George Ribbon. The St. George Ribbon project is a symbol of the Victory of the Antipinskaya Secondary


"The History of the St. George's Ribbon"

4 “B” class GBOU secondary school No. 2 “OC”

With. Kinel - Cherkassy,

Kinel - Cherkasy region

Scientific adviser:

GBOU Secondary School No. 2 "OTs"

With. Kinel - Cherkassy,

Kinel - Cherkasy region

Samara region

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Chapter I. History of the St. George Ribbon………………………..3

Chapter II. St. George's Ribbon these days….……5




Among the memorable dates celebrated by the people of our multinational Motherland, Victory Day occupies a special place. On this day - May 9, 1945 - the long-awaited news of the victorious end of the most cruel and bloody war in the history of mankind came to every home in our vast country.

The Great Patriotic War was a truly national struggle. In those terrible years, people of various nationalities and nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder with the enemy and worked selflessly in the rear. It was this unity that became the main factor in victory in the fight against fascism.

The achievements of our peoples in the Great Patriotic War are one of the brightest and most impressive pages of not only domestic but also world history. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against German fascism lasted 1418 days and nights. This is one of the largest and bloodiest wars in the entire history of mankind, in which the Soviet people lost more than 27 million of their sons and daughters. The historical victory over Nazi Germany became possible thanks to the efforts and heroism of all the peoples of our country.

Almost every family has a connection with this war. The Great Patriotic War is a mark on the fate of my family that will not be erased by time.

Every year my parents and I go to the parade dedicated to Victory Day. On the eve of Victory Day, people attach black and orange ribbons to their clothes and personal vehicles, which have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. I became interested in what the St. George ribbon means and why everyone wears it before the holiday.

The theme of my work is “St. George’s Ribbon”

Goal of the work:
1. Understanding what the St. George’s ribbon is,
2. Why is the St. George Ribbon worn every year on Victory Day?

study the history of the origin of the St. George ribbon;

find out about the St. George's Ribbon campaign;

tell your classmates about the St. George's Ribbon;

Chapter 1. History of the St. George Ribbon

The St. George Ribbon originally appeared with the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, the highest military award of the Russian Empire. This order was established by Empress Catherine II in 1769 to honor officers for their services on the battlefield.

Saint George is a great martyr. He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - the pagans. For his courage and spiritual victory over his tormentors, who could not force him to renounce Christianity, as well as for his miraculous help to people in danger, St. George is also called the Victorious.

On the icons, Saint George is depicted sitting on a white horse and slaying a serpent with a spear. This image is based on legend and refers to the posthumous miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George.

In Russia, the Holy Great Martyr George was very loved and revered. Therefore, they gave his name to the most honorable military order. This order was awarded only to officers and generals for personal military merits.

The Order was awarded to those who “personally leading an army, will win a complete victory over an enemy with significant forces, the consequence of which will be its complete destruction,” “personally leading an army, will take a fortress.”

For the capture of the enemy banner, the capture of the commander-in-chief of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

Order of awarding: the first time the lowest, 4th degree was awarded, the next time the higher 3rd, then the 2nd and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be nominated for the Order of St. George, 1st degree.

The Order of St. George was divided into four classes.

The first degree of the order had three signs: a cross, a star and a ribbon consisting of three black and two orange stripes, which was worn over the right shoulder under the uniform.

The second degree of the order also had a star and a large cross, which was worn around the neck on a narrower ribbon.

The third degree is a small cross on the neck, the fourth is a small cross in the buttonhole.

In 2007, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland was celebrated.
The date December 9 was not chosen by chance: on this day (according to the old style) in 1769, Empress Catherine II established the Order of St. George the Victorious. This order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.

St. George's ribbon is a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George's Cross, and the St. George's Medal. Also, St. George's ribbons on the cap were worn by the sailors of the guards crew of the ship awarded the St. George's flag. Over time, St. George's buttonholes, standards, trumpets, etc. appeared.

During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established in 1943. Its statute, as well as the yellow and black coloring of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross. Then the St. George ribbon, confirming the traditional colors of Russian military valor, adorned many soldier and modern Russian award medals and badges.

In 1992, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Russia “On State Awards of the Russian Federation”, it was decided to restore the Russian Order of St. George and the “St. George Cross” insignia.

Chapter 2. St. George's ribbon today

On the eve of Victory Day, people attach black and orange ribbons to their clothes and personal vehicles, which have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a sign of eternal gratitude that freed the world from fascism.

Thousands of volunteers from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad today began distributing St. George ribbons. For everyone, they have already become one of the main symbols of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

For the first time in the spring of 2005, the “St. George Ribbon” appeared on the streets of Russian cities. The action, conceived and carried out by RIA Novosti and the “Student Community” in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, united people of different ages and social groups during the days of celebration. The action was born spontaneously, grew out of the Internet project “Our Victory”, which throughout the year published “folk” stories about how this or that family was affected by the Great Patriotic War, about front-line soldiers, partisans, home front workers, about front-line novels and unknowns exploits...The main goal of the action, as well as the site “Our Victory”, was the desire at all costs not to let new generations forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, with what and by whom should be proud, someone to remember.

Wearing the St. George Ribbon, together with the corresponding awards, is awarded to people
who took a direct part in the hostilities.

If the war affected your family.

If you know at what cost we got the Victory.

If you are proud of your history, your country, your family.

If you remember.

"St. George's Ribbon" as a symbol of your memory - attach it to the lapel of your clothes.


While studying this topic, I came to understand what the St. George Ribbon is, and I understood why the St. George Ribbon is worn every year on the Victory Day holiday.

To do this, I studied the history of the origin of the St. George ribbon,

I learned about the St. George's Ribbon campaign.

“St. George’s Ribbon” is one of the most interesting projects for creating symbols in our country. Having appeared in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory (2005), it managed to become a tradition - an unprecedented event in modern times. The action is recognized as the largest patriotic event in Russia. Well, this is a good result. The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

Today, many people take part in the action, happily attaching ribbons to bags and clothes.

This, still relatively young, fairly new symbolism awakens in people, first of all, patriotic feelings, filling them with a sense of pride in their victorious country. In addition to all of the above, bright ribbons evoke cheerful, festive emotions and give a feeling of inviolability and unity.


Russian history:

Encyclopedia / Scientific. – pop. Edition for children. –

M.: – Press”, 2008, 123 p.

Medvedev by day: schoolchildren’s calendar. Publishing house

Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2013, 175 pp.

Taborko of the Great Patriotic War. 1941 – 1945: A short illustrated history for youth. – M.: Mol. Guard, 1985. – 334 p.



Municipal state educational institution

"Rassvetovskaya secondary school"

Municipal district Lodeynopolsky municipal district

"George Ribbon -

small flag of big Victory»

Prepared by the teacher

highest qualification category

Rulkova M.N.

n. Rassvet


Explanatory note.

Hoary antiquity looks through eternity

On our souls in Russian years,

We are knitted by a ribbon where St. George is

He conveyed victory as salvation.

We found front-line troubles in battles,

They did not sully the valiant honor,

And on the chest there is a St. George ribbon -

Reminding people who we are.

Ruslan Ermakov

Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a national character trait in the Russian state. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable.There are attacks on recognized heroes. The very possibility of a feat that unknown soldiers repeated hundreds and thousands of times during the war is denied.

Veterans are passing away. They have less and less strength to go to kindergartens and schools and tell us and our children the truth about how they fought. I saw a lot of them when I was at school. Now they can be counted on one hand. How we were amazed by the number of orders they wore on May 9!

In this regard, the role of educational institutions in the patriotic and civic education of the younger generation is increasing. The urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with preschool children is obvious.And we must not allow this Great Victory to be stolen from our people!

Patriotism is a complex and lofty human feeling; it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words. This is love for family and friends, for the small Motherland, admiration for the feat and pride for one’s people. Patriotic education is integrally connected with familiarization with the world around us.

The project involves the unity of children and adults, so the parents of the students also became full participants.

Project type: information-practice-oriented
Project type: research and educational
Project duration:short-term (1 week), May 2017
Project participants:children of the compensatory group (5-7 years old), teachers, parents of pupils.
Relevance of the project:

Patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of modern society. Childhood is the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education means the gradual formation in children of love for their Motherland. We must not forget those who defended the freedom and independence of our people. It’s true, it’s said: “Forgot the past, lost the future.” But we must not only remember, but also be worthy of their great feat.
The creation of the project is aimed at instilling in preschoolers a sense of pride in their people, respect for their achievements and worthy pages of history, and involves involving children and parents in the study of significant dates of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Objective of the project:
Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War, respect for the military history of Russia, patriotism and a sense of pride in one’s Motherland. Education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, formation of moral values.
Project objectives:
- give an idea of ​​the significance of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War;
- to form moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children through participation in events;
- to cultivate feelings of pride for the feat of one’s people in the Great Patriotic War, respect for veterans;
- introduce historical facts of the war years;
- educate future defenders of the Fatherland;
- enrich and develop children’s vocabulary, introduce them to works of fiction and music of the war years;

Work with parents, involving them in patriotic education in the family;
Expected Result:
- Awakening interest in the history of your country and family;
- formation of love for the Motherland;
- formation of a civic position;
- showing attention and respect to elderly veterans, providing all possible assistance.
- realization of children's creativity and talent.
Project activity product
- Compiling, together with parents, the album “They Fought for the Motherland”, “Children of War”;
- Productive activity exhibition of drawings “War through the eyes of children”,

drawing and appliqué “St. George’s Ribbon”;

Campaign “St. George’s Ribbon”, “Postcard to a Veteran”;
Project stages
Stage I. Preparatory:

  • Drawing up a project passport;
  • Selection of children's fiction to read to children;
  • Creating presentations for viewing;
  • Selection of subject pictures and illustrations;
  • Working with methodological material and literature on this topic

Stage II. Basic:

  • Conducting conversations with children about the war;
  • Conducting games-competitions;
  • Reading fiction to children (memorizing poems, memorizing proverbs about the Motherland);
  • Looking at paintings;
  • Creation of albums;
  • Exhibition of children's works;
  • Viewing presentations;
  • Learning military songs;
  • Listening to music about the war;
  • Conducting a competition of poems about war and patriotic actions;
  • NOD “May 9 – Great Victory Day”.

Stage III. Final:

  • Literary and musical production “Let us bow to those great years”;
  • Performance at a concert for veterans and home front workers in the village of Rassvet.

When working with children:
Project Implementation Plan


Goals and objectives

Joint activities with children

"So the war began..."

To give children the idea that war is a tragedy and a test for the entire people, to tell about the courage and heroism of the entire population of the country who stood up to defend the Fatherland. Satisfy children's cognitive needs about war.

- conversation: “The Great Patriotic War”;
- reading and learning poems about the war;
- reading “Enemy at the Gates” by N.S. Tikhonov.
- Competition games “Who is faster”, “The most accurate”, “The most courageous”.
- listening to songs on military topics;
- drawing “May there always be peace”

"Roads of War"

Introduce children to the main events of the war and hero cities. To convey to children the idea of ​​how hard it was for the defenders of the Russian land and ordinary people during those harsh war years. Cultivate reverent respect for the heroic past of your people.

- conversation “Monuments of military glory”;
- excursion to the Mound of Glory;
- viewing albums of hero cities;
- proverbs and sayings about the homeland;

View the presentation "St. George's Ribbon";

Drawing "St. George's Ribbon"

Quest game on the walk “St. George’s Ribbon”

"Children of war"

Introduce children to the names of child heroes of the war years. To convey to children how hard it was for children in those harsh years. Form a sense of pride in their exploits. To cultivate respect and reverence for the names of child heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

- conversation “Children and war”;
- creation of the album “War through the eyes of children”;
- examination of illustrations “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”;
- reading an excerpt from V. Kataev’s work “Son of the Regiment”;
- application “St. George’s Ribbon”
- interview “What do you know about your relatives who lived during the war?”

"We honor the great Victory Day"

To create conditions for perceiving a holistic picture of the bloodiest and most terrible war in human history. To consolidate and expand children's understanding of heroes during the war years of Tula. To show that the immortal glory of the military labor feat of the people lives in the memory of people.

- NOD “May 9 – Great Victory Day”;
- conversation “About Victory Day”;
-decoration of an exhibition of children's drawings;
- viewing the presentation “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”;
- reading “Monument to the Soviet Soldier” by L. Kassil.

“Let us bow to those great years”

To convey to the younger generation the meaning of the Victory of the people in the Great Patriotic War. Arouse interest in the military history of our Motherland, army, people. Help children remember this bright holiday.

Literary and musical production “Let us bow to those great years”

Performance at a concert for veterans and home front workers

When working with parents:

  • Questionnaire “Memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”;
  • Participation in all events organized in the group;
  • A selection by children, together with their parents, of historical material (photos, letters) about their relatives who took part in historical military traditions.
  • Master class on decorating the St. George ribbon.

Project result:

  1. The “St. George’s Ribbon” project contributed to the implementation of the tasks of patriotic and civic education of children, the formation of love for the Motherland, respect for veterans and the elderly;
  2. The children met and learned about the origin of the St. George’s Ribbon and became direct participants in the actions;
  3. 80% of parents with great desire took part in all events organized in the group;
  4. Children and parents have awakened an interest in the history of their country and family, as evidenced by the search work carried out.
  5. Eldar A.'s search work was submitted to the "Memory Watch" competition.


  1. Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Name lists 1769-1920. Biobibliographic reference book. Rep. status V. M. Shabanov. M., “Russian World”, 2004. 928 p., ill.
  2. Durov V.A.Russian awards XIII - XX centuries - M.: Enlightenment, 1997-160p.
  3. Murashev G.A. Titles, ranks, awards - St. Petersburg: Polygon Publishing House LLC, 2001 - 352 pp., ill.
  4. Peters D.I. Award medals of Russia. M.: Enlightenment, 1979.
  5. Shepelev L. E. Titles, uniforms, orders in the Russian Empire. - L.: “Science”, Leningrad branch, 1991. - 224 p.
  6. Encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius". - Moscow. 2006.
  7. Encyclopedia for children. E.5, part 3. Russian history. XX century Comp. S.T. Ismailova. - M.: Avanta+, 1996.
  8. Internet resources




  1. Find out the history of the origin of the “St. George Ribbon”.
  2. Explore why the “St. George’s Ribbon” is two-color.

The story of the St. George ribbon came to us from the distant past.

The ribbon gets its name from the Order of St. George, who is also called the Victorious.

There is a legend in which they say that a snake lived in the lake and ate people. There is only one girl left. She was taken to the shore of the lake. When the snake began to approach her, George suddenly appeared on a white horse, struck the snake with a spear and saved the girl. So he stopped killing people.

Icon "St. George the Victorious"

In 1769, a solemn ceremony took place in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Catherine II signed the status of the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. The Divine Liturgy was served in the palace church, and the insignia of the order - a cross, a star and a ribbon - were consecrated.

The badge of the order was an equal-armed cross with flared ends, covered with white enamel. In the central medallion on the front side there was an image of St. George on a white horse, on the reverse side there was a monogram - “SG”, that is, “St. George”. The ribbon is two-colored - black and yellow-orange - meaning “smoke and flame.” It is also believed that these colors symbolize death and resurrection. St. George passed through death three times and was resurrected twice.

The star was four-pointed, gold, with a monogram and the motto in the center - “For service and bravery.”

Order of St. George the Victorious Order set


The St. George Ribbon was created as part of an award set consisting of the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross and a ribbon. The Order of St. George was divided into four classes. The first degree of the order had three signs: a cross, a star and a ribbon, which was worn over the right shoulder under the uniform. The second degree of the order also had a star and a large cross, which was worn around the neck on a narrower ribbon. The third degree is a small cross on the neck, the fourth is a small cross in the buttonhole.

4 degree 3 degree 2 degree 1 degree

Award sets of 4 degrees and wearing rules

The first time the lowest, 4th degree was awarded, the next time the higher 3rd, then the 2nd and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be nominated for the Order of St. George, 1st degree.

Only 4 people became full holders of the Order of St. George (awarded with all 4 degrees, the so-called “full bow”), incl. M.I. Kutuzov.


But these are events of long ago. What does the Order of St. George have to do with the most terrible war of the 20th century? Here's what it is. At the height of the battle with the Nazis in 1942, the Order of the Patriotic War was established. It also has a St. George ribbon on it - as a symbol of connection with the Russian military tradition. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to individuals who demonstrated courage in battles for the Soviet Motherland, as well as military personnel for bravery, perseverance and courage.

The soldiers of Alexander Nevsky, the warriors of Dmitry Donskoy, the soldiers of Suvorov and millions of Soviet soldiers went into battle for the Motherland, for the honor and freedom of their land. And they WON!

In any case, the symbol, which appeared in Tsarist Russia, has become firmly entrenched in history and has now become the traditional color of the May 9 holiday.



  1. Find out the meaning of a high-profile action in which millions of people participate.
  2. How to wear the St. George ribbon correctly.

In Russia, on the eve of the Great Victory Day, every year, people appear on the streets who distribute small pieces of ribbons among the population, the symbol of Victory - the St. George Ribbon. Both adults and children enjoy taking the ribbons apart and attaching them to their chests.

In 2005, the campaign “We Remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol was the St. George’s Ribbon. Having appeared in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, it managed to become a tradition in 10 years. In 2005, more than 800 thousand ribbons were distributed, and already in 2007 the campaign took place in all countries of the world and more than 10 million ribbons were distributed.

The purpose of the “St. George Ribbon” campaign is to create a symbol of the holiday, to express our respect for veterans, to pay tribute to those who fell on the battlefield, and to thank the people who gave everything for the front.

The action begins with volunteers distributing among the population small pieces of ribbons identical in shape and color to the St. George Ribbon.

On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day and the days of the action, each participant puts a St. George's ribbon on his lapel as a sign of memory of the heroic past, expressing respect for veterans, paying tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front during the Great Patriotic War .

The St. George ribbon quickly took root all over the world and has already become a tradition and an integral part of the celebration of Victory Day.

The St. George's Ribbon campaign has taken on a large scale. But unfortunately we see people who have decorated their pants/suitcases/shoes with the St. George ribbon, we tell you - take off these ribbons if you still have self-esteem and respect for history.

There are many ways to tie the St. George ribbon, such as: a zipper, a corner, an elegant bow.

This promotion even has its own code, which most people, unfortunately, are not even aware of:

1. The “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign is non-commercial and non-political.

2. The purpose of the action is to create a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

4. “St. George’s Ribbon” is not a heraldic symbol. This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon.

5. The use of original St. George’s or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.

6. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be an object of purchase and sale.

7. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be used to promote goods and services. The use of tape as an accompanying product or element of product packaging is not allowed.

8. “St. George’s Ribbon” is distributed free of charge. It is not permitted to issue a ribbon to a visitor to a retail establishment in exchange for a purchase.

9. The use of the “St. George Ribbon” for political purposes by any parties or movements is not permitted.

10. Inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.

The only trueway of wearing the St. George ribbonis to attach it to the lapel of the jacket on the left side at heart level. This is the best way to show memory and respect for the people who gave their lives for the future of our country.


Words by Andrey Elisov, music and performance - Ruslan Ermakov

1. Hoary antiquity looks through eternity
On our souls in Russian years.
We will be connected by a ribbon where St. George is
Victory was conveyed as salvation.

We went through front-line troubles in battles
They did not stain their valiant honor.
And on the chest there is a St. George ribbon
Reminding people who we are.

St. George Ribbon,
victory over the enemy.
I keep it in my heart,
like our connection of centuries.
St. George Ribbon-
you are a thread throughout the years.
And next to a moment and eternity
and a feat forever.

2. We are Russians, we are connected by love!
We are the conquerors of various enemy hordes.
We have faith and we believe in God.
We haven't forgotten 1945.

On this tape there are both Berlin and Kyiv,
Fires of the blockade and Khatyn ashes.
A thread of generations across all of Russia.
The fiercest enemy trembles before her.

3. It’s not easy for us to have a ribbon as a memory
Orange sun above the earth.
St. George in it connects
The struggle of the dawn over the blackest darkness.

And if you carry a strip of light
In your chest, like the fire of your homeland,
Warm your planet with the warmth of love,
Open your heart and palm to the sky.

George Ribbon

A. Kalmykova

I tied it to the antenna,

She shone with a bright light,

Fire and ashes are inseparable -

In the traffic, they suddenly became a flag

I am the granddaughter of a veteran, and victory

I also consider it my holiday,

I am proud of the victory, I rejoice in the victory,

Came to us through soot, death and smoke.

And with these May fireworks

It's like my grandfather has been resurrected...

And a small flag of a big Victory

I'll tie it on a yellow cross on Sunday.

* * *

Peter Davydov

When on the wounded Earth,
The victorious spring has arrived!
A wave of popular fun
She penetrated into every house!
Victory Parade... Flags... Faces...
And the songs are a holiday tune.
Above the square, as if there was a bird
The colored ribbon is flying...

From the past, from eternity
She's flying now...
George Ribbon,
Uniting us

The chase is already over...
Covered with a spring cloud,
Holding the weapon in the palm of your hand,
The Soldier of Victory sleeps sweetly.
From the May clouds the dressmaker
Sewed a soft bed
And it became unusually quiet...
And you could just sleep.
Olive sprig
Shows a peaceful path...
George Ribbon:
"I remember! I'm proud!"

The well of memory is bottomless.
And the souls of the fallen are somewhere out there...
Let's remember by name
Who gave us Victory!
Victory! - tears and fun!
Those days still burn in dreams,
When on the wounded Earth
The victorious spring has arrived!

And the little girl
Let him wear it too!
St. George's ribbon:
"I remember! I'm proud!"

We are all so different -
Everyone's world is different.
But we're all connected now
That one ribbon!

From the past days - to eternity -
And there is joy and sadness in it...
George Ribbon:
"I remember! I'm proud!"


St. George's ribbon - both gunpowder and fire,
And the bitterness of tears, and the joy of Victory Day.
Not just a proud symbol, but a silk shoulder strap,
For the good peace that our grandfathers brought to us.

St. George's ribbon - like a surviving flower,
That I saw a childhood ruined by evil,
Burnt villages, ruins, deadly smog...
Not just a symbol - a legacy to memory.

St. George's ribbon - two-color simple stripes -
There is blood and flame on the front roads,
And echelons of lives that have gone downhill...
And a banner striped with evil.

St. George's ribbon - both gunpowder and fire -
And the sorrow of the soul, and the sun of new life.
Pattern of two-color lines - palm history,
Fate ornament... Memorable word.

* * *
The May day is extraordinarily beautiful -

The country is celebrating Victory Day!

Maybe it's not a coincidence at all...

That the war ended in the spring?

It is no coincidence that this day is wonderful,

In memory of the heroes of old,

Blooming everywhere now

Petals of St. George's ribbons...

A. Zhelnov

Quest game "St. George's Ribbon"

Goals : to form patriotic feelings, respect for the symbols of the Great Victory; strengthen physical and mental health.

Participants : children of preparatory age, parents, teachers.

Equipment : music center, recordings of songs from the war years.

Preliminary work: during classes, the teacher tells children about hero cities and introduces them to their memorable places. The music director conducts a series of classes to introduce children to songs of the war years. Places for stations through which children will pass are selected in advance on the territory of the kindergarten(at each station there is a name hero city : Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Novorossiysk).A military map is being prepared(territory of the kindergarten)with the names of the hero cities and the route of stops, the last point is Moscow. The box containsSt. George ribbonsby number of participants quest . The tank model is made of a cardboard box and sandbags.

Preparing stations: two adults must be present at each station(parents of students)

Progress of the game:

Leading. In memory of the feat of Russian soldiers who defended peaceful life, today you guys will take part in an exciting adventure, and the reward for overcoming all difficulties will be the symbol of Victory - the St. George's ribbon!

To find the coveted reward, you have to, while completing tasks, collect parts of the map on which the hero cities are marked, and, combining them together, find out in which hero city the St. George ribbons are located! Here is the first map fragment! We are going to Stalingrad!

The presenter asks the children questions about the city:

Why was the city called “Hero City”? (for the courage and valor of soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad)

What is the name of this city now? (Volgograd)

What is the most famous war site in this city? (Mamaev Kurgan with the monument “The Motherland Calls”)

The soldiers who defended the city during the war were very courageous and resilient: the fighting continued day and night, but they held the surviving high-rise buildings and fired from military weapons. Let's test your endurance and ability to navigate the terrain.

Outdoor game “Night Orienteering”

Purpose of the game : terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills.

Number of players: even.

Equipment : 2 landmarks, 2 blindfolds.

Progress of the game:

At a distance of 10 meters, 2 landmarks are set, the first players are blindfolded, they must reach the landmark and go around it, return to the team and pass the baton to the next player. The rest of the team can tell the blindfolded player the direction of movement. When the last player returns to the starting line, it is time for the whole team."Day" . The winner is the team with"Day" will come sooner.


Well done! Did a good job! Now you receive the second part of the map and can go to the next hero city.

Children go to the station"Leningrad".

Station "Leningrad"

The presenter asks the children questions :

What is the name of the hero city Leningrad now?(Saint Petersburg)

What do you know about the defense of Leningrad? (The city was under siege for 900 days; people starved, froze and died, but they defended it.)

What saved Leningraders in winter ("The road of life" -road on the ice of Lake Ladoga)

Along a narrow strip of ice, children and women were taken out of the city surrounded by the Nazis. This path was difficult, but people overcame it. I invite you to test your skill in the game"Crossing"

Outdoor game "Crossing"

Purpose of the game : development of dexterity.

Number of players: even.

Equipment : 4 planks size 20/30

Progress of the game. Children line up in 2 teams. The first players, placing planks under their feet, must walk a certain distance at speed, and then pass them on to the next player.

Leading . Well done, keep the third part of the map! Let's go to Novorossiysk!

Station "Novorossiysk".

Questions from the presenter:

Where is this city located?(On the Black Sea coast)

Novorossiysk is a major port on the Black Sea. From here the road to the Caucasus opened for the Nazis. The Nazis did everything to take possession of this city, but they were stopped by our sailors, soldiers, and partisans.

What was the name of the piece of land that our soldiers held for 225 days?(Small land)

The presenter invites the children to guess riddles.

You can become a sailor

To guard the border,

And serve not on earth,

And on a military (ship)

Can you become a soldier?

Swim, ride and fly,

And I want to walk in formation -

Waiting for you, soldier(infantry)

Who marches in the parade:

Ribbons curl behind your back,

Ribbons curl, and in the squad

There aren't any girls?(sailors)

Any military profession

You definitely need to study

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no(wars)

Leading. Well done! And they completed this task! We got the last part of the map! Now the hero city of Moscow awaits us.

Station 4. "Moscow"

The presenter asks questions to the children:

What do you know about the city of Moscow(this is the capital of our family)

What other hero cities do you know?(Sevastopol, Kerch, Odessa, Tula, Murmansk, Brest, Minsk, Smolensk)

In the summer of 1941, the Nazis planned to take over our country in a few months and march across Red Square in the fall. But the enemy’s boot did not set foot on the holy ground for every Russian person. It was possible to stop the enemy on the approaches to our capital, not to let him in, and to crush Hitler’s divisions and corps in battles as a result of the Battle of Moscow.

The enemy unleashed endless tank attacks on the defenders of Moscow, but even tank armor could not break the fortitude and courage of the Soviet soldiers. Under continuous fire, they, without sparing themselves, threw grenades and Molotov cocktails at the tanks and defended the city.

Now the final test awaits you!

Outdoor game "Firing Line"

Purpose of the game : development of accuracy, skills of throwing a ball or a bag of sand

Equipment : sandbags or balls, 2 cardboard boxes with tanks drawn on them.

Progress of the game : children throw a “grenade”(a bag of sand, trying to hit the target - a tank drawn on a cardboard box).

Leading . Well done! You are strong, dexterous, brave, accurate, and when you grow up, you will become real defenders of our country, as courageous as your great-grandfathers. You deserve to wear the symbol of Victory on your chest -

Author: Dyachenko Valeria,
4th grade student of DMBOU "Gymnasium 1", Biysk
Head: Nizhegorodtseva Aksana Yurievna,
primary school teacher
MBOU "Gymnasium 1", Biysk
"George Ribbon"
In May 2015, Russia will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Every year, from April 24 to May 12, since 2005, a large-scale event called “St. George’s Ribbon” has been held.
The campaign begins with volunteers distributing small pieces of ribbon among the population.
They handed out ribbons at the subway,
People took them, attached them to their chests,
Some for handbags, some for cars.
They were handing out ribbons at the metro...
The Veteran was presented with a ribbon,
He pressed her to his chest,
And suddenly, tears appeared in my eyes.
What happened in those minutes
In memory of a hero and soldier?
Maybe he remembered the enemy raid,
Maybe a girl from the medical battalion?..
How many roads have been traveled?
And in the heat and in severe frosts...
From memories on the cheeks
Tears kept rolling down and rolling down.
An old, worn jacket,
Cane and hunched shoulders.
During that war, he defended with his chest
Our future meetings with you,
Our kisses under the moon
Our happiness is in a small apartment,
So that we can live with you now
And they walked calmly on the ground.
And we don’t have such a right -
Forgetting the heroic feat of our grandfathers!
How many lives did the war take?
Before they got the victory?!
How many of them died for the country,
Without even leaving your name!
They handed out ribbons at the subway,
Ribbons the color of flame and smoke.
Yes, such a ribbon can often be seen on Victory Day! Orange and black stripes - what do they mean? Why did this particular ribbon become a symbol of Victory? All these questions haunted me. I decided to do research and tell my classmates about it.
I set myself a goal: to explore why the St. George Ribbon became a symbol of the Great Victory; to introduce the gymnasium students to the symbolism and history of the St. George Ribbon.
- learn the history of the St. George ribbon
- to cherish the memory of the defenders of our Motherland
Research methods
1. Survey of adults.
2. Study of scientific, encyclopedic literature
3.Search for information on the local Internet.
We can assume that the St. George ribbon is used for decoration.
Theoretical part
1.1.St. George the Victorious
After studying the literature on this topic, I found out. Saint George the Victorious is the patron saint of all defenders of the Fatherland. George lived in the 1st century, he grew up in a Christian family, and enlisted in the Roman army. He was courageous, fearless in battle, a brave warrior. George was a real defender, performed miracles of heroism and exploits. His most famous feat was his victory over the serpent, which was devouring people and destroying their homes. As the legend says, when the lot fell to give the king’s daughter to be torn to pieces by the monster, George appeared on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. This feat of George is depicted on the coat of arms of Moscow (slide with the coat of arms of Moscow). In those days, those who believed in Christ were killed. George did not renounce his faith and was tortured and killed.
St. George's ribbon is a ribbon from the Order of St. George, established at the beginning of the 18th century as an order for valor demonstrated in real battle. St. George's ribbon and the Order of St. George were re-established as symbols of military honor and valor in 1992. St. George's Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George's Cross, the St. George's Medal. Also, St. George's ribbons on the cap were worn by the sailors of the guards crew of the ship awarded the St. George's flag.
St. George's ribbons occupy the most honorable place among the numerous collective awards (distinctions) of units of the Russian army. The colors of the ribbon - black and yellow-orange - mean “smoke and flame” and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield.
1.2. St. George's ribbon during the Great Patriotic War
During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, on November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established. Its statute, as well as the yellow and black coloring of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross. Then the St. George ribbon, confirming the traditional colors of Russian military valor, adorned many soldier and modern Russian award medals and badges.
For heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War, over 11 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (some posthumously), of which 104 were awarded twice, three three times (G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin ). Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub shot down 62 enemy aircraft. During the war, the first to be awarded the title of Hero were Soviet pilots M.P. Zhukov, S.I. Zdorovtsev and P.T. Kharitonov, who rammed fascist planes on the outskirts of Leningrad.
There are 87 women among the wartime Heroes of the Soviet Union. The first to receive this title was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (posthumously). Komsomol member Zoya voluntarily joined a special partisan detachment. She was sent behind enemy lines twice. At the end of November 1941, while performing a second combat mission in the area of ​​​​the village of Petrishchevo, she was captured by the Nazis. Despite cruel torture, she did not reveal military secrets and did not give her name.
Promotion "St. George's Ribbon"
On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day and the days of the action, each participant puts a St. George ribbon on his lapel, hand, bag or car antenna as a sign of memory of the heroic past, expressing respect for veterans, paying tribute to the memory of those who died on the battlefield, gratitude to people who gave everything for the front during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose of this event, according to the initiators of the project, is “to create a symbol of the holiday”, “to express our respect for veterans, tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.”
The scale of the action is quite large territorial. In 2005, 800 thousand ribbons were distributed; 1.2 million ribbons were distributed in 2006; In 2007, approximately 10 million tapes were distributed worldwide.
However, not all Russian residents support the action. The website was created, which advocates the St. George Ribbon and considers the action extremely disrespectful towards the symbol of Victory. First of all, opponents of the action are outraged by the use of the tape for commercial purposes, the disrespectful tying of it to clothes, bags and even pets. Participants in the action are considered by some media representatives as fascists or people who do not respect or value WWII veterans. The moral aspect of this dilemma is extremely complex, and, as it seems to me, each person decides for himself: either the ribbon is a tribute of respect, the personification of our gratitude, or the unlawful use of part of a military award.
Practical part
The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory. Among my classmates, I conducted a sociological survey: “What does the St. George’s Ribbon mean to you?” 21 respondents were interviewed, of which 18 answered in various formulations - a symbol of Victory over Nazi Germany; 2 – difficult to answer; 1 – I don’t know.
From the above it follows that in general, in our class, the St. George Ribbon has a stable association with the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.
Our affairs
Every year our class actively takes part in the “We Remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol is the St. George’s Ribbon. Thanks to my research work, the guys expanded their knowledge about the St. George ribbon. Now, to our traditional events we have added such things as: congratulating veterans, laying flowers at the monument to the Unknown Soldier, congratulating city residents on the holiday of May 9 and, of course, the “St. George’s Ribbon” event
I came to the conclusion that the St. George Ribbon is a centuries-old symbol of Victory, an element of the award set for special military merits in hostilities.
My hypothesis was not confirmed - the St. George ribbon is not a decoration, but an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.
..The May day is extraordinarily beautiful - the country is celebrating Victory Day! Maybe it’s not a coincidence - That the war ended in the spring?
It is no coincidence that on this wonderful day, in memory of the heroes of long ago, the petals of St. George's ribbons have blossomed everywhere today.
List of used literature.
Popular science publication. Everything about everything. Astrel Publishing House LLC 2005
Children's magazine "Filippok"
Great Encyclopedia "Russia", 2008 - Moscow ZAO Olma Medio Group
Complete encyclopedia "History of Russia", 2008 - Moscow, LLC "Eksmo"

Internet resources:

A striking example of an Internet action that has caused a public outcry is the St. George's Ribbon project - a RIA Novosti project that appeared in 2005 and was implemented jointly with the Student Community.

The purpose of the action is to create a positive emotional and information wave aimed at an audience from 15 to 35 years old.

The goal of the action is to strengthen patriotic sentiments among Russian youth, focus on the core values ​​of Russian civil society, and create a sense of pride and involvement in the country’s greatest role in the victory over fascism. The action is not only a way to “reach out” to young people, it allows us to unite millions of residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad.

The symbol of the action is the “St. George Ribbon”, the color scheme of which is well known to everyone and which was used to create one of the main awards of the Second World War – the “Order of Glory”.

It is necessary to say a few words about the organizers of this action.

The public organization for social support of youth “Student Community” has been operating in Russia since 1998. The central idea of ​​the “Student Community” is to help make the life of a particular young person interesting for himself and useful for society and the state. Therefore, they created a flexible system of providing work for students in their free time from study, uniting young people according to their interests, and a unified information field for students. We are constantly searching for directions and mechanisms for applying the common efforts of young and promising citizens of Russia for the benefit of the present and future of our country.

The Russian international information agency RIA Novosti is one of the most authoritative and professional sources of operational information in Russia and abroad. The agency has a wide correspondent network in the Russian Federation, the CIS and more than 40 countries around the world. Every day, on the Internet and via electronic communication channels, RIA Novosti distributes socio-political, economic, scientific, financial information in Russian, major European and Arabic languages.

In 2005, RIA Novosti created a new version of its website, which became a new format for the Internet representation of the news agency. It combines in its structure not only online news feeds, but also blocks of comments, analytics, interviews and interactive platforms. The site itself has become not so much a news delivery tool as an Internet publication. This made adjustments to the principle of rubrication and presentation of materials, presentation of authors, plotting of the main news of the day and announcement of events. It also created a platform for Internet projects, including EURO 2004, the 2004 Olympics, and the project-action “Our Victory. Day after day”, Information website of the Olympic Games in Turin and other thematic projects.

The Internet project “Our Victory” publishes “folk” stories about how this or that family was affected by the Great Patriotic War, about front-line soldiers, partisans, home front workers, about front-line novels and unknown exploits. The main goal of the action was the desire, at any cost, not to let new generations forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, what and who we should be proud of, who we should remember.

Every day, Sovinformburo reports, new stories and photographs sent by readers are published on the action website. This project is an attempt to go through the last WWII again.

Project-action “Our Victory. Day after Day” became the winner in the “Special Media Project” category in the Second All-Russian website competition “Defenders of the Fatherland.”

The site’s companion is the pobeda_ru community [in the international interactive communication system], which was one of the winners of the international competition “The BOBs-Best Of The Blogs” (“Deutsche Welle”) in the “Best Topic” category. There is also a German project partner 60 Jahre Kriegsende.

The German partner's website is also dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory. It was created with the support of the German Internet newspaper, it talks about news in Russia, as well as about the Russian community in Germany, radio “Echo of Moscow” and RIA Novosti. This project is also aimed at memories of the war, asks to send family stories related to the war, imprisonment in camps, stories of Russian families affected by fascism.

Initially, the RIA Novosti “St. George Ribbon” event was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory. It was planned as a one-time event. In 2005, the agency’s journalists pitched in and ordered the first ribbons with their own money, and volunteers from the Moscow “Student Community” took to the streets of the capital, on highways, in subway passages and began handing them out to passers-by. Only 500 thousand St. George ribbons were distributed in Moscow. But unexpectedly for the organizers themselves, starting from May 7, all the announcers of the central television channels began to go on air with two-color ribbons on their chests. Ribbons suddenly connected people of different generations, political views and social strata. They could be seen on the backpack of a student or schoolboy, the lapel of a grandmother’s worn coat, on the antenna of a cool jeep and a modest Lada, on a fashionable girl’s handbag and on the Gucci suit of a successful businessman. As RIA Novosti editor-in-chief Svetlana Mironyuk said, the action was a success and it is growing because it coincided with people’s expectations.

The action had many slogans: “Grandfather’s Victory is my Victory,” “Tie it up.” If you remember!”, “I remember! I’m proud!”, “We are the heirs of the Great Victory!” and others. The ribbon has become an attribute of special events, traditional meetings with veterans in schools in the capital, and holiday celebrations in many cities of the Russian Federation. The action was “blessed” by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but its participants were, first of all, young people.

After the action received wide dissemination and active support from the population, the St. George Ribbon Code was formed:

1. The “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign is non-commercial and non-political.

2. The purpose of the action is to create a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

4. “St. George’s Ribbon” is not a heraldic symbol. This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon.

5. The use of original St. George’s or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.

6. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be an object of purchase and sale.

7. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be used to promote goods and services. The use of tape as an accompanying product or element of product packaging is not allowed.

8. “St. George’s Ribbon” is distributed free of charge. It is not permitted to issue a ribbon to a visitor to a retail establishment in exchange for a purchase.

9. The use of the “St. George Ribbon” for political purposes by any parties or movements is not permitted.

10. “St. George’s Ribbon” has one or two inscriptions: “” and the name of the city/state where the ribbon was produced. Other inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.

The symbol of the action “St. George's Ribbon” was not chosen by chance. The St. George Ribbon is an attribute of many military awards of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia, characterized as a special insignia. The black and orange colors of the St. George Ribbon mean “smoke and flame” and have become a symbol of military valor and glory in Russia.

The St. George Ribbon originally appeared with the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, the highest military award of the Russian Empire. This order was established by Empress Catherine II in 1769 to honor officers for their services on the battlefield. He had four degrees of distinction.

During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, on November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory was established in three degrees, of which the highest I degree is gold, and II and III are silver.
These orders were issued for personal feat on the battlefield, issued in strict order - from lowest to highest degree.

The St. George ribbon adorns the medal blocks “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 9, 1945. The medal was awarded to military personnel who took direct part in the war fronts.

The St. George Ribbon is part of the “Order of St. George” - the highest military award of the Russian Federation, which is awarded to senior and senior officers for conducting combat operations during an attack by an external enemy.

In addition, the St. George Ribbon is also present on other military orders, medals, standards and banners.

For the fifth year now, the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign has been held with the support of the Moscow Public Relations Committee. Over the years, many companies, media and Internet resources have joined the campaign. Appendix No. 1 and No. 2 contain an affiliate offer and options for banners posted on the Internet on various sites already taking part in the promotion. By taking part in the campaign, companies position themselves as socially responsible. Such an image is not unimportant in modern market relations and social conditions.

In 2006, on the initiative of the Internet publication From-UA and the Slavic World Center, the St. George's Ribbon campaign was held for the first time in Ukraine.

In 2007, the symbol of Victory Day, as the St. George Ribbon is now called, was delivered to the International Space Station. At the same time, the action was blessed by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. In the same year, the event was held for the first time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, organized by the Internet portal

In 2008, users of some Internet sites were offered to use the St. George's Ribbon as an avatar (a picture or photograph in the user's profile) or a picture in their signature. For example, in the social network “VKontakte” a design was specially developed for Victory Day, where the top line with the network title was decorated with a St. George’s ribbon.

That same year, in a number of cities, the organizers of the action went beyond the usual format. During the Campaign, not only ribbons were distributed, but also special educational and charitable events were held. In Moscow, on the eve of the start of the “St. George Ribbon 2008” campaign, a special screening of the film “We are from the Future” was held for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and students of Moscow universities. The St. George's Ribbon war film festival was held for the first time in Moscow.

In February 2009, a photo exhibition was held dedicated to the history of the most massive patriotic popular action in the history of modern Russia.

The idea of ​​creating a symbol of celebration, memory and respect for veterans, thus, turned out to be in high demand by society. Much to the surprise of the organizers themselves, the event, initially planned only for the capital region, significantly expanded its geography thanks to enthusiasts from other Russian cities.

Over the four years of the campaign, more than 45 million ribbons have been distributed worldwide. In 2008, almost all regions of Russia took part in the action. In Karachay-Cherkessia, about one and a half million St. George ribbons were distributed. 20 thousand tapes were distributed in North Ossetia. In Komi, a record number of St. George ribbons were distributed for the republic - over 400 thousand. More than 1.8 million St. George ribbons were made and distributed in St. Petersburg.

Among the countries of near and far abroad that became the most active participants are Greece, where more than 20 thousand ribbons were distributed, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Latvia, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Moldova (Transnistria), Iceland, Great Britain, USA , China, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Mexico.

In 2009, St. George's ribbons were distributed in more than 30 countries around the world.

After such massive support and participation in the action, one of the goals was to draw attention to the problems of veterans. Therefore, the official website contains contacts and bank details of hospitals for war veterans in the regions of Russia, indicating the necessary equipment and its estimated cost. Anyone can provide all possible assistance to hospitals.

In general, the idea of ​​​​using ribbons of different colors as a sign of public attitude or drawing attention to a particular problem is not new. In England, on the eve of Remembrance Day, stylized poppies are distributed everywhere, in Canada - carnations. Not for free, for money - whoever will give how much, and the proceeds go to help veterans.

In 2001, the White Ribbon campaign was held in Canada. More than 100,000 people tied its symbol - white ribbons - on their clothes in order to draw attention to violence in families, the formation of a negative attitude towards the facts of its manifestation and the organization of counteraction to violence in society. The action is repeated every year from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) and lasts for one or two weeks. In Russia, the campaign has been held in the Vologda region since 2006.

On January 18, 2009, the “Leningrad Victory Ribbon” campaign launched in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the final lifting of the siege of Leningrad. This ribbon repeats the ribbon of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. According to the idea of ​​the Government of St. Petersburg, the ribbon will be distributed on January 26 and 27 on the streets of the city.

In the spring of 2009, the “Red Ribbon” campaign was also held in St. Petersburg, the purpose of which was to draw attention to the problems of people infected with HIV and people with AIDS.