Cucumbers with red currants for the winter reviews. Pickled cucumbers in a jar with red currants. Salting cucumbers with red currants

It seems we know everything about pickled cucumbers. They are prepared in different ways: with tart horseradish and bay leaves, with aromatic tarragon, cloves and even honey. And also, it turns out, with currants and spicy basil.
Pickled canned cucumbers with red currants sound tempting and look luxurious. Ruby clusters of berries sparkling among tight, ripe cucumbers, emerald currant leaves and purple basil, snow-white cloves of garlic - a traditional jar of preserves will appear in a completely different form. Cucumbers taste like a sponge, they absorb all the smells, and the dish blooms with all the aromas - spicy, bright, extremely appetizing.

TIME: 1 hour 30 min.


Servings: 8

Ingredients for 3 liters of finished preserves:

  • Cucumbers 1.7-1.8 kg;
  • Red currants 150-200 g;
  • Basil, dill (seeds) bunch;
  • Garlic 1 head;
  • Currant leaves 7-10 pcs.
  • Salt 2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 100-135 g;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp.
  • Water 1.2-1.3 l.


Inspect medium-sized cucumbers selected for harvesting for the winter for damage: there should be no spoiled, cracked, overripe or very large cucumbers among them. Also, you should not use cucumbers with thick skin: they do not pickle well, and the taste leaves much to be desired. Rinse under running cool water and dry.
Many home canners cut off the ends of cucumbers when pickling.
I don’t trim them, because by releasing the juice, the cucumbers become soft and less crunchy.

Wash currant leaves, berries and basil, peel garlic.

Line the bottom of the jars, previously sterilized over steam, with “umbrellas” of dill, cover them with basil and currant leaves, and add a few cloves of garlic.

Place some of the currant berries on the bottom, and distribute some evenly throughout the entire volume of the jar.

Fill the jars more tightly, placing bunches of currants and cloves of garlic in the space between the cucumbers.

To prepare the marinade, add salt and sugar to boiling water, pour in vinegar, stir thoroughly, and let it boil again.
Some housewives claim that if there are currants in the recipe, you can do without vinegar.
This is a controversial issue: firstly, vinegar acts as a preservative, and currant berries contain mainly ascorbic acid. Secondly, there is no data confirming its successful use in canning. Therefore, it is better to use vinegar the old fashioned way: you can be sure that the preparations for the winter will not “explode.”
However, currants, in their fruits and leaves, contain a lot of tannins, which make our preserves crispy, juicy and tasty.
Pour the prepared jars as quickly as possible, without allowing the brine to cool, and cover with lids. The cucumbers should be steamed thoroughly within 5-10 minutes, after which the marinade can be poured back into the pan and boiled again.

Thus, after repeating the procedure three times, seal the canned food with a sealing machine, cover with a thick cloth or towel to preserve heat. To make sure the seam is tight, you can turn the jars of cucumbers upside down for 10-15 minutes.
A small nuance: currants and basil can cause the marinade to color: it may not become completely transparent and take on a reddish tint. During long-term storage, the berries lose their rich color, become whitish, and the brine becomes cloudy, and it is best to open these preparations first in winter.

Otherwise, pickled cucumbers with currants will certainly appeal to lovers of aromatic and spicy pickles and connoisseurs of good home cooking. This is also a good reason to move away from classic recipes. Red currants will give cucumbers a special aroma and pleasant sourness, tart dill seeds, fragrant basil and garlic will create a wonderful bouquet of aromas reminiscent of summer.

The cucumbers are of high quality!

This is a VERY worthwhile recipe, honestly. And these are the best canned cucumbers I've ever tasted in my life. And even if you have never canned anything, it’s worth starting for them. Canned cucumbers with red currants are a very interesting, original recipe. Red currants give cucumbers a unique taste and brine a rich color. Plus, there is no vinegar in this recipe. It is successfully replaced by red currants, which are a natural preservative. It’s not for nothing that red currants are also called sorrel. Despite its unusual nature, the recipe is very simple to prepare.

To prepare a two-liter jar of canned cucumbers

Strong, not very large cucumbers,
0.5 liters of red currants,
2 tablespoons salt,
1-2 tablespoons sugar,
4-8 cloves of garlic,
dill with umbrella inflorescences,
peppercorn mixture,
2-3 clove buds, optional
currant leaves.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and trim the ends.

Wash the red currants thoroughly too.

Place currant leaves and dill umbrellas on the bottom of a sterilized jar.

Fill the jar with cucumbers, pouring currants into the voids.

Fill the jar up to the neck with hot, recently boiled water.

Cover the jar with a lid and let it stand for 20-30 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and boil the brine for about five minutes. Add peeled garlic, cloves and pepper mixture to a jar with cucumbers.

And fill the jar with brine to the very top. Then roll up the jar, turn it over, wrap it in something warm, let it cool completely, and then store it in a cool, dark place. After 3-4 weeks, the cucumbers will be ready.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter. Two good, proven recipes for canning cucumbers with and without vinegar.
Friends, if you have a recipe for pickling cucumbers that you want to share, we will be very glad to see your recipe in the comments to this post!

They say that Napoleon promised a reward similar in amount to the modern 250 thousand dollars to anyone who would find a way to keep cucumbers fresh. He loved to snack on a crunchy cucumber while hiking. No one has received the prize yet, but we will teach a Frenchman how to pickle cucumbers so that they crunch just as good as fresh ones. We offer you popular recipes for quick and not too troublesome pickling of cucumbers, as well as a list of common mistakes when canning.

Canning cucumbers using the triple pouring method
The easiest way, without pasteurization and then removing the jars from boiling water. We fry the jars in the oven or over steam (risky housewives simply wash the jars with soda, and the canned food is safely stored), put three leaves of currants and cherries, garlic, horseradish shavings and 10-15 peppercorns on the bottom. Thanks to horseradish, the appetizer will acquire a spicy “Russian” flavor. Place the cucumbers and cover with a sprig of ripe dill. Boil water, pour in and immediately pour back into the pan. This way we will know the exact volume of brine. Boil again, adding tbsp. a heaped spoon of salt and a heaped spoon of sugar per three-liter bottle. Pour in and leave until cool (about four hours). If the cucumbers are small, half an hour of exposure is enough. Drain the brine, boil it, and pour it in a third time. Under the lid add an incomplete tbsp. spoon of vinegar (70%) and twist. Tip: to make the marinade acquire a pleasant tea color, boil a handful of currant leaves in water to pour.

Cucumbers with red currants.
The recipe is more complicated, but the taste of cucumbers is excellent. The good thing about this preparation is that it is prepared without vinegar. Red currants are an excellent preservative in themselves. We put cucumbers in one and a half liter jars, sprinkle them with berries (400 g per three liters) and spices. Blanch, pour in hot marinade (tbsp salt and half a spoon of sugar) and pasteurize for 8 minutes. Done, twist it. Such cucumbers will not lose color and quality, but they do not last as long as “vinegar” ones.

Let's pickle cucumbers with currants!

Red on a green background. And tasty, and beautiful, and without vinegar.

A few rules for proper canning.
1. Pick cucumbers early in the morning, when they are still vigorous and fresh. Soak fruits collected at other times for several hours to restore moisture.
1. Do not press cucumbers into a jar - they will explode.
1. Salt should be coarse, ordinary. Vinegar - no additives.
2. Excess dill can cause an “explosion”.
3. When pasteurizing, the water temperature should not exceed 90 degrees.
4. To prevent cucumbers from “cooking” when pouring boiling water, place the largest specimen on top - it will take the first temperature shock.
5. Make a filling based on a decoction of currant leaves, this will improve the bouquet.

Summer is already in full swing. And so that in winter there will always be a pickled cucumber or tomato on the table, housewives begin to preserve them. And it seems that everything is so simple - you pull out a cucumber or tomato from the garden, pour it with brine and you’re done. No such luck... You need to add sugar, vinegar, and spices, and also know the proportions. Moreover, preparations with vinegar can be harmful to health. You can, of course, but what about those who like preparations with a pleasant sourness? There is a great way out! We will tell you a recipe for pickled cucumbers that can be sealed without vinegar, the whole secret is in the secret ingredient - red currants.


  • small cucumbers (“fingers”);
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • red currants – 1.5 cup;
  • cherry leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • currant leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • dill – 4 pcs.

For brine we will need (per 1 liter of water):

  • Salt – 1 large spoon;
  • Sugar – 1.5 large spoons;
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers with red currants

Let's start cooking. First you need to wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Then, if the jars are already washed and sterilized, then you can put all the greens that we need for pickling at the bottom of the jar. And if the jars are not washed, then you need to wash them, dry them, sterilize them and continue the process as above.

Then we cut the garlic into pieces and throw it into the bottom of each jar, as well as black peppercorns. Next you will need to rinse the currants under running water and dry the berries. If you have time, pick the berries; if not, you can put them with a branch. It looks even nicer this way.

The next step is to put currant, cherry and horseradish leaves (whatever you have in the house) in a jar, and cucumbers on top. Then we take the currants and pour them on top of the cucumbers so that the berries fill all the gaps. Place dill on top.

Then boil water, pour in the cucumbers, cover with lids (scalded with boiling water) and leave for 30 minutes. Drain the water, boil and pour the cucumbers again for 30 minutes. Then drain the water. add salt and sugar, bring to a boil. Then pour the marinade into jars. Here we come to the end. All that remains is to roll up jars of pickled cucumbers for the winter.

The recipe for pickled cucumbers with red currants should please your whole family. The cucumbers will turn out crispy and not sour, and most importantly, harmless to health. You just need to follow the recipe and then you will succeed. Preservation without vinegar, therefore requires careful storage - best in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Every housewife prepares very diligently for winter.

First of all, such preparation is expressed in pickling vegetables and fruits. After all, on cold winter evenings you want a piece of summer on the table.

Therefore, women, like true cooks, fill the cellars with goodies in order to delight their households with healthy food in winter.

Cucumbers turn out very tasty if you pickle them with red currants. In addition, due to the acid that is in the berries, vinegar is not added in this case. About how to prepare)

Cucumbers with red currants, recipe

To marinate cucumbers with red currants you will need the following components:

· cucumbers (gherkins are best) – 1.5 kg;

· red currants – 2 tbsp.;

· horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.;

· currant leaves – 5 pcs.;

· cherry leaves – 5 pcs.;

· flowering sprigs of dill – 5 pcs.;

· garlic – 1 head;

· bitter red pepper – 1 pc.;

· sugar – 5 tbsp;

· salt – 3 tbsp.

· black pepper and allspice peas - to taste.

1. Cucumbers must be washed thoroughly under running water so that no small pieces of dirt or soil remain on them. Then you need to trim off all the excess tails. To make the cucumbers crispy, it is best to soak them in very cold water for at least 2 hours.

2. While the cucumbers are in the water, you can prepare all the other ingredients for pickling. The red currants also need to be thoroughly washed and placed on a paper towel to dry and there are no remaining water on them.

3. Garlic and hot red pepper need to be peeled and cut into small pieces.

4. The greens should be washed well and dried a little on a towel. Remember that it must be freshly picked. Under no circumstances should you use limp leaves or stale dill. In this case, jars of cucumbers may explode.

5. Jars must be washed and sterilized.

6. After the jars have cooled, you need to put greens on the bottom. You need to start with horseradish.

7. Then you need to place cucumbers in each jar in a vertical position. This is necessary so that the currants are perfectly located in the resulting voids and do not get crushed. Add chopped garlic and red pepper in proportional layers.

8. Now the pouring process begins. First you need to pour boiling water into each jar. Cover them with lids and leave for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the water must be drained into a saucepan.

10. Now all that remains is to pour the hot brine into the jars and seal them well.

11. The jars need to be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. You can put it on the shelves only after 24 hours.

Cucumbers with red currants are ready. As a result, they will turn out tender and crispy with an unusual taste.

Don't be alarmed if it completely loses its color after a few months. This is a natural process. This will not affect the taste of cucumbers.

Bon appetit!