Literary and artistic criticism. Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky Department of Literary Theory and Literary Criticism

Head of the department: Lyudmila Petrovna Saenkova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Aksana Byazlepkina-Charnyakevich, a lecturer at the Department of Literary Arts and Culture, was the host of the TV program “Surasmotsy”. Aksana Pyatroina from Gutars from Navumam to Yakalevich Galpyarovich distributed her books, current literary works posted at the Faculty of Journalism and was aware of the world’s current situation And in the country.

The next issue of the student newspaper "Behind the Scenes" has been published.

According to the results of the Final of the I International Championship “Quality of Education – 2018” (Russia, Moscow; 01/14/2019):

3rd year student (specialty "Literary work. Creativity") Emelyanova A.V. received a II DEGREE DIPLOMA for the scientific work “Literary Translation as Interpretation” (based on A. Aleksandrovich’s translation of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. Pushkin). Scientific hands - art. Rev. E.V. Loktevich;

3rd year student (specialty "Literary work. Creativity") Kostevich E.Yu. awarded a 1st DEGREE DIPLOMA for the scientific work “Author’s strategies in creating the figurative structure of a literary text” (based on the stories “Viy” and “The Nose” by N.V. Gogol) and a 1st DEGREE DIPLOMA for the creative work “Breath of the Village.” Scientific hands - art. Rev. E.V. Loktevich;

2nd year student (specialty "Print Media") Krichevskaya V.A. received a II DEGREE DIPLOMA for the creative work “Photography” and a III DEGREE DIPLOMA for the creative work “Wound”. Scientific hands - art. Rev. E.V. Loktevich.

The scientific work of master's degree student Nadzeya Alyaksandraina "Belarusian art journalism: thematic cantents, genre assemblages, classifications", carved out from the kirajunitstva of Sayankova Lyudmila Pyatroina, and another category at the Republican competition of scientific works of students.

Number of full-time teachers: 18 employees, including 9 candidates of science, 10 associate professors.

General information: The main task of the department of literary and artistic criticism is to train highly qualified specialists to create a literary basis in various types of literary and artistic creativity: literary and artistic criticism, prose, poetry. The qualifications of future specialists will allow them to work in the literary and journalistic fields of creative activity.

Scientific directions:

media strategies in the formation of the humanitarian culture of society, author's strategies in modern literary and artistic criticism, media criticism as a value-orienting factor in the activities of the media, media strategies in the representation of culture and art in the conditions of industrialization of culture, the personality of the critic in the formation of cultural space.

"Modern media strategies in the representation of culture and art."

The subject of scientific research of the Department of Literary and Artistic Criticism (the first head was Associate Professor L.P. Saenkova) is literary and artistic criticism, cultural issues in the media. The department has created creative workshops for future cultural observers, film critics, theater and literary critics, and fine art critics. Authoritative specialists, famous critics in the field of various types of art work here: literature, theater, painting, cinema - L. P. Saenkova-Melnitskaya, P. V. Vasyuchenko, G. B. Bogdanova. Among the teachers of the department are not only well-known theorists, but also practitioners - editors of specialized publications, cultural observers.
The center of creative unity of students who showed interest in art was the “Krytyk” circle, which later became a student research laboratory. For many years, its members produced specialized educational newspapers, on the pages of which student materials about art appeared in a variety of genres. For many years now, the Department of Literary and Artistic Criticism has been publishing a unique publication - the annual almanac of student literary and artistic creativity “Autograph” (more than 20 issues have already been published, most of which were prepared under the leadership of Professor E. L. Bondareva). The names of many students who first appeared on the pages of this publication are today the pride of Belarusian culture: Ivan Chigrinov, Ivan Ptashnikov, Boris Sachenko, Anatol Vertinsky, Igor Dobrolyubov and others.

Student participants in the laboratory (under the guidance of Associate Professor V.A. Kaptsev) are also preparing issues of the literary and artistic newspaper “Perya”. Master classes of famous Belarusian writers and creative meetings were timed to coincide with the release of some issues. The department provides teaching of disciplines of humanitarian and cultural profile: “Literary and artistic criticism”, “Cultural studies”, “Art history”, “Belarusian literature”, “Russian literature”, courses on the profile - “Theater critic”, “Film critic”, “Literary critic”, “Fine art critic”.

Dyscyplina considers literary-artistic creativity as one of the forms of spirituality-perature zeinastry in grammar. The subject is given a comprehensive training and a comprehensive approach to the creation of the leapfrog of writing, the application of the ancient Vedas to practical purposes, the understanding of different types of literary works, and the removal of rights. and genres, seriousness and thoughtful debauchery and exhibition in the daily literary-artistic process, street traditions. both modern and everyday literature, as well as the current trends and metadata of the created literary works.

Dystsyplіna gardenіnіchae sensibly asblіvastsyaў development of the world of cinematography; Availability of skills in the analysis of creative cinema of different styles and genres; sensual culture, logical, aesthetic, idealistic function of the daily cinematographer; reasonable mastskikh poshkaў i adkrytstsyaў at galіna kіnamastatstva. In practice, students are trained to analyze plot-thematic cantents, figuratively expressive terms, assembling the style of genre and autarsk cinematography, the development of modern art you are on the movie screen.

Dystsyplіna farmed whole tanks and reasonable light of the industry, which is my own assemblage and methods of discovery, the tax procedure, which is the process of the season. The skill itself is learned as an aesthetic phenomenon. I look at the sense of mastery - classical aesthetics, mastery and technogenic civilization, the nature of mastery, the basic principles of mastery, the basic principles of mastery, the basic principles of mastery, the understanding of the nature of mastery, mastery and the party, the elite and the masses in culture, culture in the cultural system, the role of culture in the transmission of cultural tradition. XX Stagodze, radical metamorphoses of the master.

Farming the knowledge of theatrical developments in the field of myth, knowledge and understanding of contemporary literature, cinematography, pausadian pramovs, and masawa kamunikatsi. Learn the philosophy of myth: conceptual and metadalactic aspects of the theoretical analysis of myth; myth and mythological lights are diffused; Myth and related fields are known; miphalagic storage; miphareligious foundations of the culture of the war; evolution of mythalagic metamorphoses: the hell of classical and modern forms of myth; nature as a species of rap-representations and myths; myth and ritual in the life and synchronicity of culture; mythology of the original non-Slavic folklore; Myth in culture: the emergence of mythical images; little myths; myth and mass culture.

We study the phenomenon of intertextuality and its manifestations in modern culture, and we recognize the cultural and genre transformation in literary, literary-fictional texts. Learn the transfer of literary traditions, evaluative adnosin and text as a composite of tselasnasts, the social cultural situation of the 21st century: the hell of “post-” and “prota-”, typical trots of post-madernism and modern urban cultural antecedent; cultural abumoulenation of greater intertextual data from the “universal” text, theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of intertextuality, philosophical approaches and conclusions: R. Bart, Y. Krystseva, M. Bach Tsin, I. Hassan; intertextuality as an intellectual frenzy and marketing move in literature: U. Eka, M. Pavich, M. Kundera, and others. Functions of intertext in master and literary texts; methods of farming intertexual mentality in the daily roof; recipes for post-Maderism and masculinity; intertextuality as a phenomenon of Masavai svyadomastsi. Intertextuality and hyperextual culture. Uzaemadzeyanne medyatekst i intertext; transformation of genre and style, daily interaction, essays, reviews.

Dyscyplіna lets carefully work on the created and interpretative texts from the streets of the individual-psychalagic assemblies of the author and the recipient of the creation. Detainetsets Panyatsza I Gistoryy Kreatyyanaszi, Tekhniki Actic Creator Patentsyal Chalavek, the Argani Creator Prazes, the Consumer Tekhniki Kreatyanaga Pіsma, the falls of the school and the school of the school and the ceremony of the Mastatskiykh By the way, the souvyaz kreatyatyanasski Zabistymi yakaszami І ўnutraniyyyyyi matyatariyayya Aatara, the psihalag factar on the pharmaceutannnna .

Dyscyplіna pharmіrue ўstoylovі ўі ў ў ў ў ў ў іvіdzeyannaya mіsіkalnі kulture i і MASSIA, vznіgіnі musіk krytytі i і journalistі ў ў development of mіsіkі culture. Learning the role of the media in the development of musical culture, the music industry and the principles of advertising in different types of media, the style palette of music and the chandeliers of the modern musical roof, channel art and interpretations, assemblies and sanctifications of folk concerts and ancient music; solo concert: krytery atsenki; publications and musical performances; song, clip, magnetic album: vocational steps; different types of young musical culture; music festivals and competitions in Belarus; Zeinasts creative unions in the galina of music; association with musicians.

Students will intelligently assimilate the development of everyday cinema and the role of cinema and the sacred; Availability of skills in the analysis of creative cinema of different styles and genres; Asensual culture is a logical, aesthetic, idealistic function of the daily cinematographer. Intelligent searches and adverts in the field of cinematography, analysis of the plot and theme cantent, figurative expressions, assembling the style of the genre and autarsk cinematography, exploration of development and the daily mastery of the cinema screen.

Basic teaching aids developed at the department:

Orlova T. D. Theatrical journalism. Theory and practice.: In 2 hours - Mn.: BSU, 2001 - 2002. - Part 1. - 146 pp.; Part 2. – 139 p.

Current trends in literary arts: theories, practical experiences / Bondarava E. L., Arlova T. D., Sayankova L. P. and others. – Mn.: BDU, 2002. – 114 p.

Saenkova L.P. Mass culture: The evolution of spectacular forms. – Mn.: BSU, 2003. – 123 p.

Saenkova L. P. 9 1/2 weeks "Listapad": from the experience of criticism. Reviews International film festival (1994–2002). – Mn.: Kovcheg, 2003. – 98 p.: ill.

Bondareva E. L. Coverage of literature and art in the media: A course of lectures. – Mn.: BSU, 2004. – 119 p.

Saenkova L.P. History of art: the end of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century: Lecture notes. – Mn.: BSU, 2004. – 87 p.

Orlova T. D. Theory and methodology of journalistic creativity. Part 1: Training manual. – Mn.: JSC “Modern Knowledge”, 2005. – 120 p.

Types of literary and artistic criticism: experience of historical and theoretical review: Sat. scientific Art. / Under general Ed. L.P. Saenkova. – Mn.: BSU, 2005. – 138 p.

Orlova T. D. Culture and business (in publications of the domestic press): Course of lectures. – Mn., 2005. – 188 p.

A work of art is the subject of analysis by a critic. Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 1. Mn. – 2009.

Time. Art. Criticism. Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 2. – Mn., 2010.

Mass culture and journalism: collection of scientific works. – Vol. 3. – Mn., 2012.

Transformation of genres in literary and artistic criticism: a collection of scientific works. Issue 4 / editorial board: L.P. Saenkova (chief editor) [and others]; edited by L.P. Saenkova. Minsk: BSU, 2013. – 170 p.

Literary and artistic criticism in the modern Internet space: a collection of scientific works. Issue 4 / editorial board: L.P. Saenkova (chief editor) [and others]; edited by L.P. Saenkova. Minsk: BSU, 2016. – 128 p.

There are only one purely literary institute in our country. As, indeed, throughout the entire globe. There are many pedagogical institutes where Russian language and literature are taught in the process of training school teachers. There are also many universities that have a journalism department. But a writer and a journalist are two completely different “birds”. Writers study at only one university in the country, and this is the Gorky Literary Institute.


It existed for a short time and for a long time. The so-called Bryusov Institute is a specialized university that opened in Moscow in 1921 on the initiative of V. Ya. Bryusov. Poets, writers, fiction writers, critics, playwrights and translators trained there. Everything was the same as in Gorky, only the studies lasted not five, but three years.

Higher Literary and Art Institute named after V.Ya. Bryusov included the studio of Lito Narkompros, also organized by Valery Yakovlevich, literary courses at the Palace of Arts and most of the State Institute of Words. A year later, the Vocational and Technical School of Poetry also joined there, where almost all the VLHI teachers worked, including Bryusov himself. In 1924, the institute finally received his name - in connection with the widely celebrated anniversary of the poet.

In January 1925, the Moscow Housing Commission decided to transfer a number of universities to Leningrad due to unbearable overcrowding. VLHI was unable to move because all forty teachers, except two, sabotaged the change of residence. Thus the institute was liquidated. Students completed their studies at other universities. The Gorky Literary Institute was created taking into account the sad experience of its predecessor. And, I must admit, the mistakes were not repeated.


The Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity cannot in any way be called a literary institute. This educational institution is not state-owned, although it has state accreditation and a license, and graduates are awarded state-issued diplomas. The Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity has only one area of ​​study - journalism. There are also preparatory courses. There is no budgetary basis for training. Students choose part-time, part-time and full-time forms of study.

Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky

This university has always belonged entirely to the Ministry of Culture, and since 1992 it has been under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. There are two faculties here - correspondence and full-time. Full-time students master a five-year specialty program: “Literary Creativity” and “Translation of Fiction.”

Specialists are trained in absentia for six years and in one specialty - “Literary Creativity”. The literary translation department trains future translators from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Korean. There are also postgraduate and doctoral studies in the following specialties: “Russian Language”, “Theory of Literature” and “Russian Literature”.

How it all began

The initiator of the creation of the Literary Institute was Maxim Gorky. At first the university was the Evening Workers' Literary University, but only in 1933 it received its name, which it retains to this day.

During the war, in 1942, the institute began training full-time and part-time students. In 1953, full-time two-year Higher Literary Courses were opened for established writers who needed to expand their humanitarian knowledge and broaden their horizons. In 1983, the Literary Institute was awarded the high Order of Friendship of Peoples.


Literary institutes with a pedagogical profile are located in different areas of Moscow, some in historical ones, but it is simply impossible to find a more iconic place for the location of the Gorky Literary Institute. This is an architectural monument of the eighteenth century, a city estate on Tverskoy Boulevard, where A. I. Herzen was born in 1812. And in the forties of the nineteenth here, in the literary salon, Gogol, Belinsky, Aksakovs, Chaadaev, Baratynsky, Khomyakov, Shchepkin and many other legendary personalities were regulars.

Just before the beginning of the twentieth century, a publishing house was located here, and in the twenties - numerous writers' organizations. Literary evenings were held with the participation of Mayakovsky, Blok, Yesenin. This building is described in detail by Herzen, Bulgakov, Mandelstam. Here, right in this building, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Daniil Andreev, Osip Mandelstam, Andrei Platonov lived, as reported by memorial plaques on the building. There is a monument to Herzen in the courtyard.


The teachers at the Literary Institute have always been and remain stellar; no other literary institute could simply bring together renowned masters in such numbers. Alexander Zinoviev, Konstantin Paustovsky, Mikhail Svetlov, Lev Oshanin, Lev Ozerov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Yuri Mineralov and many other equally famous writers, poets, playwrights taught here. Lectures were given by famous scientists: I. Tolstoy, V. Asmus, A. Reformatsky, G. Vinokur, A. Taho-Godi, S. Radzig, S. Bondi, B. Tomashevsky, V. Kozhinov and no less worthy others.

And now creative seminars are conducted by the most famous and beloved writers: Sergei Nikolaevich Esin - head of the department of literary excellence, Samid Sakhibovich Agaev, Yuri Sergeevich Apenchenko, Sergei Sergeevich Arutyunov, Andrei Venediktovich Vorontsov, Andrei Vitalievich Vasilevsky, Alexey Nikolaevich Varlamov - acting rector of the Literary Institute, Anatoly Vasilyevich Korolev, Ruslan Timofeevich Kireev, Vladimir Andreevich Kostrov, Stanislav Yurievich Kunyaev, Gennady Nikolaevich Krasnikov, Vladimir Yurievich Malyagin, Alexander Alexandrovich Mikhailov, Olesya Alexandrovna Nikolaeva, Oleg Olegovich Pavlov, Alexander Evseevich Rekemchuk, Evgeniy Borisovich Rein, Inna Ivanovna Rostovtsev a, Galina Ivanovna Sedykh, Evgeny Yuryevich Sidorov, Alexander Yuryevich Segen, Sergey Petrovich Tolkachev, Alexander Petrovich Toroptsev, Marietta Omarovna Chudakova. Never before have literary institutes had such a constellation of masters.

For applicants - creative competition

Only those who have passed a creative competition and passed the entrance exams can enter the Literary Institute. People enter the pedagogical literary institutes of Moscow using the Unified State Exam, and they also enter universities for journalism. Here the competition takes place in three stages. First, applicants send their creative works in the chosen direction: twenty (at least) pages of prose text, or two hundred lines of poetry, or twenty pages in literary criticism, drama, essays and journalism, as well as in literary translation. This test is carried out without the participation of the applicant; moreover, he submits untitled work, so there can be no preconceived opinion. The Literary Pedagogical Institute does not pose such complex but interesting creative tasks to the applicant.

And only after this can you get the opportunity to pass the remaining subjects on the Unified State Exam (written or oral). This is traditionally Russian literature, Russian language, Russian history. If the commission is satisfied with the creative work and passing the exams, the future student is invited to the second stage of the creative competition - this is a written sketch. Next comes the interview, the most important moment for those who have passed the first two stages. Neither universities nor pedagogical literary institutes in Russia conduct such a thorough selection of applicants. Creative competitions exist, in addition to the Literary Institute, only for applicants who have chosen a profession in the field of theater, cinema, or in universities of architectural and artistic fields.


Students are trained in two directions in parallel. This is a general humanities course - with an emphasis on literary studies and the Russian language, as well as a creative one. The development of creativity occurs during workshops. Other literary institutions, if they existed, would probably work the same way - the form is the most optimal.

Seminars are always held on Tuesdays - traditionally. On this day, no other classes are planned for the student - only a seminar, the leader of which is necessarily a Master.

This is always a day of great excitement and nerves, often tears, sometimes quarrels. However, the opposite also happens. The only pity is that there is no opportunity to attend other people’s seminars, because everything is at the same time. You can’t miss yours, it’s the best anyway. Seminars at the Literary Institute were always led by major Soviet writers. Now the largest writers in Russia. The same seminars are held for students of the Higher Literary Courses, which the author of this article was lucky enough to graduate from. Students of the Higher School of Literary Translation also study on Tuesdays. It should be noted that the Literary Institute has courses for editors and proofreaders.

International activity

The cooperation of this university with foreign colleagues is developing systematically, in accordance with the country’s policy in terms of strengthening the authority of our higher school in the international arena. Both scientific and academic connections are expanding significantly, the university is striving to enter the educational space of Europe in order to integrate graduates and students into the global literary process.

The best achievements of Russian literature are promoted in foreign countries and the CIS countries. There are connections with such universities as Trinity College in Ireland, the University of Cologne in Germany, the University of Bergamo in Italy, Joseon and Konkuk Universities in the Republic of Korea, Paris 8 University in France, and Suzhou University in China. Also, the Russia-Korea cultural center has been operating at the Literary Institute for a long time. Every year, foreign students graduate from this creative university among the students of the Russian Federation - both from the CIS countries and from abroad.


The Literary Institute occupies the top level of the ranking of Russian universities in terms of the ratio of professors to students: for every two students there is one teacher with an academic degree. What literary institutions can boast of such a ratio?

Most of the teachers here are world famous. The teachers of the Department of Literary Excellence are listed above, the names are so significant that it is hardly possible to add any delights that have not yet been voiced, everything has already happened.

Two departments of literature

An absolutely magical department with the magnificent professor Boris Nikolaevich Tarasov at the head, with the associate professor - the eloquent Tatyana Borisovna Gvozdeva, with the charming professor Stanislav Bemovich Dzhimbinov, with the wonderful Anita Borisovna Mozhaeva, associate professor... During their lectures, the bewitched students' pens fall out of their hands. What other literary institutes might be needed if this one exists?

The department of Russian classical literature and Slavic studies, headed by Professor Mikhail Yuryevich Stoyanovsky, is in no way inferior. All the teachers there are wonderful, but who can compare with Professor Anatoly Sergeevich Demin? All other literary institutes in Moscow do not have creative educational directions, and the teachers at the Literary Institute are also special.

Department of Social Sciences

Here, under the leadership of Professor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Tsareva, all sorts of miracles also happen: even students overflowing with poetry begin to adore economics and political science if lectures are given by Associate Professor Natalya Nikolaevna Kutafina, and understand historical events if they communicate with Alexander Sergeevich Orlov, the author of excellent textbooks and director of the Museum of History Lomonosov Moscow State University. What a pleasure it is to communicate with Olga Vyacheslavovna Zaitseva on topics of philosophy and aesthetics after class! Almost the same as listening to her lectures - mesmerizing!

In this department (and probably in others too) there are simply no unforgettable teachers. Literary institutes in Russia, aimed at studying pedagogy or journalism, may also have good teachers of social sciences. But the teachers here are also highly creative.

Department of Contemporary Russian Literature

The most artistic of the institute’s teachers, Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Smirnov, is in charge here; students will probably remember his lectures all their lives. Excellent lectures are given by Professor Boris Andreevich Leonov (also, according to students, one of their favorite lecturers), associate professors Igor Ivanovich Bolychev and Fedyakin. In the field of “current” literature, there are simply no specialists more authoritative than the employees of this department - neither in Russia nor in the world. Moscow literary institutes with a pedagogical rather than a creative orientation are unlikely to be able to unite so many highly professional teachers under their roof.

Department of Literary Theory and Literary Criticism

There are only three people here, but what kind! Applicants need to fight with all their might against the high (very high!) competition when entering the Literary Institute, if only for the sake of walking along the same corridors. The department is headed by Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Gusev. He is an outstanding literary scholar and literary critic. Chairman of the Board of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia. He is a member of the secretariat of the executive committee of the International Society of Writers' Unions and is the editor-in-chief of the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine. An excellent lecturer, the smartest person.

Associate professors Sergei Mikhailovich Kaznacheev and Alexey Konstantinovich Antonov are each interesting in their own way. Their deep knowledge of the material allows them to lecture with such inspiration that students cannot take notes because they only want to watch and listen. S. M. Kaznacheev held several scientific and practical conferences called “New Realism”. A.K. Antonov has fundamental knowledge of the theory of criticism and literary criticism and has enormous talent as a lecturer. He reads not only to students, but also to graduate students and students of Higher Literary Courses. Wrote a number of textbooks on literary theory.

In addition to the above, the Literary Institute has three more departments: Russian language and stylistics, foreign languages, literary translation. And the teachers at each of them are exceptional.

The department is confident that its scientific interests are the latest Russian literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, theoretical aspects of literature, problems of historical and theoretical poetics, principles of typological analysis of literary texts, problems of studying the literatures of the peoples of Russia- a worthy and high object of study, the relevance of which will only increase.

Through its activities, the department contributes to the preservation of the best traditions of fundamental university education, one of which remains the priority of the theoretical approach in teaching the latest literature.

In 2011, the department opened a bachelor’s training profile “Applied Philology” (Russian language).
This profile provides for the preparation of bachelors for work in the field of communication, publishing, cultural institutions and management. The profile ensures the acquisition of professional skills in multidimensional work with various types of texts (creation, interpretation, examination, transformation, distribution of artistic, journalistic, official business, scientific, etc. texts) and the implementation of linguistic, interpersonal and interethnic written and oral communication.


This year has become significant for the department of Russian literature of the twentieth century and literary theory, for which participation in educational, educational and educational projects of the university, city and republic is a tradition. These are International on-line readings “Chekhov is alive” (ass. Zhirkov D.D.), organization of the contact session “Vivat, student”, university intellectual quiz “Vivat, teacher”, public lectures. Also, anyone can become a full participant in the Internet forum “Dialogues about Literature” on the website of the Faculty of Philology. Students work in the scientific circles “Audiovisual aspects of Russian literature of the twentieth century” and “Autograph”, and participate in theatrical seminars on the works of classical writers.

As part of the project “Anniversaries of Russian Literature,” a university competition of literary video projects “February. Get Ink" and the literary evening "Pasternak. Second Birth", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Boris Pasternak. Also for the anniversary of I.A. Brodsky applied science students made a popular science film “Brodsky in Yakutia” and developed a literary website about the poet’s work.

The author’s project “Literary Yakutsk” by S.F. Zhelobtsova was successful, which opened the literary biography of the capital. On bus excursions, schoolchildren, students, guests of the university and the republic get acquainted with the work of great poets of the 20th century - Joseph Brodsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Andrey Voznesensky, Valentin Rasputin. The literary route included the realities of toponymic symbols in the novel “Cold” by the creative Russian writer Andrei Gelasimov, dedicated to his “small” homeland.

At the City Classical Gymnasium of Yakutsk, as part of the Year of Literature and the anniversary of the faculty, a lecture was held by the professor of the department, Khazankovich Yu. The stated topic is “Do we know literature?” turned out to be resonant and aroused genuine interest among both the children and literature teachers. As part of the public lecture, a virtual tour of the works of Arctic writers and literary places in the city of Yakutsk took place, and career guidance work was also carried out with high school students.

On November 9, participants of the All-Russian conference “Issues of teaching Russian as a non-native language in a multi-ethnic educational environment” visited the tourist complex “The Kingdom of Permafrost”. Associate Professor Zhelobtsova S.F. showed guests of the Faculty of Philology from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Altai, Khanty-Mansiysk, Kemerovo, Vladivostok and others the realities of the environs of Yakutsk, which became toponymic signs of the North in Andrei Gelasimov’s novel “Cold,” dedicated to his “small homeland.”

The discussion club “Vivat, student” regularly organizes meetings of students and faculty members with literary critics, poets, and famous public figures. So, on April 4 this year, a meeting was held with the prose writer A. Gelasimov.

The department’s website contains a blog “Dialogues about Literature”, opened by a forum for discussing F. Bondarchuk’s film “Stalingrad”. Associate Professor S.F. Zhelobtsova, starting from the original film source of V. Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate,” proposed a number of questions. The answers, remarks, summaries of site visitors are distinguished by a fresh look at history, a polemical assessment of a feature film, and the civic and patriotic feelings of our contemporaries.

In the city library. V.G. Belinsky, 02/26/2015, a presentation of the lecture project “New Prose of Russia” took place.

On February 12, 2015, at the IMI NEFU, an assembly lecture was held on current problems of modern literature.

As part of the All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of philological education in the Republic of Sakha (Ya), the work of the section “Theoretical aspects of the literature of the twentieth century: on the 120th anniversary of the birth of M.M. Bakhtin” was organized. During the section, presentations of scientific research on the poetics of the author’s word in the novel, on the problems of the artistic mode, “private” literary issues within the framework of the study of the fundamental works of M.M.

The Literary Institute was founded in 1933 on the initiative of Maxim Gorky as the Evening Workers' University. Until 1992, it was a university of the USSR Writers' Union; Nowadays it is a state university and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of Russia.

The education system provides for the study of courses in humanities, classes in creative workshops by types and genres of fiction ( prose, poetry, drama ), literary criticism, journalism and translation of fiction. Konstantin Paustovsky, Konstantin Fedin, Mikhail Svetlov, Lev Ozerov, Lev Oshanin taught at the institute. Lecture courses were given by scientists V. Asmus, I. Tolstoy, G. Vinokur, A. Reformatsky, S. Radzig, A. Taho-Godi, B. Tamashevsky, S. Bondi, etc. Currently, creative seminars are led by many famous writers.

The institute includes:
Department of Literary Excellence.
Department of Literary Translation.
Department of Social Sciences.
Department of Russian Literature of the 20th Century.
Department of Foreign Literature.
Department of Russian Classical Literature and Slavic Studies.
Department of Literary Theory and Literary Criticism.
Department of Russian Language and Stylistics.

The training of specialists at the state higher educational institution "A. M. Gorky Literary Institute" is carried out both at the expense of the federal budget within the limits of the state assignment, and in excess of the control figures - under appropriate contracts with payment of the cost of training by physical and (or) legal entities.

Admission to the institute is carried out on the basis of personal applications from citizens with secondary (complete) or secondary vocational education, in the selection process based on the results of entrance examinations (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on education). All applicants to the institute undergo a creative competition, entrance exams, and a final interview.

Creative competition is held from January 15 to May 30 annually. Nonresident applicants send their work by mail (including electronically) with a brief autobiography and an indication of the form of study. Competition entries will not be returned. Works are submitted in a volume of at least 30 pages of typewritten text (literary translation - together with the original and only when choosing a full-time course of study, poetry - at least 350 lines), which undergo closed review at the departments of literary excellence, literary theory and literary criticism, literary translation and foreign languages. To ensure objectivity, two independent reviews are written for each competitive work (in case of discrepancies in the ratings, the work is sent to a third reviewer), after which the final decision of the selection committee with a rating of "positive" or "negative" is reported (without indicating the names of the reviewers ) to the contestant.

Entrance exams for persons who have successfully passed a creative competition, they are conducted according to secondary general education programs aimed at classes and schools with a humanitarian orientation. Acceptance of documents takes place on July 21-22, entrance exams are held from July 23 (for the correspondence form - from August 11).

Applicants for full-time study take the following exams:
- creative sketch - improvisation on one of the given, not known in advance topics, but not according to the content of literary works - in writing
- Russian language (presentation) – in writing
- Russian language and literature (oral)
- history of the Fatherland (orally)
- foreign language (oral).

Part-time applicants students pass all the specified exams, except for the foreign language exam.

Final interview Conducted by the admissions committee with the participation of representatives of major departments, the goal is to identify the presence (or absence) of an applicant’s inclination towards the chosen specialty and chosen genre, general and literary erudition, etc., confirming (or refuting) the results of entrance tests.

Full-time students have deferment from conscription. Nonresidents are provided with a hostel during the entrance exams, and in case of admission - for the entire duration of study.

Teaching literature and research work in the field of literary criticism have been carried out at Kuban State University since its founding. For many years, the educational and scientific division of literary critics and teachers was called the department of literature. In the 1960s it was divided into three: the department of Russian literature, the department of Soviet literature, and the department of foreign literature. From 1982 to 1993, there was a general department of Russian and Soviet literature, and in 1993, the department of modern Russian literature and criticism was separated from it. In 2011, on the basis of existing departments, the Department of History of Russian Literature, Literary Theory and Criticism was created.

Teaching staff of the department:

Head of the department - Evgenia Alekseevna Zhirkova, Doctor of Philology, Professor.

Until 2014, the head of the department was Stepanov Lev Alexandrovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor. In 2008, he was awarded the state award and title “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation.”

L.A. Stepanov Professor at the department Rector of KubSU M.B. Astapov hands L.A. Stepanov received the honorary sign "Honored Professor of KubSU"

  • Golikova Larisa Porfiryevna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor
  • Golovko Vavara Andreevna - Senior Lecturer
  • Grimova Olga Alexandrovna
  • Zhirkova Evgenia Alekseevna
  • - department assistant
  • Kutsenko Florina Pavlovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Martynenko Larisa Borisovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Pastushenko Yuri Georgievich– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Polulyashina Daria Igorevna- teacher
  • Ryaguzova Lyudmila Nikolaevna– Doctor of Philology, Professor
  • Saichenko Valeria Viktorovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Svitenko Natalya Vyacheslavovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Somova Elena Viktorovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Sharoiko Marina Vladimirovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Yurieva Marianna Vladimirovna– Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Laboratory assistants of the department:

  • Petrova Lyubov Ivanovna- Senior Assistant
  • Polulyashina Daria Igorevna- laboratory assistant
  • Kostenkova Vladislava Vyacheslavovna- Senior Assistant.

Teachers and graduates of the department

The department teaches courses on the history of Russian literature from its origins to the beginning of the 21st century, literature of Russian abroad, literature of the peoples of Russia and literary local history, literary theory, literary criticism, methodology of analysis and interpretation of literary works, folklore, as well as methods of teaching literature at school and university. All disciplines are provided with programs and educational materials.

Special courses and special seminars are aimed at deepening professional training in the field of literary criticism. They are organized in such a way as to equip students with knowledge on current issues of literary science and significantly expand their horizons both at the synchronic level and in the historical and literary perspective. These are, for example, the special courses “Russian Literature and Folklore” (Ph.D., Associate Professor L.B. Martynenko), “Ancient Rus' in Culture and Literature of the 19th-20th Centuries” (Ph.D., Associate Professor. M. V. Yuryeva), “Genres of Russian prose of the early 20th century.” (Ph.D., Associate Professor F.P. Kutsenko), “Genre modifications of the Russian novel of the 19th century” (PhD., Professor E.A. Zhirkova), “Psychologism in Russian literature of the 19th century” (Ph.D., teacher O. A. Grimova), “Russian literature of the 19th century. in the mirror of literature of the 20th century" (Ph.D., Associate Professor E.V. Somova), "Russian literature in Russia and abroad" (Ph.D., Prof. L.N. Ryaguzova, Ph.D. Philosophy, Associate Professor M. V. Sharoiko), “The Evolution of Artistic Concepts in the Works of Writers of the First Half of the 20th Century” (Ph.D., Prof. L. P. Golikova), “Literary Criticism and Memoir Essays of the Russian Abroad” (Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. Saichenko). Interdisciplinary synthesis is important in the author's developments: “Philosophy, mythology and psychoanalysis in literary criticism”, “Archetypes and the world literary process”, “Words, notes and colors: a dialogue of arts” (PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Svitenko ).

Teachers of the Department of History of Russian Literature, Literary Theory and Criticism regularly attend advanced training courses.

Advanced training at the Faculty of Philology of Voronezh State University

While studying on the course "Creative Writing"(Ph.D., Associate Professor Yu. G. Pastushenko), students learn to write stories, poems, essays, abstracts, and create content for Internet sites.

To support the educational process, teaching aids are published on the leading disciplines of the department, special courses and special seminars. Among them -

  • “The poetics of V. Nabokov’s novels of the Russian creative period: traditions and innovations”, “Scientific methods of literary research (methodology, principles and experience of analysis)” (2012), “The system of aesthetic and theoretical-literary concepts of V.V. Nabokov”, “Conceptual and terminological dictionary of V. Nabokov”, “Literature of Russian abroad: the first wave of emigration” (L. N. Ryaguzova), “Analysis of a work of art” (2011) (L. N. Ryaguzova, M. V. Yuryeva ).
  • “Non-obvious dominants and their significance in the adequate interpretation of a literary text”, “Theoretical poetics. Literary speech: Educational dictionary-reference book" (2011) (E. A. Zhirkova).
  • “The evolution of M. Gorky’s aesthetic views in the context of the cultural quest of the era” (L. P. Golikova).
  • “Methods of teaching literature” (2010) (M. V. Sharoiko).
  • “Folkloristics and oral folk art” (2010), “Russian oral folk art” (2011) (L. B. Martynenko), “Theory of the literary process” (V. V. Saichenko).
  • “Russian versification: Workshop” (M. V. Yuryeva).
  • “Creativity of A. Platonov: poetics and problematics” (Yu. G. Pastushenko).
  • “Russian satire of the twentieth century and the work of M. Zoshchenko” (Yu. G. Pastushenko).

The department has opened a basic specialization for the implementation of the profile "Literature and literary editing", which involves training literary editors. Students study the history and theory of literary editing, in particular the principles of text analysis, the basics of textual criticism of modern literature, genres of newspaper and magazine journalism and television and radio broadcasting. Various aspects of modern literary critical theories are studied. A variety of workshops help develop editing skills. These include the specialization program published by the department "Literary criticism and editing", "Editing Workshop"(M. V. Sharoiko). Familiarity with the modern editorial and publishing process is consolidated during a two-week internship that students undergo in various publishing houses and editorial offices. One of the forms of mastering the acquired specialized knowledge is the participation of students in the production of independently prepared printed publications. In this series we can note almanacs and magazines "MixTypa", "Neolithic", "Logos", poetry collections of young poets ( "The publication").

Editorial Board "Neolita"

Student almanac "Logos" Almanac of young poets "Coming out"

The specialization “Literary criticism and editing” turned out to be very popular: students find work as proofreaders, editors, journalists (mostly writers), press secretaries in organizations at various levels, and literary workers.

The scientific activity of the department's staff is carried out in several directions: literary works and aesthetic concepts, the artistic structure of the works of Russian writers, national historical ideas in Russian literature, comparative historical study of literature: typological community and originality of national manifestations.

In 2003-2006, a number of teachers participated in the development of the problems “National and universal in Russian classical literature and the philosophical and religious renaissance of the late XIX - early XX centuries and the processes of globalization in the sphere of culture”, “Russian classical literature, philosophy and law in the conditions of a changing Russia . The head of the project, supported by a grant from the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation and the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, was Professor V.P. Popov, to whose memory a collection of articles written on this issue is dedicated. In 2002 – 2004, L.P. Golikova won a research grant from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation and the ACC “North Caucasus: Traditions and Modernity” and prepared the monograph “Ossetian-Russian Literary Connections of the 19th–20th Centuries.” Yu. G. Pastushenko participated in the development of the project “Kuban in the constellation” (Soros grant).

The monographs of L.N. are fruitful in terms of research prospects. Ryaguzova “Conceptualized sphere” creation" in the artistic system of V.V. Nabokov”, “Substantial-mythological ideas as elements of the poetic world of V.V. Nabokov" and E.A. Zhirkova “Semantics of lexico-syntactic features of A. Blok’s early lyrics.” Monograph by L.A. Stepanova “Aesthetic and artistic thinking of A.S. Griboyedov" is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the minimum candidate program in the specialty 10.01.01 - Russian literature. The textbook by L. P. Golikova “Russia and the Caucasus: Interliterary Connections in Historical Dynamics” with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (updated edition 2008) and the textbook “Russia and Slovakia: Literary Contacts” were published. Over the past ten years, collective monographs “Russian literature of the 20th century: current problems of development”, “Russian literature of the 20th century: the evolution of artistic consciousness”, “Russian literature of the 20th-21st centuries: traditions and modernity” (together with graduate students and students) have been published. which analyze the leading trends of the modern literary process in Russia. Prepared and published: educational and methodological manual “Russian Literature for Foreign Students” (2009) by Yu. G. Pastushenko; anthology “Literary Local History” (2011) by V.V. Saichenko and M.V. Sharoiko and “Literary Transcaucasia” (2007) by L.P. Golikova and M.V. Sharoiko. In 2011, a collective monograph “The classical heritage of Russian literature and modernity: concepts, interpretations, experiments in text analysis” was published, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor V. A. Mikhelson.

Many publications by teachers are related to participation in the MAPRYAL and ROPRYAL conferences, publications of the Institute of Russian Literature, the Institute of Russian Language, the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, state museums A.S. Pushkina, A.S. Griboyedova, M.I. Tsvetaeva, V.V. Nabokov, universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and other cities in Russia and abroad.

M.V. Yurieva - participant of the plenum of the UMO on philology in Veliky Novgorod

There is a postgraduate course at the department. L.A. Stepanov, L.P. Golikova, L.N. Ryaguzova, E.A. Zhirkova, Yu.G. Pastushenko trained more than twenty candidates of philological sciences in the specialty 10.01.01 - Russian literature.

In 2008, a master's program was opened under the program “Russian Literature” under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Prof. Stepanova L. A.

The department operates folklore laboratory(leaders: Prof. L.A. Stepanov, Associate Professor L.B. Martynenko), the purpose of which is to summarize the material collected in the folklore fund, study the specifics of Kuban folklore, study the functionality of genres, images and motifs of oral folk art in the works of Russian writers . The collections “Proverbs, sayings, riddles of Kuban”, “Folk prose of Kuban”, “Kuban conspiracies”, “Songs and ditties of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, “Maslenitsa”, “Calendar ritual folklore of Kuban: spring and summer- autumn cycles”, “Calendar ritual folklore of Kuban: Christmas cycle”, other collections are being prepared. The published materials are used by students and teachers of schools in the region, and are reflected in student research, coursework and dissertations.

Christmas and New Year carols

On behalf of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory, since 1995 the department has been participating in the district, municipal, and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature.

In 2002 and 2010 L.A. Stepanov, E.A. Zhirkova, E.V. Somova published teaching aids “Literary Olympiads” (more than 30 pages). Teachers of the department participate in preparing and conducting classes with applicants on test technology programs and the new system of the Unified State Exam.

Regional Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature. Prof. L.A. Stepanov, prof. L.P. Golikova, associate professor SOUTH. Pastushenko

The staff of the department use their experience and scientific knowledge not only in the university educational process. Associate Professor Yu. G. Pastushenko periodically gives lectures to students of advanced training courses for teachers and library workers in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar region.

Teachers manage research projects within the framework of the Small Academy Center for Additional Education for Children, and also take part in the city scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren “Eureka” as experts.

Meetings are held regularly in the poetry studio “Part of Speech” (Yu. G. Pastushenko). In the established film club, students are offered to get acquainted with film adaptations of literary works and those films that are commonly called “auteur cinema” (V.V. Saichenko). The department’s connections with universities and scientific institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Stavropol, Novgorod, Maykop and other Russian cities continue to develop. A plan of cooperation with foreign universities has been developed and is being implemented: the Department of Russian Studies of the University of Constantine the Philosopher (Nitra, Slovakia), the University of Ghent (Belgium).

Teachers of the department conduct a seminar for Russian language teachers and Prof. L.P. Golikova and prof. L.N. Ryaguzova at the MAPRYAL (Bratislava) literature conference in Sukhum (Republic of Abkhazia)