How to increase the tone of the prostate gland. Atony of the prostate. Causes of the disease

Prostate atony is a depletion of the organ, which is observed against the background of a decrease in prostate muscle tone and is associated with neurovegetative disorders. The alveoli and excretory ducts of the gland expand, which makes the outflow of secretions difficult, which leads to atony of the muscles of the organ itself, as well as disruption of the functioning of other organs.

Causes of the disease

The disease may be associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the prostate gland (therefore, prostate atony is also called atonic prostatitis), or may be the result of some non-infectious causes. In pathogenesis, the decisive factor is the pathological expansion of the alveoli and excretory ducts of the gland, which causes stagnation of secretions in the organ, leading to atony of smooth muscle cells, and the blood supply to the prostate gland is disrupted, which further aggravates the condition.

The reasons leading to the development of the disease are as follows:

  • long-term abstinence;
  • inflammatory processes in the organ;
  • frequent masturbation;
  • stress, depression, apathy;
  • chronic fatigue due to overwork and lack of sleep;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • frequent ejaculations;
  • genital injuries;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • promiscuous sexual relations.

Characteristic symptoms

Atony of the prostate gland can be complete or partial, which determines how pronounced the symptoms will be.

  1. Partial. The organ has not increased in size, but pathology is already affecting some parts of it.
  2. Full. The organ is greatly enlarged in size, flabby, and the consistency on palpation resembles jelly.

With complete atony, the symptoms will be more pronounced than with partial atony:

The disease itself is not painful. There will be pain if inflammation of the prostate gland or nearby organs has begun, and mild pain may also occur at the very beginning of the disease.


Due to the constant moisture of the genital organ, a urologist may confuse prostate atony with gonorrhea or urethritis, so the doctor must conduct laboratory tests to differentiate the disease.

First, the doctor must collect a history of the disease. Note the time of onset of symptoms and how long they bother the patient. Ask if the pain is constantly present, or if discomfort only occurs during urination or defecation.

Secondly, the doctor must palpate the prostate gland.

Thirdly, conduct laboratory tests: complete blood count, general urine test. This is necessary in order to exclude infection.

Fourthly, conduct endoscopic studies to clarify the diagnosis. Through the rectum, with atony, the prostate gland will be visible.


Depending on the degree of progression of the disease, its effect on the body and the general health of the man, the doctor may conduct several types of therapy. All types of treatment are aimed at removing stagnant secretions in the alveoli and ducts of the prostate gland, improving blood supply to the organ, strengthening muscle tone, and also improving the general health of the man.

Treatment with medications

  1. Pantocrine. Available in tablet form, it is an adaptogenic agent, which is an extract of red deer antlers. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular system, increases muscle tone, and stimulates intestinal motility. The drug is used in courses.
  2. Melipramine. Available in the form of tablets with the active substance - imipramine hydrochloride. Blocks m-cholinergic receptors and H1-histamine receptors. It is an antidepressant, providing m-anticholinergic and moderate sedative effects, the effect is achieved 2-4 weeks after the start of administration. The dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of the man.
  3. . Contains the following substances:
  • Astercanthum longifolia seed powder;
  • Compass lettuce seed powder;
  • Velvet itchy bean seed powder;
  • tin disulfide;
  • dry extract of Argyrea beautifula roots;
  • dry extract of Tribulus terrestris fruits;
  • dry extract of Leptadenia reticularis stems;
  • dry extract of Parmelia pearl thalli;
  • dry extract of rauwolfia serpentine roots.

All medications, dosages and times of use should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication may not only be ineffective, but also contribute to the deterioration of the patient’s health.

One of the most common treatment methods is carried out over 15-20 sessions. The procedure increases blood supply to the organ, accelerates metabolism, and removes stagnant secretions.

The duration of the procedure is up to 5 minutes, and the effectiveness is manifested by secretions from the gland.

Many men, due to psychological barriers, cannot decide to undergo this procedure, so it is important for the doctor to explain the benefits of prostate massage.

Hormone therapy

In extreme cases, it is carried out with male sex hormones - testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and other androgens.


  1. Rising shower. A stream of water at a given temperature and pressure restores blood circulation in the organ and activates the prostate muscles. During the procedure, the man sits on a special stool, the seat of which looks like an open ring. At the base of the stool there is a shower head from which water flows. Temperature +25… +40°C, pressure 1-2 atmospheres.
  2. Amplipulse. The procedure is carried out using a special drug that affects the man with sinusoidal currents. Blood circulation in the organ improves and muscles are stimulated.
  3. Electrolaser therapy. It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, improves blood supply to the organ, and reduces its swelling. During the procedure, the prostate gland is heated, which has a beneficial effect on the removal of secretions.

It is important to influence not only the organ, but the entire body. The doctor may prescribe vitamins to improve the patient's health.


The disease is easier to treat in the early stages, so it is important not to start treatment. With complete atony of the prostate muscles, secretion occurs, causing the sexual organ to be constantly wet, which creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Erectile dysfunction and ejaculation, decreased libido make a man insecure, leading to disorders such as depression, apathy, and insomnia. When an infectious agent enters the prostate, inflammation may develop, which can spread to nearby organs.

Prevention measures

Scientists have not yet fully elucidated the reasons for changes in the prostate gland, but it is clear that they occur as a result of neurovegetative disorders.

It is necessary to regularly undergo a medical examination by a urologist to identify any inflammatory processes in the prostate and other organs.


The disease is not one of the most dangerous, but this problem should not be ignored. Any disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system are perceived acutely by men, and any problems in this regard can harm a man’s confidence and his mental well-being.

Prostate atony is a pathology that is manifested by a decrease in the tone of the prostate muscles. If treatment is not started promptly, the prostate will not be able to close the urinary tract to prevent urine and semen from mixing.

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Mechanism of disease development

As a result of the loss of tone by the prostate muscles, changes in its structure are observed. The alveoli, which make up the organ, expand, the size of the lumen of the ducts increases, difficulties arise with the outflow of secretions, and as a result, malfunctions in the functioning of the seminal canals. Further, due to the rapid destruction of tissue, only a worsening of the pathology is observed.

The occurrence of the disease is directly associated with the following reasons:

  • prolonged absence of sexual activity or its irregularity;
  • complication of chronic prostatitis;
  • excessive sexual activity, fairly frequent orgasms;
  • chronic congestive processes in the pelvic area;
  • lack of a permanent partner, promiscuous sexual relations.


Taking into account the fact that prostate atony is classified as a non-infectious disease, its main symptom is the continuous release of prostate secretions through the urination channel (the patient is not able to control this process). During defecation, this process intensifies.

In addition, additional symptoms may be present with this disease:

  • the frequency of the urge to urinate and defecate increases;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the anal area;
  • it seems to a man that there is a foreign object in the rectal area;
  • uncontrolled ejaculation during sleep.

Pain during urine output or defecation is present only if the disease has become inflammatory in nature.

Also in men, one can observe a decrease in desire for sexual activity, problems with erection, earlier ejaculation of sperm, orgasm becomes not as bright as before.

Due to the constant secretion of prostate secretions, the male genital organ is constantly moisturized, as a result of which the doctor may suspect the presence of urethritis or gonorrhea. An accurate diagnosis can only be determined after a series of tests.


To establish the presence of the described disease, the doctor must have the following information about the patient:

  • the results of the patient’s interview – the symptoms present, whether they are increasing;
  • palpation results - with its help, changes in the size and structure of the prostate are revealed;
  • data on the study of blood, urine and seminal secretions (performed in order to exclude the infectious nature of the disease);
  • According to the doctor's orders, the patient may be sent for ultrasound and endoscopy.

Therapy methods

Several methods are used to treat prostate atony: drug therapy and physiotherapy.

The main goal of treatment is to achieve the following effect:

  • complete cleansing of the seminal ducts;
  • normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • creating uninterrupted lymph outflow.

Drug treatment

  1. Pantocrine is a drug containing components of natural origin. The medicine has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, tones muscle tissue, and improves metabolic processes in the body. Increases the body's resistance.
  2. Pachycarpine hydroiodide - tones muscle tissue and increases the frequency of their contractions, improves the functionality of the muscle layer in the presence of dystrophy.
  3. Speman forte is a combined action drug that affects the sexual center located in the spinal cord, prevents premature ejaculation of semen, reduces excessive arousal, has a positive effect on the male body in the presence of sexual incompetence, strengthens erection, increases libido.
  4. Melipramine - increases sphincter tone, eliminates uncontrollable release of semen from the ducts. It also affects the patient’s mental state: relieves insomnia, improves mood, and prevents the development of depression.

In addition, men are recommended to use special immunomodulatory drugs to improve a man’s health and maintain his physical strength. These drugs include Derinat, Interferon, Polyoxidonium, Lykopid.

Occasionally, doctors prescribe therapy with androgens - this is a group of medications that contain components similar to male sex hormones that are produced by the testicles.


  1. Electrolaser treatment – ​​influences the prostate using a magnetic field, radiation and current. The therapeutic effect - normalizes blood circulation, the outflow of prostate secretions and restores sexual function. The procedure relieves swelling and pain in the affected area, ensures faster restoration of organ functionality, and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Amplipulse therapy is carried out due to the influence of alternating mid-frequency current, which is generated due to the influence of the Amplipulse apparatus. After the procedure, blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized, hormonal levels are restored, and muscle recovery occurs thanks to stimulation.
  3. Rising shower - a local effect is performed on the organ; the essence of the procedure is to expose the prostate to a stream of water with a predetermined temperature and pressure. As a result of this effect, blood circulation improves, inflammation decreases, and muscle tissue strengthens.
  4. Prostate massage – performed 15 to 20 times every other day. With the help of the procedure, a man gets rid of stagnant processes, blood circulation and metabolism improves, prostate secretions are removed from the ducts, potency improves, and the quality of sexual life increases.

Prostate massage

Preventive measures

Despite the fact that the prognosis associated with the treatment of prostate atony is positive, it is much easier to take measures to prevent the development of the disease than to later suffer from the consequences of the pathology.

Common preventative measures include:

  • undergoing regular examinations by a doctor (the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate that has not been treated for a long time can provoke the development of atony);
  • having regular sex life with a regular partner;
  • refusal to engage in masturbation;
  • regular exercise to prevent the development of congestive processes in the pelvic organs.

Compliance with these minimum requirements will significantly reduce the likelihood of a man developing prostate atony.

To prevent the described disease, men in mature and old age are also recommended to regularly use any of the drugs presented in the list of drugs for the treatment of atony. The dosage and frequency of use of medications is determined individually by the attending physician.

The need to use medications for men of this particular age is explained by the fact that every year the tone of the prostate muscles decreases, so in order to prevent the formation of such a disease, it is necessary to perform preventive manipulations in advance.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

A common reason for visiting a urologist is a very unpleasant situation - after urination, urine is released in drops in men. This not only causes discomfort to a person, but also significantly affects various areas of his life. In addition, such manifestations are a consequence of an existing disease, as well as prerequisites for the development of diseases in the future.

As medical practice has shown, leakage of urine after urination in men is most often associated with neurological or urological disorders and disorders, especially when we are talking about the age of 30 years or more. Today, such deviations from the norm in men’s health are easily eliminated with the help of qualified assistance from a specialized medical specialist. To do this, you just need to immediately visit a doctor as soon as such symptoms are noticed.

The main causes of urine leakage in men

Today, the problem that after emptying the bladder still drips from the end occurs in many men. If urine output cannot be controlled, the incident can be divided into three groups:

  1. Enuresis is a disease that is typical for people of adolescence up to 18 years of age, although for a number of reasons it can also occur in adulthood.
  2. Incontinence - in this case, all the typical general signs of uncontrolled urine output appear.
  3. The release of urine even after urination is a controlled action of dripping from the penis after a bladder bowel movement. Doctors usually talk about an elongated, protruding urethral meatus.

Most often, urine leakage is caused by improper functioning of the bulbous muscle, which surrounds the most efficient part of the bladder. In addition, doctors also highlight a list of reasons for this phenomenon, why it drips from the penis after urinating, namely:

  • excess body weight;
  • prostatitis and adenoma;
  • neurological disorders;
  • diseases in the spinal cord;
  • serious diseases of the spine;
  • colliculitis;
  • prostate tumors;
  • urethral infections;
  • urethral diverticulum;
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • vascular diseases;
  • sagging muscle mass in the pelvic floor;
  • obstruction of the bladder neck;
  • negative impact of medications;
  • consequences of surgery.

For many men, it remains a mystery what the disease accompanied by urinary incontinence is called. Medical theory suggests a specific term - dribbling in men. Sometimes doctors observe congenital anomalies and pathologies in the structure of the bladder in patients, which also leads to periodic leakage of urine.

Which doctor should I contact?

Since the causes of such a symptom, when urine is released in drops after urination, can be completely different and even diverse, it is impossible to accurately determine which specialist can help a man. To begin with, you can visit a therapist who will assess the patient’s condition and will also be able to select the right specialist doctor on an individual basis.

Based on the fact that the causes of urinary incontinence are often associated with diseases of the genitourinary system, a urologist or andrologist can help a man.

In addition, additional consultation with specialists such as an infectious disease specialist or venereologist, nephrologist, cardiologist or neurologist may be required. Diagnostics will play a determining role in choosing the right doctor.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the causes and treatment of urine leakage after urination, a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis of the man’s health condition is necessary. To do this, the man is sent for the following laboratory examination methods:

  • taking a general urine and blood test;
  • performing an ultrasound scan of the kidneys and all other pelvic organs;
  • performing urethrocystoscopy to examine the bladder and urethra;
  • performing x-rays;
  • performing other techniques - profilometry, sphincterometry, and cytometry.

In addition, a medical specialist must record the volume of urine for three days, calculating the proportions of urine excretion during the day and at night. Also during the conversation, the doctor discusses the person’s lifestyle in order to collect anamnesis. Upon completion, they may also prescribe a special analysis - taking a “Cough” sample.

Treatment options

As soon as a man begins to notice that he is dripping clear liquid after urinating and at other times of the day, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps we are talking about an unhealthy lifestyle or dietary reasons, or maybe this is preceded by serious urological or neurological disorders. Based on the identified cause, they determine how to treat this problem.

Exercises for a strong pelvis

  1. In a standing position, stand straight with your legs apart, straining your pelvic muscles at this time. At the same time, the man should feel the rise of the penis and scrotum. In this way, muscle contraction is maintained as strongly as possible, but without squeezing the buttocks. Breathing is even, duration of approach is 10 seconds. You need to do the exercise 3 times in the morning and evening.
  2. In a sitting position, spread your knees, keeping the pelvic muscles in a tense position. Thus, the muscles contract strongly, but not the buttocks. Breathing is even, duration of approach is 10 seconds. You need to do the exercise 3 times in the morning and evening.
  3. In a supine position, the legs are bent at the knees, spreading them to the sides. All the subtleties of performing muscle training are repeated, as in the previous versions.
  4. Exercise while walking. While walking, the muscles in the pelvic region periodically rise.
  5. Exercises after urination. As soon as a man empties his bladder, he needs to strongly contract the muscles in the pelvic floor, as if lifting them up.


If the reason for the dripping of white liquid after urination is due to serious illnesses, the doctor may prescribe surgery. Typically, surgery is performed for the following ailments:

  • severe OAB bladder reduction;
  • formation of urethrocutaneous or urethrectal fistulas;
  • malfunction of the sphincter apparatus during treatment of bladder or prostate cancer;
  • a consequence of serious diseases of the spine or spinal cord;
  • the presence of congenital pathologies.

Medicine suggests the following surgical procedures in this case:

  • Implantation of an artificial sphincter into the bladder, the effectiveness of this method is only 60-70%.
  • “Straps” - installation of a strip of elastic material, which is chosen by a specialist, in the area around the urethra, after which the ends of the strips are secured in the area of ​​​​the pelvic bone.
  • Urinary diversion - surgery is applicable in cases of loss of bladder function or its removal. In this case, artificially created conditions for urine drainage are provided.
  • Treatment with injection therapy - the method is effective only in 50% of cases; for this purpose, the specialist injects collagen inside, which temporarily helps to retain urine.
  • Sling operations - a specialist installs meshes to contain urine leakage, a positive effect is observed in 60-70% of men.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe medication to the patient, consisting of special agents that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, urethra, and treat prostatitis and other prostate diseases. Ultrasound treatment to separate muscle tissue and microwave heating to remove fused tissue are also appropriate.

Preventive measures

Such a delicate problem, when urine drips after visiting the toilet, it is advised to adhere to certain rules of prevention:

  1. Careful care of the groin area, which includes the following measures:
  • cleanliness and sterility around the urethral canal;
  • water procedures involve the use of only warm water;
  • bathing is carried out using antibacterial detergents;
  • if the groin has sore spots, after washing they are moisturized with special products based on zinc, petroleum jelly or glycerin, cocoa butter, paraffin or linoline.

  1. Eliminating a specific odor in the groin area requires:
  • take deodorizing tablets internally;
  • apply a solution of vinegar locally (in equal proportions with water); use the same solution to remove drops of urine from the tissue;
  • To combat unpleasant odors, you can use diapers or absorbent underwear.

Unfortunately, even the slightest leakage of urine always leads to an incorrect, namely negligent attitude of a man towards this. Few people know what kind of illness precedes this, so medical assistance is provided later than the right time. In any case, personal hygiene and sanitation also play an important role in the fight against urine leakage.

Inflammation of the prostate is a common disease of the prostate gland. Currently, 30-85% of modern representatives of the stronger sex over 25 years of age are familiar with this disease firsthand. With a decrease in the body's defenses, sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal imbalances, and untreated foci of infection, microbes penetrate the prostate, resulting in the development of an inflammatory process. The risk of developing prostatitis is highest among those who suffer from nervous overload and chronic stress, drink a lot of alcohol and smoke. Such factors disarm the body and reduce its protective functions. As a result, it is easier for infections to penetrate the prostate. The blood supply to the prostate gland, like all pelvic organs, decreases. Stagnant processes arise. As a result, the patient experiences pain and discomfort in the perineal area, impaired urination, decreased potency, pain during ejaculation, fever, sweating and general malaise. If during a rectal examination the prostate is flabby, painful, and enlarged, then the doctor diagnoses prostatitis. If there are stones in the prostate, the disease may recur even after successful treatment and a timely therapeutic approach. It should be understood that prostatitis is a dangerous disease. In 40% of cases it leads to some form of infertility. Therefore, it is important to identify it in the early stages and choose the optimal treatment option.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of prostate atony

One of the types of prostate pathologies is prostate atony. This is the name for a condition in which the prostate muscles lose their ability to be toned. Because of this, the prostate gland may lose one of its functions, namely, blocking the urethra to prevent sperm from mixing with urine. Atony also affects neighboring organs.


These include:

  • long-term sexual abstinence;
  • consequences of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland (because of this, this disease is also called atonic prostatitis);

  • frequent ejaculations, leading to depletion of the organ;
  • frequent masturbation;
  • reduction in the number of nerve cells in the organ;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Factors that can lead to atony also include chronic fatigue, problems with the functioning of the nervous system, constant stress and depressive states.

There are two types of prostate atony:

  1. Partial. It does not affect the entire gland, but only its individual sections. At the same time, the organ itself retains its normal size.
  2. Full. Covers the entire gland. The organ increases in size and can be easily felt with your fingers or seen in the lumen of the rectum.

If you do not try to stop the development of this pathology, it gradually grows, which leads to extensive destruction of prostate tissue.


Prostate atony is a non-infectious disease. Its main symptom is the uncontrolled release of its secretions through the urethra. This phenomenon tends to intensify during the process of defecation. With each attempt, the flow of secretion intensifies and can take on the character of a small trickle under pressure. If the prostate has become completely flabby, then similar manifestations are observed not only during bowel movements, but also during urination. This condition is called prostatorrhea.

In addition to the constant leakage of secretions, the disease also has the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to empty the bladder or bowel;
  • feeling of heaviness in the anus;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the rectum;
  • wet dreams during sleep.

Painful sensations with atony can occur only in the presence of an inflammatory process.

In addition to the above symptoms in men, there is a loss of interest in sex, problems with erection, premature ejaculation, and orgasm loses its brightness. The psycho-emotional state of the patient also suffers.

Due to the characteristic symptoms of prostate atony, the male genital organ is constantly wet. This leads to the fact that in the initial stages this disease is often confused with gonorrhea or urethritis. In this case, they can only be distinguished using laboratory tests.

Ways to get rid of the problem

Before starting treatment, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out.

It includes:

  • interviewing the patient;
  • visual examination and palpation;
  • ultrasound examination of the prostate gland;
  • laboratory tests to exclude the presence of infection.

The course of treatment includes the following activities:

  1. Prostate massage. It is considered the main method of treating atony. It is necessary to undergo from 15 to 20 sessions over 30-45 days. Massage effectively eliminates congestion in the gland, improves blood circulation and restores sexual function.
  2. Taking medications. Usually, for atony, drugs such as Pantocrine, Melipramine, Hydroiodide and others are prescribed. Their effect is aimed primarily at improving the condition of blood vessels and restoring tone to the prostate muscles.
  3. Hormone therapy. It is carried out only in case of special need. Male hormones are used.
  4. Taking vitamins, minerals and drugs that enhance immunity. This course is prescribed because with atony it is necessary not only to influence a specific organ, but also to take measures to strengthen the general condition of the body.
  5. Physiotherapy. Influencing the prostate with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures is one of the most effective ways to restore its former elasticity to the muscles. For atony, an amplipulse, an ascending shower, or exposure to a diseased organ using a laser can be prescribed. All these procedures help normalize blood flow, remove excess secretions, and restore muscle tissue.

The course of treatment for prostate atony may also include consultations with a neurologist and neuropsychiatrist due to the fact that this disease is often accompanied by a state of oppression and depression in the patient.

Atony of the prostate gland manifests itself in the form of loss of muscle tone of the organ and flabbiness of the prostate. The pathology is often accompanied by a non-infectious inflammatory process.


As a result of partial atonic changes, symptoms in

rarely appear. The prostate does not enlarge. If the changes affect the entire organ, then characteristic flabbiness appears. On palpation, a jelly-like and loose consistency is felt. The prostate gland increases in size, which can be monitored using an endoscope.

Manifestations of the disease:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • slight secretion from the urethra;
  • discomfort in the anal area;
  • mucous discharge during defecation;
  • spontaneous ejaculation at night;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the rectal area;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • erectile dysfunction.

If the pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process, then additional pain occurs that affects the groin area. Discomfort may increase during urination, sexual intercourse, ejaculation and defecation.


A flabby prostate is a consequence of functional changes in the functioning of the organ, as a result of which the alveoli and the lumen of the ducts that make up the gland expand. Tissue destruction occurs, the outflow of secretions secreted by the prostate gland is disrupted.

The exact cause of the disease has not been fully established.

Provoking factors that may result from the appearance of pathology:

  • irregular sexual intercourse;
  • long-term abstinence;
  • complications of prostatitis;
  • chronic diseases that provoke destruction of prostate tissue;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • mental disorders: depression, panic attacks, etc.


Prostate atony is eliminated using an integrated approach to treatment. During therapy, the following medications are used:

  1. Speman - improves erectile function, eliminating premature ejaculation, and returning sexual desire. Used as an aid.
  2. Pachycarpine hydroiodide - improves muscle tone.
  3. Vitamin E - improves the functional state of the prostate, accelerates recovery from inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system.

To improve the condition of prostate tissue, immunomodulators are additionally prescribed to strengthen the body's defenses and stimulate healing processes. In difficult cases, hormonal therapy is used. For treatment, an androgenic complex is prescribed: testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Physiotherapeutic procedures also have a positive effect on atony. Electrolaser treatment is most often used. To do this, a rectal attachment is used, with which access to the prostate gland is achieved. Simultaneous exposure to electric current and a magnetic field helps to improve the outflow of secretions and accelerate blood circulation, thereby restoring sexual function.

Treatment with alternating medium-frequency current also has a good effect. During the procedure, blood circulation improves, the ratio of sex hormones is normalized and lost muscle tone is restored.

Treatment of prostatitis, impotence

PROSTATITIS, treatment: lie or truth. Chronic prostatitis, how to treat.

Additionally, an ascending shower is used for treatment. A jet of specified pressure and temperature acts directly on the prostate gland. As a result, inflammation is eliminated, the muscle system is strengthened and blood supply to tissues is improved.

The most common treatment method is prostate massage. The procedure is carried out every other day. The recommended course consists of 15-20 sessions.

The massage is performed through the rectum.

As a result of this effect, congestion is eliminated, blood circulation is accelerated and metabolism is normalized. By the end of the course of treatment, potency is restored and erectile function improves.

As an additional method of therapy, traditional medicine methods are used, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of prostate tissue. The simplest and most accessible method of treatment is to eat raw and dried pumpkin seeds. You need to eat 50 pieces a day. It is advisable to do this half an hour before meals.

Parsley has a good effect. Greens are recommended to be consumed raw and added to various vegetable salads. Shilajit will bring additional benefits. It should be taken 0.2 g per day, washed down with juices: blueberry, carrot or sea buckthorn.

Article on the topic: "prostate atony: treatment, causes, symptoms." Find out more about treating the disease.

Prostate atony is the loss of physiological muscle tone of the prostate gland. The pathology is not infectious. All structural changes in the organ occur as a result of neurovegetative disorders. The disease may be accompanied by inflammation or occur without pronounced symptoms.

Atonic changes in prostate tissue can be isolated or develop against the background of prostatitis

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Causes and mechanism of development of the disease

Loss of muscle tone in the prostate leads to structural changes. The alveoli, which make up the gland, expand, the lumen of the ducts increases in diameter, due to the decrease in the tone of their walls, the outflow of secretions becomes difficult, and the mechanism of malfunction of the seminal canals is triggered. Over time, the pathological process worsens due to extensive tissue destruction.

The exact cause of the disease is unknown.

The appearance of the disease is associated with the following pathologies and functional failures:

  • prolonged abstinence and irregular sexual activity;
  • disruption of the innervation of the prostate gland;
  • complications of chronic prostatitis;

Prostate atony can occur as a result of chronic prostatitis - low-grade inflammation in the tissues of the gland

  • chronic blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • increased sexual activity, frequent orgasms;
  • promiscuity, masturbation.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of prostate atony:

  • physical exhaustion of the body ─ chronic fatigue, lack of proper rest;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • disorders of psycho-emotional activity ─ apathy, constant stress, depression.

An apathetic state accompanied by inactivity contributes to the development of prostate atony

Signs of pathology

The muscle tone of the organ can be lost either partially or completely. With partial atony of the prostate, its size remains within normal limits. Only part of the gland, a certain area of ​​it, is affected.

With complete atony, the iron increases significantly in size. On palpation, there is a feeling of laxity, the consistency of the prostate tissue is loose, reminiscent of jelly. An endoscopic examination through the rectum reveals an enlarged gland.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • uncontrolled release of large amounts of secretion;

One of the signs of prostate atony is the spontaneous release of fluid produced by it.

  • release of a portion of secretion during bowel movements;
  • frequent urge to defecate and urinate;
  • feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the anal canal area;
  • nocturnal ejaculation;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum.

In addition to these symptoms, the normal functioning of nearby organs is disrupted: seminal ducts, urethra, internal sphincter.

Prostate atony is not accompanied by pain symptoms.

Pain syndrome occurs in the presence of inflammation of the prostate

The exception is the presence of an acute inflammatory process. In this case, patients experience pain in the perineum, rectum, during urination, during sexual intercourse, and during ejaculation.

With prostate atony in men, sexual desire is reduced, erection is impaired, premature ejaculation is possible, and orgasm is lost.

Clinical manifestations negatively affect the psychological state of patients. Men lose self-confidence. Mental disorders arise: anxiety, fears, nervous tension, suspiciousness, exaggeration of the problem.

Sometimes a patient with prostate atony needs the help of a psychologist

Diagnosis and treatment of prostate atony

The diagnosis is based on the following data:

  • collecting anamnesis ─ symptoms, complaints, general condition of the patient;
  • palpation, which helps determine changes in the size and structure of the gland;
  • laboratory testing of blood, urine and seminal secretions to exclude the infectious nature of the disease;
  • if necessary - ultrasound, endoscopic examination.

Atonic prostatitis can only be treated conservatively. The main goal of treatment is to restore the functionality of the prostate gland as much as possible and restore the previous tone of the muscle tissue.

Ultrasound of the prostate is one of the necessary diagnostic measures

The following effect is expected from treatment measures:

  • emptying of the seminal ducts;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • ensuring lymph outflow.

Drug therapy

For prostate atony, the following drugs are prescribed:

In rare cases, treatment with androgens is prescribed ─ this is a group of drugs that includes analogues of male sex hormones produced by the testicles ─ testosterone, androsterone, dihydrotestosterone.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for the treatment of prostate atony.

  • Electrolaser therapy is the effect on the organ of laser radiation, electric current and magnetic field.

Special rectal attachments are used for laser therapy.

  • Therapeutic effect ─ improvement of blood circulation, outflow of gland secretions, restoration of sexual function. The procedure relieves swelling and pain, accelerates the period of restoration of the functionality of the gland, and increases the body's immunity.
  • Amplipulse ─ treatment with alternating mid-frequency current, carried out using a special device “Amplipulse”. During the procedure, blood circulation and metabolic processes are improved, hormonal levels are normalized, and muscle tissue is restored due to stimulation.
  • Rising shower is a local procedure in which the gland is exposed to a jet of a given temperature and pressure. Effect ─ improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, strengthens muscles.

Prostate massage technique

  • Prostate massage ─ the recommended number of procedures is 15–20, every other day. The procedure eliminates stagnant processes, improves blood circulation and metabolism, removes prostate secretions from the ducts, restores potency, and improves the quality of sexual life.

You will learn how to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland from the video:

The Latin meaning literally "atony" is lethargy, impotence. If we classify prostatitis into types, then atonic prostatitis refers to a disease of non-infectious origin. Its course is not always accompanied by inflammation of the prostate.

In medical terminology, the disease sounds like this: loss of muscle tone in the male prostate

In medical terminology, the disease sounds like this: loss of muscle tone in the male prostate. This pathology makes significant changes not only to this organ, but also to the nearest ones located in the pelvic area. Since the tissues (alveoli) of the gland lose their elasticity, they accordingly stretch, and the secretion secreted by the prostate fills them and stagnates. The seminal vesicles begin to work incorrectly, and the urethra suffers, in which the internal sphincter ceases to function normally.

Causes of prostate atony

Modern medicine cannot yet clearly determine the causes that cause the development of the disease. The main reason provoking the pathology is called long-term sexual abstinence. But there is no 100% evidence for this statement. But there are several more versions, which experts are inclined to varying degrees:

  • Consequences of long-term untreated inflammation of the prostate.
  • Failure in supplying the organ with nerve cells.
  • Long absence of sexual intercourse.
  • Abuse of masturbation.
  • Tendency to have a quick orgasm.
  • Inferior ejaculation.
  • Functional overload of the organ.
  • Chronic congestion in the venous arteries of the pelvis.

Statistics were collected based on signs found in patients with prostate atony.

Types of atonic forms of prostatitis

Medicine knows two options for the development of pathology

  1. Partial loss of tone of the prostate gland. Its dimensions do not change.
  2. Complete loss of tone. In this case, the size of the gland changes significantly upward. Palpation diagnoses the formation of a flabby, dough-like consistency; it often protrudes into the lumen of the rectum.

Symptoms of prostate disease - atony

The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced:

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  • Secretions are abundant in a calm state.
  • "Defecation" of the gland. During the act of normal defecation, the secretion is so abundant when pushing that it flows out of the penis almost in a trickle.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • The perineal area seems to be under pressure.
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the anus.
  • Involuntary ejaculation during sleep.

Attention! At the initial stages of the disease, symptoms are similar to the development of urethritis. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests and a thorough examination are necessary.

Treatment of prostate atony

Since this disease has long been known to medicine, the methods of combating it have been worked out to the smallest detail. The main task during treatment is to achieve an increase in muscle tone of the prostate gland. Special techniques are aimed at freeing the alveoli and ducts from excess secretions and normalizing the movement of blood and lymph.

The basis of treatment is:

  • physiotherapy;
  • manual massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • laser;
  • amplipulse;
  • androgens.

Drug therapy includes:

  • Pantocrine;
  • Melipramine;
  • Speman-forte;
  • Hydroiodite and other drugs.

During treatment, it is important not just to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, but to improve the general condition of the body, stabilize blood circulation, normalize hormonal levels and strengthen the immune system. To increase immune resistance, immunostimulants, which are so popular nowadays, are prescribed. In exceptional cases, hormonal therapy is required to treat atonic prostatitis. Since the disease often develops against the background of depressive or neurotic states of the patient, a neurologist and neuropsychiatrist are involved in treatment.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...