Allan kardek - book of perfumes. Allan kardek - book of spirits allan kardek miracles of the “gospel” the sublimity of the nature of christ


Allan Kardec

"Bhagavad-Gita" like "Vedas" or "Upanishads". It is dedicated to the most mysterious and

important problem that has concerned humanity throughout its history: is there

life after death? And if so, what is it like and what then is death? For what

Are we even here? The answer to these and similar questions can be found in the "Book of Spirits"

Allan Kardec. We honestly warn the reader that this is not a book to read,

but a book for thought.

Allan Kardec's books will prove to be powerful competitors (if only

talk about competition) to the works of Madame Blavatsky or the books of Agni Yoga. Wherein

Kardec has an undeniable advantage: his works are simple

and clarity of presentation, strict logic, harmony of design, grace

execution and sense of proportion.

The text of this edition compared with the 1993 edition. revised, and in it

Significant corrections and clarifications have been made.


"THE BOOK OF SPIRITS" by Allan Kardec is a systematic collection

answers given by spirits of high rank to questions asked of them. This happened in

during spiritualistic seances of the so-called “automatic writing”, or

"psychography", in the "Paris Society of Spiritualistic Research", founded

Kardecom. The responses were received at very different times and through

several mediums. Questions were asked in writing and were probably heard

orally. The answers to them were received in writing, written by the hand of a psychographic medium.

The material was systematized by Kardec and with appropriate comments and

additional material was collected, the text was critically revised and revised

first edition. The second edition is final, its text

reproduced in countless reprints and translations. Like repeatedly

and especially the text of the second edition “was, on their part, the subject of a new and most

painstaking analysis."

Structure of the book. The book consists of four parts, a two-part introduction and

conclusions. Each part is divided into chapters; chapters - into paragraphs, each paragraph

For question and answer points. After the Arabic numeral there is a question, then in

in quotation marks follows the literal answer to it given by the spirit. In addition, following

the spirit's response is often followed by additions and comments written by the spirit itself.

Kardecom. Kardec's text is always preceded by a NOTE and the data in it

is a whole paragraph, and then it does not stand out in any way, because

the text is not preceded by a question and it is clear that this is not the answer of the spirit.

the latest spiritualism (or spiritual science). In the occult teachings of spiritualism, his

the same as his successor Leon Denis (1847 - 1927), was primarily interested in

moral, ethical side. The problem of moral improvement

of man and society is the basis of the doctrine they put forward.

In 1858, Allan Kardec founded the Paris Society of Spiritualists

research" with its own program charter and "Spiritual Review" -

magazine that has been published for many years. Kardec preconditioned spiritualism with a special moral

concept and formalized it as “a doctrine based on the existence,

manifestations and instructions given by the spirits." All this found worthy expression in

his main work is “The Book of Spirits” (1857). This work was followed by others:

“The Book of Mediums” (1861), “The Gospel in the Interpretation of Spiritualism” (1864) and a number of others.

Disadvantages of the book and its advantages. The influence of her ideas. Attentive reader, without

doubts, will notice that in Kardec’s book, although it proceeds from an objective

relation to humanity of the source, lies to a certain extent the stamp of its

time. So, in full agreement with the then level of development of science here

some questions of natural science are treated, and electricity is understood as the top

possible achievements in the field of energy. Author with sufficient respect

interprets some Old Testament myths. Insufficient and approximate

His anthropological teaching about the tripartite nature of man looks like this today:

body, perispirit, soul. The doctrine of perisprit needs to be deepened and further

development. Today's reader should understand that perisprit is very

heterogeneous, it is only a collective image, a collection of other shells of the soul

(semi-material and spiritual, nested one within the other and hierarchically

subordinates) in their opposition to the rough physical shell - the body. Different

schools of occultism have not yet decided to this day on the question of how much

The soul has a body in addition to the physical. However, there is no doubt that they

several, at least three.1 Be that as it may, the reader needs to remember

that spirits who know much more than people are always forced in order to

to be understood, to speak the language of that human era with whose representatives

they communicate. In this case, they communicated with people of the mid-19th century, and for

to give them at least a rough idea of ​​the issues, for example,

natural sciences known to man at the end of the 20th century, they had to resort to

approximate method of analogy and metaphor. Thus, natural science

and, to a certain extent, the anthropological aspects of the book are today

day is her vulnerable spot. But, in fact, this is not why we offer the reader

get to know her. As already mentioned, the main thing Kardec pays

attention, after it has been found out that a person is immortal, this is -

philosophical and moral aspects of the problem. And here, of course, Kardec has no

equals. In comparison with this, all the above little things have no

meaning, especially since the doctrine of the tripartite nature of man is in no way

interferes with the correct consideration of the issue, and, even more, for this purpose it

much more convenient than the multipart division adopted in other schools of occultism.

scattered facts, after reading which a mess forms in the reader’s head, and

he wants to throw out of his head the very object that served as its cause.

P. Kalinovsky, for example, leans towards orthodox Christianity,

the most ridiculous dogmas of Orthodoxy and literally intimidates the sinful reader

the prospect of afterlife torment awaiting him, and so fashionable at the moment

the banner of Marxist classics and amazes with the complete collection of their works. But neither

one or the other, by their own honest admission, has no philosophical and moral

concepts. But Kardec has it, and this concept contains eternal truths, the same

the very ones thanks to which Christianity arose two millennia ago. Because

we can say that Cardenism is neo-Christianity, Christianity purified from

myths, from dogmas, from prejudices and superstitions, from omnipotence in spiritual life

clerical mafia; Christianity, open to further search, research and

creativity. And one who knows and shares this concept can properly

understand one of the highest spiritual achievements of the twentieth century - Roerich’s “Agni Yoga”. Without

knowledge of this concept such as, for example, scriptures such as "Seven Days in the Himalayas" and

"Bridge over the Stream" by V. Sidorov, look just like intellectual emotions,

dotted with rhetorical exclamation marks. Looking at the problem

from this angle, then now, at a time of spiritual degradation, for the Soviet

society there is no book more relevant.

The influence of Kardec's ideas on the minds of his contemporaries and subsequent generations was very

great. Followers of the new teaching appeared in all countries of the world, including

Russia. Moreover, in Russia there was even a society of followers of Kardec. by them

all his works were translated into Russian, published philosophically

theological magazine "Spiritualist" with the participation of representatives of the Orthodox

clergy who accepted Kardec's ideas. Unfortunately, it hasn't been possible yet

to determine definitively the extent to which these priceless materials have survived to

our days2. In any case, their complete absence in the largest libraries

countries suggests that the NKVD in the late 20s - early 30s were

not only the spiritualists themselves were destroyed, but also this literature. Well, it's possible

understand: nothing could have posed a greater danger to what existed in the country at that time

regime than people's knowledge of the spiritual truths contained in these books.

Pavel Geleva, philosopher


Modern spiritualism is impossible - and this is what distinguishes it from all previous

spiritualistic teachings - to imagine as some purely metaphysical

concept. He shows us that he is endowed with a completely different character and

meets the requirements of a generation brought up in the school of criticism and rationalism,

that generation which exaggerated the painful and agonizing mysticism

made him very distrustful and cautious.

Just believing is no longer enough today: today they also want to know. AND

no philosophical or moral concept has a chance of success if it

does not rely on proof that is both logical, mathematical and

positive, and if, in addition, it is not marked with that special seal

authenticity, which satisfies the innermost feeling present in us


It is easy to see that all these conditions are perfectly met by Allan Kardec

in his Book of Spirits, which is an excellent exposition of the doctrine

modern spiritualism.

This book is the fruit of a huge work of classification, coordination and removal,

done on countless messages and messages coming from

various sources that know nothing about each other; messages received in

all parts of the world and united by this incomparable collector into a whole after

certificates of their authenticity. He took care to remove single and

divided opinions, all dubious evidence, in order to leave only those

provisions regarding which all statements were agreed upon.

This work is far from complete. It continues every day even after death

great dedicator. In general, we have already compiled a powerful teaching, the main

the directions of which were determined then by Kardec and now, to the best of our ability,

are developed by his spiritual heirs with the assistance of the invisible world. Each of

them brings their grain of sand into the construction of that huge common building,

the foundation of which is strengthened every day by the efforts of experimental science, and

the walls rise higher and higher.

In the work of Allan Kardec, the guidance of the spirits on every issue

accompanied by comments and explanations emphasizing the beauty of the principles

and the harmony of the whole. This is where the author’s qualities manifest themselves. First of all, he

sought to give a clear and precise meaning to the expressions constantly present in his

be interpreted differently. He knew that the confusion reigning in

most philosophical systems, comes from a lack of clarity in expressions,

used by their creators.

Another rule, no less significant in any methodical presentation and to which

Allan Kardec scrupulously followed - this is the need to clearly express thoughts and

present them in conditions that make it easier for the reader to understand them. And finally, having developed

ideas in a certain order and proper relationships, he was able to extract from them such

conclusions that, according to all the laws of logic and norms of human thinking

already represented a certain reality, a certain confidence and certainty.

Therefore, the Teaching of Spirits, the thoughtful interpreter and organizer of which was

Kardec, to the same extent as the most valued philosophical systems, is noted

such essential qualities as clarity, logic and precision.

But besides this, there is something in it that no other could offer.

system. And this is the impressive infinity of manifestations, with the help of which this

the teaching was first established throughout the world, and then was able to undergo

universal and daily control. This teaching applies to all people outside

depending on their social or property status, their gender, age

or race, and it appeals not only to their feelings, to their minds, but also to what

there is something better in them: to their mind and conscience. These hidden forces do not constitute

Are they, in their unity, the measure of good and evil, truth and lies, which, of course,

appears more clearly or vaguely depending on the degree of advancement

souls, but which is still found in each of them as a reflection of that Eternal

The mind that gave birth to them all?

Leon Denis


In the first edition of this work we announced that there would also be additional

Part. It had to include all the questions that they could not find for themselves

places in the first, as well as those that should have appeared in connection with further

circumstances and subsequent research. But since they are all one way or another

otherwise relate to parts already discussed and are a development

these parts, then publishing them separately would be inappropriate and we

They preferred to wait until the book was republished to put everything together. We also

took advantage of this opportunity to become more methodical in

placement of material and at the same time exclude everything that allowed any

duality. This publication can therefore be considered as completely

new work, although the principles set forth therein, with very few exceptions,

have not undergone any change. As for these few exceptions,

they are rather additions and clarifications than actual differences. This

consistency of the put forward principles, despite the difference in sources in which

we drew our information is an important circumstance for approval

spiritual science. And our correspondents testify that the messages

received by them in different parts of the globe and at very different times, if not

in form, they are essentially identical in all respects. And all this took place at

previously known to them as a kind of systemic whole. Also history, with its

hand, shows that most of these principles were professed by the most

outstanding people of ancient and modern times, and thereby asserts their right to


The doctrine concerning spiritualistic manifestations as such and mediumship,

represents, in a certain sense, a separate side of our topic, different from

its philosophical side, and therefore should be the subject of special study and

consideration. This part of our research found very significant additions to

progress of further development of research, and we considered it necessary to highlight it in

a separate volume containing answers to all questions that can be related

with spiritualistic phenomena and mediumship, as well as numerous remarks,

concerning practical spiritualism. This work will be a continuation or

addition to the "Book of Spirits".3


(key to understanding spiritualist teaching)

New things require new words, for the sake of clarity and to avoid the inevitable.

mixing many meanings of the same word. The words "spiritual"

“spiritualist”, “spiritualism” have a very definite meaning; give them

new meaning, to apply them to the Teaching of the Spirits means to multiply the already

numerous ambiguities. Indeed, spiritualism is

the opposite of materialism; everyone who believes that there is something different in him,

besides matter, there is the spiritualist; but it does not follow from this that he believes in

the existence of spirits or in their relations with the visible world. Instead of words

"spiritual", "spiritualism" we use the words "spirit", "spiritual" and

"spiritism", the form of which recalls their origin and root meaning,

imparting to them also the advantage given by perfect intelligibility, and thereby

the word "spiritualism" retains its inherent meaning. We will therefore say

that the spiritualistic teaching, or spiritualism, has as its basis the relations of the world

material with spirits, or creatures of the invisible world. Supporters of spiritualism

will be spiritualists, or, if you prefer, spiritualists.4

As a particular feature, the Book of Spirits contains “spiritual” teaching; as general

the same direction it is associated with the “spiritualistic” teaching, one of

of which it is a step. This is the reason why this book

Before its title it has the words: “spiritualistic philosophy.”

There is another word, one of the cornerstones of all moral Teaching, according to

which is equally important to agree in order to fully understand each other, because

that it is, due to its lack of a well-defined meaning,

the subject of endless debate is the word soul. Difference of opinion about

the nature of the soul comes from the partial use that everyone gives to it

word. With a perfect language, where every idea would have its own representation

through the word defined by it, many disputes could be avoided:

with one word for each thing, everyone could easily understand each other.

According to some, the soul is the beginning of material organic life; she's in no way

to the extent it has no self-existence and ceases along with life; this is the purest

materialism. In this sense, for the sake of comparison, they talk about a broken violin, not

making a more musical sound that it has no soul. According to this opinion,

the soul is a kind of effect, not a cause.

Others think that the soul is a rational principle, a universal agent, a particle

which every being accepts into itself. According to them, in the entire Universe there are supposedly

only one soul, distributing the sparks of its fire among various intelligent

creatures during their lifetime; after death, every spark returns to the general

source, in which it merges with a single whole, like streams and rivers

return to the sea from which they came. This opinion is different from the previous one

the fact that, according to this hypothesis, there is something else in us besides matter and that remains

something after death; but it's almost the same as if there was nothing

remained, because if we no longer had individuality, we would no longer have

self-awareness. According to this opinion, the universal soul would be God, and every being

a particle of the Divine; this is one of the varieties of pantheism.

Finally, according to the third, the soul is a moral being, different and

independent of matter, retaining its individuality even after death. This

understanding is undoubtedly the most universal, because under that

name or otherwise, the idea of ​​this being experiencing the body is

instinctive faith, which is independent of the level of education and is found among

of all peoples, whatever their degree of civilization. This doctrine, according to

to which the soul is the cause and not the effect, is the teaching of the spiritualists.

Without discussing the merits of these opinions and taking into account only the terminological

side of the subject, we will say that these three uses of the word "soul" constitute

three different ideas, each of which requires a special expression for its expression

words. This word has, therefore, three meanings, and each of them, with its own

point of view, carries its meaning in the definition given to them; guilty, that means

a language that gives only one word for three ideas. To avoid any ambiguity,

one would have to limit the meaning of the word "soul" to one of these three ideas - choice

indifferent, the main thing is to understand each other, and this is a matter of convention.

We find it more logical to accept this word in its most common usage

meaning; and therefore soul we call an immaterial and individual being,

the body that resides and survives in us after its death. Even if this creature

just a figment of the imagination, it would still be necessary to designate it

a word, as long as there is the very idea of ​​this concept.

Due to the lack of a specific word for each of the other two concepts, we call

the vital principle of the principle of material and organic life, whatever its

source, for all living beings, from plants to humans. Because life can

exist even in the absence of thinking ability, then the vital principle is

the thing is excellent and independent from the heart. The word "vitality" would not express the same

the idea itself. For some, the life principle is a property of matter, a certain consequence,

which are produced when matter is in certain given circumstances;

according to others, and this is the most general idea, it consists in a certain special fluid,

spread throughout the entire Universe and from which every creature absorbs during life and

assimilates a certain part to itself, like inanimate bodies that absorb light; This was

would then the vital fluid, which, according to some opinions, is nothing other than

as the electrical animal fluid, also called the magnetic fluid,

nervous fluid.

Be that as it may, there are facts that cannot be denied, because they are

result of observation. And this is what organic beings contain within themselves

a certain internal force that produces the phenomenon of life as long as this force exists;

that material life is common to all organic beings and is independent of the mind and

thoughts; that mind and thought are abilities inherent in certain types of organic

creatures; finally, that among organic beings gifted with mind and thought, there are

a kind that is gifted with a special moral sense, giving it an undeniable

superiority over others, this is the human race.

It is clear that, with all its polysemy, the word “soul” does not exclude materialism,

no pantheism. The spiritualist himself may well understand the soul according to one or

other of these two definitions, without prejudice to the individual

immaterial being, to whom he will then give some other

Name. Thus, this word is not the bearer of one view; it

an elusive and indefinite symbol that everyone deals with in their own way

discretion; hence the source of so many endless disputes.

Confusion could also be avoided if, using in all three cases

the word “soul”, add to it an adjective defining it, which

would specialize both the point of view from which the word is viewed and

the use given to him. Then this is a generic, root word representing

at the same time the principle of material life, mind and moral feeling,

would be distinguished, as, for example, gases are distinguished by adding to the word "gas"

qualifying words "hydrogen", "oxygen" or "nitrogen". It is possible, therefore,

say that the best definition is the vital soul for the principle

material life, the rational soul for the mental principle and the spiritualistic soul

for the principle of our individuality after death. As you can see, all this

the question is purely terminological, although very important: without knowledge of it it is impossible to

understand each other. According to this, the vital soul is common to all organic

creatures: plants, animals and people; a reasonable soul would be an asset

animals and people, and the spiritualistic soul would belong to one person.

We believed that we should insist all the more on these explanations because

Spiritualist Teaching naturally rests on the existence in us of a certain

a being independent of matter and experiencing the body; because the word "soul"

often appears in this essay, it was extremely important to determine the meaning

which we attach to it in order to avoid any misunderstanding.

Let us now come to the main subject of this preliminary instruction.

The Spiritual Teaching, like everything new, has its supporters and its

opponents. We will now try to answer some of these objections.

the latter, analyzing the weight of the motives driving them, but we have no claims

convince everyone, because there are people who believe that knowledge is exclusively theirs

property We appeal to people of good will, people without preconceived ideas or, in

in any case, unprejudiced, but sincerely desiring enlightenment, and we will show

them that most of the objections raised against the Teaching stem from

incomplete observation of facts and judgments made with excess ease and


First of all, let us recall in a few words the progressively growing character

phenomena that gave birth to this Teaching.

The first fact observed was the setting of various objects in motion; his

colloquially designated by the name of turning tables or dancing tables. This

a phenomenon which seems to have been first observed in America, or rather

resumed in this country - for history shows that in reality

it dates back to the deepest antiquity, - was accompanied by unusual sounds and

knocks that appeared for no apparent reason. From there this phenomenon quickly

spread to Europe and other parts of the world, initially causing a lot of mistrust,

but the multiplication of experiments soon made it impossible to doubt its reality any longer.

If this phenomenon were limited to the movements of material objects, then it

could be explained by some purely physical reason. We are far from

to know all the occult forces of nature or all the properties of those that are known to us;

electricity, meanwhile, multiplies resources indefinitely every day,

delivered to man, and, apparently, should illuminate science with the light of a new

knowledge. No, therefore, there is nothing impossible in the fact that electricity,

modified by certain circumstances, or some other unknown factor


The fundamental principles of the spiritualistic teaching about the immortality of the soul, the nature of spirits and their relations with people, moral laws, present and future life and the future of humanity according to the instructions,

  • Allan Kardec the miracles of the "gospel" the sublimity of the nature of Christ


    The facts reported in the “Gospel” and still considered as miracles belong for the most part to the category of psychic phenomena, that is, those that are caused by the abilities and properties of the soul.



    special instructions given by the spirits regarding the theory of all kinds of spiritualistic phenomena, the means of communication with the invisible world, the development of mediumistic abilities in people, the difficulties and dangers that can be encountered while practicing

  • Document
  • Y o g r a m a n t a t a conversation with Arthur Conan Doyle Moscow – 200 0 g


    “Under the leadership of the philosophy of materialism, humanity is moving along the wrong path. The further we go, the more and more it is clear that this path is the path of suffering, and humanity must begin to comprehend these secrets or perish.”

  • Allan Kardec (fr. Allan Kardec, 10/3/1804, Lyon - 03/31/1869, Paris, real name - Hippolyte Leon Denisart-Rivail, fr. Hippolyte Léon Denisart-Rivail; in pre-revolutionary literature the Marquis of Rival) - French teacher, philosopher and a researcher of psychic phenomena whose work in the field of spiritualism is considered fundamental; founder of French spiritualism.

    He gained particular popularity in Brazil, where streets, cultural centers, libraries, primary schools and even children are named after him (see Alan Kardec, born 1989, Brazilian football player, forward of the Brazilian club Sao Paulo). Followers of Kardec are called spiritualists.

    Rivaille was already over forty when he became interested in the phenomenon of telekinesis. Around this time, the first reports of strange phenomena attributed to the “spirits” of the dead appeared. According to these reports, during the sessions, objects were moved, disks rotated, and a peculiar type of communication was carried out when the supposed “spirit” answered questions using a predetermined code that allowed affirmative or negative answers.

    At that time, Franz Mesmer's theory of animal magnetism had already become famous. Faced with the described phenomena, many researchers believed that the theory of animal magnetism could serve as an explanation for them. Rivaille, having personally observed such demonstrations, decided to conduct his own research. Not being a medium, he compiled a list of questions and began asking them to the “spirits” through invited mediums. When the quality of communication improved, the pseudonym “Allan Kardec” arose: the “spirits” told the researcher that this was his name in one of his previous lives, when he was a Gallic druid.

    In 1857, Allan Kardec published the first book on spiritualism, which later acquired the reputation of the “spiritual bible” - “The Book of Spirits” (French “Le Livre des Esprits”, 1856). Written according to the author in collaboration with the spirits, it included the answers of the spirits to 1,018 questions concerning the nature of the spirit, the relationship between the spirit world and the material world, death, reincarnation, etc., as well as comments from Kardec himself. Subsequently, Kardec published 4 more books that became classics of spiritualism - “The Book of Mediums” (French Le Livre des médiums, 1861), “The Gospel in Explaining Spiritualism”, “Heaven (Heaven) and Hell” and “The Fundamentals of Being”. Until his death, Kardec headed the French Spiritualist Association, which published the journal Spiritual Review (Revue Spirite, in French).

    Unlike many other authors who before and after him touched on occult topics, Kardec approached spiritualism from the position of a cold reasoner and expressed his views in extremely laconic language, without relying on any “esoteric component.” However, many colleagues and researchers of the phenomenon criticized Kardec for his moralism and excessive reliance on automatic writing, which, they believed, was an unreliable means of communication that did not allow one to separate the utterances of the spirit from the thoughts of the medium and the people around him.

    Allan Kardec died suddenly at the age of 64 from a heart attack on March 31, 1869, while preparing for another seance. His grave in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris is a regular meeting place for French spiritualists.

    Books (5)

    The Gospel in Explaining Spiritualism

    In collaboration with the High Hierarchs and the Spirit of Truth himself - the Comforter promised to us by Christ, Allan Kardec undertook a titanic work to restore the pristine purity of the Evangelical Teaching. The fruit of this work is this book, designed to crush all bastions of ignorance, deliberate lies and involuntary distortion.

    All spiritualists are Christians in the sense in which Christians are followers of Christ, and not of his arrogant and ignorant interpreters. Cardenism, the foundations of which were laid by Allan Cardec and Leon Denis under the guidance of the Spirits of Light, is Christian Spiritualism, i.e. Spirit of Christ, Spiritus Christi.

    Book of Spirits

    The Book of Spirits containing the fundamental principles of spiritualistic teaching about the immortality of the soul, the nature of spirits and their relations with people, moral laws, present and future life and the future of humanity according to the instructions given by the Higher Spirits through various mediums, collected and ordered.

    Book of Mediums

    Allan Kardec's "The Book of Mediums" is essentially a practical guide for students of spiritualism, for mediums and spirit conjurers.

    The publication includes two parts, as well as prayers of the Spiritualist Faith; contains special instructions given by the Higher Spirits regarding the theory of all types of spiritualistic phenomena, means of communication with the invisible world, the development of the mediumistic ability of people, the difficulties and dangers that can be encountered when engaging in practical spiritualism.

    We consider it useful to warn the reader that this is not a book for quick reading, but a book for deep study.

    It is a continuation of The Book of Spirits, compiled by Allan Kardec and published in Paris in 1861.

    Spiritualism in its simplest expression

    Spiritualism in its simplest expression: A summary of the Teachings of Spirits and their manifestations: Collection.

    The book is dedicated to the most mysterious and important problem that has worried humanity throughout its history: is there life after death?

    And if so, what is it like and what then is death? Why are we here anyway? These questions and others like them concern every normal person, they cannot be ignored, they cannot be brushed aside, there is no hiding from them, they concern and affect everyone. The answer to them can be found by reading this book.

    Reader comments

    Olga/ 10.20.2018 Book of Spirits? Amazing! A unique source of heavenly revelations that contradicts church teaching. recently published the first novel about the reincarnation of Alexander Gelmanov, “The Tree of a Past Life,” written based on the instructions of the Book of Spirits. The new interpretation of Russian history blows your mind, I highly recommend reading it.

    Tatiana/ 09.14.2018 Allan Kardec’s spiritualism came closest to the knowledge of the TRUTH of all teachings. It saves people from suicidal thoughts and magically changes people for the better. This is truly Divine teaching, bright and pure! For those who haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!

    Svetlana/ 04/07/2018 Where is the guarantee that the book is true and not fiction?

    Katerina/ 01/13/2017 The book is worth reading. I agree with all the comments. I also advise you to read the book “Spiritual Laws” by Vicente Guillem. Unfortunately, I did not find it in Russian, and read it in English. I was afraid that I wouldn’t understand, because... I don't know English perfectly. But the translation is pretty clear. The same idea, very interesting and enlightening, like Kardec’s book, on many issues.
    I highly recommend it, you won’t remain indifferent.

    Zhanna/ 04/15/2016 Oleg! You led yourself to this book! Because you were ready to comprehend it!
    Each level has its own Books!

    Olga/ 03/06/2016 I read the Book of Spirits for the first time at the age of seventeen. I had a feeling that the most important truth was revealed to me. Subsequently, in life, I recommended reading this book to people who needed consolation due to the loss of loved ones or to those who suffered due to unhappy love. Indeed, the person was comforted, began to think, and some kind of hope appeared.

    SegaSeries/ 02/23/2016 I read and knew a lot before Kardec, but his books helped connect the links into a single chain!


    Valentine/ 6.11.2014 Very good book. I recommend it to everyone who still doesn’t know why he’s here.

    Anyan/ 06/23/2014 the book is truly important and probably everyone should read it

    Faith./ 07/14/2013 For me, “The Book of Spirits” has become a reference book, like the Bible, and maybe even more so. Please read it carefully, from cover to cover.

    Guest/ 03/16/2012 many years ago, by chance in the subway in the passage I was choosing a book to read on the train. My eye was drawn to 2 books, one a detective story, the other a Book of Spirits. Before that, I had only read Moody, no one else, and only in printed form with an old mechanical typewriter. I read Kardec in one sitting, it turned my whole world upside down, morally and spiritually. I’m very glad that I don’t live in vain and I understand why I live! I recommend everyone to read it!!! I believe and know!!!

    Oleg Pronini/ 01/3/2012 The spirits themselves helped me find this book in the library! I was interested in mysticism, and when asked where this literature on this topic was located, the librarian simply answered that it wasn’t there. But my inquisitive mind did not calm down and I went to on the right shelf, where in the “Atheism” section I found this book!! You ask how?!! Read it, it says it all - I was “led” to this book!!

    Yulchik/ 11/25/2011 The book is SUPER, it helped me understand many things, thanks to it I found the answer to many questions!!!

    Alice/ 11/8/2011 The book of spirits, the book of mediums gave me a sober outlook on life. It's bad that Allan Kardec is not as popular as we would like. This knowledge changed my life for the better.

    Allan Kardec - about the author

    Denizard-Rivaille was born in Lyon, France in 1804. A student and collaborator of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, he spoke several languages ​​and taught mathematics, astronomy, physiology, French, physics, chemistry and comparative anatomy.

    Rivaille was already over forty when he became interested in the phenomenon of telekinesis. In an effort to find out what caused the physical effects usually attributed to perfume, Rivaille decided to conduct his own research. Not being a medium, he compiled a list of questions and began asking them to the “spirits” through invited mediums. When the quality of communication improved, the pseudonym "Allan Kardec" arose: the "spirits" told the researcher that this was his name in one of his previous lives, when he was a Gallic druid.

    In 1857, Allan Kardec published the first book on spiritualism, which later acquired the reputation of the “spiritual bible” - The Book of Spirits. Written according to the author in collaboration with the spirits, it included the answers of the spirits to 1,018 questions concerning the nature of the spirit, the relationship between the spirit world and the material world, death, reincarnation, etc., as well as comments from Kardec himself.

    Subsequently, Kardec published 4 more books that became classics of spiritualism - “The Book of Mediums”, “The Gospel in Explaining Spiritualism”, “Heaven (Heaven) and Hell” and “Fundamentals of Being”. Until his death, Kardec headed the French Spiritualist Association, which published the journal Spiritualist Review.

    Allan Kardec died suddenly of a heart attack on March 31, 1869 while preparing for another seance. His grave in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris is a regular meeting place for French spiritualists. In France and some Latin American countries, Allan Kardec is considered the most authoritative spiritualist author; his ideas did not gain acceptance among spiritualists in Great Britain and the United States.

    Allan Kardec - books for free:

    The Book of Spirits needs just as little recommendation as the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas or the Upanishads. It is dedicated to the most mysterious and important problem that has worried humanity throughout its history: is there life after...

    Human actions are ultimately guided by belief in a possible future life or in non-existence after earthly existence. Ideas about heaven and hell have long occupied human minds: what heaven and hell are like, where is the location of hell...

    Allan Kardec. Pseudonym of the French physicist Hippolyte Leon Denis Rivaille

    Founder of spiritualism (the term Kardecism was also used) and promoter of psychic healing

    “God is the highest wisdom, the first cause of everything that exists.

    Without love for God and love for neighbor there is no salvation."

    Allan Kardec Rivaille (Allan Kardec), son of a lawyer, was born in Lyon (France) in 1804. By 1850 he was a practicing physician and writer, but his entire interest was in spreading spiritualism throughout Europe. He participated in sessions with two of his friend's daughters, but ended up working with Selina Japhet, once Selina Becu, a professional somnambulist, a sleepwalker.

    During these vigils, spirits speaking through Japheth revealed to Rivaille some of his past lives, in which he was known by the names Allan and Kardec. Automatically recorded messages received while in a trance were explained by the obligatory nature of reincarnation. The spirits also persuaded Rivaille, now Kardec, to write these revelations in the "Book of Spirits", which was published in 1856.

    In 1857, a revised and revised version of the book became a guide to the philosophy of spiritualism, going through more than 20 editions. Based on messages from spirits, Kardec took spiritualism beyond the boundaries of the continuation of life after death. He proclaimed that a series of reincarnations over many lifetimes was necessary in order to make spiritual progress and better understand and heal modern suffering - especially epilepsy, schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder - most of which are caused by the influence of past incarnations.

    In summary, Kardec - he described it all more as an unimaginative, cold and logical reasoner - accepts communication with spirits based on faith, and rejects the need for physical detection of spirits and experimental proof. In the pages of the monthly journal Spiritual Review, which he founded, and speaking at the Society for the Study of Psychology, of which he was president, Kardec actively rejected the mode of psychic research prevailing in England and the United States.

    Continuing the success of the "Book of Spirits", Kardec published in 1864 "The Book of Mediums", in the same 1864 "Spiritual Explanation of the Gospel", in 1865 "Heaven and Hell"; in 1867 “The Book of Genesis” was published, and soon - “Experimental Spiritualism and the Philosophy of a Spiritualist”. In 1881, his translator into English, Anne Blackwell, published the three-volume Four Gospels, a work that describes how Kardec's religious philosophy was subsequently interpreted.

    Shortly before his death in 1869, Kardec organized the "Incorporated Stock Company for the Continuance of the Works of Allan Kardec" with the right to buy and sell shares, accept donations and bequests, and continue the publication of the Spiritual Review.

    European spiritualism, which gradually faded away with the departure of Allan Kardec, was replaced by spiritualism and the use of physical phenomena. Kardecism retains potential strength in Brazil, but Kardecist healing centers operate there in conjunction with regular hospitals. Many Brazilians, being Catholics, still claim the gift of "communication with spirits."

    Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits

    Summary of the Teachings of the Spirits

    Allan Kardec - "Spiritism in its simplest expression"

    1. God is the highest wisdom, the first cause of everything that exists. God is pre-eternal, one, immaterial, immutable, omnipotent, just and good. His perfections must be limitless: it is impossible to assume even the slightest imperfection in Him; He would not then be God.

    2. God created the substance that makes up the worlds; He also created intelligent beings, which we call spirits; they are entrusted with governing the material worlds according to the unchangeable laws of creation, and they are by nature capable of improvement, which brings them closer to the Divine.

    3. Spirit in its own sense is a rational principle: its inner nature is unknown to us: for us it is immaterial, because it has no resemblance to what we call matter.

    4. Spirits are individual beings; having an etheric shell, weightless, called “perisprit,” a kind of gaseous body, the prototype of the human form. They inhabit outer space, rush through it with the speed of lightning and make up the invisible world.

    5. The beginning and image of the creation of spirits are unknown to us; we only know that they were created simple-minded and ignorant, that is, without knowledge of good and evil, but with equal ability for this, for a just, just God could not free some from labor, entrusting it to others so that they would reach perfection. At first they are as if in childhood, without their own will and without full consciousness of their existence.

    6. Since the free will of spirits develops simultaneously with the concept, God said to them: “All of you can achieve the highest bliss when you acquire the knowledge that you lack and complete the work I have entrusted to you. Work hard to get there; This is your goal: you will achieve it by observing the laws that I have engraved on your conscience.” Gifted with free will, some choose the shortest path, that is, the path of good, others choose the longest, that is, the path of evil.

    7. God did not create evil; He established laws, and these laws are always full of goodness, for He is good: by fulfilling them exactly, one can be completely happy, but spirits, having free will, do not always observe them, and evil was the consequence of their disobedience. And so we can say that everything that is in accordance with the law of God is good, and evil is everything that is contrary to this law. .

    8. Spirits, as instruments of Divine omnipotence, temporarily take on a material shell in order to participate in the great work of the material worlds. By exercising themselves in the labor that their bodily existence requires, they improve their mental abilities and, thus fulfilling the Divine law, acquire virtues that should lead them to eternal happiness.

    9. At its beginning, the incarnation was not imposed on the spirit as punishment or atonement: it is necessary for its development and for the fulfillment of Divine plans; everyone must undergo it, whatever the path they have chosen, the path of good or evil; the only difference is that those who follow the good path advance faster and, under less difficult conditions, reach their goal more quickly.

    10. Incarnated spirits make up humanity, inhabiting not only our planet, but also all worlds scattered in space.

    11. The human soul is an embodied spirit. To assist him in fulfilling his lesson, God subjected him to the power of animals, whose instincts and morals were adapted to his needs.

    12 The spirit achieves perfection through its own labor: not being able to acquire during one bodily existence all the moral and mental qualities that should lead it to its goal, it acquires them through a succession of existences and during each of them takes several steps forward on the path of success.

    13. In every bodily existence, the spirit must fulfill a lesson commensurate with its development; The more difficult it is, the more it is appreciated. Thus, each new existence is a new test that brings him closer to his goal. The number of these existences is indefinite. It depends on the will of the spirit to reduce them, working hard on one’s moral improvement: just as it depends on the will of the worker and his diligence to reduce the number of days required to complete his work.

    14. When existence has been spent badly, it remains without benefit for the spirit, forced to begin it again under conditions more or less difficult, according to its negligence or bad will; The same thing happens in life: you can be forced to do something the next day that you didn’t do the day before.

    15. Spiritual life is the normal life of the spirit: it is eternal; bodily life is fleeting and short-lived: it is one moment of eternity.

    16. During the interval of these bodily existences the spirit wanders. Wandering has no definite time, and in this state the spirit is happy or unhappy, depending on the good or bad use of its last existence: it studies the reasons that hastened or slowed down its success, and decides to undertake for its future existence such tests as, in its opinion, opinion, can contribute more than others to his success: but sometimes he makes a mistake or falls, not fulfilling as a person what he decided on as a spirit.

    17. The sinful spirit is punished in the world of spirits with moral suffering, and in bodily life with physical torment. His sorrows are the consequences of his sin, that is, the violation of the law of God; so that they serve together as a purification of the past and a test for the future: thus, a proud person can be subject to an existence of humiliation, a tyrant can become a slave, and a bad rich man can become a beggar.

    18. There are worlds adapted to different degrees of prosperity of spirits and where the conditions of their bodily existence are different. The spirit, less advanced, takes on a body that is coarser and more material, but as it is purified, it passes into morally and physically higher worlds. Earthlings are the first and not the last of them, but this world is one of the most backward.

    19. Sinful spirits incarnate in the worlds of those less successful, where they are cleansed of their sins through the sorrows of material life. These worlds are true purgatories for them, but they have the power to free themselves from them by striving for their moral improvement. Earth is one of these worlds.

    20. God, being just and good, does not condemn His creatures to eternal punishment for their temporary errors; He presents them at all times with a means of success and correction of the evil that they might have done. God forgives, but requires repentance, correction and a return to goodness; so that the continuation of punishment is proportionate to the stability of the spirit in evil; therefore, the punishment would be eternal for the one who would forever remain on the evil path: but as soon as the faint light of repentance illuminates the heart of the sinner, God extends His mercy to him. So, the eternity of torment should be taken in a relative, and not an absolute, sense.

    “... Those involved in spiritualism have a very natural desire to independently enter into communication with spirits. This essay is intended to make their work easier, giving them the opportunity to benefit from the fruits of our long and constant studies, because those who think that it is enough to be able to put their fingers on the table in order to make it move or hold a pencil that they must write in order to be experienced are very mistaken. in this case. Those who believe to find in this book an exact and immutable rule for the creation of mediums are equally mistaken. The rules of poetry, painting and music do not make poets, painters, or musicians from those who do not have talent; they only channel natural abilities. The same can be said with regard to our work: its object is only to indicate the means for developing the mediumistic ability as far as the natural means of each one allow, and especially to give useful direction when this ability exists. …" (From...