Ensuring the stability of the banking system of the region Viktor Ivanovich kedrov. Approximate word search



1.2. Fundamental principles for the sustainability of the banking sector

1.3. Characteristics of ways to maintain the stability of the banking system



2.1. Assessment of the role of the banking sector in the economic system of the region

2.2. Analysis of the activities of the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova to maintain the stability of the banking sector

2.3. Assessment of internal factors determining the stability of commercial banks in the region


3.1. Improving government regulation and banking supervision system

3.2. Intensifying interaction between the banking system and the real sector of the economy

3.3. Development of the infrastructure of the banking system as a necessary condition for ensuring its stability 145 CONCLUSION 163 REFERENCES USED 168 APPENDICES

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Ensuring the stability of the regional banking system”

Relevance of the research topic. Ensuring the stability of the banking system of the country and its regions is one of the key tasks facing the state. The significance of solving this problem is due to the importance of the functions performed by the banking system in the economy. By transforming savings into investment resources, making payments and settlements in the economy, the national banking system influences processes occurring in almost all segments of the economy.

The formation of the foundations of a market economy in Russia over the past decades was accompanied by an aggravation of economic and social processes, which was due to both the objective nature of reforming the economic mechanism and subjective reformist mistakes at the initial stage of transformation. Moreover, due to its specificity, which consists in the concentration and regulation of cash flows, the banking system not only found itself at the center of influence of these processes, but moreover, it was quite susceptible to the destabilizing nature of their impact. The problem of ensuring the stability of the banking sector is especially acute in the regions, the reason for which is the deformation of the loan market in our country, expressed in the excessive concentration of banking resources in some regions and chronic insufficiency in others.

These circumstances predetermined the relevance of studying issues of ensuring the stability of the banking system at the regional level.

State of knowledge of the problem. Fundamental research into issues of ensuring the sustainability of the banking sector was carried out by such domestic scientists as L.P. Belykh, E.N. Vasilishen, V.N. Zhivalov, E.F. Zhukov, G.G. Korobova, S.M. Ilyasov, O.I. Lavrushin, I.V. Larionova, V.V. Maslennikov, M.Yu. Matovnikov, A.I. Olynany, G.S. Panova, M.A. Pessel, I.V. Peshchanskaya, E.S. Stoyanova, G.A. Tosunyan, V.M. Usoskin, G.G. Fetisov, E.B. Shirinskaya et al.

The works of such foreign scientists as E.J. are devoted to practical and methodological issues of sustainable development of elements of the banking system. Dolan, K. D. Campbell, R. J. Campbell, J. Matuk, E. Rode, P. Rose, T. Cabot, etc. A comparative analysis of their works showed that representatives of the domestic scientific school focus on theoretical issues of ensuring sustainability banks, revealing their relationship with the real sector of the economy, the need and problems of regulating the banking sector in order to achieve its effective functioning. Foreign authors largely cover applied aspects related to the stable functioning of banking institutions, highlighting the latest trends in the development and implementation of banking instruments.

However, despite the presence of a wide range of scientific works on the problem under consideration, it should be noted that in most cases they relate to the research and development of stability mechanisms for individual credit institutions, without taking into account their relationship with other institutions of the banking system. The banking system is considered in isolation from the many different functional and organizational aspects that form the unity of the banking infrastructure and also affect the stability of its main elements. The specific features of ensuring the stability of regional banks, determined by the conditions of a particular region, remain unexplained.

Thus, the insufficient degree of development of these problems confirms the relevance of the research topic and the need to solve them. This predetermined the goal, objectives and structure of the work.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop methodological approaches and practical recommendations for increasing the stability of the banking system at the regional level.

To achieve this goal, it was planned to solve the following tasks:

Explore theoretical and methodological aspects of ensuring sustainable development of the banking system;

Identify the main problems of sustainable development of the banking system in modern conditions;

Analyze and assess the stability of the banking system of a particular region;

Assess the role of a structural unit of the central bank in ensuring the sustainability of the regional banking sector;

Determine areas for increasing the stability of the region's banking system.

The object of the study is the banking system of the Republic of Mordovia.

The subject of the study is the process of ensuring the stability of the regional banking system.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign economists on the problems of sustainable development of commercial banks, publications in periodicals, materials of scientific conferences, federal and regional legislative and regulatory acts relating to state regulation of the banking sector.

The information base of the dissertation research consisted of statistical information and reporting materials of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Bank of the Republic of Mordovia, analytical materials and annual reports of commercial banks of the Republic of Mordovia.

The main provisions submitted by the dissertation candidate for defense:

The main theoretical provisions of the concept of ensuring the stability of the banking system, the fundamental difference of which from existing ones is the presentation of the latter as an integral, dynamic and systemic object. This made it possible to specify the content of the term “sustainability of the banking system” in modern conditions, clarify the principles of ensuring the stability of the banking system, and classify the factors influencing it (pp. 10-13; 20-39);

A comprehensive analysis of the financial stability of commercial banks of the Republic of Mordovia, as a result of which the main factors of a destabilizing nature were identified, manifested in the weak participation of the state in the development of the banking system, the insufficient efficiency of monetary policy instruments and the banking supervision system (pp. 63-72; 75-90 ; 95-112);

A developed set of proposals to improve state regulation of the banking sector and the banking supervision system, as well as to enhance interaction between the banking system and the real sector of the economy based on the use of promising banking products (pp. 113-140);

Proposals for organizational and functional transformations in the banking system of the region, aimed at developing its infrastructure as a necessary condition for ensuring the sustainable functioning of the banking sector (pp. 145-162).

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a set of methodological approaches and practical recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the regional banking system. The specific results that determine the novelty of the study are as follows:

The content of the concept of “sustainability of the banking system” has been clarified, which provides for the need for the banking system to perform its inherent functions, taking into account the corresponding level of economic development (pp. 11-13);

A classification of principles for ensuring the stability of the banking system has been developed, which involves their division into principles of a general type, reflecting the conditions for the stability of the market environment, and those specific to banking activities (pp. 21-38);

Investment lending schemes used in global banking practice have been adapted to regional conditions, implying the mobilization of all possible sources of financial resources in the region (pp. 130-141);

The need for the development of banking infrastructure is substantiated as one of the fundamental conditions for ensuring the stability of the banking system in the region (pp. 142-159).

Practical significance of the work. The measures proposed in the dissertation to enhance interaction between the banking system and the real sector of the economy can be used in the activities of credit institutions. The author's recommendations for improving government influence on the banking policy of credit institutions can be used in developing the main directions of monetary and supervisory policy.

The results of the study, in particular, the creation of regional financial and industrial groups based on the bank performing the functions of a financial center, the introduction of credit products into the activities of commercial banks based on risk diversification, were accepted for use by the Association of Commercial Banks of the Republic of Mordovia and partially implemented in the activities of regional credit institutions.

Theoretical and practical developments of the dissertation research are used in the educational process in teaching courses “Organization of the activities of commercial banks”, “Money, credit, banks” for students of the Faculty of Economics of Mordovia State University.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and practical provisions of the dissertation were published in the open press in the form of articles, and are also reflected in the author’s reports at: III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-economic Development of Russia in the 21st Century” (Penza, 2004), International Scientific-Practical practical conference “Economic development of sectors of the national economy in market conditions” (Kirov, 2004), II International scientific and practical conference “Problems of socio-economic sustainability of the region” (Penza, 2005).

Publication of works on the research topic. The main provisions of the dissertation are presented in 6 scientific works with a total volume of 1.85 pp., including the author’s personal volume - 1.4 pp.

Scope and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, contains 180 pages of typewritten text, 16 tables, 13 figures, 9 appendices. The bibliographic list includes 155 sources.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Finance, money circulation and credit”, Kedrov, Viktor Ivanovich


As the theoretical study has shown, in economic science there are different approaches to the content of the term “sustainability of the banking system,” which suggests the need to clarify it. The author proposes to consider it as the ability of the banking system to perform its inherent functions, taking into account the corresponding level of socio-economic development.

The banking system, being a complex dynamic system, in the course of its activities is subject to the influence of many external and internal factors that are diverse in nature. Based on a generalization of the theoretical views of Russian and foreign scientists, these factors are systematized and studied. The importance of socio-political factors that caused the destabilization of the banking sector in 2004 is emphasized.

The methodology for creating the stability of the banking system involves identifying and justifying the relevant principles. During the study, they were classified into two main groups: general types, reflecting the conditions for the stability of the market environment, and specific ones, revealing the specifics of banking activities.

In the process of studying ways to maintain the stability of the banking system in the dissertation work, it was noted that at present their full implementation is impossible due to a number of reasons: weak state participation in the banking sector, which led to its insufficient investment activity in the post-transition period; the lack of an integrated approach to the use of monetary regulation instruments, which determined their insufficient impact on the stability of the banking sector; lack of development of the diagnostic component of banking supervision.

The study of the relationship between the regional economy and the banking sector of the republic, carried out in the dissertation work, made it possible to identify the following trends: the presence in the post-crisis period of positive dynamics in the relative indicators of the relationship between the banking sector and the regional economy; a weaker, compared to the Russian average, degree of interaction between regional banks and the real economy.

Such rates of development will not allow the republic’s banks to have a significant impact on the development of the region in the future. The insufficient participation of regional banks in the production of GRP and achieving economic growth can lead to their isolation from the real sector of the economy, which cannot but affect the stability of the banking system of the region.

In comparison with the Russian average, the republic is also poorly provided with banking institutions. Its financial saturation and banking services are insufficient. This indicates that the banking system of the region does not effectively perform its main functions, and therefore is not stable enough.

The study analyzed the performance of financial intermediation functions by regional commercial banks. For this purpose, the effectiveness of the redistribution of resources between counterparties through credit organizations, as well as the redistribution of resources according to terms, was analyzed. As a result, the following was revealed: during 2000-2003. the net creditor of the banking system of the republic was the population, which corresponds to the classical scheme of financial intermediation; a significant part of the accumulated funds was directed by banks to the financial sector, and not to lending to real production;

The transformation of resources by banks was carried out on the basis of placing “short” liabilities into “long” assets, which indicates a potential liquidity risk;

The greatest liquidity deficit of regional banks was observed in the shortest range - from “on demand” to 7 days.

In these conditions, one of the main factors in increasing the stability of the banking system is the supervisory and regulatory activities of the central bank. During the analysis of banks' compliance with mandatory economic standards, the following trends were identified:

The largest number of violations of economic standards by banks occurred in the period 1997-1999, which indicates increased problems in the activities of banks during the financial crisis;

The most frequently violated standards were NZ, N8 and HI 1. The main reasons for these violations were the faster growth of the resources they attracted compared to the growth of banks’ own funds, the insufficient resource base, as well as the presence of errors in the management of banks’ liquidity;

Since 2000, there has been a decrease in the number of violations of mandatory standards, which indicates an increase in the quality of financial management of regional banks, as well as the effectiveness of the actions of the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova to liquidate problem banks.

An analysis of the main internal factors influencing the stability of banks was carried out in a dissertation research based on the CAMELS rating system. The results obtained allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

Main indicators of profitability of the activities of banks in the region in 1999-2003. had positive dynamics. Taking into account the high dynamics of the increase in the capital of regional banks over the same period, it can be stated that credit organizations in the region took advantage of the favorable environment to increase capitalization due to the high interest margin included in interest rates on loans.

Regional banks are in more favorable conditions compared to large Moscow credit institutions operating in conditions of more developed competition. This is evidenced by the results of a comparison of the level of interest rates on loans.

Decrease in net interest margin and net spread from credit operations in 2001-2003. offset by an increase in assets. Thus, regional banks are following an extensive path to increase profitability.

Ensuring the stability of the banking system is largely associated with increasing the effectiveness of monetary policy instruments. Firstly, by expanding the list of securities accepted as collateral when carrying out Bank of Russia operations to provide funds to credit institutions. Secondly, work should be intensified to ensure the availability of refinancing mechanisms for commercial banks in the regions. Thirdly, this is the development of instruments for long-term refinancing by the central bank of credit institutions.

Strengthening the share of state participation in the national banking system is also considered as an area associated with increasing the stability of the banking sector. The efficiency of interaction between banks with the participation of state capital and enterprises in the real sector can be increased by implementing the following measures:

Creation of a system of specialized banks (development banks) with state capital (capital of local authorities) for lending to key sectors of the regional economy;

Replenishing the capital of existing credit institutions with public funds in order to intensify the investment process, in particular at the regional level;

Development of infrastructure institutions (guarantee funds, credit bureaus, etc.), including at the expense of funds and with the direct support of local authorities, etc.

One of the key tasks, the solution of which will improve the stability of the banking system, is the improvement of the banking supervision system, which is possible through the implementation of the following measures: 1) strengthening risk-focused supervision, focused on constant monitoring of banking risks; 2) qualitative improvement of corporate governance and risk management systems; 3) improving the system of economic standards by introducing a differentiated approach to credit institutions depending on their size, type and specialization.

As part of intensifying the interaction between the banking system and the real sector of the economy, the work examines the possibilities of creating regional financial and industrial groups, as well as the introduction of promising lending products into the activities of the republic's banks: syndicated, project and leasing lending.

A necessary condition for increasing the stability of the regional banking system is the development of banking infrastructure, the elements of which can be classified according to institutional, functional and technological characteristics. The dissertation examines the possibility of creating the following institutions in the region that perform individual banking functions and tasks: consumer cooperation institutions, credit bureaus, consulting agencies for managing banking risks, agencies for working with problem loans and selling collateral, and electronic payment systems.

Thus, the implementation of the recommendations proposed in the dissertation for the development of banking activities will make it possible to intensify the investment process in the regional economy, create the necessary prerequisites for its further growth and thereby form a stable basis for the functioning of the banking sector.

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100. Main indicators characterizing the operations of the Bank of Russia to conduct pawn credit auctions // Bulletin of Banking Statistics. 2004. No. 11. P. 46.

101. Fundamentals of banking / Ed. K.R. Tagirbekova. M.: INFRA-M, 2001. 715 p.

102. Panova G.S. Credit policy of a commercial bank. M.: ICC "DIS", 1997. 464 p.

103. Pashkova O.I. Activation of investment activities of regional commercial banks: Dissertation. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Saransk: 1994. 188 p.

104. Pashkovskaya I.V. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy. M.: LLC Publishing House "Jurisprudence", Research Institute of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 2004. 128 p.

105. Yub.Peshchanskaya I.V. Organization of activities of a commercial bank. M.: INFRA-M, 2001. 320 p.

106. Pivkov R. Objective and subjective obstacles to syndication // Banking in Moscow. 2001. No. 10. P. 29-30.

107. Polytechnic Dictionary / Ed. A.Yu. Itlinsky. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. 656 p.

108. Polterovich V.M. Economic equilibrium and economic mechanism. M.: Nauka, 1990. 387 p.

109. Polyakov V. P. Fundamentals of money circulation and credit / V. P. Polyakov, JI. A. Moskovkina. M.: INFRA-M, 1997. 192 p.

110. Polyakov V.P. Structure and functions of central banks. Foreign experience: Proc. allowance / V.P. Polyakov, JI.A. Moskovkina. M.: INFRA-M, 1996. 192 p.

111. Ponomarev Yu. Nationalization in France // Kommensant. 1996. No. 5.P.11.

112. Restructuring of credit institutions in foreign countries / Ed. A.G. Gryaznova, M.A. Fedotova, V.M. Novikova. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000. 416 p.

113. Rozhkov M. Financial and industrial groups: current state and prospects // Securities market. 1996. No. 6. P. 34-36.

114. Rose Peter S. Banking management: trans. from English M.: "Delo Ltd", 1995. 768 p.1\6. Rudko-Silivanov V.V. Basel agreements on bank capital and risks of derivative financial instruments / V.V. Rudko

115. Sadovsky VN. Fundamentals of general systems theory. M.: Nauka, 1974. 279 p.

116. Samoilov G.O. Banking competition / G.O. Samoilov, A.G. Bacha-lov. M.: Exam, 2002. 256 p.

117. Sarkisyants A. On the role of banks in the economy // Questions of Economics. 2003. No. 3. P. 91-102.121. Sarkisyants A.G. On the state of the banking system and possible directions for its reform // Banking. 2000. No. 9. P. 2-8.

118. Sattdinov M.Sh. On the need for a systematic approach to developing a concept for the development of the Russian banking system / M.Sh. Sattdinov, R.Kh. Mardanov, I.R. Koshchegulova // Money and credit. 2001. No. 7. P. 20-26.

119. Safronov V.A. On the state of the banking system and the development of banking products // Money and Credit. 2000. No. 12. P. 60-63.

120. Simanovsky A.Yu. Basel principles of effective banking supervision and their implementation in Russia // Money and Credit. 2001. No. 3. P. 19-24.

121. Simanovsky A.Yu. Banking sector in the transition economy of Russia // Money and Credit. 1995. No. 11. P.26-36.

122. Sviridov O.Yu. Money, credit, banks. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2000. 448 p.

123. Summary information on direct REPO transactions // Bulletin of Banking Statistics. 2004. No. 11. P. 52.

124. There is a strategy. What will the reform be like? // Banking in Moscow. 2001. No. 12. P. 3-8.

125. Suprunovich E. Credit risk management // Banking. 2002. No. 4. pp. 16-18.

126. Sukhushina G. Syndicated lending. Problems and prospects // Banking in Moscow. 2001. No. 4. P. 23-24.

127. Tarankova L.G. Non-bank credit organizations in theory and practice (Russian and foreign experience) / Series “Information and analytical materials” Research Institute of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Vol. 3. 2003. 120 p.

128. Tarasov V.I. Money, credit, banks: A course of lectures. Mn.: Misanta, 1997. 344 p.

129. Tosunyan G.A. Banking and banking legislation in Russia: experience, problems, prospects. M.: Delo LTD, 1995. 304 p.

130. Tosunyan G.A. Public administration in the field of finance and credit in Russia. M.: Delo, 1997. 304 p.

131. Trenkin A.P. Interaction of the banking sector of the republic with the real economy // Money and Credit. 2002. No. 10. P. 35-37.

132. Trenkin A.P. New directions in improving the payment system of the Bank of Russia and its regional components in the Republic of Mordovia // Mordovia: science, innovation, new technologies. 2004. No. 2. P. 24-26.

133. Managing the activities of a commercial bank (banking management) / Ed. O.I. Lavrushin. M.: Yurist, 2003. 688 p.

134. Usoskin V.M. Securitization of assets // Money and credit. 2002. No. 5. P. 39^4.

135. Usoskin V.M. Modern commercial bank: management and operations. M.: Vazar-Ferro, 1994. 320 p.

136. Fetisov G.G. The stability of a commercial bank and rating systems for its assessment. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999. 168 p.

137. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I.T. Frolova. M.: Politizdat, 1986.590 p.

138. Financial and credit dictionary: In 3 volumes. T. 1: A - J / Ch. ed. V.F. Garbuzov. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1984. 511 p.

139. Financial management: theory and practice: Textbook. / Ed. E.S. Stoyanova. M.: Perspective, 1999. 656 p.

140. Finance and credit: Textbook. / Ed. P.V. Shichkina. Saransk: Mordov Publishing House. Univ., 2000. 196 p.

141. Finance and credit of the USSR / Ed. E.V. Colomina. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1984. 278 p.

142. HicksJ. R. Cost and capital. M.: Progress-Univers, 1993. 348 p.

143. Cymbal JT.B. Improving the mechanism for refinancing banks // www.akoto.ru/seminari/ceimbal

144. Shevchuk D.A. Banking / D.A. Shevchuk, V.A. Shevchuk. M.: RIOR, 2005. 128 p.

145. Economics and law: dictionary-reference book /Auth.-comp. L.P. Kurakov, V.L. Kurakov, A.L. Kurakov. M.: University and school, 2004. 1072 p.

146. Economics of the region / Ed. IN AND. Borisevich. Mn.: BSEU, 2002. 432 p.

147. Encyclopedic Sociological Dictionary / Ed. G.V. Osi-pova. M.: ISPI RAS, 1995. 939 p.

148. Yudanov A. Secrets of the financial stability of international monopolies. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991. 399 p.

150. Walras L. Elements d'economic politique puce on theory de richesse sosaiale. Paris, 1952.

151. Rogoff K.S., Cabot T.D. Time to think about the next debt crisis // The Banker. 2004. November, 04. P. 12.

152. Types of loans provided by the Bank of Russia to commercial banks

153. Name of the loan from the Bank of Russia Grounds for granting the loan Interest rate on the loan Loan term1 2 3 4

154. Initial data for calculating the provision of the Republic of Mordovia with banking services

155. Indicator 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

156. Russia's GDP, billion rubles. 2,696.4 4,766.8 7,302.2 8,943.6 10,834.2 13,285.2

157. GRP of the Republic of Mordovia, million rubles. 9,084.2 13,740.4 23,833.2 24,600.7 24,332.4 27,933.6

158. Population of the Russian Federation, million people. 146.7 146.3 145.6 144.8 144.0 144.2

159. Population of the Republic of Moldova, thousand people. 944.0 937.0 929.0 920.0 910.0 888.7

160. Operating credit organizations of the Russian Federation, units. 1,474 1,349 1,311 1,319 1,329 1,329

161. Operating branches of credit institutions of the Russian Federation, units. 3,433 3,793 3,923 3,433 3,326 3,223

162. Operating credit organizations of the Republic of Moldova, units. 7 5 5 5 5 5

163. Operating branches of credit institutions of the Republic of Moldova, units. 7 6 6 6 6 5

164. Branches of non-resident credit organizations operating in the Republic of Moldova, units. 25 25 15 15 14 12

165. Assets of the banking system of the Russian Federation, billion rubles. 1,038.1 1,586.4 2,357.3 3,155.9 4,143.4 5,600.7

166. Assets of regional banks of the Republic of Moldova, million rubles. 288.8 378.5 709.3 1,233.3 1,976.1 3,297.2

167. Credit investments of banks in the Russian economy, billion rubles. 416.5 596.8 956.3 1,467.5 2,028.9 2,910.2

168. Credit investments of banks in the economy of the Republic of Moldova, million rubles. 105.7 177.5 371.1 767.8 1,161.9 1,864.0

169. Deposits of individuals in the Russian Federation, billion rubles. 302.7 461.6 695.8 971.6 1,362.0 1,924.1

170. Deposits of individuals in the Republic of Moldova, million rubles. 81.3 106.5 179.7 302.2 503.7 959.7

171. Cash income of the population of the Russian Federation, billion rubles. 1,774.3 2,899.1 3,968.3 5,293.5 6,955.1 8,805.1

172. Cash income of the population of the Republic of Moldova, million rubles. 5,794.0 9,302.0 12,290.0 16,891.0 22,536.0 27,043.2

173. Initial data for calculating the index of resource redistribution between counterparties through banks1. Indicator As of January 1, 2001 2002 2003 2004

174. Total assets, thousand rubles. 555 646 1 031 979 1 557 707 2 306 662

175. Analytical data for individual banks

179. Data source: banks’ balance sheets for 2000-2003.

180. For all terms 693,264 1,201,310 1,846,862 2,670,084

181. State of finance of enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Mordovia1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

182. Profit received by enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Moldova

183. Information on the unprofitability of enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Moldova

184. Number of enterprises on an independent balance sheet, units 910.0 880.0 870.0 880.0 904.0 959.0 1,024.0

185. Unprofitable enterprises in the industry of the Republic of Moldova, units 143.0 150.0 112.0 136.0 92.0 116.0 127.0

186. Share of unprofitable enterprises in the total number of enterprises, % 55.4 55.1 41.6 46.7 34.1 43.4 45.8

187. Amount of losses, million rubles. 196.3 241.9 148.0 111.4 165.0 1,041.3 755.2

188. Information on accounts payable and receivable of enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Moldova

189. Amount of accounts payable, million rubles. 4,324.4 8,329.7 5,334.3 6,634.5 6,049.5 5,336.8 6,402.4

190. Including overdue, % 62.0 60.0 55.5 47.8 50.9 44.9 no data

191. Amount of accounts receivable, million rubles. 2,101.8 4,436.1 2,879.8 4,465.0 3,229.9 2,242.4 3,089.5

192. Including expired. % 50.0 48.0 61.3 43.4 47.1 32.7 no data

193. Dynamics of weighted average actual rates on interbank loans provided (MIACR)

194. Scheme of refinancing by the Bank of Russia of banks for loans provided to enterprises in the real sector of the economy1. Borrower

195. Documentation, bills of exchange, legal claims under loan agreements, guarantees7. Repayment of a credit

196. Bank project lending schemet-f

197. Determining the priorities of the bank’s credit policy1. Consideration of the application

198. Formation of a bank’s loan portfolio

199. Analysis of the investment creditworthiness of the borrowing enterprise V /" N Criteria for selecting investment projects >-^ Investment projects V U C N Expertise of projects

200. Bank bodies involved in the project lending process

201. Legal division.2. Credit management.

202. Credit work methodology department.

203. Investment management.1. Marketing Service.

204. Investment project risk control system1. Finalization of projects1. Development of the project financing scheme

205. Review of projects by bank management1. Risk distribution1. Loan repayment guarantee

206. Directorate of the bank for project implementation

207. System of internal documentation support for investment design

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Details Incidents 20:12 // August 24, 2017

The Leninsky Court began considering one of the most high-profile cases of recent years. In the dock is the former head of the regional treasury, Viktor Kedrov. He is accused of attempted fraud. According to the investigation, the official received a million rubles from individual entrepreneur Fedor Neyaskin

The Leninsky Court began considering one of the most high-profile cases of recent years. In the dock is the former head of the regional treasury, Viktor Kedrov. He is accused of attempted fraud. According to the investigation, the official received a million rubles from individual entrepreneur Fyodor Neyaskin. In return, he promised to provide assistance in obtaining a grant for the development of family livestock farms. In fact, Viktor Kedrov could not help and did not intend to do so
Before the start of the meeting, Viktor Kedrov talked with reporters for about ten minutes.
“Viktor Ivanovich, we have several questions for you,” media representatives hastened to the defendant.
“I have a visit to you too,” Viktor Kedrov suddenly announced.
- On what basis did journalists connect me with the arrest of Guralnikov and accuse me of betraying everyone, setting them up, ratting them out ( Author: this summer, Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Sergei Guralnikov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of fraud. NSome media reported that it was Viktor Kedrov who testified against a high-ranking colleague and thereby avoided arrest)? Can you imagine what this is? In Russia, in principle, no one likes traitors, but here someone said something, and now the whole republic doesn’t say hello to me.
I lived honestly in this world for 62 years, worked in different positions and had nothing. Yes, this incident happened to me, I do not deny it, the court will evaluate my actions. And the fact that I was called a traitor is very offensive to me.
Unfortunately, any person can cross the line of the law, I emphasize again, I repent. I myself can’t understand how this could happen; I’ve worked with money all my life. But no one will say anything bad about me, that I took bribes or provided protection to someone.
I took the money, I admit, I’m not going to prove that it was a provocation. Here I am in the dock. All the money I took was reimbursed in full, there will be no such questions in the future, there cannot be any. The crime has nothing to do with my activities.
-You still wrote a letter of resignation...
“I thought to myself that I had no moral right to be in this job because I took the money.”
- Why did you need the money?
- Let's not talk about this. You know what kind of income I had and it is impossible to say that this money could significantly affect my financial condition. And here, probably, the fright factor worked. When I, having reached the age of 60, received a pension certificate, and it turned out that I had been awarded a pension in the amount of 13 thousand rubles, and before that my income was more than 150 thousand, I became scared: how to live further? This factor probably worked. The act I committed is the shame that I feel now, this is a very sad result of my long work. Unfortunately, he is like that.
I really want to hope that the court’s decision will not be very harsh, but whatever it is, I will accept it.

  • Date of Birth: 1897
  • Place of Birth: Ryazan region, Ryazan district, village. High
  • Floor: man
  • Profession/place of work: priest, relative son of the archpriest
  • Place of residence:
  • Date of death: November 16, 1932
  • A place of death: Kemerovo island, ITL
  • Where and by whom was he arrested? Moscow island, Zaraisky district, village. High
  • Preventive measure: arrested
  • Date of arrest: February 20, 1931
  • Charge: 58, paragraph 10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
  • Condemnation: May 9, 1931
  • Judging authority: Troika at the OGPU PP of the Moscow region.
  • Sentence: 10 years
  • Place of departure: Ryazan, prison (1931. The house and all the property of the family were taken into the ownership of the collective farm, and Evdokia Petrovna, who was soon to give birth, was placed in a small temporary house with three young children. The families of convicts were usually subject to immediate deportation, and a month later, on Holy Saturday 1931, they came to them to exile to Siberia. But at that time, Evdokia Petrovna began to have contractions, and soon, on April 21, 1931, she gave birth to a boy, whom she named Volodya, her fourth child. The authorities postponed the arrest and promised to return through. several days, but for some reason they did not return. Son Vladimir - later Metropolitan of Chuvash and Cheboksary Varnava, Kemerovo Island, Siblag OGPU End date: 04/09/1932 Belbaltlag Start date: 04/09/1932-11/16/1932)
  • Rehabilitating body: Ryazoblprosecutor's office
  • Reasons for rehabilitation: according to the Decree of the USSR PVS dated January 16, 1989
  • Data sources: DB "Victims of political terror in the USSR"; Book of Memory of the Ryazan Region; DB “New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th Century”

Places of residence

Moscow island, Zaraisky district, village. High
End date: 1931
Viktor Ivanovich was married. Wife - Evdokia Petrovna. Their family had three children.
In 1931 she was expecting her fourth child
In 1931 Viktor Ivanovich Kedrov was appointed to serve as a priest in the village. High.
On Forgiveness Sunday he was to be ordained to the rank of deacon,
and later - a priest


1. Varnava (Vladimir Viktorovich Kedrov), Metropolitan of Chuvashia and Cheboksary
2. Senchikhin Vladimir Anatolyevich


1. Golubtsov S., protodiac. Moscow clergy on the eve and beginning of the persecutions of 1917-1922. M., 1999.
P. 164.
2. http://www. daavdeev. ru/stati-i-intervyu/ (Metropolitan Varnava: “The Lord protected and strengthened me...” Dmitry Avdeev. Newspaper “Vozglas”, N 10, 2011).

Born in 1861 into the family of a priest in the village of Vysokoye, Ryazan province. Father - Archpriest John Kedrov served in the Church of St. John the Theologian of the Ryazan village of Vysokoe, in 1929 he was arrested and repressed. Cousin - Kedrov Ivan Ivanovich, born in 1870, repressed.

He graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary in 1881, the historical department of the Moscow Theological Academy in 1885. Candidate of Theology.

From 1885 to 1901 he served as a teacher at the Moscow Zaikonospassky Theological School. State Councillor.

In 1901 he was ordained a priest. From 1901 to 1913 he was a priest of the St. Nicholas Church in Moscow's Novaya Sloboda.

In 1904-1912 he was a member of the Board of the Brotherhood named after St. Alexis for helping street children. In 1904-1916, on a voluntary basis, he was the head of a craft school - bookbinding and printing - at the St. Nicholas Church in Moscow's Novaya Sloboda.

In 1908-1917 he was a teacher of law at the Synodal School. In 1912 he was elected Secretary of the Diocesan Brotherhood against Drunkenness. In 1912 he was elected Secretary of the All-Russian Anti-Alcohol Congress. In the same year he was appointed a member of the board of the Synodal School.

Since 1913 - archpriest. Until 1926, he was the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in Moscow's Novaya Sloboda.

During the First World War, in 1914-1917, he established and managed the parish infirmary at
25 beds, which was supported by its own funds and the charitable assistance of parishioners.

In 1918-1922 The Supreme Church Council and the Synod elected and approved the position of Chairman of the Diocesan Council. In 1922 the Council was closed by the authorities.

On March 22, 1922, he was arrested by the OGPU in Moscow on charges of “concealing church values.” On May 8, 1922, the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal sentenced him to 5 years in prison in the group case “Moscow trial on the confiscation of church valuables.”

From the verdict of the Tribunal: “... Being members of an organization called the Orthodox Hierarchy, they, by prior agreement among themselves, as well as by agreement with other persons... took personal and direct part in propaganda and agitation among believers and mainly among the ignorant philistine sections of the population. .. in disseminating deliberately false information about the purpose and purpose of the confiscation of church valuables, as well as about the activities of representatives of the Workers' and Peasants' government... calling on these elements to massive and open opposition... the consequence of which was that during the actual confiscation, repeated excesses occurred ..."

He was exiled to the Ryazan province, in the village. High. Until 1931, archpriest of the Church of the Apostle John the Theologian.

Arrested by security officers in 1931 in the village of Vysokoye in the Ryazan region. The Troika of the Plenipotentiary Representation of the OGPU sentenced him to 10 years in forced labor camps. Transported to an unknown direction.

After this, contact with Viktor Ivanovich Kedrov was interrupted. His relatives (granddaughter Karavashkina Marina Viktorovna), parishioners, and the Memorial Society are looking for information about his fate after 1931.

When the security officers came in 1931 to arrest the wife of Viktor Ivanovich Kedrov, Evdokia Petrovna, she began having prenatal contractions and the arrest did not take place. Son Vladimir was born on April 21, 1931. She raised four children alone.

Son - Metropolitan of Cheboksary and Chuvash Varnava (Kedrov Vladimir Viktorovich).

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research development

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study NOT development

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# study


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Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

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For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

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Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
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