Preparing for the exam: how to learn biology yourself at home from scratch. “Biology is my favorite subject” - essay with plan Why I like the subject biology

My favorite school subject is biology. I sit in these classes and it seems to me that I am not breathing. I'm afraid of missing some important word from the teacher. Every time I look forward to the next lesson. I don’t understand those who are not interested in this subject, because biology is the science about life, about us, about all living organisms. It explores the stages of development of living beings, living beings themselves, and their interaction with the outside world.

Biology is an ancient science, like life itself. After all, in order to understand how to live, you had to understand yourself, find your place in this world, understand how to interact with the world around you and preserve yourself as a species. So the development of science occurred not only from curiosity, but also due to necessity.

Therefore, I carefully prepare for each lesson, re-read a lot of literature and even signed up for additional classes. Not because I need to catch up on the course or my performance is poor, but because it’s very interesting.

I admit that I liked biology already in the eighth grade, when we started studying human anatomy. This was probably due to the fact that it was taught to us by a teacher who himself passionately loved this subject. And his lessons flew by in an instant.

During this teacher's lessons, I realized that the section of botany that we studied in elementary school was also interesting. After all, botany is the science of plants, and plants play a huge role in the formation of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. The importance of knowledge about plants cannot be exaggerated, just like knowledge about zoology.

The subject of biology helped me decide on my choice of profession. I want to be a doctor, I want to know more. I want my knowledge to become necessary for people - it’s so wonderful. Being a doctor is an honorable mission that not everyone can handle. The doctor is respected because he is the last resort in case of trouble, who will do everything in his power to help.

Biology is of great importance in my life. I believe that every person, if he wants something, will do everything possible to realize it. I set goals in my life and will do everything possible to achieve them.

I really like the science of biology. Maybe because the teacher who teaches us loves his subject very much. He enthusiastically tells us about various areas of this science. This love of his turned out to be contagious. Therefore, I also gained respect for this school discipline.

I want to tell you a little about what impresses me. Biology is very diverse. In elementary school we studied botany. This section of biology talks about plants. Studying plants is important. This is how we learn how the world around us works. In this way, people learned many beneficial properties of different plants. A variety of medicines are made from plants.

Sections of biology also include the life and structure of microorganisms, animals and human anatomy. Each of them is very interesting and useful. By learning about small organisms and animals, we better understand their purpose in nature. And human anatomy is extremely important. After all, knowing about the structure of the human body, doctors are competent in how to treat certain diseases. And this is a vital question.

Biology is associated with a science called biomimetics. This is the development and creation of technical devices, using ideas taken from nature as a basis. For example, there is such a bird - the kingfisher. She can dive underwater to catch fish. Its beak is designed in such a way that it does not lose speed when diving. This is a miracle! Scientists took the shape of a kingfisher's beak when designing a high-speed electric train. His locomotive was designed exactly this way. Thus, the speed of the train increased by thirty percent, and the energy required to accelerate it decreased by twenty percent. Not bad? Very good! All that was needed was to study the structure of the bird’s beak. The design of airplanes also owes much to the study of the structure of birds. And some new materials were produced thanks to knowledge about microorganisms and their life. When you start to think about this, you are amazed! How amazing everything is arranged around us! Man, in general, has not invented anything new. He only uses nature's resources. It seems that electricity is a human invention. But electric stingrays have been around long before the first light bulb came on. And the stingray is capable of delivering two hundred volts! Therefore, the study of biology teaches us to adapt to life. The more I learn about the world around us, the more it seems that an invisible designer created everything around us.

The branch of biology also includes genetic engineering. This is a special part of biology. Scientists have learned to cross genes to achieve previously unattainable goals. Thus, crops were created that are unusually adapted to growing in difficult climates. This has greatly increased yields in different places on the planet. But there is also one minus here. It has now become clear that genetically modified foods contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions and allergic diseases. Perhaps other negative consequences will be identified in the future. This is all due to the fact that people make changes to designs that they did not create. It would be better to avoid this. Imitating by creating something of your own is very correct. And changing structures that exist in nature is no longer within the competence of people.

There is a special method for learning biology yourself at home from scratch. To complete it, you just need not to worry, be patient, have good textbooks and visual aids. Self-organization and a large amount of time for preparation play a significant role in success.

If you need to take an exam in biology, but don’t have money for a tutor, then you can study this natural science yourself. First, you should assess your level of knowledge. If this is zero, then you need to set aside enough time for independent study of biology in order to thoroughly study all the topics and understand them. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the Unified State Exam program and draw up a detailed work plan. You need to calculate how many topics the program includes and how long it will take to process each one.

It is necessary to prepare for each topic separately, and not for all at once. The branches of biology are logically interconnected. The acquired knowledge is increased step by step. Therefore, basic terms and concepts are studied first, and then more serious topics. Only when one topic is learned well can you move on to the next. The main condition for independent learning is strict adherence to the schedule. By shirking and leaving everything until the very last day, you may never learn anything. If biology is relatively easy, then you can spend at least one week studying it. If natural science is very difficult to understand, this period must be increased.

You should acquire textbooks for all biology courses, get explanatory manuals, and retrieve biology notebooks from all your years of study from your own archives. You need to read in short paragraphs. After each reading, you need to understand the material well and write a short summary on it from memory. This way you can highlight the main and important points for yourself. When studying a subject, the school textbook should be considered the fundamental source of knowledge. Other sources of information are best used as clear explanations or as useful additions to the textbook, but not as primary material.

When writing a summary, it is recommended to make various drawings, diagrams, graphs and tables by hand that briefly convey the essence of what is being read. Such notes are well remembered and associated with the desired section. The notebook fields should be left blank, leaving space for future notes and clarifications. You need to memorize your manuscript and check your knowledge using the table of terms. If there are unfamiliar names in the table, they must be included in the notes in the section to which they belong.

For each topic, you should complete half of the tasks and check your level of self-preparation. If the assignments fail, then the difficult topic needs to be learned better. If the tasks are given easily and correctly, then you can solve the second part of the tasks, thereby developing skills. After completing all the tasks, you need to work on your mistakes: highlight all the tricky questions and read them again.

Required course program

To know which topics in biology you need to learn for the exam, you need to familiarize yourself with the full course program. School biology education includes the following sections:

  1. Biology is the science of living nature. You need to know the definition of the term “biology” and methods of its research. Learn the signs of living things, cell structure and metabolic processes.
  2. Cell as a biological system. This includes the following subtopics: cell diversity, cell structure, functions of its organelles, metabolism, nutrition and cell reproduction.
  3. Organism as a biological system. To master this section, you need to understand what it is: single- and multicellular organisms, viruses, auto- and heterotrophs, the principle of the formation of tissues from cells, the reproduction of organisms and genetics.
  4. Diversity of organisms. It is necessary to master taxonomic categories, learn the 5 kingdoms of living organisms, and remember the structural features and vital functions of chordate organisms.
  5. Man and his health. This section includes the structure and functioning of human tissues, organs and systems, knowledge of personal hygiene.
  6. Superorganismal systems and the evolution of the organic world. You should familiarize yourself with the theories of evolutionary ideas, the diversity of existing species, and the history of human origins.
  7. Ecosystems and their inherent patterns. We must remember what an ecosystem is, what its varieties are, how the cycle of substances occurs in nature. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the teachings of Vernadsky and learn what the bio- and noosphere are.

To make it easier to study the material, topics need to be arranged in a logical order. First, the basics of all living things, such as cells, are studied. Then more general items, such as fabrics. Next, the already studied tissues are formed into organs or the process of evolution from protozoa to multicellular is studied. You just need to understand that biology is not a collection of different sections, but interrelated topics that flow from each other.

What is the easiest way to understand a subject on your own?

Without a tutor, of course, it is more difficult to understand biology on your own. But there is nothing scary in this science. It just needs to be perceived easily, as something educational and interesting, then its memorization will be easier - through awareness of each topic.

It is always recommended to prepare for the exam using special textbooks. They contain all the necessary information. But they are also oversaturated with complex terms that make it difficult to perceive and understand what is written. Therefore, in addition to textbooks, it is advisable to use various manuals written in simple layman’s language. They will help you interpret and understand what is presented in the textbook. It is better to read silently, because when speaking words out loud, attention is scattered and the information is remembered worse.

Scientific films can be used as additional auxiliary educational material. They will cover topics that are difficult to understand in detail and clearly. In addition, when watching educational films, visual and auditory memory works, which gives a higher level of memorability.

You can’t leave a topic you’ve read unlearned. If, after multiple readings, a topic remains unexplored, it needs to be analyzed in more detail. You cannot move on to studying the next material if you have not learned the previous one. You need to study in small portions. After reading the page, you need to briefly tell yourself what was discussed. If everything is clear, you should continue reading. If not, read it again. Constant self-monitoring of knowledge will allow you to identify gaps in memory and evenly learn all the material.

At school I like biology most of all, because I am interested in studying and getting to know this subject. In biology, I love answering questions and always read additional literature in order to succeed in class. We are going through very interesting topics that will be needed in the future. This subject is important for me because I want to connect my life with medicine and be a good specialist.
I want every person to do what he likes and study the subject that only he likes. Any person must choose for himself what will be useful to him in the future, but also not forget that he also needs to know other subjects and have good grades in them. I also like mathematics because I really like solving problems and examples.

At school I like biology most of all, because I am interested in studying and getting to know this subject. In biology, I love answering questions and always read additional literature in order to succeed in class. We are going through very interesting topics that will be needed in the future. This subject is important for me because I want to connect my life with medicine and be a good specialist. I want every person to do what he likes and study the subject that only he likes. Any person must choose for himself what will be useful to him in the future, but also not forget that he also needs to know other subjects and have good grades in them. I also like mathematics because I really like solving problems and examples.

Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kanna yes Catalan Chinese Chinese traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esper Anto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Results (English) 1:

In school, most of all I like biology because I was interested in learning and know the subject. On the biology I love to answer questions and always read additional literature, in order to succeed in the classroom. We go through a very interesting topic that will be needed in the future. For me, the importance of this subject, because I want to associate life with medical case and to be a good technician.
I want that every man did what he likes and he studied the subject that just like him. Any person must choose for themselves what is useful to him in the future, but do not forget about the fact and other items that need to know and have good grades on them. And I like math because I like to solve problems and examples.

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Results (English) 2:

At school I like biology, because I am interested in learning and know this subject. The biology I love to answer questions and always read additional literature, in order to succeed in the classroom. We go through a very interesting topics that will be needed in the future. This is important for me, because I want to associate life with medical case and be a good person.
I want everyone did what pleases him and studied the subject like him. Any person should choose for themselves, then that will be useful to him in the future, but also not forget about that and other things you need to know and have a good score. And another thing I like about math, because I love challenges and examples.

Level B. Other.

Why do I like biology?

Why do I like biology? It is a simple question to answer. Everyone has his own hobby. My hobby is biology-science about nature. But why is it so interesting for me? Let us find it out.

Firstly, biology has different sections, for example: anatomy, zoology, botany ad others. And it is a main reason that is why I like it! Because you may choose anything you like most of all and begin to learn more and more. Of course, everyone must know biology at least on basic level. It helps you while planting plants, watering flowers in a right proportion and taking care of our favorite pets. As for me, I want to study it professionally.

Secondly, studying biology is a very interesting process. During all the time you learn a lot of interesting facts about nature and animals, which surround us and it seems that nothing can be more exciting. But it is not right at all. I clearly understand that and I can name other interesting sciences for me: chemistry, ginetics, cytology and others.

Thirdly, biology like as chemistry is very important for my future profession, because I want to become a well-studied doctor and work in the prestige ambulance. May be it is hard to believe, but I do my best in order to reach my dream.

In conclusion, I want to say that everyone has their own abilities to any science they like. My choice is biology, which has a huge amount of its own secrets and riddles.

Why do I like biology? It's easy to answer this question. Everyone has their own hobby. My hobby is biology - the science of nature. But why is she so interesting to me? Let's look into this.

Firstly, there are many different sections in biology, for example: anatomy, zoology, botany and others. And this is the main reason why I like it so much! Because you can choose whatever you like the most and start studying more and more. Of course, everyone should know biology at least at a basic level. It helps you water your flowers in the right proportion and take care of your beloved pets. What about me, I want to study it professionally.

Secondly, studying biology is a very interesting process. All the time you study many interesting facts about nature and animals that surround us and it seems that nothing could be more fascinating. But in general this is not the case. I understand this perfectly and can name other interesting sciences for me: chemistry, genetics, cytology and others.

Thirdly, biology, like chemistry, is very important for my future profession, because I want to become a well-trained doctor and work in a prestigious hospital. It may be hard to believe, but I am doing everything I can to achieve my dream.

In conclusion, I want to say that everyone has their own aptitude for any science they like. My choice is biology, which has a huge number of secrets and mysteries.