Biography for resume. Difference between resume and autobiography. The optimal plan for how to write an autobiography correctly

An example of an autobiography will be useful to any person, because it is not necessary to write it every day, but even a schoolchild must be able to draw it up. This document must still be drawn up taking into account the general requirements for writing business letters.

An example of an autobiography for a job will, of course, differ from this document written by a student, but the structure will be very similar.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a person’s narrative about significant events in his life in chronological order. Most often, it is compiled by a candidate for a specific position, but the presence of this document is sometimes necessary for admission to a university.

Autobiography structure

1.The title of the document itself is in the top center.


Since you already know how to write an autobiography, examples of which are given above, let's look at a sample resume for a person with no work experience.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 08/11/1997.

Vladivostok city.

Phone: +7 423 245 77 42.

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: assistant manager, trainee.

Expected salary: 12,000 rubles.


Basic education: incomplete higher education.

Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Management, 2014-2017.

Years of study: from 2014 to present.

4th year student.

From October 2015 to April 2016, she was engaged in career guidance work. Responsibilities included: visiting schools in the city and region, participating in scientific conferences and competitions, preparing advertising projects, conducting lectures, conversations and trainings.

Personal skills

I am a confident PC user and have a high level of knowledge of computer programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point. I have experience working with 1C programs.

I have a good command of modern technology: I can reinstall operating systems, I know how to connect various equipment and work with software.

Decent, sociable, honest, easy to learn. A great desire to work.

Marital status: not married, no children.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English (spoken), French and German (with dictionary).

In this article we looked at samples of autobiographies for work, examples were given above. Let's learn tips that will help you create this document more easily and correctly.

1. Although an autobiography is more detailed than a resume, it should not be too long and poetic; 1-2 pages will be enough. Long autobiographies are perceived more negatively by employers and characterize a job applicant as an unserious worker.

2. Information must be presented in a business style.

4. All information must be truthful. A lie will sooner or later be revealed and will not have the best effect on your reputation.

5. If you worked unofficially for some period of time, but your employer does not mind you describing this experience in your autobiography, then you should not remain silent about it.

6. If you do not have work experience, but have the skills required for this position (language proficiency, knowledge of computer technology, organizational skills, etc.), be sure to indicate them.

What you should not include in your autobiography

2. Do not indicate in the document or talk about your religion at the interview.

4. Don't talk about your hobby. If you are a master of the art of hand-made work, then you need to indicate this only if your future work will be directly related to it.

5. For security reasons, you cannot mention the passport number and series, identification code, etc.

6. You should not talk about your health status, height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

Autobiography was known back in antiquity. It arose in parallel with the concept of personality and the awareness of the ability to reflect.

Despite the fact that the document sets out the facts, it more demonstrates the author’s subjective attitude towards himself.

Adequate self-esteem and the ability to present oneself beautifully can indicate the candidate’s prospects for the position and his determination.

Often, when applying for a job, an employee is asked to provide an unusual document for many applicants - an autobiography. To guarantee yourself a position, you need to draw up this document correctly, following certain rules.

What is an autobiography

As part of modern office work, such a document is provided by the employee or job applicant in person.

In general, it is a specific document, which in many organizations is a mandatory part of the personal file of a particular employee. Such a personal file must be compiled and kept in the personnel department of the organization.

An autobiography is an employee’s statement in one document of all the significant events that happened in his life.

All presentations must be written in chronological order.

  1. The document should list the main events of human activity:
  2. Labor.


Do not forget that your autobiography requires you to indicate positive events.

A HR specialist, having received such a document, can use all the data from it to determine which candidate for a vacant position is most suitable for performing job functions. In addition, a specialist can use an autobiography to create a psychological portrait of this person. This is especially true for a document that was drawn up by hand.

It is for these reasons that you need to take the preparation of such a document as seriously as possible.

The difference between an autobiography and a resume

Both documents, both the resume and the autobiography, must contain a certain list of information.

  1. For example, such information includes:
  2. Full name.
  3. Full date of birth.
  4. All education received.

All the professional experience gained.

This is why most people are perplexed why some employers distinguish between these concepts and ask to provide both of these documents at once for employment.

  1. What is the difference between these two documents: Summary
  2. is a whole list of dry facts that allow a person not only to provide general information about himself, but also to show himself as a competent specialist. Autobiography

, on the contrary, gives a person great opportunities. From it, the employer will also be able to draw a conclusion about how versatile and honest you are. It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the two documents. In such a situation, the employer will be able to conclude that a dishonest person is trying to get a job with him.

Where is an autobiography required?

An autobiography may be required in several situations:

1. Getting a job The most common case when a person is asked to write an autobiography is when applying for a job.

But in the second case, how competently this document was drawn up will directly depend on obtaining the desired position.

If the CV is not compiled correctly, the candidate may not count on getting the position. That is why, when applying for a job, you should pay special attention to it and present yourself in the most favorable light. At a new place of work, a HR specialist can learn some new information about the personality of the candidate for the position, as well as about his life. That is why you should carefully indicate your advantages, disadvantages and preferences. When writing an autobiography, it is not easy to present all the information about your life, It is also important to pay attention to how exactly this presentation of information about oneself occurs.

If there are any grammatical errors in the autobiography, this will also not characterize you in a positive way. Here, for a personnel employee, it will not matter at all what exactly is written in the text itself; the most important thing is that it contains a huge number of errors.

2. Admission to an educational institution Another option in which you need to provide an autobiography is admission to an educational institution.

At the moment, such a document is required only in a small number of educational institutions, but its popularity is growing every year. Here it is worth paying special attention to the fact that you will have to draw up such a document with a document acceptance specialist. Therefore, it would be best to roughly imagine at home what exactly you can indicate when compiling an autobiography.

Basic requirements for writing an autobiography when applying for a job

  1. Such a document must be drawn up in the first person and include the following subparagraphs:
  2. Full name, date and place of birth. All information must be provided in as much detail as possible.
  3. Next, you need to list your parents and all immediate relatives; you should also indicate their full names, dates of birth and degree of relationship.
  4. Another important point is to provide information about your work activity. Particular attention should be paid to indicating the time periods during which the work activity took place. Also at this stage you need to note all your career achievements.
  5. Next, you need to indicate your current place of work and position.
  6. After describing your work activity, you should pay attention to your marital status, as well as your place of permanent residence.
  7. The final stage is to attach your photograph after the autobiography, put your signature under it and the date of compilation of this entire document.

In addition, there is a whole list of additional information that can also be indicated in the autobiography.

Sometimes such information is required by the HR department, so you will have to indicate it in any case:

  1. Information about your spouse.
  2. Information about children, their full age and gender.
  3. Information about the place of military service.
  4. Information about whether the woman was on maternity leave and when it took place.
  5. No problems with the law.
  6. Information about achievements and awards.

When filling out, you do not need to comply with any specific standards, since there is no form for this. The most important requirement that should be observed when drawing up such a document is honesty. After all, it is important for an employer to know only truthful information about his potential employee, otherwise this could later turn into big problems for both parties.

The nuances of writing an autobiography for getting a job

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that there are no exact requirements for drawing up an autobiography. More precisely, neither legislation nor personnel procedures provide for them. Therefore, you need to compose an autobiography focusing only on a few basic nuances; for example, you can use the general rules for writing a business letter.

List of such nuances:

  1. The document should not be very voluminous. It is worth trying to be as concise as possible when drawing up an autobiography for applying for a job. The maximum length of the entire text should not exceed one or two pages of printed text. As practice shows, essays that are too long, written over several pages of printed text, will not allow the employer to create a positive impression of a potential employee. More often than not, this leads to the opposite effect.
  2. All information provided must under no circumstances contain any errors. All text should be presented in normal business style. When reading a drafted document, a human resources specialist or employer will pay attention not only to what is written in the text itself, but also to how it is all written. It is for this reason that special attention should be paid to competent speech. This will allow you to get some kind of extra points that will allow you to show yourself in a favorable light in front of a potential boss.
  3. All events that are mentioned in the compiled autobiography must be in chronological order.
  4. That is, all your thoughts must be expressed as logically as possible and in the correct sequence. Thus, in no case should you immediately write about your work activity after mentioning the kindergarten. To begin with, you should provide information about the school, as well as about your studies at a higher educational institution. If you wish, you can first tell about your entire work activity, and then begin to describe your training. All information must be reliable.

If any erroneous or misleading facts are included in the document, this may affect your ability to obtain the desired position or achieve another goal. In addition, this will not allow you to create an excellent business reputation, which is also important.

I, Sergeeva Elena Anatolyevna, was born on June 25, 1984 in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. In 1991, she was enrolled in the 1st grade of secondary school No. 123 in Moscow. In 2001, she graduated from this school with a silver medal. In the same year, she entered the Moscow State Regional University at the Faculty of Economics, majoring in “Organization Management.” In 2006 she graduated from the university and received a specialist diploma. After graduating from university, she worked as an operator at Beeline OJSC. Since August 2007, I have been working as a logistics manager at Remeer LLC. Relationship status: Single. Father, Sergeev Igor Vladimirovich, was born on June 19, 1960 in Moscow. Works as chief engineer at ZAO InzhenerEnergoProekt in Moscow. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35. Mother, Sergeeva Maria Vasilievna, was born on September 22, 1963 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. Works as chief economist at Vostokkhimvolokno LLC in Moscow. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35. Brother, Sergeev Ivan Denisovich, was born on October 29, 1987 in Moscow. Currently studying in the 5th year of Moscow State Regional University. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35. Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under trial or investigation. There are no relatives outside the CIS.

The universal rules of business etiquette associated with hiring, studying, or service require obtaining as much information as possible about the candidate for a vacant position during the first meeting. One form of study is the study of the candidate's autobiography.

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A personally written biography of a person allows you to study his positive, professionally necessary qualities, get acquainted with how a person perceives himself, what achievements he considers important and what stages of his life, in his opinion, deserve more attention.

What it is

An autobiography is a brief, free-form description of the main periods of a person’s life, which, in his opinion, are the most important both for himself and for society. It is always compiled by the candidate independently, taking into account the characteristics and requirements of the bodies for which it is compiled.

  • significant facts and periods of your life,
  • your achievements and successes,

He bears full responsibility for the personal data specified in the document, their interpretation and disclosure.

Universal rules

An autobiography, like any other document, is compiled in compliance with certain universal rules:

  • the document is written in the first person;
  • the document contains facts that can be verified;
  • personal reasoning and assessment of events are unacceptable;
  • the text must be written correctly, without logical, spelling and punctuation errors;
  • it is allowed to write the document either by hand or provide it in printed form;
  • the autobiography must be certified with a personal signature indicating the date and legible writing of the surname and initials;
  • in some cases, when a more detailed coverage of certain facts is required, additional data may be added to the autobiography;
  • The organization at whose request the document is drawn up is responsible for the disclosure of information contained in the document from the moment it is signed and submitted for consideration to the interested body.

For this document, the requirements for indicating basic general data, which can be indicated in general terms or if required by the employer’s conditions with deeper disclosure, are also mandatory.

Such data includes:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • date, month and year of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • education;
  • Military service;
  • professional activity.

Sample and example of autobiography when applying for a job

To apply for a job, as a rule, the requirement to provide an autobiography occurs infrequently, mainly when the work is associated with high responsibility or is of a specific nature, for example, managers or employees of government agencies, and special requirements are put forward for its preparation.

When applying for a job, the document is drawn up with an emphasis on professionally significant qualities and skills; it must indicate:

  • basic vocational education, periods of study, name of educational institution;
  • professional courses and advanced training courses;
  • achievements and participation in professional competitions;
  • periods of work in the main and additional specialty;
  • experience.

Example of an autobiography for applying for a job:


I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on May 1, 1980 in the city of Belgorod. After finishing 8 classes, he entered Belgorod Vocational School No. 4 with a degree in industrial equipment electrician. After graduating from college in 1997, he continued his studies at the Moscow Institute of Technology with a degree in energy and energy systems.

From 1999 to 2002, he served in military service under a contract, and upon completion of his service he completed his studies at the institute.

From 2006 to 2010, he worked as an engineer for Kolomna city electrical networks, in the maintenance area for high-voltage main lines, as a section manager, and as a department head. During his work, he studied in absentia at the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical University with a degree in energy network management.

From 2010 to 2019, he headed the planning department of the Volga Energy Company, and was directly involved in the development and construction of the Volgograd–Astrakhan main line.

I have 6 inventions in the field of electric power; a state examination of inventions in the field of renewable energy sources is currently underway.

Schoolchildren and students

Writing a document for this category is mainly associated with submitting documents for continuing education, transferring to another educational institution, or entering a university. The document focuses on the ability to master the curriculum and academic success.

When writing, special attention is paid to academic achievements and participation in regional and international educational competitions.



I, Alexandra Ivanova, was born on August 6, 1999 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Since 2005, she studied at specialized school No. 56, and during her studies she participated in city and regional competitions for young mathematicians. In 2012, she took 3rd place in the international mathematical competition in Milan (Italy).

Since 2012, she continued her studies at the Rostov State University in the field of mathematics. During her studies, she repeatedly participated in mathematical Olympiads and competitions, and since 2013 she has constantly collaborated with the Russian Mathematical Association.

In 2014, she won 1st place at the International Olympiad for Young Mathematicians in Delhi (India).

Since 2019, I have been studying in the specialty “mathematics and mathematical analysis” at the Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don.

For civil service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB

Unlike other types of autobiographical descriptions, in order to enter the service of government agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, the candidate’s autobiography must indicate as clearly and fully as possible almost all data related to education, periods of work and service.

An autobiography for admission to service in such bodies is written in accordance with the requirements of the internal orders of these bodies. General information in the document is usually not allowed, as well as the dates and periods of work activity are indicated as accurately as possible.

When drawing up the document, special attention is paid to describing achievements in professionally significant areas - sports, knowledge of foreign languages, education and experience in the army.



I, Ivanov Alexander Petrovich, Russian, citizen of the Russian Federation, was born on October 25, 1995 in the village of Mezhdurechye, Sakhalin Region of the Russian Federation, into a military family.

From 2001 to 2011, he studied at a secondary school; due to his parents moving to a new place of service, he graduated from school in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

In 2011-2012, he studied at Krasnoyarsk Vocational School No. 12, specializing in car mechanics. After graduating from Vocational School, before being drafted into the army, he worked as a mechanic for repairing cars at OJSC Krasnoyarskpastrans.

Since November 2012, he served in military service. From 2012 to 2013 in military unit 34567 as a driver-mechanic of a multi-purpose tracked tractor, and from 2013 until entering contract service in military unit 86112 as commander of the repair and restoration crew of a mobile repair shop.

From 2014 to this day, I have been performing military service under a contract as deputy commander of a repair platoon, senior sergeant.

During the period of service, I was repeatedly encouraged by the command based on the results of the training period; in 2014, the crew under my command took 2nd place among the technical support crews of the district.

In 2015, he confirmed his qualifications as a master of sports in sambo.

For adoption (guardianship)

The autobiography of candidates for adoption must be attached to the application to the guardianship authorities. The document indicates all general data about the periods of study and work. At the same time, much attention is paid to the moral qualities of candidates.

The document must indicate the absence of a criminal record. The document is supplemented with information about the family, close relatives, and children. It is also useful to point out the peculiarities of the family way of life - family traditions, hobbies.

It is important that, in addition to dry official phrases, it also reveals the human qualities of a person’s personality, the relationships between family members, the level of material wealth and, most importantly, the desire to raise a child in a family.

An autobiography for guardianship authorities should be more humane, showing the candidate’s maturity to take responsibility for the fate of another person.

Video: How to write a resume

Writing a document, as practice shows, is not only a creative process, it is also a crucial moment in which many feelings and personality traits are revealed. It is important to understand that a personally written autobiography is the first document by which a person will be judged.

The difference between an CV and a resume is something you need to understand before you apply for a job.

Difference between autobiography and resume

  • An autobiography is a biography of a person, which he himself compiled in the form of a document that is an integral part of his personal file. An autobiography can be used to compile a psychological profile of an employee, study his life path and personal qualities.
  • A resume is a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other relevant information, usually required when considering a person for employment.
  • Autobiographies contain more detail than resumes.
  • Resumes and curriculum vitae usually vary in length (CVs can even exceed 10 pages, but resumes should be limited to strictly relevant information that will help you get the job).

Autobiography and resume: definitions

  • « is a whole list of dry facts that allow a person not only to provide general information about himself, but also to show himself as a competent specialist."("CV" or curriculum vitae Latin for "course of life") is a detailed description of all your professional activities to date, and you should provide as much information as possible so that the employer has a complete picture of your activities. In your autobiography, you can indicate the exact names of the courses you took while obtaining your degree, all your publications, and describe in detail specific projects and results.
  • What is the difference between these two documents:(from the French “to summarize”) is a more concise and concise description of your professional activities, especially when it comes to the position for which you are applying. A resume is designed to give employers a quick overview of your abilities. You need to stand out by including everything in your resume that he wants to read and leaving out information that he isn't interested in.

The task of writing an autobiography or resume is not often faced by a working person, but it is better to know how this is done? How and what information should I include in such a document?

Meanwhile, there are very specific rules for writing and graphically designing an autobiography/resume. After all, the main goal of such a document is not at all to demonstrate the life achievements of a particular person. You need to be able to show your professionalism, talk about your experience and existing opportunities. From such a document, a potential employer should learn about the previous career growth of a possible employee, as well as how well the specialist matches the existing vacancy. And this is exactly what you need to strive for when compiling your own work autobiography.

Table of contents:

Writing an autobiography: basic rules

There are no strict, down to the letter, requirements for writing a resume and autobiography. But it is important to know the general rules for drawing up documents. After all, they belong to the category of business papers, which means there are points that must be reflected in the text.

The following requirements apply to any official autobiography:

  1. It should be short and concise. No one will study “treatises” of several pages - such a summary will simply be rejected. The optimal size of such a document is 1 sheet of A4 format.
  2. The style of the autobiography must be businesslike, without lyrical details. In addition, it is unacceptable to make spelling, punctuation and other errors in such a document. You can even send it to a professional proofreader for proofreading if you have no hope of your own knowledge of the Russian language.
  3. Chronological order in the presentation of biographical events. Plus a logical description. Such a document will definitely make the right impression on the employer.
  4. The veracity of the data and information provided. If a fact is not confirmed during verification, this can cause a serious blow to the business image of the applicant. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired position.

Autobiography sample

To make the solution to the task of writing an autobiography clearer, you can familiarize yourself with a standard example of such a document:


The layout of the paper is obvious. But, naturally, the information is specified for each specific case.

When compiling an autobiography for a young man who has not yet accumulated enough work experience, the emphasis should be on academic achievements, as well as possibly on some additional skills and abilities.

For example, you can report on classes in specialized clubs, graduation from an art or music school, or sports success. Important:

A special point in the autobiography is the reason for changing the previous job. Sometimes this point is overlooked, but some prefer to immediately state the reasons. In this matter you should be concise and truthful. Briefly and clearly state only the essence. If you had to quit because of a conflict with your superiors, you should not denigrate the previous management

. This always makes a negative impression. If a potential employer wants to clarify a point during an interview, you can explain the situation to him in words. Again, briefly, without savoring the details, without dwelling on the injustice or incompetence of former bosses. You can indicate that you had to quit your previous job “due to changes in working conditions.”

We can talk about changing the schedule, or increasing the workload, or an inappropriate moral climate in the team, or expanding job responsibilities, or canceling some benefits - yes, about anything.

But leaving for the notorious “family reasons” (even if they were the reason) should not be indicated. After all, a job applicant came to a new job with the same “circumstances,” and this may adversely affect the decision of the new employer.

What should a student include in his autobiography?

It also makes sense for a student to write in his autobiography that studying is easy for him, and he takes the educational process seriously and with interest. Also inform that the specialty he is receiving is not accidental, the choice was made consciously, and the student intends to do interesting work throughout his entire working life. This always makes an impression on an employer looking for a specialist for a specialized, including highly specialized vacancy. By the way, many managers prefer to take on students, even without experience, but with healthy professional ambitions.

How to write a resume when applying for a job?

What information should an employee applying for a specific vacancy and trying to write their own biography for a potential employer know about a resume? A resume is not too different from an autobiography.. You can take a look at a sample document that allows you to get a real idea of ​​how to write a resume:

Resume structure:

  1. Full Name.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Contact information (address, telephone, email).
  4. The goal is the position for which you are applying.
  5. Experience and professional skills (sometimes it is recommended to move this section to the very end of the resume).
  6. Education, including additional education. Note: all places of work and study are filled in in “reverse order”: at the bottom is the older data, at the top is the new one.
  7. Experience. Note: These two points can be swapped, for example:

You can present your resume as a table:

If a person is looking for a job, he will certainly encounter requirements for a resume. And somewhere it will be written that an autobiography is needed. The applicant will certainly have a question: what is the difference between these two documents?

There are still some differences between a resume and an autobiography. For example, a resume does not require information about family and immediate relatives, while an autobiography implies the presence of such information.

In addition, there should be a photo in the upper left corner on the first page of the resume - made on a neutral background, of a certain size. Existing office standards require the applicant to be photographed in business clothes, with a strict hairstyle and a serious expression on his face (ladies are also recommended to be photographed with daytime makeup and without flashy, provocative jewelry).

In your resume, you can make references to characteristics from previous jobs (if they exist, of course, and, of course, they are positive). Better yet, attach letters of recommendation (in some companies they play a decisive role in hiring for a number of vacancies - teacher, tutor, service personnel, etc.). Such documents will tell a potential employer a lot about the applicant. Moreover, the information will be received, as they say, “first-hand.”