Mantra for cleansing the negativity of the biofield, space and home. Mantras for cleansing and protecting the home

The world around us is heterogeneous. Some elements are beneficial, others are harmful, and others are neutral. Meetings with unpleasant people, visiting places with heavy energy, dark events do not remain without consequences. We feel some kind of burden that we want to get rid of. This makes itself felt by the negative clots of energy lodged in our aura. For cleansing, you can use a simple and effective tool - special mantras.

In this article

What effect do cleansing mantras have?

Mantra is an ancient set of sacred sounds. Their power lies in vibrations of a certain frequency. Sounds create resonance in space and transform its structure. The mantra aligns and cleanses the energy, creating a favorable background for positive changes. Under the influence of the mantra, the body begins to actively free itself from pathogenic bacteria, dark thoughts leave the mind, and emotions are tuned into a positive mood.

An Indian sage remarked that darkness does not exist. It appears only where there is no light. When light comes, darkness instantly retreats. Ancient sacred spells act like a bright light. Their vibrations either expel or dissolve negative layers. This applies to all the bodies of the person who practices mantras, as well as the surrounding space. There are also sound formulas that affect a person’s past; they can be used to cleanse karma.

The effect of mantras is like light that dispels darkness

In addition to the cleansing effect, mantras have other beneficial properties. Their sound helps to relax the body. The nervous system calms down, thoughts come into order, and the mind begins to work more productively. These results can be considered as a consequence of cleansing the body and consciousness of everything foreign that interferes with the normal functioning of the body.

If we consider this process from the perspective of energy, then the elimination of destructive elements increases the overall potential of a person. Efficiency increases, creativity awakens, as well as hidden capabilities of the brain, which are considered to be paranormal phenomena: telepathy, clairvoyance, and other types of extrasensory perception.

Thus, purification mantras, if practiced regularly, solve a whole range of problems:

  • transform the space inside and around us;
  • eliminate destructive mental programs that interfere with objective perception of reality;
  • cleanse the emotional body of negativity;
  • contribute to the restoration and strengthening of physical health;
  • harmonizes the energy system as a whole;
  • correct karma, removing negative aspects.

Reading technique

To get the maximum benefit from the sacred texts, you should remember the basic rules.

  1. The place for meditation should be quiet and secluded. Ancient texts advise removing pets from the room during practice.
  2. If you light an aroma lamp, incense sticks or just wax candles in the room, the cleansing effect will be stronger.
  3. The main thing in practice is the right attitude and firm faith in the result. Do not start exercising if you feel unwell or very tired.
  4. You should not start mantras while intoxicated or under the influence of other stimulants. It is advisable not to smoke a couple of hours before practice.
  5. At first, listen to recorded mantras. Select your favorite performance on Youtube and absorb the cleansing formulas. After a few days, start repeating with the performer, and when you learn the text by heart, start practicing on your own.
  6. For daily meditation, choose one constant text. You can perform other purification prayers, but this will be in addition to the main verse. It is better to choose a sequence of sounds that is not too long, which you can remember and repeat accurately.
  7. Say the mantra without haste, pronouncing each sound clearly. Chant the sacred verse, or better yet, sing it using a beautiful melody.
  8. Listen to the voice and sensations.
  9. The number of repetitions should be divided by the number 9. You can pronounce the mantra 18, 36, 54 times. But the classic full circle of meditation consists of 108 repetitions. To count, use a rosary with the required number of beads.
  10. Decide for yourself how much time to devote to practice, but a simple law works here - how much work you put in, is how much you will get. The more often you practice mantras, the more lasting results you will get.

You can light an aroma lamp in the meditation room

To get rid of spiritual problems

The word “mantra” itself has a literal translation from Sanskrit. "Man" is translated as "mind". Tra means liberation. Thus, the meaning of the mantra is to free the mind, ridding it of everything unnecessary and superficial.

In essence, all our problems are created in the mind. He invents them, misperceiving the situation. And then, with reasoning around the problem, he becomes even more confused, entering a state of hopelessness. The only way out of the situation is to stop the mind, but this is almost impossible for a modern person whose left, logical hemisphere dominates.

This is where a mantra can help, which will perfectly cope with spiritual and mental problems. To stop the flow of chaotic thoughts, the universal sound OM (AUM) is perfect. It contains the concentrated power of all other mantras, so OM has a powerful cleansing effect.

Even just listening to a sacred sound in a recording will very soon clear the mind of obsessive thoughts, as the mind will concentrate on the divine vibration of the Cosmos. Attention will be directed to higher spheres, so that petty vanity will disappear by itself.

The mantra will cleanse the mind, soul and heart, and also bring the energy of the individual to a normal state. The cleansing flow will wash away negative layers, and not a trace will remain of them.

To solve spiritual problems, you can use another universal mantra - OM MANI PADME HUM. It also brings harmony into consciousness, gives peace of mind and neutralizes negative influences from the outside.

To cleanse karma

Karma is the result of our actions in the past. We spoil karma with wrong behavior, sinful thoughts, unfair and rude words. Unfortunately, we cannot correct the past, since there is no way to return there.

However, there is a method that clears karma. How does this work? Karma is like an entry in a debt book. By doing a good deed, we balance the balance. Some karmic debts are written off.

But you can speed up this process by resorting to the mantra of the Great Conqueror of Death. In Sanskrit it is called Mahamrityunjaya mantra. There is another name - TRIYAMBAKAM, after the first word of the sacred spell. It sounds like this:


In addition to cleansing karma, the TRIYAMBAKAM mantra solves other important problems. In particular, it improves health and prolongs life. According to ancient legend, the young yogi Markandeya, thanks to this mantra, gained eternal youth and defeated the god of death.

The mantra contains a direct appeal to Shiva, and this is one of the three main gods in the Indian pantheon. The person who reads the mantra receives the protection of Shiva, who has unlimited power in this world. It can protect you from various troubles in life and heal any illness. Shiva also gives a person good luck and charges him with optimism. By purifying karma, the mantra makes life harmonious and joyful.

Almighty Shiva - the mantra that conquers death is addressed to him

To cleanse the space

Man does not exist on his own. Its energy system is tied to the surrounding space. Therefore, the energy of the home and the places where a person often visits plays an extremely important role. If there are accumulations of a pathogenic substance in an apartment, this can negatively affect the mood, well-being and health of the people living here.

There are different methods to eliminate energy dirt: using fire, water, ordinary table salt. An effective means of cleaning are sound vibrations, which not only remove the negativity of the subtle plane, but also fill the space with a fertile background in which it is pleasant to be. By the way, this property of mantras can be used to harmonize the atmosphere of an office or store. Clients will feel comfortable and will come to you more often.

The most powerful cleansing prayers include the Gayatri Mantra, which appeared on Earth four thousand years ago. This sacred verse has the power to remove any dark elements from your mind, from your heart, from your home and from your life. Here is her text:


Composition Día 21: Iluminacion by Deva Premal:

The mula mantra is also a good way to cleanse your living space:


The text will rid your home of hostile entities and fill it with warmth, kindness and understanding. There is an opinion that in a house where Indian and Tibetan mantras are constantly heard, harmony and love reign in relationships.

To cleanse yourself of negativity

The Gayatri mantra, as already noted, has a universal character. It not only cleanses space, but generally frees your life from negativity, since it is dedicated to the solar deity who brings light. The mantra will help eliminate destructive programs of consciousness, dark thoughts, bad mood and psychological complexes. This destructive set inevitably affects physical health. Therefore, Gayatri Mantra will relieve you from some chronic diseases.

By listening to the Gayatri Mantra every day, you gain protection from most negative programs such as the evil eye, fear, damage and even curses. In addition, you are imbued with positive energy and expand your range of perception.

The Gayatri mantra is addressed to the solar deity who brings light

Another example of a sacred text that conquers negativity is the famous mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. It is quickly remembered and can be used to cleanse and restore strength after meetings with individuals dominated by destructive emotions: malice, anger, all kinds of fears, aggression. During such contacts, we unwittingly pick up these dark vibrations.

The mantra will quickly put your energy and mind in order and restore calm. The consequences of an unpleasant event or unwanted contact will be eliminated.

To cleanse the aura


These ancient sounds align the aura, remove energy infections (damage, the evil eye) from the subtle bodies of a person, and cleanse the room in which meditation takes place from negative layers.

You can listen to this mantra here:

Secret Tibetan mantra for purification

The next mantra is not so well known, but its power has been proven over the centuries.


Among the useful properties we note:

  • eliminating embedded negative programs from consciousness;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • harmonization of a person’s emotional state.

Listen to the mantra OM PURNAM ADAH online.


If you periodically experience bouts of depression, relationships with friends and relatives have become tense, and you are haunted by failures at work, know that your aura is heavily clogged with information dirt. Purification mantras will wash away the negativity from the subtle bodies, and life will return to normal. Listen to ancient chants regularly, perform them yourself, and then you will become invulnerable to hostile forces.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Ancient Tibetan messages, encrypted in special sounds and texts, are capable of influencing human consciousness and the world around us. The mantra for purifying the biofield and space helps to normalize the spiritual component of things and karma, and set the right direction for the movement of energy.

Tibetan mantras can cleanse the human biofield

What is the power of Tibetan mantras

Each person perceives the sounds of sacred texts in their own way. If he is determined to self-purify and renew the space around him, then the power of ancient Tibetan mantras comes to the rescue. The power of sound emitted in a certain sequence tunes every cell of the body to a wave of purification and change.

The essence of Tibetan mantras is the repetition of sound formulas. They have a beneficial effect on the structure of each human chakra, restoring his biofield. Such spiritual practices help to work with space and consciousness, cleanse them of negativity and destructive emotions. They organize, guide and consolidate results with regular practice.

The subtle energies of the sounds of the space cleansing mantra work with several areas of life at once: health, success, home, love and well-being.

Universal mantra for cleansing

One of the most famous Tibetan mantras for purification goes like this:


Universal mantras allow you to:

  1. Harmonize the general state of mind.
  2. Calm the mind.
  3. Clear the space and biofield from negative external influences.

The text of the universal cleansing mantra contains the sound formula:


Tibetan texts for space

Gayatri is a famous powerful Tibetan text, the physical embodiment of the goddess Gayatri. Helps clear space, thoughts, consciousness, life. Regular practice provides multiple benefits: removes all negative programs; clears the mind of unnecessary dreams and illusions; enlightens and bestows wisdom; gives the ability to see the future.

Gayatri cleansing text from negativity:


The power of Gayatri does not end with the purification of space and energy. She is able to heal ailments and illnesses that appear due to damage or love spells. A person is purified from the consequences of even sinful actions.

The text of the cleansing mantra is dedicated to the goddess Gayatri

Sacred scriptures for cleansing the biofield

If you want to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated in your biofield, then Tibetan mantras must be read during fasting until the sun rises, at least 10 times. They will help you start new, leave behind all the negative moments of your life.

Mantra for ridding the body of negative energy and dangerous diseases. It harmonizes all processes in the body and fights chronic pathologies. It is read as protection against damage and the evil eye:


Women's mantra. Fills the biofield with femininity and sexuality, allows you to open up to subtle matters. You need to read at least 100 thousand times:


A strong text for removing all negative energy clots at each level of the biofield. This mantra is used only in cases where complete renewal and flows of light energy are needed. It eliminates all negative emotions, harmonizes the biofield, and establishes protection from the evil eye. Suitable for cleaning ritual premises:


Mantra for home

Mula mantra cleanses the house. The power of action is comparable only with the texts of Gayati:


She helps:

  1. Bring love and harmony back to your home.
  2. Remove all negativity and fill the space with kindness and warmth.
  3. Protect your living space from the evil eye and damage.

The Vajrasattva mantra will return love and light to your home. It needs to be read several times daily without distraction:


When applying healing Tibetan texts in practice, one must remember their interaction with the cosmos. The position of the Earth's satellite directly affects the strength of the mantra. Some mantras are most powerful at certain times of the day. Using the lunar calendar and recommendations for reading Tibetan texts, you can achieve the greatest beneficial effect.

Purification mantras are very useful and even necessary tools if you want to get rid of any negative aspects and their consequences in your life, as well as start any new endeavor.

In the article:

Purification mantras and their effect

Purification mantras are designed to get rid of negativity in all its senses.
The psychological effect of such voice formulas allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that have a destructive effect on a person. They calm your mind, organize your thoughts and help you let go of everything you don't need.
In addition, such sounds also affect the energy flows that surround each person. Thus, with the help of purification mantras, you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts and even diseases, because most often they are caused by negative energy that is present at various levels of human life.

Reading and listening to sacred texts allows you to cleanse not only thoughts, space and energy. With their help, you can even clear karma, which can completely change a person’s health and quality of life. You can listen to cleansing mantras or chant them, both methods are good and have a positive effect.

Mantras for cleansing karma

widely known as the mantra that conquers death. It can help get rid of almost any disease, but this is far from its only property. With the help of this sacred text, which contains an appeal to Shiva, you can get rid of many problems, gain longevity and good health. It also has powerful cleansing and protective properties, puts you in a positive mood, and brings joy. Many people believe that this is a mantra that cleanses karma, but it only works if it is read or listened to regularly.

There is a more complex way to clear karma - the Vajrassattva mantra. In order for it to work, it is advisable to learn to visualize the deity to whom its text is addressed. It must be imagined as a sparkling white silhouette with a bell in the left hand and a vajra in the right. While reading the mantra, a snow-white light will emanate from the chest of the deity, which will cleanse you and take the place of the negativity that will leave.

Mantras for clearing space

It is very important to monitor not only your own energy balance, but also the condition of your home. The well-being and mood of all the people living in it depend on how pure its energy is, which is why it is so important. With the help of ancient Sanskrit texts, you can cleanse any room and fill it with positive energy. This can also help attract customers to your store, because customers come into a room that is pleasant to be in much more often.

One of the most powerful cleansing formulas is this. Its age is about 3-4 thousand years. This sacred text has the power to cleanse everything from unnecessary and unnecessary things - your thoughts, your life, and your home. The text and translation of this powerful space purification mantra dedicated to Gayatri can be found in the corresponding article.

Another option that is well suited for cleansing the home is the mula mantra. It will not only cleanse your home of any negativity, but also fill it with love, joy and warmth. in this situation it is also suitable, and its text can be found at the link. Some believe that a house in which any Tibetan chants are regularly heard will always be filled with only positive energy. To do this, you can not only sing, but also cleanse the space.

Mantras for cleansing negativity

Mantras for cleansing negativity will help you get rid of bad thoughts and emotions, and forever erase from your life what you no longer need. In fact, almost any such vocalization has cleansing properties, but among them there are also those that are aimed specifically at cleansing.

One of these mantras that cleanses from negativity is. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of this sacred text. It harmonizes energy and mind, calms and cleanses. With its help you can get rid of the consequences of unpleasant communication or events, as well as other negative external influences on you. It is considered universal and suitable for any cleansing.

Also good for personal cleansing of negative energy. With its help you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts, negative attitudes and many psychological problems. Since problems of this kind also affect health, it is believed that this text also helps to get rid of some diseases.

In general, these work no worse than any conspiracies or rituals, and their energy is clean and bright, and cannot carry any negativity.

Every person dreams of a calm life, therefore, he strives for harmony and balance. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of calming mantras. When a person begins to read mantras aimed at cleansing his room, he passes through himself all positive emotions and sends certain vibrations to the universe. To achieve effective results, it is important to learn how to read mantras correctly. In this article we will look at what mantras exist for cleansing and protecting the home and when and how to read them? They will definitely help you cleanse your inner world and aura in your home.

The first mantra used to cleanse from negativity is Gayatri. This mantra is considered one of the strongest. With its help you can cleanse everything that surrounds us. Text: “Om bhum bhavad suvaho, tat savitar varenyam, bhargod devasyaim dhimahi, dhiyo nah prachodayat.” They read the mantra several times, passing the words through themselves.
The mantra for purifying the room is Vajrasattva. After reading it, negative stagnation and energy will disappear from your home forever. You need to read it clearly and without being distracted by other points. That is, if you decide to read it, free your thoughts from the problems that concern you.

Concentrate yourself on the melody of the spoken sound vibrations. Be sure that if you do everything correctly, your home will be filled with clean and bright energy. Text of the mantra: “Om vendaz saatva satto, manulyaya vendaz samaya, bembavaya sudaye bembavaya, titoo denda tinapa, supukaye bembavaya anuzakto, saarva tritsaa karta, bembavaya saarva sidime, khom tsitam suzumiye chiriyam kudu, bhagavad saarva tat hagata, vajrasattva khom samaye, vajrasattva denda samaye " This mantra encourages love, kindness, light and positive emotions.

These two mantras will drive out all the bad things from your home, calm your nervous system and give you joy. Experts in this field recommend reading these mantras regularly.

— You can read mantras at any time convenient for you, it is important that you prepare yourself for this process;
- if you feel that negative energy prevails in your home, then this moment is considered the most favorable;
- mantras can be read loudly or silently, it is better, of course, to pronounce them out loud and clearly so that you can listen to them yourself;
- the more times you say the mantra, the greater the chance that everything in your home will change for the better;
— you can read mantras once, or you can read them daily;
- if you wish, you can read mantras with like-minded people, in this case the results will be excellent.

To summarize, I would like to note that any mantra, despite its strength, cannot solve all your problems. It will only give you additional strength, faith and the opportunity to figure out where you made a mistake. However, with the help of special techniques, you will quickly understand your life and free it from negativity.

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Purification mantras help free a person’s consciousness from unnecessary things, streamline his thoughts, calm him down and have a positive effect on the biofield. In addition, a correctly pronounced ancient text gives rise to sound vibrations, which, resonating, have a beneficial effect on the surrounding space of the room.


Purification mantras and their effect

Effect of cleansing mantras:

  • have a powerful cleansing effect on human energy;
  • have a positive effect on the space surrounding the reader;
  • free the minds of loved ones from temporary clouds.

In addition, reciting the purification mantra provides relief from:

  • depression and stress;
  • acute anxiety states;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • negative emotions after communicating with energy vampires and aggressive individuals;
  • loss of meaning in life and emptiness of the soul.

The benefits of mantra texts are obvious because they:

  • clean the space from energy pollution;
  • promote the influx of light energy;
  • favor the conclusion of successful transactions.

A person in a cleared space feels cheerful, efficient, and his emotional background increases.

  1. It is worth writing out the text of the mantra in large quantities or printing it out in advance.
  2. Before starting the ritual, you should read the words 2-4 times to yourself and out loud, so that you can later pronounce them easily, without hesitation.
  3. Each sound must be pronounced loudly, with active articulation of the lips and tongue. However, there is no need to shout out the text.
  4. Do not read the text mechanically, but carefully listen to the words of the mantra. Concentrate on how sounds, along with exhalation, come out of the lungs and fill the aura and space around.
  5. Recite any mantra 108 times, since it is believed that a person has one hundred and eight energy centers. To avoid losing count, you can use a rosary. If there are none, then set a timer for 15 minutes (this time corresponds to 108 readings of mantras).
  6. Read texts in a quiet, preferably secluded place. Pets should not be nearby. Relatives should be asked not to make noise during the ritual.

Types of cleansing mantras

Mantras are divided according to the direction of influence into 2 types:

  • cleaning the external space (home, office, apartment, cottage);
  • healing of the person himself (mind, soul, emotions, body).

Mantra for clearing space

The Gayatri Mantra will help cleanse the space:

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

Gayatri Mantra:

  • revered in Hinduism, used in daily Brahmanic rituals performed at dawn;
  • calls light and love into the surrounding space;
  • Activates the strong spirit of the powerful solar deity Savitar.

Moreover, the sacred hymn:

  • expels evil spirits, beasts and demons from space;
  • burns the mental dirt that is left in the house from other people;
  • eliminates energy imprints of unpleasant entities;
  • fills any room with strength, light and high vibrations.

Mantra for cleaning the house

Text of the Mula mantra for cleansing the home:

Om Satchit Ananda Parabrahama Shoi bhagavati sameta Purushotama paramatma Sri bhagavati namaha Nari om tatsat

Mula mantra:

  • fills the space with grace;
  • removes the negative energy of dark forces from all areas of the apartment.

The results of this Tibetan prayer are as follows:

  • the mantra harmonizes the energy of the house, as well as all its inhabitants;
  • reading softens hard hearts, eliminates quarrels and manipulations;
  • home becomes a place of strength and inspiration after a hard day;
  • relatives unite, discord in the family goes away.

You can listen to how the mantra for cleansing the house sounds by watching the Moola Mantra video from the Master Reiki JuanMa channel.

Mantras for cleansing body and spirit

Mantras help to cleanse both the physical shell and the soul:

  • to cleanse karma;
  • from the negative influence of external circumstances;
  • cleansing the aura and chakras.

Mantra for clearing karma

To cleanse karma, use a mantra addressed to Vajrasattva.

Text of the mantra for clearing karma:

Om Ben Dza Sa To Sa Ma I... Ma Nu Pa La Ya Ben Dza Sa To Te No Pa Ti Tha Dri Dho Me Bha Va Su To Kha Ye Me Bha Wa Su Po Kha Ye Me Bha Wa A Nu Ra Who Me Bha Wa Sa Rwa Si Dhi Me Pra Ya Tsa Sa Rwa Ka Rma Su Tsa Me Qi Tam Sri Ya Ku Ru Hung Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho... Bha Ga Ven... Sa Rwa Ta Tha Ga Ta Ben Dza Ma Me Mu Ntsa Ben Dzi Bha Wa Ma Ha Sa Ma Ya Sa To...

Meaning of the mantra:

“Vajrasattva, protect my obligations, Vajrasattva, support me. Please stay firmly with me. Make sure you are pleased with me. Always be open to me. Be good to me. Grant me the realization of all achievements. Make sure that all my actions are good. Please make my mind always virtuous. Enlightened Conqueror, who has achieved suchness, Vajrasattva, do not abandon me - who has great obligations.

By reading this sacred text, a person directly asks him for help. As a result of reading the mantra, people gain extraordinary clarity of consciousness: a “diamond mind,” as they say in the Tibetan tradition.

Benefits of the mantra:

  1. It burns out the bad karmic seeds that a person sowed in past lives, and now he is forced to pay for his sins.
  2. Regular practice promotes spiritual transformation: awakens hidden strength, helps to find meaning and support in difficult situations. The mantra increases life potential, removes blocks on the path to happiness and successful realization.
  3. Reading Vajrasattva helps eliminate or reduce severe illnesses, depressive and anxiety disorders. Eliminates black thoughts and clouding of consciousness.

You can listen to the mantra, which is aimed at helping to cleanse karma and thoughts, by turning on a video from the Channel GALA channel.

Mantra for negativity

Mantra words for negativity:

Om Mani Padme Hum

A mantra from negativity helps to cleanse a person’s energy shell of:

  • bad thoughts and bad emotions:
  • grievances;
  • irritability;
  • anger.

Mantra reading:

  • eliminates heavy energy after communicating with unpleasant people;
  • harmonizes and calms the mind;
  • clears the mind of obsessive thoughts.

Mantra for cleansing the aura and chakras

Sacred text for cleansing the aura:

Aum Apavitro Pavitro Va Sarvavasthan Gatopiva Ya Ismared Pundarikaksho Sa Wahiya Abyantar Suchih Aum

Tibetan mantra for cleansing the chakras and aura:

  • removes negative clots and transforms energy flows in the aura;
  • transforms dark energy into light and pure.

Anyone who reads the sacred text feels the following influence:

  • a person feels rested, as if he had taken an “energy shower” and washed away all the dirt from the inside;
  • stagnation in the chakras goes away, an influx of strength and inspiration appears;
  • the biofield is strengthened, the psyche, nervous system and body reserves are restored.

Universal mantra for cleansing

The universal mantra looks like this:

Om Sri Mahalakshmiyay Namah

The universal text of the mantra, subject to regular pronunciation:

  • suitable for spiritual cleansing of a person from stress and overload at work;
  • attracts material wealth, good luck in career and business, and well-being to the home;
  • eliminates other people's negative influence (bad thoughts, actions);
  • helps you easily overcome life's difficulties.


You can listen to the mantra that clears space of negativity in the video prepared by the Magic Mantra channel.