although it is quite possible to use such a battery in a car, only before purchasing such a battery should you diagnose the on-board network and adjust the voltage regulator so that it does not produce more than 14 V.

Methods for charging gel batteries

This battery, although maintenance-free, is still required periodically. The frequency of recharging, if this battery is used in a car, depends on its service life. It is recommended to recharge the gel battery no more than 1-2 times a year.

Something else useful for you:

Video: AGM and Gel battery. Charging gel and AGM batteries

For recharging, a special charger must be used, designed to work only with gel batteries. Such devices will never even exceed the voltage, which can harm the battery. Some types of such devices perform recharging according to a certain algorithm, with periodic changes in current and voltage.

But such chargers are not yet common, and not all service stations undertake charging gel batteries due to the lack of such devices at their disposal.

But at home, you can recharge the gel battery using a regular charger. But it is not recommended to use automatic devices, since they themselves regulate the voltage and current, and during the charging process they can exceed the voltage above the value that is critical for such a battery.

But if the charger allows you to manually set the voltage and current, then recharging the gel battery is quite possible.

How to charge a gel battery with a charger

Before starting charging, be sure to set the voltage slightly below the value that is critical for the battery. This value is usually indicated by the manufacturer and is approximately 14 V +/- 0.4 V.

Video: Charging a gel battery - how to charge!

You also need to set the current correctly. The optimal value is 10% of the nominal capacity of the gel battery. For example, a battery has a capacity of 60 Ah, which means the charging current should be no higher than 6 A.

It is also important to know the charging time.

But if you have time, you can recharge with a current of 5% of the capacity. For the specified battery, the parameter will be 3 A, and the charging time will increase to 24 hours. But with this mode, the process will go better and the battery will fully accept the charge.

Be sure to follow the connection sequence. First, connect the charger clamps to the battery terminals (it is important not to reverse the polarity), and then plug the device into the network. Voltage and current parameters should be monitored periodically during the process.

It is strictly forbidden to stop charging prematurely. The fact is that such gel batteries have the so-called “memory effect”. If you interrupt charging prematurely during the process, for example, the battery was only able to restore the charge to 80%, then next time it will not be able to charge more than this 80%. That is, from undercharging the battery will lose part of its capacity and it will no longer be possible to restore it.

The charging device for gel batteries must meet certain requirements due to the special properties of this type of battery. First of all, the ban on use concerns direct current devices. The easiest way is to buy a universal device, which is due to its compatibility with many types of batteries.

More about application

battery device

First you need to understand what gel batteries are. This is a separate type of autonomous power supply, developed based on GEL technology.

This group represents maintenance-free batteries, which are characterized by increased capacity. In terms of their set of properties, gel batteries are similar to analogues produced using AGM technology, but in appearance they are similar to lead-acid versions.

The main difference between batteries based on GEL technology is the degree of viscosity of the medium in which the lead plates are placed - it is thicker. This is due to the presence of special additives in the electrolyte, which makes it possible to obtain a jelly-like gel. This type of battery supports high current values ​​in the circuit, and additionally, such batteries can operate even in the event of a critical discharge level.

Let's watch the video in detail about the purpose and use of gel models:

Taking into account some differences, you should select a different type of charger to power gel batteries with certain characteristics. The key point here is the ability to change the amount of charge current depending on how deeply discharged the battery is.

Main selection criteria

For long-term operation of the battery, you need to select a charger with a certain set of characteristics, so as not only not to damage the battery, but also to help extend its service life. The following criteria are decisive:

  1. Charge current range. To determine the normal level of this parameter, you need to be guided by approximate calculations: 0.05-0.2C, which means a small part of the battery capacity (C), the unit of measurement of which is Ah. If a multi-type car charger for powering gel batteries operates at currents no higher than the minimum limit of the stated interval (0.05 C), then the battery charging process will take a very long time. In the opposite situation, when the battery is connected to a power source with an increased charge current, there is a high risk of its failure. The optimal values ​​of this parameter for GEL type batteries are in the range of 0.15-0.2C.
  2. The ability to adjust the charge current, which allows you to set the permissible limit of this parameter when powering a battery of a certain capacity. It is not recommended to connect a charger operating at a charging current exceeding the above limits, which will gradually lead to a reduction in battery life.
  3. The battery voltage must match the charging type. For example, there is a different type of charger for powering 12V or 24V gel batteries, and if you need a device for powering a battery with a voltage of 6V or, for example, 48V, in this case it is possible to make it to order.
  4. Temperature compensation. This function allows you to control the battery heating level. The best option is temperature compensation, the temperature sensor of which is remote to obtain more accurate measurements.
  5. The number of stages of the charging process, which implies a combination of cyclic and buffer modes, the first of which allows you to charge the battery first with constant current, then with constant voltage, and the second maintains an already charged battery at a high level.
  6. Acceptable ambient temperature values. It is usually recommended to use the device in the range from +5 o C to +40 o C.

If there is one more nuance: the charger for sealed lead-gel batteries should have a lower charge voltage than in the case of liquid-acid batteries. Otherwise, again, we can talk about the imminent failure of such a battery.

Overview of suitable models

Model Soyuz VS-2410A

The Soyuz VS-2410A variant, designed for 24V battery voltage, received high user ratings. Such a device operates cyclically: first, the primary charging mode is performed, which destroys sedimentary sulfation, as a result of which the battery becomes able to charge to the maximum level.

At this stage, the charging current increases gradually, then the maximum rated current is supplied and in the mode the device operates up to a charge level of 80%.

And at the end, charging is carried out with a current that gradually decreases. In total, a multi-type charger for powering 24V gel batteries of this type implements a 7-step process. The price of this model is 7,000 rubles.

A more expensive option (TSB Electronics) is Omnicharge 12-40, designed for a voltage of 12V and a current of 40A. Its price is about 34,000 rubles, and such a device is suitable for GEL, AGM and liquid acid batteries. This model has the ability to charge using 4 modes.

A much more affordable version is Orion Vympel-05, offered at a price of 900 rubles. This device is compatible with acid and gel batteries. Rated for 12V and 1.2A. Another device is Soyuz VS-1205A (12V, 5A), its cost is 3,900 rubles, the number of stages of the charging process is 7.

Nuances of work

In the case of a built-in function that determines the battery voltage level, the device will independently select the required operating mode. If you have a charge current regulator, you should set a sufficient limit for charging a specific battery. The value of this parameter should increase gradually: from minimum to maximum. If the low current mode is selected, then the charging process will be somewhat delayed, therefore, in order to eliminate the risk of heating, the charger is periodically turned off.

Watch the video and charging methods:

Some craftsmen prefer to assemble a charger for powering gel batteries with their own hands. To do this, you will need, among other things, a microcontroller that allows you to better control the battery charging process. If desired, you can make the device turn off when the maximum charge level is reached, however, it is possible to implement a mode of constant recharging with low currents until the maximum voltage value is reached. If the value of this parameter decreases, the charging process will resume.

The charger circuit for 12V gel batteries also provides for thermal compensation and a fan, which will be turned on using the controller directly in a situation where there is no temperature sensor. The device is controlled by changing the amount of charging current, which is affected by the resistance level. The device is turned on by pressing a button, then the battery charge level is determined, which determines the choice of a specific operating mode.

Thus, the type of battery determines the choice of charger design. And for gel batteries this is a task of paramount importance, taking into account some design differences. In order not to damage the battery by turning on an incorrectly selected charger, you need to pay attention to their compatibility.

Regardless of the type of battery, they all require periodic charging. Gel ones are no exception. Can this type of battery be charged with a regular charger? Gel electrolyte requires special methods for charging the battery of a car, scooter, or boat. Compliance with the charge restoration conditions will extend the service life of the energy source.

The question of how to charge a gel battery with a conventional charger is often asked. But the technology for charging a battery with liquid electrolyte and gel is different. Can gel batteries be charged from a regular charger? A high charging current will melt the gel, which will not recover. There are other problems:

  • If the battery is almost charged, the gel will not melt, but it will not charge.
  • The charging current will destroy the gel structure, even with an additional setting.
  • It is impossible to fulfill the conditions for staged charging with changing current and voltage parameters.
  • Heating the battery will lead to decomposition of the electrolyte, so you should not keep the device charging for too long.

Everything is explained more simply. Connecting to a regular charger will inevitably warm up. If the case was cooled quickly, liquid has already formed in it. Gradually it will dissolve the remaining gel. A sign of destruction is heating of the housing during operation.

Since it is not always possible to buy a “smart” charger, a way has been developed to charge a gel battery from conventional chargers. This will require an intermediary - another battery, even an old, used one. It will work as an energy transformer, reducing the charging current parameters.

Both batteries need to be connected in parallel, the charger must be connected to the transformer battery. The impact on a gel battery will be milder. After making sure that charging is in progress, you need to determine the degree of heating of the gel battery case. If there is no heating, you can restore the container within 2 hours. After measuring the parameters, depending on the readings, continue charging for another hour or two. Is it possible to charge the battery if it starts to heat up immediately? No, it needs to be disposed of.

Which charger to charge a gel battery

How to charge the battery correctly? The gel battery charging technology consists of several stages. In this case, a special charger is used. What voltage can you charge a gel battery? The threshold voltage is written in the battery passport. On most devices this is 14.4-14.5 V. But you need to know the permissible maximum for your product. Exceeding the value will lead to the destruction of the gel.

How to choose a charger for a car gel battery, how to charge?

We already know that even a short-term excess of the charging voltage above the threshold specified in the passport is unacceptable. The current should be about 10% of the capacity of the gel battery. What current should I charge at 60 A/h? A tenth will be 6 amperes. Fast charging is possible using 30% current of the capacity. To maintain charge in the gel battery, there is a Standby USE mode with voltage parameters of 13.5 -13.8.

The main requirements for a charger are the ability to regulate and maintain current and voltage parameters. There must be a temperature compensation function; without it, overcharging is possible, which is unacceptable. It’s good if the thermometer is remote. Automatic charging mode and timely shutdown of the current consumer will make the process reliable.

How to charge a car's gel battery is outlined in step-by-step instructions:

  • Maintenance-free gel batteries with plugs are used. Before charging, the plugs must be unscrewed.
  • Set the voltage on the charger to cycle use, zero current.
  • Connect the device, observing the polarity.
  • Set the charging current and monitor the voltage. It will grow, it is important that the indicator remains within the limits of what is permitted.

How long to charge a gel battery depends on the current supplied. At 10% of the capacity, charging occurs in 12-14 hours. But by halving the indicator, we will increase the time to 24 hours, but we will extend the shelf life of the device. If you need to charge quickly, increase the current.

Charging should be carried out in stages. First, a constant current is established, with the voltage increasing to normal. In the second stage, a constant voltage is maintained, and the current gradually decreases until the capacitance reaches its maximum.

How to charge 12 volt gel batteries

12 volt gel batteries can be automotive (starter) or traction. We’ll figure out how and how to properly charge both, and what’s the difference.

The starter battery is characterized by an operating mode when up to 2-3C20 of current is supplied to start the engine for a short time. The charge is restored during the period of movement when the generator produces energy. But will a gel battery in a car be fully charged? On-board electronics do not allow capacity to be restored to 100%. Therefore, periodic recharging to nominal is necessary. If you use the iMAX B6 universal car charger or other similar charger, charging the gel battery will not be difficult.

Having set the necessary parameters - nominal voltage, number of cells, charging current on the “smart” charger, you need to indicate the type of battery. A universal charger with a microprocessor will take care of how to properly charge a gel car battery.

How to charge a 12 V traction battery with gel electrolyte? The algorithm has been slightly modified here. In the saturation phase, the charging current restores the battery capacity. But since the capacity is large, a current of 0.1-1.0 C20 is used. C20 – digital value of capacity, measured in A/h. When the nominal voltage at the terminals reaches 13.8-14.4 V, the charge is about 80%.

The absorption stage begins. Active ions pass into the massive lead plates, like into a storeroom. Due to diffusion, the charge accumulates, the current is absorbed less and less, down to 0.02C20. During absorption, the current does not depend on the charger, only on the capacitance of the plates. It is this process that allows energy to be used evenly and for a long time during discharge.

An indicator characterizing the operation of a traction battery is charging efficiency. This indicates what percentage of the energy received is used effectively. Gel batteries have an efficiency rate of 90%.

How to charge a gel battery for a motorcycle

Features of energy sources for a motorcycle, scooter, snowmobile in their small capacity. Therefore, even a universal automotive device does not support low currents. How can I charge a small capacity gel battery? You need to choose an “intelligent” charger. An example of an affordable charger is Benton BX.

How often do you need to charge a gel battery for a snowmobile or scooter? All batteries installed on extreme equipment are monitored by a tester. The voltage is measured at the terminals. An indicator above 12.7 V is good, below - a gel battery of a motorcycle, snowmobile or other equipment requires recharging from the mains. To ensure trouble-free operation of the battery, short-term mains charging is recommended once every two months.

Whether in a car, scooter, or boat, a gel battery is installed. Proper charging after long periods of inactivity or deep discharging should take at least 12-14 hours. A current of 0.1 C20 or slightly more is used. Do not turn off the power if the battery is not fully charged. The process must be under control. Do not allow the battery case to heat up.


Watch the video on how to properly charge a gel battery