Horoscope for October Virgo from Benjamin. October horoscope for Virgo woman


Representatives of the Virgo sign are distinguished by great decency and logical reasoning. What brings them the greatest satisfaction is the opportunity to teach others wisdom and give advice even when no one asks them for it. This perception of life does not always bring satisfaction, as the horoscope for October says. The Virgo woman is tormented by the duality of sensations: on the one hand, she has everything for life, on the other, she lacks some emotional experiences.


In October, according to the horoscope, the Virgo woman’s desire for ideality will subside slightly. This will be a reason for people around her to be drawn to her. It is possible that these will be men with whom she has known for a long time. Virgos will come down from their heights for a while and become accessible. A woman who has a love affair in October will be amazed at how much she can fall in love with herself. The horoscope advises you to notice how much your criticism and demagogy can interfere with a happy life.

According to the horoscope, October is a time of prosperity. Many new acquaintances with the opposite sex are expected. The inner charm of a Virgo woman magically attracts, any man near her will feel like a knight. Record this state for at least a week. Virgo will definitely love her new role and will often return to it.

  1. Avoid any criticism of other people
  2. Stop thinking about others and do things that bring you pleasure.
  3. Have a little holiday for yourself

It's easy to follow these three simple rules. And the consequences will be colossal!

A busy personal life awaits married Virgos in October. The temptation to become the object of passion of a gallant gentleman is predicted by the horoscope for October. A Virgo woman should not cross the boundaries of what is permissible. Remember that you have marital obligations, misunderstandings with your spouse can cause deep conflict and hurt.

Those women who already have an affair will have to experience both happiness and disappointment in October. Your selectivity and criticism can lead to disagreements. The horoscope recommends that you clearly understand that the concept of “living correctly” may not be acceptable to everyone. The Tiger woman is most susceptible to this in the fall.

From Vasilisa

According to the horoscope for October, there is a high susceptibility to stress. You are a typical weaker sex who can be unsettled by quite ordinary troubles. In order not to cause harm to your health, think about good protection in the person of a loved one, worry less and think only in a positive way.

Judging by the horoscope, Virgo women tend to make a lot of plans for November. It's hard to imagine how everything fits in their head. Make a good plan and act consistently. Otherwise, as usual, you won’t have enough time for anything. The overall results of the year depend on how well you organize yourself at the beginning of October. Virgos, as the horoscope says, spent a lot of time and energy in vain in the first half of the year. By autumn there is every chance to catch up.

As the accurate horoscope says, Virgos will tend to transfer work moments into their personal lives. Vasilisa has a dangerous forecast for August - this will have a detrimental effect on a woman’s relationship with her partner. Perhaps, when affection and understanding are needed, the chosen one will refer to being busy and leave her alone.

In the middle of the month, according to the horoscope, conflicts with friends are expected. Try to give less advice, but always be happy to help them. Your loved ones value you not for perfectionism, but for your responsiveness and compassion.

At the end of October, Virgo women should especially pay attention to close relatives. Perhaps some of them have problems that he does not talk about. The horoscope advises to be more attentive and have confidential conversations more often. Even the slightest interest will be enough to open up to you.

A big surge is expected in intimate life. Your partner literally devours you in bed. Take this opportunity and show yourself not like a prim lady. By the way, Virgo Goat will open up new possibilities in herself. The horoscope gives parting words - feel free to experiment, because people only live once!


In career terms, there is peace and quiet. Virgos cope well with their responsibilities and have long had a reputation as an executive and responsible worker. A Virgo woman whose work is related to finance will feel an incredible rise. Colleagues will ask for her advice, and management will definitely note her in the company’s prospects for tomorrow.

The career horoscope develops favorably in October for Virgos born in the first decade. Great creative potential and creativity will be an unexpected discovery for the women themselves. You need to create fertile soil for yourself; perhaps in the near future you will have your own business.

According to the horoscope, October will be darkened only by a secret enemy who is burdened by the successes of the Virgo woman. Most likely, this is a person who is your complete opposite. Cold reason and sanity, along with a passion for order, infuriate him. The horoscope advises you to warn yourself in this regard. Try to determine who is plotting and take a closer look. If possible, bring him into conversation or try to turn him into a friend at the next corporate event.


Venus is retrograde, which brings confusion to love relationships. A previous admirer will appear on the horizon. Memories, flavored with infrequent meetings, will begin to haunt. There's no point in getting carried away. What happened in the past cannot be returned.

The horoscope for 2017 states that ladies will become capricious. Most likely this is because loved ones do not meet their requirements. The desire to be near you disappears. At least don’t go too far!

In October, your life-affirming potential will be noticed by management. An increase in salary or getting a good position is not excluded. Don't advertise it or boast about it. There may be enemies behind your back, but you don’t need extra envy.

According to the horoscope, October 2017 promises to be rich in emotions. You may not demonstrate them to everyone, but you certainly cannot be blamed for your desire to sincerely help others. But the help may backfire. Before selflessly rushing to help, assess the situation. Are you needed that much? Sometimes helping can lead to ingratitude.


The horoscope for 2018 says that no global changes are predicted. It's a great time to take care of yourself. Dedicate the beginning of the year to an in-depth analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. In the summer it is better to go on vacation to the sea, and devote the off-season to quality work on yourself. Autumn is the time to work on your mistakes.

The exact solution for a Virgo woman would be to engage in painstaking work. This is both calming and bears fruit. October 2018 could be a fruitful month if you get your priorities right.

According to the horoscope, the planets do not have a big impact on health. Follow the basic rules of self-care in the spring and autumn, try to avoid places with large crowds of people and worry less. As the horoscope says, many diseases in the Virgo woman begin from nervous stress.

The career is extremely unstable, ups and downs are possible. To maintain a favorable financial climate, try to stay level and do not take on unnecessary burdens.


The horoscope for 2019 promises fruits in the love field. Some Virgo women will firmly learn the lessons of past relationships. Some will be determined to move to a new level. There is only one result - Virgos will be unshakable in their decisions.

For married Virgos, the spouse will become a reliable support for the whole year. The horoscope says that this year, representatives of the zodiac will be in great need of sensitive attitude and affection.

Single Virgos should not initiate new acquaintances themselves. Firstly, you may be misunderstood, and secondly, it is much more pleasant to feel like a delicate flower that requires careful care.

The money issue will not be a burden in the second half of the year, especially in October. You simply won’t need finance. The horoscope recommends making as many pleasant purchases for yourself as possible, but don’t forget about gifts. October 2017 is favorable for making major acquisitions.

For many Virgos, the month of October will be successful and positive. A period of self-development and receiving the fruits of previously accomplished deeds begins. Now the representatives of the star constellation can look back and think thoroughly only about what they did wrong. The horoscope for Virgo for October invites representatives of the star constellation to forget about their own indecision; if they show their own negative qualities ahead, then success and great luck may turn away from them. At this point, you can positively engage in strengthening previously achieved circumstances.

If Virgo previously had great doubts about actively solving this or that problem, now everything needs to be “thrown away” and act only confidently and purposefully. Success is guaranteed for Virgos; they will reach significant heights in life. But such positive circumstances for representatives of the sign can cause a storm of indignation among gossips and various envious people. It is precisely such negative personalities that the zodiacal constellation should be especially wary of. If you let them into your immediate environment, then there is a high risk of getting into huge troubles. Moreover, the spiteful critic will be able to very aggressively influence the official position of Virgos.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Virgo notes that this moment may become a turning point in terms of financial opportunities. All circumstances in the well-being of one’s life depend only on the individual qualities of a person. In this case, if star representatives constantly show a feeling of laziness and often shirk from performing necessary official duties, then they will have a very difficult time financially and materially. If Virgos begin to actively participate in professional affairs, then a significant financial increase in salary awaits them.

From about the middle of this month, it will be possible to begin resolving personal matters. If significant problems have accumulated in the life of a sign representative, then the stars will now help resolve everything in the most positive way. Of course, the star representative should not rely only on the positive influence of fate; his own actions are also necessary to achieve personal happiness and great luck. The moment will be filled with interesting and varied acquaintances, which may well later develop into stronger friendships or romantic connections.

When meeting new people, Virgos should be more attentive to potential acquaintances. Trusting everyone and everything is not recommended at all, since the period is one of deceptive and fickle people. You need to be especially wary of negative personalities who accordingly want to touch the personal life of a zodiac representative. Virgos should not allow gigolos and people who are looking for material gain somewhere to approach them. In order to fully protect themselves from possible negativity, it is recommended that Virgos communicate only with trusted and most reliable people.

A rather wonderful and harmonious moment occurs in the lives of beautiful ladies. Many women won't even have to do anything special to attract the glances and glances of admiring men. Natural attractiveness and tenderness will help ladies arrange their personal lives in a positive way.

While getting carried away by romantic relationships, women are not recommended to forget about relatives or children. They all need active care and constant attention, which Virgos very often conceal within themselves and do not want to let out.

Horoscope for October 2018 for Virgo man

For the stronger half of the zodiac, a slightly uncertain and tense period is planned. Some men will have to deal with solving family or domestic problems, and the initiative will come from themselves.

It is necessary to treat with particular caution and attention the manifestation of frivolity or inconstancy in the soul. If you succumb to the will of your own feelings, then you can bring on a terrible family disaster with such actions and urges.

The health horoscope for Virgo will advise representatives of the bright star constellation to pay special attention to the performance of the cardiac system. If the slightest defect is detected, you must urgently visit a leading specialist. Ignoring health problems can result in radically unpleasant consequences.

Love horoscope for October 2018 for Virgo

On the one hand, a fairly calm and balanced period is expected for representatives of the bright star constellation, but the other side of life suggests that Virgos will need to try hard to maintain calm and constancy in their own family. The moment is ideal for making new acquaintances; representatives of the star constellation will now be like a magnet, they will begin to attract the views of the opposite sex. Such circumstances may be beneficial for lonely individuals, but the latter still do not need to hope for something long-term and serious.

The love horoscope for Virgo for October 2018 will advise you to always have a clear and sober assessment of current events in your head.

Health horoscope for October 2018 for Virgo

The period will bring representatives of Star Trek many problems with personal health. Since unstable weather is expected ahead, it is important for Virgos to take care of their own prevention methods in advance. It is also important to note that if adverse symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.

During this period, it would be good for representatives of the sign to start attending health courses. Swimming in the pool will be ideal, and a course of massage treatments will reliably strengthen the functioning of the defenses of the whole body.

Financial horoscope for October 2018 for Virgo

As a rule, Virgos are dutiful and extremely responsible people, but sometimes they are simply tired of working, so they need quality and complete rest. The same situation is expected in October. Representatives of the star sign will harmoniously change periods of professional activity and craving for passive pastime.

It is important to remember that what your body tells you to do is what you need to do. Severe physical or emotional fatigue can have a negative impact on the personal health of Virgos.

The finance horoscope reminds you that you shouldn’t spend too much, even if the financial condition of the representative of the star constellation is in a fairly stable position.

Virgo horoscope for October 2017

General Virgo horoscope for October 2017

The horoscope for October 2017 for representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign shows that this month will become a period of accomplishments and work over one’s own fears for many. We are talking not only about phobias themselves, but also about various qualities that prevent you from fully enjoying life: for example, uncertainty, excessive suspiciousness, and so on. To sort out your feelings and better understand yourself, the astro forecast advises conducting an “audit” of your home.

By sorting out old stuff and getting rid of unnecessary junk, you will unexpectedly find answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time. It is also favorable to modernize the house during this period. Have you been planning to do a renovation for a long time? Stop planning – act!

Virgo work and finance horoscope for October 2017

In professional terms, as the stars say, many representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will face the fact that people around you will dissuade you from implementing this or that project. The stars advise not to deviate from your goal. There is a high probability that the “advisers” are driven by elementary envy or that they simply do not know the full essence of the situation. Trust, first of all, your own feelings. At times it will feel like things are getting out of control, but don't worry. If you manage to maintain calm, for sure everything will soon not only get better, but will become even better than it was before.

The heavenly bodies advise Virgos to think about how to improve their material condition. It is not necessary to look for ways to earn extra money or even change jobs. For many Virgos, it will be enough to analyze your spending. Surely, by doing this, you will be able to save significantly. Go shopping with a list and you'll be surprised at how much less money you can spend.

Love horoscope and Virgo family for October 2017

In the first half of October 2017, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign who are in a relationship will be able to fully enjoy the tenderness and affection coming from your chosen one. Repay him handsomely: this will only make you feel good, and the connection will probably strengthen even more. For those Virgos who are still single, but are not at all averse to correcting this state of affairs, the stars advise them to be less critical of the people around you. Everyone (including you) is not perfect. Perhaps your requirements are too high?

The Virgo woman will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with the opposite sex. Light flirting and a little coquetry will give you self-confidence.

Virgo health horoscope for October 2017

In the second month of autumn 2017, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign are recommended to perform at least basic physical activity. The main thing is that they are regular. Even 20-minute workouts (provided you do them at least 5-6 times a week) will actually perfectly transform your figure and improve your well-being. By the way, sports will greatly improve your mood! Don't be lazy, and soon it will become a habit. Also at this time it will be easier for you than before to instill, both in yourself and in other family members, the principles of balanced nutrition.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Virgo

Favorable days for Virgo October 2017 – October 4, October 10, October 14, October 22, October 27, October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Virgo October 2017 – October 2, October 17, October 26, 2017.

“A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather stones” – most of October can pass under this motto. In fact, one streak in your life has ended and another is beginning - more even and predictable.

Work, career. Virgo October 2017

Jupiter's move will make you think about moving, developing a business in another city or another country. It is in this direction that you can work over the next year and will certainly achieve your goal. In October, you will also have trips and important meetings, and most of them will be very successful. You will be assertive, energetic, and woe to those who stand in your way. Many will have plans related to the purchase of real estate, and next month they will begin to take shape. A surge of energy and self-confidence will help you deal with serious problems and win over even the most inveterate skeptics. The latter include some comrades who still claim what you consider to be their merit. Constructive negotiations and an end to the war are realistic with them in the near future. The employee may think about changing jobs and try to look for a position in a foreign or out-of-town company. In this regard, moving or frequent trips are real.

Money. Virgo October 2017

Financially, October is very good. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase slightly. At the same time, you will have to pay off some debts and pay off your obligations. Those not related to the business world will spend a lot of money on the needs of their family or loved ones.

Love, family. Virgo October 2017

This month, your main trump cards will be charm, charm and a good sense of humor. In this situation, there can be no personal failures in life. Disappointed and lonely people can count on an interesting meeting, and perhaps it will happen on a trip or among people who have come from afar. Lovers separated by distance happily unite; it is possible to move to a lover living in another city or another country. Relationships with children become calmer, although you still have to spend decent amounts of money on the needs of your children. Many will have plans to move, and relationships with relatives living in another city or another country will improve. In this regard, some will think about purchasing a new home and will bring their plans to life in the near future. In a word, life is changing and, as the stars predict, changing for the better.

Useful tips

Mid-autumn will bring you many new and interesting events in the love sphere. Moreover, these events can be both positive and very stressful. Some may face breakups, others may face major changes in their relationships.

We will see the first half of the month Venus in Virgo , where she entered last month. Virgo is a serious and practical sign, so any relationship that may begin until October 14, 2017, will be taken very seriously. Even the most frivolous people in these first two weeks of the month, they will approach the choice of acquaintances or existing relationships with all seriousness.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for OCTOBER 2017

Virgo is also quite picky, so doesn't like casual relationships. On days when Venus moves through the sign of Virgo, people will be less likely to rush into quick one-night stands.

Important aspects of Venus in October 2017

In October Venus and Mars– two planets important for relationships will meet in the sign of Virgo. This will happen at the beginning of the month - October 5, 2017. On days close to this conjunction, people of the opposite sex will pull each other stronger than usual. The desire to love and be loved will especially intensify at this time. Although Virgo is not a very passionate sign, you can’t expect great passions now. However, you can completely do without strong passions.

There is now a high probability of office romances, that is, this is the ideal time when a business relationship can develop into a love relationship. However, be careful about excessive flirting at work: you may be misunderstood.

October 7 and 8, 2017 can be expected very conflicting emotions: It will be difficult to understand your feelings and desires. In some couples, coldness, detachment and indifference to the feelings of the other party may grow. These days, we do not advise you to sort things out or demand something from your partner, as pressure can worsen the relationship. It is possible that weak ties will break, and strong relationships will also be tested for strength.

Valid days for wedding: October 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in October 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for October 2017

This month, your relationships with partners may be quite difficult, especially towards the end of the month, when Venus and Pluto will make a negative aspect. There may be quarrels and disagreements: partners will not understand your goals and aspirations. Your relationship may deteriorate. If you correctly perceive the situations that you will encounter together with your partners, and are not too categorical and harsh with them, serious problems can be avoided. Take care of your partners, you should not make important decisions, they may turn out to be premature.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : disagreements with partners, clarification of relationships, misunderstandings with partners.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for October 2017

The beginning of the month can be very successful for you: your love life will be in full swing, there are chances to make new acquaintances and even meet your other half. Use first 5 days month in order to get the most positive emotions: communicate more, be visible, meet people on the Internet. But now it’s closer to October 8, 2017 try to reduce communication with the opposite sex. October 6-11, 2017 It is dangerous to sort things out and demand something from partners. In existing relationships, there is a risk of rupture or very serious crises, leading to coldness and distance between partners.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dating, romantic relationships, having a good time, breakups, quarrels, separation.

♊ Love horoscope for Gemini for October 2017

This month will not bring you success in love, rather it will be quite stressful and will make you think. The events of this month in your love life may not seem the most pleasant at the beginning, but you will appreciate their meaning a little later. If your relationship is too strained or you feel like it's time for a big change, there's no better time. Moreover, situations may help you, and you will be able to make the right choice, albeit a painful one.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : separation, breakups, serious changes in personal life.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for October 2017

In general, this month is not suitable for dating and starting serious relationships, as they will not be the most successful for you. You will find fault with little things and will find it difficult to perceive new acquaintances as potential partners. But still, the chance of meeting love is small, but there is. If you are single and want to find a partner, it is better to go looking for him in the first 5 days of the month: then there are more chances to make a romantic acquaintance. Later, the risks of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings increase.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : low likelihood of new romantic acquaintances, disappointing relationships.

♌ Leo love horoscope for October 2017

This month your personal life may change seriously. If earlier you were quite careless and frivolous in relationships with your partners, now you have to seriously think about what needs to be changed in your personal life. If you are single, you will want to find someone, if you are in a relationship, you will want passion and sharper and brighter emotions. Remember that everything is in your hands and do not be too afraid of the changes that may now occur. Be prepared for them.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life, transition to another level of relationships.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for October 2017

This month you will especially want to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, not everything in your personal life will be cloudless and simple. You may be tormented by a feeling of loneliness, various experiences that you will not show to others and, as always, you will be quite stingy with emotions. Events that contribute to this can be very different: from a banal quarrel and disagreement with a partner, coldness in a relationship, misunderstanding to temporary separation or breakup.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : various problems in personal life, obstacles to understanding.

♎ Libra love horoscope for October 2017

This month may bring events that will heighten your feelings and inner experiences. You will daydream and fantasize a lot, so some experiences will not be particularly supported by external events, rather they will be your memories or fantasies rather than anything specific. There may be secret love dates and meetings; it is also possible that you will meet a person with whom you will not advertise your relationship. In the second half of the month, everything may be revealed, secrets will become apparent, and at the same time you may experience not the most pleasant emotions.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dreams and fantasies prevent you from looking soberly at the world, secret events in your personal life, betrayal, complex emotions and feelings.

♏ Love horoscope for Scorpio for October 2017

This month you will be very firm in your convictions, you will want to persistently achieve your goal and insist on your opinion. This can strain and even ruin relationships with existing partners. Lonely Scorpios can start relationships with people from a friendly group: friendships can develop into love ones. In the second half of the month, you will want to hide your feelings more. You may be tormented by emotions and strong internal contradictions. You may find it difficult to make any decisions regarding your partners. If you decide to break up with someone, it will be very difficult for you.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : communication and flirting in a friendly group, internal experiences, suspicion and anxiety, obsessive thoughts regarding personal partners, separation and separation from loved ones.

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for October 2017

In the first half of the month, you will be more concerned with work and career issues. Personal life may fade into the background, or events in your personal life will not be as bright as events in the professional sphere. In the second half of the month there may be disagreements and misunderstandings with partners, which are also related to your hobbies and friends. For example, your partners may not understand your desire to spend more time with friends and like-minded people.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : There are no particularly important events, but there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for October 2017

This month it will be more difficult for you to restrain your negative emotions: you may become more picky and critical of your partners, which can lead to serious quarrels, disagreements and even a breakup! If you value your relationship, it is better to remain silent once again and do not find fault with trifles. In case of serious conflicts, restrain yourself and try to be alone for some time so that all passions subside and you can look at situations with a more sober gaze, without criticism.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for October 2017

At the beginning of the month, your feelings and emotions will be very heightened. Events are possible that will affect the future development of your relationships with partners; fatal meetings are also possible. Your wishes may come true by themselves, you may be surprised by it. Your relationships with partners can become closer and more intimate, and deeper feelings will appear. But at the same time, not the most favorable events may await you this month: there may be one-sided love, or insufficient attention from partners. Not the best month for dating, especially with foreigners and people from afar.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : changes in relationships with partners, dissatisfaction with personal life, unhappy love.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

The first week of the month will be very successful for you and your partners: you will be in a good mood, your partners will delight you and take care of you. You will feel special affection and gratitude. But closer to the middle of the month, situations may change. Any trifle can make you angry and ruin your relationship. There is an increased risk of relationship breakdown or serious crises in the partnership. It will be difficult to start a new relationship.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : mood swings, very different events - both good and unfavorable.