General characteristics of virgins born under the sign of the dragon. Characteristics of a virgin born in the year of the dragon

A man's character partly depends on the zodiac sign under which he was born, and the year of birth itself. A Virgo-Dragon man, if he is in love, then this feeling deprives him of sleep and peace, however, conquering his unapproachable heart will not be at all easy.

Communication with women

So, the Dragon-Virgo man is a narcissistic person who focuses all his attention only on himself. It is very difficult to find a common language with such a “narcissist”, much less to conquer this unapproachable heart. Representatives of this zodiac sign rarely experience a shortage of female attention, and not only ugly women, but also true beauties pay attention to them. They are aware of their own charisma and attractiveness, so they actively take advantage of their earned position in society.

The Virgo-Dragon man does not consider himself an amorous person, although he sympathizes with many girls at the same time. It is not at all difficult to achieve his favor, especially since he himself actively makes contact. When communicating with young ladies, he charms with his temperament, skillful timbre of voice and cunning flirting techniques that have been perfected over the years. No girl can resist, and most fall in love at first sight.

Representatives of this zodiac combination spend a long time deciding on their choice, believing that most of the applicants do not deserve increased attention at all. The Dragon has many girlfriends, but not everyone can boast of a relationship with such a charismatic representative of the stronger sex. It’s not harmful to dream, but he will choose the most worthy one.

Start of a relationship

The Dragon, born in the zodiac sign Virgo, falls in love unexpectedly, and plunges headlong into a new relationship. He sees no one except his chosen one, and in order to make the most favorable impression on her, he is ready to move mountains. Most often, this is an “impregnable fortress” that has no interest in its address.

A man needs just such a girl, because he needs to not only achieve her, but also perform heroic deeds and brave deeds. The dragon was born for such chivalry, and the lady of his heart will certainly not be disappointed. So he begins his love game, where he surrounds the beauty he likes with maximum attention. He is everywhere, and at one point she realizes that she can no longer live without him.

At this moment, some of the Dragons lose interest in their chosen one, but to prevent this from happening, the already conquered girl has to act if she is still interested in a future relationship.

In such a bright couple, the following balance of power prevails: his task is to achieve his goal, and her task is to preserve the relationship and retain a self-sufficient and very promising gentleman. So everything is in the hands of two young and ambitious people.

Romantic relationship

The Dragon man is always gallant and polite, and all his girlfriends are jealous of the object of his affection. He successfully harmonizes a passionate and romantic nature with a cold heart and a sober mind, but a woman can have no doubt that she is “like behind a stone wall.”

In such a relationship, everything is present: flirting, romance, scandals, tears, but not disappointment. It is simply impossible to make a mistake in the Dragon, since in all his actions and deeds he is a knight without fear or reproach. Such an idyll can last more than one month, but the guy will certainly not rush to propose marriage.

The dragon values ​​his freedom, and even at an advanced age he is not sure that he is ready for married life with all its problems. He marries already at a conscious age, and makes one choice for the rest of his life. The success of this event again depends on the girl, who must take the initiative into her own hands and tactfully lead her chosen one to the topic of marriage and further married life.

It’s difficult for a man to decide to do such an act, but what can I say - he’s not even capable of a serious relationship. In his life, he chooses the tactic of short-term romances, because he is afraid of getting burned, of falling in unrequited love. Unrequited love simply does not exist for a representative of this zodiac combination, since every woman will sooner or later fall under his spell.

Family life

If the Virgo-Dragon man nevertheless made a choice in favor of family life, then he will always be the head, leader, and authority. She considers her main task to be replenishing the source of income, career and leisure for the family. He quite often disappears at work, rarely warns of a delay, so a loving woman can only wait for his return and be a faithful keeper of the hearth.

In family life he is very persistent and demanding, but depending on the mood he can be soft, reverent and caring. It’s better not to argue with him, because the final word will still belong to the man. The woman does not complain about this balance of power, since she is fully provided for, has tangible material support and confidence in the future. So one can only dream of such a reliable spouse.

The Dragon-Virgo man is a supporter of “love triangles”, and chooses a more active life partner, although not for long. It is best not to run after such a “narcissist,” since the relationship will be fleeting and short-lived.

It only remains to add that the Dragon-Virgo man believes that “loving is painful,” so he tries in every possible way to ignore such bright feelings and delay a romantic relationship with one chosen one. But not everything always goes according to plan.

Exact Dragon. You can trust him!

Eastern horoscope- The Dragon

Zodiac horoscope- Virgo

This Dragon is the most sophisticated and intelligent; style, taste and quality are important to him. He knows how to manipulate people better than other Dragons. He can be indecisive and inconsistent, which, in general, is unusual for Dragons, but is typical for Libra.

When the traits of the Dragon are mixed with the sun sign of Virgo, the result is an incredibly resilient personality.

Virgo-Dragon are realists with an incredible abundance of confidence and are often renowned for their natural resilience.

They are not very sociable people; they use only close personal connections to communicate. Virgo-Dragon is an intelligent, charismatic and attractive person, usually knows exactly what she wants to get from this life and looks at this life positively.

Virgo-Dragon people are flexible in mind and inventive, therefore, when choosing their activities, they strive for varied work, filled with complex tasks. Their persistence and enthusiasm for work are often noticed by management, so they quickly receive promotions and leadership positions.

These people are greedy for knowledge and often begin to study already in adulthood. Their homes are often filled with many books of all genres. These people need to organize a place in their home where they can put their favorite photographs and various small souvenirs.

In matters of the heart, the Virgo Dragon usually behaves rather shyly. It is these Virgos who understand their partners better than others, are not too demanding and support their goals.

The flaw in this person’s character is that he is very demanding of those around him, and he himself is in a continuous attempt to reach dizzying heights. This feature, as a rule, allows them to dominate in all areas of life. And at the same time it makes them very demanding, unsociable and sometimes intolerable.

Virgo the Dragon is an organized person who knows how to achieve his goals not through luck, but through his own business qualities. He is responsible for his words and actions; you can trust him not only in promises, but also in such ephemeral things as the expectation of happiness.

Located between two worlds, the dragon maiden has not only the traits of a romantic, but also such serious prudence that she can simultaneously create and protect - and sometimes even change someone’s fate. But it is dangerous to conflict with him. From a friend ready to help in everything, he is able to turn into a restless enemy.

The Virgo Dragon man is a self-confident person. At the same time, he is quite realistic, talented in learning and constantly improving himself, but at the same time he has his own idea of ​​​​moral and ethical rules. For the sake of an idea, he can take any, sometimes unexpected, steps. This sign strives for perfection known only to it and, as a rule, is honest. You can't deny him this.

Dragon Virgo woman is capable of devoted, long-term love. Moreover, she will love, even if it is an unrequited feeling.

Dear readers! We are starting a series of articles in the section - “Astrological portrait of a person, a combination of year and zodiac sign.”
This unique information was kindly provided to us by an astrologer with 20 years of experience.

The following material, based on many years of observations, is indeed a description of the corresponding combination of Sign and Year. Therefore, people easily recognize themselves, their children, their loved ones or acquaintances in him. People born with other combinations, wait for the following astrological description and your loved ones.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS of the astrological combination Virgo-Dragon.

Fire-breathing dragon stubborn and uncompromising, he has enough ardor and courage to press the nuclear button.
Virgo, on the contrary, of all the signs of the Zodiac, he is most distinguished by his restraint.
So, what do we have as a result - sizzling heat under an outwardly noble shell, red-hot lava under a cold mantle, a girl’s soul striving for social success. If you want to achieve results and efficiency, this combination is unbeatable. With a mind like a steel trap, this ambitious (no options) man is always ready to compete with Fate. He is not prone to bragging and chatter in everyday life, however, if he is angry (which often happens), sparks fall like fireworks.

Virgos born in the year of the Dragon- are picky, reasonable and have a strong will, and unarticulated swear words are constantly spinning in their heads. It is most often uncomfortable to be around them, they do not suffer from sincerity, they are rarely simple and trusting with people, and they are never tearful and sentimental.

It is unlikely that such a combination of mutually contradictory qualities can be called harmonious, but this is their strategy for success!

Despite the fact that they begin their childhood life with tenderness and sentimentality, growing up invariably brings them disappointment and the collapse of illusions. As a result, they enter the most flourishing time of their lives sarcastic and bitter.
An essential, if not the most important, part of their nature at any age is their own feelings and desires. And these passions often border on fanaticism, which their loved ones should always remember.

Naturally, with such zeal and energy, success, as well as some losses in enemy manpower along the way, are inevitable. What this person passionately desires, he usually achieves. Often - no matter what the cost and what ethical consequences.

The main goal of the Dragon Maiden's life - to be remembered. Except for their bad character, of course...
Undoubtedly, such a person is invariably attractive with his inexhaustible energy, just as any force is attractive.
These people always look somewhat arrogant outwardly, even if they try to behave modestly. As for fashion, they are always the most advanced and stylish in your neighborhood, you can’t take that away from them.

They maintain their health much longer than the average majority, despite all the abuses of youth.
Their soul does not tolerate mediocrity and they are skeptical of traditional values, following their internal rules.
They are always unhappy with everything, they do not like their relatives up to the fourth generation and have tense relationships with one or both parents. They never panic or give up, secretly despising losers. They also conflict with themselves if everything does not work out favorably for them, not as planned....

In this sense, people born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Dragon are their own enemies. They demand too much from themselves and from others, even though their demands may greatly exceed their natural mental and physical capabilities.

They definitely want to get what they want. For them, happiness is success.

This attitude naturally puts off other people who are not so ambitious and live their simple, unassuming lives.
Dragon Maidens too noticeable and daring, and no matter what various guises they appear in, they do not know how to disappear into the crowd.
Poetry is not needed or understood by them, and is used only as a tool of seduction. Sport attracts them much more.
By the way, it would be extremely interesting to see at least one living vegetarian Dragon-Virgin...

Speaking quite seriously, without any irony, this combination is one of the rarest cases of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. This person gives up illusions and unrealistic dreams very early and lives the rest of his life with a sober head.

He (she) demands his share of happiness and joy from life and, with rare exceptions, receives it.

LOVE for the Virgo-Dragon

But the personal life of the Dragon Maiden is not so happy. Of course, this combination of Year and Sign favors sexual attractiveness. But despite their charisma, their relationships with the opposite sex are often burdened with difficulties and rarely harmonious. The thing is that, unfortunately, these people are much more busy with their careers and dreaming of social success than they are interested in intimate relationships with their loved ones, and do not play with them at being a white, fluffy and innocent creature.

If you are truly in love with this contentious and grumpy creature, you will have to learn to enjoy waiting on the side of the road along which they rush to victory, while smiling and saluting your Dragon-Virgo.

And, besides this, they will also insist on your constant help. Life with a Virgo-Dragon is always a one-way street. In short, there's a lot to admire here, but little to embrace.

COMPATIBILITY for Virgo-Dragon

For happiness, Virgo-Dragon will need the following combinations of Lunar Year and Zodiac Sign (in descending order):
1. Taurus or Capricorn, born in the year of the Rat.
2. Taurus or Cancer in the year of the Rooster; Taurus, Cancer or Capricorn Year of the Monkey.
3. Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake.

Now about those with whom it is better for the Virgo-Dragon not to get involved at all under any circumstances:
1. Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces born in the year of the Dog. (These people irritate the Dragon Maidens the most).
2. Sagittarius and Pisces of the year of the Buffalo cannot stand the Virgo-Dragon. However, it’s mutual.

Home and family

The apartments of the Dragon Maiden will amaze you from the very threshold; they can shine with cleanliness or look like an abandoned bunker, but what they definitely won’t have in the decor are shades - nothing beige or pale lilac. Everything will be strict and tasteful. The furniture is unpretentious and always comfortable. But especially in chairs, don’t fall apart either. Feel at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest! - this is the archaic, but absolutely true to their ideas, motto of their hospitality. Virgo-Dragons also don’t drive cars of unspecified colors.

Virgo-Dragons are in no hurry to get married and have children.
However, having started a family, they turn out to be responsible, albeit demanding parents. They will not turn into sentimental people until they reach late middle age, and they will be truly soft and compliant only with their grandchildren, thus as if compensating for their earlier rigidity. In general, they represent that rare type of people who blossom and become more tolerant with age.

Virgo-Dragon Child, in general, does not create much trouble for parents either at home or at school, and adheres to generally accepted standards of behavior. Moreover, he strives to become a class leader or team captain, for example. However, a child who is susceptible to flattery is very much hurt by criticism, which parents should under no circumstances abuse. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about him; he knows how to pull himself together, pull himself together if necessary, and get out of the most difficult situations on his own.

Undoubtedly, you will often be proud of your child, since his academic performance and achievements will undoubtedly be above average. This combination of Sign and Year is one of the most problem-free right up to adolescence, when several critical years of adolescence and self-affirmation can turn into a complete nightmare for parents.

PROFESSION of the Dragon Maiden

This is where these people are truly happy. Among the Dragon Maidens, most of all people are satisfied with their work and proud of their profession. They are talented in any field and area where there is an opportunity for career growth. There is no greater joy and satisfaction for them than climbing one more step up the career ladder.

However, as bosses, they are not very adored by their subordinates, because they are demanding and not democratic. And no one is given a second chance - you will immediately be asked to write a statement of your own free will... otherwise it will be worse.
In the meantime, he hasn’t become the boss yet... Look through the personal file of your most competent employee. Chances are very high that this is the Virgo-Dragon. These outwardly cool and dynamic people, unlike most of us, work at maximum speed and never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

But, being the boss of the Virgo-Dragon, you should also know that by hook or by crook, methodically wiping out their colleagues, they will try to get the most lucrative and profitable job in your establishment. And, yes, you guessed it... they dream of hooking you.
The best professions for Dragon Maidens: politician, film or theater director, judge, prosecutor, stock exchange or bank employee (unless at the cash register), athlete (who dreams of becoming a professional), entrepreneur.

The Fire-Breathing Dragon is stubborn and uncompromising, he has enough ardor and courage to press the nuclear button. Virgo, on the contrary, of all the signs of the Zodiac is the most distinguished by its restraint. So, what do we have as a result - sizzling heat under an outwardly noble shell, red-hot lava under a cold mantle, a girlish soul striving for social success. If you want to achieve results and efficiency, this combination is unbeatable.

  • With a mind like a steel trap, this ambitious (no options) man is always ready to compete with Fate. He is not prone to bragging and chatter in everyday life, however, if he is angry (which often happens), sparks fly like fireworks.
  • They maintain their health much longer than the average majority, despite all the abuses of youth.
  • They are picky, reasonable and strong-willed, and unarticulated swear words are constantly spinning in their heads. It is most often uncomfortable to be around them, they do not suffer from sincerity, they are rarely simple and trusting with people, and they are never tearful and sentimental.

It is unlikely that such a combination of mutually contradictory qualities can be called harmonious, but this is their strategy for success.

Childhood, adolescence, youth of the dragon maiden

Despite the fact that they begin their childhood life with tenderness and sentimentality, growing up invariably brings them disappointment and the collapse of illusions. As a result, they enter the most flourishing time of their lives sarcastic and bitter.

An essential, if not the most important, part of their nature at any age is their own feelings and desires. And these passions often border on fanaticism, which their loved ones should always remember.
Naturally, with such zeal and energy, success, as well as some losses in enemy manpower along the way, are inevitable.

Achieving success

What this person passionately desires, he usually achieves. Often - no matter what the cost and what ethical consequences.

The main goal of the Dragon Maiden's life- to be remembered. Except for their bad character, of course...

Undoubtedly, such a person is invariably attractive with his inexhaustible energy, just as any force is attractive.

These people always look somewhat arrogant outwardly, even if they try to behave modestly. As for fashion, they are always the most advanced and stylish in your neighborhood, you can’t take that away from them. Their soul does not tolerate mediocrity and they are skeptical of traditional values, following their internal rules.

Dragon maidens in society

They are always unhappy with everything, they do not like their relatives up to the fourth generation and have tense relationships with one or both parents. They never panic or give up, secretly despising losers. They also conflict with themselves if everything does not work out favorably for them, not as planned….

In this sense, people born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Dragon are their own enemies. They demand too much from themselves and from others, even though their demands may greatly exceed their natural mental and physical capabilities.

They definitely want to get what they want. For them, happiness is success.

This attitude naturally puts off other people who are not so ambitious and live their simple, unassuming lives.
The Dragon Maidens are too noticeable and daring, and no matter how various guises they appear, they do not know how to disappear into the crowd.
Poetry is not needed or understood by them, and is used only as a tool of seduction. Sports attract them much more.

By the way, it would be extremely interesting to see at least one living vegetarian Dragon-Virgin...

Speaking quite seriously, without any irony, this combination is one of the rarest cases of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. This person gives up illusions and unrealistic dreams very early and lives the rest of his life with a sober head.

He (she) demands his share of happiness and joy from life and, with rare exceptions, receives it.

Virgo dragon in love

But the personal life of the Dragon Maiden is not so happy. Of course, this combination of Year and Sign favors sexual attractiveness. But, despite their charisma, their relationships with the opposite sex are often burdened with difficulties and rarely harmonious. The thing is that, unfortunately, these people are much more busy with their careers and dreaming of social success than they are interested in intimate relationships with their loved ones, and do not play with them at being a white, fluffy and innocent creature.

If you are truly in love with this contentious and grumpy creature, you will have to learn to enjoy waiting on the side of the road along which they rush to victory, while smiling and saluting your Dragon-Virgo.
And, besides this, they will also insist on your constant help. Life with a Virgo-Dragon is always a one-way street. In short, there's a lot to admire here, but little to embrace.

Compatibility of Virgo-Dragon with other zodiac signs

To the Dragon Maiden for happiness You will need the following combinations of Lunar Year and Zodiac Sign (in descending order):

  1. Taurus or Capricorn, born in the year of the Rat.
  2. Taurus or Cancer in the year of the Rooster; Taurus, Cancer or Capricorn Year of the Monkey.
  3. Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake.

Now about those with whom the Virgo-Dragon It's better not to get involved at all under no circumstances:

  1. Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces born in the year of the Dog. (These people irritate the Dragon Maidens the most).
  2. Sagittarius and Pisces of the year of the Buffalo cannot stand the Virgo-Dragon. However, it’s mutual.

Home and family. Virgo-Dragon Family Relationships

Apartment of the Dragon Maiden will amaze you from the very threshold, they can shine with cleanliness or look like an abandoned bunker, but what they definitely won’t have in the decor are shades - nothing beige or pale lilac. Everything will be strict and tasteful.

Furniture without pretentiousness and definitely comfortable. But especially in chairs, don’t fall apart either. Feel at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest! - this is the archaic, but absolutely true to their ideas, motto of their hospitality. Virgo-Dragons also don’t drive cars of unspecified colors.

Virgo-Dragons are in no hurry to get married and have children. However, having started a family, they turn out to be responsible, albeit demanding parents. They will not turn into sentimental people until they reach late middle age, and they will be truly soft and compliant only with their grandchildren, thus as if compensating for their earlier rigidity. In general, they represent that rare type of people who blossom and become more tolerant with age.

Virgo-Dragon Child 2012

Virgo-Dragon Child, in general, does not create much trouble for parents either at home or at school, and adheres to generally accepted standards of behavior. Moreover, he strives to become a class leader or team captain, for example. However, a child who is susceptible to flattery is very much hurt by criticism, which parents should under no circumstances abuse. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about him; he knows how to pull himself together, pull himself together if necessary, and get out of the most difficult situations on his own.

Undoubtedly, you will often be proud of your child, since his academic performance and achievements will undoubtedly be above average. This combination of Sign and Year is one of the most problem-free right up to adolescence, when several critical years of adolescence and self-affirmation can turn into a complete nightmare for parents.


This is where these people are truly happy. Among the Dragon Maidens, most of all people are satisfied with their work and proud of their profession.
They are talented in any field and area where there is an opportunity for career growth. There is no greater joy and satisfaction for them than climbing one more step up the career ladder.

However, as bosses, they are not very adored by their subordinates, because they are demanding and not democratic. And no one is given a second chance - you will immediately be asked to write a statement of your own free will... otherwise it will be worse.

In the meantime, he hasn’t become a boss yet... Look through the personal file of your most competent employee. Chances are very high that this is the Virgo-Dragon. These outwardly cool and dynamic people, unlike most of us, work at maximum speed and never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

But, being the boss of the Virgo-Dragon, you should also know that by hook or by crook, methodically wiping out their colleagues, they will try to get the most lucrative and profitable job in your establishment. And, yes, you guessed it... they dream of hooking you.

The best professions for Virgo-Dragons: politician, film or theater director, judge, prosecutor, stock exchange or bank employee (unless at the cash register), athlete (who dreams of becoming a professional), entrepreneur.

Information provided by:
Astrologer Alexander Korneychuk
[email protected]

Anna Lyubimova

The bright and uncompromising Dragon, combined with the reserved Virgo, makes for an extraordinary, strong and dominant nature. Virgo-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. This is a strong-willed practitioner-idealist, with a flexible mind, ingenuity, prudence, who knows how to achieve his goals and is ready to use any methods to achieve this.

Dragon Maidens know how to take risks and win, bring to life ideas that seem crazy and unrealistic to ordinary sober people. The active and unrestrained Dragon is somewhat inhibited by the restrained and organized Virgo, at the same time it does not allow her to get hung up on trifles and reveals her best sides. Virgo becomes more courageous and liberated: her punctuality, seriousness and desire for order are within reasonable limits.

The determination and confidence of these people, the ability and desire to work, show initiative and punctuality promise rapid career success and financial prosperity. They are responsible and punctual Therefore, the assigned work is carried out clearly and diligently. Interesting and diverse work completely captivates the Dragon Maiden. In their work, such people show activity, initiative and enthusiasm, they are able to independently assess the situation, make the right decision, conclude a profitable deal, take an adventure and take risks. Monotonous and boring classes are not about them.

If it is not possible to achieve results, the Virgo-Dragon becomes depressed, becomes a nervous and irritable person

These people are ambitious and, as a rule, careerists. It is important for them to satisfy their desires and achieve their goals. Dragon Maidens confidently moving towards the most profitable and lucrative position, not caring too much about the fact that they sometimes openly “rub” their colleagues and are not even averse to “sit on” their superiors. They care little about traditional values, although it is fair to note that the Virgo-Dragon is still an honest and reliable comrade, and the concepts of morality are not alien to him.

The Dragon-Virgo sets high standards in his life, and is also demanding of those around him. His sometimes overly exaggerated claims do not correspond to their level, but this does not bother the Dragon Maidens much. Such a person wants to stand out from the crowd, to be remembered (but not for his difficult character), and he succeeds: people are attracted by his inexhaustible energy and inner strength.

Dragon-Virgo sets high standards in his life, and is also demanding of those around him

In uncertain situations, the Virgo-Dragon does not panic, it can behave impudently and arrogantly, it does not tolerate mediocrity and strives for the highest level, despising losers.

It's difficult to talk to such people. They act aloof, when communicating with them there is a feeling that they are not telling something, and an element of insincerity is noticed in the conversation. The Virgo-Dragon's circle of friends is quite narrow; they are not very prone to confidential and sentimental conversations, which causes a feeling of discomfort and repels the interlocutor.

The Virgo-Dragon personality is endowed with many talents; she is distinguished by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and learning. Such people learn constantly– from youth to adulthood, and are able to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life and the work environment.

Virgo-Dragons are constantly learning - from youth to adulthood

Men of this zodiac combination are endowed with powerful masculine qualities necessary to achieve success both in professional activities and in everyday life. The character of the Virgo-Dragon is endowed with a lot of business qualities. The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Dragon, is constantly improving, is prone to creativity, is proactive and energetic, shows resourcefulness and knows how to get out of the most difficult circumstances.

His pedantry and complete dedication to his work involuntarily evoke the respect and authority of those around him. He is competent, ready to take decisive steps, and is not afraid to take on complex and intricate projects and enter into risky deals.

Virgo-Dragon is charismatic, demanding, quick-tempered, and at the same time it is a reliable partner on whom you can always rely. Although he often can be harsh and impatient wanting to do it my way.

Such a man has strong energy, which he needs to invest in active and creative activities, realizing his potential.

Disadvantages of the sign

With such excellent ambitions and work potential, the Virgo-Dragon achieves significant success in the profession and material security. But in relationships with others, he often has conflicts and negative situations.

He is too demanding and unapologetic, shows quarrelsomeness and grumpiness, dissatisfaction and short temper. The weakness of his character is his high conceit and intolerance to manifestations of drama and sentimentality. It is unlikely that you will be able to convince him of sympathy and loyalty. As bosses, such people are uncompromising and undemocratic, prone to categoricalness and rigidity, so their subordinates dislike and are afraid of them.

With such excellent ambitions and work potential, the Virgo-Dragon achieves success in the profession and finances

These ladies are complex and contradictory personalities. Their character balances between femininity and masculine fortitude. They are more open in communication than men of this zodiac combination, but are not always completely sincere and often give the impression of a person “on his own mind.”

The Virgo girl, born in the year of the Dragon, is very erudite and well-read. A passion for books of completely different genres, numerous hobbies and interests give us a versatile and interesting nature. Ability to think outside the box, analyze and make decisions set her apart from the crowd and allow her to achieve success in her chosen field. They make good teachers, people of creative and social professions.

Such a lady loves attention, is picky about her appearance and is prone to order at work and at home.

Disadvantages of the sign

The Virgo girl of the Year of the Dragon is inclined to set high goals and achieve them. The disadvantage of such a lady is that she demands that those around her conquer the same heights, regardless of whether they want it or not. The weak side of her character can be considered high nervousness, especially manifested when her plans do not go according to her plan.

The character of the Dragon Maidens balances between femininity and masculine fortitude

Love compatibility of Virgo in the year of the Dragon

People of this iconic combination often behave shyly in cordial relationships. They try to understand their partner, support them and are quite tolerant of shortcomings.

Men They also show their maximalism in the love sphere, so they rarely manage to find harmonious compatibility in love. The reason also lies in the fact that such a guy directs most of his energy to work and career. Having found his soul mate, he will be devoted and caring. In addition, the Virgo-Dragon considers himself a monogamist.

Virgo Women of the Year of the Dragon attractive and endowed with natural sexuality. They have no shortage of admirers, and yet they get married quite late, or even remain in the status of old maids.

Virgo-Dragons are not too prone to sentimentality and romance, and their rather strong character sometimes scares off men. As a result, men begin to shy away in her presence - she doesn’t like it. But if she still finds a man who is suitable for the role of her husband, she will become the most caring wife.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat
According to the Western calendar Virgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Full characteristics of a Virgo child born in the year of the Dragon

The children of this iconic combination, at the very dawn of their youth, are sweet and sentimental creatures, prone to idealizing their surroundings. They do not create any special problems for their parents, do well at school, and do not deviate from the rules of behavior.

The Virgo boy, born in the year of the Dragon, knows how to cope with emerging difficulties himself, is collected and organized. Prefers outdoor active games and sports.

Children of the Virgo-Dragon at the very dawn of their youth are sweet and sentimental creatures

Girl neat and pedantic. This is a dreamy and sometimes secretive nature. She is a diligent student, quickly grasps information and generally loves to learn. Such a girl is sociable, but sometimes she needs a place where she can be by herself and deal with her secrets.

Children of this combination remain the pride of their parents for quite a long time, without causing any trouble. Until adolescence comes, and their ideas about ideals begin to break down, illusions crumble and disappointments appear.

23 October 2017, 14:10