Why do you dream about scales? Why do you dream about Libra?

If you dreamed of scales, do not hesitate, look into the dream book. Such night dreams often reflect the dreamer’s inner experiences and thoughts. And sometimes they predict quite interesting events. So why do you dream about scales?

To correctly interpret your dream, you need to remember it in great detail. Information about what kind of scales you saw will be very important: mechanical, electronic, with weights, manual or huge for weighing large loads.

Large scales often indicate the need to make an important decision. Perhaps you doubt its correctness. To avoid getting into trouble, consult with someone who is better versed in such matters.

A small jewelry device with weights characterizes you as a scrupulous person who attaches great importance to little things. And if they were electronic, then you are an attractive person with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate.

What awaits you in the future

But to see scales on which you weigh goods in a dream is a sign of a profitable deal. And the larger the mass of goods, the more successful your business will be. And to weigh someone down means trying to evade responsibility.

Were the scales you saw broken? In this case, you should be on your guard. It is possible that someone will want to take advantage of your mercy. Before you commit a noble act, think carefully about its consequences.

  • Buy - make a profitable acquaintance.
  • Selling means spending money.
  • Break - forget old grievances.
  • Throw away - free yourself from the load.
  • To drop is to act outside the box.

After you have had a dream in which you received a scale as a gift, expect a pleasant surprise from a loved one. Perhaps it will be a useful present, a long-awaited proposal, a trip, etc.

If you stole the scales in your dream, then soon you will have to make excuses for what you did. The dream interpreter recommends not to reproach yourself too much for the action you have committed. It is better to draw the right conclusions and not repeat your mistakes again.

You may also dream about the constellation Libra. Such a dream foreshadows easy communication with a pleasant interlocutor. And such night dreams promise a fun holiday in the company of close friends, a meeting with childhood friends or a grand holiday.

If you dreamed of scales, you can easily find out what awaits you in the future. The main thing is, when you interpret your dream, try not to miss a single detail, not a single detail. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Libra symbolizes balance, compromise, stability. It is believed that the souls of the dead are met by an angel who weighs each one on divine scales and decides what outweighs more: good or evil.

A dream in which you are weighing your purchase means that in reality you will have to make a difficult life choice between material and spiritual goods.

To see a salesman weighing you down in a dream is a harbinger that someone will try to mislead you.

If in a dream you saw broken scales, it means that in reality your plans will not come true.

Seeing an angel holding scales in his hands in a dream is a sign that you need to strive for spiritual balance, which will bring you peace.

A dream in which you step on the scale to find out whether your weight has increased means that you are tormented by doubts that prevent you from determining your path in life.

Seeing the constellation Libra in a dream means that in reality the duality of your character will cause serious problems.

If in a dream someone weighs you, be careful. Your ill-wishers will do everything possible to ensure that their threats take on real forms. In the old days they said: “I will weigh you on a bone balance.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Libra

The dream symbolizes your balanced attitude towards life, thanks to which you will be able to make the right decision on which your life depends in the near future.

If in a dream you are weighing yourself on a scale, it means that in some of your enterprises there is a danger of losing: you may get ahead of yourself, try to be more decisive and not hesitate when you need to make urgent decisions.

Weighing another person down: Someone is misjudging you for who you really are.

Of course, changing someone else's opinion about yourself is not easy, but, on the other hand, do you need it? If not, then do not pay attention to the dream, live without thinking about how others perceive you.

Weighing food on scales in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task.

Seeing broken scales in a dream: in the near future you will commit an act that will surprise both you and your loved ones.

If in a dream you come across a lot of strong drinks among the weighed foods, your action will most likely be negative.

Perhaps in the heat of a quarrel or at a moment of irritation you will offend a person and later regret it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream books interpret scales seen in a dream as a symbol of balance, stability, compromise for the one who dreamed about them. This sign indicates: it is necessary to make a choice, promises prosperity, but also warns of legal proceedings. The accompanying details will help to interpret why such a symbol is dreamed of.

Go forward boldly - success awaits you!

Stepping on the scales in a dream to find out your weight and see that it has decreased means you should pay more attention to your health in order to avoid complications. When he gained weight (the dreamer gained weight), honor and respect from colleagues lie ahead.

Why do you dream about weighing yourself? Miller's dream book promises prosperity, well-being, and good luck to the sleeper.

To weigh something - to receive in reality the money to which you are entitled, although, in fact, you did not earn it.

Weighing yourself means that the dreamer will show justice to someone. It is likely that it is as a result of such an act that his affairs will improve significantly.

Cast aside your doubts

Stand on a bathroom scale in a dream to find out your weight because you are afraid of gaining weight? The dream book indicates: the doubts you experience prevent you from deciding the direction of your life’s path.

If you don’t care too much about your weight, then weighing yourself in a dream means: you are in thought, hesitating when making a decision that some important issue requires. Then the vision signals: it’s time to decide quickly. You need to gather your strength to decide what to do.

Business sphere

Did you dream of standing on a bathroom scale? The dream book informs: one of the sleeper’s undertakings risks failure, since competitors may bypass it. Decisions should be made quickly when necessary.

The interpretation of a dream about scales promises favorable circumstances when you dreamed about how they were given to you. If this device is stolen, failures and disappointments are possible.

Holding them in your hands means the sleeper will receive very important, long-awaited news.

To see something being weighed for you at the market means you should pay more attention to business, its progress, and details, since deception in business is very likely.

Sometimes such a symbol, as the dream book reports, promises a person very soon some important acquaintance. Perhaps such a person will be useful for business or help resolve some issue.

Be careful - it's not that simple

Seeing scales in a dream foretells litigation. Faulty - the judge will make an unfair decision. If the bowls are balanced, this is, according to the dream book, a sign of a fair judicial decision.

Did you dream about electronic ones where the numbers are clearly visible? In reality, you will take responsibility and assess the upcoming risk.

Why do you dream that someone is handing them to the sleeping person? In reality, a person will receive power. When they are stolen, there is a great risk of losing this power due to some oversight.

Libra symbolizes balance, compromise, stability. It is believed that the souls of the dead are met by an angel who weighs each one on divine scales and decides what outweighs more: good or evil.

A dream in which you are weighing your purchase means that in reality you will have to make a difficult life choice between material and spiritual goods.

To see a salesman weighing you down in a dream is a harbinger that someone will try to mislead you.

If in a dream you saw broken scales, it means that in reality your plans will not come true.

Seeing an angel holding scales in his hands in a dream is a sign that you need to strive for spiritual balance, which will bring you peace.

A dream in which you step on the scale to find out whether your weight has increased means that you are tormented by doubts that prevent you from determining your path in life.

Seeing the constellation Libra in a dream means that in reality the duality of your character will cause serious problems.

If in a dream someone weighs you, be careful. Your ill-wishers will do everything possible to ensure that their threats take on real forms. In the old days they said: “I will weigh you on a bone balance.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Libra

The dream symbolizes your balanced attitude towards life, thanks to which you will be able to make the right decision on which your life depends in the near future.

If in a dream you are weighing yourself on a scale, it means that in some of your enterprises there is a danger of losing: you may get ahead of yourself, try to be more decisive and not hesitate when you need to make urgent decisions.

Weighing another person down: Someone is misjudging you for who you really are.

Of course, changing someone else's opinion about yourself is not easy, but, on the other hand, do you need it? If not, then do not pay attention to the dream, live without thinking about how others perceive you.

Weighing food on scales in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task.

Seeing broken scales in a dream: in the near future you will commit an act that will surprise both you and your loved ones.

If in a dream you come across a lot of strong drinks among the weighed foods, your action will most likely be negative.

Perhaps in the heat of a quarrel or at a moment of irritation you will offend a person and later regret it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Libra is an everyday object in our lives. We often come across them in stores and at the market. And there’s nothing to say about floor-standing ones; they are present in the home of any woman who watches her weight.

But why dream of scales? A dream of this kind speaks of a compromise that the dreamer needs to come to, about the balance of good and evil or stability in life. And the accompanying details will help us understand this image in more detail.

To weigh or to be weighed?

If you saw scales as an image, but there was no one and nothing on them, you are a sane person. In this case, scales in a dream show your ability to correctly prioritize and make the right decisions. It is also possible that in the near future you will face an important choice that will determine your future life, and you will make it correctly.

Dreamers who saw themselves weighing themselves will soon become more fair; this trait will make them calmer, softer, and more self-confident. Thanks to this, you will find success in business and succeed in your professional field.

If this image was destined to be dreamed of by a girl who was weighing her lover, this is a favorable sign. She will discover more and more positive aspects in her partner and gain confidence in his devotion to her. But for women, this dream can also have another meaning - pregnancy.

Have you seen yourself on the scales and tried to see your kilograms? Perhaps at the moment you are overcome by some doubts regarding a certain issue. In this case, you need to calm down and think about everything again, weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.

Let's also see what scales mean in dreams when they show an increase of several kilograms. Unexpected profits await you ahead, or your superiors will notice and appreciate you.

Let's see what else scales mean in a dream:

  • To receive as a gift is good luck, luck, profit.
  • Weighing products on them means thriftiness, thriftiness, trust.
  • They give you scales for safekeeping - get power into your hands.
  • Holding the scales means receiving important news.

In addition, as the dream book explains, you can dream of a scale in the hands of someone who came in a dream. This sign is a message from above:

  • Set your life priorities correctly.
  • Get rid of unnecessary garbage in your thoughts.
  • Think positively.

By following these tips, you will gain peace of mind and feel more comfortable.