6 tarot coins meaning in relationships. Six of Pentacles: meaning and interpretation

The meaning of the 6 Pentacles Tarot is our topic today. Like other Arcana of the Denarius suit, this card is, of course, associated primarily with material success. This is also evidenced by the second name of the Arcana - the Lord of Material Prosperity. The zodiacal correspondences of the card, reflecting its essence, are Jupiter in Pisces (willingness to help), Jupiter in Leo (manifestation of generosity) and Jupiter in Aquarius (tolerance). But let's take a closer look at how we did it with the other Arcana.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

The illustration of the card in the Waite deck speaks for itself. It presents the following plot: a representative man stands next to two people sitting on their knees in front of him. Apparently, these people are asking him for help. In one hand of the benefactor there are scales that speak of justice, while with the other he pours out coins. The background features six pentacles. It immediately becomes clear that we are talking about donations, material assistance, and charity.

Key words and ideas of the card 6 Coins in the layout

  • A gift of fate
  • Charity, donation
  • Receiving a well-deserved award
  • Providing timely assistance
  • Gratitude
  • Putting things in order, balancing

Interpretation of the card in the upright position

In principle, the main meaning of the Six of Pentacles Tarot has already been described in keywords. But there are three points worth adding. Firstly, when doing fortune telling, it is important to figure out which of the characters in the card is the questioner - the one who gives the gift or the one who needs help and receives it. Secondly, it is important to understand that the action of the card is not tied to the past or future - it occurs exclusively in the present, here and now, i.e. we are talking about the timeliness of the event. And the third nuance - Arkan speaks specifically about a sincere desire to help. This is not ostentatious generosity and generosity for the sake of raising one’s own authority - this is a sincere desire to help or thank someone. In general, in addition to the interpretations listed above, the card may indicate the opportunity to restore what has gone wrong, overcome some internal contradictions, improve the financial situation, and restore order in work affairs.

Interpretation of a card in an inverted position

The meaning of the reversed Six of Pentacles Tarot usually shows us misappropriation of income, abuse of one's social or financial position, unwise investments and other unpleasant things related to finances. The map also shows imaginary charity, internal disharmony, the feeling that we “owe something to someone,” and lack of money. Sometimes Arcanum can manifest itself as selfishness, greed and reluctance to help others.

Meaning of the card 6 of Pentacles - video

The meaning of the card when divining for love and relationships

Now let's look at the meaning of the 6 Pentacles of the Tarot in relationships. Although, you probably already guessed what the Arcanum can report when it appears in a love scenario.

Straight position

The most common meaning of the Six of Pentacles Tarot in love is mutual assistance, understanding, tolerance, dedication, and the ability to respect the opinion of your other half. Most often, people in such a union are very different, but they learn to accept with gratitude everything that a partner can give, and sincerely give something in return. Sometimes the map shows relationships in which one of the partners supports the other, but does not do it for show, but quite sincerely. Another question is whether this position does not constrain the second one - this can be judged from the neighboring cards.

Inverted position

The typical meaning of the Six of Pentacles Tarot in a relationship, if the card comes upside down, is a situation where one partner gives all the time, and the other only receives, without giving anything in return. This is the Arcanum of the wives of oligarchs who do not know how to keep the fires warm, and gigolos who sit on a woman’s neck and do not want to work. In such relationships there may be jealousy, resentment, whims, and sometimes a struggle for power within the family.

The meaning of the card when divining health issues

Now let's look at the meaning of the Six of Pentacles Tarot for the situation when we consider the health and well-being of a person.

Straight position

Excellent health, coordinated and harmonious work of all processes in the body. For sick people - successful recovery, which has already begun and is in full swing, thanks to timely treatment.

Inverted position

Poor health, associated with the fact that a person gives more than he receives (for example, he works hard without sleep and rest at hard work), or, on the contrary, does not show any activity, which is why the body simply does not burn what is unnecessary. In the second case, this can be expressed in excess weight and joint problems. Incorrect medication dosages may also be listed under the reverse card.

The meaning of the card in fortune telling on the psychological state and personality analysis

Let's see what the 6 Coins can tell us if we ask the deck about the character of a person and the state of his soul at a given moment in time.

Straight position

A broad-minded person, always ready to help those in need. He is generous, balanced, responsive, full of compassion and nobility. Such an individual will never remain in debt if someone helps him. The state of the soul is contentment with one’s position, the absence of internal contradictions, a sense of harmony.

Inverted position

Reverse meaning of 6 Tarot Coins - a greedy person who does not want to share with anyone, an egoist. You won’t get sympathy, understanding, or support from such a person. He indifferently passes by those who ask for help, and does not feel any remorse. State of mind - internal contradictions, bias towards sensual pleasures, stinginess with emotions.

The meaning of 6 Denarii in work and finance

It's time to talk about professional activities. Let's see how you can read the map in layouts for money and work.

Straight position

Successful job placement, fruitful team work, good working conditions, financial profit, bonuses, gifts, provision of timely assistance on work issues. Activities - charity, patronage, philanthropy, as well as organizing social events.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Six of Tarot in work inverted is a bad team, where everyone pulls the blanket on themselves and does not want to help colleagues, bad experience, work without return, delays in salary or its low level.

Interpretation of the 6 Coins in combination with the Major Arcana

In order to better understand the manifestations of the card, it is worth considering the combination of the Six of Pentacles of the Tarot with other Arcana. First, let's deal with the Trumps.

  • Jester: Help the orphanage
  • Mage: Magical Services
  • High Priestess: Support science
  • Empress: Help with housework
  • Emperor: Mortgage
  • Hierophant: Act of Mercy
  • Lovers: The ability to give in to each other
  • Chariot: Get a loan to buy a car
  • Strength: Replenish your strength
  • Hermit: Refusing help
  • Wheel of Fortune: Unstable financial situation
  • Fairness: Alimony, fair division of property during divorce, payment of taxes
  • Hanged Man: No Help
  • Death: Help was no longer needed
  • Moderation: Recovery, recovery
  • Devil: Black ingratitude, imaginary benefactor
  • Tower: “Add fuel to the fire”
  • Star: Give someone hope
  • Moon: Visibility of help
  • Sun: Reward
  • Court: Payments ordered by the court
  • World: Get stronger, become independent

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

We have looked at the Major Arcana, now let’s analyze the proximity of the card to the Minor Arcana.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Material support for a business, project, idea
  • Deuce: Budget Planning
  • Troika: Fruitful financial cooperation
  • Four: Meaning of 6 Denarii Tarot with 4 of Wands - Receiving a valuable gift
  • Five: Tender, bidding, auction
  • Six: Good money prospects
  • Seven: Making financial claims
  • Eight: Quick cash assistance, microloan
  • Nine: Financial deception
  • Ten: The oppression of financial difficulties
  • Page: Good news about the allocation of money
  • Knight: Inability to manage money
  • Queen: Get what you want
  • King: Show material generosity

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: High Nobility
  • Deuce: Mutual Aid
  • Troika: A holiday organized for someone at one’s own expense
  • Four: Tired of good deeds
  • Five: Regret the money you gave
  • Six: Charity in the past
  • Seven: Invest in your dreams
  • Eight: Voluntarily give everything you have to someone
  • Nine: Become a sponsor
  • Ten: Be generous to your loved ones
  • Page: Desire to take part in a charity event
  • Knight: Spiritual Generosity
  • Queen: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • King: Stable investments in a good cause

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Dial the required amount
  • Two: Fight for high ideals
  • Three: Meaning of Six of Pentacles with Three of Swords - Someone took advantage of your generosity for personal gain
  • Four: Well-deserved rest
  • Five: Your generosity backfired on you
  • Six: Go in search of finances
  • Seven: Imaginary sincerity, hypocrisy
  • Eight: Be bound by obligations
  • Nine: Worry about money given away
  • Ten: Vain sacrifices
  • Page: A questionable way to invest capital
  • Knight: Give someone money without thinking twice
  • Queen: Financial patronage, sponsorship
  • King: A just man with authority

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Earn a reputation as an honest, fair person
  • Two: Good news about money received or given
  • Troika: Help others with your talent
  • Four: Greed
  • Five: Give your last penny, help the homeless
  • Seven: Wait until the given capital is returned
  • Eight: Work in the field of charity
  • Nine: Wealthy person involved in charity work
  • Ten: Tarot Combination Ten of Pentacles - Six of Pentacles - Willingness to share everything you have with loved ones
  • Page: Training to work in a charitable foundation or non-profit organization
  • Knight: Generously share everything you earn yourself
  • Queen: Generous, wealthy woman
  • King: The person on whom the receipt of funds depends

Be generous and considerate of others. Don't pass by those who are in trouble. Remember that any good deed will definitely come back to you in full.

What does the card warn about?

Callousness of soul is one of the most terrible human vices. If you don’t know how to thank someone from the bottom of your heart or help, although you have the opportunity, no one will come to your aid at the most difficult moment in life. Remember the instructive example of Scrooge from Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol!

Questions answered by 6 Coins

  • Do you know how to sincerely thank others?
  • Are they able to indifferently pass by someone who needs help, be it a person or an animal?
  • How often do you remind people of their duty to you?
  • How do you feel about the activities of charitable organizations?

This is such an interesting card - Six Denarii. This Arcanum addresses very important human qualities, such as generosity, kindness, empathy, and the ability to provide support.

In the center of the 6 of Pentacles card is a rich merchant in a bright red robe. The left hand is occupied with scales for weighing money; with the right hand, the merchant distributes coins to the needy poor. In the lower left corner a woman in yellow clothes sits on her knees, in the lower right corner there is a young man in a blue robe. At the top of the card, six coins with the image of a pentacle float in the sky.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: extravagance, generosity. Harmonization of the situation. Complacency and pride. Financing. Balanced situation, financial stability. Success and achievements. Help and mercy, kindness. Help someone. Return of investment. Gifts and chances from fate. Favorable opportunities that come from above. Goodwill. Kind soul. For your efforts you will receive more than your fair share. Stability in the material sphere. Ability to pay your bills. Insight.

A favorable sign, a symbol of a period of prosperity, wealth and prosperity. The person is generous and can show generosity to people in need. Your past problems have been resolved, but no new cases have arisen yet.

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Ahead of the fortuneteller are financial successes, abundance, stabilization of the situation, spiritual harmony, a comfortable state and balance.

Participation in charity events, giving alms and patronizing someone. But you shouldn’t put aside the possibility of helping you. You can count on free help, promotion or favorable conditions to achieve what you want.

They can give you gifts and provide assistance. Treat such actions with gratitude. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you really need it.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: extravagance. Negligence, debts, loans. Losses and damages. Fraudsters, deception, bribes, money fraud. Envious people, jealousy. Greed, theft. The illusory nature of the situation. Reluctance to share. Imbalance. Loss of funding. Loss of sponsor. Conflicts, quarrels, difficult relationships. Recklessness. Abuse, injustice, self-interest, envy. Some people feel left out. The desire to exist at the expense of others. Inability to give and share. Disharmony, anxiety, leaving the comfort zone. Fraud, substitution of concepts.

The reversed position is the other side of generosity, namely extravagance and senseless spending. Your carelessness and inability to handle money will lead to large losses and losses. Ill-considered loans and debts.

You spend money thoughtlessly and risk your finances. Because of your carelessness, you can fall into the power of scammers and become a victim of deception. They envy you and intrigue you.

You may have questionable income:

  • Someone will offer you a bribe
  • A gift that requires reciprocal attention.

Unfavorable financial or business situation. You receive something, but it is not regarded as a gift, but as an imposition of a responsibility to do something. Questionable situation.

Your desire to help someone develops into obsession and persecution. The desire to engage in charity results in wastefulness and squandering of funds used for other purposes. Remember that everything should be in moderation. Calculate your strength and consider your finances. Help only if your help is truly needed and you can afford it without compromising your comfort and financial situation. You shouldn’t pull someone out of a hole while driving yourself into that hole.

You should not expect approval and gratitude for the work done; all this is taken for granted; your work may not be appreciated.

Advice: think about your spending, don’t risk your money. Calculate your spending and try not to spend too much, especially if the situation does not require it.

Six of Pentacles in Health

Straight position. Good health, strong immune system. Good mood. Filled with vital energy. But you should be very careful about your health. Poor nutrition and bad habits can make their own adjustments, cause harm and aggravate the situation. Don't overload yourself with work, normalize your day. You need rest.

Diseases that may occur: problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders of the nervous system.

Inverted position. In this position, the card does not indicate deterioration and does not carry negativity, just be careful and keep in mind that the recovery will be long, complications are possible. Your treatment will be expensive.

Attention: do not ignore minor colds, pay attention to the slightest ailments. Treat at the initial stage, do not advance the disease. At the same time, you should not be overly focused on your health.

Six of Pentacles in Relationships

This is a good sign. But keep in mind what role you play in the relationship. This card does not indicate equality in a partnership. One person gets more than the other.

The 6 of Pentacles may indicate a relationship in which the wife must constantly ask for money. She has a very small budget compared to men's. He enjoys fancy vacations, luxury cars and designer clothes, but she is not allowed the same luxuries.

Often the card says that 2 people are comfortable with each other in their connection. A woman feels happy taking care of her home. All her needs are met. He feels strong and responsible. This is one of the most common meanings.

Be careful who has the upper hand in the relationship. There may be some manipulations here. Real intentions are hidden.

Six of Pentacles in love also signifies an unequal love triangle.

Straight position: harmonious relationships, partners complement each other. Mutual understanding reigns in the couple; partners are united by common goals and dreams. Common interests and leisure plans. The attitude of partners towards each other is aimed at creating comfort and building strong relationships. Warmth and equal rights unite partners.

Reversed position: insolence, reluctance to build harmonious relationships. A person does not consider it necessary to invest his energy and strength into relationships. In this version, in a couple, one loves, creates comfortable conditions, and the other allows you to do everything to make him feel comfortable without any effort.

Six of Pentacles at work

Professions of the Six of Pentacles: worker in the financial sector. Maecenas. Volunteer. Charity. An employee in the social sector or a budget organization. Credit specialist, cashier. Financial pyramids and the desire for quick results and quick profits.

Straight position. Achieving the task. Career prospects. Increasing income. Interesting and exciting work. Satisfaction with your position and work. Doing what you love.

Also, the Six of Pentacles can show a change in positions in the company, the search for a more authoritative opinion, or the emergence of a new leader.

Inverted position. Your competitors are not sleeping and can intrigue you. Be more attentive to your work colleagues, they may be planning something against you. Reduced income, unfair decisions. You may lack the work experience, resources and time to achieve what you want. Review your daily routine.

Lack of funds, living from paycheck to paycheck. Needs come before finances. The desire to take out a loan or ask for a loan.

Advice: calculate your funds, learn to save and make only targeted purchases.

Six of Pentacles about the current situation

Straight position. Happy period of time. Fulfillment of desires, implementation of plans. Achieving prosperity and stability. You can enjoy your successes. But you should be careful; against the backdrop of success, pride and self-esteem can develop.

Don't lose control of yourself and your emotions. Help someone who needs your help.

Inverted position. Loss, betrayal, disappointment. Dissatisfaction with one's position. Focus and caution are required in all areas of life. If you doubt anything, don't trust it. This applies to everything: people, information, events.

You can lose your money due to your carelessness, or become the target of scammers. Perhaps someone will dare to steal your property. Encounter with a pickpocket.

Paying off debts that will cause you losses. Unrepaid debts

It is possible to be deceived by scammers, to fall into the trap of one’s inattention and absent-mindedness.

It is worth considering that the Six of Pentacles card, no matter what layout and position it appears in, always denotes an action taking place right now at a given, and sometimes a specific period of time. When the Six of Pentacles appears, you enter into some kind of magical relationship with the time of the present. Look at what is happening in a general holistic state, without analyzing it into details, and then the situation may become clearer.

Trace the paths and relationships of your integrity with the world around you, try to see this system working through time.

Remember that the following will help you in solving the problem: vigilance and prudence, a sober assessment of the situation, attention and consideration of all factors.

Keys to understanding the Six of Pentacles:

  • Help you didn't ask for. Useless actions.
  • A sense of self-importance.
  • The desire to help everyone and indiscriminately whether help is needed or not. The desire to give advice left and right.
  • Dependence on help, both for everyone and for yourself.

Questions to analyze after drawing the Six of Pentacles.

  • Who needs your help?
  • Who can you help?
  • Who can you get help from? Who can you count on in difficult times?
  • Why do you want to help someone?

Self-development from the analysis of the Six of Pentacles. How do you feel about yourself? Do you fairly evaluate your actions, can you show generosity to others. Be kinder and more reserved towards others. Never stop developing yourself, gaining new knowledge and analyzing your life experiences.

Advice: you need to pay off your debts and repay all loans. Summarize financially, clearly know your financial situation. Don't push away help if you need it, and don't refuse those who come to you. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Warning. Don't try to give or promise more than you can deliver and deliver. Calculate your strength. Don't demand more when a person is unable to give it to you. Be content with little. Don't forget about gratitude. Don’t expect specifics and strict execution of the plan; leave room for maneuvers and improvisation.

Interpretation of the Six of Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Merciful deeds.

With a magician. Help.

With the High Priestess. Mentor, teaching.

With the Empress. Miscalculation of actions.

With the Emperor. Solving your problems with borrowed funds.

With the hierophant. Self-development, teacher or mentor.

With lovers. A compromise must be made.

With a chariot. Borrowed funds.

With strength. Replenishment of vital energy, replenishment of strength.

With a hermit. Voluntary refusal of assistants. You need to go through the path yourself to gain experience.

With the wheel of fortune. Instability of position.

With justice. Income.

C hanged. Loneliness.

With death. The need for change.

With moderation. Recovery.

With the devil. Fraud.

With a tower of lightning. The situation is getting worse.

With a star. Hope for the best.

With the moon. Hiding the truth.

With the sun. Reward for work.

With the court. Assistants.

With peace. Changes for the better.

Combination of the Six of Pentacles with the Suit of Wands

With an ace. Search for a sponsor. Support.

With a deuce. Cost miscalculation. Search for an investor.

With a three. Job satisfaction, profit.

With four. Receiving finance.

With an A. Victory over competitors.

With six. Movement on the right path, success.

With seven. Quarrels on material grounds.

With eight. Debt recovery.

With nine. The game is not by the rules.

With ten. The obligations are beyond your control.

With a page. News.

With a knight Instability of financial situation, unexpected expenses.

With the Queen Implementation of plans.

With the king. Generosity.

Interpretation of the Six of Pentacles in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Success.

With a deuce. Work in a friendly team. Like-minded people.

With a three. Completion of the project. Deal.

With four. The emergence of new ideas.

With an A. Losses, damages, savings.

With six. The desire to find like-minded people.

With seven. Pride. Self-love, inflated self-esteem.

With eight. Refusing something.

With nine. Stability.

With ten. Harmony of position.

With a page. Frivolity.

With a knight. Improving your qualities and skills.

With the queen. Help.

With the king. Mentor or patron.

The combination of the Six of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Responsibility.

With a deuce. Victory.

With a three. Negative news.

With four. Giving up something.

With an A. Negative emotions, negativity.

With six. Changes.

With seven. Foul play and victory.

With eight. Confusion.

With nine. Unnecessary spending.

With ten. Loss of stability.

With a page. Newbie.

With a knight. Achieving stability.

With the queen. Gaining life experience.

Interpretation of the Six of Pentacles in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Income.

With a deuce. Financial well-being is lost.

With a three. Profitable proposition.

With four. Stinginess, inability to handle money.

With an A. Debts, outstanding loans, bankruptcy.

With seven. Miscalculation of actions. Plans.

With eight. Uniformity of position.

With nine. There is an opportunity to achieve success.

With ten. Easy Money.

With a page. Revealing something new.

With a knight. Profession training, gaining experience.

With the queen. Competition.

With the king. Help from influential people.

In classical systems, the Six of Pentacles (coins) Tarot card depicts a rich man giving alms to two poor people. The scales in his hand indicate justice and equal treatment of all beggars. However, the meaning of this card has nothing to do with justice.

In the article:

6 of Pentacles - expanded meaning of Tarot cards

The main meaning of the 6 Pentacles of the Tarot is receiving help and various benefits. The fortuneteller has to receive what should be destined for him. You get to enjoy the results of your labor. The reward can be an increase in wages, a good reputation of the enterprise, reconciliation with a partner and much more - it all depends on what you are planning on.

The Six of Pentacles also signifies mercy, gifts and philanthropy. She can talk about bonuses or career advancement, as well as other benefits that await people who are favored by their superiors. This could be help in resolving an issue, received from a person whose opinion plays an important role. He is ready to help and show generosity.

In addition, 6 Coins draws the fortuneteller’s attention to charity. You must ask yourself the question: are you kind to people, do you provide free assistance, given the opportunity? It's time to remember your generosity, because this quality is inherent in people who have the Six of Pentacles. The card hints that a selfless person receives three times more than he gives. Sometimes she talks about injustice towards oneself - all aspects of a person’s personality require care and respect.

Perhaps you will start saving money for a large purchase. There is also the possibility of helping a person develop talent, demonstrate their abilities at work, or advance their career. Do not refuse such opportunities; they will benefit you in the future. Don’t be afraid to ask for help yourself, you will definitely receive it.

6 of Pentacles Tarot upside down talk about an unfavorable situation related to money, benefits or work. Complex rivalry, bribery, disfavor of a superior person, damaged reputation. There is a threat of jealousy and the consequences of unethical behavior.

6 of Pentacles Tarot - the meaning of the card in layouts for business and work

The meaning of the Six of Pentacles Tarot in work layouts is the desire to benefit. You will receive help from people who are interested in implementing your project. If you are thinking about a new business, the result is worth the effort. The fortuneteller’s project is also of interest to other people who will support him. These may be sponsors, volunteers, shareholders and other interested parties.

The ideas and plans that you plan to implement are fully consistent with the needs and expectations of others. You have thought through the strategy correctly and will be able to interest potential clients. The business that the fortuneteller is engaged in is useful not only for him. There will be people who want to contribute to it. When the card means help and support, paying off debts or lending to friends, receiving income.

When you're doing something that's helpful to people, remember to remain open to their requests. Do not refuse help if you have the opportunity to provide it. Your support can help other people and even change their lives completely. It is not necessary to endure large expenses; provide assistance commensurate with your income. If your income still leaves much to be desired, think about how you can benefit society at no cost to you.

Ideas that you keep secret for fear of them being stolen are worthy of finally being known. They should be implemented with the support of suitable people. Your knowledge and abilities will be put to use if you decide to collaborate with colleagues or other people. Teamwork in this case will be more effective.

Upside down the meaning of the card will not be so rosy at all. It portends a refusal of a request for help, non-receipt of a debt, refusal to pay for the services of a fortuneteller. In addition, the Six of Pentacles in reverse speaks of the fortuneteller’s large debts, substantial financial losses, and involvement in illegal money transactions. Carelessness can cause such problems, and theft of money or ideas can also occur.

The fortuneteller’s partners may refuse their obligations and terminate the contract, which will lead to the collapse of plans. He may fall out of favor with his boss, which will lead to problems at work, perhaps even dismissal. If a contract is expected to be concluded, fraud is possible, you should be careful about the work and completely exclude negligence and carelessness. Now is far from the period that allows you to trust others.

Six of Pentacles in love fortune telling

The meaning in relationships of the 6 Pentacles of the Tarot is mutual understanding and support. Partners have learned to understand each other, they help each other in any situation, they know how to show tolerance and accept a person for who he really is. This card speaks of the ability not to envy, but to rejoice in the success of another person. She also advises accepting a person’s shortcomings and learning to put up with them without trying to change him.

The Six of Pentacles advises paying attention to your partner’s feelings and needs, and not limiting him in what he needs. The period covered by this card is favorable for getting married, moving to a new level of relationships, as well as establishing contacts with relatives and providing them with assistance.

If you are wondering about love after a quarrel, the 6 of Pentacles card can advise you to clarify all differences in views, as well as understand and forgive your loved one. Most likely, this will lead to reconciliation.

Inverted The Six of Pentacles speaks of jealousy, the inability to accept all aspects of a partner’s personality, and disagreements that occur regularly on such grounds. Now is not the best time for reconciliation; it makes sense to wait until the intensity of emotions cools down. Sometimes, when characterizing relationships, this card speaks of the desire to use a person to satisfy physiological passion. Your partner does not seek to take the relationship to a more serious level and does not take you seriously; you should not create illusions about him.

6 “Coins” of Tarot - meaning in personality characteristics

If the Six Coins card is in an upright position, this indicates that the person about whom the fortuneteller is asking is a real benefactor. He strives to help others with at least valuable advice. You can easily borrow money from him and receive wise instruction. This is a wise investor who knows how to manage money, but mercy is not alien to him. A card can mean a profitable buyer, as well as a person to whom you owe money.

Inverted the card may mean your debtor. When characterizing a person’s personality, she talks about the dependence of the satisfaction of his needs on the mercy of other people. This is a beggar who prefers to spend other people's money. Such people are capable of living until old age at the expense of their parents, and then their spouses or lovers. They know how to spend money only on themselves, and show unprecedented greed towards loved ones.

Individuals often represented by the inverted Six of Denarii are involved in illegal financial transactions and may be involved in theft. Such people do not like to work, but a criminal career often turns out to be to their liking.

Six of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in card combinations

Combinations of Tarot cards occupy a very special place, and the 6 of Pentacles is no exception. With the correct interpretation of combinations, greater accuracy of predictions can be achieved. In addition, combinations of cards often reveal completely new meanings that are quite difficult to associate with the meanings of these cards individually.

So, for example, 6 Pentacles and, when these cards appear nearby, mean help in a situation that will frighten the fortuneteller. The situation will resolve favorably, but it may lead to changes. The latter are always for the better, even if at the very beginning it seems that this is not so.

Distribution. Equilibrium. Calculation. You - for me, I - for you. Payment in the same coin. Evaluation of people, marriage - in the sense of whether it is beneficial or not. Cooperation. Willingness to involve others in the implementation of your plans and share profits with them. Fair financial transactions. Debt repayment. Good pay for the work. Extra money. Generosity. Charity. A merciful man. Sponsor.

Be generous and you will be rewarded with generosity.

Do not disturb the existing balance with your excessive or purely selfish claims.

Card of the day
Today you are supposed to show generosity. Help the person who comes to you with his troubles, lend him money, or at least try to be lenient with his problems, shortcomings and views. It is also possible that you yourself need help, or the time has come for you to gratefully accept the reward that you have earned through your previous deeds, kindness and generosity.

Reversed card
Reluctance to share. Problems with money. Unfair deals. Unequal exchange. Financial fraud. Double-entry bookkeeping. Unpaid bills. Big debts. Greed. Selfishness. Stinginess. Hoarding.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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Six of Pentacles is a card of participation, distribution of benefits.

A well-dressed man weighs coins on a scale, distributing them to those in need. Libra means that help in life comes exactly at the very moment when it is needed. Think about the book you are holding in your hands. You chose it because you began to ask yourself the most important questions of life. If you had opened this book five or ten years ago, you would not have been able to understand it. You were not ready for perception then. Now you are reading it because you are ready to understand it.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Six of Pentacles
  • What are you giving?
  • What are you getting?
  • Are you giving away too much?
  • Don't they give you a lot?
  • What do you share and what do you need?
Key Ideas
Giving is a win-win. What is given to others will be returned a hundredfold. When another person gets the help they need from you, you also feel good knowing that you are able to provide that help. This helps you develop confidence and self-esteem, which in turn helps you create your own success.
Direct card: Your friend is in need. Fortunately, you are able to help him.

Reversed card: Who are you offering a bribe to? Who is trying to bribe you?

Direct Card: One of your teachers has a special gift - to draw from the depths of your soul all the best that is there. In communication with him, you reveal your nature.

Reversed Card: Stop comparing yourself to your classmates. The only person you need to compete with is yourself.

Direct card: You are one of the givers in this life, so it’s easy for you to get acquainted and meet. It's not difficult with you either. Try saying “no” a little more often.

Reversed Card: Why do you hurt? You are hurting someone who truly cares about you.

Direct card: Generosity and love - the atmosphere of your home - have brought up nobility in you. It sounds like the same people you care about are giving you the support you need.

Reversed card: You take and take without giving anything in return. Tame your selfishness.

Direct Card: You become increasingly involved in collaborative projects and meet adults who prove to be powerful role models for you. This is a card of charity, altruism and kindness.

Reversed Card: You are not aware of your talent. Don't bury it in the ground! Let the world see how much you can give to it!

Direct card: Your sense of style is the envy of everyone you know.

Reversed card: Beware of the envy of others. If such emotions take over, you lose.

Direct Card: You are glad that you can finally pay off your debts, and you are determined not to get into similar situations in the future. Perhaps you will meet someone who will provide you with financial assistance.

Reversed card: There is a risk that you will get into debt that you will not be able to repay for a long time. A period of financial uncertainty and insecurity is looming.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Jeremy had absolutely no idea what he would do when he grew up. He was starting to worry because many of his friends seemed to know exactly what direction they wanted to go. The card said there is no need to make a decision right now. You need to try to get the most out of school, while also allowing yourself time to explore career options, so Jeremy will find a path that piques his interest and develops his abilities.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The merchant symbolizes financial stability and security, embodied by the suit of Pentacles.

Generosity. Faith. Kindness.

This card is usually considered lucky and means that everything that is destined for us must come true for our benefit. “Whatever God does is for the best,” is the motto of the Six of Pentacles, and we can all expect to get out of life what is best for each of us. In the not too distant future we may receive financial assistance, and through either our own efforts or fortunate circumstances we will receive the support we need at just the right time. Likewise, when we are generous to others and want to show them our understanding, we may have a chance to fulfill our karma, pay off our debt, or repay people for their kindness to us. In this way we can recoup our losses and regain our faith in human nature. This map shows the relationship between ethical principles and the material world.
When the Six of Pentacles appears in a reading, you should know that the opportunity to share your resources with others will soon arise. You may receive an inheritance, win a lottery, receive a profit on your investment, or receive a gift. This is a time when you can allow yourself to be mindful of other people's needs and be generous. Likewise, someone strong or influential can help you. For example, you may be offered financial support to start a business venture. You will enjoy prosperity and stability and will be happy to discover that your efforts have finally come to fruition. Now is the time to show generosity and mercy in your actions, and also to experience the kindness of other people.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Generosity. Philanthropy. Charity. Kindness. Reward. Present. Material profit.
Reversed meaning
Greed. Selfishness. Envy. Jealousy. Hiding one's self. Serious debts. Unpaid loans.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Six of Coins says that previous problems have been resolved; it describes you as a person who cares about others and uses your wealth to help those in need.

Inner meaning
This card indicates that the Questioner's previous problems have been resolved. There are indications that he is about to start a new, praiseworthy enterprise (for example, doing charity work); but this same card suggests that he has the ability and means for this noble cause.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: the right time to take meritorious action. Hopes come true. Heartfelt kindness. Gifts, gratitude, abundance, prosperity. Material wealth and donations.

Reversed or negative: lust, jealousy, envy, illusions. Possible loss. Misfortune, whims.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Two beggars from the Five of Pentacles in the Six find a benefactor. In the Order of the Golden Dawn, sixes were considered the pinnacle of each suit and element. Six is ​​the number of harmony, reciprocity and social relationships, since any patron needs people to patronize, and a benefactor needs the disadvantaged. You can give or accept money or gifts, offer and receive help. Perhaps this will be financial support, royalties or just a salary. The card may mean receiving a loan. Or you can make donations, share profits, or divide marital property in a divorce. At its worst, it can be a situation associated with dominance and submission, with codependency, with possession and lack thereof, with formal changes. Depending on which character you most identify with, the card's image may be perceived very differently. At its best, the card signifies material abundance and the generous distribution of resources, the flow of funds reaching all levels of society, and true philanthropy inspired by selflessness and honesty. Other meanings include repaying a loan, winning a case in court, and receiving an inheritance. The scales are in balance, and problems are resolved.

You may find yourself asking for a raise or fawning over your boss in the near future. The situation may involve sponsors and investors, as well as monetary donations. Deals will be made and services will be exchanged. At the same time, money may not play any role at all, in which case the card will mean scheduling, time management and working with other types of resources.

Traditional meanings: present time, current events, now, suddenly, today. Attentive, vigilant. Gifts, gifts, rewards. Prosper in the present. Philanthropy, kindness, charity. Loan reimbursement.

Reversed Six of Pentacles
When reversed, this card resembles Robin Hood: it signifies the redistribution of funds from rich to poor. Inequality of power may increase, as well as the desire to tip the scales in one’s favor at any cost. You may feel rejected or deceived. At some point, greed may take precedence over the honesty inherent in a straightforward position. On the other hand, there may be bad debts, bad loans, get-rich-quick schemes, or financial expectations that do not materialize. You may have to make a request to someone, enter into an agreement, or provide services, and none of this evokes positive emotions. Possible misappropriation or misuse of money. Loans remain unpaid, inheritances disappear as if by magic. Winning may be an illusion. It is also likely to show ingratitude on your part. An abyss may arise between a desire and its fulfillment, and all attempts to overcome it will be similar to the unsuccessful efforts of the Danaids to fill a bottomless vessel with water.

You may refuse to give to charity or deny your needs or the needs of others.

When this card is projected onto the latter, it will seem to you that they lack generosity or that they cannot be satisfied.

If you have been treated with disdain in the past, you may experience severe lack of attention. Give yourself a gift. If you are asked for a loan, keep in mind that the loan may not be repaid, so frame it as a donation or gift.

This card may also indicate overcoming social stratification and equalizing ranks. Reconsider how you spend your time and money. Consider how you can change your current circumstances to meet your standards. And yet the card may advise you not to give or borrow money, but to save it for the future.

When it comes to healing, be aware of the possibility of spreading infectious diseases and pay attention to the correct dosage of your medications.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, the card is associated with the ability to discern what each individual student is capable of and can handle. Clients and students always expect ready-made recipes and quick solutions, but a wise practitioner always knows best what they need. Or the card may show a charlatan who himself does not have magical knowledge, but asks a lot for his services.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: desire, desire, passion, ardor. Zeal, desire. Greed, envy, jealousy, greed, greed. Selfishness, selfishness. Ambition, determination. Illusions. Bad debts. A controversial legacy. Lack of balance. Injustice.

Inverted - you do not get what you deserve: you are faced with financial fraud, extortion, and unfair division of money.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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VI. Six - a man, apparently a merchant, pours money into the scales and scatters it to the poor and needy.

Straight position:
gifts, gifts, rewards; according to another interpretation - attention, vigilance; the generally accepted interpretation is real prosperity, etc.

Reverse position:
strong desire, greed, envy (jealousy), suspicion, illusion.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Jupiter in Pisces as willingness to help, Jupiter in Leo as generosity, Jupiter in Aquarius as tolerance.
The Six of Denarii denotes qualities such as willingness to help, generosity and tolerance. It may indicate that we ourselves possess such qualities, or that someone will show them in relation to us. And we are talking here not about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about immanent character traits, natural and permanent. On a practical level, this card can mean a reward, success, or a promising project.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Second decade of Taurus from May 1 to May 9.
Astrological equivalents: Taurus, Virgo, Venus, Venus in the Second House.
The second decade of Taurus symbolizes the success achieved as a result of the right attitude towards matter. This is the most creative decade of Taurus, appreciating beauty and understanding art and their feelings: it is under the auspices of the Moon, which rules our emotions. This decade is characterized by sensuality, tenderness, and careful attitude towards what has already been created. This decade imitates nature and has its naturalness to create comfort. The other side of the coin is too much power of the sensual principle, when the habit of pleasure: from the taste for food and love for comfort to sensual ecstasy - can become uncontrollable. Then a person loses both internal abilities and material wealth, and from the happy owner of half the world turns into a helpless observer, waiting for mercy from nature.
The Tarot card shows a man in rich clothes: in one hand he holds a Libra, and with the other he gives alms to the poor. The dilemma of this decade is whether to be in the role of a benefactor, giving your wealth to others, or in the role of a passive recipient.
Internal balance of feelings and a correct assessment of the situation - weighing all the pros and cons - help a person achieve success in all his undertakings. If we do not control the situation and cannot create our own scenario of events, then we have no choice but to surrender to the harmony of the world and accept what it deigns to send to us.
Trap. Give more than you can. Take more than they can give.
The successful passage of the Five of Pentacles situation is expressed by the Six of Pentacles, which means prosperity, health, financial well-being. In the suit of Pentacles, Six is ​​perhaps one of the best cards. The influence of the planets Mercury, Venus and the sign of Virgo is noticeable here. This card symbolizes the well-being that you have built with your own hands and achieved through your labor. Through the Six of Pentacles, a well-deserved reward comes to you.
The card may indicate recognition of your merits. It can also serve as a signifier of your need for someone (someone needs your help). Therefore, the Six of Pentacles also symbolizes an act of mercy.

Straight position:
In an upright position, the Six of Pentacles can indicate that period of well-being that comes after life throws you another exam, and you have successfully passed it.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the Six of Pentacles indicates the possibility of illness, the need to more closely monitor your health, disharmony between the physical and mental (do a lot of mental work, sit still - muscle atrophy; or vice versa - pump iron, forgetting about brain training). In addition, the Six of Pentacles can reflect low Virgo (greed, selfishness, quarrelsomeness, envy, unpaid debts, desire to sit on the neck).

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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It means that a person will not listen to this advice, which risks being deceived.


Short description

It is obvious that Pamela Smith felt sympathy either for Robespierre, a prominent figure during the French Revolution, or for Sir Henry Irving, the actor who played Robespierre.

One way or another, we see Irving as Robespierre in the deck twice, on 6 and . At least Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin are sure that this is Robespierre.

They write about this in the book “Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot.”

I studied the French Revolution, and for me the image of Robespierre does not in any way correlate with the images of either the 4 or 6 of Pentacles.

The plot of the map, at first glance, is simple. Someone in rich clothes gives money to the poor and needy, which, according to Waite, speaks of his success and kindness. I don’t know what about good-heartedness, but in general, giving alms is a great way to gratify your Sense of Self-Importance.

The New Vision Tarot deck adds a funny detail - a hole in the cloak of a Very Important Person, which noticeably reduces the pretentiousness of this card.


  • Help
  • Mercy
  • Kindness
  • Stable minimum
  • Generosity and tolerance
  • Charity

Key Ideas

  • Unsolicited, unnecessary help
  • Help as emergency response
  • Altruism (desire to help)
  • Be dependent on help

Basic meaning

Overall, Waite views the 6 of Pentacles as a positive card. He describes it as gifts, offerings, rewards. But the inverted one changes its sign and speaks of envy, greed and jealousy.

In the modern understanding, the 6 of Pentacles card is focused primarily on issues of help. Who to help, in which cases the help is for the good, and in which - for the harm, the rights and responsibilities of the one providing and receiving the help.

Video: the meaning of the 6 Pentacles Tarot

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

The 6 of Pentacles is a very open card. It involves providing assistance not only to our own people, those who can count on help based on blood relationship, emotional closeness, and so on, but also to strangers. People from the street, strangers.

Relationship intensity

People easily enter the 6 of Pentacles and easily leave it. Relationships in this card are intense, but short.
The peculiarity of this card is that helping others can be a significant part of a person’s life and gradually turn into a routine. In this case, the intensity of the relationship on the part of the helper will decrease.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Let me remind you once again that Tarot cards consider ideal situations, ideal models of relationships.

When analyzing the 6 of Pentacles, it should be taken into account that due to the asymmetry of positions, people can perceive the situation of help differently. For example, one of the participants, having provided one-time help, may consider the situation closed and the relationship over. And the second is to start quoting the famous phrase of Saint-Exupery “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

The 6 of Pentacles is one of the few cards that takes into account the asymmetry of relationships. It describes two positions: the one who provides help and the one who receives. In the simplest case, both parties experience joy and pleasure. However, the presence of a third character on the map suggests that the range of emotional states may be much wider. And disappointment from the amount of help, and envy, and many other feelings.

In combination with the suit of Wands

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Staves
  • in combination with: It's time to finish with
  • in combination with: Time to be generous
  • in combination with: Help only “your own”

Importance in health matters

In matters of health, the card shows duality. On the one hand, it can talk about good health and the ability to help others, on the other hand, it can just indicate that a person needs our help.

But more often the card is associated with excellent physical shape and indicates good health.

In terms of treatment, the 6 of Pentacles advises strictly following the doctor’s recommendations to use medications correctly - Libra hints at this.

In combination with the suit of Cups

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Cups
  • in combination with: Help from loved ones
  • in combination with: The promise to help is a lie!
  • in combination with: Limit help to family members

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The situation on the map is akin to a role-playing game: three figures, three types, three scenarios. You must decide for yourself what position you are in - the supplicant or the donor.

Control on the part of the merchant is 100% and almost complete absence of control on the part of the beggars. The assistance provided using this card is, firstly, one-time, it is just an episode - here and now, and secondly, it depends on the whim of the merchant, i.e. is not motivated by almost anything other than his subjective considerations. Even the magpie in the nursery rhyme refuses the applicant for obvious reasons, but here the criteria for providing financial assistance are not defined. For those who ask, only the need for help is stable, but control of the situation is in the hands of the giver.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

Instructions to use other people's money. A loan or gratuitous assistance, as a desperate chance to survive or to build a sixth plant - it doesn’t matter how exactly you are going to spend other people’s money. The main thing is that it is justified: any help can and should be accepted.

General state of finances and trends of changes

On the one hand, the card indicates that there are financial problems; the person clearly needs something: money for an operation or for a new plant. But on the other hand, this fact is not alarming or alarming; the overall impression of the card is generally positive and favorable. “Ask and it will be given to you,” the financial situation will be resolved successfully. But only now.

The card does not talk about the conditions under which assistance will be provided, and how to repay debts later. A “mafia economy” option is possible - I helped you, now you help me.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

For both the giver and the asker, receiving help is not always the solution to the problem. Often the material support provided is seen as the ultimate goal. Moreover, the opportunity to get help without special costs is corrupting. “Why in small bills?” Not everyone you could really help needs it. There is more psychology than mathematics in the phrase “Let the hand of the giver fail.”

The positive point is that by sharing something not because we have to, but if possible and at will, from the heart, we increase our readiness to receive additional resources, although not always material ones. Everything you gave is yours. For the selfless, this is a positive card.

In combination with the suit of Swords

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Swords
  • in combination with the card: Help decisively
  • in combination with the card: Help will not be for the good
  • in combination with a card: Help learn how to do something

Think about who you can help?

Card of the day Caution

If you can't do it on your own, get some friendly help.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • in combination with the card: Help will be rewarded
  • in combination with the card: Help others by doing what you love
  • in combination with the card: Help with studies

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • Who can I help?
  • Who needs my help?
  • Whose help and in what matter can I accept?
  • Why do I want to help?