Traffic rules: driving with daytime running lights turned off. The purpose and nuances of choosing daytime running lights for a car. What does daytime running lights mean for a car?

On the territory of the Russian Federation, amendments to the rules of the road (TRAF) have been in force for more than 8 years, according to which a moving vehicle during daylight hours must be indicated by low beam headlights, fog lights (FTL) or daytime running lights (DRL). Using headlights and fog lights for these purposes has a number of disadvantages. Therefore, drivers prefer to buy ready-made running light modules and install them in their cars themselves. How to properly connect daytime running lights so that their operation is safe and does not contradict current laws?

The nuances of turning on running lights

The basic requirements regarding installation, technical parameters and connection of navigation lights are listed in paragraph 6.19 of GOST R 41.48-2004. In particular, the electrical functional circuit of the DRL must be assembled in such a way that the running lights turn on automatically when the ignition key is turned (the engine starts). In this case, they should automatically turn off if the headlights are turned on.

Clause 5.12 of this standard states that headlights (FGS) should be turned on only after the lights are turned on, with the exception of short-term warning signals. When connecting DRLs yourself, this feature must be taken into account.

Correct connection of DRLs is not limited to a well-thought-out functional diagram. It's time to think about the stabilization unit for LEDs. In the running lights themselves, resistors act as a current limiter; however, due to voltage drops, resistors cannot limit the current to the same level. That is why a voltage stabilizer in the running lights connection circuit is extremely necessary. Otherwise, the service life of LED DRL modules is significantly reduced due to constant changes in on-board voltage. Some car enthusiasts claim that it is possible to connect running lights without a stabilizer.

Connecting and installing an LED driver is a waste of time, because the DRLs on LEDs shine regularly for months without any stabilization...

However, this statement is easy to dispute. The fact is that with each voltage surge, more than 12 V appears on the LED module, the forward current through the LEDs exceeds the nominal value, which leads to overheating of the emitting crystal. The brightness of the LEDs decreases, such DRLs will no longer be able to fulfill their immediate task - to warn oncoming drivers from afar, and over time they will begin to flicker and fail.

Using LED DRLs without a voltage stabilizer means spending at least several hundred rubles every year on new modules and wasting time replacing them.

For ease of understanding, the circuits below are shown without using a stabilizer.

The simplest scheme

The simplest diagram for turning on the DRL when starting the engine is shown in the figure. The positive wire is connected to the “+” terminal of the ignition switch. The negative wire is attached to the machine body in a convenient place. In this form, the scheme has a significant drawback. The LED running lights will emit light as long as the ignition key is turned. In addition, their work is not coordinated with the work of other headlights, and therefore does not meet the requirements of GOST.

Switching on through dimensions or low beam

The second version of the DRL connection diagram involves using the power circuit of the side light bulb. To do this, the positive wire from the running lights is directly connected to the “+” from the battery. In turn, the negative wire is connected to the “+” of the side light, which is currently electrically neutral. As a result, the following current flow path is formed: from the “+” of the battery through the LEDs to the size, and then through the light bulb to the body, which serves as the minus of the entire circuit. Due to the low current consumption (tens of mA), the LEDs begin to glow, and the lamp spiral remains extinguished.
If the driver turns on the side lights, then +12 V appears on the positive side of the side lights, the potentials on the DRL wires are equalized and the LEDs go out. The circuit goes into normal mode, that is, current flows through the side light bulbs.

This circuit solution has several disadvantages:

  • running lights remain on when the engine is turned off, which is contrary to current regulations;
  • the circuit will not work if LEDs are also installed in the dimensions;
  • the circuit will not work correctly if the DRLs contain powerful SMD LEDs, the rated current of which is comparable to the current of a light bulb;
  • For safety reasons, an additional fuse must be installed.

This connection method can be improved by connecting the positive wire of the LED module not to the “+” of the battery, but to the “+” of the ignition switch, thereby eliminating the first drawback.
Some motorists use schemes for turning on running lights through a low beam lamp. That is, when the low beam is turned on, the DRLs automatically go out, but in other cases they work. In addition to the above disadvantages, this method does not comply with GOST R 41.48-2004 and traffic rules.

When parking a car at night, side lights are used to indicate it; the use of DRLs and traffic regulations is prohibited.

Connection via a 4-pin relay from a generator or oil sensor

The following two methods have a common basis and imply the operation of daytime running lights only after the engine is started. The circuit for switching on DRL from the generator is based on switching a four-contact relay and a reed switch.
The DRL relay contacts are connected as follows:

  • 85 – to the positive wire to the dimensions;
  • 86 – to any reed switch output;
  • 87 and the second terminal of the reed switch - to the “+” of the battery.

After checking the reliability of all contacts, proceed to setup. To do this, start the engine and, by moving the reed switch near the generator, achieve its activation and a stable glow of the DRL. Then the reed switch is hidden in a thermal tube and fixed in the found place using nylon ties.

At the moment of starting the engine, and then the generator, the contacts of the reed switch and relay close, supplying power to the LED running lights. In this case, the side lamps remain turned off, since the current through the relay coil is small to light them.

In the absence of a reed switch, you can power the DRL from the oil pressure sensor. In this case, pin 86 is connected to the oil pressure lamp. The rest of the circuitry is duplicated.
Both schemes have a common drawback. They cannot be used if LEDs are installed in the dimensions.

Connection via 5-pin relay

Now it's time to learn how to connect running lights via a five-pin relay. The scheme is the most universal, and was assembled to eliminate the disadvantages of previous options.
First, about connecting the relay for DRLs:

  • 30 – to the positive terminals of LED modules;
  • 85 – to the positive wire of the side lamp;
  • 86 – on the car body;
  • 87a – to “+” from the ignition switch;
  • 87 – do not connect (isolate).

The circuit with a five-contact relay works as follows. When you turn the key, +12 V is supplied to the DRLs, thereby turning them on. If you turn on the side lights or headlights, the relay will open contact 87a and close inactive contact 87. As a result, the DRLs will go out and the side lights will turn on. The circuit fully complies with the requirements of GOST and traffic regulations and can work with side lights even based on LEDs.

However, the circuit still has one negative point - the DRLs will turn on immediately after turning the ignition switch. That is, if you turn the key in the ignition but do not start the car, the DRLs will light up.

Despite the existing drawback, the circuit is quite successful, but in order to correctly connect the DRL via a five-pin relay, you will need to supplement the circuit with a voltage stabilizer.

This switching option is interesting because the path of current flow through the running lights is independent. This allows you to install light sources of any type and power in headlights and DRLs.

DRL control unit

The most reliable and simplest option is to connect DRLs without a relay, but using a special running lights control unit. It ensures that the DRL turns on after starting the engine, guarantees safe operation, protects against overloads and can be installed on cars with any type of lamps, including LEDs.

Unfortunately, among the variety of industrially manufactured DRL units, the vast majority do not comply with GOST and have mediocre build quality.

This applies, first of all, to products from AliExpress, which do not meet the requirements in almost all respects.

Among all the diversity, only 2 options can be noted: the Russian DayLight+ DRL control unit and German products from Philips and Osram. The DayLight+ control unit was developed by Russian radio engineer Fedor Isachenkov, taking into account all the features of the vehicle’s on-board network and has a number of positive aspects:

  • there is built-in voltage stabilization;
  • full compliance with GOST;
  • the maximum long-term load power is 36 Watts (significantly less is required for DRLs);
  • simplest connection diagram.

In addition to the points described above, the DayLight+ unit is universal and is suitable for all cars with an on-board 12-volt network, and also has good build quality and a high degree of protection from moisture and dust.
German products from Philips and Osram also have all the above-described advantages of the DayLight+ unit, however, German control units are supplied only together with daytime running lights and are more expensive.

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Side lights are a must for any car. If this element is inoperative, the driver will be issued a fine. The same applies to daytime running lights. Not many people know how these concepts differ, so we will talk about this further.

What are side lights

The main purpose of these elements is to attract the attention of drivers in the dark. Side lights are placed on all sides of the vehicle so that, regardless of the level of illumination, other road users can assess the size of the vehicle.

Principle of operation

When creating side lights, LEDs or halogen lamps are used. They turn on automatically when the low beam headlights are activated. There are also car models that provide the ability to turn them on separately. If desired, such a system can be implemented in any car.

For cargo vehicles, reflectors are used - retroreflectors instead of side lights. Their function is to reflect light from other cars on the road. Essentially, this is a passive light signaling system that notifies other road users in advance that a truck is on the way. This is necessary in the dark so that drivers can change lanes in advance


According to their functional purpose and location, side lights are divided into:

  • Front (popularly called sidelights). They are located in front of the car in one line. In some older car brands they are placed on the fenders. These devices must emit exclusively white light. According to traffic regulations, drivers are required to turn on the front side lights at night, as well as in conditions of reduced visibility. They must work in conjunction with other optical devices (low/main beam lights or fog lights).
  • Rear (are an element of the headlight unit). Such lights must shine exclusively in red. In the dark, they must be turned on not only while driving, but also when stopping on the side of the road. On buses they are located both below and above.

Penalties for failure to use dimensions

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not have a separate article for unused or defective side lights. Article 12.5 states that if there is any discrepancy between the lighting devices regarding the vehicle’s approval for operation, the driver will be fined in the amount of 500 rubles. The same sanctions apply to daytime running lights.

In some cases, you can get off with a warning (the traffic inspector has the right not to issue a fine at his discretion). However, as practice shows, this rarely happens. You can also get a fine if any of the side lights emit a light that is not the same as prescribed in the traffic rules.

Daytime Running Lights

DRLs are external lighting devices that are used during daylight hours. They are designed to improve the visibility of the car to other road users. From one name, one can identify the key difference between daytime running lights and side lights: the former are used during the day, the latter at night (or in conditions of reduced visibility). Since 2010, the use of DRLs has been mandatory in Russia.

Types of DRLs

The following types of daytime running lights are distinguished:

  • High beam. The main feature of these devices is the reduced light power (only 70% of the load is supplied to the lighting fixture). As a result, the headlights shine quite brightly, but do not blind drivers moving in the oncoming lane. Such devices are criticized by society, since their use increases fuel consumption.
  • Low beam. In Russia (and some European countries) it is acceptable to use them as DRLs.
  • Fog lights. They are not installed on all cars, so their use is not mandatory (relative to traffic regulations).
  • Independent headlights. These are LED lamps. They provide a clearly visible light even in clear weather and transform the appearance of the car. Therefore, such lights have gained wide popularity around the world.

Installation locations

Drivers themselves have the right to determine in which places to install DRLs, but the traffic rules spell out clear rules, violation of which will result in a fine:

  • The headlights must be positioned symmetrically relative to the axis. This is necessary to prevent visual distortion.
  • The maximum distance above the ground is 1.5 meters.
  • DRLs must not extend beyond the overall dimensions of the vehicle; in other words, they cannot be placed on any external elements (spoiler, bumper, etc.).
  • Only one pair of headlights should be installed on one vehicle.
  • DRLs must be placed in the front part of the vehicle and their light must be directed clearly along the trajectory of movement.

Video about using headlights

To appreciate the importance of the lighting devices presented above, it is enough to remember one fact: side lights were first used in 1968 in the USA, since then the number of accidents has decreased by 50%. Together with DRLs, such elements provide improved visibility, which has a positive effect on the road situation as a whole.

Relatively recently, amendments were added to the traffic rules, including mandatory driving with lights on during the daytime. Failure to comply with this clause will result in a fine of 500 rubles. And for this, it even has its own equipment - daytime running lights, also known as DRLs. But not all cars are equipped with such lighting devices from the factory, although automakers are increasingly equipping their cars with them.

The rules do not strictly stipulate that only DRLs should be used for daytime driving. Almost any vehicle lighting fixtures are suitable for this purpose. In different countries, they use high or low beam headlights, turn signals operating in a constant glow mode, and side lights.

But still, the most optimal is to use DRLs as a vehicle designation for oncoming traffic when driving during the day.

Lighting equipment as DRLs - pros and cons

Daytime running lights are often confused with side lights, but this is wrong. The brightness of the side lamps is very weak, since they are designed to indicate the car in the dark. If you use them during the day, then in bright sunlight the glow of the side lamps is practically invisible.

Therefore, headlights are more suitable for this, but here another problem arises. The resource of optics is not eternal, and the constant use of low and high beam headlights will ultimately lead to burnout of the lamps, as well as burnout of the reflectors. The cost of optics can be significant and the need to periodically replace damaged headlight elements will be quite expensive.

Also, using high beams can play a negative role. The brightness of the lamps in this mode is strong, so there is a possibility of blinding oncoming drivers, especially in cloudy weather.

Therefore, it is considered more optimal to use low beam headlights. But it is worth noting that the energy consumption of lamps is significant, which in turn affects. This should include such a design feature that when the headlights are turned on, the side lights and the dashboard lights come on, and this, in fact, is not necessary in daylight conditions.

Another disadvantage of using headlights to indicate a moving car is that they must be turned on manually. This means that the driver may simply forget to turn off the headlights when parking the car, and if it is parked for a long time, the side lights will be on.

About the same applies to . They consume a large amount of energy, and the components of these lighting devices gradually wear out. The only thing is that after stopping the engine, the fog lights also go out and the battery will not be discharged.

There is no need to talk about turn signals operating in a constant glow mode. Using them as DRLs can confuse drivers and cause accidents.

Daytime running lights and their advantages

Video: Daytime running lights and how to connect them

Using DRLs solves all problems. LEDs are used in their design, so the energy consumption of such lights is insignificant and they do not affect the fuel consumption of the power plant.

  1. Such lighting equipment shines much brighter than side lights, and their light is visible even in sunlight, that is, the car will in any case be visible to drivers of oncoming cars, but it will not blind them.
  2. The DRLs are powered from the ignition switch, so they will light up while the power plant is running. When the engine is stopped and the ignition is turned off, the running lights will turn off.
  3. Some versions of daytime running lights provide a function to turn off or dim the brightness when the headlights are turned on low beam.
  4. Daytime running lights also serve a decorative function. In cars that are equipped with such lighting equipment, they are often mounted in headlights for styling.

They also look good when installed in special niches in the bumper. It’s just that there are seats for DRLs in modern cars that provide for the installation of such equipment, but it is not included in the package. As for old cars, owners will have to make cuts in them to perform installation.

DRLs are produced in a variety of types:

  • round;
  • arrow-shaped;
  • in the form of stripes;
  • L-shaped;
  • a set of separate LEDs (they are installed several in a row);

Some craftsmen even glue LED strips to the bumper. There are combined DRLs, in which the LEDs are installed in two rows, and orange lamps are installed in one of them. This allows you to use such a lighting device additionally as turn signal repeaters. In general, you can choose daytime running lights for almost any car.

Features of installation, selection, connection

Video: How to install daytime running lights yourself simply and brilliantly

If the car’s equipment does not include DRLs, but there is a seat for them, then installing the equipment will not be difficult, the main thing is to choose them correctly in shape and size. In such cars, the manufacturer took into account the correct location of the instruments.

As for cars that do not have niches for DRLs, the driver still needs to choose the right location for installing the equipment.

Installation diagram for daytime running lights

Thus, according to the standard, daytime running lights for cars should not be located below 25 cm from the ground and above 1.5 m. As for the width, the distance between the inner edges of the lights must be at least 60 cm (40 cm is allowed for vehicles, width which are less than 130 cm). In this case, the distance from the edge of the car to the outer edges of the DRL should not exceed 40 cm.

The car accessories market offers a large number of DRL lamps of different price categories. At the same time, cheap Chinese products do not always fully perform their functions. Therefore, when purchasing DRLs, you should consider some nuances:

  1. High-quality flashlights have reflectors in their design, but cheap ones do not always have them. DRLs that do not have reflectors do not shine strongly enough, and the brightness of such lights is close to side lights, that is, during the day they will be barely noticeable.
  2. The kit must include a relay for connection. If it is not there, then you will have to connect them directly to the lock and it will not be possible to organize additional operating modes of the DRLs.
  3. The build quality of inexpensive flashlights leaves much to be desired. Often cheap products break or fall apart after just six months of use.
  4. In good lamps, installation is carried out using fasteners, but cheap ones are often mounted on double tape, so there is a high probability that the DRLs will simply disappear at the races.

Connecting daytime running lights is simple. The kit always includes instructions with a diagram on how to connect everything correctly. Most often, the relay included in the kit has 4 terminals, each of which needs to be connected to its own wire.

Video: An easy way to connect DRLs

In four-pin relays, one of the terminals is intended for connecting the lights themselves. The second one is needed to power the DRL from the ignition switch. The headlight switch is connected to the third terminal (due to this, the headlights will dim or go out when the low beam is turned on). And the fourth pin is intended for connecting ground.

Note that after connecting and checking the functionality of the daytime lights for a car, it is necessary to secure all the installed wiring and relays so that they do not accidentally fall into the moving parts of the power plant.

In general, daytime running lights are quite useful lighting equipment that will help identify a car on the road for oncoming drivers, extend the life of headlights, without creating a significant load on the on-board network.

Daytime running lights on cars are a special type of automotive lighting devices, the main function of which is to highlight the vehicle against the background of road traffic. They make the car more visible to all road users, which significantly reduces the number of road accidents. The statistics speak for themselves: after a resolution was adopted in 2010, which ordered all motorists in the Russian Federation to drive with daytime running lights on during daylight hours, the number of accidents recorded during this period of time decreased almost 1.5 times.

Daytime running lights for cars

Thus, daytime running lights have proven to be quite effective. Now they are actively purchased and used by motorists.

Many, by the way, mistakenly confuse the daytime running lights of a car with the side lights of a vehicle. However, they have nothing in common. Side lights are small lamps that are red or a similar color. They are installed on the corners and protruding points of the car to enable other road users to clearly record its dimensions and position in the dark. DRLs, in turn, function exclusively while the car is driving.

Running lights on a car

What types of daytime running lights are divided into?

There is a list of devices that are accepted as daytime running lights on cars in most countries.

  • This list includes:
  • Low beam headlights.
  • High beam headlights with reduced voltage levels. Standard driving lights do not qualify as daytime running lights.
  • Fog lights.

Independent front lighting units.

It is also worth noting that most of the above varieties are represented on the modern market by a huge number of models, and therefore you will have to choose from a large assortment. But whenever possible, preference should be given to those lighting fixtures that have a separate and independent connection system.

As a rule, such devices are characterized by reduced energy consumption, lack of glare during operation, and many other useful properties. However, their price may exceed your expectations.

Low beam

Low beam headlights as DRLs on cars now cause a lot of controversy between specialists from different countries. In some European countries they are still allowed as daytime running lights, but most also impose additional conditions for their operation.

In our country, low beam headlights can replace car daytime running lights.

Low beam headlights can replace daytime running lights

High beam

High beam headlights as daytime running lights on cars have become quite common on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. But it is worth clarifying that many vehicle owners mainly use a dimmed version of the high beam headlights for these purposes - they should be brighter than the low beam headlights, but darker than themselves operating in normal mode. Nowadays, the idea of ​​​​using high-beam headlights as daytime running lights on a car is increasingly being criticized.

This is due to the opinion of the majority of motorists that such lighting devices should be economical and practically not consume fuel (but the same cannot be said about high-beam headlights), and also that, despite their good brightness, such daytime running lights do not clearly indicate cars. pedestrians and cyclists who also move along the road.

Fog lights are the most controversial type of light that can be used as daytime running lights on a car. According to Russian traffic regulations, such driving is completely legal. Fog lights are legal and can be used as running lights, but in many other countries such use is prohibited.

This is due to the fact that most foreign experts are convinced that such very specific devices as fog lights should be used only for their intended purpose - in foggy, rainy or snowy weather.

Fog lights instead of running lights

Independent headlights

Such lighting devices are also quite popular. This phenomenon is due to many factors: from low energy costs to ease of installation and reasonable prices. Recently, LED lights have become quite popular for installation on cars, used as daytime running lights. They are significantly more energy efficient and produce consistent, bright white light no matter the circumstances. It is also worth noting that this kind of running lights are very effective in creating an original vehicle design. The car owner himself gets the opportunity to decide what the patterns inside his headlights should be, and lays out the LED strip accordingly.

When choosing what your daytime running lights should be, do not forget that the rules for their installation and operation are strictly regulated by GOST and traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

LED strip used as daytime running lights

What does the law say?

In our country, the moment of installation of DRLs on a car is clearly stated in GOST and in traffic regulations. The law strictly requires all owners of passenger cars to drive in the daytime with daytime running lights turned on.

The regulatory act also spells out clear rules for their installation. For example, daytime running lights should be located no more than 1.5 meters above the ground. They must be symmetrical relative to the main axis of the car and not protrude beyond its external dimensions. The law also states that there must be strictly 2 such lights, and they should only be located in front of the vehicle (and shine as it moves).

DRL location according to GOST R 41.48-2004

Today, many companies around the world are engaged in the production of daytime running lights. However, of those presented on the Russian market, only a few deserve attention, namely:

  • Philips. One of the “monsters” in the field of manufacturing lighting devices. Engaged in the production of all types of DRLs for cars of all brands and types.

Philips DaylightGuide LED DRLs
  • Osram. If you want to choose stylish and most economical lamps, choose from Osram products. All their equipment is characterized by elegant design and low energy consumption.

Daytime running lights Osram Ledriving 301
  • Hella. The epitome of durability. If you want to equip your iron horse with the highest quality lighting products and not have to worry about this problem for many years, Hella products are just for you.

Daytime running lights Hella LEDayline

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for driving without the DRLs on during the daytime. Many European and Scandinavian countries have been using similar practices for many years, and other countries are adopting such policies from their neighbors. It is for this reason that we decided to consider in more detail the concept of daytime running lights, their types, purpose, requirements and other aspects of this topic.

What are daytime running lights

Daytime running lights are side lights (headlights) that are used for daytime lighting. There are both standard (installed by the factory) and additionally installed ones. Thanks to the use of such dimensions, the vehicle is better visible to others.

The presence of DRLs improves the visibility of your car to pedestrians and other motorists; this factor significantly reduces the risk of a car accident.

According to statisticians, after amendments were made to the traffic rules, the number of car accidents in our country decreased by half.

The absence of standard running lights entails drivers using other light sources that are not prohibited by law as an analogue. Let's look at the types and classifications of such analogues.

DRL classification

Driving lights- the most effective way to use. This type of headlight is installed on every car; it should be used only in the absence of oncoming cars, in order to avoid dazzling them, and better at night.

But as an analogue for DRLs, in the daytime, you can use the high beam in half a channel; this option is interesting because it provides brightness, and due to partial power use, energy consumption is reduced.

If connected correctly, the high beam can be used by 30%, and the switching on can be made automatic, which is what a large number of motorists use. But you should be extremely careful and attentive, since using high beam headlights requires certain knowledge and qualifications.

Low beam headlights- the most common method, which is used as DRL. Since these headlights do not require additional adjustment or intervention from the driver. Just turn it on and you're good to go. The disadvantage of using low beam is high power consumption, which can affect battery charge. Also, according to the law, the use of low-beam headlights as an analogue of daytime running lights is permitted.

Fog lights– the name speaks for itself, this type of size is not designed for use as a DRL, it is designed for use in foggy weather and with insufficient visibility. An absolute plus is, of course, energy consumption. The disadvantage of this option is that the headlights are located too low and the light of such headlights is often yellow, which reduces visibility in the daytime. Also, the power of the headlights is lower than in other options. Nevertheless, the use of this type of dimensions as an analogue of DRLs is not prohibited.

Additional (independent) headlights– the most ideal option for using dimensions as DRLs. These headlights are designed for daytime lighting. As has already been said, such headlights are not installed standard on many cars, and this is precisely the disadvantage of this option. Connection and installation will require certain costs. It will also be necessary to make changes to the design of the factory assembly of the car, which should not be done independently, without experience and skills in this direction. The undoubted advantages are durability, brightness, and minimal energy consumption.

There are lamp and LED variations of additional headlights. An absolute plus, and probably the only one, of lamp products is their low cost. LED running lights have advantages such as low energy consumption, high brightness and long service life. Also, the LED variation is much less blinding to oncoming drivers.

  1. Philips LED DayLight8
  2. HELLA LEDayFlex 8,
  3. Osram Led Riving FOG
  4. EgoLight DRL-D70/DRL-120Р18

Regulatory requirements for DRL

When choosing DRLs for your car, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the headlights must comply with the standards established by GOST.

  1. Availability of two dimensions on the vehicle. The headlights must be located on the front of the car; to fully verify this condition, the light emitted by the headlights should not be reflected in mirrors or other mirror surfaces.
  2. At a height of no less than 25 and no more than 150 centimeters from the ground. A distance of no more than 60 centimeters must be maintained between two headlights. From the overall dimensions to the extreme point of the car - no more than 40 centimeters. The direction of the headlights must be forward.
  3. The daytime running lights should turn on automatically when the ignition is turned on. It also turns off automatically when the car changes to other dimensions, if necessary.
  4. It is necessary to observe the angle at which the light will come from. Horizontal plane – 200. Vertical plane – 100. Pay special attention to this point, since this is what drivers most often violate.
  5. And the main parameter is the use of only white lights; you may be fined for using other colors.

Traffic rules requirements

Let's consider the requirements for daytime running lights, which are established by law and specified in the traffic regulations. On November 20, 2010, an amendment was made that requires the use of DRLs during the daytime. In paragraph 3.3. it also says that you cannot use a vehicle on which the dimensions used to consecrate the vehicle are dirty.

If your DRLs are not installed according to the GOST rules, which we studied above, you may also be subject to penalties of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

To install additional headlights that are planned to be used as DRLs, you will need to obtain permission from the traffic police; We do not recommend installing it yourself, even if you follow all the rules.

Please note that even if you installed the DRL with minor violations, and the traffic police did not notice this, the next technical inspection will reveal that the installation was carried out without permission, and this will entail additional costs.

Responsibility for violating traffic rules

For violating traffic regulations, you can receive a fine of 500 rubles from a traffic police officer, and this is for the absence of one headlight. For the first time you can get off with a warning. Let’s also take a quick look at what other types of violations you can get a fine for.