What is the opening of a grave called? Gogol's grave at the Novodevichy cemetery. The mystery of Gogol's grave. Mysticism in the morgue

This is not an exemplary autopsy, which is shown in films, but typical of a provincial morgue, which does not even have a refrigerator (it broke several years ago, they never bought a new one).

Here are the actual tools, in a travel bag. “On the go” - because our expert is inter-district, one for three or four districts, around which he travels two or three times a week, depending on the volume of incidents. Of all the props, we will need mainly a scalpel, a saw, a rib knife and a ladle spoon (I don’t know what to call it scientifically), and also a “raspator” - something similar to a rake with four curved teeth. There are no circular saws for the skull cap. GonduRussia, sir...

And here is our client: legs together, arms extended. The day before, he was found in his bed in the middle of a terrible fight, with a wound on his head. This, most often, does not mean anything: with drunks it’s like this all the time - in the apartment it’s as if they had been fighting for a week, and the owner looks as if they were fighting with him. The normal condition of both the apartment and the owner, so - as they say, “an autopsy will show.” To be fair, I will say that the “criminal” corpses belong predominantly to the same contingent.
(By the way, if you came to this post from somewhere unknown, then, most likely, you already understood what is described here. So it’s not too late to turn back. I warned you).

Stage one is opening the skull. An incision is made from temple to temple with a scalpel, from which the skin is moved onto the eyebrows and back of the head using a rasp. Cynics will immediately remember the joke about Little Red Riding Hood, who wore her headdress made of wolf skin... uh, with the fur inside...

We saw through the skull cover: cuts from the temples through the frontal and parietal parts. A lenticular opening should form. The lid of the skull is removed using a rasp, and I still can’t get used to the sound it makes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t convert it from the internal format of the voice recorder on my mobile into a regular wav, otherwise I would have posted it too.

...this is what should happen as a result. In the background you can see a saw; it is made of some soft types of metal, and to prevent it from being bent in the process, there is a special “stiffening rib” in the form of a bent plate that secures the saw blade itself. Our soft saw, unfortunately, gets dull quickly, and even this cut was made in a dull state... There were no traces of a traumatic brain injury on the brain, that is, the wound on the head was superficial. Traces of a hematoma look like blood clots on the surface of the brain (and the hematoma itself, in fact, is a hemorrhage into the lining of the brain). In cases of traumatic brain injury, death occurs from compression of the brain by hematomas. Well, since there is nothing on the brain (the red spot in the picture is just a blood stain), we put it aside for now and get to work on the liver.

...We make an incision in the center of the chest, and then, using a scalpel, we push the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles to the sides.

...Take out the intestines and set them aside.

Then, using a ladle, we take urine from the cut bladder for analysis. Cynics will probably now remember the joke about a waiter in a restaurant with a string sticking out of his fly and a “spoon” on his belt. Urine (as well as blood) is sent to chemical experts; based on the alcohol content in it, it can be determined whether the expert was abusing alcohol before his death, and how badly he used it.

Then, using a rib knife, we make cuts in the ribs on both sides of the sternum, and remove the cut out. Access to the lungs is open. By the way, in the middle of the chest on the ribs there is a noticeable red spot. This is no longer a blot; the rib may be broken at this point.

...And here, in fact, are the lungs - along with other internal organs, except for the intestines, which we took out earlier.

This is how we determine whether the ribs are broken - they just need to be separated from each other and shaken a little. That rib that seemed broken was actually intact, there was just hemorrhage. But the bottom one that is visible in the picture, the ninth, is indeed broken. It most often gets caught in fights or falls.

And this (I specifically asked to show it) is the inner wall of the opened aorta. Judging by her ideal condition, the deceased was not a fool to drink. The cardiovascular system of alcoholics is always in excellent condition, and they practically do not suffer from related diseases. True, in the final stages of alcoholism some changes occur in the heart. Which, by the way, we’ll look at now...

...And let’s make sure that in our case, alcoholism has not gone far: it is also like a baby’s. And it looks so strange because it was cut up with a scalpel: you have to look for physical injuries.

Now the buds are opening...

...and liver. The liver let us down: it is unnaturally light. This is also a sign of alcoholism: a normal liver is much darker, almost brown.

This, by the way, is the same spoon that was used to take urine for analysis.

And this is how they take away pieces of internal organs. They will go to expert histologists. Histological examination determines organ damage and the time of death - more accurately than can be done during an autopsy.

Now all that remains is to return everything that was taken to its original place. Within the limits of error, of course.

...And shred the brain left for last. He is also clean, without hemorrhages. In short, nothing fatal was found except a broken rib and a superficial wound on the skull. The primary diagnosis is alcohol intoxication. Histologists may find something else, but it will be at least ten days later (adjusted for Russian conditions - in a month: histologists sit in the regional center, where the test bottles still need to be taken).

If you put the brain in its place, in the skull, then in the warmth the head will begin to leak. So the brain goes into the chest. Sometimes the deceased’s clothes are also placed there, if there is space left, so that the chest does not sag too much. But not now.

Well, that's it, all that remains now is to sew up the deceased and fill him with formaldehyde. Formalin is pumped in with a regular ten-cc syringe. I didn’t film this part of the process anymore: there was no time.

The photo report and comments thereon are intended solely to satisfy curiosity. They can also be used as a visual aid in lectures about the dangers (or benefits) of alcohol, to rid teenagers of suicidal tendencies, consultations with detective writers, and the like.


Today in pairs we watched a video of a forensic medical examination of a corpse (popularly called an autopsy). An hour and a half.
After the film, the photos are somehow not impressive at all.

Copyright is not worth it, because... I couldn't find the original source.
If the photographs and text are yours, please let me know.

There is a legend that the Great Patriotic War was the result of the opening by Soviet archaeologists in June 1941 of the tomb of the medieval Turkic commander and conqueror Tamerlane in Samarkand. Is there a connection between these events and was there really a curse of Tamerlane?

Great Emir

Tamerlane (1336-1405), one of the great-grandsons of Genghis Khan, is sometimes also called Timur. His full name sounds like Timur ibn Taragai Barlas. In Turkic it was called Temir (“iron”), and in medieval Russian chronicles it was called Temir Aksak. Tamerlane played an outstanding role in the history of the Middle Ages. He is famous for his campaigns in Western Asia, India, China, the conquest of Khorezm and the defeat of the Golden Horde. According to the Spanish diplomat and traveler Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, Tamerlane managed to conquer all territories

Little India and Khorasan. Eventually he created a powerful eastern state with its capital in Samarkand. Tamerlane himself bore the title of “great emir”.

But Tamerlane was interested not only in wars and power. According to contemporaries, he was an intelligent and educated man, knew several languages, including Persian and Arabic, and had knowledge of various sciences, history, philosophy, and literature.

Tamerlane died on February 18, 1405 in the city of Otrar, before he could carry out his campaign against China. The body was embalmed, placed in an ebony coffin, lined with silver brocade, and taken to Samarkand. The remains of the great commander were buried in the Gur Emir mausoleum, which was still unfinished at that time. Subsequently, his beloved wives and descendants of the great emir - the Timurids - were buried there.

Where did the legend of the curse come from?

The tombstone, made of jade, is carved with various inscriptions in Arabic script. According to legend, one of them supposedly reads: “When I rise, the world will shake.” According to another version, inside the coffin was inscribed: “Whoever disturbs my peace in this life or in the next will be subjected to suffering and die.”

They say that in 1747 the tombstone was taken by the Iranian Shah Nadir. On the same day, Iran was destroyed by an earthquake, and the Shah, who was in Samarkand, fell seriously ill. The tombstone was returned, and the Shah returned to Iran, and the tremors repeated.

Back in the 16th century, the great seer Michel Nostradamus left the following prediction: “Close, close the East, the doors of the East, For a black shadow is moving from the West! The bones of the open tomb threaten the world with infection. Two years will pass and this plague will roll back".

Fatal excavations

In June 1941, the Soviet government decided to open the Timurid tomb of Gur-Emir. The directive was signed personally by Stalin. The official reason for the excavations was the anniversary of the Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi, close to the Timurids. But most likely, some historians believe, they hoped to find valuable artifacts in the sarcophagi.

Work to open the tomb began on the morning of June 21. From the very beginning, it was as if some otherworldly forces were preventing the excavations. First, for some unknown reason, the lights went out, then the winch malfunctioned. During the lunch break, cameraman Malik Kayumov, who was filming at the excavation site, went to the nearest teahouse and met three old men there, one of whom showed him an old handwritten book that said in Arabic: “Whoever opens Tamerlane’s grave will release the spirit of war. And there will be a massacre so bloody and terrible that the world has never seen it forever.”. It subsequently turned out that the book was a collection of local legends and traditions published in the 17th century.

Despite the warning, Tamerlane’s grave was opened, a skeleton was removed from it, presumably belonging to the great emir, which was confirmed by the damaged kneecap - during his lifetime Timur limped... The commander’s skull was handed over for research to Academician Gerasimov, who also participated in the expedition. And early in the morning of June 22, Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Returned ashes

Kayumov recalls that in October 1942, while at the front near Rzhev, he was able to achieve a meeting with Marshal Zhukov and convinced him of the need to return Tamerlane’s remains to the tomb. And as if in the end, Stalin himself ordered the skull to be returned to its place. The remains of all the Timurids were again buried with honors and observance of all required Muslim rituals: the Soviet government even allocated a huge sum of a million rubles for this at that time. The reburial took place on November 19-20, 1942. Just these days, the Red Army began its offensive in the Battle of Stalingrad, which marked a turning point in the war. By the way, Academician Gerasimov, despite the lack of time, managed to recreate the appearance of Tamerlane, thanks to which we now know what this outstanding man looked like.

Could the war have started because Tamerlane's ashes were disturbed? Skeptics claim that it would have started anyway, since its plan was developed by Hitler back in 1940. Back in the spring of 1941, the approximate date of the invasion of the USSR was determined, and on June 10 it was finally determined. On June 20, Nazi troops received the command to prepare for an offensive.

But who knows... Desecrating burials was not recommended at all times. And in the East, this recommendation was treated with particular reverence, both in the pagan and Muslim eras. Maybe not in vain?


In any case, a pathological autopsy must be performed if a refusal has not been formalized (a refusal can be issued if death occurred after a long illness or natural aging, and also if the deceased refuses an autopsy in the will). In case of sudden or violent death, the body is sent to a forensic medical examination for an autopsy. If there are no signs of violent death, then they can be sent to any available morgue.

The autopsy is carried out in the morgue on a special table with a sink; it is recommended to carry out this manipulation in daylight. Before the autopsy, the pathologist must carefully read the medical history, and, if necessary, clarify the data with the attending physician (he must be present at the autopsy). The procedure begins with an external examination of the deceased, with special attention paid to the degree, presence of skin damage, scars, wounds, swelling, coloring of the skin, changes in the configuration of body parts.

After the main sectional incision of the integument, an internal examination of the corpse is performed. Using special instruments, the abdominal cavity is opened, exposing the entire sternum with adjacent parts of the ribs. The costal cartilages are cut at the border with the bone part, then the pathologist opens the chest cavity. After examining the cavity, all internal organs are removed and examined in a certain order. Most often, the organs of the neck and chest are removed separately, then the complex of digestive organs (separating the intestines from the mesentery), and the genitourinary organs (including the ureter, kidneys, prostate gland, bladder, uterus with appendages and vagina).

The method of complete evisceration is also used, when the insides are removed in one complex and then examined without separating the bonds. The organs are carefully examined and weighed, cut, the cut surface is examined, as well as the condition of the cavity of the hollow organs, excretory ducts, and mucous membranes. I study the condition of large blood vessels.

The skull is opened using a special saw, and the scalp is removed. The brains are removed from the skull and placed on a tray with the rest of the organs. If necessary, open the eye sockets, paranasal sinuses and middle ear cavity using a hammer or chisel. Everything is carefully studied by a pathologist, and the cause of death is determined. Then the skull is sutured, the skin on the face is stretched and sutured. All internal organs are folded back into the abdominal area and sutured. The body is washed, and if desired, relatives are embalmed and makeup is applied.

The deceased is dressed in funeral clothes. It is very important that the outfit for the funeral is clean (ideally, these should be new things). The female body is dressed in a dress or suit with long sleeves, stockings or tights, slippers or shoes, and a light scarf is tied. A man's funeral attire should consist of underwear, a light shirt, suit, tie, shoes or slippers. The deceased must wear a pectoral cross. The body of the deceased is placed in a coffin and handed over to relatives.

Tip 2: What dangerous and mystical cases await in the morgue

Being in a morgue is one of the most unpleasant experiences for any person. After all, behind any dead person there is always a story, sometimes a creepy one. In addition to the unpleasantness of being in this place, there is also fear and danger if you do not know the laws of medicine and nature.

About the dead

The dead themselves often smell simply eerie, but morgue workers quickly get used to it. Sections with corpses emit a stench of all physiological contents together: blood, urine, excrement. It is impossible to predict how a lifeless body will decompose. What is clear is that emaciated, cancer-stricken elderly women and men dry out and mummify, while obese people begin to rot, swell and emit a heavy odor. Rotting dead bodies always harbor blowflies, which lay eggs in all organs. Worms then crawl out from that place. It is impossible to get rid of them.

Not all dead people are removed from the morgue instantly. The refrigerator, of course, cannot save a corpse from decomposition, but it still preserves it for some time. It is in the refrigerator that there is a stench. And those lifeless bodies for which no one comes at all are considered unclaimed. They are sent to a “mass grave” in boxes made of thin plywood, which in no way resemble coffins. In the case of unclaimed bodies: the unfortunate ones are placed in boxes in what the mother gave birth to and taken to the cemetery, where a special area is reserved for such “orphans”. In other morgues they do it differently: they are taken to corpse storage facilities, where they lie until they completely decompose. When space runs out there, the remains are cremated.

Dangers in the morgue

Infections are simply swarming in the morgue and constantly. The danger is that there is a circulation of corpses; every second deceased person arrives as a patient with tuberculosis, hepatitis, or AIDS. Under no circumstances should you get injured, and the risks are great. Even a small wound received in the morgue festers and heals very slowly. Maintaining your health is the main task of workers. Therefore, sanitation and labor protection in the morgue are paramount.
Mortuary workers wash their hands more often than anyone else; they can be considered the cleanest people. The work of an orderly is considered harmful not so much because of contact with corpses, but because of contact with chemicals. Hellish disinfection, working fluids for embalming kill not only viruses around and everywhere, but also the lungs of orderlies.

Mysticism in the morgue

The morgue is staffed by people who do not believe in God or otherworldly forces. This is understandable: a person who believes in devilry, resurrection, positive and negative vibrations, could not be with dead bodies most of his time. It happens that while an orderly is working with a corpse, due to biological reflexes, the deceased’s mouth may suddenly open or his leg will twitch. Corpses also make sounds similar to crying or groaning - these are corpse gases coming out of the flesh. In extremely rare cases, dead male bodies experience erections. This happens because certain muscles in the lifeless body contract due to the flow of blood to cells that are receptive to calcium.

Everyone associates the word “morgue” with the word “death.” Unnecessarily, not every person will dare to just visit this terrible and mystical place. But there are people who encounter these words and this room every day. They do not believe in God, or otherworldly forces, or devilry, or resurrection, or positive or negative vibrations, otherwise they would not be able to be with dead bodies most of their time.

A morgue is a special office at clinics and various forensic medical organizations for holding, recognizing, opening and releasing the dead for their subsequent burial, in other words, the last refuge of a person before going into the universe. The word “morgue” came into Russian from the French language. The word morgue refers to the area where the dead were brought for further identification.

Types of morgues

In Russia now there are two main types of morgues: forensic and pathological-anatomical. Most of the corpses are sent to the former. All criminals who died an unexplained death, who were found on the street, from road accidents, and drowned people are brought here. The police need an expert's opinion in order to either close the case (and it is opened automatically based on the fact of a criminal death or for unknown reasons), or to attach the act to the case and investigate the crime.

Pathological and anatomical departments are located at hospitals. The “clean” ones end up there, often the elderly, or only those who are going to be studied from a scientific point of view, for whom law enforcement agencies have no questions.

In large cities there are up to 10 morgues. They differ not only by region, but also by specificity. In some places, specialized morgues are opening for rotten corpses, foreigners, children, and for gunshot and blast wounds.

Who works in the morgue

There are different specialties in the morgue. Outwardly, the morgue workers are exactly the same as ordinary people. As a rule, people who get a job in a morgue work for a significantly long time, their work is not for the faint of heart. To do this you need to have a distinctive character.

Forensic expert

The expert looks for remains and remnants of diseases, violence, traces of toxic substances, that is, he is engaged in expert work. He deals with victims who have died violently, suffered injuries, and are associated with criminal acts. The picture of death is collected by a forensic expert bit by bit: a hair, a hematoma, a nail and others. For the most part, crimes are solved thanks to the conclusions of this specialist.


Some people are mistaken in believing that a pathologist and a forensic pathologist are the same specialty. These two professions are similar, but still have differences. The pathologist is engaged in scientific work: examination of the body, histological analysis. Explores how the disease affected the body and what exactly led to death. The pathologist must talk a lot, explain, prove to the relatives of the deceased. Another misconception is when people think of pathologists as doctors who dissect corpses. In fact, this doctor deals with “peaceful” patients who died of natural causes, or conducts research on “faceless” biopsy material. Doctors and management of medical organizations are interested in the work of this doctor.

Make-up artist

In a few morgues, special make-up artists now prepare the dead for burial. There are various cases: for example, to apply make-up so that his appearance does not shock his relatives or a person is missing part of his face after some incident - the make-up artist sculpts a plaster model and draws a face on it. They can reattach severed limbs.


It is the orderlies who do the dirty work. In large cities, only people with special medical education are hired, even as orderlies.

The orderly’s purpose is to accept only those dead bodies that belong to his morgue, and not to confuse the documents, otherwise legal proceedings are possible. If the deceased is wearing clothes, the orderly records them in a special journal and puts the clothes in a bag. But often, all things are removed at home. On the body with a marker (green paint or iodine) he writes the name and time, since the tag is unreliable and can come off. The accompanying documents are put on tape and the corpse is placed in a corner.

If the body is received at night, then an autopsy is not performed until the experts arrive in the morning. So, several corpses can accumulate during the night. The morning work of an orderly: undress, cut clothes, put them on the table, open the skull. The abdominal cavity must be opened by a doctor. Opening tools are the most common, without automation or electric drive. All actions, so to speak, are performed manually.

While the doctor is working with the giblets, and the laboratory assistant is diligently recording everything from dictation, what the expert says, the orderly is sawing the skull. A doctor does most of his work using microscopes, various devices, scanners, and analyzers. When the expert finishes, the orderly must put everything inside. Sew up and wash. The brain is not put back in the head. It is cut into shreds and placed in the abdominal cavity, and old clothes are placed in the skull so that it does not leak. Further, if necessary, embalming is performed. In parallel with this process, the second orderly negotiates with relatives about services, picks up clothes for tomorrow's delivery, and issues ready-made dead bodies for burial. The bodies go from the table to the refrigerator.

If one of the corpses begins to leak or deteriorate more than it should, urgently contact the relatives and find out what they plan to do. Do you need a balm? Or at least a mask (alcohol + formalin). When the autopsies were completed by lunchtime, the experts went to their offices to write reports, the second phase began. The corpses are being prepared for tomorrow. When the orderly takes the clothes, he takes them to the refrigerator and places a bag with his latest clothing on each body. Also, during the meeting, he discusses all wishes with the customer. He finds out what the funeral will be like and when, in order to know whether anything else needs to be offered or not. Writes a list of services and announces prices. When the approval is completed, he sends the customer to the cashier. Near the cash register hangs a stamped price list. When you take clothes, you must check what you brought. Here is the necessary set for men: underpants, socks, shirt, suit, slippers or shoes. If desired, maybe a tie, a handkerchief in your pocket. For women: panties, stockings, dress, jacket, suit with a blouse (neckline is not allowed, as there will be a sectional seam up to the collarbone), slippers or shoes.

Corpse transportation service

It’s much worse for those who work in corpse transportation. Corpse transportation is a simple UAZ car with a flashing light, a refrigeration unit inside (thermos), lined with plastic, like the carriages of Russian railways. Belongs to the Ambulance Station department. The driver and the corpse transportation worker carry dead bodies themselves; in especially difficult cases, rescuers may be involved. The dead bodies of infected patients are transported in the same way as others. Each processing machine has a supply of disinfectants. If a deceased person suspected of having a particularly dangerous infection is identified, a team with protective clothing (anti-plague suit) is sent, and after transportation additional security measures are taken, including quarantine for team members. In general, the problem of “getting infected” is always there - nothing can be done about it. Sometimes they need to go to such dwellings, which becomes creepy: huge cockroaches, beetles, hungry pets located next to the dead person. If the corpse has lain in the apartment for three or four days, then the beloved dog or cat rushes to chew on the dead owner. The tasty parts of the body are eaten first: the eyes, tongue and belly. Or you have to pull a person’s body out of the bathroom, which in 3 days has absorbed all the water from the container and weighs five hundred kilograms.

On October 27, 2016, individuals calling themselves archaeologists released the spirit of Christ into the wild. This ritual is performed by the champions of death specifically to start a large-scale war. Due to the fact that the forces of evil were unable to drag nations into the third World War, the so-called powers that be took the extreme step of opening the grave.

“Archaeologists” removed a marble slab from the so-called “funeral bed” of Jesus Christ in the Holy Sepulchre, which is located in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. This ritual is performed whenever the forces of evil require war.

Let's remember the situation with the curse of the Egyptian pyramids - the curse will befall anyone who touches the graves of royalty and mummies of Ancient Egypt. For example, after the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, all members of this autopsy died (and Egypt received "independence").

In 1941, the opening of Tamerlane’s grave in Samarkand took place. After this, the war began, as the warning sign said.

Obviously, those who seriously believe in such curses attacked the “grave” of Jesus with a similar goal - to start a war that was not flaring up (see “”).

But this is only part of the “truth”. Let's look at the second part. It concerns the design and dating of such a “grave” in general and in particular this “grave” of Christ. The meaning of such sarcophagi (literally “dead body eaters”) is that the spirit of the demon who threatened the World with disasters was sealed in them forever.

This practice is very widespread, and each sect strives to imprison the chief of its opponents in the coffin. And death cults do the same thing to their boss (god).

In particular, Christians imprisoned God’s wife, Satan, in a similar “grave.” And people imprisoned the so-called “son” of the same God - Jesus - in a “grave”. This is not all cases. For example, in the Nart epic of the peoples of the Caucasus it is said that Alexander the Great was placed in a similar coffin. And in Kailash, in the sarcophagus of Nandi, in deep sleep there are Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad and all other God’s “children”.

The myth about the miraculous “grave” of a son, daughter or God himself takes its roots in the fairy tale “”. In this “grave” the deity sleeps soundly. And when it wakes up, then, according to the Russians, everything will end with a happy ending - after all, Sleeping Beauty woke up from love.

But, according to other peoples, everything will end on the contrary - in a terrible war. Actually, this is what followers of faith, that is, followers of fairy tales, achieve.

The fictional character “leader” (literally “Fuhrer”) Vladimir Ulyanov is such a sleeping beauty. He also sleeps in the “coffin” without dying in body.

In fairy tales there is only one sacred coffin or there may be several. For example, the body of a fairy-tale character named Napoleon is buried in four coffins at once, which are located in the same building. The bodies of the pharaohs were generally disassembled into organs and placed in many coffins-vessels.

But more often than not, such a wonderful “coffin”, in which the body of a deceased fairy-tale god was supposedly kept, turned out to be empty (because Sleeping Beauty woke up and left it). The “grave” of the fictional “scientist” Kant turned out to be empty. The “grave” of the fictional “poet” Alexander Pushkin is empty (allegedly, the body was not delivered). The “grave” of the fictional “navigator” Henry Morgan is empty (he allegedly drowned). The “grave” of the fictional “traveler” Marco Polo is empty (allegedly demolished).

The “grave” of the fictional “father Joseph Stalin” is empty (allegedly not found). The “grave” of the fictional “Decembrists” is empty (allegedly not discovered). The mentioned “graves” of fictitious “prophets” in Kailash are also empty. The “graves” of the fictional “heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo” Peresvet and Oslyabyat are empty (allegedly, there are no bodies or graves).

The “grave” of the fictional German “Emperor” of Russia Alexander I in the Peter and Paul Cathedral is empty. The “grave” of the fictional “patriarch” Nikon is empty. The mass “grave” of the “victims” of the fictitious bombing of Hiroshima is empty (the United States did not launch nuclear strikes on Japan because). The sarcophagus of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is empty.

The cult of forming empty graves of one or another god is very widespread. And it is still used today under the name "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier". Before such a “burial,” an eternal fire always burns - emitting light until the moment the hero or god awakens (as in a fairy tale).

And even more often, so that the body of the “god” could not be identified in such a coffin, instead of the deity, a simple person was buried - but without a head. This is how the fictional “writer” Gogol is buried. This is how the fairy-tale character Ilya Muromets is buried: the body is in the ground, and the head is separately outside.

The German fascists named one of their divisions “Death's Head” or “Adam's Head”. Let us remember that Hitler’s name was Adam, or Adolf (by the way, the “surname” Hitler literally translates as “Bible” in the sense of “Scripture”). Adam's head is depicted on the English pirate flag. Christians have their own relic - the “Honest Head” of the fictional Venerable Macarius. And finally, the head of a fictional character - the Fuhrer Hitler - is kept in the State Archive.

According to the Jewish version, Adam's head is kept in Jerusalem, in a mountain called Golgotha. Christian sectarians also buried their Fuhrer Jesus Christ at the head of the Jewish Adam (the Fuhrer is the “leader” in the Gospel of Matthew, published in 1871 by Jehovah’s Witnesses).

As for Jesus Christ, he was buried like Napoleon - in four coffins, but located in four different places. I described these places in detail in my novel “The Battle for the World Throne (Gospel of Yarila)” (2014). Let me briefly remind you here.

The first place is in France. In two paintings by the French artist Nicolas Poussin (1594 – 1665) under the general title “Et in arca dia ego” (“through the arch to God”). The second grave of Jesus Christ is located in the Indian state of Kashmir, in the town of Srinagar. On the banks of the Singo River stands the crypt of Rauza Bal (Head of God). The third tomb of Christ is located in Japan, in the village of Shingo. Here, in 1935, an ancient scroll with the will of Christ was found in the archives of Ibaraki Prefecture (lit. Iberia - “country of the Jews”).

The fourth “grave” of Christ is Golgotha. Here, in the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, allegedly in 1555 a slab of white marble was installed. And yesterday, archaeologist Fredric Guibert from the National Geographic Society removed it from the stone burial bed of Christ.

The small domed chapel of yellow-pink marble in the center of the Rotunda of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, where the Holy Sepulcher is located, is called Edicule - that is, literally the Ark (or Kyiv), which carries the body of Christ to the Other World.

Publications reporting on yesterday's event note that this “grave” of “God” was empty. But there are no miracles here. It is clarified that this bed is called the Holy Sepulchre, and it only symbolizes the cave in which the Body of Christ was buried.

Why archaeologists concentrated on this particular cave out of four options for the burial of Christ is understandable - they, apparently, are like in that joke: they look where it is light.

Let us note, judging by numerous geographical maps, in former times Paradise and the place where Christ was buried were located successively in India, and then in Japan. From these options, the tombs of Jesus in Kashmir and Ibaraki remain. Then the World turned upside down and Paradise moved to the West. So in 1789 France appeared and on its territory a new tomb of Christ.

But already in 1789, Napoleon began to look for a new place for such an important “grave”. And this place was later found in Jerusalem. And first, PR preparation began: from the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries, an image of the “grave” of Christ, placed in the lands of Jerusalem, appeared on geographical maps. Since the 19th century, the latter version has taken hold.

In Rus' in 1849 they erected their own “grave” of Christ - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. And on the site of today’s monument to the fictional “Peter I” stood the idol of Jesus Christ.

All of these were not religions, but personifications of the scientific approach to understanding the Earth. And only in 1857, on this basis, the first religion appeared - Christianity. In 1871, the German Empire emerged and the major European languages ​​began to emerge. Including the English language: back in 1897, it consisted of 50% words from the Russian language.

In the same year, 1897, the 1st Zionist Congress was held, at which a new religion was formed - Judaism, and the chairman of the congress, Herzl, first defined the goals: “To lay the cornerstone of a house that will become a refuge for the Jewish people.” The Jews did not even have their own language yet, but a home had already appeared - Jerusalem with its “historical” “religious” “monuments”.

And then the First World War broke out, the cause of which was problems with the transfer of the keys to the temple in this very Jerusalem: the Serbian ministers did not get the keys, and Russia declared war on the offenders of the Serbs.

The Second World War began, let me remind you, with the opening of the tomb of Tamerlane.

One of the “coffins” of Christ was opened yesterday - hoping this time to unleash a war so needed by world capital. But people don't want to fight. They care about the financial problems of bankers - , . Modern people will not be fooled by the old nonsense about “serious” people. Today, even aliens have not become worse than the devil.

In our time, world capital is the main demon, which should be put in the Holy Sepulcher and walled up there forever. And this is exactly what the World expects in the very near future: .

Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President",

In the last refuge of a person there is something mystical and at the same time creepy, exciting curiosity and imagination. We have collected 15 of the most incredible cemeteries from around the world, where tourists who want to plunge into the atmosphere of horror films in real life flock to.

Old Jewish Cemetery (Prague, Czech Republic)

The old Jewish cemetery in the Josefov quarter in Prague dates back to the early 15th century. The oldest tombstone found dates back to 1439, and the latest to 1787. The exact number of gravestones and buried people is unknown, since in this cemetery burials were made in layers, on top of each other. It is estimated that more than 100,000 Jews are buried in the cemetery, but there are only 12,000 visible headstones. It's not surprising that many people see ghosts passing through tightly packed tombstones.

Paris Catacombs (Paris, France)

The Catacombs of Paris are a huge underground crypt under the capital of France. The network of caves and tunnels stretches for almost 300 km, and the remains of about six million people are buried in them. There are many stories about the creepy catacombs, which are literally covered with skulls and bones.

Allegedly, paranormal phenomena occur here all the time. Sometimes ghostly balls or ectoplasmic mist float in front of tourists, and sometimes even the shadows of ghosts wander along the corridors among piles of bones.

La Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The Recoleta Cemetery, which is located in the Recoleta district of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, is a major tourist attraction due to its outstanding examples of 19th and 20th century architecture. There is a story associated with this cemetery about the “Lady in White” who often visits the graves at night.

Valley of the Kings (Cairo, Egypt)

The Valley of the Kings, which contains the tombs of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, became famous after the discovery of the unrobbed tomb of Tutankhamun and the “curse of the pharaohs” associated with it. Almost everyone who took part in the opening of the grave died mysteriously several years later.

Capuchin Crypt (Rome, Italy)

The bones of four thousand Franciscan Capuchin monks were used to decorate the walls of this crypt. Human bones were also used to create the interior of various chapels. For example, there are chapels called "Pelvis Crypt" and "Skull Crypt".

Bachelor's Grove (Chicago, USA)

Known as one of the most haunted sites in the United States, Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago opened in 1844. Stories about ghosts in this cemetery were especially popular in the 1970s and 1980s. There were stories of strange balls, phantom machines, and even a ghostly house that suddenly appeared before people and then disappeared into thin air. In 1984, witnesses also reported seeing several ghostly figures throughout the cemetery, dressed in monk robes.

Ganges River (Varanasi, India)

Due to its proximity to the Ganges, Varanasi is one of the holiest cities of Hindus in India. This city is famous for the fact that it is customary to burn corpses on the banks of the Ganges and then simply throw them into the river. Every day fires burn on the banks, and the Ganges is polluted by myriads of bacteria. Incredibly, people bathe and wash their clothes in the river while half-burnt remains float by.

Stull Cemetery, Kansas

The burial place, which is also called the “Gates of Hell”, according to legend is one of the seven portals of Hell on Earth. Legend has it that if you knock on a stone in the ruins of a church, the devil himself will answer.

Capela DOS Ossos (Portugal)

In the chapel, whose name literally means "Chapel of Bones", two skeletons hang in chains on the wall. At the same time, the walls are also covered with real skulls and human bones.

Witch Cemetery State (Tennessee, USA)

The cemetery, located in rural Tennessee, is one of the oldest in the state. Stone tombstones are often engraved with pentagrams, which are said to contain witch powers. There are also numerous claims of strange lights being seen in the forest at night, as well as ghostly animals that were sacrificed during rituals in the cemetery.

Cemetery La Noria (La Noria, Chile)

La Noria is an abandoned mining town with a frightening history full of violence and slavery. The cemetery of this city is a terrible and incredible sight. Many graves have been uncovered. There are chilling rumors that at sunset the dead rise from their graves and begin to wander the abandoned mining town. Residents of Chile also reported seeing children in abandoned schools as if they were sitting in a regular lesson.

Sedlec Ossuary (Kutná Hora, Czech Republic)

In Sedlec, a suburb of the Czech town of Kutná Hora, there is a small Roman Catholic chapel near the cemetery church of All Saints. This crypt is estimated to contain the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people, whose bones were used to create decorations and furniture for the chapel.

Chamula Cemetery (San Juan Chamula, Mexico)

Although there was a Catholic church on the site in the 1960s, the priest from the parish of the neighboring village comes to mass only once a month. The rest of the time, local shamans use this area to create “magic potions.” Chickens are often sacrificed during healing ceremonies at this cemetery.

Cemetery in a cafe (Ahmedabad, India)

Tourists who go for a bite to eat at the New Lucky restaurant in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad find themselves in a cemetery - ancient Muslim graves are located throughout the building.

Okuno-in Cemetery (Japan)

Okuno is a sacred village near 120 Buddhist temples. The local cemetery is associated with an eerie legend. Kobo Daishi (Kukai), the founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism, is said to rest here and, according to legend, he did not die, but only entered deep samadhi and will be reborn along with his followers.

Equipment cemeteries present an equally creepy sight. will amaze even seasoned travelers.