Tourist recreational systems. Spatial organization of tourism. as a subject of research in recreational geography

Territorial systems of recreation and tourism: concept and essence. In domestic recreational geography, the theory of territorial recreational systems is substantiated as a subject of scientific research and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism. The entire system of concepts of this scientific direction was based on the anthropocentric nature of recreation and tourism systems, which means the closure of all system connections to the needs of tourists. On this methodological basis, principles for assessing recreational demand, natural, cultural and historical recreational resources, and infrastructure ensuring the functioning and development of recreational areas were developed.

The foundations of this theory appeared in the pre-market era of Russia. This explains the weakness of the economic and management aspects of tourism. Many applied issues of organization and information in the field of tourism and recreation turned out to be unfinished. There are a large number of definitions of these concepts. The doctrine of recreational systems, developed by Professor V.S. Preobrazhensky back in the 1960s, was central to all scientific research devoted to such a multifaceted phenomenon as recreation.

At the same time, the concept of “recreational system” is considered basic for this type of research. Recreational system- a complex socially controlled (partially self-governing) system, the central subsystem of which is the subjects of tourism, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs.

The recreational system consists of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, tourists, natural complexes, material resources and recreational infrastructure, service personnel and management bodies. Natural complex- an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also as a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. The specific characteristics of natural complexes are their capacity, stability, comfort, diversity, and attractiveness. Group of vacationers characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on the social, age, psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and tourism resources.

Technical systems provide the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific tourism needs of tourists. Service staff With the help of technical systems, it produces, collects, stores and delivers a range of services to vacationers, removes and utilizes waste. Government compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems, material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

L.G. offers his view on the features of the structure of the recreational system. Lukyanov and V.I. Tsybukh (Fig. 3.1).[Arefyev V.E. Introduction to tourism. Barnaul: Altai State University, 2002.]

In a territorial recreational system, the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of territorial recreational systems includes agglomerations, arising on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry; have a significant impact on the surrounding territory, modifying its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population. Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc.

Rice. 3.1.

The classic definition belongs to the author of the doctrine of the territorial recreational system (TRS) V.S. Preobrazhensky. He determined territorial recreational system as a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers, characterized by functional and territorial integrity. He was the first to present a graphical expression of his ideas - a basic model of a recreational system (Fig. 3.1).

A somewhat different definition is given by T.V. Nikolaenko. A territorial recreational system is a form of organizing recreational activities in a certain territory, thanks to which maximum interconnection, spatial and functional coordination of various subsystems involved in the implementation of the recreational function of a given territory is achieved. In fact, TRS as a form of organizing recreational activities is an extremely rare phenomenon, but very important for the intensive development of a certain territory. The creation of a TRS on the territory of interest guarantees maximum recreational development in the shortest possible time. In general, TRS is only an extreme form of territorial organization of recreation. In most cases, the development of territory for recreational purposes does not reach this level.

Rice. 3.2.

The main subsystems of territorial systems of recreation and tourism. The integrity of the system is determined by its functions in the life of a person, group, society, and position in the socio-economic and demo-ecological supersystem. The system-forming connection is the recreational activity of both vacationers and vacation organizers. Let us now consider the subsystems of the recreational system in more detail.

Vacationers. The central element of the recreational system, which determines the very fact of its emergence and development. From the standpoint of sociology and ecology, this is an event group, i.e., it owes its existence to some event - in this case, the emergence of time free from immutable activities. The nature of needs, selectivity to types, forms and conditions of recreational activities are influenced by a person’s belonging to a certain social and national-ethnic group, his cultural orientation, conditions and lifestyle, previous experience of recreational activities, available information about the possibilities of meeting needs and real (available) network of recreational institutions and recreational facilities.

Recently, attention has been drawn not only to socio-psychological and cultural-psychological groups, but also to groups distinguished by the specifics of their temperament and mental mobility. This is seen as a desire to get closer to the very personality of the vacationers. Dozens of classifications of such groups have been proposed. Thus, the typology developed by W. Sheldon takes into account the relationship between people and nature. They distinguish the following types:

  • ectomorphic- characterized by a desire to focus on one’s internal state, to perceive the world around one based on one’s mood, and not as it really is;
  • mesomorphic- characterized by a love of nature as a source of optimism, a place of activity; for them nature is an object of influence;
  • endomorphic- relaxing, sensual, open to the perception of nature, feeling its main aspects - physical and aesthetic.

Thus, the “vacationers” subsystem is made up of many heterogeneous groups that differ in both needs and value systems for their satisfaction, and different perceptions of the elements of other subsystems and other groups of vacationers.

The most important common features of a group of vacationers are selectivity, ability to adapt, self-organization. Selectivity is defined as the formation by vacationers of their attitude to other subsystems and small groups of the subsystem itself on the basis of not just information, but value judgments in circumstances of much greater freedom of choice than in working conditions. The basis of this property is the difference in requirements for operating conditions. Adaptation call the process of adaptation to the changing properties of each of the subsystems, their combinations with the help of psychophysiological, behavioral and sociocultural mechanisms. One of the properties of the “vacationers” subsystem is the tendency to self-organization small partner groups acting as cells of self-organized activity, which, as the recreational culture of the population develops and recreational systems improve, becomes increasingly possible.

Natural and cultural complexes. In the recreational system, they are characterized, first of all, by the degree of compliance with the needs of vacationers (comfort and attractiveness) and the needs of the governing body - spatial and temporal capacity, reliability.

If the first is most closely related to climatic conditions, then the second is largely determined by the nature of the openness or closedness of landscapes, the feeling of crowding from crowds of people or, conversely, loneliness, sensory redundancy or insufficiency, the pace of change of impressions, sound saturation, etc. Reliability- ability to reliably satisfy needs. This concept covers both the stability of comfortable weather and the possibility of visiting the cultural complex at any time convenient for vacationers. To a first approximation, systems can be identified where the leading role belongs to either natural or cultural complexes. Natural complexes are leading in organizing resort-medicinal, health-improving and sports recreation. The role of cultural complexes is especially great in cultural and educational tourism.

Natural complexes- these are integral combinations of natural components that ensure the implementation of cycles of recreational activities with an appropriate degree of comfort in recreational conditions. Natural complexes constitute one of the most important subsystems of the recreational system, since the very presence of a natural area with favorable climatic conditions, beautiful landscapes, diverse vegetation and the proximity of a reservoir determines the emergence of a simple recreational system here (vacationers are a natural complex).

Currently, the role of slightly modified natural complexes has decreased, while at the same time their value has increased. There has been a noticeable increase in interest in the creation and development of specially protected natural areas - nature reserves and especially national parks. Simultaneously with these trends, the nature of the use of natural complexes is changing. This process was traced by B.B. Rodoman, who identified a number of stages.

  1. Removal of natural bodies from the landscape in the process of amateur activities (hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms and berries).
  2. Using natural factors without removing them from nature (swimming, sunbathing).
  3. Perception of cognitive and aesthetic information (tourism, walks).
  4. Transferring to other people your knowledge about nature and its beauty (organizer of tourist groups).

Among the same stages can be named empathy, the desire of people to preserve the most valuable natural biocenoses, to improve, and restore disturbed areas of nature. Thus, there are two types of relationships to nature within the framework of the recreational system:

  1. transformation of nature in accordance with the requirements of the population for the organization of places of mass recreation, adapted to accommodate a large contingent of vacationers;
  2. adaptation, adaptation of vacationers to already existing natural complexes, the desire of people to build their relationships with nature on the basis of preserving previously formed natural complexes.

Among the most important properties of natural complexes are, first of all, attractiveness, reliability and capacity.

Attractiveness of natural complexes is determined by the comfort of recreational conditions and the correspondence of their properties and aesthetic qualities to certain technologies of recreational activities. The comfort of relaxation is determined, first of all, by the climatic and microclimatic characteristics of the natural complex - temperature, humidity and precipitation, atmospheric pressure, number of days of sunshine, etc. However, the psycho-emotional characteristics of nature play an equally important role. The aesthetic properties of nature also affect the attractiveness of natural complexes.

Reliability of natural complexes- resistance to recreational loads, as well as their diversity, since this allows vacationers to change the nature of using this complex, predetermines the lability of their behavior. The stability of natural complexes is explained by their ability to withstand various impacts - natural and anthropogenic.

Capacity of natural complexes is defined as the ability of a territory to accommodate a certain number of tourists and recreationists without disturbing the ecological balance. Capacity can be either standard or maximum permissible (critical).

Cultural complexes- a combination of objects of material and spiritual culture. Among them are artificial structures, and the people themselves with their language, customs, traditions, and rituals. When they talk about a large territorial-cultural complex, they mean not only architectural ensembles, but also the entire sociocultural environment, traditions and customs preserved among the people, the peculiarities of their life and economic activities. Cultural complexes provide the implementation of many functions necessary for the normal functioning of the recreational system. They create the possibility of more effective health improvement and spa treatment, increasing the aesthetic value of the environment, its diversity, and making it more attractive for vacationers. Their importance is especially great in satisfying the cognitive needs of people.

Technical complexes. Technical subsystems are designed to make it easier for vacationers to access and adapt to natural complexes and increase the reliability of their functioning. They also serve as adaptive means to meet the needs of vacationers and service personnel. The development of natural-technical and technical systems, the improvement of technical devices that facilitate the work of service personnel, creates new opportunities for incorporating the latest elements, natural and cultural components into recreational systems, making it possible to ensure their better accessibility and preservation.

Among the most important properties of technical subsystems, we note reliability and environmental friendliness. Reliability technical structures are determined by their ability to withstand processes leading to physical and moral wear and tear, and a decrease in the comfort of recreational conditions. They must have a certain margin of safety that protects them from destructive functional overloads. A special place is occupied by the reliability and trouble-free operation of energy and water supply systems, treatment facilities and sewer networks, and mineral water supply systems. Since the properties of natural and cultural complexes are important system-forming factors, no less attention during the creation and operation of technical subsystems should be paid to efforts to preserve the environment ( environmental friendliness).

Service staff. The role of service personnel in the system is determined by the fact that they ensure the relationship of vacationers with natural and cultural complexes, technical systems, as well as their communication with each other. This concept covers a wide group of people engaged in direct household, medical, cultural, and transport services for vacationers, as well as in the operation of technical structures, natural and cultural complexes.

I.V. Zorin established that in large developed systems a peculiar echeloning of this group is manifested. Each echelon characterizes the degree of proximity of service personnel to vacationers. Thus, the first echelon, or contact group, is formed by persons who, due to their duties, are in direct contact with vacationers. The second echelon consists of workers and employees who ensure the activities of the technical subsystem, natural and cultural complexes within recreation enterprises. The third echelon consists of employees of general resort services, providing for the direct needs of recreation enterprises. The following echelons are formed by workers providing services to maintenance personnel.

Government. The element of the recreational system designated by this concept, like any governing body, must ensure: preservation of the structure of the system, maintenance of the mode of its activity, implementation of the goals and general functions of the system. In the field of recreational and tourism activities there are at least two levels of management.

The first of them is control located, as it were, outside a specific system. It constitutes an element of the supersystem, i.e. it forms the recreational policy of the region, studies needs, plans, designs and makes decisions on the creation or development of specific recreational systems, manages the flow of vacationers, and coordinates recreation with other types of activities. This system includes legislative bodies that develop a general strategy for tourism and recreational provision of the population, tourism and recreation policy as part of the general social policy.

Another characteristic level is the governing body, which is an integral part of any specific recreational system. It ensures the collection of information about the state of subsystems, about meeting the needs of tourists, about the degree of compliance of natural complexes with the requirements of tourists, about the degree of preservation of useful properties and capabilities of technical systems, about the state of service personnel (see Fig. 3.2). The control body organizes the connection between all subsystems and, due to this, overall stability systems and the effectiveness of its performance.

3.2. Tourist routes and their types

Along with spatial ones, there are also linear forms of tourism organization. These include tourist routes. In any case, travel (stays, trips, tours) is carried out along pre-selected routes, and they have a certain duration and purpose. According to M.B. Birzhakova, " tourist route there is a geographically defined route of a hike or journey, tied to a given area and special objects, and described with varying degrees of detail.”

Often a tourist route is defined as a pre-planned route for the movement of tourists over a certain period of time in order to receive the services and additional tourist and excursion services provided for by the program. Tourist routes are one of the main types of services provided to tourists. Tourist and excursion organizations develop routes in advance, including a certain range of services (food, accommodation, excursions, sports and leisure activities, etc.).

Route There is

Linear route- a route, the beginning and end of which occur at different geographical points of stay. At the same time, this is the most common type of tourist route. The tourist stays in the destination for 7-10 days or more, making one-day excursions from his place of stay. After the holiday, the tourist returns to his place of permanent residence.

The option of radial movements is also possible. Radial route- a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur in one geographical point of stay; while staying there, the tourist travels to other points of stay, returning at the same time to the point of origin of the journey. For example, tourists from Saratov arrived in Moscow and, after a two-day stay in the capital of Russia, leaving hotel rooms behind, made two-day trips to Smolensk, Rostov the Great and Vladimir.

Ring route- a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur at the same geographical point of stay, for example the “America” tour (New York - Washington - Atlantic City - Philadelphia - New York) or the "Golden Ring of Russia" tour (Moscow - Sergiev Posad - Rostov the Great - Yaroslavl - Kostroma - Ivanovo - Suzdal - Vladimir - Moscow).

In this case, the place of arrival in the country or locality may be:

  • unchanged when tourists arriving in the country pass through only one or two transit points - cities (for Russia such “gateways” are Moscow and St. Petersburg, for the USA - Los Angeles and New York);
  • different from the place of arrival when tourists arrive in one city and fly home from another city (for example, a tourist begins a tour of the United States from New York airport in the east of the country, and ends it by flying home from Los Angeles, located in the west of the country).
  • Based on the duration of the trip, routes are divided into multi-day (vacation) and weekend routes.

    Classification of tourist routes according to the type of transport: tours on their own transport belonging to the transport facilities of travel agencies; tours on rented specialized transport owned by transport organizations, which travel agencies use on a lease basis for a certain period; tours on public transport - on scheduled passenger transport, where tourists are transported as passengers; special tours on the personal transport of tourists - for owners of personal cars, with the provision of all types of services along the route, except for travel.

    According to the types of transport used, tourist routes are divided into motor ships, air, bus, railway and combined:

    • motor ship routes- on motor ships of river and sea shipping companies; sea: cruise - more than a day, sightseeing - no more than a day; river: tourist and excursion flights - more than 24 hours; excursion and walking tours - no more than a day;
    • aviation tours: group - using part of the seats on passenger airlines; special flights - full rental of an aircraft for special tourist transportation;
    • bus routes: tourist excursion - with the provision of accommodation and meals, various services, pleasure - without service, city transport can be used;
    • train tours: group travel using part of the seats on scheduled trains; special - rented trains using seats in the cars as a base for accommodation on a given route;
    • combined tours- travel using two or more modes of transport.

In domestic recreational geography, the theory of territorial recreational systems is substantiated as a subject of scientific research and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism. The entire system of concepts of this scientific direction was based on the anthropocentric nature of recreation and tourism systems, which means the closure of all system connections to the needs of tourists. On this methodological basis, principles for assessing recreational demand, natural, cultural and historical recreational resources, and infrastructure ensuring the functioning and development of recreational areas were developed.

The doctrine of recreational systems, developed by the prominent Russian geographer V.S. Preobrazhensky in the 1960s, was fundamental in all scientific research in the field of recreational geography and tourism geography. The main role in it was played by the concept of “recreational system” - a complex socially managed (partially self-managed) system, the central subsystem of which is the subjects of tourism, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs.

The recreational system consists of five important interconnected subsystems: recreationists (tourists), natural complexes, technical complexes, service personnel and management bodies.

0 Recreators (tourists, a group of vacationers) are characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on social, age,

psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and resources of recreation, o The natural complex - an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also as a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. The specific characteristics of natural complexes are their capacity, stability, comfort, diversity, and attractiveness.

О Technical systems ensure the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific recreational needs of tourists.

О Service personnel, using technical systems, produce, collect, store and deliver a range of services to vacationers, remove and dispose of waste.

О The management body compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems and the availability of material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

In addition to the substrate of the recreational system, recreation researchers are more interested in the relationships between elements and properties of the recreational system, for example, interaction, which manifests itself in the fact that a change in one object causes a change in another, integrity, dynamism, reliability, efficiency, hierarchy, etc.

Territorial recreational system(TRS) is a system in which the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. According to the classical definition, a territorial recreational system is a social geographic system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers (recreationalists), characterized by functional and territorial integrity. According to other authors, the territorial recreational system is a form of organizing recreational activities in a certain territory, within which maximum interconnection, spatial and functional coordination of various

subsystems involved in the implementation of the recreational function of a given territory.

In fact, the territorial recreational system as a form of organizing recreational activities is an extremely rare phenomenon, but extremely important for the intensive development of a certain territory. The creation of a TRS in the area of ​​interest guarantees maximum recreational development in the shortest possible time. In general, the territorial recreational system is only an extreme form of territorial organization of recreation. In most cases, the development of territory for recreational purposes does not reach this level.

One of the main types of TRS are agglomerations. Agglomeration is a type of territorial recreational system that arises on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone and absorbs adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry. They have a significant impact on the surrounding area, changing its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population. Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles, etc. islands, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc.

The doctrine of recreational systems, developed by V. S. Preobrazhensky back in the 60s. XX century, was central in all scientific research devoted to such a multifaceted phenomenon as recreation. At the same time, the basic concept for this type of research has become “recreational system”.

The recreational system is a complex, controlled and, partially, self-governing system, the central subsystem of which is tourism subjects, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs; consisting of interconnected subsystems: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies.

The recreational system is territorial in nature. This is determined by the fact that during a vacation a person makes unequal demands on the geographic environment, as well as the spatial uneven distribution of natural and cultural complexes, their varying resistance to recreational influences, and the complex interaction of these systems with territorial production complexes.

A territorial recreational system includes a recreational system in which the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of recreational systems includes agglomerations. Agglomeration is a type of territorial recreational system that arises on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Preobrazhensky defined the territorial recreational system as a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers (recreators), characterized by functional and territorial integrity. V.S. Preobrazhensky points to the leading role in it of the human tourist as a central subsystem, noting that the states and properties of all other subsystems depend on the requirements of the central subsystem, and the target function of the recreational system is defined as the maximum possible satisfaction of human recreational needs.

According to the definition of I.V. Smal, a territorial recreational system is a complex, dynamic, hierarchically subordinate and interconnected set of components, the functioning and evolution of which is aimed at renewing human vitality and satisfying its social demands and needs.

Yu.V. Porosenkov and T.M. Khudyakov point out that the territorial aspect makes it possible to more clearly show the significance of the geographical component in the study of tourism problems. At the same time, the complexity of applying the concept of territorial-recreational systems in recreational-geographical studies is pointed out, which the authors associate with the vagueness of the very concept of “recreation” and the absence of its clear differences from tourism and recreation.

I would like to dwell separately on the relationship between the concepts of “recreation” and “tourism”. There is no consensus on their definition. In Soviet times, the category “tourism” was strictly included in the category “recreation”. Now tourism and recreation differ in the scope of concepts: recreation includes short-term recreational activity, and tourism is characterized by a change in the usual environment, the usual way of life. The scope of these concepts also differs in relation to travel for business purposes (business tourism): for tourism they are an integral part of it, but recreation does not consider this type of activity. According to L.Yu. Mazhar, recreation covers a wider range of opportunities to meet the needs of people for recreation, and tourism is one of the types of recreational activities associated with the organization of travel and the stay of people outside their place of permanent residence. The term “tourist-recreational” is the most complete, allowing us to combine both recreational activities aimed at meeting recreational needs and tourism, which, according to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation,” includes, in addition to satisfying recreational needs, also professional - business goals.

Based on modern scientific concepts, the concept of tourist and recreational systems is developed by L. Yu. Mazhar, pointing out that territorial tourist and recreational systems are one of the types of social geosystems, a set of elements in the sphere of recreation and tourism, united by spatial relationships and interconnections. The tourist and recreational system is hierarchical, like all geosystem formations. L. Yu. Mazhar proposes to distinguish four hierarchical levels of territorial tourist and recreational systems: territorial systems of the highest level, national, regional and local tourist and recreational systems.

As A.Yu. points out. Shaidarov, the most important condition for the formation of a highly efficient and competitive tourism industry in the region, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for a variety of tourism services, is the creation of regional tourist and recreational systems, which are understood as various models for constructing a tourist space in the region, based on possibilities for the most rational use of regional tourism natural, historical and cultural resources.

In the author's research, regional tourist and recreational systems are considered as a complex integral organizational and economic system that has its own specific function (general goal) - the implementation of the process of reproduction of the tourism product. As part of its function, regional tourism and recreational systems have a number of substantive subgoals: revival, preservation and efficient use of tourism resources; creating conditions for full satisfaction of effective demand for tourism products; development of related sectors of the regional economy and increased employment.

Territorial tourist and recreational systems consist of five components: recreational resources, infrastructure of recreational activities, recreationists, recreationists, governing bodies. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • 1. Recreational resources - the presence or supply of any individual components or complex formations of the environment of natural or anthropogenic origin, with the direct or indirect consumption of which the renewal and development of a person’s physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual powers occurs. They are the basis on which and thanks to which recreational activity is carried out, its original “stimulator”. Traditionally, the classification of recreational resources is based on the nature of their origin. At the same time, natural (arising naturally, without human participation) and anthropogenic (created by man, although they are called differently - historical-cultural, socio-geographical, humanitarian, artificial, etc.) recreational resources, sometimes natural- anthropogenic (for example, classification by A. A. Beydyk).
  • 2. Recreational infrastructure - a set of funds, institutions, structures, networks and other elements of the material and technical base that help carry out recreational activities. It is divided into three types: universal serves the general production and social needs of society (transport, communications, communication networks, engineering structures, advertising services); social is focused on the social needs of society (accommodation facilities, catering establishments, household enterprises, retail enterprises, facilities for mass cultural and sports events); specialized is used only in the recreational sphere (institutions for the sale of tourist and excursion services, sanatorium-resort and preventive-health-improving facilities, equipment and facilities for recreational areas, tourist information centers).
  • 3. Recreationalists - people engaged in recreational consumer activities and satisfying their recreational needs. These include tourists, excursionists, health seekers, vacationers, holidaymakers, etc.
  • 4. Recreators - individuals and legal entities engaged in recreational economic activities, as a rule, to make a profit or fulfill a social order on self-supporting terms. Their main goal is the production and provision of recreational services to recreational users - services that ensure and restore health, satisfy cultural and intellectual needs, support the spiritual and physical development of the individual, and the normal functioning of the consumer.
  • 5. Governing bodies are representatives of government bodies of different hierarchical levels, which are entrusted with coordination functions within a specific territory of economic activity, including recreational activities.

Territorial tourist and recreational systems have a number of properties that must be taken into account when analyzing them.

  • 1. Diversity - reflects the classification and objective differences of various recreational systems.
  • 2. Dynamism - reflects the change in recreational systems over time, and can have reversible and irreversible forms.
  • 3. Comfort indicates the degree of compliance of real or designed recreational systems with the requirements of vacationers.
  • 4. Resilience reflects the ability of recreational systems to withstand external and internal influences.
  • 5. Efficiency - reflects the degree to which the goal is achieved at fixed resource costs.
  • 6. Hierarchy reflects the existing subordination of territorial-recreational systems, the manifestation of new qualities in systems of both higher and lower ranks and ensures better performance of the functions of the recreational system.
  • 7. Reliability is a property indicating the reliability of the functioning of recreational systems.

Based on various reasons, the following typology of tourist and recreational systems is proposed.

  • 1. According to the functions of recreational activities, four main types of tourist and recreational systems are distinguished:
  • 1) The therapeutic type of tourist and recreational systems is characterized by the main function of treatment, based on natural factors: mineral waters, therapeutic mud, climatic conditions. This type of TRS places great demands on natural complexes, especially on balneological resources, on the level of service and the degree of improvement of the territory. Cycles of activities typical for this type include medical procedures and walks, excursions, visiting shows, sun and air baths. Particular importance is attached to the cyclical nature of classes (routine). Therapeutic tourist and recreational systems, along with the function of restoration, are characterized by the functions of physical and spiritual development, but the latter play a subordinate role. This type is divided into three subtypes according to the leading components involved in organizing treatment: climatic, mud, balneological.
  • 2) The health-improving type of tourist and recreational systems is characterized by the main functions of restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual potential, disease prevention, and relief of industrial and everyday nervous and physical fatigue. The functions of physical and spiritual development, although they retain a secondary role, become more noticeable. This type of tourist and recreational systems places high demands on the level of service and the degree of improvement of the territory. It includes swimming, sun and air baths, walks, sports games, and excursions. The health-improving type is divided according to the leading recreational activities in the cycle into two subtypes: swimming and beach and walking.
  • 3) The sports type is characterized by the main function of physical development. It is characterized by groups of physical activities with a training regime - sports games and competitions, mountaineering, hunting, fishing. Walking, swimming, sun and air baths, and excursions play an additional role. High demands are placed on natural complexes, especially on such characteristics as the presence of natural obstacles (mountain climbing), exoticism, uniqueness, as well as on engineering structures that provide a sports complex of activities. There are three subtypes: fishing and hunting, competitive, tourist.
  • 4) The cognitive type of tourist and recreational systems is characterized by the main function of human spiritual development, carried out by the consumption of cultural and natural values. In this case, information and impressions are consumed, not matter or energy. The main activities are excursions (both cultural, historical and natural history). In the process of recreational activities, not individual components of nature and the cultural complex are used, but the entire complex; the value of an individual component is manifested in combination with all the others. This type is characterized by: lower demands on the comfort of climatic conditions, high mobility of vacationers during a short stay in the recreational system, high requirements for information services, comfort of vehicles, places to stay overnight and meals; very high demands on natural and especially cultural complexes - the main attractive elements of tourist and recreational systems. The exoticism, uniqueness, unchangeability and diversity of the landscape are especially important. There are two subtypes: cultural and natural.
  • 2. According to the degree of correlation in the organization of recreation of unmodified nature and technical systems, two types of tourist and recreational systems are distinguished: urbanized and non-urbanized.
  • 1) Urbanized systems include subtypes: resort cities, cities - excursion centers, holiday villages. The first two subtypes are maximally urbanized territories with a vast area of ​​technical structures, a developed service sector and, even a completely changed cultural environment, intended for treatment, knowledge, and entertainment. Dacha villages are relatively weakly urbanized areas in which vacationers have the opportunity, on the one hand, to organize non-commercial production of agricultural products (garden garden plots), and on the other, to use the landscapes adjacent to the villages within walking distance. Both functions require that the area is not too isolated, has good communications and services, and is not too urbanized.
  • 2) Non-urbanized systems are represented primarily by recreational natural parks. They must have minimally modified natural complexes that provide effective and active recreation, an aesthetic effect, and favorable medical and geographical conditions. Within recreational natural parks, based on the predominance of any cycle of recreational activities, four functional types are distinguished: recreational, sports, hunting (fishing), architectural and historical parks.
  • 3. Based on territorial organization, tourism and recreational systems of global, national, inter-agglomeration and urban significance are distinguished.
  • 1) The uniqueness of the object and its occurrence only in a specific point on the planet is a prerequisite for the formation of tourist and recreational systems of global importance.
  • 2) The specificity of the object on a national scale forms tourist and recreational systems of national importance. Both are visited only during long rest periods.
  • 3) Tourist and recreational systems of regional and suburban significance are used for short-term recreation, and in their formation, the factor of transport accessibility comes to the fore.
  • 4) Tourist and recreational systems of urban importance are located in the urban area and their remoteness is determined by a radius of two to three hour accessibility. At the same time, almost every recreational system of national importance performs the functions of suburban recreation areas.

Within the framework of the system-functional approach, the regional tourism and recreational system is considered formed when, in the process of its creation, it reaches such a state that it becomes capable of functioning. Taking into account certain aspects and consequences of economic transformations in the country, A. Yu. Shaidarov rightfully asserts that the functioning of the regional tourism and recreational system is influenced by the following factors:

  • - the presence of stable demand for the tourism product produced by the tourism and recreational system, due to the growth of real incomes of the population of the region, as well as the country and the population of other countries;
  • - a high degree of development of regional tourism resources, their technical, environmental condition and the possibility of obtaining economic benefits from their use;
  • - price and quality of the tourist product of the regional tourism and recreational system proposed for sale;
  • - completeness and stability of the regulatory (legislative) framework in the field of regional tourism;
  • - advertising, information and personnel support for regional tourism activities;
  • - high level of culture of the region’s population and its moral and psychological readiness to accept mass tourist flows;
  • - state in the field of personal security;
  • - economic stability, technical condition and high level of development of the basic elements of the tourism and recreational system.

The influence of these factors is determined by the fact that at some point in time the magnitude of regional tourism needs begins to exceed the capabilities of regional tourism and recreational systems to meet these needs. Then the quality of the regional tourist and recreational system cannot ensure that it fulfills its function. In this case, there is a need to develop this system. The development of a regional tourism and recreational system is understood as a sustainable, directed process of its transition from one state to another, carried out over a certain period of time.

Depending on the characteristics of the socio-economic development of a particular region, the formation, operation and development of regional tourism and recreational systems should be comprehensive and carried out through a number of activities. In particular, these are planning activities (justification and development of concepts, projects and programs for the formation and operation of these systems based on regional tourism development programs), as well as activities for the implementation of developed plans for the creation, operation and development of tourist and recreational systems (search for investment sources, implementation of financing, measures for the placement, construction and commissioning of new basic facilities (elements) of these systems, reconstruction and expansion of existing ones, implementation of reproductive activities, organizational and information activities).

Thus, identifying recreational opportunities in already developed or newly developing tourist and recreational systems, as well as knowledge of the patterns of development of tourist and recreational systems of different ranks depending on the factors that form them, the requirements of consumers of recreational services in various functional types of these systems will allow to rationally organize the process recreational development of the region's territory and manage this process. However, not all potential tourist recreational and developed areas become truly touristic. A potential tourist area turns into a tourist area when a lot of organizational work is carried out and subject to large investments in the development of tourism infrastructure. We are talking about the development of the hotel complex (hotels, campsites, tourist centers, etc.), as well as transport, including road construction.

Territorial recreational systems

Territorial recreational systems- territorially and functionally integral recreational entities, including recreational resources, recreational infrastructure facilities, vacationers, service personnel, and governing bodies.

Territorial recreational systems of local importance are intended for organizing short-term recreation for the population on weekends and weekdays in settlements and their immediate surroundings (in the zone of 0.5-hour transport accessibility). These include intra-city and suburban recreational areas - parks, forest parks, recreation and entertainment centers designed for mass visits by vacationers.

Planning organization of intracity recreational territorial entities should ensure: their rational placement in the planning structure of the city; convenient accessibility of recreational facilities from places of residence of the population; the possibility of territorial development of recreational areas with the growth of recreational needs of the population; improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the urban environment and the architectural and artistic appearance of cities.

In medium and small cities that have a relatively small need for urban recreational areas, one or two multifunctional parks with an area of ​​5 to 30 hectares (depending on the size of the city) are built, located near the city center.

Requirements for the accessibility of recreational areas in cities should be differentiated based on the types of recreational activities:

‣‣‣ landscaped recreation areas in residential buildings, intended for everyday recreation of the elderly, parents and preschool children - walking distance up to 5 minutes;

‣‣‣ green recreational areas near places of residence, intended for recreation, walks, physical education and health activities for all categories of the population, games for school-age children - walking distance up to 20 minutes;

‣‣‣ district and city parks, recreation and entertainment centers intended for recreation, folk festivals, cultural and sporting events, etc. - transport accessibility of the nearest park is no more than 30 minutes.

The area of ​​parks is determined based on the calculation of the standard provision of the population with recreational areas, the conditions of their accessibility from places of residence and permissible recreational loads. For city parks with a high level of improvement in large and major cities, recreational loads can be 100-150 people/ha, in large and medium-sized cities - 75-100, in small cities - 50-75 people/ha. The features of the territories adjacent to the park must be taken into account: in the zones of influence of industrial enterprises of I-V hazard classes, highways with heavy traffic, areas unfavorable for recreation are formed, which should be excluded from the estimated area of ​​the parks.

For example, in city parks with an area of ​​30-40 hectares, the zone with a comfortable environment in which air purity and noise levels correspond to the norm is about 50%, and in parks with an area of ​​3-7 hectares, surrounded by streets with heavy traffic, it is about 10% . From the standpoint of resistance to recreational loads, the satisfactory state of vegetation in parks is maintained with a minimum area of ​​50-100 hectares or more.

Planning organization of suburban recreational territorial entities becomes more complicated with the growth of cities and the increasing need for recreational areas. Surrounded by a small town, one recreation area is enough. Several recreation areas are created in the surroundings of a large or medium-sized city. Surrounded by large and major cities, the creation of developed systems of recreational areas and facilities is required. The optimal size of the zone for the formation of suburban recreational areas for small cities is 1-5 km, for large and medium-sized cities - 5-10 km, for large and largest cities - 20-25 km.

Territorial recreational systems of regional significance are formed to organize long-term and short-term country recreation with overnight stays for the population in zones of influence of large cities that have a great need for recreational areas.

When forming territorial recreational systems of regional significance, it is planned to satisfy the recreational needs of all urban and rural settlements included in the settlement system. The need for recreational areas is calculated for each city and settlement system individually, taking into account the future population size and the structure of recreational flows.

The rational distribution of recreational flows, taking into account their frequency and intensity, is important. Closer to the cities there are places of short-term country recreation - recreational forests and reservoirs, summer towns and recreation centers, gardening associations, further - places of long-term recreation - children's health centers, boarding houses and recreation centers, etc.

For aggregated calculations, an indicator of 0.6-0.8 hectares of recreational areas per 1 vacationer in long-term recreation institutions and 0.5 hectares in places and short-term recreation facilities is accepted. When determining the need for recreational forests and reservoirs, 20-30% of vacationers in garden communities and rural settlements should be added to the number of vacationers going on vacation to natural landscapes.

Territorial recreational systems of national and international importance is formed on the basis of the most valuable natural recreational resources and is intended for organizing predominantly long-term (during vacations and holidays) countryside recreation and health improvement of the population, tourism.

Taking into account the significant differences in the requirements for organizing recreation, sanatorium-resort treatment and tourism, it is advisable to distinguish subsystems: sanatorium-resort treatment, health-improving recreation and tourism.

Spa treatment subsystem is formed on the basis of medicinal mineral waters, peat mud, sapropel.

Healthy recreation subsystem is formed on the basis of natural complexes that are favorable for organizing mass types of country recreation. Reserves are natural recreational resources that have not yet been involved in recreational use.

Tourism subsystem is formed on the basis of both historical, cultural and natural resources.

Russia has significant historical, cultural and natural potential for the development of various types and forms of tourism: educational, environmental, sports, health, religious, agrotourism. One of the promising areas is the development of transit tourism, due to the passage of international transport corridors through the country’s territory.

The specificity of the country's tourist attractiveness is manifested in a combination of natural landscape, cultural, historical, and ethnographic features. Along with visiting monuments of history, culture, and nature, it is important to get acquainted with traditional folk customs, rituals, way of life, national cuisine, crafts and trades. Of great interest are hunting and fishing tours, horseback riding, water and cycling tourist routes through picturesque landscapes.

Territorial recreational systems - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Territorial recreational systems" 2017, 2018.

Kovalenko Maria Alexandrovna
News of Sochi State University. - 2012. - No. 3 (21). - P.36-39.

Annotation. The article analyzes the activities of a city with tourist and recreational specialization (using the example of the city of Sochi). The central place here is occupied by the tourism and recreational system, the main goal of which is quality service for recreationists and tourists. The key elements in the model of the tourist and recreational system are: country, region generating the tourist and recreational flow; transit region, city; a resort city receiving tourist and recreational flows. Particular attention is paid to the factors shaping consumer demand and supply of the city’s tourist and recreational product. Thus, among the factors determining demand, one can highlight the specialization of the region generating the tourist and recreational flow, the environmental situation, and the income of the population.

Keywords: tourist-recreational system, tourist-recreational flow, tourist-recreational cycle, tourist-recreational product, real demand, potential demand, supply of tourist-recreational product.

The tourist and recreational specialization of the city of Sochi is explained by the uniqueness of its natural resources, which determine the development of recreation and tourism as an economically profitable use of the city's potential with relatively small capital investments.

And tourism can be characterized as complex and multidimensional phenomena, the main goal of which is to satisfy the tourist and recreational needs of people, which includes many interrelated elements, organized into certain structures, representing a systemic formation. At the same time, systematicity is characterized by the integrity of its constituent elements in interaction with the environment.

The maturity of the tourist and recreational system of a resort city is determined by its ability to fulfill its function - high-quality and efficient service for recreationists and tourists. A.Yu. Shaidarov identifies the following factors influencing the development of the tourism and recreational system:

The presence of stable demand for the produced tourism product, due to the growth of real incomes of the population of municipalities, regions, as well as the country and the population of other countries;
- high degree of development of tourism resources, their technical, environmental condition and the possibility of obtaining economic benefits from their use;
- price-quality ratio of the tourist product offered for sale;
- completeness and stability of the regulatory framework in the field of recreation and tourism;
- advertising, information and personnel support for tourism activities;
- a high level of general culture of the region’s population and its moral and psychological readiness to accept mass tourist flows.

Based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists, the model of the recreational and tourist system of the resort city of Sochi can be presented as follows (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Model of the tourist and recreational system of the resort city of Sochi 1

In this model we can distinguish:

- Countries, regions, cities generating tourist and recreational flows- places of permanent residence of tourists and recreationists, where recreational and tourist trips begin and end.
- Transit countries, regions and cities, through which holidaymakers and tourists travel when traveling to their destination.
- Resort cities receiving tourist and recreational flows- cities that serve as the final destination of travel for recreationists and tourists.

The formation of a tourist and recreational flow occurs under the influence of such factors as the specialization of the city that generates the tourist and recreational flow in the division of labor, the environmental situation, the holding of large-scale sporting events, as well as the level of income of the population.

In cities that generate tourist and recreational flows, where industries occupy a dominant position, the health of the population is influenced by similar negative factors, leading to the demand for certain types of recreational services and types of treatment. In such cities, environmental problems are also noted, leading to an increase in morbidity and demand for sanatorium-resort treatment.

The income of the population determines the possibilities and effective demand for certain recreational and tourist services, and here we can already see the differentiation of demand in terms of comfort and quality of demanded services.

The holding of large-scale sporting events in the host city causes a sharp increase in demand, and, consequently, supply in the market of tourist and recreational services. For the city of Sochi, this factor currently acts as a dominant one, since in 2007 the city was chosen as the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014.

All of the above factors determine the number of out-of-town and foreign tourists (recreationists) wishing to visit the resort city, and this reflects the process of formation of consumer demand for its tourist and recreational product.

The determining factors in the formation of the tourist and recreational product of a resort city are, in aggregate and functional interaction, tourist and recreational resources and tourist and recreational infrastructure. The nature of the interaction of these factors in the process of forming a tourist and recreational product is ensured by enterprises operating in the field of recreation and tourism (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Tourist and recreational cycle

The design process, based on the analysis of consumer preferences and the resource base, production, sale and consumption of a tourism and recreational product, constitutes a tourism and recreational cycle.

At the stage of “analysis of consumer demand and resource provision” the preferences and needs of various types of services for both already arrived and potential recreants and tourists are identified, as well as the possibilities of their provision in a given city.

At the stage of “planning the content of a tourist and recreational product” an ideological model of individual tourist and recreational services and products is being created, as well as the necessary conditions for its implementation.

At the stage of “production of a tourist and recreational product and provision of the necessary infrastructure” the ideological model of a tourist and recreational product is being implemented with the help of tools, infrastructure and technology. It is important to note that the tourist and recreational services already provided do not fall out of the logic of the cycle - they are either modified taking into account changes in demand and implementation technology, or, remaining unchanged, they receive additional consumers, expanding the range of services provided to tourists (recreants).

At the stage of “dissemination of information about the developed tourism and recreational product” communications are carried out between subjects of the tourism and recreational sphere of the host city and potential consumers, aimed at:

1. Collection of information from consumers about potential travel destinations, interesting objects, etc.
2. Informing consumers and promoting the created tourist and recreational product.

Stages of “provision” and “consumption” of a tourism and recreational product are carried out simultaneously. At these stages, the tourist is provided with developed products both in the form of individual services and in the form of the entire range of services and goods included in the tourism product, including the transportation of tourists.

The tourism and recreational cycle is closed on the connection between the stages of “consumption” and “conception” (potential supply) through the analysis of existing and potential demand, which, first of all, characterizes the close connection between the concept, creation, reproduction and improvement of the tourism product and its demand with consumer side.

Thus, the potential and actual demand for tourist and recreational services determines and determines the nature, quality characteristics and directions for improving the range of services provided by resort city enterprises.


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Mariya A. Kovalenko. Model of Sochi Resort Travel and Recreational System

Abstract. The article analyzes the activities of the city with tourism and recreation specialization (Sochi case study). Travel and recreational system, which priority is to serve holidaymakers and tourists, is the chief branch of economy. Key elements of the model of travel and recreational system are country, region, resort, hosting the flow of tourists and holidaymakers. Special attention is attached to the factors of consumer demand shaping and supply of tourist and recreational services of the city.

Keywords: Tourism-recreational system, tourism-recreational influx, effective demand, potential demand, offering the tourism-recreational services.