Feng Shui meaning of salt crystal. Feng Shui crystals. The best location in the house

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In this article we will talk about crystals, representatives of the powerful element of the Earth. Accordingly, they need to be placed in the southwest (love sector), northeast (knowledge sector) or in the center of the room (personal growth and health sector). Crystals help to correct the space, activate positive energy and, finally, simply decorate the room. Their positive energy has a wonderful effect on a person. In Feng Shui, crystals are widely used to dispel negative energy and attract good chi.

feng shui crystals

As a rule, crystals differ by type of origin:

  • Natural (of natural origin)
  • Artificial (man-grown)
  • Impact origin (cristobalite and tridymite, found in meteorites, on earth - in volcanic lava)
  • Glass or crystal

Of course, the most powerful crystals are those created by nature itself, as they accumulate, store and transmit the powerful energy of the Earth. They have a positive effect on people. In Feng Shui they are called “wisdom crystals.”

Crystals used in Feng Shui come in various shapes

round crystals

Round and ovoid

Good for the family sector - they bring peace and harmony to the house, get rid of swearing and quarrels. Knowledge sectors - crystal globes - help in studying. Love sectors - bring love and stability in relationships. Balls made of yellow cetrine or lime spar perfectly attract material wealth into the house.


These can be any pointed crystals, as well as cones or pyramids. They perfectly absorb or dissipate negative energy, turning it into positive.

In the form of leaves on artificial trees

In Feng Shui, such trees with crystals are considered a symbol of strong family relationships, health and prosperity. The tree itself, rooted in the ground and growing upward, symbolizes income growth and stability.

The power of crystals according to feng shui

Amethyst is a type of quartz. The color is usually purple, but can range from dark purple to pale pink. This Feng Shui crystal is very good for attracting wealth and strengthening relationships between spouses. If you place it under the marital bed “at your feet,” it will symbolically strengthen your union. An excellent sector in the house for placing amethyst is the southwest. Since ancient times, this stone has been credited with healing properties. It is believed that if you place amethyst between the eyebrows, it will relieve nervous tension and calm a person. Effectively helps in the fight against insomnia.


Rhinestone another variety of quartz. A great helper for clearing space. It passes negative energy through itself, turning it into positive energy, and distributes it throughout the room. It is recommended to place crystal crystals in the center of the room, near a window, or in areas with stagnant energy. If you want to not only cleanse the space, but also improve other aspects of life, for example, attract love, improve a woman’s health, install crystal in the southwest of the apartment. Beautiful talismans and at the same time home decorations - crystal chandeliers, floor lamps with crystal pendants and other interior items.

Artificial crystal. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase rock crystal because of its considerable cost, then you can use high-quality cut glass crystals for the above actions. If the mechanical cutting is done well, then the structure of such a crystal will be as close as possible to a natural stone. There are quite a lot of different crystal and glass figurines that can be used in the same way.


Aventurine It comes in a variety of colors, but the most popular and commonly used is green. In Feng Shui, it is believed that this crystal helps in material terms, personal growth and career advancement.

Agate(preferably red) is very good for both women and men. It will give women the joy of motherhood, and help men with problems with potency and sexual desire. Protects against adultery.

Citrine. Another feng shui crystal bestows financial well-being and prosperity. Brings joy and has a positive effect on health.

When choosing a crystal, carefully inspect it, the main thing is that there are no cracks or chips, this can lead to incorrect refraction of light passing through the crystal. And accordingly, it can lead not to positive, but negative results. It is also very important to keep the crystal clean; do not allow dust to accumulate on it.

The purpose of the mascot

Crystals are traditional Feng Shui talismans, which, like Wind Chimes, are used to dispel negative energy and to activate positive energy.

Activation of the talisman

In order to “turn on” the beneficial effects of the talisman, you first need to clear the crystal of unknown energy - put it in water with salt for 7 days. After cleansing, the crystal should be charged with its own energy. To do this, hold it in your hand, bring it to the heart chakra or to the “third eye” area located between the eyebrows. At the same time, you need to be in a good mood and think about your desire. By the way, it is advisable to do this every month.

Feng Shui master's story

Crystals of any configuration are used as Feng Shui talismans: crystal ball, crystal pyramid, prism and paired crystal eggs. Lamps and chandeliers are increasingly being used, which also activate the positive energy of the home and improve its circulation.

The ideal material is rock crystal, which has amazing magical and healing properties. It is believed that rock crystal brings longevity and health, protects against negative energy, protects against infertility, improves memory, promotes concentration and enhances human energy. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find a crystal of the correct shape, and it is an expensive pleasure.

Therefore, crystals and lenses made from glass of a special composition are most often used.

Well-cut mechanically cut glass pieces convey the crystalline structure quite accurately. With good crystal, the sound after striking should last on one note for 3-4 seconds and only then decline.

The best crystal products, in terms of their ability to refract and scatter light, are recognized as Swarovski crystal and Bohemian crystal. Swarovski chandeliers contain silver, which gives them not only wonderful light refraction properties, but also, from the point of view of Feng Shui, creates conditions for additional energetic cleansing of the room.

The crystal should be placed so that sunlight or electric light falls on it. When there is good lighting, the crystal can be rotated, illuminating the walls, ceiling and all objects in the room. Refracted rays of light give birth to colorful rainbows or sunbeams - this is good energy, which means good luck is already in your home. The crystal must be hung on a red ribbon or thread. The length of this ribbon or thread must be a multiple of 9. That is, 9, 18 or 27 cm. This is due to the fact that the number 9 is a sacred number in Feng Shui and unites the power of heaven and earth.

It is best to hang the talisman in the window opening, in the middle of its upper part. In sunny weather, the crystal refracts sunlight and fills the room with energy and light of all colors of the rainbow. It also dissipates the energy that entered the apartment through the front door throughout the room, preventing it from quickly leaving through the window.

Chandeliers consisting of a set of faceted crystals are also used. They are hung in the central part of the room. A crystal chandelier, in addition to generating positive energy, is capable of redirecting energy to other rooms.

In an apartment where the toilet or bathroom door is opposite the front door, it is useful to hang a crystal ball in front of the toilet door to prevent the direct flow of qi through the toilet.

The only caution is not to place the chandelier directly above the resting areas, as this will create an excessive influx of active energy, which will lead to anxiety.

Crystals can harmonize many aspects of our lives. A talisman in the southwestern sector of a living room or apartment will help unmarried women find a worthy life partner, and a married couple will strengthen their feelings and bring pure energy of love and family happiness into their relationship. In the bedroom, according to the canons of Feng Shui, it is necessary to observe the principle of pairing and symmetry, so the ideal option would be to use paired crystal lamps. Crystals in a children's room promote the growth of creativity, concentration and increase the child's performance.

Crystals and semi-precious stones are beneficial tools in the art of Feng Shui. They are not particularly expensive, but even a small fragment of crystal contains a very large amount of energy. If you can't find a specific stone or crystal, use the ones closest to it in terms of properties until you find the one that suits you best.

Feng Shui crystals should be placed so that they can capture and reflect natural light. It doesn’t have to be a window sill or window frame; however, the crystal should not be surrounded by foreign objects.

Energy vibrations are most intense if the crystal is placed on a table, shelf or ledge, without any objects in the immediate vicinity. If the bagua area you want to place your feng shui crystal in overlaps two rooms, place the crystal in the room you use most often.

You should never clean Feng Shui crystals with detergents. It is best to rinse them with sea water or water with sea salt dissolved in it. Mineral water may also work.

To open the way for new romantic energies or for a more free and confident relationship with a partner, rose quartz, tourmaline or kunzite are best. They need to be placed in that part of the house that corresponds to the Water zone on the bagua diagram. If you can't find these crystals, place a pink candle in a crystal candle holder. Light it at least once a week.

If you want to open a path that allows you Be more aware of your own emotions and be more sensitive to the emotions of others, use smoky quartz or moonstone. Place them in the part of the house that corresponds to the Earth zone on the bagua diagram. If you cannot find these feng shui stones or crystals, place a black or dark brown candle in a glass candle holder and light it regularly.

To get rid of outside influences and gain confidence As per your choice, use aquamarine or sodalite. Place them in the part of your house that corresponds to the Thunder zone on the bagua diagram. If you can't find these feng shui crystals, place an aquamarine or bluish green candle in the area.

To provide harmonious development of your relationship and open the way for mutual trust, use yellow citron or topaz in the part of the house that corresponds to the Wind zone in the bagua diagram. If feng shui stones or crystals are not available, use yellow candles.

To find wisdom and insight in intimate life, become aware of your own needs and values ​​in this area of ​​life, use amethyst feng shui crystals or lapis lazuli pieces in the part of the house that corresponds to the Center in the bagua diagram. If it is not possible to get these stones, place a purple or dark blue candle in this place.

To open the way to sincerity and awareness of the values ​​of friendship In your personal life, place a piece of malachite or a green tourmaline crystal in the part of your home that corresponds to the Sky zone on your bagua chart. Use green candles and light them regularly if you cannot use Feng Shui crystals.

To free up energy for expressions of sensual love and sexuality, use carnelian, garnet or heliotrope in the part of the house that corresponds to the Lake zone on the bagua chart. Instead of stones, you can use ruby ​​red candles and light them more often.

To improve communication on an intellectual or emotional level, place the turquoise or amazonite in the part of the house that corresponds to the Mountain zone on the bagua chart. If Feng Shui crystals are not available, they can be replaced with turquoise candles in clear glass candlesticks.

For understanding and awareness of your true needs for love and provide “fine tuning” to your partner, use diamond, selenite or rock crystal in the part of the house that corresponds to the Fire zone on the bagua diagram. In the absence of Feng Shui crystals, use white candles.

Among the huge number of stones and crystals, a group of the most famous and popular can be distinguished. Since ancient times, stones have been ascribed special properties - they were used for healing, looking into the future, and using them in various spiritual practices. The tradition of using crystals in the ancient art of Feng Shui lifts the veil on the attitude towards crystals in the east in ancient times. By the way, jewelry works on the same principle as natural stones and products made from them. I love hanging my jewelry with natural stones everywhere. For example, - Well, why not Feng Shui?

Stones and crystals work in different ways in the art of Feng Shui. They attract the necessary energy into the room, strengthen the personal energy field, cleanse and protect from negative energy, and so on. It is fashionable here to use various Chinese amulets, especially jade ones - money frogs, mandarin ducks and other figurines. But a person with a Russian mentality does not always “resonate” with exotic amulets. It is better to approach this issue creatively. Let's look at the 8 best, I would say, "orthodox" feng shui stones - how they are used, how and where they are placed.

Clear quartz

This is a crystal with many useful properties - it cleanses and protects space from negative vibrations, strengthens the energy field. It easily accumulates any specific quality of energy, be it attracting love or helping in passing exams. Pure clear quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow and can be programmed to help. This crystal should be in every home or office. It is the premier feng shui crystal and a favorite of interior designers because it goes with any style and decor. It can be used to make door handles, candlesticks or interior decorations. These can be stones of different shapes - natural crystals, polished crystal balls, and so on - transparent quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow, shimmering when hit by light.

Place clear quartz in areas that need fresh, clean energy combining the power of sunlight and clean, fresh water. You can't place this crystal wrong because clear quartz will generate positive energy anywhere in your home or office. My only advice is to not place it close to the bed. This stone is too active for the bedroom, however, this applies to many stones with a crystalline structure.

Rose quartz

Rose Quartz emits pure, soft, gentle energy of love and healing. It soothes and washes away pain and disappointments, as well as any other negative energies that are closing your heart. Rose quartz is considered healing when it comes to love in all its forms and manifestations - be it a lack of self-love or painful romantic experiences. This stone is strongly connected to your heart and constantly emits a calming flow of love. This is the best stone for the bedroom, both for adults and for children.

You can place a few pieces of rose quartz in or on your nightstand drawer. You can create a crystal grid or even place it under your pillow, especially when you are trying to make sense of your love experiences. Rose quartz is the #1 feng shui crystal for love and marriage. You can put stones in the shape of two hearts or rose quartz mandarin ducks as a symbol of perfect love.


Amethyst, especially deep purple in color, is a stone of meditation. It helps clear your energy and support you in your pursuit of deep spiritual experience. There is a very wide range of shades of this stone, from light lavender to intense deep indigo. The deeper the color of the crystal, the more powerful and expensive the stone. The most powerful are tall geodes with deep and clear purple crystals. Such stones heal any space by transforming low and negative energies into peaceful and powerful light energy. You can also use a few small crystals to cleanse a room and generate calm spiritual energy in any space.

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for your altar or meditation space; it can also be used as a feng shui treatment for personal and spiritual growth. If you are lucky enough to have a deep colored amethyst, keep it away from the sun to prevent it from discoloring.


Jade is the most valuable stone in classical feng shui. This stone has a very long history use in China. Jade still has a reputation as the number one stone for healing, the most famous amulets made from it are money frogs and the laughing Buddha. The market is full of imitations of this stone, this applies to all popular feng shui cameos, so if your heart is set on jade, make sure it is a real stone. Genuine jade emits beautiful energy - calming, renewing and activating. Jade is a friend who accepts you for who you are and at the same time radiates optimism and wise energy that helps you become better. Its balanced harmonious energy makes a woman wise, gives love and acceptance of peace (everything is good).

Deep green jade is ideal for health and family areas, as well as areas of abundance. Jade has different shades. Blue jade, for example, can be placed in the quarry area.

Eye of the Tiger

It is not difficult to understand the energy of the tiger's eye - the tiger is careful, strong, fast and always achieves its goal. This stone is very popular in Feng Shui. His protective powers are very strong and manifest themselves very quickly. The beauty of the tiger's eye protects and nourishes you, while creating a stronger, more dynamic, balanced, energetic sphere around you. Because of its strong earth energy, tiger's eye is used in feng shui as an earth element and to heal areas that are either fueled by this energy or contain the earth element. You can place the stone in the area of ​​love and marriage, in the nursery and in the area of ​​creativity. The energy of this stone is amazing, as is the number of variations in its colors and varieties. This is a must-have feng shui stone, especially since it is very accessible.


Despite the fact that pyrite is often called "fool's gold", it is very popular in feng shui specifically for healing the energy of well-being. Pyrite has wonderful properties that can be used to improve the energy in your home or office. And this is one of the best healing crystals for the office - with it, fresh, active, optimistic types of energy and the energy of discipline come into the room. It is also a cleansing and grounding stone. Pyrite often comes in beautiful shapes, such as balls and cubes, making it easy to introduce into any space as a feng shui decorative element. Pyrite carries the energy of metal and gold, which it is very similar to (when it was first discovered, it was mistaken for gold). This is the best feng shui stone for improving wealth and money energy and for healing these areas. You can place the stone in the Abundance zone in your home or office, or wear it as jewelry if you feel the need for pure and disciplined energies. Pyrite is one of the best stones for those who have water and metal as elements associated with birth (according to Feng Shui).


Carnelian is one of the most beautiful stones, for many it is the most beloved. There are always stones that will speak more than others. Carnelian exudes earthy, caring warmth and wisdom. The color of the stones ranges from soft yellow to fiery orange. Carnelian energy is permeated with happiness and optimism, while it is very calm. Thanks to its beauty, carnelian is one of the best cameos for jewelry. Carnelian is a must-have if you need to strengthen your energy and overcome limitations. It is also one of the best stones if you need to activate your physical energy and strengthen the first and second chakras.

Therefore, carnelian harmoniously combines elements such as fire and earth. You are free to use it in any of the areas that can benefit from warm energy. The presence of carnelian is welcomed in the area of ​​love and marriage, as well as in the area of ​​personal growth and spirituality.


Ammonite is neither a stone nor a crystal, but it nevertheless made it onto our list of the best Feng Shui stones and crystals due to its unique properties. Ammonites acquired their remarkable qualities over the 100 million years of their existence. These fossilized shells of ancient mollusks bring extraordinary energy to any space - cleansing, very powerful and "connecting". The amazing spiral design of this fossil shows how this energy works - it radiates out in a constant rotation and clears the room of any stagnation and remnants of low energies. Information about it is stored in a solid and unchanging form - there is nothing momentary or temporary here. How different this is from our perception of time as a fleeting illusion...

Colorful ammonites are in high demand in Feng Shui. Beautiful fragments of jewelry-quality ammonites are also used. Ammonites come in a variety of colors - from airy white to deep bright red colors that lift your spirits and fill you with energy. Of course, the larger the stone is in your space, the more incredible the effect it can have. R The placement of ammonites is limited only in terms of color. For example, if you have an ammonite that is bright red in color, you yourself will not want to place it in your home in the health zone. If the color of the fossils is neutral, this ancient beauty can be placed in any area.

So there you have it, the 8 top feng shui crystals for your home and office: clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, jade, tiger's eye, pyrite, carnelian and ammonite. There aren't many good stones on this list - you may have noticed that citrine isn't here, for example. It is very popular in Feng Shui, and amulets made from citrine are no less popular. But this stone is difficult to buy - almost 90% of commercially available citrine is heat-treated amethyst.

If you're new to feng shui, it's best to start with this list of 8 stones, and then add other beautiful and powerful crystals and stones to your arsenal, such as tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, black onyx, jasper and others. Where to buy stones? This is the most difficult question, even despite the large number of thematic exhibitions in Moscow and the huge offer both on the Internet and in off-line sales. This needs to be discussed - write, I’ll share what I know. When going shopping for stones, try to find time so as to avoid rush. When you choose stones for yourself, it is important to feel their energy - the crystals you need will attract your attention more. And sometimes love for a crystal suddenly overtakes you right at the moment when you first see it.

Source of information and inspiration here

Crystal is a powerful tool

Crystals can be used as decoration, to improve the emotional background, energy recharge, and also to activate the chakras. They are a great help when our inner vibrations are upset or overloaded by everyday life. Imbalances in the environment as well as within the body can be healed with the help of these little friends of man. You can use Feng Shui crystals to achieve your goals. Some people are more susceptible to this, others less so, but still the stones help, even if their work is not always recognized by us. Their positive energy interacts well with humans. The main thing is to be able to apply them where necessary.

They differ in the following characteristics:

  • Crystals born from the earth itself.
  • Rocks that fell from the sky in the form of meteorites.
  • Created artificially.
  • Glass or crystal.

Thanks to pressure and high temperature, amazing creations of nature are born over a long period of time. They can exist independently or be present as natural inclusions in other rocks. There are crystals born from the interaction of flora and fauna. These include amber, coral and pearls. It is worth mentioning something that literally fell from the sky - tektite - a fragment of a meteorite.

All natural crystals have powerful energy, which they accumulate, store and transmit to humans. They are able to make thoughts clear, direct efforts in the right direction, correct a person’s emotional imbalance, increase his creative potential and much more. No wonder they are called wisdom crystals according to Feng Shui.

Let's look at some of them.

Types of crystals

Aventurine has a variety of shades, but the most popular is green. Owners of this crystal will experience good luck, abundance and prosperity. It can contribute to study, business, and career advancement. It has a beneficial effect on internal growth, initiative, and personal development.

Agate – This red crystal is recommended for women to increase the chances of pregnancy and improve marital fidelity. It is also distinguished by its richness of colors. However, it is red that is considered the most active and has a positive effect on many aspects of life. Including for men from the point of view of increasing potency and sexual desire.

Amethyst has truly enormous energy that is easily felt. Helps eliminate negativity, heal, provide balance and protection during the transition period. Develops the spiritual side of a person.

Citrine – This Feng Shui crystal helps in achieving wealth. Increased income, favorable changes in the financial sector and much more are bestowed by this stone. It attracts financial well-being and joy into a person’s life. From a health point of view, the influence of the crystal is also positive. It helps cope with stress and improves digestion.

Clear quartz was once thought to be frozen water. A clear crystal can enlighten the mind, strengthen the mind, and stimulate creativity. It has the power to give peace, understanding the spiritual aspects of life, and also promotes meditation and visualization.

Amethyst crystals

Diamond - can activate a person’s internal energy through vibration, which is hidden in the crystal.

Hematite – has a magnetic effect. Improves logical thinking, mathematical abilities, activates rational thinking and technical knowledge. Can create excellent conditions for the release of creative energy, and brings practicality and purposefulness to thoughts.

The use of crystals can be very diverse. If, for example, it is placed in the southwestern part of the living room, it can strengthen relationships, and in the east it can help one’s career.

This topic is truly inexhaustible, but the main thing is to remember that crystals should be treated with respect, then they will reveal all their powers to you.