How to win a Sagittarius man over a Pisces woman? How to keep a Sagittarius man How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

You won’t get bored with Sagittarius, because he is an incredibly ideological person, cheerful, positive and infinitely kind to others.

This man is very sincere, always open to people. There are a lot of reasons why many girls want to create an alliance with Sagittarius, but you shouldn’t think that winning him is as easy as shelling pears.

Brief description of a Sagittarius man Sagittarius says what he thinks, but rarely does anyone take offense at him seriously

, because his inability to offend someone or do any dirty tricks is visible from afar. The Sagittarius man is a pleasant conversationalist with a lively mind, it is interesting to talk with him on almost any topic.

They are able to inspire others with their ideas, they like to be only in the most interesting circles among people whose interests are similar to their own. These men are always active and energetic, as well as passionate in everything related to achieving their goals. Such a man will always be young at heart.

Luck is always on the side of Sagittarius; luck is a common thing for him. It is interesting that people close to such a man are also infected by his optimism, luck and belief in miracles. Sagittarius men may look like people capable of causing offense and humiliation to others

, however, this is only a consequence of the already mentioned honesty and boundless frankness, which can sometimes flow into a perverted form. Sagittarius can be guided by bad thoughts only in very rare cases; as a rule, vindictiveness and cold calculation are alien to them. Those around you are not always pleased with Sagittarius’ reluctance to be involved in at least some obligations.

He is disgusted by the restrictions and boundaries from which he tries to break out, sometimes gaining a reputation as an unreliable and flighty person.

What kind of woman is suitable for Sagittarius? To begin with, the chosen one of Sagittarius must think in the same direction with him.

Of course, he may at first “fall for” only on his spectacular appearance, but if later he does not find truly deep feelings in his partner, if he comes across a wall of misunderstanding and non-acceptance of his principles, such a relationship is not destined to last. He will make his wife a woman who truly understands him. No matter how much a woman is against what Sagittarius is interested in

They do not crave comfort in the broad sense; status for them is nothing, which cannot be said about the perception of sensations. He will not refuse physical comfort, although he can easily do without it.

If a woman wants to conquer a Sagittarius man, she needs to fill her home with warmth, surround her partner with attention and care, and be able to listen to him.

Interesting fact! Sagittarius may pretend to be a gourmet gourmet, but in reality they will be more inclined to eat simple home-cooked food than fancy restaurant dishes.

How to please a Sagittarius

How to make him fall in love with you

It is necessary to tirelessly maintain his interest. Give up excessive conservatism, travel with him and forget about the habit of sitting at home. With a stay-at-home woman, he will very quickly become bored, and he will begin to consider his partner gray and boring.

Another aspect that is incredibly important for such a man and which he will never sacrifice for love is his freedom, which means a lot for Sagittarius.

A girl who limits Sagittarius's independence will not be in a relationship with him for long. He will leave her, having made such a decision without unnecessary torment, and will not worry about it.

This can happen for one simple reason - the Sagittarius man very often confuses friendship with love, thereby cultivating misunderstandings in relationships.

Nothing can be done about this, all that remains is to perceive your partner as he is.

Marriage to Sagittarius In a family, this man can become a despot.

He likes to set his own rules and force everyone else to follow those rules. Sagittarius is a faithful husband who will not tolerate betrayal, as a result of which he is very jealous.

Even the thought of his wife cheating is unbearable for him, so he will try to keep his wife under total control. The conviction of her fidelity will come to him only with time, and then his grip will weaken. But it is not a fact that then the partner will not be exhausted to the limit by eternal jealousy and suspicion.

Sagittarians like family life, but they are unable to fully understand all the responsibility that comes with it.

That is why the very beginning of life together is an incredibly difficult time for them.

Sagittarius is afraid that someone will take away his passionate and ardent wife, but if she is a modest woman and very attached to him, he will not stay in the family for long.

The very first slight flirtation will turn into a passionate romance, and Sagittarius will leave his wife. Before you try to take a Sagittarius away from the family, find out more about his wife, about her appearance and interests.

This is the only way to build the right tactics to conquer this man.

How to understand that he is in love

  1. There are three obvious signs that help determine the degree to which a Sagittarius man is in love: He calls more and more often, at any free minute, but then he doesn’t know what to talk about.
  2. He is ready to fight for his chosen one, so he pleases her in every possible way. This is especially evident when a woman has a choice between several candidates. When meeting, he tries his best to show off his wit. If the girl really cares about him
  3. Sagittarius will be sincerely interested in everything related to her life. He obviously likes you if he suddenly started taking care of his appearance, for example, signed up for a gym.

Do you want to understand whether a Sagittarius man is in love with you? Give him the opportunity to fulfill all your desires, this is a sure way to test.

  • What could push him away?
  • Excessive importunity on the part of the partner.
  • Attempts to “tame” Sagittarius.
  • Modesty and tightness.

Rejection of his interests.

  • Compatible Zodiac Signs
  • Aries.


  • Men under the protection of the sign of Sagittarius prefer women: having an attractive appearance
  • those who dress stylishly and tastefully, those who know how to emphasize their own merits and skillfully hide their flaws; smart, well-rounded
  • and interesting in conversation; having a great sense of humor
  • , witty, but able to listen; not limiting his freedom
  • and not driving him into impossible limits; sports people who love traveling
  • who enjoy going on hikes, trips, and so on; who know how to create an atmosphere of warmth in the home
  • , love and harmony, filling the home with joy and light; sharing interests

Sagittarians are temperamental, purposeful, enthusiastic and independent individuals who do not tolerate restrictions. Representatives of this sign are people who live with vivid impressions and are always ready to act to achieve their goals. It is easy to fall in love with such a man, but maintaining his passion and affection is not so easy. These guys are hunters and rebels who value their independence and do not tolerate attacks on their own freedom. Therefore, Sagittarius will immediately expose a woman who is trying to keep him near her, especially if this is done fraudulently.

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Features of relationships

Representatives of the element of Fire like women who have the following qualities:

  • reverent attitude towards appearance;
  • curiosity;
  • energy;
  • reliability.

The guy likes attention to his person, but too violent a display of feelings on the part of the girl, demands to take an oath of allegiance will only alienate this freedom-loving personality.

Sagittarians prefer to communicate with different women at the same time, since these men are constantly in search of something new.

If a girl manages to seriously charm a representative of the fire zodiac sign, then in the first stages of the relationship she should not actively demonstrate her affection. Such men prefer intrigue and struggle for a girl’s attention, so a woman should always remain a mystery to them.

A guy representing this zodiac sign may like the girl with whom he has common hobbies and goals in life. If a man invites his chosen one to join him on a trip, organizing a business or hobby, then he will appreciate her participation. Refusal will not make the guy forget about his plans, but he will go in search of another like-minded woman.

Sagittarians like bright and active girls who are popular with other men. Jealousy inflames the feelings of a representative of this sign, and he is ready to do everything in order to completely capture the attention of the object of sympathy.

A Sagittarius man is a person who is attracted to eccentricity, so constant conversations about everyday life, gossip, and discussion of low-quality musical and literary works will provoke a fit of rage in a man.

In bed, representatives of the fire sign like experiments, but they expect new ideas from their chosen one. These men are passionate lovers who are always ready to listen to their partner's wishes. Representatives of this sign treat their own failures in bed with humor and do not dwell on the problems that have arisen.

Scorpio man how to understand that he likes you

How can representatives of different zodiac signs fall in love with Sagittarius?

The success of a relationship directly depends on his astrological compatibility with the woman.

Therefore, in order to interest Sagittarius and win his heart forever, you need to pay attention to your zodiac sign:

  1. 1. Aries. The fiery girl is immediately able to charm the temperamental Sagittarius with her energy, audacity and love of thrills. However, the stormy emotions, scandals and jealousy seething in the Aries-Sagittarius pair can lead to an irrevocable fading of feelings. To preserve the love of her chosen one, a girl needs to be gentle and willing to compromise.
  2. 2. Taurus. A happy relationship in this couple is unlikely, but if a girl of this sign seriously falls in love with Sagittarius, then she can conquer him with her thriftiness, femininity and moderate expression of care.
  3. 3. Gemini. A man will appreciate the love of freedom and independence of such women. If a couple has common interests, then a strong relationship is guaranteed.
  4. 4. Cancer. A woman who dreams of conquering a Sagittarius man must refuse the temptation to reproach and force her loved one to sit at home, because a representative of this sign cannot tolerate any restrictions.
  5. 5. Leo A charismatic lady will be an ideal match for a Sagittarius man. Traveling and hobbies together will only strengthen the love in such a relationship.
  6. 6. Virgo. The union will always be conflictual, since the representative of this zodiac sign will not understand the passionate nature of the man and his thirst for adventure. If Virgo pacifies her pedantry, she has every chance of making her chosen one fall in love with her.
  7. 7. Libra. In such a girl, Sagittarius will be attracted by a craving for creativity, a subtle sense of humor and an unconventional way of thinking.
  8. 8. Scorpio. A serious relationship is almost impossible between a representative of this sign and Sagittarius. Scorpio needs confidence in the future and the feelings of a man, and representatives of the element of Fire cannot stand it when they are required to provide any guarantees.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. With the chosen ones of his zodiac sign, the guy will experience vivid emotions. However, the stormy temperament of a man and a woman can be an obstacle to a strong union.
  10. 10. Capricorn. The girl will teach Sagittarius to be more organized and reasonable. He will instill in his chosen one a love of adventure.
  11. 11. Aquarius. In such a woman, Sagittarius will be attracted by friendliness, independence and optimism.
  12. 12. Fish. In a representative of this sign, a fiery man may be irritated by melancholy and a tendency toward pessimism. To please a guy, a Pisces girl must become more cheerful and optimistic.
Men who were born under the zodiac constellation Sagittarius are fully consistent with the spirit of their sign. Sagittarius is usually depicted with a bow in his hands, and their whole life is a hunt.

Sagittarius men are often bright, optimistic personalities who have no problem winning the hearts of the fair sex. Being cheerful and cheerful, sociable and active, the Sagittarius man attracts many friends, so they are constantly surrounded by people.

If a woman likes a Sagittarius man and wants to win him, then she should try to get into the same company with him. Since Sagittarius men, although they love cheerful, noisy companies, often prefer to be in a small circle, therefore a woman who finds herself in such a company will be able to start a conversation with a man without any problems and during the conversation, interest the man.

Sagittarians love to travel, so to start a conversation, you can ask him a question about his adventures and travels. In this case, most likely, the man will begin a fascinating story about his adventures and trains. If the work of such men is tied to one place, then they quite willingly respond to the opportunity to go somewhere on a business trip. This can also be a great topic of conversation with a man.

Listening to a Sagittarius man's story about his wanderings, a woman should demonstrate her interest not only in the narrator himself, but also in what he is telling. At the same time, you can ask a bunch of questions, showing erudition and a subtle mind. This will interest the Sagittarius man, and he will do his best to answer your questions informatively, and the evening will fly by unnoticed. If a man mentions funny moments or jokes in his story, then don’t hesitate to laugh, because Sagittarius adore people with a good sense of humor, which they themselves are endowed with by nature.

The main priority in the life of almost any Sagittarius Man is his Liberty , so it will be quite difficult to conquer, let alone tie him to yourself. Figuratively speaking, the first place in the life of a Sagittarius is occupied by freedom, the second is travel, and only in third place is a woman.

Undoubtedly, the Sagittarius man, like any other man in principle, needs to communicate with women, but it is unlikely that he will want to become attached to only one person. So, having gone to one city, a man will make a girlfriend there, and a week later, having gone somewhere else, he will forget that woman and will meet another. A woman will be able to tame this wanderer only if she can accompany the man on his travels and share his hobbies.

A woman who wants to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with her and create a serious relationship with him must readily accept all his new ideas, support his decisions to go somewhere and never ask where he is going without her. In this case, you should try to be constantly near him, but on the other hand, you should not get too close so that the man does not feel intrusive.

Sagittarius men deservedly enjoy the reputation of a modern Don Juan, who never tires of conquering new women. Today he can confess his love to one woman, and tomorrow he will go on a date with another. At the same time, one should not think that Sagittarius men deceive women and lie to them about their feelings. Not at all, men themselves sincerely believe in their love. But, alas, the love of such men rarely lasts.

A Sagittarius man often tells the real truth to a woman, without lying at all, but this truth is of a moment-to-moment nature, since only the present matters to Sagittarius.

A large number of women among Sagittarius men speaks not of his hypersexuality, but only of the passion of a hunter. Having won one woman in this way, a man may lose interest in her, and like a real hunter, he will rush off again for a new trophy. For such men, love is more of a new adventure than something eternal and sublime. On his life's path, the Sagittarius man will meet many women, but will persistently search for his ideal.

Sagittarius men have a wonderful sense of humor, developed intelligence, cheerfulness and honesty. The sincerity with which he communicates with women, along with excellent manners and optimism, does not leave women indifferent to these conquerors of hearts.

If a woman’s companion is a Sagittarius man, then she is unlikely to be bored. On the contrary, we can say with confidence that a woman will have a very pleasant time in the company of a gallant gentleman.

Sagittarius men do not like everything ostentatious, pompous and artificial, always remaining real and cheerful. Such a man will most likely choose a cozy, quiet cafe rather than a noisy establishment as a place to meet a woman.

The Sagittarius man is often an excellent lover, but his approach to love is somewhat different than that described by the heroes of literary romance novels. A man loves women passionately, but their feelings are mostly superficial. The Sagittarius man approaches love, as well as life in general, easily and naturally.

On the contrary, people who take love too seriously cause Sagittarius, if not irritation, then a sarcastic smile. Sagittarius men are often interested in short-term relationships with women rather than something serious and long-lasting, and there is nothing to talk about marriage at all. A man strives to have fun every day, and from such moments he tries to create his own life, filled with joyful and unknown moments.

Sagittarius men are excellent conversationalists, so starting a conversation with him will not be difficult. Moreover, the woman does not even have to come up with topics for conversation and try to stir up her interlocutor, since the man will do everything himself. In order to win the heart of a Sagittarius, a woman should be prepared to become a grateful listener, since Sagittarius men are very willing to share their adventures and experiences.

Sometimes men, without suspecting it, can turn the dialogue into monologue mode, where the woman is given the role of listener. At the same time, she should listen to him with her eyes wide open and try not to miss a single word, and also laugh sincerely at the funny moments of his stories or jokes. If a woman listens to everything and asks questions, then the man will recognize her as an excellent interlocutor.

In a conversation with a Sagittarius man, a woman may ask about his work, hobbies, favorite films or books. Often, Sagittarius men love team sports held in the open air. Therefore, if a woman is also interested in the sports life of the city and country, then we can say with confidence that she will make friends with a man.

If a woman is cool about sports, then she should understand them at least a little, so as not to show her complete ignorance in the games so beloved by men. Currently, only a few women are interested in and understand the games that men love such as football or volleyball. Break these stereotypes, and you will definitely arouse the sympathy of a Sagittarius man.

When interested in the personal life of a Sagittarius man, one should not forget about the fine line between sweet interest in his person and annoying curiosity, since men dislike the latter. So if a Sagittarius man feels that a woman is trying to get into his life, then he will most likely begin to be somewhat wary of her, and in this case it will be extremely difficult to start a serious relationship with a man.

At the beginning of your acquaintance, it is quite advisable to talk with a Sagittarius man on general topics, without affecting his personal life, unless, of course, he himself wants to. If on first dates a man categorically deviates from personal topics and turns the conversation to unimportant topics, do not worry, because this is just a defensive reaction, and soon the man will open up to you fully.

Having gotten to know a woman a little better, a Sagittarius man can bombard her with straightforward questions, trying to establish a trusting relationship with the woman.

When choosing a place for a date, a Sagittarius man is more likely to choose small open-air cafes; he can also have a picnic on the banks of a river or lake. But Sagittarius men try to avoid closed spaces, since a confined space can limit the freedom of his actions, and as we remember, freedom is the main thing for Sagittarius.

A Sagittarius man can promise a woman a lot of things, but she should not blindly trust his promises, because, being a flighty person, he can easily change his plans, including plans concerning the woman herself.

Sagittarius is the hunter. His pursuit of new impressions, knowledge and sensations is endless. Sagittarius men, as a rule, are smart, energetic, and romantic, but they cannot boast of ease of character and stability.

Sagittarius is not the stone wall that most women are looking for, and getting along with him is not easy. But it is possible - if you are no less versatile than your Sagittarius, and even more than him, confident in yourself.

Ideal woman

For some men it is enough to have the most beautiful wife, for others - the kindest, for others - the smartest. Sagittarius needs the very best - beautiful, smart, tactful, and strong.

The only requirement that they easily give up is thriftiness in the generally accepted sense of the word. Everything should be beautiful and well-kept, but whether you make excellent sushi yourself or know the best place to order it doesn’t matter.

What Sagittarians shy away from in women is the pragmatism and scrupulousness of home hens. Even in raising children, it is more important for them that the wife sets a certain example by personal example. the standard of an interesting and rich life, and didn’t check the child’s lessons. Sagittarians are also honest and do not like cunning women. Like all men, they love it when they play with them, but they prefer games “openly”, without “feminine-political” lies.

Freedom is perhaps the main principle professed by Sagittarius in all aspects of life. A woman who is not self-confident and not free will never arouse a serious feeling in Sagittarius, both in itself and because it will obviously limit his freedom. The first jealously suspicious evening question: “Where have you been?” will quickly bring the romance with Sagittarius to naught. You need to be interested in the affairs of Sagittarius, and not meticulously ask about them. Regardless of the time of acquaintance, he himself does not engage in humiliating interrogations and dreary clarifications of who did what outside the home - and expects the same attitude from a woman.

Sagittarians greatly appreciate sharp-tongued women, but jokes should be jokes and not an expression of your complexes. You should also not spout platitudes, which seem to be customary to say in certain situations - any original thought you have will add more points to you in the eyes of Sagittarius, if only because of its courage. If we formulate the rule of three “Cs” for conquering Sagittarius, then it will be “Don’t be clumsy, don’t have complexes, don’t control”.

To take offense at such a man and let him know that he is wrong should not be done by capriciously pouting your lips or falling into hysterics, but by blowing on him with a kind of light, proudly condescending breeze. And when he comes to his senses and confesses, you need to be really lenient towards him and not stoop to petty sawing.

Men are not idiots; most of them are fully aware that it is better to be needed than to be free. Nevertheless, for their freedom - or rather, for its generally accepted appearance - they are ready to hold on to the last.

For Sagittarius, this final frontier is a woman superior to him the richness of the inner world and some of the qualities that he values ​​​​in himself. It can be poetry, non-conformism, intelligence, education, intelligence, strength of character, honesty - the set is individual.

But, what is important, superiority in any case should be expressed in a specific feminine way. You can rush around the world with your Hunter like a propeller, boldly start new things and experiments, see a satisfied smile on his face - and think that everything is fine. But as soon as a woman appears, albeit not so energetic, but doing similar things with great grace, all the admiring smiles, chivalrous courtships and the main words will go to her, and you will be invited to remain friends.

Style, sophistication– Sagittarius looks for these qualities in a woman almost unconsciously; they are not very characteristic of him, but they are no less valuable than a commonality of views and aspirations.

Try conquer a Sagittarius man flattery, delight, pliability and readiness to adapt are useless. Such curtsies are pleasant to him only in passing and for a short time - in this sense, he is a real man and wants to admire and conquer himself. Moreover, in the verb “to conquer”, it is his imperfect appearance that is important for a man. It seems that he is quite sure that you love him, but he cannot read your soul like an open book.

There always remains some secret, unattainable corner that he would also like to conquer... but in fact he would not want to, because that is where the love will end. This is how most men in general are designed – and certainly all Sagittarians. Love, beauty and yours unattainable secret for them are inseparable.

You shouldn’t disappoint your Sagittarius by opening up completely to him. He should see a little less love on the surface than there is in the depths of your heart. And what he shouldn’t see at all is any kind of dependence he has on him. Yours self-sufficiency will cause him constant delight and respect, and focusing on him and his family, on the contrary, will lead to a loss of interest and quickly extinguish all good impulses.

To maintain them, you need to constantly offer him new directions joint development, while demonstrating the richness of that part of his life in which he is not directly involved. It is impossible for Sagittarius to tolerate a woman next to her who whines about her unloved job, who does not have an exciting hobby and her own circle of friends.

Routine is killer
for Sagittarius in general, and in life together in particular. Such a man is reliable under periodic extreme loads, but cannot exist in the regime of viscous permanent stress.

Roughly speaking, if you get pneumonia, he will drop everything and leave you with all possible tenderness, but the message of some unpleasant diagnosis, in which you need to constantly take tests and go to the hospital once a quarter, with a 98% probability will lead to this man leaving you. of your life.

“In sorrow and in joy” - this is not about him. He told you these words completely sincerely - it just never occurred to him that there could be some kind of grief that lasted more than a month. But if you are of the same opinion about the duration and, having quickly recovered from any blow of fate, can continue to dance effectively through life, Sagittarius will be an excellent partner for you. And with your persistence you will only strengthen his love and respect for you.

Usually Sagittarius are not limited to first marriage, and the second one – most often too. Young meat is not their weak point, but they still need the same thirty-year-old business smart beauty who they can be proud of in front of their friends and who is not yet tempted to just relax and quietly dig around on the weekend at the dacha.

This does not mean that Sagittarius does not respect dacha holidays - he just needs to come up with something there, and in no case in a utilitarian sense. Fishing in the beginning rain, a night outing to a neighboring dacha village, mowing the grass with an ancient scythe accidentally lying around at a neighbor’s house - even a “philosophical” argument about life with your mother-in-law is suitable in extreme cases. And in all these cases, you should be there, accompanying the process with charming wit and capturing individual moments on camera.

At the end of the process, Sagittarius needs to be dried, cleaned, kissed - and thought up for tomorrow something new. For example, chopping wood or planting a Christmas tree - such a pastime may well captivate Sagittarius for a couple of hours.

However, if you think that you can evoke some kind of warm feeling in him by intensively weeding the cucumbers - well, of course! he loves them so much! - you are wrong. Your grunting in the weeds and crispy cucumbers have no connection in his brain. Lounging for half a day with a book in a sun lounger, being left completely without cucumbers, is even better than showing Sagittarius the tedious, philistine aspects of life.

If you are able to turn pickling cucumbers into a technological and at the same time magical act, it is quite possible to do this even together with Sagittarius.

But how can you pickle without weeding? And here it is: weeding should remain completely behind the scenes for him or become a short oral message. Sweat for three hours and limit yourself to three words? Well, if this situation doesn’t suit you, it’s better to volunteer – and with relief! – give in Hunter for perfect love and eternal youth to anyone else who wants to fish in the rain and climb over neighbors' fences.

To win a Sagittarius man, you don’t have to be a desperate flirt. Be yourself - and he will not resist your natural charm!

You like him, right? You are delighted with his antics and jokes - like all those numerous girls who hover around Sagittarius. And he is delighted with them, with you, with any female representative within sight, from eighteen to fifty years old. Becoming his girlfriend is very easy - it is more difficult to be his only girlfriend. After all, a huge one is enough for half the world: if he is constant in one thing, it is in the thirst for more and more love victories. They give him inspiration, allow him to feel the taste of life... but how much honor is it for you to be one of the whole legion of fans of this loving joker?.. This is hardly what you want from a relationship. It is very difficult to tame, truly tame a Sagittarius, to achieve his devotion... but there is a way. You are required to become his best friend.

"You're crazy! This is dangerous! - you exclaim, watching how Sagittarius juggles daggers or fords a stormy mountain river. The best option would be to say this with enthusiastic intonations, the worst - with reproach. Yes, your chosen one loves to pointlessly risk his life, but he does this primarily because he wants to earn a reputation as a desperate daredevil. Prove your courage not in word, but in deed. Smile, applaud - he is trying for you! Can you imagine how offended Sagittarius will be if his tricks don’t earn your approval?.. Even if you want to properly reprimand him for taking a thoughtless risk, it’s better to tell him something like “This is really cool! No one I know can do that. Do you think I could learn? Maybe you can give me a couple of lessons? All Archers are a little artists at heart, and they are greedy for praise, but this is not even the main thing: to become one, you need to live in its rhythm and its interests. If you show our hero that his skill has interested you, you will be one hundred points ahead of all your rivals.

Yes, you will have to learn something dangerous and, from the point of view of an ordinary person, useless. You may even have to jump with a parachute or dance on hot coals... but if you cope with the lesson, you will elevate yourself in the eyes of Sagittarius to unimaginable heights. However, if you fail, that’s no problem either. More importantly, the Archer is very pleased to teach you. At this moment, he feels more dexterous and skillful than ever, feels a pleasant excitement, an almost mystical thrill, passing on his knowledge to you. Representatives of this sign have great respect for like-minded people... perhaps they are the only people they respect. Therefore, try to love what he loves. Sagittarius will not forgive you for falsehood.

If you do not want to live with him with the same aspirations, at one not at all wonderful moment you will find that you have nothing else to talk about - and this will mean the beginning of the end. The archer will become bored and hate you. Here’s a paradox: from a fantastically beautiful girl with a magnificent bust and refined manners, who loves sex and knows how to cook, he will go to a young lady whom he can’t even dare call anything other than “his boy” - because she is a parkour genius. And they will always have something to chat about, sitting side by side on the roof of a high-rise building. Check yours to know in advance about possible difficulties in your couple.

Either way, keep in mind that there is no commitment for this guy. Fans will not disappear anywhere, even if you manage to put an engagement ring on him. All his many hobbies, which invariably smack of madness, will not go away either. And Sagittarius will give them his strength, time and imagination - and you will get what is left. Usually this is an undisassembled backpack from the last trip, which you will have to deal with, since the Archer has already galloped off somewhere again. Are you ready for the fact that one day he will find your stash, hidden for a rainy day, and suddenly even buy a motor boat for himself? Oh, you will be glad that he acquired this useless fool, at least without driving the whole family into a hole of debt. Yes, living together with a Sagittarius is an attraction in which there is no place for boredom and peace. Think about this before you decide to get serious with our daredevil. A stamp in your passport will not change it at all. Rather, you will have to change in order to surprise him again and again, make a positive impression and remain interesting to this changeable man. The task is not easy... But the reward is truly valuable - love, which would be enough for half the world, will go to you alone.

There is a common misconception that the best life partner for him is a woman who is ready to take him under her wing, surround him with care and solve all his everyday problems. His mother copes well with the above functions - do not take away from the mother-in-law her legal right to pamper her over-aged offspring. The Archer doesn’t expect anything like that from you: he won’t be offended if he doesn’t find a freshly prepared dinner on the stove. And he will comment with a good-natured joke on the fact that you still haven’t taken apart the backpack mentioned a couple of paragraphs above. Let him fiddle with his own things: you are terribly busy... learning to throw darts blindfolded while standing on stilts. See how brightly your lover's eyes flash - he is undoubtedly delighted. This is exactly the kind of crazy, unpredictable person that he values ​​and respects. And the backpack... it’s patient - let it wait a little longer.