Peter Polonsky tell your son. The civilized rabbi-mathematician Pinchas Polonsky invented a fragment of the New Testament to denigrate Christianity ____________________. These are their plans

Two thousand years together. Jewish attitude to Christianity


Although the period of Jewish-Russian contacts lasted only two hundred years, the history of Jewish-Christian relations, within which and in the context of which the Jewish-Russian space exists, spans a period exactly ten times longer, two millennia. In this relationship there is a “classical part” - that is, how these relations were established in the initial period after the separation of Christianity from Judaism and how they continued for many centuries, and a modern part - how over the last century, literally on our eyes, both Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Christianity are changing. Today, concepts that seemed unshakable for thousands of years are being revised and corrected, and this is not happening as a result of reform or the formation of new sects, but in the course of “orthodox modernization,” when the new direction of development of a given religion fully retains its orthodoxy and at the same time is modernized.

During the entire “classical period,” an open dialogue between Christianity and Judaism was impossible, since the goals of Christianity in this “dialogue” were purely missionary: sometimes by preaching, and sometimes by pressure to force Jews to renounce Judaism and convert to Christianity. In such a situation, the natural defensive reaction of Judaism was to erect a wall between the Jewish and Christian spiritual worlds.

However, in our time, this state of affairs has begun to change. In the second half of the 20th century, there were serious positive changes in the theological position of Christianity in relation to Judaism. In most Western Christian denominations (Catholics and most Protestants), a process has begun of rethinking Judaism and fundamentally abandoning missionary activities towards Jews, i.e., recognizing that even from the point of view of Christianity, the “First (“Old”) Testament” i.e., the original Covenant of God with the Jews continues to be in effect, for the word of God is eternal and cannot “decrease,” become obsolete, or “cancel”; and therefore the Jews (unlike other peoples of the world) “are saved through their Covenant with God and do not need baptism for this.” (Some Christian theologians even emphasize that “Christian missionary work towards the Jews, based on the denial of the validity of the First Testament, offends God” - see more below.)

This emerging serious change in the position of Christianity (so far only part of it) makes it possible for Judaism to also take a more open position, which together creates hope that the parties, for the first time in many hundreds of years, can begin a real dialogue aimed at mutual understanding, and not at convincing your opponent.

The change in positions of both Christianity and Judaism was caused by the theological understanding of the Holocaust and especially the theological understanding of the creation of the State of Israel - this amazing fact of the return of Jews to their Country after a two-thousand-year absence. And this return has no less global spiritual and religious significance than the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple that occurred two thousand years ago and the beginning of the expulsion of Jews from the Holy Land, which historically (and not coincidentally) coincided with the beginning of the spread of Christianity.

And if we really believe in God and perceive history not just as a routine mixture of intrigue, economics and politics, but as a Dialogue of God with humanity, we must try to understand what God wants to tell us today, with the current course of history.

Book structure

Introductory part. Two thousand years together

A general overview of the process of the emergence of Christianity from Judaism and the general principles of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in their historical perspective.

Part one. Impossibility of combination: why the Christian faith is not suitable for Jews

This part is devoted to classical and standard problems of Jewish-Christian relations; it explains why the faith of Christianity - despite the fact that Christianity itself arose from Judaism and has done so much for the spiritual progress of mankind - is not suitable as a faith for Jews.

This part does not pretend to say a new word in theology. To a greater extent, it is just an educational program, basic knowledge - without which, however, it is impossible to discuss the problem and conduct a dialogue.

Part two. The need to recognize complementarity: contemporary dialogue between Judaism and Christianity.

This part is devoted to new aspects of Jewish-Christian relations that have emerged over the last century. Today, many strands of Christianity have abandoned "replacement theology" ("Christianity in place of Judaism") and moved to "supplement theology" - including Christianity's fundamental rejection of attempts at missionary conversion of Jews and recognition of the religious value of Judaism. Accordingly, in this part we consider the elements of the emerging dialogue that can develop between Jews and Christianity in such a situation.

Of course, both Judaism and Christianity represent a huge and broad field, with many different schools, approaches and points of view. It would be impossible to fit all these opinions into a book, so we sometimes say “the position of Judaism” or “the position of Christianity”, meaning only their generally accepted point of view, the mainstream, despite the fact that in both religions There is a wide range of possible approaches, varying in their details.

Since we would like to keep the volume of the book small, we also did not include many more specific questions, possible objections and answers to them, etc. We plan to post all this material, as an “addition to the book,” on the website “Machanaim”, in the section “Judeo-Christian Relations”.

Additional topics that you would like to consider, your questions and comments, you can send to We will try to respond to your requests to the best of our ability.

* * *

We would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who supported the creation of this book: Oleg Evdokimenko, Elena and Natalya Gitel, Eli Brodsky, Lila Tsinkovskaya, the organization "Jews for Judaism", Alex and Natalya Katz, the Mikhail Cherny Foundation, Dmitry Radyshevsky, as well as Charitable Foundation "Russian Jewish Congress".

Pinchas Polonsky, "Mahanaim", Beit El - Jerusalem

Introductory part. Two thousand years together

A general overview of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, in their historical perspective

(A). Judaism as a universal religion

1. Religion for all mankind

Both Judaism and Christianity recognize the holiness and divinity of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh, also known as the “Old Testament” - the first, original section in the Christian Bible) and the truth of everything that is said in it. Thus, both of these religions recognize that the Jewish people play a special role in transmitting Divine Revelation to humanity.

This Divine Revelation is intended for all humanity, but it was transmitted through the Jewish people. The transmission of Revelation began with Abraham (c. 20th century BC), continued through Moses (at the Giving of the Torah at Sinai, 15th century BC) and then went through the very history of the Jewish people, recorded in the Bible, and, above all, through the prophets of Ancient Israel - David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah and many others. The transmission of this revelation is essence Judaism.

Thus, Judaism from the very beginning is a universal, universal religion, and the Jewish people are only a messenger, a “channel” in the transmission of the Divine Light to humanity.

2. Basic principles of Judaism

The concept set forth in the Jewish biblical Revelation - that is, the universal concept of Judaism, "ethical monotheism" - did not bear even a close resemblance to any religious system of that time. Its main principles were:

a) The highest power that created the whole world and man and continues to direct the world and determine all events in it is not the impersonal “world law” of idolaters (such as Greek rock, Indian karma, Chinese “law of heaven”, etc.), - but it is the Person whom we call God.

b) God created man in His image and likeness - because God loves man, wants the good of man, cares about man’s development. Any person on earth has a divine soul, is the “image of God on earth” (and this is the Jewish idea of ​​the “god-man”). God treats man as His son, that is, God is not only the incomprehensible Creator of the universe, but also the Father who is close to each of us.

Pinchas Polonsky (Pyotr Efimovich). Brief information:

Born in Moscow in 1958.

During his school years, he was a prize-winner of the All-Union Mathematical Olympiads. He received his higher mathematical education at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

He studied Torah under Soviet conditions, organized a network of Torah teachers in Moscow, and published photographic manuals on Judaism in Samizdat. After 7 years of refusal, he repatriated to Israel. He is one of the main founders of the Mahanaim organization; most of the main religious books in Russian from the Mahanaim publishing house (for example, the Jewish prayer book (sidur) “Gates of Prayer”, the “Holidays” series and many others) were published under his editorship. Other books are written by him.
Many years of studying and teaching the philosophy of R. A.-I. Kook were crowned with the book “Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook. Personality and Teaching" and receiving a doctorate.
He teaches Torah at the Israeli Bar-Ilan University. Regularly writes articles for Russian-language Israeli newspapers (comments on weekly Torah chapters). Father of 8 children.

That is, a person is authoritative and competent. Not some ordinary Jewish naughty guy on an Internet forum. He wrote a book with the loud title "Jews and Christianity."

Chapter 5 “FAITH OR WORKS?”
Paragraph2. Break with the ethics of Judaism in the concept of the Apostle Paul
Quote from his book:
“The final formulation of the doctrine of Paul (the apostle) is this: “ We recognize that man is justified before God only by faith [in Jesus], apart from the works of the Law"(Romans 3:28) ... As a result of the victory of Paul's concept in Christianity, millions of Christians to this day are convinced that to God the behavior and actions of people are less important than their beliefs and faith."

Notice how Polonsky quotes one thing from Paul and draws a conclusion about something else. Paul speaks about the works of the LAW, that is, about the ritual commandments, and the former Muscovite mathematician draws a conclusion about the works of morality and mercy.

Paul talks about sacrifices, circumcision, eating kosher, keeping the Sabbath, and so on. Polonsky confuses ritual rules of behavior with good deeds. Pavel talks about ritual, and Polonsky about morality.

Polonsky does not talk about trifles - about understanding some complicated theological aspects. He talks about a simple thing - about the immoral ugliness of Christians in contrast to the highly moral Jews.

But these are minor things. Let's move on to the main thing. Polonsky quotes the New Testament falsely. He added just one word to the quotation of the words of the Apostle Paul - “only”. And it turned out in Polonsky’s Jewish presentation that supposedly among immoral Christians “a person is justified before God only by faith [in Jesus].” The word “only” is not found in the text of the New Testament. A person is justified before God by good deeds and faith, and not only by faith, as Pinchas Polonsky attributed it. Pinchas Polonsky's addition of one word to the QUOTE of the New Testament changes the meaning of the quotation to the opposite.

But this is just a saying. A fairy tale lies ahead. At first, Polonsky added only 1 word to the New Testament. And then, it’s impossible to believe - he completely composes an entire verse of the New Testament!

I quote Polonsky from his own website

The source of this fundamental difference between religions is stated by Paul, who said that
" If salvation can be achieved through good deeds, then there is no point in the crucifixion of Christ. Christ therefore sacrificed his life in vain"(Galatians 2:21)

Please note that Polonsky does not interpret, but simply simply quotes the New Testament - he puts the quotation in quotation marks and indicates the specific 21st verse from the 2nd chapter of Paul's letter to the Galatians.

BUT. Galatians 2:21 sounds very different. I quote this verse from the New Testament, which can easily be found on the Internet on thousands of sites:

"I do not reject the grace of God; and if there is justification by law, then Christ died in vain "

As you can see, Paul does not reject any good deeds and does not even mention these words. Paul and other authors of the New Testament speak repeatedly about the importance of good deeds, but Polonsky “does not notice” this.

Polonsky gave out wishful thinking. Well, he wants these Christians to admit that blind faith in Jesus is more important than good deeds, that the rabbi has to invent that this is supposedly written in the letter of the Apostle Paul in black and white.
On the contrary, Paul insists “ we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good deeds which God has ordained for us to fulfill b.” (Ephesians 2:10)
« Let us be attentive to each other, encouraging each other to love and good deeds "(Hebrews 10:24)
« may he perfect you in every way good deed " (Hebrews 13:21)

Paul explained what faith is in Hebrews 11:1

« Faith there is implementation expected»

That is, a person achieves through deeds, “realization,” what he believes in. If Christians believe in the kindness and love of Christ, then they should actually treat people with love and kindness.

Please note that Paul explained that faith is works, precisely in his letter to the JEWS (Polonsky in particular). And it is in this letter that Paul says twice about the importance of good deeds. And the Jew quotes the book of Galatians to denigrate Christianity, and they quote it falsely. Well, what a shame!

Do not forget that this is a very far-reaching lie - they say that for Christians it is not kindness that is important, but some kind of blind faith. Therefore, he calls this precisely the PRINCIPAL difference between Judaism and Christianity. Moreover, Polonsky talks about the SOURCE of this FUNDAMENTAL difference.

I quote Rav Polonsky again for those who are not paying attention:

The source of this FUNDAMENTAL difference between religions is formulated by Paul, who said that "if salvation can be achieved by good works, then there is no point in the crucifixion of Christ. Christ, therefore, sacrificed his life in vain" (Galatians 2:21)

Thus, from a false quote, Polonsky, with the air of an expert, makes a fundamental, far-reaching, false, highly intelligent conclusion.

This quotation, or anything with a meaning corresponding to it, is not found not only in Galatians, but also in the entire New Testament. I wonder what he was thinking when he committed the forgery? If I am a famous mathematician and Torah scholar, then can I invent quotes from the New Testament and, based on my inventions, draw far-reaching conclusions about the immorality of Christianity?

To denigrate their opponents, liars use three levels of lies:
1. Lies at the level of conclusions - they attribute to them something that they do not profess.
2. Lies at the level of interpretation - attributing to enemies interpretations of the Bible that the enemies do not actually do.
3. Lies at the quotation level. They quote the most important texts of books and documents of their opponents, which in fact are not even close.

This 3rd method is the stupidest, most vile and easily refuted. It was to this that the mathematician Pinchas Polonsky resorted in his book with the symbolic title “Jews and Christianity” in the 2nd part with the symbolic title “THE ETHICS OF JUDAISM AND THE ETHICS OF CHRISTIANITY” in Chapter 5 with the symbolic title “FAITH OR WORKS?” in paragraph 1 “Differences in priority systems.”
Falsely quoting a publicly available source is super arrogance. Because it's easy to check.

How you must love lies and hate the truth in order to stoop to inventing quotes!

In conversations with Jewish friends, I almost always hear the most absurd lies about Christianity. For example, that in the New Testament it is written “kill the Jews,” that God slept with Mary, that a dove slept with Mary, that in the Israeli city of Arad, Russian-speaking Christians attack ultra-religious Jews, and that the Jews allegedly drove Christians out of the city of Arad http://forum. and other lies. But it is the ordinary people who lie, not the prominent Jews in public. I thought they were just fools and petty liars, and it was not worth paying attention to the nonsense of ordinary Jews. But when I read such things in the book of the most outstanding figure of Judaism with the highest secular Soviet education, the father of 8 children, then this already speaks of religion itself.

It turns out that this is not an isolated case, but is already a normal practice in Judaism - to invent primitive lies at the level of inventing quotes from the New Testament and other Christian books, which are easy to find on the Internet or in a bookstore and make sure that it is a complete lie. But the lie is so monstrous that it is hard to believe that serious public people can lie so brazenly and primitively. I just have such a character that I like to check everything and get to the bottom of the original sources.

Pinchas Polonsky. Jewish view of Christianity.

M.: Knizhniki, 2015. – 299 p.

The author of the book “A Jewish View of Christianity,” Pinchas Polonsky, is quite widely known in the field of Jewish religious education (and in its Zionist segment) both in Israel and in Russia. He is the author of many books and articles, mainly on the topics of biblical history and Judaism, written in popular language for a general audience, but nevertheless with a solid research basis.

Polonsky's religious views are in line with the ideas of the so-called orthodox modernization, which, unlike the reformation in Judaism, does not provide for the breaking and restructuring of the basic principles of religion, but the preservation of its orthodoxy while simultaneously adapting in some, not the most key aspects, to the current times and the world . The idea of ​​“Orthodox modernization” became fundamental to the so-called religious-Zionist wing of modern Judaism. It is known that at a certain historical stage, secular Zionism and Judaism acted as an alternative to each other. “Religious Zionism” is thus an attempt, if not to combine, then not to oppose these two principles. In general, the position of Pinchas Polonsky is fueled by the ideas of the first chief rabbi of Israel, Abraham Isaac Kook (1865–1935). Cook, in particular, formulated the idea of ​​Judaism as a universal religion for all humanity, and understood Christianity and Islam as “Judaism for non-Jews.”

It is from this point of view that Pinchas Polonsky examines in his book the problem of the two-thousand-year history of the relationship between Jews and Christianity (namely, not with Christians, but with Christianity as a teaching). The author answers the core question asked in the book, why Jews cannot accept Christianity, despite their common spiritual roots, according to the rules of mathematical logic (he is a mathematician by basic education).

The first and main point is the strict monotheism of Judaism. The author points out that “the highest power that created the world and man and continues to determine and direct all events in it is not an impersonal force... but a personality. God created man in His image... And treats him as His son.” This last, Pinchas Polonsky points out, is key to understanding man in Judaism. For him, the key exclusivist application of the definition “son of God” only in relation to Jesus Christ, which is key to Christianity, is unacceptable, because such an approach makes it flawed and profanes the universal character of religion, and therefore, to some extent, the principle of the unity and omnipotence of God the Creator.

The second key point for all Abrahamic traditions, arising from the “ethical monotheism” that historically came to be called “Judaism,” is the eschatological messianic perspective. According to Jewish understanding, the Messiah, as the anointed royal, will establish his power not only over the Jewish people, as stated in Isaiah (2:4): “and all nations will beat swords into plowshares...” and “the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord” ( Isaiah 11:9). That is, until these tasks begin to be realized in reality, it is impossible to talk about the coming of the Messiah, which indicates a strong rejection of the principle of the Messiahship of Jesus, which is also fundamental for Christians. Polonsky formulates in his book the opinion that Jesus was one of the Pharisee teachers of the “Hasedite” persuasion, distinguished by an increased belief in miracles. He and his mission were, in the author’s opinion, too embedded exclusively in the Jewish national environment and its problems, which makes universal messianism impossible.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that Judaism and Christianity at the level of faith are in no way connected in our days, we can say that the harsh antagonism between these religions, which in the past led to bloody tragedies, is being overcome in our days. Polonsky believes that if for 2 thousand years relations between Jews and Christians were built on the basis of the so-called replacement theory, according to which Christianity replaces Judaism, now they are being formed on the basis of what the author calls the “supplement theory”, according to which both religions, recognizing common spiritual sources, they nevertheless do not strive for confrontation with the goal of defeating one over the other, but coexist independently and self-valuably within the framework of what can be described as a “progressive Divine Revelation.”

Many people ask themselves questions: why were relations between religions originating from the same root (Judaism, Christianity, and now Islam) characterized by permanent antagonism throughout their history and how to overcome this antagonism? It seems that the book of Pinchas Polonsky, albeit in a small way, contains the answer to this question.

On February 4, 2016, I published an article with a very emotional title , in which I cited the one sent to me sound recording , taken in one of the synagogues in St. Petersburg. I was able to determine the address of the synagogue from this photograph, which was attached to the sound recording.

And this photo is from an online publication "The Jewish community will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Great Choral Synagogue in St. Petersburg" allowed me to make a connection to the place. As it turned out, the sound recording and the above photograph were taken in Great Choral Synagogue, located at the address: St. Petersburg, Lermontovsky Prospekt, building 2.

The name and surname of the person who made this tape recording remained unknown to me, and it doesn’t matter, it could have been any of the hundreds of Jewish parishioners who were at the sermon that day. But the exact name and surname of the rabbi who gave this lecture are known.

The rabbi was identified by his words in the recording: "if someone hasn't read my book "Two thousand years together", I recommend everyone to buy and read".

This book is well known. You can still buy it today in the online store. Thanks to her, we managed to find out whose voice is heard on the sound recording - the voice Pinchas Polonsky. Then I found it on the Internet other sound and video recordings , made by the rabbi himself or his assistants, and was once again convinced that on that recording exactly his voice.

Why such details?

Towards now none of the Jews couldn’t say the “standard phrase” in response: “You never know what some eccentric said in who knows what synagogue!”

So, we are not talking about “some eccentric”, but about a fairly well-known gentleman of Jewish blood, whose activities in the northern capital are sanctioned at the level of at least Jewish Community of St. Petersburg(supervisor Mark Grubarg).

What was it that this rabbi told the Jews that was so shocking that what I heard in the recording prompted me to title my article: ?

I was brought into a state close to state of passion , these are the words Pinchas Polonsky, which he voiced to the Jews in the Great Choral Synagogue:

"...You were taught that Judaism- This is not a missionary religion. That's not true! Judaism is the most missionary religion on earth.

Through our subsidiaries - Christianity and Islam - we have spread our message throughout humanity. And now we move on to working directly with humanity! That is, both Christianity and Islam fulfilled the most important historical mission. They spread knowledge about the Jewish people to humanity. About the "Commandments", about Abraham, about Moses, about Monotheism.

THANK YOU so much for this! This is a very important job, we could not do it ourselves. After this wonderful preparation, we can finally communicate with humanity ourselves!

Therefore, we are going on the level of Solomon to offer humanity New way, and we are going to offer it in the near future. This is a transformation Judaism V universal religion of humanity.

This preparation coming full swing!

And at this time, as many people know, in the world there is really is in full swing preparation for unification of all Christian Churches under a “single roof” under the supervision of the Vatican. And the head of the Vatican himself, the Pope Francis, as the site said Pravoslavie.Ru , in turn, negotiates with Jews to unite with them all Christians, including Orthodox Christians.


"From the point of view of faith, you are our older brothers" , - quotes the words of Francis I addressed to Jews, portal "Romfea".

The reason for Francis' visit to the Roman synagogue was the anniversary of the adoption of the declaration by the Second Vatican Council (held in 1962-1965). Nostra Aetate, recalls Kommersant.

The Council 50 years ago radically changed the views of the Roman Catholic Church on the Jews, declaring the latter innocent of the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. "What was done during His Passion, cannot be indiscriminately imputed neither to all the Jews living then, nor to the Jews today» , says the Nostra Aetate declaration.

Pope Francis continued his policy to get closer to the Jews, stating in 2014: “The Declaration became the key to new relations with “our older brothers” and reflection on their spiritual heritage, which became the basis of dialogue”, writes Kommersant.

In April 2015, for the first time in history, Pope Francis met with the delegation of the Conference of Rabbis of Europe in the Vatican. During the audience, the pontiff recalled that Nostra Aetate is a landmark in relations between Catholics and Jews.

And recently the Pope sent Patriarch of Constantinople a message saying that "there are no more obstacles to Eucharistic communion» . At the end of the message, Francis I assures Patriarch Bartholomew that he will pray for the successful implementation of Pan-Orthodox Council.

Reference: Eucharistic communion(full communion, intercommunion) - the possibility of jointly serving the liturgy by two bishops or priests. That is, two bishops who, according to canons and dogmas, can serve together are in Eucharistic communion. .

Beginning in the 1920s, a concept was formed in the ruling circles of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, according to which the entire Orthodox diaspora must submit to the Patriarch of Constantinople. The Patriarch of Constantinople, according to the Phanariots, from now on has not just the primacy of honor, but also the primacy of power, and can even interfere in the internal affairs of other Churches. This concept, called by its opponents Eastern papism, has been repeatedly criticized, but de facto is already an approved practice of the church. .

Thus we see that the Pope is advocating for the unity of Jews and Christians, and for interfaith unity of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, as well as for the beginning of holding in Temples joint (Eucharistic) worship of Catholic and Orthodox priests.

And considering that all these statements by the Pope were made within the walls Roman synagogue where he said that "The Jews are our older brothers" , and where the heads of Jewish communities and organizations, including President of the Council of Rabbis of Europe and Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt, as well as President of the Moscow Jewish Religious Community Grigory Roitberg ( ) , That There is NO reason to believe that all this is NOT done within the framework of the program that was disclosedto Jews during a lecture at the Great Choral Synagogue of St. Petersburg by Rabbi Pinchas Polonsky.

Now I will especially touch upon what was said Pope's statements, what he doesn't count Jews guilty of crucifixion Jesus Christ. "What was done during His passions cannot be indiscriminately imputed either to all Jews who lived then or to modern Jews».

In his earlier article I asked a question: why do we, reasonable people, BAN any neo-Nazi parties and movements in Russia today?

The answer is: obviously, that's why our society says "NO TO NAZISM" that we know everything and still remember World War II and those crimes that have been committed against humanity Nazis under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

But in the same way we know about the crimes that were committed against God and humanity by the Jews who insisted on the execution of Jesus Christ! And we sacredly remember this!

So why did the head of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church suddenly begin to show BLINDNESS in relation to those currently living Jews?

Why on earth is the Pope talking about some "passion of Christ"(how about actions mentally ill!), to whose death The Jews are supposedly completely uninvolved?

We all know, because it is written in the Bible, which is recognized as “Holy Scripture”, what exactly Jews insisted on a ruling regarding Christ death sentence.

17 so, when we gathered They, Pilate said to them: whom do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus, who is called Christ?

18 For he knew that they had betrayed Him out of envy.

19 While he was sitting in the judgment seat, his wife sent him to say: Do not do anything to that righteous One, because today I have suffered much for Him in a dream.

20 But high priests And elders stirred up the people to ask Barabbas, and Jesus destroy.

21 Then the governor asked them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” They said: Barabbas.

22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do to Jesus, who is called Christ? Everyone tells him: let him be crucified.

23 The ruler said, “What evil has He done?” But they shouted even louder: let him be crucified.

24 Pilate, seeing that nothing helped, but the confusion was increasing, took water and washed his hands before the people, and said: I am innocent of the blood of this righteous one; look you.

25 And all the people answered and said: His blood be on us and on our children... (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27).

So, if today's JEWS live according to the same Jewish Torah, in accordance with the commandments of which the ancient Jews wanted to kill Christ the Savior many times and in accordance with which he was ultimately sentenced to death, then they are actually the legal successors of those ancient Jews who demanded from Pilate the crucifixion of the arrested Christ the Savior!

“If a prophet or a dreamer arises among you and presents you with a sign or a miracle, and that sign or miracle about which he told you comes true, and moreover says: “Let us follow other gods whom you do not know, and let us serve them.” , - then do not listen to the words of this prophet, or this dreamer; For [through] [this] the Lord your God is tempting you to find out whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul; Follow the Lord your God and fear Him, keep His commandments and listen to His voice, and serve Him, and cleave to Him; and that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death because he persuaded you to depart from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. and who delivered you from the house of slavery, desiring to turn you away from the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to go; and [so] destroy evil from among you.”(Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

Moreover, Jews and today they consider Christ nothing more than "Jewish rebel" who attempted to change Jewish Law!!!

About this today Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar speaks openly , about this today Pinchas Polonsky also speaks openly , reading sermons to Jews in the Great Choral Synagogue of St. Petersburg:

“Christians recognize the Tanakh (Old Testament), but add the New Testament to it, considering it a sacred text. Of course, the New Testament is not a “sacred text.”It can well be considered an “interesting book.” Jesus can be considered an "important spiritual leader." This doesn't contradict anything. But to consider Jesus as God is contrary to Jewish tradition...."

So if one high-ranking Jew claims that Jesus is "nothing more than a Jewish rebel", and another high-ranking Jew believes that Jesus is "nothing more than an important spiritual leader", while the New Testament of Christ - "no more than an interesting book", and the Pope says that "Jews are the elder brothers of Christians", then what could the future unification of Christians and Jews, Catholics and Orthodox Christians lead to???

Wolves dressed in sheep's clothing will simply devour God's sheep!- I see it that way.

By the way, in the sermon-revelation of Pinchas Polonsky, sounded in the Great Choral Synagogue of St. Petersburg, this idea was also voiced!

Pinchas Polonsky: "Muslims are much further from Judaism than Christians. This is understandable, right? Much further! Christianity is much closer to Judaism than Islam.


Because Christians recognize the Tanakh, but Muslims do not recognize the Tanakh. Muslims believe that the Tanakh is a damaged book with errors. Therefore, you first need to deal with the closest “subsidiary enterprise” - Christians and relationships with them, and we’ll deal with Muslims later.

The attitude towards Christianity should be positive and positive. Instead of the attitude: “oh-oh-oh, this is idolatry,” “this is not good,” it should be the other way around.

Christians are great for spreading Judaism among humanity! If anyone has not read my book “Two Thousand Years Together,” I recommend that everyone buy it and read it.

Does everyone understand everything about Christianity?

We also need to have a positive attitude towards Islam. It is, of course, now in the phase of jihad. Jihad, of course, needs to have its head cut off. This goes without saying. Naturally! But in general, Islam is, of course, a positive trend.

Our fight against Islam is a fight against jihad. That is, the fight against the form that Islam takes. And when he gets rid of this form, everything will be fine.


Voice from the audience: about Muslims, and when will it be possible to turn them into "Bnei Noach" ?

Pinchas Polonsky: wait, let's first deal with those who are next to us! Let's not do everything at once! Let's eat one by one! Take turns..."

These are their plans!

If the planned unification with Judaism of all “daughter” religions one day happens, then we can consider that the feat of Christ the Savior was in vain. And his sacrifice in the name of the bright future of all humanity was also in vain!

However, it is unlikely that what the crafty religious leaders are striving for will succeed!

Ordinary believers, of whom there are almost 2 billion, know that in his educational sermons Jesus Christ did not say a word about any unification with the enemies of the human race (with the “tares”)!

On the contrary, the Savior taught that one day the time will come when humanity will be divided into those who are from God and those who are from the devil, and then those who are from God will create something like harvest: they will destroy all the “malicious weeds”!

Here is the parable of Christ the Savior, in which this is literally said in plain text:

38 the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, and the tares-sons of the evil one;

39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.

40 Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age:

41 The Son of Man will send His angels, and from His kingdom they will gather all who offend and those who practice iniquity,

42 and they will be cast into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;

43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:38-43).

Thus, apparently sensing that the world is rapidly approaching this important fateful event, which Christ the Savior called the HARVEST, the head of the Vatican and the Jews are trying to work proactively and ward off the mortal threat.

Catholic clergy really have something to fear, because they are also the legal successors of those "the famous meanness of the illustrious fathers", who stained themselves with murder even much more than the Nazis of Adolf Hitler. The Nazis killed people for only 5 and a half years, from 1939 to 1945, and Catholic priests repaired mass murders of people with talents like Christ's for centuries!!!

And it was like this HOLOCAUST(massive burnt offerings people), which has no analogue in world history!

Even holocaust Jews during the Second World War cannot be compared with it in scale!

On the part of the Roman Catholic Church, these crimes against the best part of humanity were so large-scale that hundreds of sketches from life (!), like this one, have been preserved HOLOCAUST arranged by those who hypocritically called themselves followers of Christ.

Here these terrible crimes Catholic priests and related them with Jews who they call their own "big brothers".

The Jews also practiced the HOLOCAUST more than once in their history against the inhabitants of the cities they captured, as evidenced by the “Old Testament”, which makes up most of the Bible:

"And David took their king's crown from his head,-and in it was a gold talent and a precious stone, and David laid it on his head, and carried away much spoil from the city. And he brought out the people who were in it and put them under saws, under iron threshers, under iron axes, and threw them into FURNACES. This is what he did to all the cities of the Ammonites."(2 Kings 12:30-31).

That's it, "never guilty of anything" Jews They put the inhabitants of the ancient cities they captured under saws, under iron threshers, and threw them into kilns!

So, have Catholic priests has a lot in common with Jews, and they have a reason unite. After all, according to international laws, genocide has no statute of limitations, and they, the Jews and Catholic priests, are at least the legal successors (ideological heirs) of those who were engaged in religious genocide in accordance with their religious concepts.

Genocide is a special term for criminal acts committed against a group of people with the goal of destroying it.

So, let’s wait and see how things turn out for the unifiers of world religions! Most likely, by their actions on the geopolitical stage they themselves will provoke the HARVEST predicted by Christ the Savior. And what will come of this is already known.

So, don't panic, friends! Everything is going as usual! And it will end not as the stiff-necked people intended, but as God intended. Believe the prophets!

“The Lord appeared to Abram and said to him: I am God Almighty... I AM MY COVENANT WITH YOU... circumcise your foreskin... Eight days from birth, every male [child] among you shall be circumcised throughout your generations” (Gen. 17:1 -12).
Notice that God told the founder of the Jews and all nations, he said specifically about Himself, that He is the Covenant between Abraham and Him - God. And the sign of this Covenant was circumcision for infants. What was it talking about? What message did it carry?
The covenant of circumcision testified to the birth of a boy, not by the power of male “dignity,” but by the power of the One who spoke of Himself to Abraham as a Covenant with him, the sign of which would be the miraculous birth of a boy, beyond the power of human laws.
“Is there anything difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time I will be with you next year, and Sarah will have a son” (Gen. 18:14).
Isaac, as well as circumcision, became a symbol of this covenant, which was still to take place in the future. And the executor of this Testament over Himself was to be Almighty God.
“He who from the beginning causes birth; I am the first Lord, and I am the same among the last” (Is. 41:4).
In the latter He is the same, what? What does it mean?
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Immanuel” (Is. 7:13,14). “What does it mean: God is with us” (Matt. 1:23).

Abraham was told that God is His Covenant, not circumcision. It was only a sign of God's circumcision of Himself.
“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Tell the children of Israel, If a woman conceives and bears a male child... on the eighth day his foreskin will be circumcised; and THIRTY-THREE DAYS she must sit, cleansing herself from her blood; She must not touch anything sacred and must not come to the sanctuary until the days of her atonement are fulfilled” (Lev. 12:1-5).

Thirty-three is a very significant number, isn't it? Women in the Bible are represented by the Church, the people of God. In whose life did these thirty-three days come true - a day in a year, as every prophecy requires to be understood in the Holy Scriptures? After all, sacrifices pointed to future benefits?

So, the only man who was born not because of the “male power” hidden in the carnal laws, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, was Jesus Christ, whose days of life on earth were 33 years old.

Conclusion: God spoke to Abraham about Himself as a Covenant for him, and revealed the power of this Covenant literally by the birth of Isaac from Sarah’s dead womb, so what? So that the One who causes childbirth from the Beginning, Himself, would be born into this world as a Man. God became related to people, and the entire religion of the Jews was a prophetic letter from God for them, and for all peoples, for the sake of the expected meeting of the Creator with His creations, who were captured by sin and Satan.

“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin” (John 15:22).
“Therefore I told you that you would die in your sins; for if you do not believe that it is I, you will die in your sins. Then they said to Him: Who are You? Jesus said to them, “He was from the beginning, just as I tell you” (John 8:24,25).