The dream book was abandoned by a guy for no reason. Dream Interpretation: the guy threw it, why do you dream about the guy throwing it in a dream? What does the guy abandon mean?

Why do you dream that a guy left a girl? Most dream books agree that such a vision should not be interpreted literally. However, one should not take it lightly either. Before trying to understand the various interpretations, you need to remember as many details as possible of the plot seen in the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a young man who is planning to marry her in reality dream about breaking up with his girlfriend? It is likely that he committed some dubious act and is now furiously trying to convince himself that it was necessary.

And if a representative of the fair half of humanity was abandoned by a guy in a dream, the interpretation of the vision is very similar. Only, unlike a man, she does not try to invent an excuse for herself, but simply cannot muster up the courage to admit to a mistake. Also, a similar plot in a dream promises a cooling of feelings between partners due to the mistakes of the sleeping woman herself.

Show compassion

If in a dream some young man whom you do not know broke up with his beloved, and this was seen by many people, then there are two interpretations of such a dream.

Why do you dream about this according to Longo’s dream book? This interpreter is sure that the dreamer should not be so callous and periodically show concern for the people around him. You can be sure of this if the young man not only left for another, but also mocked his former lover.

The dream book of Nostradamus contains a similar interpretation. If you broke up with a young man, it means that the most important thing in your life is yourself. You can easily use others to achieve your goal.

An end to suffering and disappointment

Why do you dream about breaking up with your ex-boyfriend? The Eastern dream book states that you will soon be able to throw off the burden of problems and various phobias. If in real life this scoundrel left you for some lady, then some burden from the past is clearly preventing you from moving forward. The dream predicts that you will leave this burden in the past.

What does the Gypsy Dream Book say about a dream in which you quarreled and broke up with your ex? Here the key to interpretation must be sought in how you reacted to his words.

If the dreamer cried in a dream, then she will be able to adapt to any conditions. And if she was happy, she would find an original solution to the problem.

Take action!

Why dream of suffering after breaking up with a guy after he cheated? Pastor Loff's dream book assures that many of your difficulties arise from your inability to go with the flow when needed. And attempts to break through a wall with your head lead to a logical result - your head is broken, the wall remains standing.

The women's dream book believes that those who in a dream found a guy in bed with his mistress, after which he left his ex, in real life are uninitiative people who find it easier to accept than to fight.

If you want to change the world, start with yourself

If a guy left you in a dream, then the reason for the separation will be important for the interpretation of the vision. Let's look at some of them:

  • deceived your lover - you are overly arrogant, which is why your plans are not destined to come true;
  • he moves - you want change;
  • he turned out to be a relative - try to diversify the life of your loved ones with surprises;
  • he didn't like your character - you don't know what you want.

The most detailed description: “dream book ex-boyfriend dumped” - all from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

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Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend coming back?

Dream interpretation of the former returned in a dream

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Dream interpretation

Seeing a former lover in a dream always means experiencing some surprise in reality. If you happen to see in a dream that your ex has returned to you, this means that you will encounter major trouble in the very near future.

If the dream is pleasant for a woman, then she probably has not completely moved on from her past and is not ready for a new relationship. This state of mind must be overcome, otherwise new love will never be able to enter and brighten up the existing loneliness.

If in reality there is already a new lover, then such a dream can become a harbinger of a quarrel or disagreement in personal relationships. The reason lies in the woman and her unrealized fantasies.

Dream Interpretation Ex-boyfriend

Why do you dream about an Ex-boyfriend in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a former lover, then in reality you keep warm emotions for him, you cannot leave feelings in the past, forget, let go. You cling to previous relationships and memories, preventing yourself from developing further. Remember: in order to start building something new, you must first destroy the old in this place.

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex? How did you dream about your ex? What actions did you dream about your ex?

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex?

Dream about your ex from Thursday to Friday

Meeting your ex in a dream from Thursday to Friday means that he still loves you, remembers you, dreams of returning everything. The guy suffers, suffers, regrets the breakup. Think, maybe your feelings have not cooled down yet? Decide how necessary the previous relationship is and take action.

I dreamed about my ex from Sunday to Monday

Did you have a dream about a former fan on the night from Sunday to Monday? All dreamed events will come true for those born on Monday. For others, the vision will serve as a pleasant reminder of previous feelings and emotions for their lover.

Former in a dream from Friday to Saturday

Why does a former young man dream about the night from Friday to Saturday? You need to be patient, take a break, not get involved in any adventures, and refuse dubious offers. Wait until the time has come for important things.

How did you dream about your ex?

What actions did you dream about your ex?

Make peace with your ex in a dream

If in a dream you make peace with your ex, then in reality he is still dear to your heart, you have not forgotten anything and would like to meet with this person again. According to Felomena’s dream book, you will soon have to clear up the consequences of past actions, deeds, decisions, and mistakes.

I dreamed that my ex came back

Why do you dream that your ex has returned to you? The dream book gives two options for interpreting such a plot: you want this to be true in reality, or you will soon face a huge trouble, which will not be so easy to cope with.

Ex-boyfriend wants to come back in a dream

A dream about an ex wishing to return to a past relationship warns that people or events from the past will soon reappear on the threshold of your life. It’s not a fact that this will be your former love, but such a turn of events is not excluded.

Ex-boyfriend with a new girl according to the dream book

If you dreamed that your former chosen one found a new girlfriend, in reality you will calm down, make peace with the enemies of the past, forgive your offenders, continue to live without negative emotions, with a light heart, with a clean slate, forgetting the negative episodes.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dreams about ex-lovers are not uncommon, especially for the husband, since a lot is connected with this person. If such dreams began to bother you after breaking up, most likely you just haven’t let go of the situation yet and are constantly thinking about the man. If quite a lot of time has passed and you have started a new relationship, such dreams should be interpreted correctly in order to understand the cause and consequences of what you saw.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

The dream will tell you that in the near future you will have to face the past; this could be a meeting with your ex-husband, or gatherings with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. If you dream that your ex-partner wants to get back with you, this may be a reflection of reality, perhaps he is looking for a meeting. In a dream, you beat your ex-spouse; most likely, there are still differences between you, which is why the breakup occurred.

You dream about sex with your ex-husband, but at the same time you do not feel any pleasure; this is a kind of warning that your temper may negatively affect your relationships with people around you. If in a dream you wanted to kiss, but something got in the way, this is a sign that in real life you are hiding your feelings, which negatively affects communication with other men. The kiss did happen - expect new romantic adventures that could develop into something big.

It’s worth finding out why your ex-husband dreams of being drunk. In this case, the dream is a reflection of your frivolous behavior. The dream book recommends being careful, as you can significantly damage your reputation. If you see your ex-husband’s wedding, it means that in the near future your personal life will change dramatically, but the dream book does not rule out that the relationship with your ex may resume. Another dream like this will tell you that you will easily achieve the desired result, although it will take a lot of time.

In a dream you see your ex-husband with his new wife - this is a warning that at this stage the risk of finding yourself in an awkward situation increases. The dream book recommends not to commit rash acts and think about the consequences. The death of an ex-husband is a sign that it is worth renewing your relationship with your ex-husband, but only in a new direction, for example, you can become good friends. If you see a dream in which you are again walking down the aisle with your ex-partner, expect big troubles, scandals and failures in your personal life. The dream book recommends being patient in order to overcome all adversities. A dream in which your ex-husband plays the guitar promises a deterioration in your health.

A dream about an ex-husband may have a direct connection with a new partner. For example, the smile of an ex in night visions may symbolize the presence of an involuntary comparison of the new partner with him. The dream book recommends understanding yourself and saying goodbye to the past once and for all.

If you constantly dream about your ex-husband with whom you are arguing, this means that you should expect positive changes in your personal life in the near future. The dream book says that along the way you will meet a good person with whom you can build a long-term relationship. When you see a dream in which your ex-partner says something, but nothing is clear, in reality you should prepare, since in the near future a situation will happen that will radically change your life, and not only yours, but also that of your close relatives.

Why do I often dream about my ex-husband?

The dream may symbolize that you have a lot of unfinished business and this does not necessarily have to concern your personal life. The dream book recommends not to rush and bring all your affairs to the end. If you often dream that your ex-husband hugs you, most likely in reality you feel lonely.

Ex-boyfriend is back

Rita Vladimirskaja

Hear from your ex-boyfriend

Leo Kekish

Who knows what he wants)

KIRA Lvovna

the meeting will be with him

You will meet him and maybe everything will turn out differently

Sort the question please, otherwise such garbage is written here


There is nothing in this dream yet. But there is a positive in the form of lemon juice.

Valentin Sholokhov

Dream Interpretation ex-boyfriend has returned. See what it means if you see a dress in a dream according to the dream book absolutely free. Interpretation of the dream Dress according to dream books.

The ex will want to renew the relationship. And one more thing.. The rings means you will have a relationship soon, but I don’t know with him or not, but the relationship will be serious


mIss Krasnopolskaya

I’ve already read this question) You admit to yourself that you still have feelings for your ex. But a dream only means news of it and nothing more.

Maria Milliontova

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep. From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams come true. From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams. From Thursday to Friday, dreams come true (usually within 3 years, but maybe earlier. From Friday to Saturday, empty dreams. From Saturday to Sunday, a dream can come true before lunch. Rings are a sign of tears.


I have already interpreted this dream for you! No one else here will write you a more accurate forecast!

Rita Polyakova

to meet him

Why do you dream? I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend. I dream that I will return.

If you dream of a person, then he is thinking about you, perhaps you simply cannot forget your past relationship and want to return, subconsciously in a dream, your experiences

He's thinking about you.

Galina Shelganova

dream-shifter. You will never be together again

Your favorite guy leaves you according to the dream book

If during your dream you quarrel with a loved one, this does not mean at all that a similar situation awaits you in reality. The dream interpretation of your beloved boyfriend needs to be interpreted based on the details of the dream.

For example, if a stormy breakup is accompanied by screams, tears and reproaches, then most likely you really harbor a grudge against your soulmate. You may soon have to sort things out, but this will not lead to a real breakup.

If your companion leaves you for another woman, this may mean that you will soon meet a close friend or a pleasant person with whom you have not maintained a relationship for a long time. However, if the dream is accompanied by a severe feeling of anxiety, it is possible that you will have a meeting with the enemy.

If in a dream you are to blame for the reason for breaking up with your loved one, then most likely you have become a victim of gossip and slander. In reality, you need to monitor your own statements.

The dream book leaves your beloved boyfriend unexpectedly and without reason, and during the dream you do not see your boyfriend, it may suggest that it is time to pay attention to both your health and his. As a rule, such a dream means a serious illness of a loved one or a long journey.

Why do you dream that your beloved guy leaves you in other dream books?

To more accurately find out the meaning of the dream you are interested in, it is worth contacting several interpreters. For example, after reading why your beloved guy leaves you in Loff’s dream book, the following picture will become clear: you want to get rid of control in your own life. Perhaps someone (not necessarily a young man) is currently restricting your freedom. In addition, this dream may warn of a future loss or theft of something valuable. The dream suggests the need to be careful in money matters.

The interpretation of what the beloved guy in the Veles dream book is throwing has a completely different meaning. In this case, the dream may predict an imminent wedding or life together. If a young man reproaches you for something, then it is possible that in reality you will face a conflict with close relatives or friends due to your fault. A dream in which a young man abandoned you in a difficult situation means that someone needs your help.

Thank you for your answers. You helped me a lot. Of course, every woman is interested in whether she will meet her soul mate. I'm tired of living in the hope that I'll get lucky. Or maybe not fate. Thanks anyway

I had a dream that my loved one cheated on me with my best friend, said that he didn’t love me... In the dream, I got into a fight with both of them, woke up all in tears...

I have exactly the same situation

I dreamed that my beloved guy was leaving me without telling me the reason, we both study at the same school and he was going to take away the documents from this school because of me, he didn’t want to see me, I dreamed about it all, I don’t know what this is for that's it, who knows?

I accepted that he said that he would meet with someone else, I had to agree so as not to lose him. Then he left me completely and stayed with her. But then he abandoned her too. I knew that he would be with me, although he did not let me get close to him. I humiliated myself in front of him in a dream. The strangest thing is that in reality this behavior is not typical for me. I always just turn around and leave when there is a fierce quarrel. I don't even find out anything. And here, in a dream, it was as if I was very afraid of losing him and did everything possible not to lose him...

I had a dream that my boyfriend left for a girl of whom I was very jealous at the moment. I was to blame for the quarrel and he left without explanation or anything. At the moment, we quarreled with him and have not communicated for the second day. I often notice some moments from the dream now.

I dreamed the same thing. I had a dream that my boyfriend left for a girl of whom I was very jealous at the moment. I was to blame for the quarrel and he left without explanation or anything. He went to her. In the dream it was clear that he did this to spite me, because of my jealousy, he could not return to me and leave her, because his pride did not allow it. I cried a lot in my sleep.

In a dream, my boyfriend and I were arguing a lot, in the house of the woman to whom he left, she is older than him, she has a daughter and I don’t know her. In the end, I stole her gold ring from the room and heard him flirting with her through the wall. Everything was as it really was. What could this mean?

I dreamed that my beloved, before my eyes, in some bar with machine guns, had his eyes on a waitress (an alcoholic drug addict... but I don’t argue that the girl seemed pretty even to me and in front of my eyes began to flirt with her, went out to smoke, after which he came up and said That’s all between us... I can’t sleep now, my dear, I’m on a business trip.

I had a dream that my boyfriend treated me coldly and generally looked at me angrily and hugged my so-called friend whom I can’t stand. I cry, try to somehow decide something, but he leaves with her.

I dreamed that we were getting ready to go to the cinema and went there, and he walked into the cinema without waiting for me, I went in and couldn’t find him, I called him and said “I’m going home then” and he said “okay”. I went into the cinema, and he was already talking to other girls there. I slapped him and told him to go home. And he told me: “I won’t go anywhere with your consciousness.”

Hello! Help me understand, I can’t understand what this is all about. It went like this: a boy I like a lot calls, asks for a meeting and also says that he needs to take a photo, I agreed. I arrive and find myself in the apartment, first in the kitchen, and then in the bedroom and there was a bed there, so I go into the bedroom, he says get up there, I get up, he says extend your hands, I extend them, and he ties them for me. He puts the phone away, turns on the TV, and there is erotica on TV, he throws me on the bed. Why is this please tell me!!

Thanks to your dream book. I have a child, and I met a young man 3 years ago, the child was six months old. Today I dreamed that we were in some kind of sanatorium, and there my beloved left me and started dating a friend from childhood. Of course, I know that he won’t do that, he’s very noble. But I immediately felt very lonely, scared, I woke up feeling a wet spot on the pillow, and I’m still shaking.

In a dream, my boyfriend leaves me and goes to my school friend. I’m trying to get him back, I call him, I’m humiliated, but he says that he doesn’t love me and will now live with her. How to explain this?

I dreamed that I saw my boyfriend, came up, hugged him, and he had a huge and fat belly (although this is not so). Then we walk along the corridor, and he tells me that we are just friends, that we can’t count on anything more. I follow him in shock along this corridor and cannot say a single word. Explain what this is about, please

I dream that my beloved is leaving me, and I am losing him, please tell me what this means, our relationship is on the verge of breaking... help...

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I went to some 9-story building, as it turned out his ex lived there, right before my eyes he returned to her with the words “I fell in love with you,” and I just stood there and didn’t I couldn't say anything.

Not true! A dream in your hand when you dream that he is leaving with another! That's how it happened in real life!

If you dream that a loved one is leaving you, it means that you are afraid of losing him. If this is really the case, then there is no need to attach significance to such dreams. It is also possible that you are not happy with the relationship and would like to change something.

My dream. For two weeks I have been dreaming that my boyfriend is cheating on me. Now I woke up from a very heavy dream. We moved to a new apartment. I studied at a technical school. I met two friends and a guy. And one of my friends had to go to her grandmother’s store to buy her something. She yelled at grandma, I hit her and said that this is all she has and let her appreciate her. We left the store and walked up to the bench. A friend's phone rang. He gave me the phone. Dad was there, I couldn’t make out more than one word. I received an SMS. Mash's uncle Yura died of cancer. “I didn't want to talk. I have cancer". And then a text message from the guy. “I’m leaving you, don’t come near me anymore.” Woke up in tears. Help me please.

I just woke up in tears, I had a dream that a guy left me for no reason, in the dream he said that he hates me. What could such a dream mean? After this dream, the mood disappeared completely. Although everything is fine in our relationship with him.

I’ve been dreaming for a week now that my boyfriend is leaving me, and constantly in different ways, then he just leaves and leaves me in the hospital before the operation, then we are lying and he says that I don’t love you, then we just quarrel and he shouts that we are breaking up. In real life, almost everything is fine with us, and when we met, we fell in love with each other immediately after two days, we started dating, now we’ve been together for six months, we’re planning a wedding, but something inside me tells us that someone will interfere with us, and we won’t together. I guess this is where these dreams come from! Our parents are also against our relationship, although we are not small, he has a good job, I am a director, but my parents are categorically against it. Yes, and your friends keep telling you that there is no chance for you. We're a bit of an odd couple. He is Georgian, and I am Yakut. But I know one thing: we love each other and we should enjoy it.

Yesterday I dreamed that I broke up with my boyfriend, he reproached me that I was with him only for money and a car, although I had everything myself. About 20 minutes later I woke up and found out that he had cheated on me and we broke up. Prophetic dream.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I came to see his ex with a child (in reality they have a child) and said if you don’t leave with me right now, you won’t see the child again, I believe that he won’t leave me, but keep him close in such a situation I can’t and I start screaming in tears: go away, I don’t need you and I don’t love you anymore. He's leaving. I came to their house for several days and noticed how he kisses and hugs her, I call him outside, and she comes out, but through the open door I shouted to him that everything I said was not true. He ran towards me, but I had already jumped off the cliff, and he followed me. I would like to find out what all this means.

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a month. I constantly dream that he leaves with someone else. It seems like he abandoned me and won’t let me go even in my sleep.

I had a dream that my boyfriend had a kind of girlfriend, I found out about this in Ok, we have one page for both of us. There he affectionately called her, wrote that he loved her, in the end he told me that pack your things and leave, talking to her, he walked around joyful. Then I said like if you’re dating her, then we’ll break up. He didn’t let me go, I offered to break up, to which he replied that no, stay. Girls, I’m so offended and hurt that I don’t even want to talk to him, and the most offensive thing is that I don’t want this dream to ever come true.

I dreamed that I purely by chance heard how the friends of the guy I love, but he hates me, went to the roof of the house and wants to jump, i.e. commit suicide. I don’t know the reason, at this moment I break down and run away from school, my and his mutual friends bring me to this house. I run up to the roof and try to stop him, clinging to his hand and falling to my knees, I’m all in tears, but he pushes me away, I’m still sobbing, he leaves and then Julia appears, with whom we are very close friends. What is this for?

I dreamed about my wedding, at which my boyfriend got drunk before the wedding and began to behave rudely with me, I didn’t like it, and I started saying something to him, and we started quarreling, then his friend came up and said that he would never didn’t love me, my boyfriend smiled and they left. I fell down in tears and squeezed something in my hand; his brother came up to me and calmed me down. Then I woke up in tears.

I dreamed that I found out that my boyfriend didn’t love me, that is, he himself told me about it. All this time he pretended to love.

Good afternoon everyone, I dreamed that the wedding was in a week and then my friends told me that he loves someone else. I ask him, and he answers yes and leaves. I have already paid for the toastmaster, etc. and I find out that I'm pregnant.

I dreamed that my beloved abandoned me right at his house, after my mother met his parents, and my mother and I got ready and left.

I dreamed that my husband was leaving for a pregnant girl, this upset me terribly.

I have a very strange dream. We were in the apartment, me, my boyfriend and his friend. His friend started pestering me and saying: I like you, I pushed you away. He approached my boyfriend and said: can I date? And mine is like: yes, of course she is very good, kind, etc. I hear all this, he comes up, I push him and start crying and packing my things. Mine, with tears in his eyes, comes up to his friend and says: I love her and I can’t give her away, but I feel bad and I wake up.

I dreamed that the guy offered to break up, but didn’t want to let me go.

Hello! Today I had such a dream. My boyfriend and I were going to go to his parents (this is a different region - 1500 km), his mother was going with us. I was at work, she and my mother picked me up there in a gazelle and waited outside in the car. I said that I would leave in 5 minutes, but it turned out that I was delayed for an hour. When I came out, there was no car. I called him and asked where they were, and he replied that they had already left, because who the hell knows what you were doing there at work. I scream, I prove that I worked. And I really worked! But no matter how I proved it, he didn’t believe me. Then he said that his mother actually told him to go without me because he was tired of waiting. As a result, I was left on the street in terrible hysterics, with a “bag full” of resentment. I just fell on the asphalt and was wildly hysterical! There was a clear awareness of being unfairly abandoned and even more unfairly accused of something I had never done. What could such a dream mean? I’ll say right away: now we are in a quarrel, we haven’t talked for two days.

I dreamed that my boyfriend left me, said that I was unfaithful and he was leaving, and I caught up with him, asked him to stay, took his passport, beat him, screamed, cried a lot, but he left and someone said that he would not build another relationship Because of me, I’m very worried, I can’t find a place for myself.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend: the essence and how to interpret it correctly

First, try to remember this dream in detail. Using the dream book of Freud, Tsvetkova and others, we will give you the answers. For example, why do you dream about a drunk ex, a wedding, or sex with a previous boyfriend?

Your ex-significant other appeared to you in a dream. This means the past still haunts you, and in everyday life you constantly look back. It is this behavior that interferes with your development as a person, self-realization and relationships with a young man in the present.

As a rule, exes are dreamed of by people who have some unresolved issues. If, at the behest of Morpheus, your ex appears in your dreams with enviable regularity, but you never dream about him, then any girl may feel uneasy.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, what does this mean?

Some may see a sign in this. However, dear girls, first the author advises you to forget all grievances and clear your mind. Remember what emotions arise when someone so close to you in the past appears in your dream. The answer to this question can greatly help you understand why your ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up is dreaming. But the point is that the guy who paid a visit to your dream can still mean a lot to the lady, who subconsciously may really want to return the past.

The girl’s attempts to drive away such thoughts and forget about her feelings will not bear fruit, and the subconscious will increasingly give signs that something needs to be done. Perhaps it would be right to conquer your arrogance and take the first step towards restoring your relationship with the intrusive visitor to your dreams.

However, seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream with another girl may not be a positive association, after which in most cases it is recommended to talk to him, but quite the opposite - you will no longer be able to be a couple. But in any case, a dream about an ex person means that you are thinking about your ex, no matter how bad or good your thoughts are.

What exactly happens to an ex-boyfriend in a dream, interpretation.

The state of your ex and the situation in which you find yourself with a negligent boyfriend can vary greatly from dream to dream, let’s highlight specific situations. Remember exactly how this person appeared and what you did.

  • Drunk ex. If your ex appears in front of you while drunk, then most likely he is now in a deep emotional crisis. Most likely, you are the subject of his worries. If you have not yet lost contact with him and are communicating, it is worth talking and providing him with friendly support;
  • Your ex became your husband. To worries and troubles. May symbolize the stagnation of your relationship with your current man;
  • A gift - a surprise from a boyfriend. You should not perceive this situation rosy, because such a dream can be regarded as a harbinger of betrayal;
  • Sex with an ex-man. A lustful night with former love indicates unfulfilled desires. The subconscious is trying to bring you closer to a person, but your current love interferes with the implementation of your plans. It may signify a quarrel with your significant other in reality;
  • The ex is a stranger. A dream in which a once close man seems completely unfamiliar to you, regardless of the extent of the change in appearance, marks changes in both your life and his. It is quite possible that he will declare himself more than once;
  • Talk to him, in real life or on the phone. Dreams of this kind almost always mean that your ex’s feelings for you have not yet cooled. Most likely, he is wondering why things didn’t work out for you and would like to talk in real life.
  • Late boyfriend. A dream about a guy from the other world can seriously frighten a girl. Such a dream really warns you of something dangerous. But a dream in which your deceased ex solves your dilemmas and pressing problems on the contrary, marks a quick victory over your enemies and rivals.
  • First love. A dream in which you see your first love symbolizes a lack of romance and attention. You need to feel the passion and attention for yourself that you once had in your youth.
  • Quarrel with ex-love. An emotional quarrel and swearing with an ex-boyfriend in a dream means that you will need to decide with whom you are ready to unite your hearts for a long time.

A dream in which your ex dies at your hands. If you happen to act in a dream as a real killer of your past boyfriend, then you shouldn’t be horrified. Such a dream provides you with great opportunities for change. In all your endeavors, constant success will follow you, so make up your mind.

The day on which you dreamed about your ex also plays a certain role in the interpretation of a dream:

  • The dream fell on Wednesday. Dreams on Wednesday often go beyond the limits and are prophetic. Be sure to remember what you did with your ex and what you felt at that moment. Even if the dream does not turn out to be prophetic, it could give you some clues that you might not have noticed.
  • The dream fell on Friday. Such dreams are like a guiding thread that helps to dot all the i’s. A guy’s visit in a dream on this day tells you: try to develop angelic patience and not get involved in various adventures.
  • You dreamed about the guy on Saturday. A dream with an ex-boyfriend in the leading role comes true in 50 percent of cases. In this dream, as a rule, you can see the main problems of your past.
  • Ex-boyfriend's appearance on Sunday. Such a dream marks an increase in new ideas, a surge of vitality and energy to achieve your goals.

Why do ex-boyfriends dream according to various dream books?

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, a dream involving an ex-boyfriend carries the news of an upcoming quarrel and bickering with a lover. A quarrel may well occur because of your desire to tell your loved one about a dream in which your ex appears.

A man will instinctively feel, Freud convinces, that another representative of the stronger sex is deeply entrenched in your subconscious. However, an ex-boyfriend can symbolize the beginning of a new relationship, if not an imminent marriage.

The old is gone, says the Bulgarian seer Vanga. This is something that cannot be returned, or at least it is not recommended to return. The dream itself about an ex brings melancholy and a desire to re-ignite the passion of old love. Vanga adds that if the dream is idyll and you are happy together, you have completely let go of him and do not feel attracted to him.

Nostradamus wrote that after a dream about an ex-boyfriend, you need to beware of sorcerers and fortune-tellers. While Tsvetkov warns about imminent moves, troubles with real estate and children.

In general, you shouldn’t always believe dreams.

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Why do you dream about a guy leaving you?

Various events can happen in the land of dreams, which often make you wonder, and in some cases even think about it. What to expect in the future if a guy dumped you in a dream? Often, when you dream that a guy has left you in a dream, this speaks of the fear of losing a loved one. The dreamer adores him, so she is afraid that he might fall in love with another girl. However, in most cases, all this is not justified. Of course, a guy can leave a sleeping woman, but if she behaves well and surrounds the young man with love, then he will not even look the other way.

If in a dream a guy with whom the dreamer recently had a fight abandoned him, in reality they will soon make peace, so you should not pay attention to such a dream. It is better to call the young man and apologize to him, in this case the reunion of loving hearts will happen much faster.

If you dreamed that a guy left you from Thursday to Friday, then there is reason to worry. Most likely, the young man will come to the dreamer and break off relations with her. She shouldn’t try to win him back, because there is no longer love in the young man’s heart. It is better to let your lover go and try to forget everything connected with him.

When you dream that a guy is breaking up a relationship in front of his friends, in reality it is recommended to take a closer look at his behavior. Most likely, the young man does not like the dreamer, he is simply comfortable with her. As soon as he finds a better option, his lover will leave her. In this case, the guy will act ugly, which will make the sleeping woman suffer greatly. For this reason, it is better to break off relations with him now, in order to hurt him and hit his pride.

What if you dream about a guy dumping you?

A family dream book will help you understand why you dream when a guy leaves for someone else. If you believe him, then the girl will be disappointed in her lover. She herself will initiate the breakup, since she will no longer be able to be near him. However, she needs to end the relationship delicately, otherwise the young man will take revenge by talking about the juicy details of his intimate life. As a result, her reputation will be damaged. If a girl who doesn’t actually have a boyfriend has a similar dream, then he will appear in the near future. But the relationship will not be smooth, so the dreamer will try to break it off. For this reason, it is better not to start romances in the near future.

A psychoanalytic dream book will help you find out why the guy quit in your dream. According to him, the dream suggests that the fear of losing her lover lives in the girl’s heart. She shouldn’t be jealous of other young ladies and start scandals in front of everyone. There is a high probability that the lover will actually leave the sleeping woman, since he will not be able to bear her intolerable character and constant hysterics.

If you are concerned about the question: “What is the dream of the guy who left me?”, you should turn to the lunar dream book for an interpretation. He advises to be wary and not to trust new acquaintances, as they can easily deceive. Moreover, relationships with them can ruin the dreamer’s reputation. It will be very difficult to restore it. When you dream that a guy is leaving you out of jealousy, in reality you should behave more modestly, since the young man is dissatisfied with the behavior of his beloved. However, he is afraid to tell her this, but soon his patience will run out and he will break off the relationship.

What does the guy abandon mean?

If you believe Miller’s dream book, then separation from a lover in a dream on his initiative is a harbinger of a marriage proposal. The relationship will simply move to a new level, so there is no need to be afraid. When you dream that your loved one happily leaves the dreamer, in reality it is she who will break up with the young man. In this case, the sleeping woman will not suffer from remorse. She will be happy that she got rid of a worthless man who meant nothing to her. If you dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should expect a gift from your beloved.

According to Freud's dream book, a dream in which a guy leaves the dreamer suggests that she doesn't really need him. The young man does not suit her, they are too different people. Over time, the girl will understand this, so she will break off the relationship. This will be the best way out of this situation. You should not regret your action, because the sleeping woman will make the right decision and subsequently meet a good man with whom she will find happiness.

If you believe the Ukrainian dream book, then a breakup with a lover in a dream promises problems with him in reality. You should try to avoid them by any means, otherwise the dream will come true.

According to the summer dream book, such a dream foreshadows a harmonious relationship, so the sleeping woman should not worry that her young man will leave her. on the contrary, he loves her very much and dotes on her. He doesn't think about ending the relationship. There is a possibility that he will soon make up his mind and propose to the dreamer.

Dreams are a conversation of the subconscious. The little movies that everyone watches every night can speak to what a person cares about and needs to reconsider in their life. But sometimes the images that come at night defy interpretation. For example, the Dream Interpretation may tell a girl a lot of interesting things about this dream.

The groom abandoned the bride

On the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds may dream of strange images. For example, the bride will see that her boyfriend has left her. The dream book says that the girl should not worry. In this case, the dream should be interpreted as follows: a happy life with the chosen partner. Often the tragic situations that a person sees in a dream are a reflection of something good. The situation with the abandoned groom is proof of this. The ideal option for the bride is if the chosen one leaves her in front of the altar in a dream. This reflection of reality may seem strange, but it should be understood that a person’s conscious and subconscious minds work differently.

The guy left the girl

Girls love to fantasize about romantic themes. They often do this before bed. In this case, you should not be surprised that night dreams will be a continuation of fantasies. But the film transmitted subconsciously does not always reflect reality. A guy can leave a loving and beloved girl in a dream. The dream book says that this is normal. Such a dream should be interpreted as a desire to get rid of control. What if a girl’s boyfriend is wonderful and doesn’t control her at all? The main character of a dream does not always reflect his real prototype. Often people in dreams are collective images or allegories. For example, a girl wants to throw off the shackles that entangle her family, and is afraid that her loved one might put her in the same chains.

And if in a dream the guy left the girl for no reason? The dream book says that this notification should be understood as a loss. What exactly can a girl lose? Something valuable and important to her. It could be money, some kind of relic, or just a favorite trinket.

The guy left the pregnant woman

People break up for various reasons. One of the main ones is distrust of your partner. How should a lady who was dumped by a guy in a dream interpret a dream? The dream book says that a girl who does not see support from her chosen one in reality will unconsciously worry about this topic. Pregnancy is a new stage in the life of any woman. In a dream it does not need to be taken literally. Strong changes can happen in a girl’s life, and because of them she will subconsciously worry. Pregnancy is a transition to a new stage of development. And if a guy leaves a girl in this position, the dreamer should think about whether she is confident in her choice. Perhaps the guy does not support some of the lady’s endeavors or does not want the girl to change.

My loved one left me for someone else

Did you have a scary dream? The guy left you and went to someone else. The dream book says that there is nothing terrible in this dream. What does this situation mean? You are subconsciously looking forward to meeting an old friend or girlfriend. This person was once close to you, but then for some reason disappeared from your life. Now, in anticipation of the meeting, you are worried. The subconscious is afraid that a loved one may leave you again.

If in a dream a guy left you for another, the dream book advises you to pay attention to the feelings that you experienced at the time of the breakup. If you are haunted by anxiety, then your meeting with old friends will not bring anything good. If you felt joy and relief, then you are subconsciously looking forward to a quick date.

It's your fault for the breakup

The dream book tells the girl that you shouldn’t wait for a breakup in reality. You need to remember the circumstances of the breakup. If you were the culprit, then you have a guilty conscience. You are tormented by the thought that others treat you worse than you would like. This may be due to slander and gossip. Don't worry about this. Come to terms with the idea that slander is envy. Good and kind people will not say nasty things behind your back. Only lowly people are ready for this. Why torment yourself with the thought of what unworthy individuals think of you?

Feeling guilty in a dream is a manifestation of a painful reaction to someone else’s opinion. Therefore, listen carefully to the criticism, perhaps it will be fair.

Abandoned by a stranger

A girl cannot always understand from the image of a young man seen in a dream whether this person is familiar to her or not. If you saw a man in your dreams who tells you that he is your boyfriend, then your subconscious is trying to convey to you the idea that soon you will actually find a friend in reality. Why does the unconscious warn you about the meeting? Perhaps you do not notice or do not want to notice the young man who is forcing his attention on you. This could be a colleague or a distant acquaintance whom you see at friends' houses. In any case, you need to take a closer look at the people who surround you. Be attentive and courteous with them, because potentially you are ready to get yourself a gentleman and it is not known which of the young people is vying for this role.

You left your boyfriend

Parting is not always accompanied by tears and heartache. Sometimes it occurs as a logical stage in the end of a long-term relationship. What does it mean in a dream in which a girl leaves a guy? The dream book interprets such a dream as the lady’s desire to start a new life. But it should be understood that the guy is an allegorical image. If you have a good relationship with your boyfriend, then you don’t need to leave him. You can start a new life by changing jobs or by moving. You can change your lifestyle or change your appearance. Typically, girls experience a craving for change in the spring. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself separated from people close to you from time to time in your dreams. This dream will help you understand that you not only want something new, but are also mentally prepared for change.

Parting with tears

Girls are tender and vulnerable creatures. For this reason, they can perceive serious changes in life tragically. And the subconscious will react accordingly to what is happening. If in a dream a girl sees an emotional separation from her loved one, it means she must wait for changes in life. Tears signal indecision or stupor. Sometimes a girl is at a crossroads and doesn’t know what she should do. But you should not follow the road just because the path along it seems easier. The subconscious wants to convey to its owner that tears of grief will bring relief. Therefore, you need to listen to yourself and make a choice based on personal preferences. When a dilemma arises in front of a person, he solves it quite quickly, but the person does not always have the strength to come to terms with the decision made.

Breakup due to cheating

A girl may feel that her lover is not being frank with her. A lady may take betrayal too personally. But you need to understand that the images generated by the subconscious do not always reflect reality. If you turn to the dream book, he will tell you that betrayal is new acquaintances. The subconscious can set the dreamer up to attend a mass event, where the girl should find many like-minded people. They also dream of betrayal on the eve of the holidays, which should take place in the format of a noisy party. Most often, modest and insecure girls see such dreams. They are afraid that they will feel awkward around new acquaintances.

The guy I had a fight with left me

Sometimes people with whom fate has separated you may come in your dreams. For example, a girl may see that she has been dumped and says that in this situation one should expect that her ex-love will soon knock on the door. Do you think the dream is prophetic? Nothing like this. The subconscious can conduct complex analysis of a situation and predict some events better than any fortune teller.

A little about psychology

It's okay to trust what you see in your dreams, but don't rely on dreams entirely. Sometimes the subconscious encrypts images too strongly, and it is simply impossible to unravel them. Therefore, if you want to somehow warn yourself, engage in psychoanalysis. Keep a dream diary and write there every day what your unconscious transmits to you at night. By deciphering such images, you will soon be able to interpret what appears in your dreams better than any dream book. After all, sometimes the generally accepted meaning of specific images may not suit you personally. Always keep this in mind when trying to understand the meaning of your dream.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    To me dreamed, What my favorite boy throws me, without telling the reason, we both study at the same school and he was going to take away documents from this school because of me, he didn’t want to see me, it’s all for me dreamed, I don’t know what this is all about, maybe someone knows? In dream me throws boy and goes to my school friend. I’m trying to get him back, I call him, I’m humiliated, but he says that he doesn’t love me and will now live with her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    What to expect if dreamed, What quit boy? It has already been proven that dreams are a reflection of reality, that is, they are able to warn a person against mistakes and rash actions. Boy quit in dream- it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to take this secret symbol into account and reconsider your romantic relationship. Perhaps not everything about them is as perfect as it would seem. When there are no tears during a nightly separation, it means that in real life the girl has cooled off towards her soulmate. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming quit boy in dream. if you dreamed, What you quit beloved, this does not mean at all that this will happen in reality. To properly understand what dreaming such dream, appreciate its details. So, a stormy separation, quarrel, or serious scandal promises a lot of trouble. They will not radically affect your life, but they will test the strength of your nervous system. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    if you dreamed, What boy quit We hasten to reassure you: it is not at all necessary that the situation should come true in reality. More likely, dream is a signal that you need to pay special attention to your relationships - if you value them, of course. Dream, in which boy quit you with shouts, scandal and breaking dishes indicates that you yourself already feel the tension accumulating between you. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    if you dreamed, What you quit boy, it’s worth considering this sleep very seriously. Interpret this dream you can do it in two ways: analyze your emotions that you experienced in dream. If at the moment when your boy quit you, you are relieved - soon you will enjoy the attention of many gentlemen. Breaking up with a young man in dream suggests that in real life you feel cooling on his part on a subconscious level. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "TaroTaro"

    For what I dreamed about it boy.For what dreaming Treason guy. If in dream you see your betrayal guy, this means that someone - you or your guy- you are not satisfied with the existing relationship between you, and you want to change something. For what dreaming Quit boy.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Boy quit dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Boy quit». Dream Interpretation Felomena. For what dreaming Boy quit in dream By dream book? In dream leaves you forever boy whom you love very much - most likely, this is a warning that in real life you are also in danger of separation. Therefore, try to change something before it’s too late. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    Over the course of a week, even more, dream dreams, What my boy me throws or cheats with someone... And so on all night. I'm already afraid to sleep... In general, they say that what are you afraid of? you And dreaming... Think positive!!! Try to fall asleep with good thoughts, maybe then nothing bad will happen will dream. I have exactly the same problem, only dreams to me dream not every day, but periodically for a couple of years, 1-2 times per month. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    For a girl dream book Darling boy or dream book boy which you like should be interpreted taking into account what kind of relationships develop in reality. For example, dreamed about it Darling boy, in reality, love is mutual, relationships are harmonious, but in dream he upsets with unseemly actions. If in dream quit boy, By dream book this is a sign of imminent betrayal on the part of a person who enjoyed trust. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    Dream Interpretation throws unexpectedly beloved boy and for no reason, and throughout you see you don’t sleep Maybe it’s time to tell your young man that it’s time to pay attention to both your own and his health. Usually, dream This means a serious illness of a loved one or a long journey. Dream Interpretation Favorite Why dreaming Favorite person in dream. Boy cheats in dream. Had a dream, What boy changed.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Throw, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Throw in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream Have you seen this symbol? dreamed, What my boy I accidentally met some girl. ran up to her and started asking why she had disappeared and was not answering her calls. Here I understand that they have known each other for a long time and they were in a relationship just at the time when we were also dating. that is, he cheated on me. and I went up to him and...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Child Former Dress Snake Wedding Water Ring Fish Free Hand House Miller Childbirth Cat Flowers Blood Boy ABOUT dream Man Death Wang Money Hair Beloved Girl Rat Deceased Pregnancy Kiss Spider Kittens Teeth Fire Plane Mice Freud Legs Train Husband Dead.Why dreaming quit Darling. Interpretation dreams. When in dream throws beloved - this promises troubles in reality. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why do you need dreamed, What quit Darling boy?If in dream man talks rudely to his beloved, trying to anger and offend her, which means in real life he does not take his own feelings seriously. Such love is unlikely to bring happiness to a girl. Dream, in which the separation does not initiate man, and woman means that the lady will have feelings for someone else. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Boy quit and left dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Boy quit and left? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams Dream Interpretation - Soaring. May have seemingly opposite meanings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Boy quit another girl by reading below for free interpretation dreams of the best online dream books Houses of the Sun! If you will dream, What you are someone abandoned, then the interpretation of this sleep does not bode well for you. You may lose someone's friendship and favor, which will be very difficult to regain. Dream, in which throw You, means trouble is approaching. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation quit Darling dreamed, for what dreaming in dream quit Darling". Had a dream, What I'm living again guy, but his parents don’t like me, his mother asks him if it’s her again, or what it is again, I don’t remember exactly. Then we are all in the same room + some other people and he tells me that I need to leave and so that I don’t appear in his life anymore. I don’t want to ask what happened, but. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

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    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Boy With girl throw dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Boy With girl throw? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams per letter free alphabetically). Dream Interpretation - Soaring.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming gave up Young woman in dream By dream book? Had a dream, What gave up girl - vision reflects your fears in reality, not the desire to part with your chosen one. You are bound by real feelings, the breaking of which will require a significant motive. I dreamed in dream, What me quit Boy by phone.. And dream this is already the 2nd day in a row... That he doesn’t say this to your face, but writes SMS on your phone.. Read more

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    Meaning sleep By Dream Interpretation Darling, dream Evil beloved, meaning sleep A loved one is calling, interpretation sleep Dead beloved, and other interpretations dreams: Darling quit, Beloved in the blood, Beloved says that he does not love, Beloved gives, Beloved holds the hand, Beloved with Breakup or betrayal of the Beloved in dream- this is not a prediction of such situations, but a consequence of your concern about urgent problems in relationships. Had a dream, What favorite boy or boy loves another, Beloved with another girl, Beloved got married...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If in dream You in love with someone else's husband - that means You unhappy with her marriage. A If You not yet married - like this dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If an unmarried woman dreamed, What she has a husband - that means she will deserve admiration men.To me dreamed about it ex-husband, in dream he was mine boy, he said that he was tired of everything, then I said that it was better for us to separate, I got up and left, I thought he would catch up with me, but nothing happened, in the end it turns out that I am his gave up.Read completely

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    To me dreamed What me quit boy Everything was very plausible. Could this be prophetic? dream.If in dream You are walking through a beautiful well-kept park with your loved one, then dream promises you a pleasant pastime, as well as a successful marriage. For a young woman to see in dream, What she is having lunch with her beloved, which means that they are threatened with a quarrel and even separation. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why do you need dreamed, What gave up beloved girl: meaning of unpleasant dreams about girls. Parting and separation are always unpleasant, even when the action is taking place in dream.If young boy is going to get married, but shortly before the wedding he dreaming dream that his beloved throws, you should think again about how correct the decision was. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Had a dream, What quit groom, The groom did not come to the wedding - an unsuccessful marriage; excessive anxiety about the upcoming marriage. On the eve of the Wedding similar dream can be considered empty - it was generated by your own concern about the upcoming exciting event. The groom was in dream familiar boy who once declared his love. This dream does it mean something? I've never had a suitor before dreamed about, even when I really dreamed of a wedding. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "LadyEve"

    To me dreamed, What my boy cheated on me. If dreaming, What he cheats, what does this mean for the girl? Meaning sleep. Betrayal of a loved one guy in dream means Don't flirt, don't hit on others, don't give reasons for jealousy. If dreaming, What boy flirts at a party - one of your mutual friends will be unlucky. It's worth warning them. They are not very careful, since dreaming such dream. guy killed during treason - expect huge troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Dream O guy, or what does it mean in dream see Dream O guy. and mutant pigs in dream. Had a dream What I’m alone at home and small pigs with big sharp teeth come out from under the bed and other places and attack me. I kill them and am very afraid that new ones will appear soon, I look at my scratched hands and think that I dreamed about it her late mother in a wedding dress. In February it will be a year since her mother died after a long illness; her quit husband in his youth, then never got married. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    girl, new girl, Boy with another girl, my girlfriend cheated on me, I gave up young woman, Quit girl, I cheated on a girl, stubble on a girl, Three girls. If in dream to you dreamed about it Girl or have you seen your Favorite Girl in dream, Dream Interpretations They assure that only the most favorable events await you in reality. Young woman in dream- an extremely favorable sign that promises profit, happiness and longevity in real life. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming, What boy breaks up with you? Parting in dream– this is also a bad sign: sadness, sadness, tears, bitterness and regret. Indicate this dream can do a lot, it all depends on the actions and emotions of a person, what impressions he experienced, because important elements of interpretation sleep- these are clearly expressed sensations of the dreamer. When you dreamed about it(xia) boy breaks up with you??