1746 guidelines. Calculation of tariffs for water supply and water supply. Standard calculation of water consumption for technological needs, calculation of water losses during its production and transportation for the period of regulation

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In accordance with the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 N 416-FZ "On water supply and sanitation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 50, Art. 7358; 2012, N 53 (Part I), Art. 7614; Art. ... and water disposal" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 20, Art. 2500; 2013, No. 32, Art. 4306) I order:

1. These Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 N 416-FZ “On Water Supply and Sewage” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 50, art. 7358; 2012, no. 7614; art. 7643, no. 2330; art. pricing in the field of water supply and sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the Principles of Pricing) and the Rules for regulating tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation Rules), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 N 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and water disposal" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 20, Art. 2500; No. 32, Art. 4306).

2. The guidelines are intended for use by the federal executive body in the field of tariff regulation, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, if they are vested with the appropriate powers, organizations carrying out regulated activities in the field of water supply and sanitation (hereinafter referred to as regulatory bodies tariffs, regulated organizations respectively).

3. Tariffs for drinking water (drinking water supply), process water, cold water transportation, water disposal and wastewater transportation are calculated in the form of one of the following options:

II. Determination of the volume of water supply, wastewater received, used to calculate tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation (balance of water supply and sanitation)

4. The estimated volume of water supply, the volume of accepted wastewater, services provided are determined in accordance with Appendices 1, 1.1 to these Guidelines for the next year and every year during the long-term regulation period (when setting tariffs for the long-term regulation period), based on the actual volume of water supply (reception of wastewater) for the last reporting year and dynamics of water supply (reception of wastewater) over the last 3 years, including taking into account the connection (technological connection) of consumer facilities to centralized water supply and (or) sewerage systems and termination of supply water (reception of wastewater) in relation to consumer facilities, as well as changes in the procedure for determining the amount of supplied water (received wastewater), including the transition from the use of calculation methods for determining the amount of supplied water (received wastewater) to the use of water (wastewater) meters.

5. The volume of water supplied (planned for distribution) to subscribers is determined separately in relation to drinking water, process water, hot water according to the formulas:

Estimated volume of water supplied to new subscribers connected to the centralized water supply system in year i, minus water consumption by subscribers whose water supply has been stopped (planned to be stopped), thousand cubic meters. m. The indicated value can take, among other things, negative values;

Planned change (decrease) in the volume of water supplied by the guaranteeing organization to subscribers in year i in relation to year i-1, associated with a change in water consumption standards, thousand cubic meters. m. The indicated value can take both positive and negative values;

Rate of change (decrease) in water consumption. If data on the volume of water supply in previous years is not available, the rate of change (decrease) in water consumption is calculated without taking these years into account. The rate of change (decrease) in water consumption should not exceed 5 percent per year.

When calculating the volume of water supplied to subscribers for the next year, the estimated volumes of water supply for the current year and the actual volumes of water supply for the previous three years are used, determined by the regulatory body taking into account the information provided by regulated organizations in accordance with the Standards for Disclosure of Information by Public Utilities Organizations, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2009 N 1140 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 3, Art. 302; 2013, N 3, Art. 205; N 28, Art. 3835), Information disclosure standards in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2013 No. 6 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 3, Art. 205).

6. The volume of water supply, determined for the purpose of setting tariffs for regulated organizations that have not previously carried out regulated types of activities in the field of water supply, is determined based on the actual volumes and dynamics of water supply to the organization that previously carried out such activities in a centralized cold water supply and (or) hot water supply system water supply, and water supply contracts concluded by the organization, unified water supply and sanitation contracts. When creating new objects of centralized water supply systems, the volume of water supply (transportation) is determined by calculation, taking into account the technical parameters of such objects.

7. The volume of water losses during transportation and water consumption by the regulated organization for its own needs is determined by the tariff regulatory body in accordance with paragraph 27 of the Pricing Fundamentals.

8. Calculation of the volume of accepted wastewater for the next year is carried out in accordance with formulas (1) and (1.1), using data on the actual volume of accepted wastewater and the dynamics of the volume of accepted wastewater over the last 3 years, as well as information on the volume of wastewater received from new subscribers whose facilities are connected (planned to be connected) to the centralized sewerage system and information on the volume of wastewater received from subscribers whose water drainage has been stopped (planned to be stopped).

9. If the subscriber’s sewer outlets are not equipped with wastewater metering devices, the volume of wastewater received for the purpose of calculating tariffs is determined in accordance with the Rules for organizing commercial metering of water and wastewater, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 37, Art. 4696), and in accordance with the volumes defined in water disposal agreements, unified water supply and sanitation agreements.

10. The estimated volume of wastewater discharged into the centralized drainage system is determined separately for surface wastewater and other categories of wastewater (domestic, industrial or industrial wastewater).

11. The required gross revenue of regulated organizations is determined based on the economically justified expenses necessary for them to carry out the regulated type of activity and ensure the achievement of the target performance indicators of the regulated organization, provided for by investment and production programs during the regulation period.

12. If the regulated organization during the expired regulation period incurred economically justified expenses that were not taken into account by the tariff regulatory body when setting tariffs for its goods (work, services), or has lost income from previous periods of regulation (hereinafter referred to as lost costs and lost income) , then such shortfalls and lost income, as well as expenses associated with servicing borrowed funds and own funds allocated to cover the lack of funds, are taken into account by the tariff regulatory body when setting tariffs for such a regulated organization in full no later than on the 3rd annual the regulation period following the regulation period, in which the specified expenses (lost revenues) were confirmed by accounting and statistical reporting.

13. Tariffs for water supply are calculated using the method of economically justified expenses (costs). When calculating tariffs for water supply, the costs of collecting and treating water or purchasing water and the costs of transporting water are taken into account.

14. When calculating the required gross revenue, the regulated organization’s income from connection fees (technological connection) and costs associated with connecting the applicants’ facilities to centralized water supply and sanitation systems are taken into account separately. When calculating income from connection fees (technological connection), methods for calculating the required gross revenue in accordance with Chapters IV - VII of these Guidelines are not used.

Order of the Federal Tariff Service dated December 27, 2013 N 1746-e
"On approval of the Methodological Guidelines for the calculation of regulated tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 N 416-FZ "On water supply and sanitation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 50, Art. 7358; 2012, N 53 (Part I), Art. 7614; Art. ... and water disposal" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 20, Art. 2500; 2013, No. 32, Art. 4306), I order:

Methodological guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation have been approved.

There are one-, two- and multi-rate tariffs for drinking and process water, for the transportation of cold and waste water, as well as for wastewater disposal.

Multi-rate tariffs are differentiated according to the volume of water consumption.

The procedure for determining the volume of water supply and accepted wastewater used to calculate tariffs is prescribed. We are talking about balances of water supply and wastewater disposal (their forms are given).

It is fixed how the required gross revenue is calculated. There are 4 methods: economically justified expenses (costs); comparisons of analogues; return on invested capital; indexing. Each of them is examined in detail.

The procedure for calculating tariff rates for connection (technological connection) has been established. Thus, the expenses of regulated organizations for the creation of water supply and sewerage networks and facilities on them are taken into account. These costs are determined taking into account the proposals of these entities, depending on the materials used, the type of network installation, including the depth of their location, cramped conditions, and type of soil.

Particular attention is paid to hot water tariffs.

Regulators set a two-part tariff for hot water in a closed hot water system. It consists of components for cold water and heat energy.

The first component is presented in the form of a single-rate (based on payment for 1 cubic meter of cold water) or two-rate (based on payment for 1 cubic meter of cold water and payment for 1 cubic meter of cold water per hour of connected capacity) tariff price rate.

Order of the Federal Tariff Service dated December 27, 2013 N 1746-e "On approval of the Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation"

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

This document is amended by the following documents.

Energy Tariff Holding LLC performs tariff calculations:

  • for drinking water;
  • process water;
  • water transportation;
  • for hot water (with an open and closed heating system).

How are water supply tariffs calculated?

Tariffs are calculated using the following methods:

Our company’s specialists make adjustments to established long-term tariffs.

When forming a tariff application, indicators of reliability and quality of services provided are calculated, and a program in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency is formed.

Calculations are made in accordance with current legislation and methods. As part of the tariff application, a production program for water supply is formed.

Calculation of water tariffs using the method of economically justified expenses (costs)

If tariffs for water or water transportation are established for the first time for an organization providing water supply or water transportation services (a new organization or water supply/water transportation services have not previously been provided), the Method of economically justified expenses (costs) is used for calculation. It is sometimes called the “NVV Method” (NVR is the required gross revenue). The methodology for calculating tariffs for water and water transportation using the method of economically justified expenses (costs) was approved by order of the Federal Tariff Service dated December 27, 2013 No. 1746-e “On approval of guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation.”

Calculation of water tariffs using the method of economically justified costs (expenses), performed by our specialists, includes the following steps:

Analysis of water supply network diagrams

A specification for water supply network diagrams is drawn up - information on the diagram is written down in sections between wells, indicating the numbers of wells, points of connection for subscribers, the lengths of network sections, diameters, the number of fire hydrants, the number of shut-off valves installed on the networks.

Formation of a water consumption balance for the regulation period

The balance of water consumption for calculating water tariffs using the method of economically justified expenses (costs) is formed on the basis of water supply contracts or water transportation contracts concluded with consumers of services.

Study of the technological process of water supply

The study of the technological process of water supply when setting water tariffs using the method of economically justified expenses (costs) includes:

  • study of the technological scheme for lifting, purifying and transporting water; mechanical, chemical and other methods of water purification and disinfection;
  • study of the chemicals used, reagents, their consumption rates for water purification and disinfection;
  • studying the characteristics of equipment used in lifting, purifying and transporting water;
  • study of the characteristics of metering devices for raised water, transported water and metering devices installed at consumers.

Standard calculation of water consumption for technological needs, calculation of water losses during its production and transportation for the period of regulation

Calculation of water consumption for technological needs, water losses during its production and transportation in a centralized water supply system is carried out by our specialists on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 17, 2014 No. 640/pr “On approval of the Guidelines for calculating losses of hot, drinking, technical water in centralized water supply systems during its production and transportation.”

Formation of water supply balance

The water supply balance for calculating water tariffs is formed for the regulation period based on the calculated volume of water consumption and the calculated standard water consumption for technological needs and the volume of water losses during its production and transportation.

Calculation of standard consumption of materials (chemical reagents and other materials) for water purification and disinfection and the costs of their acquisition

Calculation of the standard consumption of materials for water supply to take them into account in the water tariff is carried out in accordance with the technological process and standards for material consumption.

Calculation of standard electricity consumption and costs for the purchase of electricity

Calculation of standard electricity consumption for inclusion in the water tariff is carried out on the basis of information obtained from studying the technological process of water supply. Electricity consumption for technological needs for water supply is calculated for the regulation period:

  • based on the characteristics of the electrical equipment installed (at water intake, treatment stations, water pressure boosting stations) - type, brand, power, quantity;
  • hours of operation of installed electrical equipment - calculated taking into account the volume of lifting, pumping and purification of water, the productivity of installed equipment, and the demand factor.

Calculation of labor costs and social contributions from the wage fund

The calculation of labor costs and social contributions from the wage fund for inclusion in the water tariff is carried out on the basis of the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the staffing table, the Regulations on wages, the Collective Agreement, orders for additional payments, combinations and other local acts of the regulated organizations.

In accordance with the technological process, the characteristics and quantity of installed equipment, and the length of networks, the standard number of main production workers and operational management for water supply is calculated. The number of junior service personnel for the maintenance of water supply facilities is calculated - cleaners of industrial premises, cleaners of production areas. If there are vehicles and special equipment, the standard number of drivers, tractor drivers and machinists is calculated.

Calculation of depreciation expenses

Expenses for depreciation charges for inclusion in the water tariff are calculated on the basis of inventory cards (OS-6), commissioning certificates (OS-1, OS-1a), depreciation rates, initial cost, useful life and operation, data about reconstruction and modernization.

Calculation of repair costs

Repair costs in the water tariff include the following costs:

  • for major repairs of water supply facilities by contract and economic means;
  • for routine repairs of water supply facilities by contract;
  • for materials for routine repairs carried out economically for water supply facilities.

Calculation of rental costs and leasing payments

The calculation of costs for renting water supply facilities is carried out in accordance with clause 44 of the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 406 dated May 13, 2013 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation.” The rent included in the tariff includes:

  • depreciation deductions;
  • property tax;
  • land tax (or land rental payments);
  • other obligatory payments of the owner related to the ownership of leased property.

Calculation of costs for purchased products

Costs for purchased products are calculated if the regulated organization purchases water from another resource supply organization or pays for water treatment services or water transportation.

Calculation of workshop costs

The calculation of shop expenses for the formation of water tariffs consists of determining the amount of general production expenses directly related to the type of water supply activity.

Shop water supply costs include the following types of expenses:

  • labor costs and deductions from the wage fund of shop personnel;
  • electricity costs for workshop electrical equipment;
  • costs of depreciation on fixed assets for workshop purposes;
  • labor protection costs;
  • training costs;
  • costs for water tests;
  • costs for maintenance of water supply facilities;
  • emergency dispatch service costs;
  • costs of household goods for water intake and/or water treatment plants;
  • costs for low-value and quickly wearing items, fixed assets worth up to 40 thousand rubles and a useful life of less than 1 year;
  • other industrial services for water supply.

Calculation of administrative expenses

The calculation of administrative expenses for the formation of water tariffs consists of determining the amount of general expenses (general operating expenses) - expenses accounted for in account 26 “General expenses”. Administrative expenses for the period of regulation for the enterprise as a whole are calculated on the basis of concluded contracts for general business purposes, actual costs and justified planned expenses for the period of regulation. The tariff for drinking water, calculated by the method of economically justified expenses (costs), includes the share of administrative expenses attributable to the type of water supply activity in accordance with the method of distribution of indirect costs reflected in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Calculation of expenses for paying taxes and fees

Calculation of expenses for paying taxes and fees to take them into account in the tariff for drinking water, calculated by the method of economically justified expenses (expenses) consists in determining the amount of expenses necessary to pay taxes and fees related directly to the type of activity “Water supply” and the share of costs for payment taxes and fees for general production and general economic purposes related to the type of activity “Water supply”.

Calculation of standard profit

The calculation of the standard profit taken into account in the water tariff consists of determining the amount of the following types of water supply costs:

  • costs of repaying loans and credits, paying interest on loans and credits used to implement the investment program for water supply, as well as for replenishing working capital for water supply;
  • costs of capital investments in water supply for the period of regulation in accordance with the approved investment program for water supply (excluding interest on loans and credits attracted for capital investments in water supply);
  • expenses for social needs provided for by the collective agreement of the regulated organization.

Calculation of water tariffs

Calculation of water tariffs consists of the following steps:

  • formation of the required gross revenue (GRR);
  • distribution of non-residential income by half-year for the regulation period (for the 2nd half of the year, the corresponding deflator index is applied for each item of expenditure);
  • calculation of water tariffs by half-year for the regulation period:

    water tariff in the 1st half of the year = NVV 1st half of the year / volume of useful water supply in the 1st half of the year;

    water tariff in the 2nd half of the year = NVV 2nd half of the year / volume of useful water supply in the 2nd half of the year.

Formation of a production program for water supply

The formation of a production program for water supply is carried out in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for the development of production programs of public utility organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2007 No. 101.

Formation of a tariff proposal (tariff application) for setting water tariffs

Formation of a tariff proposal (tariff application) for setting water tariffs consists of the following stages:

  • creating folders with calculation tables (calculation of water tariffs);
  • creating folders with supporting documents on the basis of which water tariffs are calculated;
  • writing an explanatory note;
  • writing an application for setting water tariffs;
  • writing a statement on the choice of regulation method when setting water tariffs;
  • compiling an inventory of all documents;
  • numbering of documents in folders with inventories;
  • signing of the tariff proposal (tariff application) by the head of the regulated organization and certification of signatures with the seal of the regulated organization;
  • scanning all tariff offer documents and recording them on electronic media;
  • stitching together all tariff offer documents, certifying them with the signature of the manager and the seal of the regulated organization;
  • sending a tariff proposal to the state regulatory body in the field of tariff setting to establish water tariffs for the regulated organization.