How to make a clear egg without vinegar. Transparent eggs. Home experiments for children

There are many interesting and safe experiments that you can do at home. To do this, you can use what you have in the house. Such experiments do not require a special place or special knowledge.

The essence of the experiment

A fun experiment can be done with an ordinary chicken egg; you can also use a quail egg, with it the process will go a little faster. The whole point of the experiment is how to make a rubber egg from an ordinary egg.

To do this, the egg is placed in vinegar and left for a certain time. Vinegar reacts with calcium and completely dissolves it. The shell comes off the protein in the form of gas bubbles. What remains at the end looks like an elastic jelly ball; it looks and feels like rubber. For those who are pondering the option of how to make a rubber egg without vinegar, the answer is simple - not at all! Without vinegar, the desired reaction will not occur, and the experiment will fail or the result will not be the same.

First stage of the experiment

Now you will learn how to make a rubber egg at home. To do this, you need to prepare 9% vinegar, one egg and glassware.

An egg is placed in a transparent bowl and filled with vinegar so that it is completely hidden. The reaction begins instantly, and bubbles of carbon dioxide immediately appear on the shell. In bird eggs, the shell contains 90% calcium carbonate.

When exposed to acid, the shell begins to soften and disintegrate into small elements. When decomposed, a chemical product is released - carbon dioxide. To figure out how to make a rubber egg, you don’t need to have any special knowledge of chemistry. The only thing you need to know in this case is that you cannot eat such an egg. Now everything needs to be left for 15-24 hours.

Continuation of the experiment in a day

After the specified time has passed, the egg must be removed from the vinegar. You can do this without gloves; with short-term contact with the skin, nothing bad will happen. It will be noticeable to the naked eye that the egg has increased in size, there are remains of the shell on it, but now they look more like white powder. These residues must be washed off with water. Here's how to make a rubber egg with your own hands. It was saturated with vinegar and felt like thick jelly or rubber to the touch. The color of the white became darker, but the yolk remained in the same condition as before.

The egg can be squeezed a little; it bounces well off a hard surface, like a bouncy ball. But throwing it from a great height or using force when throwing it is not worth it. Only the upper shell becomes dense, while part of the white and the yolk remain liquid. When you try to cut this “bouncy”, the contents flow out. If you illuminate it, you can see where the yolk is.

White egg

In addition to this method, there are other options for making a rubber egg. In this case, it will not be transparent, but white. The whole experiment is carried out the same way, only acetic acid is used instead of vinegar. After keeping the egg in the chemical for the required time, it also needs to be washed under running water; in this case, it is better to protect your hands from exposure to acid and use gloves.

The outer shell also completely dissolves, but the egg itself is white, like a boiled egg, and it is not so elastic to the touch, it does not spring back if thrown on a hard surface, but it is also interesting as an experiment.

Colored eggs

It is very fun to conduct such experiments, it is also interesting to play with the resulting jumpers, they perform a unique role as anti-stress. That is why you can make such “jumpers” multi-colored.

How to make a rubber egg colored? It's very simple - add egg coloring to vinegar. Such dyes have a persistent and rich color; they dissolve well in vinegar. There are different colors in the dye pack. For such an experiment, you need to prepare as many vessels as the number of colors that will be used in the experiment. There are as many flowers as there are eggs. Place one egg in each bowl and add powder of the desired color. Pour vinegar over everything and wait the allotted time. When the residual coating from the shell is washed off, only the colored “jumper” will remain.

Of course, we should not forget that the egg has not actually turned into a rubber ball, and there is no need to put it with toys. Over time, it will deteriorate, or due to mechanical damage it will begin to leak and stain things. There is little pleasure in getting dirty with a spoiled egg, the smell is terrible and it washes off gradually. If it doesn't break within the first couple of days, it's best to throw it away. If you wish, you can always make a new “rubber ball”.

There are many amazing things in the world. Some of them you can do yourself at home.

Interesting experiments can be carried out with eggs.

You need to prepare the necessary materials, carefully read the instructions below, and be patient.

For the experience you need:

  • one raw egg;
  • large cup or glass;
  • 9% vinegar.

What to do.

  1. Place an egg in a cup.
  2. Pour in enough vinegar to completely cover the egg.
  3. Place the cup in a dark place for a day.
  4. After a day, remove the egg from the cup and clean it of the white coating that remains instead of the shell.

This is the simplest egg experiment. Let's complicate the task - let's make it glow!


What to prepare and how to make a glowing egg

For the experience you need to prepare:

  • UV lamp;
  • two glasses;
  • two raw eggs;
  • two markers of different colors;
  • large bowl or medium sized bowl;
  • vinegar 15%;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • pliers.

What do we have to do.

  1. Wear gloves. Using pliers, remove the back cover of the marker. Remove the soft colored center.
  2. Pour 100 g of vinegar into a bowl or bowl. Place the center of the marker in vinegar and squeeze the paint out of it.
  3. Do the same with the second marker.
  4. Place the eggs in glasses and pour the prepared mixtures over them.
  5. Place the containers with eggs in a dark place for two days.
  6. After two days, remove the eggs and wash them thoroughly under running water. Pay attention! The prepared egg is several times larger than usual.
  7. Ready eggs look very beautiful under ultraviolet light. In addition, they are very elastic and bouncy. But you need to play with them carefully, because they can burst.


Scientific explanation of egg experiments

  • Why does an egg become rubbery and where does the shell go?

The shell of an egg is made of a substance called calcium carbonate. Vinegar is an acid that can completely dissolve it.

The process that occurs when vinegar comes into contact with eggshells is called decalcification.

It takes at least 24 hours for the shells to dissolve.

  • Why do eggs glow?

They are saturated with paint, which gradually penetrates them as the shell dissolves. The paint of the markers is very saturated, which is why it appears under the glow of an ultraviolet lamp.

This Photoshop tutorial will show us how to create a chicken egg without a shell.

Let's get started.

  • Step 1: Open the original image in Photoshop.

  • Step 2: activate the Clone Stamp Tool and carefully, carefully “remove” one of the eggs. For those who are not familiar with the operation of this tool, the following instructions for use: determine which part of the background you will use to mask the object. Now press the Alt key and, without releasing it, click on the work field in the place that you want to use as a clone sample; release the key and now begin to mask the egg with the previously selected area.

  • Step 3: We are done with masking the egg, but in its place there remains a sulfur halo that looks ugly and unnatural. To eliminate this misunderstanding, we will use the Patch Tool.

We activate the Patch Tool, that is, the Patch tool, and configure it as shown in the example below:

And so, the Patch Tool remains in active mode. Now we need to select part of the unaffected background and drag it onto the area that we adjusted using the Stamp to hide obvious traces of the intervention. This simple move allowed us to make the transition in this area smoother and more uniform compared to the general background.

Now our image looks like this:

  • Step 4: open the image with a soap bubble in a new document

Activate the Elliptical Marquee Tool and use it to create a circular selection along the contour of the bubble.

Copy the selected area to a new layer and move the bubble to the main working document


To copy the selection to a new layer, press the key combination Ctrl+J;

In order to move a bubble, activate the Move tool and simply drag and drop the bubble from one working window to another.

  • Step 5: The bubble is not clear enough. Let's fix this flaw. First, decolorize the soap bubble: standing on the layer with it, press the following key combination Ctrl + Shift + U and lower the Opacity of the decolorized layer to 30%

  • Step 6: being on the layer with the soap bubble, activate the Warp Tool and modify the original round shape, bringing it closer to the outline of the egg.

Hint: the Warp tool is located in the Edit - Transform - Warp menu.

  • Step 7: Open an image with an egg yolk or similar object.

Hint: you can draw a yolk, find the image you need on the Internet, or use one of these links:

Open the selected image in Photoshop and place it in the main working document, on top of the layer with the soap bubble. Change the blending mode of the yolk layer to Multiply.

  • Step 8: Now let's turn our attention to the overall plan. Create a new layer on top of the existing ones. Activate the Brush Tool, for which we set the following parameters: brush type - round, hardness - 0%; White color.

While on a new layer with a brush, draw a light spot in the form of a triangle (as shown in the image below). Change the layer blend mode to Overlay.

  • Step 9: Make our sample a little brighter. To do this, add a color accent to the general background. This is done like this: create a new layer, activate the Gradient Tool, select colors from yellow to pink, and fill the new layer with a linear gradient. Set its blending mode to Soft Light.

That's all. The lesson is over and the result is clear.

The science

Did you know that an egg is made up mostly of water?

Try an experiment with your children in which the shell eggs will disappear in vinegar.

Besides? there are many more experiments that can be done with a chicken egg.

Experiments for children

1. Rubber egg (without shell).

You will need vinegar and 24 to 48 hours for the experiment.

Video experience for children

2. Flatten the egg and return it to its original shape.

If you repeat the first experiment with vinegar and then dip the egg in corn syrup, the egg will turn into a deflated ball. If you then immerse the egg in water and wait for some time (about 24 hours), it will “inflate” and return to its shape.

You will need:

Corn syrup

Egg container

Large spoon (to hold the egg in the container under the syrup)

Children's experiences

3. How to put an egg in a bottle?

You will need:

Hard boiled egg


Matches or lighter


1. Cut a strip of paper (20 x 2.5 cm).

2. Carefully light the strip at one end and drop it into the bottle.

3. Place a hard-boiled egg on the neck of the bottle.

4. Watch as the paper goes out on its own and the egg falls into the bottle.

How to get an egg out of a bottle?

Just blow hard into the bottle and the egg will pop out.

Home experiments for children

4. The egg is floating.

You will need:

2 cans or glasses

5 teaspoons salt

1. Pour water into one jar.

2. Pour warm water into the second jar and add salt. Stir.

3. Carefully place one egg into each jar.

4. Watch - one egg will remain afloat, and the other will sink to the bottom.

Experiments for children

5. How to make a glowing egg

You will need:

Marker for highlighting text

2 empty containers

UV lamp.

1. First c make a rubber egg (see experiment 1), only add paint squeezed out of a marker to the vinegar.

2. Wait 24 hours, remove the egg, turn off the light and shine the ultraviolet light on the egg.

Home experiments for children

6. Colored volcano.

You will need:

Baking soda

Egg dye or food coloring


1. Mix baking soda and food coloring in a ratio of 2 to 1. If the paint seems to you not too bright, add a little more dye. Stir to form a thin paste.

2. Using brushes, paint the eggs with a thick layer of paste.