Lawyer Semenyako Evgeniy Vasilievich receives at the address. Semenyako Evgeniy Vasilievich. The best lawyers in Russia. The FPA Council demands an increase in wages

Honored Lawyer of Russia. Candidate of Legal Sciences. Head of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers. Awarded the Gold Medal. F. N. Plevako.

Evgeniy Vasilievich was born in the Krasnodar region in 1947. After receiving secondary education, he worked as a turner, then as a fitter. At the same time, he studied at the Krasnodar branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute. After studying for 2 years, he transferred to Leningrad State University, from which he received a diploma with honors in 1971. Almost immediately he began practicing law. The only break in his legal career was from 1977 to 1982, when Evgeniy Vasilyevich worked in the Leningrad City Court.

From his first days in the legal profession, he began to specialize in criminal cases. Considerable credit for this belongs to B.V. Bril, an outstanding master of criminal justice, who became a real teacher for Evgeniy Vasilyevich and did a lot for the development of a young lawyer. Evgeniy Vasilyevich never regretted his choice. To this day, he sincerely believes that criminal proceedings are much more intense and interesting than civil trials, because they affect those things and circumstances that are most significant for a person.

Bookworm and theatergoer. A jack of all trades: he does all the woodwork at his parents’ house in the Leningrad region. Good friend.

Case from practice

In the early 90s, the arrest of members of a Leningrad criminal group caused a lot of noise. At the Congress of People's Deputies, this event was presented as an unconditional victory for the internal affairs bodies.

The defense of one of the suspects during the preliminary investigation was carried out by Evgeniy Vasilyevich. This suspect turned out to be Vladislav Karpichev, who in the eyes of investigators and media workers looked like a typical representative of criminal authorities, the leader of the underworld.

While the preliminary investigation was ongoing, Karpichev was in a pre-trial detention center, but at some point his period of detention came to an end. To further keep Vladislav behind bars without permission to extend the suspect’s detention, the investigation decided to initiate the process of familiarizing itself with the case materials. According to the laws of that time, this procedure was not included in the term of imprisonment.

Having assessed the current situation from the standpoint of procedural legislation, Evgeniy Vasilyevich demanded that the investigators provide him with a protocol for presenting the case materials for review, a schedule and everything else that is required by law. The lawyer sent a corresponding petition before the end of Karpichev’s stay in custody.

The decision to reject Evgeniy Vasilyevich’s petition was sent after the end of this period. This means that, in fact, investigative actions were carried out when this could no longer be done. There were other signs that the investigation was not really over yet. Their lawyer regarded them as ignoring the provisions of the procedural law and took measures to appeal the actions of the investigation in court. This was only possible the 4th time. The court found that there were no grounds for further detention of Karpichev, as well as a number of gross violations. As a result, the detainee was released.

However, even such an experienced lawyer as Evgeniy Vasilyevich could not foresee the further development of events. Just 2 days after his release, Karpichev was again detained and imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center. This was done by decision of the city’s deputy prosecutor, who motivated his decision by the fact that Karpichev allegedly poses an increased danger to society and, while free, could again begin to lead a criminal lifestyle. In fact, the impossible happened: the prosecutor overturned the verdict of a higher authority. Of course, Evgeniy Vasilyevich could not come to terms with the unconstitutional decision of the prosecutor.

In the end, Karpichev was again free, and the Prosecutor General received a private ruling, which indicated that the actions against Karpichev were illegal and appropriate measures should be taken against those responsible for this.

Evgeniy Vasilyevich’s client came to the trial of a criminal group on his own, and came out a completely acquitted man. The court considered that the investigation made a mistake in relation to Karpichev and some other actors, and they were illegally brought to criminal liability.

This was the ending of another “lost cause,” of which he encountered many during Evgeniy Vasilyevich’s practical activities.

Evgeniy Vasilievich Semenyako
Year of birth - 1947

  • assistant professor
  • Doctor of Law
  • City: St. Petersburg; Moscow
  • Coordinates:
    Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation
    Bar Association of St. Petersburg
    Chairman of the Qualification Commission of the St. Petersburg Bar Association
    St. Petersburg City Bar Association. Department of Advocacy
    professor of the department
    Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat
    President of the Academy
    St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Arbitration court
    Judge of the Arbitration Court at the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    Association of Lawyers of Russia. Presidium
    Member of the Presidium of the Russian Lawyers Association promptly:

    Born in 1947 in the village of Varenikovskaya, Krasnodar Territory. After graduating from school, he worked as a turner and assembly mechanic at a factory, combining work with studies at the Krasnodar branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute. After the second year, he transferred to the full-time department of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, from which he graduated with honors in 1971. In the same year he entered the legal profession. From 1977 to 1982 he was a member of the Leningrad City Court, but chose to return to the profession of a defense lawyer. Since 1988 - member of the presidium of the Leningrad Bar Association. Since 1991 - Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg City Bar Association. In 2007, the International Certification Council of the European Association of Scientific Institutes awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Law. Since 2002 - President of the St. Petersburg Bar Association. Since 2003 - President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat named after. F.N. Spit. Chairman of the Commission on Bar and Notary Issues of the Russian Lawyers Association. Awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree, the Order “For Fidelity to Advocate Duty”, the Gold Medal named after F.N. Plevako, medal “200 years of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”, laureate of the Higher Legal Prize “Themis”.

    Data source: organization website

    Semenyako Evgeniy Vasilievich

    First Vice-President of the FPA RF

    Born November 8, 1947
    In 1971 he graduated from Leningrad State University. Zhdanov. In the same year he entered the legal profession.
    From 1977 to 1983 was a member of the Leningrad City Court.
    Since 1983, again at the bar.
    Since 1988 – member of the presidium of the Leningrad Bar Association.
    Since 1991 – Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg City Bar Association.
    Since 1997 – Candidate of Legal Sciences.
    In 2007, the International Certification Council of the European Association of Scientific Institutes awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Law.
    Since 2002 – President of the St. Petersburg Bar Association.
    2003 – President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation.
    President of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat named after. F.N. Spit. Chairman of the Commission on Bar and Notary Issues of the Russian Lawyers Association.
    Awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree, the Order “For Fidelity to Advocate Duty”, the Gold Medal named after F.N. Plevako, medal “200 years of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”, laureate of the Higher Legal Prize “Themis”.

    Grib Vladislav Valerievich

    Vice-President of the FPA RF, lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association, Doctor of Law, professor, editor-in-chief of the Publishing Group "Lawyer", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Man and the Law", member of the Public Chamber of Russia, member of the Presidium of the Russian Lawyers' Association.

    Born on May 16, 1972 in Uman, Cherkasy region.
    In 1996 he graduated from the International Law Faculty of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
    1993 – initiated the creation of the all-Russian public organization “Youth Union of Lawyers of Russia” and became its President.
    Since 1993, founder and editor-in-chief of the federal magazine "Lawyer", and since 1997 - of the publishing group "Lawyer".
    In March 2000, at the Founding Congress of the all-Russian public association “Russian Union of Lawyers”, he was unanimously elected vice-president and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union.
    In 2005 he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and in 2007 he was re-elected again.
    Since December 2005, member of the Presidium of the Russian Lawyers' Association, deputy chairman of the Board of the Russian Lawyers' Association.
    Since 2007 – editor-in-chief of the magazine “Man and Law”.
    Since 2011 - member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
    In January 2012, he was elected deputy secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
    Member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, scientific advisory, expert and public councils of a number of organizations.
    He was awarded the medal “For Diligence, II Degree” by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “Medal A.F. Horses”, medals for the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the badge of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Honorary Youth Worker” and a number of others.

    Volodina Svetlana Igorevna

    Associate Professor Moscow State Law Academy, Director of the Institute of Advocacy
    Born on October 16, 1961 in Moscow.
    In 1983, she graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law and became a trainee and then a lawyer at the Moscow Regional Bar Association (MOKA).
    Since 1990 – Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law of the Moscow State Law Academy
    Since 1997 – member of the IOCA Qualification Commission.
    Since 1998 – Deputy Head of the Department of Advocacy and Notariat of the Moscow State Law Academy.
    Since 2002 – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Moscow State Law Academy.
    Since 2003 – Associate Professor of the Department of Advocacy and Notariat of the Moscow State Law Academy, Vice-Rector of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat.
    Since 2008 – Director of the Institute of Advocacy.
    Honorary Lawyer of Russia, Honored Lawyer of Moscow, awarded the silver medal by F.N. Plevako. and the Order of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of Russia "For Fidelity to Advocate's Duty"

    Reznik Henry Markovich

    President of the Moscow Bar Association,
    Vice President of the FPA RF
    Born on May 11, 1938 in Leningrad.
    In 1962 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh State University. Since the same year, he has been an investigator at the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan.
    Candidate of Legal Sciences.
    Since 1966 – investigator for particularly important cases.
    In 1969, he completed full-time graduate school at the All-Union Institute for the Study of the Causes and Development of Crime Prevention Measures of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, and remained to work at the same institute as a research assistant.
    From 1982 to 1985 - head of the research laboratory of the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Justice Workers (now the Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation).
    Since 1985 - lawyer at the Moscow City Bar Association.
    In 1989-1991 - Headed the Research Institute of Advocacy of the USSR Union of Lawyers.
    From 1997 to 2002 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow City Bar Association.
    Since 2002 – President of the Moscow Bar Association.
    Since 2005 – member of the Council of the FPA of the Russian Federation.
    Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
    Awarded the Gold Medal named after F.N. Plevako, Badge of Honor "Public Recognition".
    Vice-President of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia.
    Vice-President of the International Union (Commonwealth) of Lawyers.
    Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

    Galoganov Alexey Pavlovich

    Vice-President of the FPA RF, President of the Moscow Region Bar Association
    Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation

    In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
    Candidate of Legal Sciences.

    Since 1979, trainee at the Moscow Regional Bar Association.
    From 1980 to 1983 – lawyer at the Kolomez Legal Consultation Office of the Moscow Olympic Committee.
    From 1983 to 1985 – lawyer at the Voskresensk Legal Consultation Office of the MOCA.
    From 1985 to 1986 – lawyer at the Ramenskaya legal consultation office of MOKA.
    In 1986 - 1988 - head of the Voskresensk legal consultation, member of the Presidium of the Moscow Regional Bar Association.
    Since 1988 - Chairman of the ICA Presidium.
    In 1994 and 1999 he was elected president of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia.
    Since 2002 – President of the Moscow Region Chamber of Lawyers.
    Since 2003 - member of the FPA Council.
    One of the initiators of the creation of the Union of Lawyers of the USSR, the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia (FSAR). President of the FSAR.
    Awarded the medal “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, the medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II degree, the medal “200 years of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”, the Gold Medal named after. F.N. Spit. Honorary lawyer of Russia. First Honorary Citizen of the Pogarsky District of the Bryansk Region.

    Sharov Gennady Konstantinovich

    Vice-President of the FPA RF, lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association

    Born October 25, 1949
    In 1968 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation College, in 1976 – from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute.
    Candidate of Legal Sciences.
    Began working in 1967.
    Since 1975 – senior legal adviser at the USSR Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
    Since 1976 - lawyer at the Moscow City Bar Association (MGCA).
    Since 1986 – head of legal consultation No. 11 of the Moscow State Civil Aviation Authority.
    Since 2003 – director of the law firm “Sanktalex”.
    From 1998 to the present – ​​member of the presidium of the Moscow State Academic Academy.
    Vice-President of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia and the International Union (Commonwealth) of Lawyers.
    Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR), arbitrator of the Arbitration Commission at the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX).
    He was awarded the medals “Veteran of Labor”, “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, “Anatoly Koni”, “200th Anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”, the Order “For Loyalty to Advocate Duty”, the Gold Medal named after. F.N. Plevako, Gold Medal of the Italian Bar, Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree.

    Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, Former President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, President of the St. Petersburg Bar Association, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Bar Association


    St. Petersburg became the main lawyer

    The first All-Russian Congress of Lawyers took place in Moscow last Friday. In accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Advocacy and the Bar,” the delegates established the Federal Chamber of Lawyers and adopted the Code of Professional Ethics proposed by the organizing committee as a basis. The Chairman of the Chamber of Lawyers of St. Petersburg, Evgeny Semenyako, became the President of the FPA RF.

    The head of the FAP calls on lawyers to defend the rights of citizens for free.

    President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Evgeny Semenyako sent a letter to the presidents of the bar chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a proposal to ensure effective protection of the rights of bona fide users of land plots, the FPA press service reported.
    link: 17/

    Yesterday in St. Petersburg, the President of the Federal Bar Chamber (FAP) of Russia, Evgeny Semenyako, announced the need to adjust the federal legislation on the legal profession. According to him, the legal community intends to seek from legislators additional guarantees and immunity that will allow defense lawyers to more fully exercise the right given to them by the Criminal Procedure Code to conduct their own investigation. Having outlined a range of problems, including the unregulated mechanism for paying lawyers for “social” consultations, the FAP president said that the chamber has already prepared its proposals on all the issues mentioned and intends to submit them to the State Duma before the start of the summer Duma holidays. By the way, according to him, the Ministry of Justice is also preparing its own package of amendments to the law “On the Bar,” the essence of which is to return control over the legal community to the ministry, Kommersant-SPb reports.
    link: 259900.html

    FAP asks the Court Department to provide lawyers with work premises

    Based on the results of the monitoring, Evgeny Semenyako, the President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, sent a letter to Alexander Gusev, Director General of the Judicial Department under the RF Armed Forces. In it, Semenyako asks to take into account the chamber’s proposals in developing a program aimed at developing the judicial system of the Russian Federation.
    link: 1291

    FPA compared the earnings of lawyers, judges and investigators of the Investigative Committee, but called not to continue protests

    President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Evgeny Semenyako addressed all members of the bar corporation in connection with the holding of preventive protests by regional chambers of lawyers. The text of this document was published today on the FPA website.

    FPA Council demands higher wages

    As stated by Evgeniy Semenyako, President of the FPA Council, the legal community no longer intends to put up with the fact that for several years, representatives of government bodies have not responded to demands for increased wages for lawyers hired to defend defendants in criminal court by appointment. This situation clearly demonstrates the attitude towards the legal profession. He noted that the patience of lawyers is already at its limit, and the FAP is having difficulty restraining their colleagues from protest actions. In the current situation, there is no way to guarantee that in the future, lawyers will perform the tasks of protecting citizens in criminal court as assigned to them by the state.
    link: news.html?id=31

    Evgeniy Semenyako: you cannot demand heroism from judges

    The new president of the Federal Bar Association (FAP), EVGENY SEMENYAKO, in an interview with Kommersant columnist EKATERINA ZAPODINSKAYA, expressed the hope that his St. Petersburg origin will help him defend the interests of the Russian bar.
    - Evgeny Vasilyevich, there are legends about you that you studied at the university at the same time as President Putin and deputy head of the presidential administration Kozak...
    link: 362540

    Lawyers will be offered a standard

    President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Evgeniy Semenyako considers one of the most pressing problems in providing legal assistance to people to be the lack of uniform standards and control over unscrupulous lawyers acting outside the professional, corporate and ethical framework.

    Rossiyskaya Gazeta: Evgeniy Vasilievich, there are more and more opinions that instead of qualified legal protection, people are faced with corruption schemes and are openly deceived by unscrupulous consultants. How can we explain that the legal services market has become a criminal sphere?

    President of the Federal Bar Chamber of Russia Evgeny Semenyako announced the need to adjust the federal legislation on the legal profession

    Yesterday in St. Petersburg, the President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers (FAP) of Russia, Evgeny Semenyako, announced the need to adjust the federal legislation on the legal profession. According to him, the legal community intends to seek from legislators additional guarantees and immunity that will allow defense lawyers to more fully exercise the right given to them by the Criminal Procedure Code to conduct their own investigation.
    link: php?news=39530

    An emergency meeting of the FPA Council will be held in February in emergency mode

    The President of the FPA, Evgeniy Semenyako, still claims that lawyers are in a kind of “waiting mode,” but the unrest among them is already quite serious. The lawyers are not satisfied with the protracted process for resolving this important issue for them, therefore they intend to seriously defend their rights as specified in the current Constitution - the basic law of the Russian state. The lawyers themselves claim that it is very difficult for them to provide adequate services to their clients if the authorities estimate the cost of their work so low - it is literally pennies, especially when compared with the wages of other professions that are also involved in legal proceedings.
    link: v-fevrale-sostoitsya- chrezvychajnoe-zasedanie- soveta-fpa-v-chrezvychajnom- rezhime.php

    Evgeniy Semenyako was elected President of the Federal Bar Chamber

    Evgeniy Semenyako was elected President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers. BPI was informed about this by the Center for Public Relations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
    link: html?id=5618

    President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation Evgeny Semenyako and President of the Moscow Bar Chamber Henry Reznik will visit Ulyanovsk

    During the event, a round table will be held with the participation of the President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation Evgeny Semenyako, the President of the Moscow Bar Association Henry Reznik, as well as heads of legal organizations from various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of Russia since 2003; born September 21, 1947 in the village of Varenikovskaya, Krasnodar Territory; graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University in 1971, Candidate of Legal Sciences; He began his career as a turner, worked as a fitter at a factory, combining work with study at the Krasnodar branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute; after the second year, he transferred to the full-time department of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University; 1971-1978 - lawyer of the Leningrad City Bar Association; 1978-1982 - member of the Leningrad City Court; in 1983 he returned to the profession of lawyer; specializes in criminal law; Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg City Bar Association; at the All-Russian Congress of Lawyers, which established the Federal Chamber of Lawyers on January 31, 2003, he was elected its president; Vice-President of the International Union of Lawyers; previously elected member of the executive committee of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, first vice-president of the Guild of Russian Lawyers; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation; awarded the Gold Medal. F. N. Plevako; married, has a son; loves literature on history, memoirs, detective stories.

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    ANICHKOV Evgeniy Vasilievich 2(14).1.1866 – 22.10.1937Critic, literary historian, folklorist, prose writer. Books “Literary images and opinions” (St. Petersburg, 1904), “Art and the socialist system” (St. Petersburg, 1906), “Forerunners and contemporaries in the West and here” (vol. 1–2, St. Petersburg, 1910), "Paganism and Ancient

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