Quiz "the smartest cadet" methodological development on the topic. Questions for the quiz The purpose of the event: to broaden the horizons of students, to contribute to the formation of their civic position, patriotic feelings for the past, present and future of their homelands

February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, is an important, solemn holiday. On this day we honor the Russian soldier, officer, general, sailor, pilot - everyone who stands guard over the world and protects the borders of their beloved Motherland. " There is no better soldier than a Russian anywhere in the world. He himself will not be lost and will save his comrade“- this is what the famous military leader, commander A.V. Suvorov said.

On February 23, we congratulate all men on the holiday. Of course, we want to say kind words to the future defenders of the Fatherland, wishing them to grow up strong, smart, and decisive.

On the eve of the holiday, ceremonial events are held in schools and groups. A quiz – a game consisting of answering questions – is an integral part of any event.

The quiz on February 23 will enliven any holiday event and stir up interest in the topic. We offer you a quiz consisting of 8 blocks of questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. Answer the questions:

What was the name of the holiday on February 23, celebrated from 1946 to 1993?
Answer:"Day of the Soviet Army and Navy"

What historical events is the holiday of February 23 associated with?
Answer: with the first battles of the Red Army against German troops in February 1918

Name famous Russian military leaders
Answer: Suvorov, Kutuzov, Budyonny, Chapaev, Blucher, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Konev, Govorov, Rokossovsky.

What was the name of the army in the old days?
Answer: army

When did the first firearms appear among ancient Russian warriors?
Answer: Cannon - since 1389, and since the 15th century - manual. A hand crossbow is a tube in which the gunpowder was ignited with the help of a fire fuse.

What does the word "shot" mean?
Answer: mischievous, tomboy

What ancient traditions, tales, myths, legends about military campaigns do you know?
Answer:“Prophetic Oleg”, “Ilya Muromets”, “Tales of the glorious Battle of Kulikovo”, “Tales about Stepan Razin”, “How the geese saved Rome”, “Warrior Prince Svyatoslav and his campaigns”.

What is a slingshot?
Answer: Slavic heavy spear for hand-to-hand combat or for hunting large animals

What kind of item is “armor”?
Answer: metal armor, armor worn to protect against bladed weapons

Who is this corporal?
Answer: team leader, junior military rank

What was the name of the commander of an army, as well as a region or district, in ancient Rus'?
Answer: voivode

2. Block of humorous questions

What item can you cook porridge from?
From an ax +
From scrap
From the hammer

Whose life is a tin can?
At Vodyanoy +
At Kashchei the Immortal
At Papa Carlo's

Who does the whole regiment stand for?
For the one who waves his fists after a fight
For the one who has no voice, but wants to sing
Who amuses people in the regiment +

What will cure the seven ailments?
Bow +

Why don't ears grow higher?
Answer: Above love

Who can get the little sparrow?
Don Quixote
Tall man +
Cat Basilio

3. ABC of military words.

Name as many words starting with the letter “A” that relate to military topics.
Answer: aircraft carrier, artillery, army, crossbow, armada, boarding, admiral, adjutant, aiguillettes, ace (pilot), attack, halberd (an ancient weapon - a figured hatchet on a long shaft).

What is onucha?
Answer: foot wrap

What is damask steel?
Answer: a special type of steel for blades, sabers, daggers

4. Man's first weapon

What types of weapons were used:
in the Stone Age? Answer: about 2 million - 10 thousand years BC. e. - wooden clubs, stones, spears with a burnt end; in the Mesolithic era (10-5 thousand years BC), Neolithic (6-4 thousand years BC) weapons with a stone tip, boomerang.
in the copper age? Answer: copper arrowheads, daggers, swords, axes.
in the Bronze Age? Answer: bronze swords, knives; bronze tips of spears and arrows; protective armor.
in the Iron Age? Answer: iron edged weapons and armor: swords, daggers, spears, maces, battle axes.

5. Which song do the lyrics belong to?

“The fire is beating in a cramped stove...”
Answer:"In the dugout." Authors: poems by A. Surikov, music by K. Listov

“Victory Day, how far it was from us...”
Answer: Victory Day". Authors: poems by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov

“Where are you now, fellow soldiers, my combat companions?”
Answer:“Where are you now, fellow soldiers” Authors: poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy

“Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers who did not return from the bloody fields...”
Answer:"Cranes". Authors: poems by R. Gamzatov, music by Y. Frenkel

“The grove under the mountain was smoking, and the sunset was burning with it...”
Answer:"At an unnamed height." Authors: poems by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner

6. Question and answer

List the qualities that characterize a brave warrior.
Answer: Determination, courage, courage, bravery, endurance, bravery, fearlessness, valor, inflexibility, fortitude, steadfastness, tenacity, heroism, determination, inflexibility, intrepidity.

7. Continue the proverb:

The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream... of becoming a general.
Alone in the field is not...a warrior.
Cheek brings success.
The bullet is afraid of the brave... the bayonet does not take the brave.
Take care of the soldier's honor...sacred.
The Russian soldier does not know... barriers.
Courage is the sister...of victory.
He disappeared like a Swede near... Poltava.
The Frenchman is striking, but the Russian... is persistent.
Know the Russian commandment - in battle... don’t yawn.
We are not afraid of a cloud of enemies if the army is...mighty.

8. Who is the author of the poem?

If they say the word “Motherland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate...
Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one.
Answer: Alexandrova Zinaida Nikolaevna, poem “Motherland”

I would like to meet the tank crews
And tell them this: “Friends,
You are fighting the fascists,
I want to fight too!”
I would sit in a cramped cabin
And for your homeland,
For the spacious, wonderful
Would have distinguished himself in battle.
Answer: Blaginina Elena Aleksandrovna, poem “It would be nice...”

The Red Army soldier
There is a gun.
They are brave.
Their business is
And little ones
And big ones.
Answer: Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, poem “Walking”

On February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated widely and magnificently throughout the country. This significant date is celebrated not only by the military-bound part of the population, but also by all civilians. On this day, not only adult men are congratulated, but also very young boys who have yet to prove their devotion and loyalty to their Motherland. In kindergartens and schools, all kinds of special events are held, which educators, teachers and parents think through in advance. We offer you songs, riddles, and questions that will come in handy if you write a script for boys on February 23rd. We also offer several ideas for a holiday scenario.

In junior preschool institutions, they usually organize a festive concert with funny children's songs, simple quizzes and simple competitions, necessarily related to the army and military duties. Children are taught in advance small quatrains about the Motherland, soldiers, courage and bravery. The hall is decorated with balloons, red stars and pictures depicting pilots, tank crews, paratroopers, airplanes and armored vehicles. To give the holiday a special atmosphere, active military personnel in uniform are invited to visit children, who tell future defenders of the Motherland about their work in a humorous and accessible manner.

In primary and secondary schools, the scenario for boys on February 23 is approached on a larger scale. All kinds of costumed performances with musical and song numbers, a large number of competitions, quizzes and riddles are developed for students. As a theme for the evening, you can choose a historical plot, for example, to play out the process of the emergence of the Red Army on the stage of the assembly hall. This will require specific costumes and decorations, but after the performance all the children, both boys and girls, as well as the guests present, will never forget how the Russian armed forces were born and the holiday of February 23 appeared on the calendar.

Scenario for boys for February 23: Songs

Not a single holiday is complete without songs, and Defender of the Fatherland Day is, of course, no exception. Any texts for musical numbers are suitable: solemn, military, lyrical, perky or humorous. Both boys and guests will be pleased if the compositions are performed by girls. You can go even further and stage the song on stage in the hall. True, this will require appropriate costumes and decorations, but such an original performance will give the event scenario a special atmosphere and will be remembered for a long time by the heroes of the occasion and all the guests.

Song for February 23rd for boys #1

For some, perhaps, it’s just an “invented” reason...
Just joyfully shout: “Hurray! Congratulations men!”
Give “classmates” a cake... for fun...
And not to remember those who laid down their lives for their Motherland.

But our boys will soon grow up from schoolchildren...
They will turn from youngsters into fearless and brave fighters!
And we will be proud of you more than once - no doubt:
You carry the proud flag of our Motherland, the memory of our fathers!

Time knows history... writes in blood and gold...
About the great sons of the Fatherland, about the heroes of Rus'...
Time remembers and asks us: “People! Quiet...quiet!”
So that there will be no more Nagasak, Hiroshima fires...

Time teaches men to be a reliable support for the weak,
And in harsh years, when the alarm suddenly sounds...
Time believes: it will destroy enemies with its merciless hand...
The one whose holiday today is the GREAT RUSSIAN SOLDIER!

This is a holiday for MEN! And don’t spare your words from the bottom of your heart!
Brother, father, grandfather and grandson, husband and son - this is your armor!
And warm them with spiritual, heartfelt warmth on this day:
After all, we consider all the military members as RELATIVES!

Congratulations to the men for their hard service in uniform
Private, sergeant, major... Serve - don't worry!
We wish that the sharp cry: “Back to the carriages!” would sound less often.
And so that each of you lives what God has given...

Song for February 23rd for boys #2

So that the day goes well,
We congratulate our classmates.
No boys in our class
It wouldn't be very cool.

Even though they are annoying,
And they grab us by the braids,
We love them so dearly
That we are ready to forgive forever

All grievances and miscalculations.
We won't settle scores
Let's just love them
And feed them candy.

Song for February 23rd for boys #3

Today we dressed up for you so smartly.
And with bated breath we hasten to congratulate everyone:
We sing a song to the boys and wish to see you in you,
Only the brave defenders of their native country.

Almost already men: smart, strong, worthy,
Both reading and Russian are definitely within your grasp.
But only the cheerful bell rings for recess,
Like a crowd you are rushing to attack again.

Now, running past, now, breaking through walls,
Forward to the cherished goal - and no matter the obstacles...
In the dining room you all stand to death without fail,
After you, only, of course, we take the buns.

But still, without the boys we would be very bored.
Without you, in fact, we grow pale day after day.
No wonder they call you the strong half,
Well, they call us the weaker sex with a grin.

Song for February 23rd for boys #4

Russia is a huge country
Its army is brave and strong
Brave boys grow up
And they will come to her aid in time
We'll just grow up a little
We will join the Russian army
We will serve valiantly
And we will cherish our Motherland

The boy is a future soldier
And there is no turning back for him
The boy is a future hero
And I always stand up for my friends
We'll just grow up a little
We will join the Russian army
We will serve valiantly
And we will cherish our Motherland

Song for February 23rd for boys #5

The cold winds make a loud noise,
And the lights shine in the warm windows.
Soldier in ranks. He is always where you need him
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.

For a year the soldier is on the march. Oath to the Motherland,
It lives unshakably in his soul,
Like the eternal light of a single banner,
Leading forward, always forward.

Peace to the Earth, Russia and me.

The soldier is studying. Everything must be comprehended,
To defend the country when thunder strikes,
And for him a cherished reward
To be the first in a difficult combat matter.

When a soldier is in business. Let the service not be sugar,
Above other feelings - duty to the Fatherland,
Moreover, in difficult times, male friendship
He will help and come to the rescue.
Serve as a soldier as a son of your native land,
You are faithful to the military oath
Keep it just as faithfully, indestructibly
Peace to the Earth, Russia and me.

Scenario for boys on February 23: Riddles

Festive themed riddles are a very popular number for scenarios for school events, which are almost always included in the festive program. The answers can be shouted out in chorus, for example, by the whole class or kindergarten group, or answered individually by raising your hand. Such tasks are usually quite simple and allow each child to express themselves and show their own ingenuity. Correct answers must be rewarded with applause, candy or a small souvenir (depending on the age category of the participants). To add a competitive touch, it is recommended to divide the audience into teams, and at the end reward those who gave the maximum number of correct answers.

Riddle for February 23rd for boys #1

The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty both day and night
Our soldier is a military man...

Riddle for February 23rd for boys #2

The car rushes briskly into battle,
The enemy will not hide before her,
That car in the open field

Riddle for February 23rd for boys #3

“Where we are, there is victory!” -
Our motto is glorious, fighting.
We have been from sea to shore since centuries,
They ran like a “stone” wall!

Riddle for February 23rd for boys #4

He stands on the border
The enemy does not approach us, he is trembling.
In the field, or on the shore,
Blocks the enemy's path.
(Border Guard)

Riddle for February 23rd for boys #5

I want to become a sailor
To visit the sea
And serve not on earth,
And in the military...

Scenario for boys on February 23: Questions

The quiz is a great way to test boys' knowledge about the army, branches of the military and other things directly related to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The questions need to be taken very carefully and selected in strict accordance with the age of the event participants. The tasks in your script for boys on February 23 should not be too complicated, but you shouldn’t rely on primitivism either. Otherwise, it will simply be uninteresting to answer. It is better to design the quiz so that it becomes more difficult gradually, and the very last questions require full concentration from the children. The one who gives the maximum number of correct answers must be rewarded with a pleasant, memorable gift or souvenir. If teams demonstrate knowledge, it makes sense to award points for correct answers, and at the end, award the winners.

Questions for boys on February 23: primary grades

  1. Armed forces? Army.
  2. Military school graduate? An officer.
  3. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland? Border guard.
  4. Is there a guard, a marching, or a border guard? Outpost.
  5. Manual explosive projectile? Grenade.
  6. A man's name and a machine gun in the civil war? Maksim.
  7. Steel arms? Sword.
  8. Command to shoot? "Pli."
  9. A shelter from which soldiers shoot? Trench.
  10. A military unit that guards something or someone? Guard.

For schoolchildren in grades 2-3

  1. Warlord location? Bid.
  2. Military unit located in a city, fortress? Garrison.
  3. Selected part of the army? Guard.
  4. Movement of troops to a new direction with the aim of striking? Maneuver.
  5. Location of troops for battle? Position.
  6. Large formation of troops? Frame.
  7. A military fortification that consists of a rampart and a ditch in front of it? Redoubt.
  8. Military term for surprise attack? Attack.
  9. A brief report by a serviceman to a senior officer? Report.
  10. Soldier's coat? Overcoat.
  11. A place to go target shooting? Shooting gallery
  12. Heavy combat vehicle (four letters)? Tank.
  13. Troop review? Parade.
  14. Troop movement? Maneuver.
  15. A raid by a military detachment behind enemy lines? Raid.

Questions for boys for February 23: grades 3-4

  1. What is the name for running while shouting “Hurray!”? Attack.
  2. Who wears blue berets? Airborne troops.
  3. A tune with a clear rhythm that is easy to step to? March.
  4. A staircase used to board a ship or plane? Ladder.
  5. How to find out the rank of a military man? By shoulder straps.
  6. What does the evening command sound like in the barracks? “All clear!”
  7. What is the name of a soldier's winter hat? Hat with ear flaps.
  8. What are the doors on tanks called? Hatches.
  9. Who's in charge on a submarine? Captain.
  10. The building where airplanes are repaired? Hangar.
  11. Are there vests with black stripes? Yes, in the navy.
  12. How to find out the branch of the military in which a military man serves? According to the emblem.
  13. How many stars are on one senior lieutenant's shoulder strap? Three.
  14. Sports equipment for pull-ups? Crossbar.
  15. How to decrypt BTR? Armored personnel carrier.
  16. What is larger in size, a company or a platoon? Company.
  17. What should a soldier know best? Charter
  18. Continue: “It’s hard to study -...”? Easy in battle
  19. What is extra: a visor, a helmet, a hat, a cap, a beret? Hat.
  20. What is a gas mask for? For protection against polluted air.

Questions for boys for February 23: grades 5-6

  1. What is a peakless cap? Sailors' headdress.
  2. Who doesn't have rank insignia on their shoulder straps? Among sailors and soldiers.
  3. What do the letters in the abbreviation VDV stand for? Airborne troops.
  4. Do tank crews wear helmets or helmets? Helmets.
  5. What is the name of the room intended for the accommodation of soldiers? Barracks.
  6. What breed of dogs most often serves on the border? Shepherd dogs.
  7. In an apartment it’s a room, but on a ship it’s...? Cabin.
  8. Who is higher in rank: captain or major? Major.
  9. What does the expression “take the tongue” mean? Capture the enemy.
  10. If a person flies a helicopter, what is the correct name for his profession? Helicopter pilot.
  11. What does a live cartridge consist of? From the shell - a cartridge case, a powder charge, a primer and a bullet.
  12. What is the ceremonial passage of military equipment and troops called? Parade.
  13. Finish the proverb: “A machine gun and a shovel - ...”? Soldier's friends.
  14. What do you press with your finger when firing a pistol? On the trigger, not on the hammer. These are different parts.
  15. Who is a sniper? Accurate shooter.
  16. What is more powerful - a machine gun or a machine gun? Machine gun.
  17. In what order should military units be placed so that their numbers increase: regiment, platoon, battalion, company? Platoon (up to 60 people); company (up to 250); battalion (up to 900); regiment (up to 2700).
  18. At what time on weekdays in the army do the commands sound: “Rise!” and “All clear!”? At 6-00 and at 22-00.
  19. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have on his shoulder straps? Three.
  20. What word does the name “vest” come from? Body.

Questions for boys for February 23: Blitz quiz about sailors for middle school students

  1. The main boss on the ship. Answer: Captain.
  2. A teenager, but a full-fledged sailor. Answer: Jung.
  3. Sea chef on a ship. Answer: Cook.
  4. A place protected from waves for ships. Answer: Port.
  5. Space on the ship. Answer: Chopping.
  6. Part of a room on a submarine or ship. Answer: Compartment.
  7. A device for holding a vessel stationary in open water. Answer: Anchor.
  8. Association of warships. Answer: Squadron.
  9. Part of a ship's equipment, with which it sails when there is wind. Answer: Sail.
  10. Conductor of sea vessels. Answer: Pilot.
  11. Marine signal "save our souls". Answer: SOS.
  12. What rolling sound does the sea make? Answer: Rumble.
  13. Without knowing him, don't poke your nose into the water. Answer: Brod.
  14. Floating crossing. Answer: Ferry.
  15. Sea storm. Answer: Storm.
  16. For sailors, East is east, West is west, South is south, and North? Answer: Nord.
  17. A vessel capable of sailing through ice. Answer: Icebreaker.
  18. A nuclear powered ship. Answer: Nuclear-powered ship.

Quiz questions

1. Armed forces. Answer: Army.

2. Graduate of a military school. Answer: Officer.

3. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland. Answer: Border guard.

4. There are guard, marching, border. Answer: Outpost.

5. Manual explosive projectile. Answer: Grenade.

6. A man's name and a machine gun in the civil war. Answer: Maxim.

7. In what country and when did the first tank appear? (In Russia in 1915 it was called an all-terrain vehicle.)

8. Cold steel. Answer: Sword.

9. Command to shoot. Answer: “Pli.”

10. Cover from which soldiers shoot. Answer: Trench.

11. A military unit that guards something or someone. Answer: Guard.

12. What orders are named after Russian commanders? (The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established in the 18th century, the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov were awarded during the Great Patriotic War.)

13. Location of the military leader. Answer: Bet.

14. Military unit located in the city, fortress. Answer: Garrison.

15. Selected part of the army. Answer: Guard.

16. Name the first Russian order. (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.)

17. Movement of troops to a new direction for the purpose of striking. Answer: Maneuver.

18. Location of troops for battle. Answer: Position.

19. Large formation of troops. Answer: Corps.

20. Military fortification, which consists of a rampart and a ditch in front of it. Answer: Redoubt.

21. What were Roman soldiers rewarded for their military exploits? (Wreaths.)

22. Military term for a surprise attack. Answer: Attack.

23. Brief report of a serviceman to a senior officer. Answer: Report.

24. Which of the military leaders of the 20th century. was the first to be awarded the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

25. Soldier's coat. Answer: Overcoat.

26. A place where you can shoot at targets. Answer: Tyr.

27. Heavy combat vehicle (four letters). Answer: Tank.

28. Solemn review of troops. Answer: Parade.

29. Name the most memorable and large-scale military parades on Red Square. (The 1941 parade, when the Germans came close to Moscow, and the Victory Parade in 1945)

30. Movement of troops. Answer: Maneuver.

31. A raid by a military detachment behind enemy lines. Answer: Raid.

32. What orders are named after Russian admirals? (Order and medal of Ushakov, order and medal of Nakhimov.)

33. The main boss on the ship. Answer: Captain.

34. A teenager, but a full-fledged sailor. Answer: Jung.

35. Sea cook on a ship. Answer: Cook.

36. A place protected from waves for ships. Answer: Port.

37. Conductor of sea vessels. Answer: Pilot.

38. Marine signal “save our souls.” Answer: SOS.

39. Which commander commanded the Russian army during the war with the French in 1812? (Mikhail Kutuzov.)

40. Name the types of troops in the modern army. (Artillery, motorized rifle troops, armored forces, infantry, marines, airborne, engineering, aviation.)

41. For what purpose were the first airplanes used? (For reconnaissance. Then for air combat and bombing.)

42. Who and when was the St. Andrew’s flag established? (Peter I in 1699. This is the stern flag of the Russian Navy.)

43. Association of warships. Answer: Squadron.

44. What does the word “boarding” mean? (A method of naval combat. The enemy ships approached each other and grappled with hooks. The sailors boarded one ship and entered into hand-to-hand combat.)

45. What battle do the following lines tell about, and who wrote them:

You will never see such battles!

Banners were worn like shadows,

The fire sparkled in the smoke,

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screamed,

The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,

And prevented the cannonballs from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

(M. Yu. Lermontov about the Battle of Borodino in the poem “Borodino”.)

46. ​​From which work are these lines taken?

Crossing! Crossing!

Left bank, right bank,

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

For those who want dark water -

No sign, no trace.

(A. T. Tvardovsky. Poem “Vasily Terkin.”)

shelter for a soldier

Alternative descriptions

Furrow for non-germinating seeds of war

Dugout without a roof

An inevitable attribute of defense

Firing position in the field

Field fortification

A shooting shelter in the form of a ditch with an embankment

Shelter for shooting and protection from fire


Shanets, sapa, shelter, shantsa

Yama, "drafted into the army"

Saving man-made pit on the battlefield

Ditch in "military service"

What ditch are they shooting from?

What kind of trench is dug with a sapper shovel?

What does the German word “schanze” mean, from which the concept of “entrenching tool” comes?

. fighter's "rookery"

Pit connecting the redans

Special military ditch

Ditch on the battlefield

Defense attribute

He's behind the parapet

Shelter from tanks

Soldier's result of activity with a shovel

Sapa essentially

Warrior's Hideout

Trench dug in the ground

Pit with a soldier

Ditch for infantry

Combat shelter in the field

The soldiers dug

Shelter on the battlefield

Ditch's military rank

. "wrinkle" on the battlefield

Both trench and sapa

Infantryman's Shelter

Modern trench

Cover on the battlefield

Strategic Ditch

A hole dug by a soldier

Military trench

Combat Shelter

Cover for shooting

Pit on the battlefield

Rescue pit

Ditch with embrasures

. "wrinkle" on the battlefield

Production of a sapper's shovel

Trench defense attribute

A shelter dug by a soldier

Attribute of war

Fighting pit

Silent sap essentially


Marine's Hideout

Trench dug by a soldier

Where is the infantryman hiding?

. "mobilized" ditch

Pit for shelter

Full length military amulet

. soldier's "pit"

Shelter from enemy bullets

Military ditch

Infantry gun trench

Soldier's hideout

What do they dig with a mining shovel?

Field Soldier's Trench

Shooting or gun

Front-line ditch

Field military shelter

. "pit" where the soldier is hiding

Soldier's trench

Soldier's Escape Ditch

A ditch dug for himself by a soldier

Soldier's Shelter

. "pit" for the shooter

Dug with a sapper shovel

Soldier's field shelter

Dug up by a soldier

Lice feeding area

. "pit" for a fighter

Military "ditch"

Soldier's Shelter

An indispensable attribute of defense

. "moat" for soldiers

Foot Soldier's Cache

Soldier's Shelter

Military "pit"

Shelter in the ground

Pit for a soldier

They dig it from the fence until lunchtime

Ditch of defensive significance

What kind of trench is dug with a shovel?

Military ditch

Field earthen shelter for personnel

Cover for shooting

Fortification structure, shelter for shooting in the form of a shallow ditch with an embankment

Municipal Educational Institution Cadet Boarding School

Menzelinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


"The smartest cadet"

5-11 grades

teacher Galeeva E.I.

year 2014

Quiz "The smartest cadet"

Purpose of the event:broaden the horizons of students, contribute to the formation of their civic position, patriotic feelings for the past, present and future of their homeland.

Progress of the game

1. “Warm-up” competition. For each correct answer, participants receive 1 point

Questions for 5th grade:

1. Unexpected command (alarm)

2.Soldier's socks (foot wraps)

3. Ship's kitchen (galley)

4.Soldier's prison (guardhouse)

5. News from civilian life (letter)

6. Manual explosive projectile. Answer: Grenade.

7. Cold steel. Answer: Sword.

8. The main boss on the ship. Answer: Captain.

9. A teenager, but a full-fledged sailor. Answer: Jung.

Questions for 6th grade:

1.Every common soldier (general) dreams of becoming him.

2. Ship's cook (cook)

3. Soldier's coat (overcoat)

4.Non-negotiable (order)

5.Army customs (checkpoint)

6.Command to shoot. Answer: “Pli.”

7. The shelter from which the soldiers are shooting. Answer: Trench.

8. A military unit that guards something or someone. Answer: Guard.

9. Marine signal "save our souls." Answer: SOS.

Questions for 7th grade:

1.Soldier's house (barracks)

2. Game of war (training)

3. Operates on a key (radio operator)

4.Killer in war (sniper)

5.Queen of the Fields (infantry)

6.Location of the military leader. Answer: Bet.

7. Military unit located in the city, fortress. Answer: Garrison.

8. Selected part of the army. Answer: Guard.

9. A vessel capable of sailing through ice. Answer: Icebreaker.

Questions for 8th grade:

1.Invisible front fighter (scout)

2. It’s better not to meet someone AWOL (patrol)

3.Squealer (drummer)

4.Fool at war (bullet)

5. Movement of troops to a new direction for the purpose of striking. Answer: Maneuver.

6. Location of troops for battle. Answer: Position.

7. Large formation of troops. Answer: Corps.

8. Without knowing him, don’t poke your nose into the water. Answer: Brod.

9. Floating crossing. Answer: Ferry.

9th grade questions:

1.Which year is considered the birthday of the Red Army (1918)

2.What are the military shoulder badges (epaulets) called?

3.Day with a hoop, at night with a snake (belt)

4. I’ll put it under myself, under my head I’ll have to hide (overcoat)

5. Military fortification, which consists of a rampart and a ditch in front of it. Answer: Redoubt.

6. A military term for a surprise attack. Answer: Attack.

7. Brief report by a serviceman to his senior rank. Answer: Report.

8. Part of the equipment of a ship, with the help of which it sails during the wind. Answer: Sail.

9. Conductor of sea vessels. Answer: Pilot.

Questions for 10th grade:

1. Not a god, not a king, but you can’t disobey (commander)

2. And he did well in the war (bayonet)

3.Black Kochet wants to bark (gun)

5. A man's name and a machine gun in the civil war. Answer: Maxim

6. A place where you can shoot at targets. Answer: Tyr.

7. Heavy combat vehicle (four letters). Answer: Tank.

8. Sea storm. Answer: Storm.

9. A device for holding a vessel stationary in open water. Answer: Anchor.

Questions for 11th grade:

1. Armed forces. (Army).

2. Graduate of a military school. Answer: Officer.

3. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland. Answer: Border guard.

4. There are guard, marching, border. Answer: Outpost.

5. Solemn review of troops. Answer: Parade.

6. Movement of troops. Answer: Maneuver.

7. A raid by a military detachment behind enemy lines. Answer: Raid.

8. A place protected from waves for ships. Answer: Port.

9. Space on the ship. Answer: Chopping.

2. competition “Science of winning!”Your task is to complete the catchphrases of A.V. Suvorov.

We are Russian and that's why we will win.

Speed ​​is needed, but haste harmful.

For a scientist they give three non-scientists.

Where the deer passes, therethe soldier will pass too.

The soldier who answers is worthless"I can not know".

Die yourself - help your comrade.

Those who are scared are half beaten.

Two deaths cannot happen, butone cannot be avoided.

Presenter: Attention! Question for the audience! What other aphorisms of Suvorov do you know! There is an opportunity to earn an extra point for your class!

There is no change in battle, there is only support. If you defeat the enemy, then the service will end.

No matter how bad things get, never despair, hold on as long as you have strength.

While the battle is going on, help out the healthy, and they will pick up the wounded without you. If you beat the enemy, it will immediately become easier for everyone: both the wounded and the healthy.

Disposition towards a person is to wish him happiness.

Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor.

3. competition “Race for the leader”

A. Stalin I.V. V. Levitan Yu.B.

B. Molotova V.M. G. Zhukova G.K.

(Announcer of the All-Union Radio.)

2. What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes?

A. Brest Fortress.

B. Peter and Paul Fortress.

V. Severomorskaya outpost.

3. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last?

A. 10 days. B. 15 days

B. 30 days. D. 90 days.

4. According to Hitler’s plan, this should have arisen on the site of the capital of the Soviet people, Moscow. What?

A. Desert. In the sea.

B. Capital of the new Germany. G. Huge concentration camp.

5. Indicate the hero city

A. Belgorod

B. Kursk

V. Kerch

6. On July 28, 1942, Stalin issued the famous Order No. 227. What did this order say?

A. “Not a step back!”

B. “Let’s defend Mother Volga!”

V. “Death to the fascist occupiers!”

G. “Only forward, only into the line of fire!”

7. During which battle of the Great Patriotic War did the fighting for Mamayev Kurgan take place?

A. Kursk.

B. Stalingrad.

V. Moscow.

8. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last?

A. 30 days. B. 100 days.

B. 200 days. D. 300 days.

9. How many cities in total have been awarded the title of Hero City?

A. 10 B. 11 C. 12

10. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind.” Who owns these famous words?

A. Kutuzov M.I. V. Matrosov A.M.

B. Klochkova V.G. G. Gastello N.F.

4 competition for fans

1. In what year was the non-aggression treaty signed between the Soviet Union and Germany? (August 3, 1939)

2. Why did Stalin sign a non-aggression pact with Germany? (This made it possible to eliminate the threat of war on two fronts)

3.What was the name of the plan for a lightning (blitzkrieg) war, the plan of which Hitler failed to implement? (Plan "Barbarossa")

4.How is the word “Reich” translated from German? (Empire, state)

4.During the defense of which city did the Soviet people show mass heroism? (Stalingrad, held the defense for more than two months)

5.During this battle, the German army suffered a defeat, from which it was no longer able to recover? (Kursk Bulge, August 1943)

6. “Rather... it will flow back than the Russians will overcome it,” Hitler said. What river are we talking about? (Dnieper)

7. Where is the place that the defenders of Stalingrad called the main height of Russia? (Mamaev kurgan)

8. How many days did the siege of Leningrad last? (900)

9. Was this poster by I. Toidze one of the most amazing in its emotional content for the Soviet people? (“The Motherland is calling!”)

10.Which symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich was dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Russian people against fascism, our future victory over it, Leningrad? (Seventh)

12. This battle began in 1941 (Battle of Moscow)

13.Which military aircraft was the “main fighter” in aviation, the fastest and nimble (Yastrebok fighter)

14.Who were the allies of the USSR during the war? (England, USA)

15. What is the height of Mamaev Kurgan? (102 meters)

16. If it is church or knightly, it unites people. If you are granted it, it means you have great merit in military affairs or work. And what did the “not proud Terkin” agree to change it for? (Medal (order))

17. On January 1, 1944, the first performance of this new solemn song took place on the radio. Name this solemn song, one of the authors of which has changed the words 3 times over the past 66 years, but the music has remained unchanged. (Hymn)

18. The most popular poem during the war years, “Wait for Me,” was written by a front-line poet. Who is this? (Konstantin Simonov)

19. What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank - “I.S.” (Joseph Stalin)

20. How does the abbreviation “KV” stand for - the name of the Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War (Klim Voroshilov)

21. During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called “Katyusha”, but what was the name of the PPSh assault rifle, try to guess? (Daddy)

Which battle of the Great Patriotic War came first: Kursk or Stalingrad?

22. Which hero city changed its name three times? (St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad);

5. competition “Commanders and Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”

Exercise: determine military ranks, names of commanders and heroes. The maximum number of points is 2 points.

Surname of the commander or hero

Military rank of commander or hero



K.K. Rokossovsky

Marshal of the Soviet Union

G.K. Zhukov

Marshal of the Soviet Union

M.V. Kantaria

Staff Sergeant

I.N. Kozhedub

Air Marshal

I.V. Panfilov

Major General

A.I. Pokryshkin

Air Marshal

V.V. Talalikhin


M.A. Egorov


6. competition. "Military ranks of military personnel."Teams need to solve a crossword puzzle on military ranks and insignia of military personnel within 3-5 minutes. Having solved it correctly, you will find out the military rank of the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

Crossword "Military ranks and insignia of military personnel"

  1. An insignia, a symbol of military honor for military personnel, worn on the shoulders and indicating military rank and affiliation with the branch of the military.
  1. In the Navy - foreman of the 1st article, and in the Russian Army - ......?
  1. In 1631, this military rank replaced the titles of “voivode” and “regimental head”. Now this is the highest rank of senior officers.
  1. A military rank introduced in Russia by Peter I in 1716. It was not easy to obtain. Since 1940, it has been used to mark the best warrior who has shown courage in battle or who has achieved high levels of combat and political training.
  1. This military rank has a second meaning: an official in a company responsible for the correct performance of service by personnel and order in the unit.
  1. This rank was first approved by Peter I when creating the regular army and was the first junior officer rank and was awarded to those who were appointed standard bearers.
  1. At first this was the name of the economic position of assistant regiment commander, and then this word began to denote a military rank. This rank in the Soviet Army was established in 1939.
  1. A word of Latin origin meaning “common”, “chief”. In the Soviet Army, this rank was established on May 7, 1940, replacing the then existing ranks of “brigade commander,” “divisional commander,” and “commander.”
  1. The rank of senior officers in the Navy.
  1. The lowest military rank of a serviceman in the Navy.
  1. A rank introduced by Peter I at the dawn of the Russian fleet. Translated into Russian it means “ship man”. It was assigned to midshipmen who successfully graduated from the naval cadet corps.
  1. The word is of Latin origin, meaning big, elder. In Russia, this military rank appeared in 1711, first for headquarters officers of linear units. Later it began to be assigned to battalion commanders.
  1. Everyday and ceremonial headdress, the color of the band and edging of which distinguishes the branch of the military in which the soldier or officer serves.
  1. The oldest headdress, one of the varieties of combat helmets, protecting the head from small fragments, partly from bullets, as well as from blows with cold weapons.

By filling out the crossword puzzle, you will find out the military rank of the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov

(Answers in order: shoulder strap, sergeant, colonel, corporal, sergeant major, warrant officer, lieutenant colonel, general, admiral, sailor, midshipman, major, cap, helmet)

7. “Names” competition for fans

(who are we talking about here)

  1. Soviet military leader, commander of the 62nd Army at Stalingrad, Marshal of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.(Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov).
  2. Soviet, Tatar poet who died in the dungeons of the German prison Moabit. Author of “The Moabit Diary” - a collection of poems. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Lenin Prize.Jalil (Dzhalilov) Musa Mustafaevich.
  3. Participant in the defense of two hero cities - Odessa and Sevastopol, Hero of the Soviet Union, sniper, personally destroyed 309 fascists.Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
  4. Soviet intelligence officer, worked under the guise of a German journalist in Germany and Japan. He conveyed the exact date of the German attack on the USSR, the number of divisions and the general outline of the German military action plan. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Richard Sorge.
  5. An outstanding Russian composer, survived the siege of Leningrad, author of the world famous 7th symphony (dedicated to the besieged city).Dmitry Ivanovich Shostakovich.
  6. Leningrad schoolgirl who kept the famous diary of the besieged city. Tanya Savicheva.
  7. Announcer of the All-Union Radio, People's Artist of the USSR, whose voice became a symbol of the war years.Yuri Borisovich Levitan.

Summarizing. Awards