Dream interpretation of seeing yourself full. Get fat interpretation of the dream book Dream book to see yourself fat

Dream interpretation of seeing yourself fat

There is an opinion that seeing yourself fat in a dream means changes for the better. There will be a significant increase in a certain area of ​​life.

Sometimes interpreters view such a dream as an overly lenient opinion of the sleeping person about himself. You do not see your shortcomings and extol yourself too much.

Dreaming of a fat body

There is no point in clutching your dream book in fear if you are terrified of gaining weight. If a person is constantly on diets, trying to lose weight, or exhausting himself with physical exercise, then this vision will come to nothing. It’s just that your real fears flow into night visions, the subconscious is freed from negative thoughts. When things are completely different, then it’s worth starting to interpret.

Curvy shapes in a dream

As a rule, dream books interpret this dream positively. It doesn’t matter whether you see yourself as fat or a completely different person. Although there will still be an insignificant difference in interpretation.

Seeing your own body as fat

When a young unmarried girl dreams that she has several extra pounds, the combined dream book says the following: she will have a promising groom who has a genuine interest in her.

I dreamed of fullness, which began to appear literally before my eyes - your hopes and dreams will begin to come true.

Seeing yourself fat in a dream

A married woman who has gained weight during a night vision will receive news of pregnancy.

The Kananita dream book warns the dreamer about the possible danger of injury or general deterioration in the health of the sleeping person who saw such a dream.

Dreaming of another person being overweight

Why do you dream about a very fat woman? You will have a new source of income, make a profit, and your old debt will be returned to you. The main thing is that these financial injections will be quite significant.

At the same time, the dream book even invites you to identify the woman you dreamed about. This is not the least important for prediction. Who was the fat woman from your dream?

  • Girlfriend - you will be successful in love and career.
  • A girl you know - you will have a pleasant and fun time in the company of friends.
  • Mom - your parent will feel good.
  • Unfamiliar woman - you are about to meet a person who can improve your financial situation.
  • Wife or wife's mother - you will incur unexpected costs.

I dreamed about a fat baby

If you dreamed of an obese girl who cannot walk or breathe normally, and is feeling unwell, then the dream book advises you to give up any excesses in real life. It is worth remembering that being healthy means taking care of yourself, not overindulging in food, and not only that.

Seeing a fat child in a dream means you have entered the most favorable period in your life.

Seeing a very old and fat person means you have a lot of experience, which will soon be useful to you. Thanks to this experience and knowledge, you will be able to rise one step higher both materially and in the eyes of


See yourself fat in the mirror

Almost every interpreter says that only a person with low self-esteem can see his plump body in the mirror. You do not notice your strengths, but focus on your shortcomings. Every person who is next to you will see you in the same distorted mirror.

If the mirror shows your fat and naked body, then you should urgently take action. You are on the verge of depression, from which it will not be so easy to get out.

Seeing an unnaturally full face

Why else do you dream about your plump image in the mirror? You are too focused on appearance. A dream shows you that appearance is deceptive and not constant, the main thing in a person is his spiritual qualities.

Miller's dream of being fat

This interpreter perceives it most negatively when a sick person sees himself as fat in a dream. Miller believes that such a vision threatens the progression of the disease and swelling.

Why notice in the mirror that you have an unnaturally fat face? Be extremely careful with food intake, there is a high risk of food poisoning.

Observing your unnaturally overweight in a dream means troubles will fall on you, the burden of problems will fall on your shoulders. In the workplace, you are delegated new responsibilities that are not necessarily related to salary increases or career advancement.

For women, being overweight can be a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy.

If you dream of other people being fat, then Miller gives happier predictions. If you dream about being fat:

  • child - will mark the end of a difficult period in the dreamer’s life;
  • man - you will raise your authority in the eyes of your friends;
  • stranger - receive financial investments from an unexpected side.

Dream interpretation fat woman

People like to say that there must be many good people. Likewise, in a dream, fullness is often a symbol of good nature, joy, and material wealth.

Why do you dream about a fat woman? If you paid attention specifically to the fact that the woman was plump, then, of course, the prediction may differ from this.

Fullness in a dream

It is believed that the most basic message that higher powers provide you is rapid well-being and material prosperity.

I dreamed about a fat girl

This interpretation can be obtained even if you were plump, and if you saw even a complete stranger as plump.

Negative Predictions

Whatever symbol you dream of, it can be viewed both positively and negatively. So it is with completeness. When you saw a plump woman in a dream, you may commit thoughtless waste, acquire something that you absolutely do not need.

The dreamer may expect additional expenses that he did not plan for.

Although women may have such dreams on the eve of cosmetic procedures, when the dreamer finally takes care of her body.

Predictions of dream interpreters

Don't have a favorite source from which you draw predictions? Then it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with several dream books. This way you can choose the most suitable scenario for yourself.

Interpreter of Gustav Miller

Seeing yourself fat in a dream

Did you dream that you gained a lot of weight in your sleep? A sleeping woman can hope that her income level will soon increase significantly.

Miller believed that after such a night vision the dreamer would finally be able to live the way she wanted. Visit interesting places, buy things you like. True, he insisted that you should not forget about spiritual food and the moral side of your actions.

In general, a fat woman in a dream promises good luck to the dreamer.

21st century interpreter

The dream of a plump lady will be interpreted differently for men and women:

  • For a man, such a dream promises unforeseen expenses, loss of earnings;
  • For a woman, this plot portends a pleasant pastime; she will devote time to herself and visit a beauty salon.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a naked chubby

Longo considered a purely vision in which you hug a beautiful plump woman in a black dress. This vision predicts success for you in all your endeavors. Events will clearly work out in your favor.

English dream book

If the plump woman in the dream was naked, then the dream promises trouble. You may get sick, break up with your loved one, lose your job.

This dream is especially negative for couples in love. After it, you will have misunderstandings, conflicts will begin to appear out of nowhere. If you value your soulmate, then you should be patient, not run into conflict, and try to find common interests. The dark period in life will soon pass, and everything will get better.

You yourself gained weight in your sleep

When a young girl sees how she is getting better literally before her eyes, she will soon meet a promising young man. His feelings will be sincere, and you may well create a strong family. The interpreter only reminds that you should not be guided only by mercantile interests; it is good if your heart also reaches out to this person.

Gain weight in a dream

There are also several other predictions regarding completeness:

  • you are planning a successful period in your life, all your dreams will come true;
  • the dreamer may soon find out that she is pregnant;
  • you risk injury or serious illness.

Personality of a fat lady

Perhaps in a dream you were just walking down the street and paid close attention to a plump lady, or maybe it was your friend. The personality of a plump lady can radically change the prediction of dream books:

  • your mother - your parent will be able to boast of excellent health;
  • girlfriend - career take-off, good luck in love affairs;
  • spouse or mother-in-law - you will be in a constant state of unreasonable fear, the dream book also predicts unforeseen expenses;
  • just a girl you know - have fun with friends.

If in a dream a woman suffers from shortness of breath, then you should remember that you should know moderation in everything. Any excesses can lead to dire consequences.

Modern interpretation of sleep

According to the Modern Dream Book, a fat woman in a dream promises well-being and a long successful period in life. True, if it doesn’t look very good, then you should remember that everything is fleeting. Try to protect your old age, think about the future, don’t be too careless.

The interpreter advises setting aside a certain amount for a rainy day. No matter the hour, you will find yourself in poverty.

If the plump lady in your night vision was familiar to you, then take a closer look at this person in real life. It is possible that she will help you achieve material well-being.

If you were fat in a dream, and this caused you inconvenience, then subconsciously you are preparing for the fact that your life will change dramatically.

Accidentally gaining weight in a dream, but not experiencing any discomfort, but, on the contrary, being happy about it - you will be able to reach unprecedented heights.

Your position in society will not only be high, but also stable.

Your mark:

If a girl, telling her dream, says; “I dreamed that I had gained weight,” this can serve as a clear warning from the subconscious about the presence of health problems. It happens quite rarely that a woman who has gained extra pounds in reality has a dream in which she has gained weight, but the opposite situation occurs quite often. The fact is that people who make great efforts to normalize weight do not stop forgetting about it during sleep, because the body worked in an emergency rhythm, which invariably affected all organs and systems.

There is nothing wrong with such a dream, it simply makes it clear that the body, as well as all internal organs, have not yet recovered from the stress caused by diet or significant physical activity. The only recommendation in such a situation can be rest, proper, but not poor nutrition and being in the fresh air, this will help speed up the metabolism and leave the problem of excess weight forever.

Important, but not always positive news awaits those who constantly dream that they are gaining weight - this may mean the presence of problems in the hormonal sphere, in particular with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands; in addition, it is worth paying attention to the nutritional system.

A girl who notices in a dream that she has gained weight after not being able to go on a date in a new dress definitely has problems with the opposite sex. Complexes associated with body shape often cause loneliness and bad mood, a dream after which she is depressed and withdrawn is further confirmation of this. It is possible to overcome difficulties, but the dream itself can be an indicator of a solution to the problem, because if it stops being frequently repeated, then things are clearly going well.

A girl who dreams that she has gained weight before an important event in a dream risks receiving unpleasant news regarding this event; this could be either minor organizational misunderstandings or a complete cancellation of the celebration. For an unmarried girl, gaining weight in a dream before her own wedding means difficulties in communicating with her future husband’s relatives; for married women, it means dissatisfaction with oneself, a desire to blame others for their own failures.

There is also a special category of dreams in which a girl realizes that she has unexpectedly gained extra pounds; it is associated with malfunctions of the body, especially often these problems relate to the presence of hormonal imbalances or insufficient production of hormones. It is not easy to recognize such dreams, but if after waking up there is heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, weakness, nausea and tremors, then it is clearly worth visiting your doctor, at least for a consultation.

Pregnant women who dream that they have gained weight should think carefully about their nutritional system, the availability of cereals and avoidance of harmful processed foods. Ladies expecting the birth of a child also do not need to reject the version with the presence of hormonal problems, because pregnancy is a delicate hormonal biochemical process that can get out of control under the influence of external factors, and not just diet, sleep, exposure to fresh air or drug treatment .

Dreams in which girls with a slender figure see themselves significantly plump can have many interpretations, ranging from problems in relationships to illnesses or metabolic disorders; these dreams bring practically nothing good.

Completeness is a reflection of how satisfied you are with the state of affairs.

To suffer from obesity means to be on the path of significant changes.

A dream about fat people means that you can achieve a lot.

Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in the Mirror

Why do you dream of seeing yourself in the Mirror in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream means be prepared to accept the upcoming changes in life, which will be very significant.

The dream also warns of possible experiences, worries, and disappointments caused by current events.

How did you see yourself in the mirror in your dream?

Seeing yourself beautiful in the mirror in a dream

According to the Felomena dream book, seeing yourself beautiful in the mirror means being in harmony with yourself, controlling your feelings and emotions. Life circumstances only contribute to this.

Seeing yourself in an old mirror in a dream

Why do you dream of seeing yourself old? The dream is an extremely alarming sign. It portends a deterioration in health, the onset of difficult times, and a serious illness is possible.

Seeing yourself gray in the mirror in a dream

A dream in which you see yourself gray in the mirror does not bode well at all. The vision warns of a sad event that will most likely happen not to the dreamer, but to his relatives.

Seeing yourself fat in the mirror in a dream

If you dreamed that you saw yourself as fat, there is a reason to rejoice. You will be able to get seriously rich, both through work and by receiving an inheritance or winnings.

Seeing yourself pregnant in the mirror in a dream

Dreaming about seeing yourself pregnant in the mirror is not the best vision for a girl. It predicts a threat to reputation. However, for a pregnant woman in reality, a dream, on the contrary, promises exceptionally good things. The birth will take place without complications.

Seeing yourself naked in the mirror in a dream

You see yourself naked in front of a mirror in a dream - in reality you are overly shy. It constrains you and prevents you from opening up. A dream can also mean shame due to an unpleasant act.

Seeing yourself in the mirror scary in a dream

You see yourself looking scary in the mirror - according to the dream book, this vision means emotional distress or remorse. You need to understand yourself and identify the cause of your anxiety.

Seeing yourself small in the mirror in a dream

A dream in which you see yourself as small portends an acquaintance with a two-faced person who takes on several things at once, but does not complete any of them. Try to avoid communicating with him.

Seeing yourself sick in the mirror in a dream

Why dream of seeing yourself sick in the mirror? The vision suggests that in reality health needs to be protected. If you feel unwell, you need to contact a specialist, do not wait until it gets really bad.

Body fatness

Dream Interpretation Body Fullness dreamed of why you dream about Fullness of the body? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fullness of the body in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Completeness

Seeing a full sack of potatoes in a dream foretells long-term prosperity and good luck in business. A barrel full of water means prosperity in the house.

A full bucket or can of milk - the man with whom you try to make a closer acquaintance will not be your type at all.

A jug filled with clear liquid indicates that your well-being will soon command more respect than your reputation.

If in a dream you fill jars to the top with marinade, it means that your success will arouse admiration among friends and envy among enemies.

Bottles filled to the very top - you will overcome all obstacles in love, and things will go like clockwork.

Finding yourself in a dream in a wine cellar full of barrels promises you the most pleasant impressions of new acquaintances, and if the cellar is full of food supplies, this means that you will be offered a business of dubious nature, which it is best to refuse outright, otherwise you risk going broke.

Seeing a nest full of bird eggs in a dream foretells a good start to many things and a successful trip.

Carrying a heavy basket full of mushrooms in a dream means unprecedented success due to a fortunate coincidence of circumstances.

A full piggy bank in a dream foreshadows the brightest prospects for the foreseeable future.

Finding a wallet full of money - such a dream means that soon you will stop needing anything and will live happily ever after.

Filling a lamp with kerosene or gasoline in a car portends an explosive situation in relations with relatives who are strongly opposed to your intention to marry a person with a dubious past.

A dream in which you see people who are outrageously overweight - in reality this foreshadows the undesirable consequences of your attempt to point out to your superiors the miscalculations you have made.

Seeing yourself full foreshadows parting with a friend, a fact to which you will react outwardly calmly, but in your soul you are very worried.

If in a dream you are trying to get rid of obesity using therapeutic fasting, in reality this only portends illness and nothing more; in reality you will not lose weight.

Dream Interpretation - Completeness of the world

This material world is the product of mahat-tattva, which is the dreams of the Lord in His mystic sleep (yoga nidra) in the Causal Ocean. But at the same time, the whole world seems to be a true manifestation of His creation. This means that the Lord’s dreams are also real phenomena. Therefore, the Lord can subordinate everything to His will, and, therefore, whenever and wherever He incarnates, He appears in all His fullness.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Seeing your wife's naked body is a great happiness.

The snake wraps itself around the body - the birth of a noble offspring.

Wings grow on your body and you fly - great happiness.

Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil.

They are going to put stocks and shackles on your body - you will soon get sick.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - foreshadows a court case.

The naked body of a man portends good luck according to fate.

The naked body of your wife portends great happiness.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body is separation.

Dreaming of your body being completely naked is a great benefit.

Traveling away from your body means recovery from an illness.

Traveling, wandering, separated from your body - portends recovery from illness.

The light of lightning illuminates the body - there will be a happy event.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing from illness or disease.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing of diseases or illnesses.

Snow falls without touching your body - mourning for older family members.

The sun and moon illuminate your body - you will receive an important position.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

The body is burned and blood flows from it - great happiness.

The body is bandaged, entangled with ropes - portends longevity and great happiness.

The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit.

A body that is too fat or too thin - both equally portend misfortune.

Your body is entangled in a net - a service situation, a government matter.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Your body. Seeing your body healthy, beautiful, smooth is a good sign. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, for a healthy person - vigor and increased strength. If a girl or boy dreams of her own body, on which something characteristic of the opposite sex has appeared (for example, a girl may have hairy legs, like a man, and a boy may have female breasts), such a dream may foreshadow an imminent marriage. If such a dream occurs to someone who has already gotten married, the dream is not very favorable. It means an affair that poses a danger to the marriage.

If you are not interested in fulfilling such a dream, imagine that you saw not your body, but someone else's.

Seeing your naked wet body is a sign of illness. If your body was wet and dirty, you are in danger.

Imagine taking a bath or shower and drying yourself.

If in a dream you saw your naked body being washed by other people, this is a very bad dream. He foreshadows imminent death.

You need to imagine that you have “returned” to your body and come to life. The people who were going to wash your corpse get scared and run away.

If you look at yourself in the mirror and see that your body is changing before your eyes - losing weight, getting fat, arms and legs stretching or shortening - you are facing a very difficult period of instability and anxiety.

Imagine that you are in a funhouse, in front of you is a distorting mirror. Your body remains unchanged, the image disfigures it. You break the mirror.

If the body in your dream has lost weight and you feel that you can take off, this means a rapid takeoff in your career. However, the dream cannot be called favorable: quick success can turn your head, you will become arrogant and lose the favor of your friends.

After such a dream, imagine that you are tying a weight to your feet and calmly walking on the ground.

On the contrary, a dream in which you see that your body has gained weight and you are walking on the ground heavily and heavily is favorable - to well-being and stability in business.

Someone else's body. Seeing someone's naked dead body is a sign of illness. If a girl dreams of a naked male body, this means that someone will want to enter into an intimate relationship with her without committing themselves to any obligations. If a married woman has such a dream, she may have a lover.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, imagine that it is not a living person, but a mannequin.

For a man to see the body of a naked woman in a dream is a sign of danger.

Imagine that you are turning away, and at the same time a woman is getting dressed.

Dream Interpretation - Body

The way you see yourself in a dream speaks volumes about your own vision of your body in real life. Sometimes in a dream you appear in your real “bodily shell”, and sometimes your body seems either ideal or ugly to you. It is a reflection of how you feel about yourself and how you think you appear to others. As a rule, thoughts about your own body reflect your attitude towards yourself as a person.

If the central theme of the dream is the shape of the body, we recommend analyzing the background of this perception. Sometimes in a dream the body changes beyond recognition, acquiring various magical properties. Examples can be given of walking through walls, increasing the flexibility of the body, changing height and shape. These strange transformations largely reflect your preferred methods of solving problems, but they can also symbolize the limited capabilities of the body or, conversely, complete mastery of it.

Other options for transformations encountered in dreams include the transformation of a person into other forms. Such transformations of appearance are sometimes absurd and funny, sometimes even frightening, and it happens that we appear with a body that perfectly “fits” into the plot content of the dream: this is a manifestation of the ANIMA/ANIMUS living in each of us. Sometimes we take the form of an animal in order to achieve some goal or gain some property. All these reincarnations correspond to those areas of communication in which we either show clear confidence or show obvious weaknesses in our character.

Is your perception of your own body the same in a dream and in reality?

If your body looks worse in a dream than in real life, is this preventing you from achieving your dream goal or is it simply an additional (but surmountable) obstacle?

Dream Interpretation - Body

If you dream that your body has become larger than usual, then you will face difficult trials, worrying, because of which you can make yourself ill. If the body is naked in a dream, then great shame, disgrace, and humiliation await you. A dream in which you saw damage to your body predicts trouble and warns of danger. See interpretation: wounds.

Getting fat in a dream is a sign of quick enrichment and great pleasures, unless you are afraid of this.

Losing weight in a dream foreshadows poverty, deprivation and great suffering. If you dream that your body has turned black, then beware of the machinations of enemies who will win your trust by cunning. A dream in which you saw that your body has become pale and lifeless means that great experiences or a serious illness await you. If in a dream your body is covered with scabs or lichen, then you will have many difficulties in achieving your goal. See interpretation: scabs, ulcers. Getting rid of them in a dream is a sign of successful getting rid of problems.

Eating your own flesh in a dream means that you will reproach yourself for rash actions.

For women, this dream foretells that they will enrich themselves by selling their bodies, and then bitterly regret it. Eating the body of a loved one in a dream means that you will pester him with your reproaches and he may eventually leave you. If you dream that your body was cut into pieces, then the dream foreshadows you great torment or violent death. To see a body (someone else's) cut into pieces in a dream means the successful completion of some business that will progress slowly but surely.

But if in a dream you see blood on these pieces, then beware of an accident with a loved one. Eating the body of another person in a dream means that you will take possession of someone else’s fortune through cunning and deceit.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Seeing a fat body in a dream, with countless folds of fat, portends health problems. A slender tanned body is a sign of success in love and constant attention from men. A bleeding body means trouble with a loved one, striped with scars means difficult trials, a tattooed body means you will experience oppression.

In terms of its dream meaning, it is closest to the physical and mental state of a person. It is also surprising that various parts of the body, down to the cellular micro level, have their own consciousness, i.e., they have their own mind! From this point of view, a dream is an integrated manifestation of the consciousness of various layers of the psyche, expressed by parts of the body of the sleeper himself. Based on the symbolic meanings of these parts of the body, various physiological disorders and diseases can be predicted in advance. At the same time, individual parts of the body have a closer symbolism of their own in their eventful life expression. For example: “teeth” (depending on the type) reflect the general state of health or ill health of the sleeping person or indicate other people (relatives); “back” relates to our past; “hands” is a matter, an action, the closest field of our activity; “hair” attractiveness, expression of vital energy and mood; “legs of the course of events”; “skin” sensitivity, vulnerability; “eyes” views of the world; "head" boss, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Body

He who sees himself plump in a dream will acquire gold and wealth, according to the increased fullness of his body.

If someone sees that he has become fat and swollen with fat, this dream promises him that wealth will give him a lot of pleasure and will make him addicted to dandyism.

When, on the contrary, someone dreams that he has lost weight and become weak, then this dream predicts poverty for the rich, even poverty as a consequence of his stinginess.

For a woman, this dream foreshadows the hatred of her family or close people.

Whoever sees himself losing weight or exhausted in a dream, expects illness, displeasure, a lawsuit or other unfavorable matters that threaten him with ruin.

Anyone who dreams that his body has become darker or blackened will deceive people who deal with him with his lies and cunning.

If a woman sees this dream, then she will cheat on her husband.

Seeing your body pale and yellowed in a dream foretells a prolonged fever.

When someone dreams that his body is covered with growths, abrasions and lichens, this dream promises that person wealth.

If someone sees in a dream that his whole body is covered with insects and suffers terribly from itching, this means gold and silver.

Eating human meat in a dream foretells the dreamer that he will acquire a fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Body

The right side of your body can symbolize: the masculine, moral (“right”) part of your self and your external qualities.

If you are left-handed: the symbolism changes its sign to the opposite.

Left half of the body: symbolizes the feminine, intuitive part of you and your inner essence.

Lower part of your body: Represents your primal instincts, as well as the lower chakras, groundedness and sexuality.

A naked body: can symbolize vulnerability, while a body wearing too much clothing usually symbolizes secrecy.

See your younger self

Dream Interpretation Seeing your youthful self dreamed, why do you dream about seeing yourself in your youth? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your younger self in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Young

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Getting younger

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Young see

Dream Interpretation Young to see dreamed of why you dream about seeing a young person in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Young in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream foreshadows the normalization of family relationships and complete mutual understanding between spouses after some misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that trying to regain the positions you previously lost will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it is best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents as young, this is a harbinger that you will renew your long-standing acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, it means that in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. Having a young lover in a dream and indulging in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you made is correct and you are in vain tormented by doubts about this.

To see in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance of taking your lover or husband away from you - such a dream foreshadows fierce competition in the business sphere and entrepreneurship.

Seeing a new moon in a dream foretells a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young people - all family conflicts will be resolved and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to regain what was lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of your youth will return to you.;
for a mother, seeing her son in school means it’s time to start improving the family home; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

A dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the sick and health, vitality and unbending willpower for healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go towards it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then take advantage of the lucky chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about is a dream that will be followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your age, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to maintain your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age is a sign of health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you down; the illness is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long, prosperous life. Seeing those who are already old young is good for their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them stay strong.

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Breaking off young bamboo shoots, come home - your wife will give birth to a son.

Seeing young bamboo shoots portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, then this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Youth - how you dream that when you get younger, you get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Getting younger

Looking younger in a dream means careful care of your body.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing many young people in a dream is a sign of health.

See yourself young and beautiful

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself young and beautiful dreamed of why you dream about seeing yourself young and beautiful? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see yourself as young and beautiful in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Young, beautiful woman

Joy is pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful view

See the view (beautiful)

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream foreshadows the normalization of family relationships and complete mutual understanding between spouses after some misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that trying to regain the positions you previously lost will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it is best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents as young, this is a harbinger that you will renew your long-standing acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, it means that in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. Having a young lover in a dream and indulging in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you made is correct and you are in vain tormented by doubts about this.

To see in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance of taking your lover or husband away from you - such a dream foreshadows fierce competition in the business sphere and entrepreneurship.

Seeing a new moon in a dream foretells a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful

Seeing beautiful things in a dream means grace that will spread to you and people close to you.

For a lover to see in a dream that his beloved is beautiful and sweet, foretells a quick and successful marriage for him.

If through a string of dreams you see yourself beautiful and attractive, this is a sign that fate is inviting you to awaken to happiness with its flickering light.

If in a dream you see beautiful people around you, you are destined for the trust of people who stand firmly on their feet in this life.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young people - all family conflicts will be resolved and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to regain what was lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of your youth will return to you.;
for a mother, seeing her son in school means it’s time to start improving the family home; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

A dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the sick and health, vitality and unbending willpower for healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go towards it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then take advantage of the lucky chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful, beautiful

You see some beautiful things in a dream - fate has prepared grace for you; you are young, beautiful, healthy, smart, lucky, respected, promising, what else do you need?

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about is a dream that will be followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your age, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to maintain your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age is a sign of health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you down; the illness is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long, prosperous life. Seeing those who are already old young is good for their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them stay strong.

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful views

If in a dream you see a beautiful landscape filled with warm sunshine, and you are pleased to look at such a picture, then a happy future awaits you. Sometimes a dream predicts a secret meeting. A pitiful view or a dull landscape does not promise anything good. Dejection, melancholy and sadness await you. See interpretation: landscape, terrain.

Why see yourself as fat and fat in a dream?


Gina Lollobrigida

Such dreams always indicate illness (oneself)

Seeing a young man gray

Dream Interpretation Seeing a young man gray dreamed of why in a dream See a young man gray-haired? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a young man gray in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seeing your hair gray

Warning against unnecessary expenses. Seeing a young woman without hair in a dream means hunger, poverty, illness. Seeing a man without hair means abundance, wealth, health. If you dreamed that your body was covered with hair from head to toe, this portends you some kind of cowardly act, an inability to control your destiny. Seeing an old woman without hair in a dream means poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, means good luck. If you dreamed that you couldn’t comb your hair and the comb broke, this portends trouble. If you dream that your head (or beard) is being shaved, the dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones. Seeing your hair falling out in a dream means troubles and loss of property.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself gray

To wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream foreshadows the normalization of family relationships and complete mutual understanding between spouses after some misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that trying to regain the positions you previously lost will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it is best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents as young, this is a harbinger that you will renew your long-standing acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, it means that in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. Having a young lover in a dream and indulging in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you made is correct and you are in vain tormented by doubts about this.

To see in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance of taking your lover or husband away from you - such a dream foreshadows fierce competition in the business sphere and entrepreneurship.

Seeing a new moon in a dream foretells a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Gray hair

Gray-haired characters are in most cases archetypes of wisdom. Most major theorists and representatives of different cultures agree on this interpretation of IMAGE. This is one of the few dream symbols that seems to be universal.

A 42-year-old woman talks about her dream:

"Three old women come into my room to tell me that Methuselah (a biblical character, a 969-year-old man, the grandfather of Noah, endowed with universal wisdom) will come to visit me. I am interested, but I fall asleep. Later they wake me up and scold me, saying that I missed the meeting. I'm depressed because I always admired Methuselah."

Dream Interpretation - Gray-haired

seeing yourself in a dream is unexpected wealth

Dream Interpretation - Gray-haired

To turn gray in a dream, if you are not yet old, means that unexpected honors and wealth await you. For young men, such a dream portends a serious illness, for a child - death, and for old people - sadness. See interpretation: hair.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors talk about prophetic dreams.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man, anxiety awaits you in real life. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, plump man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive facial features means disappointment in your lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles on the way to achieving your plans. A cheerful and sociable man foretells that you will gain fame thanks to the successes you have achieved.

An aggressive man who rudely seeks intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom you considered your friend. Seeing a dead man in a dream means big money.

Dream Interpretation - Go gray

Hair turned gray - longevity and great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Gray-haired

Being on your own means illness.

See others.

See yourself in a store

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself in a store dreamed of why you dream about seeing yourself in a store? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see yourself in a store in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive a message that is extremely important to you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single buyer, it means that your offer will be rejected.

A store packed with people standing in endless lines is a sign of a trip ahead.

If the store has a wide selection of goods, it means that success and prosperity in business await you. Finding yourself in a supermarket foretells that you will soon spend a lot. Seeing yourself in a small rural store means that your efforts to achieve a fair resolution of a controversial issue will be in vain, moreover, you will be accused of bias.

If you shop at a butcher shop, this means serious illness or bloodshed as a result of an accident or robbery.

The dairy store predicts that you will get down to business with renewed energy, which will soon bring tangible results. A vegetable store means receiving income from several sources.

Seeing a grocery store in a dream means a joyful date with a long-absent loved one. A department store is a harbinger that your business will quickly take off thanks to significant support from stakeholders.

A haberdashery store in a dream indicates your indifference to male persons who do not have sufficient capital by your standards.

A hardware store foretells that your chosen one will not rise to the occasion in a dangerous situation and will behave far from chivalrously when you are insulted in front of him.

The bookstore suggests that your love interests will take you so far that they will soon create insurmountable difficulties for you in your family life.

A store of electrical goods, household appliances and radio equipment is a harbinger of an established and organized family life, full of comfort and well-being.

Finding yourself in a furniture store in a dream foreshadows a rapid pace in the development of a profitable business and a corresponding increase in income. A crockery store promises confusion in business and loss of spirit, a linen and clothing store - you will meet resistance in the fundamentally important issue of improving your living conditions.

A shoe store seen in a dream speaks of upcoming efforts to organize a business meeting at a high level. Handing things over to a thrift store foreshadows complete uncertainty in your future fate and gloomy prospects.

Looking at the price tags on the shelves of a wine and vodka store means a decline in physical and spiritual strength. Paying a bill at a building materials store is a sign of wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Store

this is a symbolic reflection of your capabilities in the implementation of certain plans.

A store full of good, pleasant-looking goods: indicates that in the near future your business, in general, promises to be successful.

If you do not have enough money to buy the necessary things: this is a sign of temporary difficulties in business.

Empty or half-empty shelves, as well as low-quality goods in the store: they suggest that you are on the verge of a rather difficult period.

If at the same time there is chaos in the store premises: the dream suggests that the cause of your troubles may be negligence in your affairs and housekeeping.

Crush in a store: a sign of possible quarrels and disputes that can harm your well-being.

Queue: a sign that you will have to wait some more time for the situation to improve.

The nature of the goods sold is of additional importance.

Grocery store: means that your financial situation will worry you, but if the goods in the store look good, then in general you will not face serious difficulties.

Household chemicals store: symbolizes problems in relationships with others or partners.

Good quality goods A hardware store with good quality goods: a sign of some improvement in your life.

A clothing store or perfume store in a dream: foretells a change in your life.

If the products look nice.

Bookstore - opportunities, plans, relationships, new hobbies (depending on the contents of the shelves).

Choosing, leafing through books is a choice of life direction, a new activity.

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing it empty in a dream means that your proposals will be rejected.

If you dream that the store is full of customers, then there will be many greedy and envious people who will want to profit at your expense. A store full of goods means everyday squabbles and a lot of different troubles.

If you see in a dream a store full of various goods, look at the names of the goods. If you dream that you were surprised at the variety of goods in the store, then you will be successful. Such a dream also suggests that you will be able to earn money in a variety of ways, and warns you that you are lazy and do not fully exploit your opportunities. Having your own store in a dream is a sign that you will have to work hard. If in a dream you lose your store or it burns down or falls apart, then business failures, losses, losses await you. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you may lose your source of livelihood. See interpretation: buy, sell.

Dream Interpretation - Store

A large store - an invitation to visit awaits you.

A tiny shop means business growth.

A department store seen in a dream symbolizes the state and political power.

Bookstore - your passion for literature takes up too much time and is detrimental to other activities.

You see a grocery store and are inside - to new acquisitions and updates, and this is also a favorable time for decisive, active actions.

Visiting a bookstore in a dream is a harbinger of literary inspiration.

Carefully choose your purchases in the store - you dream of making a small profit.

A brightly lit showcase means envy of one of your friends who will be very lucky.

An empty store dreams of poverty and disappointment.

Sex shop - for a romantic trip with your loved one.

Entering a sex shop means illness and lack of money.

Buying something in a sex shop is a harbinger that a harmonious relationship with your loved one will open up great prospects for you.

Dream Interpretation - Store

If you dream of a store full of goods, it means success and prosperity await you.

If the store turns out to be empty in a dream, it means that your efforts to achieve something will be unsuccessful and quarrels await you.

If you dream that your own store is on fire, it means that you will get down to business with renewed energy, and in addition, something pleasant awaits you.

If in a dream you find yourself in a department store, this means that various sources of income can bring you a lot of pleasure.

If in a dream you buy goods in one of the department stores, it means. Your business will quickly go uphill, thanks to your energy and the support of your friends.

If you dream that you are buying dirty gray cotton gloves for some woman, it means your attitude towards the female sex will lead you to a dead end. If a woman has such a dream, it means that her chosen one will not have a very high opinion of her. Seeing yourself in a cool and clean grocery store is a harbinger of a well-established life full of comfort.

Dream Interpretation - Store

The store indicates that there is a large selection of options and life situations.

An empty store means disappointment, poverty.

A large store with goods means participation in some business.

A store engulfed in fire means losses, a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing a store full of goods in a dream means success and prosperity; if you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that an unexpected journey awaits you in the near future.

A dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, in which you buy any goods in a store, says that your business will go uphill thanks to your energy and the support of friends.

If from Wednesday to Thursday you dreamed that you went into a store and it was empty, quarrels await you, your efforts will not lead to the desired result.

Dream Interpretation - Store

A store full of goods dreams of success and prosperity.

An empty store means unsuccessful efforts and quarrels.

If you dreamed that your own store was on fire, you will have to get down to business with renewed energy. But something pleasant awaits you as a reward.

If you find yourself in a department store in a dream, many pleasures await you.

If you bought goods at a department store, your business will quickly go uphill thanks to your energy and the support of your friends.

If you see yourself in the grocery department, you have an established and comfortable life ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Store

A clean, elegant store full of goods - to the success and prosperity of business, to an established and prosperous life.

An empty store means futile efforts and quarrels in your affairs.

Finding yourself in a large department store is a sign of joy and pleasure from your own income.

Buying at a department store means a quick improvement in your financial situation.

To dream that your own store is on fire means success in business and a pleasant surprise.

Dream Interpretation - Store

If you dreamed that you were going shopping, it means that in reality you will soon experience changes in your life related to your financial situation.

The dream you saw may contain a hint: if the store had a lot of goods and you were able to purchase what you were going to, it means that you will really receive a large amount of money as a gift or, perhaps, a bonus.

Well, if you still couldn’t find the product you needed, it means that changes regarding your financial situation are associated with its deterioration.

Working in a store or seeing yourself as its owner: soon you may be offered to become a participant in a major adventure, and you, a person not accustomed to such matters, will have to decide for a long time before making a positive decision.

Seeing cuts on your face

Dream Interpretation Seeing cuts on the face dreamed of why you dream about seeing cuts on your face? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see cuts on your face in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

A dream in which you cut yourself by carelessly handling a blade foreshadows illness. Inflict a deep cut on yourself with a sharpened knife - you will become dependent on a cruel person.

Cutting yourself with glass while swimming in a dream means that you will become a victim of malicious slander.

A strong cut from which blood is gushing is a sign of irreparable losses; a minor cut means you will lose the trust of your lover.

Dream Interpretation - Cut yourself

Cut - with your unrestrained and impulsive behavior you will cause trouble not only for the people around you, but also for yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Face

Seeing your face smooth, clean and pleasant in appearance in a dream means well-being and success in business. Seeing your face beautiful in a dream is a sign of reconciliation and success in business. If you dream that in a dream your face has become indecently beautiful, then try to give up bad habits and avoid doing things for which you may later be ashamed. Looking at your face in a dream means that you need to make a decision on an issue that is of great importance for your future. A face stained with mud in a dream is a sign of shame. Seeing your face unlike yourself in a dream means that something will change in your life so much that you yourself will be surprised and ask the question: “is it you?” The same applies to a dream in which you will see the face of another person unlike him. Seeing many faces around you is a sign of change. Change will be good if the faces around you are beautiful or happy. If the faces in the dream are terrible and frighten you, then expect losses, disappointments and beware of the machinations of your enemies. To see closely the face of a familiar person staring at you in a dream means that that person does not trust you and is trying to find out more about you before becoming your partner or simply getting close to you. A dream in which you saw that your spouse is very handsome and has a beautiful, healthy complexion, then happiness and prosperity await you. Seeing a stranger with a dark face in a dream foretells success in business. If in a dream you see a woman with a very dark face, then a serious illness awaits you. Seeing a smiling face in a dream means that you have true friends and you will soon receive good news from them. Seeing an interesting face in a dream is a harbinger of dissatisfaction with oneself, illness or poverty. Seeing your face pale in a dream is a sign of weakness of your spirit or an unenviable position in which you will forget what laughter is. However, just as pallor often passes quickly, so your situation will soon change for the better, and joy will return to your home. Seeing the face of an enemy or rival pale in a dream means that his affairs are going very badly and you had a hand in it. Rejoice. But your triumph will not last long. Seeing a face through glass is a sign of good changes or success in business. Applying makeup to your face in a dream is only normal for women. For men, such a dream predicts shame and disgrace.

Washing your face with water in a dream is a sign of good health, good spirits and longevity after long disappointments and regrets about your unhappy lot. Spots on your face in a dream are a sign of shame and humiliation that you will be subjected to due to the frivolous actions of your children or loved ones. Seeing your face ugly in a dream is a sign of anxiety and worry. Hiding your face and covering it with something in a dream is a sign that your conscience is unclean. Such a dream warns you that you should not embark on risky adventures or activities in order to avoid getting caught. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving bad news.

Covering someone's face in a dream or seeing it covered is a sign of that person's death. Seeing people who do not want to turn to face you in a dream foretells failure due to the ill will of your loved ones or business partners. Seeing your face reflected in the water is a harbinger of misfortune for your loved ones; such a dream could threaten you with death. The same thing means a dream in which you see someone else's face reflected in the water. Seeing your face reflected in a mirror in a dream is a harbinger of profit or an addition to the family. See interpretation: blush, mirror, makeup.

Dream Interpretation - Face

Seeing a beautiful face with delicate features and a charming smile in a dream means that your children will be happy thanks to your tireless efforts and concern for their future. A youthful, rosy-cheeked face suggests that you will have social entertainment and a carefree pastime.

An ugly face with traces of illness portends anxiety and mental anguish. A pale, haggard face is a sign of malaise; a dissatisfied and angry expression is a sign of loss and regret. A sad and melancholy look from a spiritualized face is a sign of unexpected and upsetting events.

A face turning purple in anger promises grief, suffering and humiliation. A face smeared with something means you will experience relief after completing painstaking and time-consuming work.

A face with smooth, clear skin portends success in the professional field. Covered with a painful rash - to losses, pitted with smallpox - to a serious illness, a face with scars - you will be held accountable, burned - you will attract the fire of criticism, but will be able to avoid the consequences.

Happy, joyful faces around you are a sign of positive changes; faces distorted by anger and hatred portend serious concern about the health of loved ones. The face of a stranger with a repulsive look is a sign of a failed date.

Seeing the reflection of your face in clear water in a dream foretells a long life, marked by signs of recognition of great merit. Seeing your face in the mirror beautiful and joyful means a new addition to the family; if you are gloomy and exhausted, you will receive the money owed to you with great difficulty.

To cover your face in public, hiding your ugliness from their eyes, you will be shocked by the message about the tragic events in which your good friends suffered. If you wash your face in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to regret your rash action.

Putting makeup on your face means you will have success with men; a medicinal mask on your face foretells many fans without serious intentions; putting cosmetics on your face means disappointment in love; doing plastic surgery on your face means favorable changes.

If you see a harelip on someone’s face, in reality this may be reflected in the fact that you will make a hasty and rash decision in a matter that requires a comprehensive approach. Too thin lips - show efficiency and ingenuity in an unexpected situation. Beautiful full lips mean harmony in family relationships and mutual love for young people. A face with a sagging lip means that in real life you will have to go through a serious test.

Seeing a cute girl's face with plump rosy cheeks in a dream is a sign of a successful enterprise. Overly rouged cheeks on your face - you will feel ashamed of your own children. Sunken cheeks on an emaciated face indicate sad events.

An old face with sagging skin and sunken cheeks means an improvement in your financial situation. Huge gumboil on the face means trouble at work.

Seeing a face with a purulent boil portends being robbed or robbed. A bruise on your face means that you will succumb to temptation by entering into a fleeting intimate relationship with a man completely unfamiliar to you.

Seeing a face with a broken nose bridge in a dream means that in reality you will receive news of someone’s death. A swollen, falling chin in folds on a fat, flabby face is a sign of well-being. Chin with a dimple - you will not achieve success if you do not get rid of your inherent shortcomings.

Seeing a clean-shaven male face means that you will soon fully enjoy peace by sending your family to distant relatives for a few days.

A face covered with stubble indicates that sex-related problems will arise in your married life.

A face covered with freckles means that your happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by the interference of envious friends in your private life. Seeing freckles on your face foretells the loss of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Face

“show your true face” - accidentally open up, show yourself from the unsightly side. “Don’t drink water off your face”; reconcile, don’t look for faults in others. "Face to face" close meeting, frankness, sincerity, openness, trust in relationships. “Laugh in your face” shows contempt.

“in the face of facts” openness, acceptance.

“falling face down in the mud” is a discredit, an oversight. "By the sweat of your brow" is hard work.

"in your face" openness, directness, honesty. Unshaven, prickly face, dryness, indifference, rejection.

“to be a hypocrite”, “in the face of conscience”.

“turn to face…” pay close attention to this fact.

Dream Interpretation - Face

To obscure your face means to receive bad news.

Seeing the reflection of your face in water means long life and honors.

Seeing your face in the mirror means you will feel unwell.

Very pale - a serious illness.

Disgusting - anxiety.

Having a beautiful face brings happiness to your children.

The face of a laughing woman is joy.

A face under a black or white veil means death.

In general, seeing a pleasant face is fortunate.

The face of an old man means long life.

The young man's face is one of worry.

Seeing your face in the mirror as it is is a sign of profit / a sign of the beginning of self-awareness, which will not always be pleasant.

Look at your face in the mirror, manipulate it - experience a sensual attraction to yourself, love yourself very much.

To see a very strange expression on your face in the mirror - you see your true essence in it, this is a reliable image of your soul.

To look in the mirror and see someone else in it - to see your true essence in it / to experience a beneficial collapse of illusions.

To look in the mirror and see a dead man in it - you have to deeply and unexpectedly know the essence of some phenomena, you have to get to know life and yourself better.

Seeing yourself very beautiful and young in the mirror is a sign of well-being.

For the very old - a long illness, followed by a peaceful old age / to honors.

Seeing yourself as a teenager means you will have a quarrel with an unpleasant person.

Having an animal's snout instead of a face in the mirror is success in society.

Seeing yourself too pale in the mirror is a sign of joy and prosperity.

Very red - surprise / damage from vices, their unbridledness.

For those who are dirty - some relief.

Very dirty - honor / unexpected interference.

Seeing your face pockmarked means trouble.

Seeing a spot on your face in the mirror is a disease.

Wrinkles on the face - bad, painful experiences / suicide among friends.

Dream Interpretation - Face

Seeing in a dream a beautiful open face with an ingenuous look means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will befall you in the near future. But seeing an ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events.

If you dream that you are admiring the beautiful color of your face, this promises good luck and unexpected but pleasant events. A poor complexion foretells disappointment.

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone's face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions.

Pleasant smiling full lips - portends harmony in relationships and abundance in the home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the upcoming difficult situation.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires, deprivation and illness of someone you know.

Happy faces around you in a dream are a very favorable dream, but being surrounded by gloomy faces is a sign of future anxiety. An unfavorable dream in which you see your face or the face of a stranger - it promises you sorrow.

Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror is a sign of imminent dissatisfaction with yourself due to your inability to organize yourself and finish what you planned.

Dream Interpretation - Face

if a person sleeping in a dream sees his face beautiful, then this is a sign of a good position in worldly life, good news and joy. And if he sees it black, this is a sign of the news of the birth of a girl from someone whose wife is pregnant, as the Koran says: “When one of them is pleased with the good news about his daughter, his face darkens, and he becomes sad and dejected.” .(Sura-Nakhl, 58). If he sees that his cheeks have fallen off, he will beg people for alms and will live only on alms. And if he sees that his face has turned blue, then he is a criminal. The blackness of the face also indicates that he lies a lot or will introduce an innovation into religion that is contrary to the Sunnah. And a yellow complexion perhaps indicates love and affection or illness. A cheerful, lively and white face is a sign of the good condition of its owner, whether he is alive or dead. A white face is a sign of honesty, truthfulness and strong faith in Allah.

A blackened and dusty face means the death of its owner. If the face of someone who considers himself brave turns black in a dream, then in life he will probably show himself to be a coward. A red face means joy, dignity and consolation.

Dream Interpretation - Face (your own or someone else’s)

Clean and beautiful - to prosperity. A stranger - a profitable commercial offer will come from a stranger. Reflection - you will be able to reveal the secret conspiracy of your competitors. Peer closely into the faces of friends and acquaintances - in difficult times, your loved ones will help you. A satisfied smiling person means financial stability. Admire - your position in society will be significantly strengthened. A face without a torso is a big change with a good outcome. Seeing something fresh, rosy and cheerful foretells useful services from kind people.

Dirty, mutilated, emaciated - to illness. A face covered in dust means sexually transmitted diseases. Falling face down in the dirt means a nervous breakdown. A sweaty face means a heart attack. A flushed face means a cold. Smeared with soot - get injured in a fight. Pale is a severe, protracted illness. The features are not clear - news of an incurable disease.

Imagine that your exhausted face becomes fresh before your eyes, becomes smooth, radiant and beautiful. You admire it and experience true pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Face

A beautiful, open face seen in a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any fear.

An ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events.

If you dreamed that you were admiring the beautiful color of your face, you have unexpected but pleasant events ahead. Poor complexion is a disappointment.

A dream in which you see the reflection of your face predicts imminent dissatisfaction with yourself. The reason for dissatisfaction is the inability to organize oneself and finish what was planned.

Thick, ugly lips on someone's face dream of hasty and rash decisions.

A beautiful, smiling mouth in a dream portends harmony in relationships and abundance in the home. For a person in love, such a dream promises reciprocity.

Thin lips are dreamed of by someone who can easily cope with a difficult situation.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires, deprivations and illness of someone you know.

Happy faces around you in a dream are a very auspicious dream.

Gloomy faces dream of anxiety.

Seeing yourself fat in a dream is a very interesting sign. Many dream books say that this symbolizes wealth, success and good luck in business. Why else can fat people dream?

See yourself

The interpretation of a dream in which a person sees himself as very fat depends on who exactly is dreaming about it:

  • For a woman, such a dream prophesies an early pregnancy, which she has long dreamed of. The wait will go well and eventually a healthy and beautiful baby will be born.
  • For guys - career growth and salary increases, as well as strong connections with business partners.
  • For the elderly - care from others, love and respect.
  • A young girl who wonders: “Why did I have a dream that I was fat?” - the dream should be taken as a sign that she has a secret admirer, and perhaps even more than one.

According to the Modern Dream Book, seeing yourself fat in a dream is a symbol that the girl will soon achieve a high position in society. She will become very respected and perhaps even popular among many people. But you will need to comply with this status - carefully monitor yourself, not only your appearance, but also your thoughts, conversations and actions.

Seeing yourself plump in a dream can also mean that the wildest dreams and hopes of the girl who saw such a dream will soon come true. There is another interpretation: you should pay attention to your health and try not to overeat, especially in the evenings. This will help you avoid health problems and also look very good.

Seeing yourself fat is a symbol that soon a person will have to take the initiative into his own hands. If he proves himself responsible and hardworking, he will soon be rewarded. By the way, you will need to become more confident and not be shy about other people.

Being fat is also a sign that it is better for the dreamer to change her rhythm and lifestyle and become more active. According to the New Dream Book, seeing yourself as enormous is the key to success and wealth. It is likely that you will soon be repaid with large debts or you will win the lottery.

Why dream of seeing yourself fat and ugly? It is likely that your life will soon be filled with various adventures. Perhaps you will go on a trip to distant countries or simply go with friends to different entertainment venues. In the Modern Dream Book, being fat is a sign that you are too suspicious. If you stop mistrusting people, your life will definitely improve and you will have many new good friends.

If in one of your dreams you saw yourself at a huge size, think about the fact that it would be nice to go in for sports, and generally adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This has never hurt anyone - this way you can improve your emotional and physical well-being. By the way, if you go in for sports, you will soon feel that you have become an easier-going and energetic person.

See others

Why do you dream about a fat man? This may mean that a white streak will soon begin in the dreamer’s life - luck, happiness and wealth will become his companions in the very near future. Seeing a fat woman is a symbol that pleasant troubles await you. They will not be connected with you personally, but with your family.

Why do you dream of a fat woman dressed in clothes that don’t fit her? This shows that if you put in the effort, you can achieve anything you want in this life. As the New Dream Book says, a fat woman is a symbol that close people will come to your aid in business.

If you dreamed of a fat woman who is your relative, think about how often you communicate with your family. Try to spend as much time with them as possible. A young fat girl is a sign that your future is bright and rosy.

It is worth thinking about a dream in which you happened to see one or many fat people. This should be perceived as a necessity for spiritual development. Try to read as many interesting books or watch science films as possible. Better yet, sign up for a foreign language course or get additional education.

Why do you dream about a fat man you don’t know? An unfamiliar fat man is a sign that you will have success with the opposite sex and will have many admirers or admirers. In Miller's dream book, a fat man, especially if he is a young guy, is a symbol of wealth and good luck in business.

Why do you dream about being fat? Most likely, a very prosperous period will come in your life. Even if you have troubles, they will be pleasant. Why do you dream of a fat baby, especially a newborn? This speaks to the need to put in your best effort and work towards what you want to achieve.

According to the New Dream Book, a fat child symbolizes help in business that strangers will provide you with, and absolutely disinterestedly. When you dream of a fat child eating with a big spoon in a dream, you should expect a surprise.

It happens that in dreams you can see not only fat people, but also well-fed animals. For example, a fat cat in a dream represents a reliable friend, and for a woman, a lover; it is also likely that her ex-man will want to return to her, and she will have to make a decision - to get back together with him or not.

A dream about a fat dog is evidence that the dreamer will have harmony and peace in relationships with the opposite sex. But a dream about a fat monster should be taken as a symbol of wisdom and vitality, but you should not tell anyone about what you saw, because only in this case will you be lucky. Author: Elena Ragozina