Picking plums from a tree in a dream. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Plums?

Collecting plums in night dreams is given to those who were able to get the desired result from the work done. The dream book gives a hint as to what such a result is. The purpose of harvesting fruits is determined depending on the quality and other distinctive properties of plums.

How to Succeed

Explaining what it means that you picked small, not yet fully ripened plums from a fruit tree, the dream book does not recommend being sad: you will achieve the desired result earlier than you thought.

If you dreamed of tree branches that have thorns, and the plums on them are small and tasteless, it is likely that in reality you will create unnecessary problems for yourself. Things can stabilize if you follow the principle of weighing your costs and profits before taking on a specific undertaking.

In the dream book you can really find an explanation of what it means to collect rotten plums that have fallen from the tree. In some cases, it is better to lower the bar: only retreat from unattainable goals for a certain period of time and gather strength for what can actually be accomplished.

Good luck is coming to you!

When you dreamed that you were collecting ripe plums, the interpreter Loffa prophesies that the grief that has recently overtaken you will not be able to withstand the onslaught of certain states of affairs, and will be replaced by irresistible happiness.

The 21st century dream book considers it a great success when it was possible to find ripe fruits in predominant quantities. The time of their collection in a dream foreshadows the arrival of a positive stage in materiality.

Goals and objectives

The sorceress Medea asks the question for what purpose you collect fruit. When you are an ordinary employee, sweet plums predict a reason for temptation and jealousy. In the case where plums are needed for trade, difficulties in business affairs are likely. If you are collecting fruits for your table, in real life you need something that does not allow you to calm down even at night.

Less commonly, picking plums in a dream is done for physiological reasons. It is no secret that this fruit contains a useful vitamin complex. Probably, the dreamer’s body specifically needs these vitamins and macroelements.

Nature miracle

I dreamed that you were picking fruits from a tree that could not grow on it; a delightful phenomenon prophesies unexpected success on the love front, the dream book promises.

This is not a single explanation of the dream of why one dreams of picking such fruits from branches. An original solution will provide an opportunity to achieve success in a meaningless plan.

Miller's prediction

The dream book interprets picking plums as follows: someone who happened to pick a ripe plum in his night dreams will in reality realize his own hopes. However, after a joyful victory comes grief. Significance will become nothing like happy dreams.

Who picked the plum

In most cases, the explanation for when one had to look in a dream is determined by the personality of the sleeping person. For example, why does a young lady dream that she is picking plums? The Dream Interpretation believes that, in essence, she is too familiar with the role of a nurse. Guys often do not consider this quality to be useful. It's time to take care of your image.

When a male dreamer happened to see in a dream how he was picking fruits from a tree, the dream warns that in the future the dreamer will do an intricate act for the sake of love.

If a high-ranking person dreams that he is a cheerful boy picking plums in the garden of strangers, a fantastic adventure awaits him. In addition, if you had such a dream, a quarrel with respectable individuals is likely.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 04/19/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Plums in a dream- If in a dream you saw unripe plums hanging in dense green foliage, this is a good reason to calm down: undoubtedly, troubles and problems cannot be avoided, but in the near future they will not affect you or your immediate environment.
They give you ripe plums- to a good marriage or meeting your soulmate.
See ripe plums- portends pleasant emotions and joy, but they will be very short-lived and passing.
In a dream, to see plums, to true friends, in whom you doubted, will show your best side.
Seeing plum trees in the garden portends a long-desired purchase or gift.
It is a very good sign for everyone to see ripe, juicy blue plums.
If you dream that you are picking ripe plums, it means that the goals that you have set for yourself will soon be achieved. You should not rejoice in advance, because, having achieved what you want, you may understand that you wanted something completely different.
If you suddenly dreamed of rotten plums- betrayal of loved ones, friends, envy.
If in a dream you eat plums, then you can say with confidence that you will rest in the near future, but you should not think through your vacation in advance, since it will be frivolous and spontaneous entertainment.
If you saw plums in a dream, then it’s worth remembering exactly what they looked like.
If you saw ripe plums in a dream, it means that you will soon be filled with great joy. You shouldn’t have too much fun about this, as the joy won’t last long.
If you make jam with plums in a dream, then you are promised success; everything you have in mind will definitely come true.
If you saw in a dream green, unripe plums, perhaps still covered in green foliage, then you should think about how you run your household and monitor the well-being of your family.
There is a ripe plum- fun hobby, entertainment, fornication.
Green plums- illness, loss of strength, illness.
Buy plums in a store or market- your efforts to obtain financial assistance will not succeed.
Little cream- quarrels, swearing, trouble.
Watching someone eat plums- lime within a month.
Unripe plums in a dream usually indicate that the comfort in your home is disturbed precisely because of your fault, since you do not consider it important enough to maintain it at a decent level, and find more interesting activities for yourself.
Picking up plums that have fallen from a tree in a dream- to meet expectations, however, if the plums are damaged or rotten, come to terms with the fact that your wait is in vain and it is unlikely that your plans will be realized the way you want.
Buy or eat dried plums in a dream- to an imminent longing for a loved one.
Sell ​​plums- troubles in the workplace, danger, betrayal.
Picking plums from a tree in a dream- in real life, achieve what you have long wanted, but the result will not please you: it turns out that what you want is not so important and necessary for you.
Drying plum fruits- melancholy, sadness, boredom, loneliness, all your efforts will be empty.
Eating ripe plums in a dream- get carried away by a new flirtation, which, however, will not turn into a serious relationship and will be quite short-lived.
Wormy plums- sudden intimate relationships that will lead to disappointment, misunderstanding, pain.

The dream came true

Dream interpretation of plums

The human brain does not sleep at night. During night dreams, the gray matter receives messages from above and processes information received during the day.

Food plays an important role in everyday life. There is nothing supernatural about the fact that we have gastronomic dreams. But it would be inappropriate to interpret dreams about food as one whole. Because each product has its own meaning.


For example, why do you dream of plums? It is worth noting that this is a positive dream, foreshadowing good changes in life.

Plums in a dream are a rather interesting topic that is touched upon in many dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

If you dreamed of plums

Ripe plums are dreamed of by a person who does not have mutual feelings for the opposite sex. The dream book also gives comprehensive interpretations on many questions. For example, what did you dream about:

  • sweet plums that you eat - you will have fun;
  • dried plums - for acquaintance;
  • boiled fruits - to scandals and quarrels;
  • sour berries - a quarrel with relatives, someone’s illness;
  • to pick is a disease;
  • dry - slander and gossip.

Modern dream book

Eating plums in a dream means fleeting entertainment awaits. Ripe plums - joyful moments. Picking green, unripe fruits from a tree means feeling discomfort, get out of your comfort zone.

Collecting ripe fruits means achieving what you want, although after the fulfillment of the desire an understanding will come, this is not it. And one more nuance - if among the collected fruits there were wormy ones - pipe dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

For Miller, picking berries that have not yet ripened means illness of a loved one. Eating ripe fruits is a sign of joy.

A dream in which you receive plums from someone, according to Miller, brings the acquisition of love, a happy marriage.

According to Miller, a dream in which you see wormy berries will have a negative interpretation - to deprivation, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of a plum garden

A plum garden means purchasing a long-awaited item. Shaking a plum tree means making a wrong decision, for which your relatives will be responsible.

Collecting ripe fruits means prosperity and family comfort.

Make jam - you will be rewarded for your patience and hard work. If you dreamed that you had to buy berries, you are trying to achieve material well-being, but in vain.

Seeing berries being sold means trouble at work.

What is the harvest

To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to collect all possible details. Remember the color of the fruits, their size, quantity, and taste.

The more details, the more accurate the prediction.

Berry color

Forecasters believed that the most important point after taste was the color of the fruit. It is he who will predict what the future awaits you.

Blue plums

To dream about fruits of a given color means that they are ripe. Such a dream is the most favorable, promising fleeting joys and pleasant moments.

A blue plum can also mean your hopes, which, although they will come true, will not bring joy. It would be better to change your plans. There are such berries - you will plunge headlong into flirting.

yellow berry

What color were the plums?

Why do you dream of yellow plums? It’s not very good. Such management predicts problems with the body. Take care of your health, get examined. Most likely you have a chronic illness. If you do not listen to the predictions, everything can end in serious problems.

Green fruits

Green plum - unripe. Seeing such a dream means inviting trouble. You don’t know how to wait, and because of your intolerance, both you and your family suffer.

Why do you dream of a green plum - it means that you do not focus on material things. Spiritual food comes first.

Number of fruits

In a dream you can see different numbers of fruits; of course, this will affect the interpretation of the dream.

One berry

One fruit, as a rule, is associated in dream books with sadness and resentment. There are several precise interpretations:

  • you will shed tears because of your child’s tricks;
  • Everyone will soon get tired of your sour face;
  • bad news;
  • illness or fear.

Lots of fruits

Unfortunately, not a single dream book describes why seeing a lot of plums, leaving a person to figure it out for himself. It is believed that the interpretation of the dream will be the same as with the appearance of one fruit, only to a greater extent.

Eating a lot of plums in a dream, overeating on them means you will plunge into a whirlpool of entertainment. But they will end soon, and you will be bored.


Based on the above, this berry promises both pleasant and not so pleasant moments in your life. The main omen is that it won't last long.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Miller's Dream Book

Green plums in the green foliage of trees mean that anxiety and deprivation will not affect you personally or anything directly related to you.

Ripe plums portend fleeting joys.

If you eat plums in a dream, it means that you will be carried away by flirting and other transitory joys.

If you pick plums in a dream, your desires will come true, but they will disappoint you with their flimsiness and ephemerality.

If in a dream you pick up plums from the ground and find several rotten berries among them, it means that you will have to admit your expectations are in vain, because you cannot taste the joys of life alone.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Plums - you will enter a nice society; dried - you will be sad.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Family dream book

Seeing green plums in a dream means that you will not be affected by deprivation and anxiety.

Ripe - portend fleeting joys.

If you ate plums in a dream, you will start a slight flirtation.

Collected - the joy of fulfillment of desires will be replaced by disappointment.

If you picked plums from the ground and found several rotten berries, you will have to admit that your expectations were in vain.

If a woman eats plums in her dream, then she will soon be surrounded by a whirlpool of love, which will later turn out to be just another banal flirtation.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe plums in a dream are a sign of your hopes and expectations. At the same time, such dreams suggest that your plans are not very solid, and joy may be fleeting.

Rotten - they say that expectations of joy are in vain.

Green or sour plums - portend minor disappointments due to your own haste.

Why do you dream of a plum?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Plum - bad news from neighbors.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Spring dream book

Plum - you will find out bad news.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Summer dream book

Plum - someone will soon get tired of your sour expression.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Autumn dream book

Plum - to chagrin and tears because of children.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing plum trees in a dream foretells that in reality you will have a real opportunity to finally acquire the thing you have been dreaming about for a long time. Shaking plums - you will make an erroneous judgment without understanding the essence of the issue, because of which your loved ones will suffer.

Collecting ripe plums means prosperity in the house, cordial relationships in the family. Green or wormy plums indicate your inability to adapt to changed circumstances.

Making plum jam means your patience, thanks to which sooner or later you will realize your plans and thereby ensure lasting success in life.

Buying plums in a dream means futile efforts to get rich; selling them means you will have bad luck at work.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Plums - You will enter a nice society; well-being - dried - you will be sad

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing plums in a dream means meeting a bosom friend.

Eating plums in a dream means a pleasant evening with your friend.

In a dream, you saw someone eating plums - you will soon learn that two of your friends met and had a pleasant evening.

Buying means getting acquainted.

Selling means losing one of your friends.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing plums means frost and cold weather.

Eating, cooking - your plans will be adjusted by bad weather. Better to wait it out.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Green, unripe plums portend some kind of threat to your well-being. However, troubles and losses will pass you by, falling on people close to you.

Ripe - dream of fleeting joys.

Picking plums in a dream means the fulfillment of desires, which will ultimately disappoint you with their flimsiness and ephemerality.

Eating plums in a dream means that you will be carried away by flirting and other transitory joys.

If you pick up plums from the ground and find several rotten berries among them, your hopes will be in vain, because you cannot enjoy life’s joys alone.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Plums are a disease.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Modern dream book

Seeing picked green plums in a dream is a symbol of discomfort and inconveniences in life.

Ripe - predict short-term joy.

If you dream that you are eating plums, in reality you will be involved in frivolous and frivolous entertainment.

Collecting plums means that you will fulfill your desires, but, having brought them to life, you will understand that this is not exactly what you were striving for.

If you dream that you are picking up plums from the ground and some of them turn out to be rotten, in real life you will be forced to admit that your expectations are not destined to come true and that life consists of more than just pleasures.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

well-being and success in everything.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Plum - romantic longing, tender love, peace and happiness / pampered, fragile and painful woman; an overly sensitive woman, a woman spoiled by life.

The plum tree is a hard worker, a restless housewife.

Good with black and red fruits.

With yellow fruits - to illness.

Vomiting is a disease.

Eating sour plums means a quarrel among relatives, an illness.

Boiled - a cry, a scandal.

Sweets are a kind of entertainment.

Drying plums is slander.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Plum - painful sensations; displeasure; fight.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do Plums mean in a dream - Happy marriage. Imagine that you are picking juicy, ripe plums and filling a basket with them.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream book about plants

Plum in China - symbolizes longevity, winter, beauty, purity, seclusion; unripe plum - student.

For the Japanese, the plum flower is a symbol of spring, triumphing over winter, virtue and courage.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream about Plums - you see ripe plums in a dream - your joys will seem too fleeting to you against the backdrop of sorrows; Before you have time to get enough of it, some new misfortune will strike. You see unripe plums in a dream - you will become carried away by a project that has no basis in reality; You are easy to persuade, and selfish people often take advantage of this weakness of yours. It’s as if you are picking plums - the dream promises that your wish will come true; but the dream does not guarantee that you will like the end result. In a dream you seem to be eating plums - the dream suggests that you are an overly amorous person; you will have many joys in life, but all of them are insignificant; you perceive everything superficially - you are not capable of deep experiences; do not look for great satisfaction from love, be sure that you can easily endure any insult.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Home dream book

You dreamed of Plums - success in business; light flirting.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Jewish dream book

What do Plums mean in a dream - There are plums. For a woman, a dream in spring means that you will miss a good opportunity due to carelessness and laziness; dreamed of in the summer, it means a carefree pastime; in the fall - to a sad event; and in winter - to illness. For a man - A dream in spring says that you should pay more attention to your diet; and in the summer - to improve well-being; dreamed in the fall, this dream warns that you should beware of deception; and in winter, he says you should pay more attention to your health. Eating plum jam means you feel better. Drinking plum tincture means finding a new activity. Picking plums A dream in spring denotes impatient anticipation of a positive response to your request; dreamed about in the summer, it means that you will get your friend to fulfill a promise; in the fall, he warns that you can ruin the matter with your impatience; and in winter - to anxiety and troubles. Removing seeds from plums is taking unnecessary precautions.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Women's dream book

Plums - Green, unripe plums portend some threat to your well-being. However, troubles and losses will pass you by, falling on people close to you. Ripe plums dream of fleeting joys. Picking plums in a dream means the fulfillment of desires, which will ultimately disappoint you with their flimsiness and ephemerality. Eating plums in a dream means that you will be carried away by flirting and other transitory joys. If you pick up plums from the ground and find several rotten berries among them, your hopes will be in vain, because you cannot enjoy life’s joys alone.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Plums - a languid unknown. Green plums - internal anxiety. Eating plums means getting fleeting pleasures.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream book for women

Seeing green plums in the green foliage of trees in a dream means that worries and hardships will not affect you personally or someone close to you in the near future. Ripe plums portend fleeting joys. If a woman eats plums in her dream, then she will soon be surrounded by a whirlpool of love, which will later turn out to be just another banal flirtation.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing green plums in the green foliage of trees in a dream means that in the near future worries and deprivations will not affect you personally or someone close to you. Ripe plums portend fleeting joys.

If a woman eats plums in her dream, she will soon be surrounded by a whirlpool of love, which will later turn out to be just another banal flirtation.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Online dream book

A dream in which there were green plums indicates that difficulties await you.

Ripe ones promise you long-term happiness.

Eating them, according to the dream book, means being a participant in vicious deeds.

Picking plums is a good sign; soon you will realize your dream.

According to the dream book, ripe, beautiful, ripe plums promise you true pleasure from carnal pleasures, you will become an unsurpassed lover.

If you dreamed of yellow plums, be attentive to the signals that your body sends, it may notify you of the development of a serious illness.

Picking plums in a dream - you will be able to achieve your plans, but the result will not live up to your expectations; you will not get what you really wanted.

A dream in which you eat plums foretells that you will be very active in amorous affairs, especially in terms of intimacy.

Why do you dream of a plum?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing plums or a plum tree with fruits means a favorable development of your life situation; eat fresh or dried plums - your body lacks essential microelements (in particular, potassium and magnesium), vitamins and organic acids, which are contained in plums.

Why do you dream of a plum?

An old English dream book

To dream that you are picking green, unripe plums is a harbinger of illness in your family.

Ripe plums are a good sign for everyone.

Picking up rotten plums from the ground is a prediction of the deceit of imaginary friends, the insincerity of a lover, as well as a change in your position. You may fall into poverty or disgrace.

Happiness awaits you if in a dream someone gives you ripe beautiful plums - this portends a meeting with a worthy lover or a happy marriage.

Often plums growing on trees mean favorable changes in life.

So, a person who saw such a dream expects many joyful events, prosperity, and good prospects in life.

However, plums in a dream do not all portend positive changes, so for a more accurate interpretation you should remember what these fruits looked like, as well as their degree of ripeness.

So, let's figure out why plums are dreamed of, and what such a dream can promise to a person in real life.

Why do you dream of ripe plums?

First you need to determine which plums you dreamed about - ripe or unripe.

1) Seeing ripe plums in a dream is a sign of future joyful events, which, however, will go away as quickly as they came. If there were a lot of ripe, juicy fruits, this is a sign that a quick promotion awaits you;

2) if you collect these ripe fruits in a dream, this is a symbol that all your innermost desires will come true very soon, and you will achieve all your goals. However, at the most important moment you will suddenly realize that you actually want something completely different;

3) if a girl saw attractive, juicy fruits in a dream, this is an excellent sign, promising her a quick meeting with a handsome and worthy young man, a relationship with whom in the future may lead to marriage. Here everything will depend only on the girl, and if she does everything right, she will have a faithful and reliable life partner;

4) if you eat ripe fruit in a dream, this is a sign of a fleeting romance that will end as soon as it begins and will quickly be forgotten. Also, such a dream can promise you a good rest, after which you will finally be able to fulfill your old dream;

5) if you give out plums left and right in a dream, this is not a good sign, especially for a person running a business. This dream means misunderstanding and quarrels with partners, which will ultimately result in serious losses.

What if you dreamed about unripe or rotten plums?

1) If you find a rotten plum in a dream, this means that your plans are not destined to come true. Also, such a dream means that you should think not only about your own benefits, but also do not forget about other people. People who are of special value to you can greatly disappoint you;

2) seeing sour, unripe fruits in a dream is a sign that you have chosen the wrong path in life and are following it in vain. In addition, during this period you may experience difficulties in business and health problems;

3) if someone treated you to a plum that turned out to be spoiled, this is not a good sign, warning you that you should be very vigilant. Your ill-wishers are preparing a trap against you, and you must always remain on guard so as not to fall into it;

4) seeing unripe fruits on a tree is a sign that it is time to think about the situation that has developed in your family life. It is likely that harmony and comfort left your home precisely because of your fault. During this period, try to surround your family and friends with warmth and care, try to solve all their problems and concerns;

5) seeing a wormy plum in a dream is a sign that you have problems with communication skills, it is difficult for you to find a common language with other people and adapt to new circumstances;

6) if you are drying plums in a dream, in real life you are surrounded by many people spreading gossip and slander about you.

Why do you dream about plums on a tree?

1) If you saw trees in a dream with a lot of plums on them, this is a sign that very soon you will have an excellent chance to realize your old dreams. Also, such a dream foreshadows an imminent meeting with a person with whom you will begin a romantic relationship;

2) if you see yourself shaking plum trees, this means that your relationship with your loved ones will deteriorate significantly, and you will be to blame for this;

3) if you pick fruit from a tree, it means a serious illness for you or people close to you.

Why do you dream about plums according to Miller’s dream book?

1) Seeing unripe, green fruits in the green foliage of trees is a sign that all your worries are in vain, and they are unlikely to affect you or your loved ones;

2) seeing ripe fruits is a harbinger of fleeting joys;

3) eating plums in a dream - this means that you get great pleasure from flirting and other fleeting hobbies;

4) picking these fruits in a dream - some of your wishes will come true, but you will not be too happy about it;

5) if you pick up fruits from the ground and see rotten plums among them, this is a sign that all your hopes will be in vain, because you cannot rejoice in life’s successes alone;

6) if you see yourself picking unripe fruits, this means that you should pay more attention to comfort and harmony in the house, since you mistakenly believe that there are things more important than family.

Why do you dream of plums on a tree: interpretation according to Adaskin

    Seeing unripe plums growing on trees in a dream is a bad sign, promising that some tragedy will happen in your life, to which you, however, will not be directly involved;

    if you see yourself in a dream eating these juicy fruits, this is a sign that you crave new, bright emotions, flirting and fleeting entertainment;

    picking plums from a tree in a dream is a sign that you will be able to achieve your goals, but you will be somewhat disappointed by their flimsiness;

    if you collect plums on the ground, this means that your swords are not destined to come true and your expectations will simply be in vain;

    eating ripe fruits in a dream is a sign of exquisite pleasures, but if the plums turn out to be spoiled or sour, you will be very disappointed with your partner, doubts will increasingly overcome you. In this situation, you should sit down and talk about everything honestly, otherwise everything could very quickly end in a breakup.

Why do you dream of ripe plums according to Smurov’s dream book?

    According to Smurov’s dream book, seeing or picking these fruits in a dream is a good sign, promising good luck and success in business;

    if you see dried fruits, namely prunes, this is a bad sign, promising you complete grief and disappointment;

    seeing unripe, sour plums is a warning sign that you should not rush into choosing or making a decision, as this can lead to big troubles at work. Also, such a dream can promise an imminent serious illness, so try to monitor your health more closely;

    if someone treats you to these fruits in a dream, this is a sign that you should be extremely vigilant, since your ill-wishers have prepared a trap for you. Be careful not to fall into it;

    if you treat other people to plums, this means that you will make too many mistakes, for which you will have to pay later. Also, such a dream promises misunderstanding between partners;

    if you pick up rotten fruits in a dream, it means disappointment.

Plums according to Melnikov’s dream book

    Seeing trees with plums in a dream is a sign that you will finally be able to acquire what you have wanted for so long;

    if you shake a tree with plums in a dream, this means that one of your relatives will soon have serious troubles;

    if you collect ripe fruits - to a measured family life;

    seeing unripe, worm-eaten fruits means you are having trouble adapting to the changed situation;

    if you purchased these fruits at the market, this is a sign that your dreams will not come true, and you are unlikely to get rich.

English dream book

    As the English dream book says, seeing yourself picking green, unripe plums is a sign that very soon your whole family will begin to suffer from the same illness in turn;

    if you pick up rotten fruits from the ground, this means that you are surrounded by deception everywhere, your friends actually turn out to be enemies, your loved one betrays you over and over again, and your fortune is confidently sliding down. Once you are left with nothing, you have a high risk of falling out of favor with the people around you;

    if another person treats you to ripe plums, which look quite appetizing, this is a sign that soon a worthy person will appear in your life, with whom you will form a happy family in the future.