Why do you dream about picking plums? Why do you dream of ripe plums: what the dream books of Miller, Smurov, Melnikov and others say. Interpretation of dreams about plums and actions with them

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To answer the question “why do you dream about plums?” let’s turn to the dream book. This is a symbol of satisfaction with life, favorable developments and general calm. However, some details of the dream can significantly change the original interpretation or strengthen it.

I dreamed of a plum - prosperity and success await you

A large and lush plum tree indicates success, new acquaintances and prosperity. Its fruits represent friendship, devotion and unconditional loyalty. But all these interpretations are relevant only if the fruits in the dream were ripe and good.

But rotten berries promise family squabbles, fights and emotional distress. At the same time, rot on yellow plums indicates the onset of the disease, on blue ones - material decline, and on red ones - bad luck.

Dream about purchasing a plum

If you dreamed of a luxurious plum tree hung with ripe fruits, then in reality you will have the opportunity to make a long-awaited purchase.

Shaking a tree means unforgivable mistakes from which your loved ones will suffer. Seeing him from the outside means meeting old acquaintances. Green plums indicate that hardships and troubled times will not affect you personally, but will cause a storm of negative emotions.

How to correctly interpret a dream about a plum?

Depending on additional details, the image can have completely the opposite meaning. Why do you dream about plums? They promise fleeting joy or bad news, prosperity or grief. Personal feelings and the very atmosphere of the dream will help you understand these interpretations.

When starting to interpret a dream, it is imperative to take into account personal actions. Why, for example, do you dream that you ate plums that tasted good? This situation indicates that meaningless flirting awaits you. If the fruit turns out to be sour, then there will be a quarrel, if it is sweet to the point of cloying - gossip and gossip, nothing - disappointment.

Actions in a dream with a plum

Cooking plum jam in a dream means great patience, thanks to which you will carry out your plan and be provided for for life.

Buying plums in your night dreams means that you are trying to get rich by any means, but this is not possible. Selling means success at work, giving away for free means frustration or a trivial quarrel.

The dream book warns: dreams will disappoint

If you dreamed that you were picking plums, then your cherished wish will soon come true, but at the same time you will be completely disappointed and realize that you were striving for the wrong thing.

Collecting a full bucket or basket of plums means prosperity in the house and understanding in the family. If the plums turn out to be green and unripe, then something threatens your well-being.

Wormy plums indicate an inability to adapt to new circumstances. If you were picking plums, and rotten fruits were found among them, then your expectations will not be met, and to achieve your goal you will have to use outside help.

Sweet, juicy, aromatic, tender pulp under an elastic skin... Eating plums in reality is a real pleasure! We collect it from the tree, buy it at the market, make compotes, jam, or - oh, the taste of childhood! - plum jam. These fruits bring a lot of joy and pleasure in reality. Why do we dream of plums in a dream, the dream book will tell us.

Ripe fruits portend love and pleasure, while unripe fruits portend disappointment.. Overripe berries - a break in a love relationship. Let us turn to other nuances of the dream.

Large or small?

A large ripe berry means pleasant good deeds, a rotten one means the deceit of friends.

Big fruits mean joy, spoiled product means disappointment in loved ones.

Picking huge plums in a dream symbolizes sensuality in a relationship: the larger the fruit, the more emotions.

Small ripe fruits are small joys, unripe ones are minor losses.

Yellow, green, black...

To success in any endeavor - this is what a large blue plum dreams about.

Yellow – illness, news of someone’s death.

If you dreamed of black plums, dream books believe that this means interesting acquaintances and the appearance of influential patrons.

Green – alarm. If the fruits on the tree are covered in thick, fresh foliage, all things work out in the best way.

An unusual color portends deception.

Fruit freshness

Fresh berries predict joy and success.

Wormy - the collapse of love hopes, the search for a new passion. Read more about what dreams mean in this article.

Rotten - falsehood, insincerity of others.

Taste of renclod fruits

Sweet plum - portends attraction, flirting, success with the opposite sex.

Sour – a series of minor troubles, sadness.

Astringent - difficulties that will be successfully resolved.

How many berries were there in the dream?

A lot - satisfaction from the work done.

Several are pleasant company.

One - acquaintance and new feelings await you.

On a tree, in a basket, on a plate...

Answering the question of why one dreams of a ripe plum on a tree, dream books agree that the dreamer will have financial stability, while unripe plums will successfully overcome future difficulties. A plum on a tree branch in a dream foreshadows a successful marriage.

On - getting rid of vices, green - someone else will receive a reward for your efforts.

In a bucket - the efforts made will be rewarded.

In the basket - fortunately.

On the plate - a meeting with friends, fruits with tails - a well-deserved rest.

In the refrigerator - in reality you need to reconsider your priorities in business and take care of more important ones.

What happened in the dream that you remember?

Seeing berries from the outside means meeting useful and interesting people.

Picking ripe fruits from a tree means prosperity; unripe fruits mean paying attention to your health. Picking a few fruits from a tree is a promising acquaintance; picking a lot of plums means happiness is in your hands.

Shaking a tree to collect fruit - bias, erroneous statements. Answering the question of why one dreams of picking ripe plums from the ground, dream books say that the sleeper will have satisfaction of desires, while rotten fruits mean disappointment.

A chance meeting that will develop into great friendship or real feelings awaits the dreamer. Dream books give this answer to the question of why you dream of eating plums. There are ripe fruits - flirtation, unripe ones - imperfection, rotten or wormy ones - vain hopes.

Taking a bite is a disappointment. Cutting is a short-term joy.

Buying plums means unsuccessful transactions that will not cause damage, but will not bring profit either. Sell ​​- if you change your business tactics, you will benefit.

Stealing relics means there will be an opportunity for valuable acquisition.

Drying fruit means becoming a victim of intrigue and deceit of former friends, eating dried plums - intimate problems.

Interesting company: plums and more

Plums and - prosperity, comfortable conditions, success in your endeavors.

Plums and ripe fruits foretell the fulfillment of a secret dream!

Other sleep details

Seeing a plum tree in your dreams is a joyful chore. Juno's dream book foreshadows love experiences and longing. Blooming - mutual love, ideal family relationships, victory.

Fruits from the tree foreshadow the appearance of a capricious spoiled woman. Crushed fruit - unforeseen circumstances will lead to irreversible consequences.

If you break the fruit in your hands and look at the seed, the dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a secret admirer or pregnancy.

A plum orchard in a dream means successful completion of projects in reality. If there are few trees, this is a long-awaited purchase.

Plum jam - discord in family relationships, cooling of feelings. If you smell the aroma of fruits in a dream, a romantic trip and a pleasant walk await you.

Plum compote in a dream indicates a lack of attention. Plum wine - for misunderstanding.

Dreamer, who are you?

For a woman, such dreams foreshadow interesting acquaintances.

A lonely young lady is promised quick success in her personal life, a girl in a relationship - a magnificent rich wedding, a happy marriage. For a married woman, a ripe plum predicts prosperity in marriage, while an unripe fruit predicts a quarrel.

For a pregnant woman, a ripe, aromatic berry foretells an easy delivery at term.

A man who dreams of a plum promises success with women, authority and leadership in other areas. A free guy will soon be foreshadowed by getting rid of loneliness, getting acquainted with the continuation.

For a man in a relationship, such a dream prophesies harmonious relationships that flow into the creation of a prosperous family. For a married man, a ripe berry promises variety in his intimate life, while an unripe one promises a quarrel.

That's what she is, a plum! The interpreters unanimously agreed: ripe fruits are a pleasure both in reality and in a dream!

Good interpretations and easy awakening!

To understand why you dream of plums on a tree, it is enough to know that these fruits in a dream symbolize well-being, imaginary desires, and fleeting joys. In addition, the dream book advises paying attention to the external characteristics and degree of maturity of the dreamed fruits.

Miller's Dream Book about the fulfillment of desires

Seeing a lot of unripe plums on a tree foreshadows Miller's anxiety and empty worries. Despite everything, the dreamer and those associated with him will be spared deprivation. If you dreamed that you were picking ripe berries, picking them straight from the bush, it promises fulfillment of desires in reality. However, once fulfilled, your dreams will disappoint you with their superficiality and unfoundedness. Try to take planning and setting tasks seriously so that you don’t regret wasted time in the future.

Plum tree with fruits - for good or for bad?

Interpreting what dreams of plums on a tree mean, the dream book pays close attention to the color and degree of ripeness of the fruit. So, seeing large ripe black or red cream in a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance and material wealth. If you dreamed of yellow fruits on a plant, it means it’s time to think about your own health, both physical and mental.

The noble dream book has a different interpretation of what a plum tree with fruits means in a dream. The dream image is compared by the interpreter with a business woman who is sensitive to her family and loved ones. Seeing unripe or yellow cream on a bush in a dream means that in reality, the sleeping person will have to face a pampered, fragile or sickly girl.

The Gypsy Dream Interpretation, the interpretation of a dream about a plum bush, is associated with strong and unchanging friendship. Perhaps the person whose loyalty you doubted will show himself in real life on the positive side, thereby consolidating your friendship.

Intimate, heartfelt and family matters

The Lovers' Dream Book is categorical in its judgment of why one dreams of picking large ripe plums on a tree. The picture you see predicts frivolous hobbies that will be limited to flirting and expressions of sympathy. Dr. Freud compares these berries to the frivolity and ephemerality of the sexual aspirations of a sleeping person. Perhaps, in order to achieve stability in your intimate life, you should take a more thorough approach to choosing partners.

Rejoice, prosperity and prosperity are coming!

The dream interpreter of a bitch, seeing plums on a tree in a dream, represents stability and profit. A dream in which you happen to pick large cream from a plant indicates the need to work hard to ensure your well-being. A dream in which you managed to collect a lot of plums portends high material wealth.

But to see that the harvest in a dream consists of unripe or rotten plums is considered a kind of warning that incorrectly set goals and objectives of a sleeping person can not only turn into bitter disappointment, but also regret about wasted time.

We are surprised by dreams with an unusual plot, those in which something extraordinary appears to us. And what could a dream mean in which we see the most ordinary ones - in particular, plums? Why do you dream about plums?

Dream book answers

Dream books offer us the following interpretation of dreams in which we saw plums.

Dreaming of prunes means that the dreamer shows perseverance in various life situations; he is not so easily broken by troubles and difficulties.

It also matters what dish you saw prunes in:

  • If you saw prunes in baked goods in a dream- this means that you can hope for luck even in the most risky matters. Accompanies you.
  • Prunes in candy in a dream- soon you will be in a good mood, high spirits.
  • I dreamed of prunes in a dish with potatoes- this portends a successful deal that will bring you tangible financial profit.
  • Compote with prunes in a dream means that in the near future you will be able to take a break from your problems and have a great time.
  • The prunes you saw in ice cream in a dream is a warning that something may interfere with your plans. You should think carefully about where exactly pitfalls may await you on the way to your goal.
  • Have you seen prunes with meat?- such a dream foreshadows worries and responsibilities in the family that will put moral pressure on you and take away some of your time.
  • Eating prunes in a dream- this is a symbol of the fact that you do not dare to take any action, although the situation requires immediate action. Consult with your loved ones to quickly make the right decision.

Appearance, color and maturity of the fruit?

The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by the appearance and degree of maturity of the fetus. Try to remember what the plums you saw in your dream looked like.

  • yellow plum portends to the dreamer or an exacerbation of a chronic form of the disease.
  • Red or blue plums in a dream - this is a good sign, which indicates that the dreamer is lucky in his affairs.
  • Unripe plums, seen in a dream, means that you are pursuing goals in life, the achievement of which will not bring you moral satisfaction. It may also portend unforeseen difficulties in business or problems with your health.
  • Ripe plums, that you saw in a dream foretells success in your endeavors, as well as the fulfillment of your cherished desires.
  • If you dreamed wormy plum, this means that in real life you do not have time to solve current problems. Perhaps you have problems in relationships with people around you or colleagues. Try to figure out what exactly is stopping you from getting support.
  • See in a dream rotten plum- to unfulfilled dreams and lack of success. It’s worth putting off important things for a while.
  • See plum pit in a dream - this means that you have a fan who has not yet revealed his feelings.
  • Had a dream wet plums– be prepared for long and hard work.
  • Crushed plums in a dream foreshadow a sharp change in circumstances that may affect your affairs.
  • Plums broken in two, seen in a dream, means that a crisis awaits you, which, however, will not last long.

What were you doing in the dream?

Remember what actions you performed in the dream in which you saw a plum - they will have the following interpretation.

  • eat plum in a dream foretells to the dreamer flirting, which will not have any consequences, or some other frivolous entertainment. For a girl, such a dream may mean that in fact her chosen one does not have serious feelings for her.
  • You were treated to plums in a dream - this portends a meeting and conversation with a person who is very dear to you.
  • Take a small bite plums - to disappointment.
  • Collect large plums in a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires. Buying them in a dream means that in reality you are trying with all your might to get rich, but you are not succeeding.
  • Make jam from plums in a dream is a sign that you will be rewarded for your hard work and perseverance in business.

Plum Garden

To dream of a plum tree in flowers symbolizes your romantic experiences towards your soulmate, family relationships.

Seeing large plums in the foliage of a tree - this is a sign that you will be able to survive current events without worries and worries, even if people around you predict them for you.

Dreaming of a plum orchard means that you will buy something you have long dreamed of.

If you dreamed that you were shaking a plum tree with fruits in the garden in the hope that they would fall, perhaps you will make the wrong decision, for which people close to you will subsequently be responsible.

A juicy plum seen in a dream indicates frivolous, frivolous entertainment in which the sleeping person will be involved. According to dream books, what this fruit means in a dream should be interpreted by its color, degree of maturity and the actions of the character himself.

Color and maturity

The noble dream book of N. Grishina compares a plum in a dream with a fragile, overly sensitive or spoiled woman. A yellow plum is an alarming sign, foreshadowing health problems. Blue and red - predicts the dreamer’s success in all areas.

What a ripe large plum means in dreams is explained by the English Dream Book. According to the interpreter, the dream is considered a good omen. Rotten fruits picked from the ground indicate the deceit of friends, the insincerity of a loved one, and a radical change in the dreamer’s status.

I dreamed that a large and beautiful-looking cream turned out to be wormy inside, which means that the sleeping person will soon feel his own inability to adapt to recently changed circumstances.

A large spoiled plum predicts disappointment that can unsettle the dreamer for a long time. Perhaps the event will be associated with the betrayal of a loved one.

Plum Garden

To dream of a blooming plum tree symbolizes romantic experiences, tender and mutual love, and harmonious family relationships.

Another option for what a flowering tree dreams of is presented in the Collection of Interpreters, identifying flowers with virtue and courage, victory and triumph over bad weather.

Seeing large green plums in the foliage of trees, according to Miller’s dream book, means that in real time the dreamer will be able to avoid anxiety and all kinds of deprivations predicted by his surroundings.

Shaking trees, in the hope of getting a ripe plum, warns the dreamer about bias, which can provoke an erroneous opinion, because of which loved ones may suffer.

Eating and taste

Eating a plum in a dream foreshadows fleeting flirtation and other frivolous entertainment. For a girl, what she dreams of eating this fruit is a warning that the upcoming love interest, which the dreamer will take seriously, will in fact turn out to be just a banal flirtation.

Feeling the sour taste of a plum in a dream promises minor disappointments caused by one’s own haste and thoughtlessness. For married people, eating a green plum in a dream, feeling a sour taste, predicts discord and discord in the family in the dream book; if the fruit turns out to be ripe and sweet, family life will be filled with harmony and mutual understanding.

Other actions

I dreamed that someone gave a woman ripe, large fruits in a dream, which means that soon there will be a meeting with a worthy person who will become a potential contender for the dreamer’s hand and heart.

As Miller’s dream book says, collecting big cream in a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, which subsequently will not bring the desired satisfaction, but will rather disappoint with their unfoundedness.

Harvesting in a dream, picking fruits from bushes and putting them in buckets or baskets is a sign of happiness and well-being, which depends on the actions of the dreamer. Picking just one plum or several to eat means a chance acquaintance that can become a strong friendship. The harvest collected from the ground predicts vain hopes.

If you dreamed that someone treated you to plums, get ready for a deterioration in your relations with the people living next door. Buying plums is predicted by the dream book to bring unexpected joy; drying them means beware of slander and gossip.

What you dream of cooking or eating plum jam is explained in the dream book by the appearance of an overly obsessive admirer. Plum wine is a harbinger of misunderstanding in the family.