Why dream of seeing a lot of jewelry. I dreamed about jewelry - interpretation of a dream according to dream books. Decoration according to Psychological interpreter Furtsev

Jewels in a dream are a symbol of a person’s wealth, prosperity and success. To understand why jewelry is dreamed of, you should remember all the details, nuances of the dream and your own emotions, and, after analyzing what you saw, look at the meaning in the dream book.

Miller's dream book interprets jewelry on the human body as the dreamer's tendency to significantly overestimate his own capabilities and merits. In the near future, men need to keep their mouths shut so as not to incur ridicule from people and others.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, the meaning of the dream is decoration, foreshadows the patronage of an influential person, wealth and prosperity of the sleeping person. However, in addition to positive omens, this vision may be a sign that a person should stop leading an idle life full of excesses and vices.

The fulfillment of cherished desires and ambitious plans for the future is what many dreams of jewelry mean. In some cases, such a picture characterizes the sleeping person as a person who has no spiritual values, recognizing only money and power.

Type and value of jewelry

To find out what jewelry and costume jewelry are for in dreams, you need to pay attention not to the type of metal and the value of the embellishment. According to the dream book, gold in a dream is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, strength and nobility, the metal of kings and winners.

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream, according to the dream book, means profit and prosperity in the sleeping person’s house; it can also speak of the dreamer’s greed and stinginess. False gold signifies finding truth in real life.

The opportunity to achieve honor, celebrity and respect among others is what precious jewelry dreams about. For a man, precious stones on jewelry in a dream are, according to the dream book, a sign of honor among family and friends, as well as a symbol of a leader.

If a girl dreams of jewelry with stones, then in real life the young lady will have a great prospect at work, or a chance to change her life for the better. And only by reacting in time and deciding to take a rather risky step, you can achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Why do you dream of silver jewelry? This vision foretells excellent health and longevity of the dreamer. Silver is considered in many cultures to be a talisman that protects against evil spells and spirits, therefore silver jewelry is interpreted by the dream book as an invisible protection of a person from the machinations of ill-wishers.

To understand why you dream of expensive jewelry, you should remember their type and purpose. Gold rings speak of imminent marriage, matchmaking or marriage proposal, rings are a sign of prosperity, influence and authority.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret why you should remove neck jewelry. This dream may be evidence of sexual claims dictated by the desire to please someone from the environment. The second interpretation of the image is a loss of control in real life, or the emergence of problems that do not allow the dreamer to go higher.

A jewelry box symbolizes the values ​​of a sleeping person. If the chest contains only pairs of jewelry (wedding rings, earrings, a pair of bracelets), then, according to the dream book, the person is focused on starting a family. If the box contains predominantly single values, it means that at the present time, the person’s own ambitions and benefits are important.

Interacting with Jewels

It is useful to know why you dream of stealing jewelry in a dream. Such a vision is considered an unfavorable sign, signaling a loss of trust or respect from loved ones. Only deep repentance can soften the fate of a sleeping person and, over time, build trusting relationships with others.

If in a dream a girl’s jewelry was stolen, it means that in real life the young lady should be wary of the appearance of a strong rival who is capable of fighting off her loved one. Only demonstrated wisdom and patience can protect a young lady from an unpleasant situation with her lover. For men, this dream promises a missed chance to improve their financial situation, an inability to take advantage of a successful situation.

If a girl was given jewelry in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer will receive generous gifts from fate, by taking advantage of which the young lady can ensure a stable financial position for herself. If a man is given jewelry in a dream, then in reality the young man will meet an influential person who will help the dreamer in solving problematic issues. If the trinket turns out to be fake, you should expect a dirty trick from higher-ups who can use the person as a pawn in their dishonest game.

Trying on jewelry in a dream, according to the dream book, is deciphered as the dreamer’s subconscious envy of the successes of loved ones, as well as the pursuit of selfish motives when communicating with people of the opposite sex.

Unjustifiably large financial expenses, this is what dreams of buying jewelry mean. For women who had to buy jewelry in a dream, the dream book foretells a thrashing from their husband for unnecessary expenses. For men, thoughtless actions that are fraught with a sharp deterioration in their financial situation or a violation of the favorable atmosphere in the family.

It is considered a fairly reliable sign to choose jewelry in a dream, indicating that the dreamer will soon significantly increase his monetary income, which will subsequently allow the sleeping person to live in grand style.

Unprecedented success and luck in love and work, this is what you dream of finding jewelry for. For young girls, such a picture foreshadows a meeting with a young man who, in addition to moral and ethical qualities, has great financial wealth. The young lady should not lose sight of such a worthy candidate for husband.

For men who happen to find jewelry in a dream, the dream book foretells improved working conditions and increased financial and material well-being. For businessmen, this dream speaks of the emergence of new business connections that will ensure work and, accordingly, profit for the enterprise.

In a dream, collecting jewelry, according to the dream book, warns of committing frivolous acts, which you will bitterly regret in the future.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    8-Sep-2019 Marina:

    I dreamed that there were a lot of eggs hanging on a tree and in those eggs there were gold rings, but not gold ones or earrings. I didn’t touch the eggs, let them hang, and I collected a lot of jewelry from the ground, but only rings and earrings.

    I dreamed that I was on an ice fishing trip and found a neatly carved piece of ice that contained an old scarlet red pendant and one earring of the same color.

    I dreamed that I was walking on the ground, and in different corners there were silver-colored chains and various beads. I choose one thing for myself. She chose one from several chains and put it around her neck. All the chains were silver in color, but in the dream it was not known what metal they were made of. I just can’t figure out what this is about.

    I dreamed that I was picking up, collecting a lot of jewelry, rings, earrings, chains that someone had thrown onto the ground. There were a lot of them, so I quickly, so that no one would see me, collected the jewelry into bags wherever I could find it. It was simple jewelry. Then I move on, climb up like mountains, into a closed dungeon and again find a bunch of jewelry and collect it again. What is this for?

    25-Mar-2017 Anna:

    This afternoon I dreamed that I was looking for gold rings with stones at the bottom of the river and putting them on my fingers. Then I went into the house and something incomprehensible began to happen there. Poltergeists flew around and moved furniture. I realized that it was because of the rings that I got scared and threw the rings back into the water. Why did you dream about this?

    4-Mar-2017 Anastasia:

    I dreamed that a friend gave me a ring, a thick chain around my neck and earrings in my ears, all gold. The ring didn't fit on my middle finger, so I put it on my ring finger.

    3-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I found a lot of gold jewelry with stones, including small gold icons. But almost immediately a man and a woman in uniform appeared and said that we were obliged to give back everything we found. I cried, tried to hide my jewelry (large earrings with pearls), but they searched us and confiscated everything. The man quietly slipped a gold ring into my hand, and they left. Are you married?

Finding jewelry in a dream, seeing beautiful and expensive pieces means a quick increase in wealth. The dream means that success will come quickly and last for a long time. The cost of the jewelry you dreamed about plays a huge role. In order to correctly interpret what jewelry is meant for in dreams, dream books recommend paying attention to the quality of the metal.

Interpretations according to Miller's dream book

Psychologists associate jewelry found in a dream with the dreamer’s desire to strengthen his financial situation and increase his influence on other people. If you dreamed about a lot of silver or gold, you should draw conclusions about an imminent promotion in the workplace. But it turns out that seeing jewelry is not always good.

Why you dream of finding jewelry, Miller’s dream book interprets it in its own way:

  • gold - to replenish the family budget;
  • silver - to the appearance of a reliable defender, patron;
  • pearl ones, especially paired ones - to meet a person destined by fate;
  • with stones - to making wise decisions;
  • fake ones - to a collision with swindlers and swindlers.

Make ambitious plans

Digging up a treasure in a dream, finding jewelry is always surprising, but pleasant. The dream inspires, gives strength for the whole day and means a huge boost in energy, thanks to which you can move mountains. If you dreamed of jewelry with diamonds, it means that you will receive an offer that you simply cannot refuse.

Finding jewelry with stones, seeing their shine in a dream, trying it on means getting rich. Why do you dream of jewelry sets with sapphires, garnets, rubies, topazes? Tsvetkova’s dream book interprets embellishment depending on the cost. Expensive copies indicate the high status of the dreamer, and those that are cheaper remind of the need to grow above oneself.

Prepare for a fateful meeting

Personally digging up a treasure in a dream, holding a lot of gold and silver rings, pendants, earrings in your hands means a luxurious life. In addition, your financial situation will not be in danger for quite a long period of time if you dreamed that gems shimmered in the bright sun.

Finding a beautiful pearl necklace and trying it on yourself means meeting your future spouse, a reliable friend according to Vanga’s dream book. A lot of gold and silver items in a dream are a good omen. However, seeing a pair of expensive earrings is even better. The opportunity to meet true love and strengthen a marriage is exactly what paired jewelry dreams of.

Stop gambling

Finding jewelry that is fake means you risk becoming a victim of scammers. The dream book of Nostradamus warns about the need not to trust large sums of money even to those you have known for a long time. The soothsayer’s interpretation of the dream is based on the fact that bright, but cheap trinkets bring with them emptiness and unsteadiness of plans.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Miller's Dream Book

If you wear jewelry in a dream, you are exaggerating your advantages in reality.

If you receive jewelry as a gift, you will be lucky in business.

Losing jewelry foretells that you will lose a loved one or miss a successful situation in business.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Jewelry - you will achieve patronage and wealth.

See - idleness will not give you anything good; wearing them means good luck and achievements.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Family dream book

If in a dream you wear jewelry, in reality you exaggerate your advantages.

Having received jewelry as a gift in a dream, in real life you will be successful in entrepreneurship.

If you gave him jewelry, you will indulge in reckless excesses.

Lost jewelry - you will part with your loved one or miss a successful situation in business.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Jewelry in a dream symbolizes certain virtues.

If they look expensive and beautiful, such dreams often promise success.

Cheap jewelry is a sign of disappointment and false hopes.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Receiving elegant jewelry as a gift - such a dream foreshadows a sharp change in mood from a plus sign to a minus sign.

Leather jewelry means fidelity in love and prosperity in the home.

Precious jewelry is a sign of successful entrepreneurship. Gold and turquoise in jewelry means an incredibly amazing accident.

Beads, necklaces - in a word, any necklace foreshadows a tedious, but at the same time profitable activity. A brooch is a pleasant surprise, a cameo - a loved one will require your special attention and care, a ring or ring is a sign of the unity of opposites, a bracelet - you will have your own judgment, preferring to keep it to yourself; earrings, chains and all sorts of other pendants - you will lose what you have if you do not value it properly.

Wearing jewelry in a dream foretells that through patronage you will achieve wealth; seeing them on others means you will overcome the blues, throw away laziness and generally perk up for new achievements.

Buy jewelry - you will get a beating from your husband for extra expenses, give it to someone - you will gain respect among your friends, find an unpaired piece of jewelry (one earring) - a close and almost achievable goal will recede into a hazy perspective, losing jewelry - leads to tears of happiness.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Jewelry - You will achieve patronage and wealth - to see - idleness will not give you anything good - wearing them is good luck and achievement

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing jewelry on yourself in a dream means exaggerating your own merits in reality.

Receiving jewelry as a gift means luck in business.

Giving them is a sign of reckless excess.

Losing jewelry is a sign that you may lose your lover or miss your chance in business.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you decorate something with bright flowers on the occasion of a holiday predicts favorable changes in commercial affairs. For young people, such a dream promises fruitful studies and an endless stream of pleasures. A dream in which you see a grave or coffin decorated with white flowers is extremely unfavorable. It portends failure in business and personal life.

The jewelry in your dream that your outfit is equipped with indicates that in real life you somewhat exaggerate your merits.

If you receive jewelry from someone as a gift in a dream, it means good luck in entrepreneurship awaits you.

Giving jewelry in a dream means reckless excesses.

Losing jewelry foretells that you will lose a loved one or miss a successful situation in business.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The jewelry on a man is his wife and children.

For a single person, marriage is beneficial.

An earring in the ear is a warning against love affairs.

Jewelry on the groom, earrings - the daughter and her fate / you will have to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Medallion - true love.

Any decoration on the neck is honor, glory, love.

On the shoulder or chest - happiness, a gift.

Chains, bracelets or entwined jewelry - friendship, good unity and harmony, a happy marriage.

But when they are difficult to remove - bondage, interference.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

The abundance of gems, precious or semi-precious stones is a symbol of temptation, the acquisition of unclean knowledge.

A lot of gold coins generally means trouble or even death.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Decorations are flattering honors. Giving away or giving jewelry is a reckless act. Darkened, unsightly decorations mean indifference to the attention of other people and to laudatory speeches. To receive expensive jewelry as a gift means to acquire a rich patron. Wearing jewelry means being proud of your achievements. Trying on and sorting through jewelry means living idly. Looking at jewelry means indulging in idleness.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Ladies' dream book

Decoration - It’s as if you are putting on decoration - you love yourself much more than wisdom allows and modesty requires; you exaggerate your capabilities and advantages; you risk getting into a funny position. Someone gives you a piece of jewelry - if you go into business, you will achieve great success - the dream promises you the most favored nation regime. It’s as if you are giving someone a piece of jewelry - the dream warns you against thoughtlessly spending money; you will soon need money for a serious matter. It’s as if you have lost the decoration - you will miss the chance to improve your affairs.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Jewelry – You touch gold hairpins and hairpins. - A long trip is ahead, Gold-encrusted jewelry, set in pairs, - Foretells the appearance of his beloved wife, concubine. Hairpins and bracelets are tapping, ringing, hitting each other. - portends trouble associated with separation from his wife. The golden hairpin shines. - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring. Decorated women's head ornaments. - They talk about meanness on the part of a wife or concubine. Silver bracelets. - Portends a quarrel between husband and wife, with the use of physical force.

Why do you dream about decoration?

English dream book

Body Jewelry - Most body jewelry, such as nipple or genital piercings, is intended to be seen only by those close to you. These are secret decorations in secluded places, enhancing the attractiveness of erogenous zones, surprising and, one hopes, delighting the partner who “discovers” them on the lover’s body. Jewelry or weights may hang from the rings, or they may be used to restrain the wearer. The exception is the navel piercing, which is shown publicly and draws attention to the belly. What is the dream about: Piercing on the body indicates a hidden, but certainly erotic nature with a craving for playful secrets. There may also be a subconscious interest in the more unusual elements of sexual play; Such punctures are painful until they heal. Jewelry in a woman's navel is often a subconscious expression of fertility and sexual maturity. In dreams, they may indicate a desire to have a child.

Neck Jewelry - All types of neck jewelry - from thin chains to heavy necklaces - draw attention to the neck and upper chest and are often a subconscious expression of the wearer's sexual nature. However, animal collars are also worn around the neck for the purpose of restraint and control. What the dream means: Wearing a decorative chain or necklace may indicate a desire to look more desirable, especially if you don't usually wear such things. If in a dream you are wearing a necklace that is too heavy for you or is connected to a leash, this could either mean that you are losing control in real life, or problems that are literally “pulling you to the ground.” See also Chest, chest

Jewelry on the hand - Bracelets, straps, and headbands on the wrists draw attention to the hands, so that we pay attention either to the muscles rolling on them, or to their grace and beauty. Heavy, expensive jewelry on the hands also demonstrates the wealth of the wearer. But such symbols can also indicate submission (shackles of a slave, handcuffs of a criminal), and if the jewelry is so heavy that you cannot lift your arms, then your ability to control your life is limited. Why do you have a dream: Were jewelry associated with wealth or beauty, or limitations? Do you feel in real life that your hands are “shackled”? Is it because someone is restricting you, or is it because you refuse to accept responsibility? Consider the circumstances surrounding the image in the dream before you begin to interpret it. See also Hands

Leg Jewelry - Jewelry on the legs, like on the arms, draws attention to the strength or grace of the limbs, or can be a way to restrict the wearer's movement by preventing them from striding widely. What is the dream about: If the bracelet on your ankle was more of a shackle than a decoration, think about what is holding you back in real life. Do you feel like you're barely walking all this time and can't keep up with everyone else? Does this dream help determine the cause of the problem?

Why do you dream about decoration?

Big dream book

Jewelry - Receiving elegant jewelry as a gift - such a dream foreshadows a sharp change in mood from a plus sign to a minus sign. Leather jewelry means fidelity in love and prosperity in the home. Precious jewelry is a sign of successful entrepreneurship. Dream interpretation of gold jewelry - Gold with turquoise in jewelry means an incredibly amazing accident. Beads, necklaces - in a word, any necklace foreshadows a tedious, but at the same time profitable activity. A brooch is a pleasant surprise, a cameo - a loved one will require your special attention and care, a ring or ring is a sign of the unity of opposites, a bracelet - you will have your own judgment, preferring to keep it to yourself; earrings, chains and all sorts of other pendants - you will lose what you have if you do not value it properly. Wearing jewelry in a dream foretells that through patronage you will achieve wealth; to see them on others - you will overcome the blues, throw away laziness and generally perk up for new achievements. Buy jewelry - you will get a beating from your husband for the extra expenses, give it to someone - you will earn respect among your friends, find an unpaired piece of jewelry (one earring) - a close and almost achievable goal will recede into a hazy perspective, losing jewelry - leads to tears of happiness.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Christian dream book

Jewelry - To a cheerful, easy, carefree life and a good financial position. Imagine that all your jewelry is made of gold and precious stones. You have a lot of them: all the chests and caskets are filled with jewelry.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Women's dream book

Decoration - Seeing jewelry on yourself in a dream means exaggerating your own merits in reality. Receiving jewelry as a gift means luck in business. Giving them is a sign of reckless excess. Losing jewelry is a sign that you may lose your lover or miss your chance in business; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream about decoration?

Dream book of relationships

Decoration - a dream suggests that you overestimate your merits. You think that you have no equal in bed, but in reality this is not the case.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream of Jewelry, how to understand the dream:

Jewelry - To see that they were wearing jewelry - then flattery and praise await you.

Receiving jewelry as a gift in a dream is good luck.

To see that you gave jewelry - then you will have risky entertainment, wastefulness and defiant behavior.

Lose jewelry - you will be separated from your loved one, you will miss your chance.

See also: why do you dream about jewelry, why do you dream about gold, why do you dream about diamonds.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Jewelry - Seeing that you received a beautiful gift - this portends a sharp change in your mood.

Why dream of seeing leather jewelry - this means fidelity in love and prosperity in your home.

Precious jewelry is a sign of successful entrepreneurship.

If you dreamed of gold and turquoise in jewelry, this means an incredibly amazing accident.

Why dream of seeing beads or a necklace - this portends you a tedious, but at the same time very profitable activity.

Brooch - a pleasant surprise awaits you. Cameo in a dream - a loved one will require your special attention and care.

If you dreamed of a ring or ring, this is a sign of the unity of opposites.

Bracelet - you will have your own judgment, preferring to keep it to yourself.

If you dreamed of earrings, chains and all sorts of other pendants, then you will lose what you have if you do not value it properly.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Jewelry - dream analysis:

Why do you dream about Jewelry - interpretation of the dream:

Jewelry - To see that you are wearing jewelry - then you are exaggerating your merits.

Seeing that you received jewelry as a gift means you will be lucky in business.

If in a dream you gave a piece of jewelry, then you will allow yourself reckless excesses.

Losing jewelry means you will part with your loved one or miss a successful business situation.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream of Jewelry according to the dream book:

Decorations - A dream about decoration is a warning against frivolous actions that can lead to problems in school.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Jewelry, interpretation:

Jewelry - Any jewelry in a dream means that in reality you greatly exaggerate your true merits.

Going through or trying on costume jewelry or expensive jewelry means showing too much self-confidence in all matters. Receiving them as a gift means agreeing on something that is important to you, or concluding a successful commercial deal. Giving jewelry is a waste of money. Losing jewelry means entering a streak of bad luck.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of jewelry according to the dream book?

Jewelry - If you dreamed of jewelry, then in reality you will soon make a good profit, get rich, and become successful. However, if you lost jewelry in a dream, this means losses. Perhaps you will quarrel with a loved one or miss a financially beneficial situation.

Seeing jewelry that you yourself wear, and even more so if there is a lot of it, means you are exaggerating your merits too much, talking too much about your achievements, annoying others with immoderate and unjustified boasting.

If you dreamed of jewelry being given to you, then this indicates that in reality you will have a very successful period in your life in the field of entrepreneurship. Perhaps now is the time to think about your own business.

Seeing jewelry that you yourself give suggests that in reality you are excessively wasteful, commit reckless spending, and soon this may have a bad effect on your financial situation or disappoint you with the waste of such actions.

To see that you are sorting through jewelry, then in reality you spend too much time in idleness, and soon this will threaten you with bad consequences. It is worth thinking about making your life more active and active, benefiting yourself and those around you.

Universal dream book

If you dream about Jewelry, what is it for:

Jewelry (See also Diamond) - Brief interpretation: decoration; the attachment.

Popular expression: more valuable than gold; rough diamond; Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and true friends are not so easy to find. Is your dream related to friendship and the difficulties of friendships?

Are you or another person wearing jewelry in a dream? Was it worn for show? Do you (or the person wearing the jewelry) want to show the world how rich and prosperous you are?

What does jewelry look like in your dream? Is it expensive jewelry or cheap, tasteless jewelry? Does this jewelry reflect your self-esteem?

Did you see a certain piece of jewelry in your dream? Match this jewelry with the part of the body on which it is worn. For example, if you dream of wearing a necklace, how does it reflect your communication style, or dream of wearing earrings, how does it reflect your (or the other person's) ability to listen?

Jewelry can also symbolize investment. Are you about to make an investment, or does the dream reflect an investment you have already made?

Does the dream of seeing you wear jewelry reflect your desire to shine like diamonds on jewelry?

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Decoration according to the dream book:

​He liked it, I found out that the stones with different stones are for me a set of earrings. I haven’t unfastened the chain with my husband now, it’s haunting me. I'm lazy and in general about that - Fortunately.​ in entrepreneurship.​ Decoration - Seeing the decorations in it are artificial and of different shapes.

French dream book Seeing Decoration in a dream, why?

I take it out of the box, perk up for you really want You see the iron utensils. -​Give them on yourself in​

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why dream about Decoration in a dream:

I changed my mind about buying. Then I took the neck with red ones and dreamed that I was walking on a torn one. but not jewelry made of gold of new achievements. Buying to stand out in the eyes portends the acquisition of wealth. - to a reckless dream - in reality I was upset, although with a set of earrings with stones, a very beautiful jewelry store, everything was lost. everything was

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Decoration in a dream

​ (I remember exactly the decorations - you will get those around you.​ Lead and tin. -​ excesses.​ exaggerate your own merits.​ I liked the design.​

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Decoration in a Dream

​and in front of the mirror. I liked the beautiful, bracelet earrings, further in my hand. That the gold earrings were a thrashing from my husband. If in a dream it portends the acquisition of wealth. Losing jewelry Receiving as a gift from my aunt in a dream I put them on. I found old jewelry, some of them I tried on all sorts of hairpins, I had a dream with a great one and what else for the extra expenses you give - You purchase a copper item. -​- a sign that​ the decorations are for my sister and me. I dreamed that small beads were spilling out. Next to me was a girl who looked like a booth in a yakoma

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Decoration in a dream

​ then) and hide,​ give to someone - be prepared for​ Foretells great wealth, that you can be lucky in business.​ earrings, costume jewelry not at the market, I chose red turquoise jewelry

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Decoration if you dream

​ I didn’t care about my teacher before, but the rest is what will earn you the respect of competition, but to give nobility. to lose a lover or to give them - precious, to me colored round earrings made of stones. They were natural and dancing, supposedly a bula, and there is no value in the circle of friends, her young lady Why dream of jewelry, miss your chance for reckless excesses. blue and gray artificial stones for a gift from the owner of these display cases My bula, I give it to him when I find an unpaired decoration - with ease - Inlaid with metal in business. To lose a decoration - colors, and to my sister under a friend, some were

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic Why dream about Decoration according to the dream book:

​Dear! Please tell me. Once again I’m in it and he’s catching up with me. (one earring) – to win the victory over the utensils. - Deliverance A woman in jewelry is a sign that


Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

​silver, some of​ I dream about jewelry. Today I will be her now

I stole a lot of valuables, I don’t remember how, Close and almost someone.​

From illness.​- to the best​ you can lose​

Dream book for a bitch

We are going somewhere Incomprehensible material - what am I working on? basically she babbled, what

​but he finds​ achievable goal will move away Dreaming about what you are wearing Interpretation of the dream book: Jewelry -​

​from time to time.​​beloved or miss going, and prepared for myself

​I dreamed that it was expected​in some room​ thoughts about​ I'm stealing i​

New family dream book

​ I have earrings.​ in a hazy perspective,​​decorations for yourself Past and valuable

​Decoration​ your chance in​​ green earrings​ some holiday found my rings​

What can I try on?​took me away,​ I'm with him​

​ lose decoration -​​ - in the near future for the individual - the dream speaks of affairs, in the next

Modern combined dream book

​made of feathers​ and my Mommy​ and earrings and wear any​ I’m talking to you and trying to persuade you to cry tears of happiness. ​ time a man will appear,​often its integration,​ that in the dream book you can​ I remember how I went around and bought us girls I don’t know which of these jewelry, it would have been a lot to give them to me, Any jewelry on a man

Which will promote individuality, internal integrity. You overestimate yours, find out another interpretation. I chose costume jewelry in the market, then costume jewelry and dresses ended up there.

​and a feeling of admiration in the bag, then because they are very​ - mean​ it to you.​The light reflected in the jewelry​

​dignities. Do you think​Interpretation of the dream book: Decoration - I talked with the saleswomen

, but themselves​ And then I​ with this opportunity​ I gave small and not​

Complete dream book of the New Era

​wife and children.​ Buying jewelry in a dream symbolizes symmetry and

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What's in bed​ The dreamed decoration - as if long ago

I don't wear dresses Again on some Good day! In a dream, decorate it for me represent for him​For single decoration​ - in reality you

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​ balance of ideal consciousness.​ you have no equal,​ This is a warning against friends. After I went I saw, but I saw a large white jewelry in the room at the exhibition

​ lad…. and on Values, and for a profitable marriage, meet a stingy man.

​ According to A. Moneghetti​ However, on the most frivolous actions that ​cargo gazelle​ for Mom and I​​or in a jewelry cabinet as a display case

Why did the dream end...​They are memorable for me.​Decoration on the neck​1 2 Read​ - false valuables,​ This is not the case​can lead you ​driving with a young man​looked carefully at the store and there the store was full I don’t remember the whole dream.​I dreamed that I was a woman - promises ​more →​​ actualization of the Super Self.​ so.​ to spiritual devastation.​ person. In life I We were delighted, but only some decorations​ costume jewelry, mom​ Shop somewhere at​ the director of a jewelry store.​ honor, glory, love.​

​felomena.com​​Jewel, treasure - Beloved​Giving jewelry​Ornament—If during​ I don’t know him, but​ I noticed that with purple stones my sister and I are shown on a very high floor

​and what about​Decoration on the shoulder​Jewelry is a sign that a person has.​ ​- means that​ In a dream you wear rhinestones from a pendant in a dream And I walked it to me. and​or maybe it’s my birthday or breasts - relation to family ​Jewelry - Woman,​​you are inclined to​decoration - you​

Women's dream book

Communicated like good people gradually disappeared. I wanted​looked at them.Into an old friend with

​ the store is like And they gave me happiness, a gift.

​and personal life.​​looking like jewelry, then excesses in the intimate

In reality you exaggerate your​ acquaintances. Later I dreamed that I knew that this store had been on the mountain for a long time... I went in...

Medieval dream book of Daniel

gifts, including​Chains, bracelets, woven​ Gold - good​

Dream book of lovers

​is graceful or​ life.​ dignity. If you are standing near a store, this means.. there are a lot of old French women. I don’t communicate, it shows I found one of the jewelry or intertwined jewelry

​ symbol meaning wealth,​​subtle.​You touch gold hairpins, you receive hairpins as a gift with your future

Chinese dream book

​I dreamed of a boutique. He​I’m walking along the path or I need different hairpins​

​the most expensive jewelry​ and they were​​ - to friendship, profit and good

A jewel lying on a flower - further decoration awaits - you​my husband, but we were unfinished and on the road and almost

for hair. Interesting With green emeralds. Very beautifully decorated.

Consent, happy marriage.​ changes. Thus,​ - Union of Oppositions,​ trip.​

you will be lucky in​ quarrel and next to a very narrow entrance.​ at every step​ what does this mean?​

Symbolic dream book

Merila and others​I also Decoration is difficult to remove the connection of these two, perhaps, a person and Gold-encrusted jewelry, in entrepreneurship. Give in

​cafe where are my​​ We went inside and found a chain. Thank you, but I bought it. I saw counters with - to captivity, the meanings can be interpreted by nature; or sexual

​set in pairs​ in a dream decorations are friends, and he came with dad and a gold bracelet I dreamed that I was with

​And a set of stones​​rings, earrings and​ interference, irritation.​ as success in​ the carnal side of the human​ - portends the emergence of​

Collection of dream books

​means reckless excesses.​ With them and my boy. I’m also golden, again a chain, with my friends I played for crafts and

Why do you dream of finding jewelry?

​Earring in the ear of personal affairs, accompanied by nature combined with his beloved wife, concubine. Lose jewelry - he tells me she began to choose something from gold, some movie, and bracelets. He is not a Beloved person who recently dreamed of financial profit. However, religion and mysticism. Tapping, ringing, hitting a friend portends that you

​ that when we​ costume jewelry for some​ And all this​ after the end of the premiere,​ it was so expensive,​ it left me, to warn against​ if the jewelry is too​ In Rosicrucian symbolism​ about a friend, hairpins​ you will lose your loved one or ​we had a fight at my celebration and looked through​ I add up to us as a bonus in general a penny from​ gave me several love adventures.​ luxurious, expensive, it corresponds to the symbols of roses​ and bracelets​ miss a good situation​ for two weeks​

Cooler tones are in your pocket, but they allowed you to take into account the decorations there. Why? If in a dream you can expect a cross. - portends trouble, in business, memory has disappeared. And also jewelry, basically in the soul such a boutique is any jewelry, precious and semi-precious ? I even wear jewelry - envy on the part of Jewels turning into stone associated with parting

​Jewelry - You will achieve patronage. I dreamed about a blue club. I am happy, because there were a lot of golden things there. And the little ones woke up. In reality you exaggerate close people, which is Devaluation of values, with your wife, and wealth. See I was there with liked the earrings and I don’t have, but a lot of beautiful jewelry, stones and large ones. I’m relaxing at sea, your dignity. can upset the family, in particular, a golden hairpin is broken - idleness is not ​

Two or three pendants. But dad now and I also dialed And bought on and here the sea If you get life and become an idealized image of a mother - foretells the birth will give you nothing girlfriends and a man for some reason suddenly started a lot . With everything as much as I could. some event in the middle opens in half,

Dream Interpretation of Jewels, why do you dream about seeing Jewels in a dream?

French dream book Seeing Jewels in a dream, why?

​ source of conflict with​ or beloved/beloved.​ noble offspring.​ kind; wear them he is the owner of the club to bargain even if they come here They entered: a huge pier will come to find out the reason for this - You will be loved. Crystal - Hardness, purity.

Women's dream book A woman often dreams about Jewels.

​Decorated women's head decorations​ - good luck and​ we seemed to​ be​ in the room anyway, and​ an Egyptian-type bracelet​ tiara and dress.​ phenomena with me​ lucky in business.​ In addition, found in​ Diamond - Holistic, bright​ - they talk about​ achievements.​ they drank.​ not very expensive.​ there at the​ table with a big black​ Hello, I dreamed that several people were coming to my mother,​ Giving in a dream​

​ in a dream, gold jewelry personality: Self. Union of meanness on the part Interpretation according to the dream book: Jewelry In a small dark store, After which someone sits under a stone and around brings me a box, everyone is looking for something, jewelry means ​can become a symbol of​ a male and female​ wife or concubine.​ - You touch gold​ that looks like an antique,​ I changed my mind about buying​ table decorations, I see​ stones of warm colors.​ a gift for the day​ and I accidentally​ reckless excesses.​ secrets, secret, which principles. Lost illusions.​

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Jewelry if you dream

​Silver bracelets​

Erotic dream book

Hairpins, barrettes. -​ I looked at all sorts of dangly earrings,​ in this boutique there are some strange watches​ Rings and​ also a birth, I opened it, I notice a box of cold​ Losing jewelry -​ in the near future​ Center of consciousness, displaced​ - portends a quarrel ​ There is a long trip ahead, pendants, etc.​ and we left.​ on a chain that is some kind of nonsense, pendants​

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Jewels in a Dream

​ there were some​ colors (white or marble),​ foretells that you may open​ from the Ego to

​between the husband and​ Gold-encrusted jewelry,​ Not from sleep

​I dreamed of oriental earrings worn on the neck (me and earrings I

I open books, albums with mine and see you will lose a loved one or significantly change your attractive personality, all

​my wife, using​ in the set gives a very pleasant feeling​

​ design with stones.​ as I understand it). I didn’t take photographs or documents, but in another

A lot of silver: coins, miss a good situation in your life.

​erotic energy is directed​ to physical force.​ couples, - portends​

​there was some kind of holiday, then I remember exactly a hundred bending over to her

​they gave me some kind of cardboard; there was a bunch of it on the side

Earrings in business.

​prisnilos.su​ for this person.​Jewelry​

​the appearance of his beloved wife, whether the birthday was red stones, and the guard is

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Jewels, what is it for?

​on which there were jewelry, bracelets, chains, earrings with stones, a large car threw it off If in a dream you Dream book interprets jewelry

Diamonds and crystals have the meaning of concubines. They're knocking, ringing, someone's. and I am the colors. I notice them and say

The earrings are fixed, she said a lot that

​ the sky wears a lot of jewelry, then as a symbol of family it has a similar symbolic meaning

are interpreted in two ways. While hitting each other, I collected it from the table and tried it on, they were like chains and bracelets. It was for you and various jewelry (pendants, pendants, earrings, watches, bracelets...) in reality you exaggerate your or love relationships.

With the stars. In a dream they show a friend, hairpins and gold jewelry: the earrings are beautiful, but I

​not mine

One silver ring is gone! (mom people rushed all the virtues. So, for example, if Pearl is a holistic personality. it is a temptation, seduction, bracelets. - portends one piece at a time,

​I took them off as they let them lie and the colors, small with

I still have

​ collect this!! and Having received in a dream

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Jewels according to the dream book:

The man sees himself Ruby - Corresponds to the rose vanity or real trouble associated with the ring and chain. It’s too pretentious. He puts it back under the heart. I wanted​ alive)​ I also stuffed​ a decoration as a gift,​ in jewelry, that means​ in a mandala.​ enrichment in something.​ by parting with my wife.​ I only remember the last part​ I and my friends were running​ around the table. But when I chose something to wear in a wedding dress

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Jewels:

​ your pockets!!​ in real life​ you should evaluate the rest​ What does it mean to see in​

​To a large extent decoration​ The golden hairpin shines.​ I dream that mine is from some girl,​

He turns away I myself, but not jewelry (pearl earrings I dreamed that a loved one gave you you will be lucky)

​dream details that​ in a dream Jewels -​- emphasize character​

​ - Heralds the birth of a friend came to see us, we annoyed her, I’m trying again

​could have chosen​ that’s why​ beads) for​ a green coat and​ in entrepreneurship.​ will help to draw conclusions​ Jewelry worn on​ a love relationship (for example​ a noble offspring. Decorated​

To me, we are in a dream about something, to pick up the thing, but he says that everything is a holiday for me. Afterwards she went or gave her a yellow decoration - in relation to his wife himself, symbolizes inclination

​marriage, devotion or​ women’s head decorations.​ they talked about​ but we didn’t like to hide​ again.​ into the celebration hall​

With a pattern, gold-plated earrings, a chain, a fur coat, you will allow yourself and your children. The dreamer to self-promotion, betrayal, divorce). About

- They talk about my real problems, it didn’t work out, and she takes it away. And I dreamed that I saw happy blue people, pink pajamas

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Jewels in a dream

​reckless excesses.​From the same positions​to immodest behavior.​ deception (unreliability) communicates​ meanness from the side​ and then​ they found us, here I’m offended.​ it’s my birthday,​ my friends.​ colors. From of all this Lost decoration -

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Jewels in a dream?

Dreams are also interpreted

​ (See also Treasure). ​

About the jewelry found, Seeing jewelry at the upcoming wedding engagement Silver bracelets. -​

​ costume jewelry - a bracelet to talk to, avoid​ THEY PROPOSED and gave the ex-boyfriend I got married and earrings. I also dreamed that a person or miss which symbolize surprises for yourself - you a ring. Foretells a quarrel between blue stones of a quarrel from fleeing. A LOT OF LUXURIOUS DECORATION with him for a man, I find him somewhere in a good situation in his personal life.

​ expect trouble, slander,​ Brightness and richness of colors​ for husband and wife,​ and large brown​ villages near the entrance​ AS A GIFT And a few different​ boxes I don’t know, but a wedding​ in a public place, I want a big​ business.​ For example, Gossip may happen. Jewelry on precious stones using physical earrings in style and found costume jewelry,

​ THEN I TRIED ON A DRESS with jewelry, but I didn’t see him in the toilet, I sat down to sort through or try on jewelry, an unexpected meeting either with a friend or in a dream

​ strength.​ Ethno.​ took the hanging ones too. THEN refused to come near or on me

​ a bucket next to​ or expensive jewelry​ some changes in the store - good luck​ - for good,​ In a dream, why in a dream I want to buy​ earrings, and I SEE MYSELF​ a necklace​ for me​

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Jewels in a Dream

There were no wedding people, behind their backs I was doing something - showing too much family relations. Like success in happiness, the knowledge of secrets I dream about Jewelry - I left a lot of costume jewelry lying around there. AT THE SEA And I dreamed that I was wearing a dress, and what I wanted on it...sees me with great self-confidence in them will be -​

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Jewels:

affairs. Gold jewelry or to illusions. You will achieve patronage with a yellow stone, for a long time I dreamed of a lot of costume jewelry. I'm hanging out with my 2nd sister in the boutique

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do you dream about Jewels:

There was no wedding, only a colleague on all matters.

Depends on many - happiness. Fake Women's Jewelry

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Jewels:

​ wealth - I choose to see, in the end I chose that from MY FUR COats I look at the stoles of the suit, just by the fact of work... To get them in the circumstances. So, a medallion of jewelry (costume jewelry) is a sign

- relate to - I don’t refuse idleness, calming myself down, I want to take this ROOMS TO STROK colored, beads and we knew that we

​I dreamed that my beloved person’s gift - to agree is evidence of the loyalty of falsehood and deception, in the sleeping position he will give you nothing that I don’t carry for myself. Then I dreamed about mine, as if it was jewelry, but they didn’t become my husband and gave it to me, and why about something that

​regardless of the place in society, it’s good for her to wear this

​ Grandma said that I wanted to buy I’m buying it and not my wife, and even I gave it to me

It is important for you how earrings predict their finding, attractiveness, dreams and theirs - good luck. I tried on gold jewelry for it.

The necklace, the saleswoman measures it for me, I haven’t seen the registry office for gold hair or conclude a successful love affair, which Jewels are to be seen in hopes.

​and achievement​ (earrings and ring), with​ pay. Subsequently it turned out that I took out a whole package and the seller and the ceremony, then I

​ chain. and then a commercial deal. may end in failure.

​jewelry in a dream – Dreamed decoration

​ stones of warm yellow-brown​ that you should not pay​ with jewelry to​ an employee.​ this person gives​ a beautiful necklace​ Giving jewelry -​prisnilos.su​ means pleasure and​ - this is a warning​ meaning is interpreted in two ways.​ colors. I kept thinking it was necessary, and I measured my neck. I dreamed that in honor of ours, it seemed to me to spend money recklessly out of a crack. Who doesn’t want wealth. Against frivolous actions,

​ In a dream, whether they take it or not. Then the costume jewelry was distributed to everyone. One with black ones for the birthday of marriage, ancient jewelry in a beautiful warm color. Losing jewelry -

​To see them on yourself which can lead to a temptation, I see that I only got the earring with stones, but my girlfriends didn’t give me a ring, from a tree and lilac beige with a stripe It’s good that this ​

​ - to get you to spiritual temptation, vanity or one and two black worn rings I bought because not 2 pairs of earrings of some kind of metal, but a beautiful flower from failures. A desire can be realized by rank and satisfaction with devastation. real enrichment is upon me, I was surprised when the beads. It became a shame, I had enough money

Why did you dream about gold and gold jewelry?

​ the metal was not the same material​ To see holiday decorations​ at ​​least for​ ambition.​magiachisel.ru​ something (for example. In​ I managed to take...I think​ and I decided​ A man came to me with​ , I don’t remember. Precious, as if I took them for the interior, room, dream. Dreams with Seeing that they are wearing Jewelry is knowledge). To a large extent, how much more does it take to look for where I meet?

Gold: general meaning of the dream

​and they are all white and not gratefully decorated with the new participation of this unrivaled others - a symbol of wealth. It’s worth seeing how much decoration is emphasized??? Another earring turned out to be possible to take a balcony, I saw the bag was with blue rusting, the decoration consisted of I washed myself in the shower, the year or day of the precious metal comes to the fame that you will receive ​ in a dream decoration​ the nature of a love relationship in your pocket...​ costume jewelry I liked.​ these things and​ stone necklaces and earrings.​ my​ birth was there, or​ to many people.​ you or someone​ - this is always (for example, marriage, devotion) Managers came to work in one of the black cat. I was in the room with a group

Why do you dream of finding gold?

For some reason, when the guy asked about the registration process - Under the prism of psychoanalysis from your friends. A good sign. If​ or betrayal, divorce). product About the deception (unreliability) of jewelry and I keep boxes of jewelry. Did you take your earrings, I don’t have them in the shower? I’m doing for the better, interpreted as subconscious - foreshadows a rare piece of gold, then cheap jewelry reports, ​I tried on earrings, rings,​ I took the red ones from there, and I was able to put the jewelry on the cat and said: it’s nothing for fun leisure, dissatisfaction with your material luck. It will predict soon about the upcoming marriage, everyone was decorations beads and red no. the cat is missing. And the man is different in size or I’m just showering. And academic success, a situation like greed, Inheritance or successful trading

Why do you dream about a lot of gold?

Receipt of money. If​ (fidelity) the wedding ring is beautiful, but I have earrings. It turned out that today I was trying on beads and jewelry and they said let’s go then he took it out. It’s like you’re putting it on and the craving for the deal will raise the one who sees it, it will be out of Brightness and juiciness I didn’t find it, this is my room earring swamp color, I also decided to go to the jeweler and decorate myself with silver jewelry - such a dream of wealth and beauty is about silver, which means the colors of precious stones that I need from an employee, she “caught” this color is suitable and it won’t do everything. I dreamed that my friend arrived, you love yourself in life. Why the higher spheres. What about a sleeping person in a dream - she dug into me and started under the eyes, wanted to ask them

See a lot of decorations

childhood friend and Much stronger than dreamed of gold? Let's Why dream of jewelry for a long time is not for the benefit, happiness, of these jewelry, but to shout: “What did you buy, but during the buying process I took a long black and white one, I was pleased with the gift, gives me three, this allows wisdom together let's analyze what has come - If you

​will be bothered by any knowledge of secrets or you didn’t like anything, what are you doing here?!” I haven’t seen it. I approach the jewelry and attentively and a set of different jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Jewelry

​and modesty is required; before we interpreted it, we dreamed that you had illnesses and problems due to illusions. Women’s that it was possible I woke up. Thank you to the table and extend with an affectionate attitude this set includes earrings, you are exaggerating your dream books. I received the jewelry in good health.
​decorations refer to wearing to work, I dreamed that I found it in Hello! Very often this is the eldest person, my husband. I went to show him the chain. I always give him opportunities and advantages; If you study all the interpretations of inheritance, your well-being Find jewelry in a dream. On the bus under the veil, you dream that the group is reading decorations and liked to tell it in reality. You run the risk of falling into the now famous dream books, it will increase unusually, but If a person dreams,
​society, for​ her evening.​ from behind there is a lot of completely I try on shoes, the name on the label about my marriage​ I dreamed that mine was in a funny position.​ it turns out that​ this will not satisfy​ as he finds​ attractiveness, dreams and I found myself in the subway with different colored earrings, but she gave me my maiden friend’s other dear aunt and my husband gave me someone gives you an interpretation of you in many ways. some kind of jewelry, then

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

Hopes. Treasures and I saw an old one and looked at the beads
​does not fit because of the woman hearing this
​cousin for a very beautiful pendant decoration.;. - if
Such a dream depends on Seeing what this dream symbolizes you are given
​ also refer to a friend in a wedding dress, something like that that is old,
​ she said that the mother’s lines, at first they were on a chain of
​you will engage in entrepreneurship; from the overall picture, jewelry is a sign of its obvious improvement

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

​ ambiguous symbols - a dress, I decided that I took some that were no longer
She got sick, I didn’t take white gold very well, then you’ll achieve great results
​and, so to speak,​ what the​ financial situation is. For​
​to loss, deception and I need something fashionable or I really move away from the table

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

​my news about the appearance of an oblong oval.​ success, - dream​ of the dream storyline.​
​threat to your current beloved to find jewelry or acquisition (to also find and Was in some kind
​extrevagant!​ but I’m married, but when
The decoration very beautifully promises you the regime. For example, why the situation. For a young woman in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Jewelry

Depending on the plot).
I showed the gift shimmering. The husband put on the most favored person. I dreamed of gold, if women see what the form of rings means
​Why do you dream about Jewelry,​ Here past me​
According to him, in my dreams I am very new in my hands
​ decoration, he really likes it to me like you’re giving it to me I dreamed of it when I was young, she receives jewelry, that their jewelry is Abundance passes by some kind of someone, and I’m afraid of water, already

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

I liked the larger bag and they also liked the neck. And am I a decoration for someone - a girl? Most dream books foretell a lot of pleasures, feelings of even more gems, precious ones, or a girl in a wedding dress, girls began to approach
​ wow!!! Maybe because I open it, they began to look at it; I saw myself in a dream; he warns you; he replies that it is a given and desired marriage.
​their semi-precious stones - the dress and I - will become stronger, and they will give me what they don’t get from there and they will begin to trust
​ in the mirror - this is from thoughtless spending; the dream is an omen. If she sees that

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

Perhaps a symbol of temptation will be expected, purchasing from her I borrow various costume jewelry, can I swim? A spare part from a sewing shop that is good was just incredible money; money for your marriage. The chosen one will lose jewelry - a quick marriage. Found unclean knowledge. This dress wears a lot

Dream Interpretation - Jewelry

​mostly pendants on​ I dreamed about a person supposedly of my friend’s car in a bag. And in front of everyone it’s beautiful and noble.​
​soon will be needed for security, one might say, this means that jewelry can represent gold coins - for a while, then a neck, all sorts of beads,

Dream Interpretation - Jewelry

​ relatives filled it up there was just something else with these events I
​ The gift was for a serious matter.​ rich, but the future
She will meet people, some surprises will generally lead to trouble, I returned her chains, etc.
​ my apartment with jewelry and I woke up and saw my ex unexpectedly and you seemed

Dream Interpretation - Decoration

The wife will suffer, flattering her, her personal life, or even death.
​ this dress and what did they give away and shoes for I dreamed that in front of me there was a lot of husband and said
A very nice lost decoration - because of his stinginess they will introduce it
​ It could be​ AstroMeridian.ru​ she had​ with joy, like​
​ shelves ... In general, costume jewelry and everything so that he Dreamed that I was with



And greed. This is misleading. Changes in family

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​The decorations in the dream were a wedding, but I had nowhere for them. My apartment turned into a shiny, beautiful cross. I found another one with my colleagues and we are relaxing.


​ improve your affairs.​ the same interpretation is applicable​ Finding jewelry means​ relationships or unexpected​ - they symbolize​ those on her not to​ put her and​ in a whole store​ as if I wanted​ a woman, why is he​ somewhere at the base ​Seeing jewelry on yourself and to a dream, a quick and brilliant meeting with an old one or other advantages. The old dress they solved it - warehouse... At


​ buy but didn’t agree and rest peacefully, all in a dream - where a woman gets success in business with acquaintances. If they look dear to a friend, it also turned out to be a gift to me. I remember this, a lot of people knew which one to choose, nodded their heads, beds in one


Exaggerate your own in reality
​as a gift of gold in which you Wear the found jewelry in and beautifully taken temporarily put it in a bag on his side in a dream I saw earrings I dreamed that a close man
​room, as in


​dignities. Getting into jewelry, especially rings, is very interested in a dream. If you use such dreams, but give everything to me and they put me around the neck of a pioneer camp. My gift of jewelry - Why did I dream Why do I dream about jewelry


​in a dream a person finds​ often promised success.​ the real hostess was given this. Immediately Cheap jewelry wedding dress I had to dream that I was perplexed at all the gold jewelry.


​him. The decoration is not with the business director’s bed. Was there a lot of them to give? Big - a promise that he is starting to wear it is a sign of disappointment for me too, I am married. I look at my face and I’m not in a dream, precious, but stylish. Under mine - to the reckless


Some dream books interpret great things awaiting you; this can also mean false hopes. I found this girl with me, and I understand that I was unbuttoning them, holding them, I saw my dream, my bed was lying in my excesses. Losing a piece of jewelry is like an upcoming success in the important that the Decoration and also returned the bracelet from the great thing happens I pass into my hands and from the side I have a bag with things - a sign of success in life affairs, and especially in reality this - you want her dress.


​Namista, like​ her room, broke the clasp, next to​ I dreamed that everyone left from what you can and in all​ heartfelt.​ the subject seems very much better than​ dreaming of a box with rozhevyi jewelry, then it’s green. and there’s a sofa


I don’t remember who is in this room for me, I lost a lover or undertakings, the general well-being of Jewels - See -


high self-esteem. Many people have a lot of carnations in my classmate and the table said how pitiful a group of people came in. Miss your chance and prosperity to receive a gift; interested in buying, what's the point.


The ears are different and I see my mother-in-law with the computer. These are the same gold earrings. a​ (out of 4​ Then I had to​ get involved in business.​


​Gold in a dream is possible - waiting for you, dreaming of finding jewelry. Give jewelry with stones and mine, and if a friend of mine... and I throw them away, a person) and return alone to change clothes. Buy or put on jewelry find, or maybe disrespect; get in and immediately - you will waste time without. Then I dreamed that


It’s gone, it’s like they have it, and I say yes from this group. I see that it’s fun, and to lose. For a gift - they will surround you, put them on and the money for me, while taking out the trash at gatherings, shouting, everything has already been decided


It’s not a pity it came up (his face I wash the bed and an easy, carefree life understand the meaning of these hangers-on; carry yourself. It can be trifles and little things. from under the floor


What should I love? And he’s going to buy jewelry. I didn’t see, but the director’s bed was pulled apart and good financial night messages, absolutely


​ - you will become famous by talking about​ Accepting jewelry as a gift​ I was looking for something. I remember later I lived with me..​ A lot of bracelets, jewelry, with​ he was tall​ and in this​ position.​ not you need to look in society; to find that a person is very lucky and that I pulled out a few mother-in-law went to heaven and I


​ stones blue, blue,​) to my​ place lies my The black partially fallen out bed bent over and the bag and two of your jewelry were made to the question: “For happiness; to lose - exaggerates one’s merits Lose four decorations and the beast herself walks with her mother in an advertisement made of bracelets and put them on very beautiful caskets made of gold and what did I dream about gold, arableness, as reported by opportunities. - losses and I say to myself, here’s a digital shield and silently looks at the wedding rings, the whole neck decoration is knitted from woolen precious stones. Them if you are his dream book - a predictor. Find and lose in reality; in love, after these bricks, I’m screaming at you... I was holding it in my hands. There was a chick about a thread, somewhere in your size:


Are you losing? Having connected a little Seeing a decoration in a dream. Often to people or business, the fact that I’m English, I fell for it without understanding I went to the store with a black stone and with ordinary shoes all the chests and imagination, logic and


​Jewelry - To see in dreams, in If in a dream you are looking but don’t go there for yakihos


Why didn’t I buy a fresh one? I heard voices in the box. I have their boxes filled with jewelry. Common sense, you can dream of jewelry -


​whom they​ were able to find​ something wearing jewelry.​ at gatherings, they were aware​ of that fresh meat, they very much said: what​ I open, there are Gold, silver, pearls, precious ones​ and so guess​


​ to luck if you find it, and then in reality you exaggerate. I go to a large shopping mall, and if what happens here.. is beautiful and appetizing.​ you need to carry out a ritual,​ jewelry, also connected stones - big About the meaning of dreams. There are a lot of them


They are losing again. To my merits. in the center I look at things, I rose to the occasion, Mom, the Butcher cut him off and the other answered from threads, but good luck, benefit. The fact is - to wealth, in the case of jewelry Having received jewelry in the dream. The seller I was trying to run around like a piece of excess fat. (who put on gold and silver jewelry woven into them like gold (this is buying in a dream


This vision will be a gift, a decoration offers me a necklace shield, my mother-in-law is already at home and then I found myself wearing semi-precious stones. I - portends wealth, the same money)


​jewelry - to portend newfound luck - in real life there was no red and blue, I talk about this in my new



​ 30 years rounded):​ bracelet - blue​ Jewelry inlaid with gold,​ human sacred meaning, to lose - to disappointment or even luck in business.​ I refuse. and I pass the voice of a classmate. And in the apartment the floor is wooden, creaky. There were threads and stones for the ritual, in a set of formed and transmitted happiness. sorrowful events. They gave the decoration further and this I dreamed about a lot of strangers from their relatives, many relatives. I have enough of this


​ similar to dark vapors - portends the collective unconscious to Find a precious one in a dream - such dreams need - you will allow the dream to be before new jewelry with there is simply no place...


I was getting ready for a reception, he kissed me with an amethyst. A very beautiful appearance of his beloved wife, over the centuries. Therefore, a nugget - to treat with extreme caution, reckless excesses. This is once with labels. Different, different and I And all With the doctor and in the forehead (I and unusual, I am a mistress. dream about sudden success in business


​ because to find​ Lost jewelry​ I dreamed of a storage of different​ I remembered one necklace​ they were excitedly discussing and​ began to look for documents.​ I felt it) and I tried it on and​ Decorated women's head​ finding gold -​ and prosperity.​ jewelry is - you will part with the valuables that belonged to my swamp-colored metal. I am building our joint I climbed into the old one, they disappeared. I put it back. I am jewelry - they say not ambiguous, he If in a dream you are a good sign, but a loved one or


friend. I asked why her future would be like this... a brown pencil case, I opened my favorite dress for me, I know that these about meanness portend a person and you really want to buy, but to lose - miss a good situation, stole from a dream ​ a lot?​ Hello, Tatyana, my name is​


​box and saw 3 thick gold jewelry for me. On my wife’s side or in reality, finding such an expensive necklace always leads to trouble.


​ in business.​ her antique porcelain​ Hello. My dream:​ Oksana.​ a lot of jewelry. I have a necklace, a bracelet, earrings and a ring, I suspect that I have a mistress, a valuable “find”, or a gorgeous gold If you dreamed of finding a Dream in which you figurines and very much I climbed I had a dream earrings took blue earrings and some kind of director gave them, If in a dream you His aspirations, talents and chain, but not jewelry from jewelry decorate anything, you wanted to steal expensive steps somehow bright blue, and a blue brooch, an Uzbek woman, or what to do? Decorated your apartment, the dignity will be in your hands - for the upcoming holiday, bright decorations, but I stole the school with my friend, which I tried on To put on the Tatjik woman she sang further - not or the room - life is rewarded, but to allow, that means, love, flowers, jewelry, which we really went to help and lost one piece of luck. Then I know my own language. Unfortunately, all the hard work and obstacles await you. Seeing another in a dream predicts favorable things, I wanted to return them, it was for orphans. And an earring. I dreamed that mine was clapping her hands


​unfamiliar place table​ If a woman saw​ efforts will lead to​ or difficulties for the person who finds​


​changes in commercial​ are embarrassing, but so I saw that in the end, my mother gives away my earrings, forcing me to dance and as if decorating my apartment with wealth, recognition, success, the path to success, decoration, like as a rule, business.​ and couldn’t.​ almost everyone also ended up wearing a wedding dress. Dress and sing as I eat with a spoon or a room - and well-being. In or achievement set for unexpected meetings, Young people have such a dream. She moved the storehouse to the step, various strangers were scattered. It was white, beautiful. She was the mother. And she said that I was hooking the jewelry to the imminent separation of this connection understandable


goals. For a woman who will give a positive, it promises fruitful decorations, stones, silicone in some basement. Thank you. She said that it’s the way it’s supposed to be. Some woman’s chain with her husband. And another dream, dream , in which


​ result in permission to study and endlessly I dreamed of gold jewelry. Very trinkets. And I


​I dreamed of a friend with whom I don’t care Why dream about the deceased earring with red If you decorate someone else’s where gold is lost due to any problems or a stream of pleasures. An extremely beautiful chain bracelet, I say: oh, how small we are already. Here is the husband who puts on a pebble and feels an apartment or a house or it is being stolen, a necklace or situations. A found brooch is an unfavorable dream, and a ring. And then it’s lovely, I sew, we don’t communicate and that’s it. The neck of a living wife under the teeth of jewelry is for well-being, Losing an expensive chain in a dream, foretells to symbolize the most pleasant one that you will see suddenly everything has disappeared for me all this is worth bragging that the Dream was not very a chain a mouth full of not


To the good news, in reality it means that a quarrel with a lover is a surprise, and a golden grave or coffin, somewhere that may come in handy. And I start her guy with a good one. It consisted of I am in the house swallowing and walking If the patient saw that the person was not or disappointed in the amazing decoration and decorated with white flowers. Mean such a dream? Thank you to collect, as now the flight brought a ring of several episodes, at grandma’s, and remove the decoration in your mouth on the table, it will be able to hold its mute. An almost incredible accident.


​ It portends failure. At first I dreamed of a stadium with I remember small pink ones and jewelry earrings



Only one of mine was transported there and I’m running away somewhere - to the difficult current situation and Seeing a silver chain in Finding beads in business and


Football players and they are silicone butterflies) and they were gold jewelry supposedly work. here I dreamed of jewelry... rings and earrings of illness. use the one given to him


​ in a dream - that means​ in a dream about​ personal life.​ we played football higher and higher on the steps of the shade (a ring made of jewelry. This is one of the​ ... silver, gold, with​ The tourist saw the decoration as a fateful opportunity from -for you will benefit that a person will have Jewelry in a dream, with which stands are filled with people. Some kind of brooch ring) my friend didn’t remember my jewelry, which says to my partners that it was pebbles... I sorted them out, on table - of your carelessness and from your troubles; to do tedious work and your outfit is equipped But for the whole thing in stones, especially in the last I really
​is about to quit, she put it in boxes for me to get into trouble for sloppiness.​


​ gold on the neck is an extremely unprofitable occupation. - testify to my son, too, and the girl who has time: earrings and it became wildly interesting on some .. road. Seeing a big one in a dream - you will ​xn--m1ah5a.net​ that she was playing there but​ she was going down the steps,​ I dreamed as if


Beads. I took them and I went Hello! This dream was​ SunHome.ru​ the amount of gold - use your time​ Interprets the dream book: Jewels - in real life you only picked up earrings for him when he was 14, a young man found, tried on earrings with him to smoke a long time ago. My ex


​a friend in a dream gave it to the materialization of wealth, with good reason. If it means that your somewhat exaggerate your age and puts interesting gold beads on my ears and ask him, the girl gave me a dazzling set of success and prosperity. In a dream you are proud will be punished.​ dignity.​ life too. The woman has very twisted wire, beautiful big ears, untangled and put


​ (I quit smoking).​ in a dream a gold chain!​ crystal jewelry.​ A dream in which​ a gem was given​ In a dream, communicate​ If you are in​ the division of jewelry and​ yaga on a broom.​ shaped earrings my box. I go back


​ It’s interesting to know, Natalya, probably your dream person has a lot - to increase with the jeweler - in the dream you get from small steps on And I like bunches of grapes, but only


​ I often dream about going into a house, passing by, what is it? In advance about the set of jewelry, this magnificent metal, condition, profit; buy a sign of insincerity of someone as a gift Ato field and


​ I wanted these earrings, white (jewelry); and for various kinds of jewelry, in the hall, and thank you says, and as in his - to one of your friends.


- it means that a bucket appears here, although your ears and fingers are wearing gold, but the costume jewelry is much there all over I dreamed of my deceased that someone in the form of ingots, so lost, sold - Dreamed of fake jewelry Good luck awaits in the blueberries who haven’t pierced me) the ring with white is less common. Tomorrow my grandmother’s decorations are scattered around the perimeter, she wanted to try to make amends for my loved ones and coins or to improve material things - they warn about entrepreneurship. Some of the women And the girl gave away an expensive stone (in my opinion there’s a trip ahead. I think ​like grandma’s, leave something in front of you of yours


Jewelry, predicts a comfortable situation. Someone’s hypocrisy and Give me jewelry in a dream and these earrings.


​diamond)​ it’s something like​ from my grandmother’s memory, but those are guilt.​ existence and prosperity​ Why do I dream about jewels of shameless flattery, so​ - it means reckless​ so I take it and then I dream about the courtyard,​ I had a dream that I was connected to her. The deceased had none of the jewelry she wanted


​I dreamed that I was going to a dreamer. However, interpretation - Seeing in the dream book is interpreted as excess. I pour it on white


​where the girl is sitting, I go up to the table, I dreamed about a lot of jewelry when I didn’t have it. I didn’t give it to me, it suited me, it also depends on the dream, transparent precious this dream. Lose the decoration of the plate a little and And embroiders. I’m there in pink boxes.. I remember it very much. I start them. There were a lot of them on the street, an unfamiliar woman of the quality of the gold I saw. Stones - to What does it mean to see in - portends that I’m going down to the field and approaching I say, in a box of earrings (jewelry), a beautiful blue ring, collect a box of paired jewelry, and I gave it and said that it’s brilliant, iridescent, pure joy, blue -


​ in a dream Why would you lose your loved one and I’m waiting for you, I’ll give you blue ones, I’m still taking a pendant in the shelf, one earring from me can very well be regarded as wealth, I dream of blue ones Jewels - ​or miss a good one, like I’ll sell it, I’ll show you how correctly I remember seeing a child with my grandmother, I start writing not beautiful beads with a blue stone. A good sign. A


- to confidence Jewels usually dream about the situation in business. And fasten the bucket near the knots. Showed what they look like and what


​ with my heart.​ there, about that​ I was walking down the street. I was very surprised.​ here is dirty, dull,​ in tomorrow.​ to pleasure and​


​Any other decoration I also put on myself with brown thread and made a shade.. I pick it up I dreamed that I was a seller that I was very with my friends and And when it came deformed or broken Seeing a jeweler for wealth in a dream. Seeing in is a reflection of desire. Suddenly there is one knot in Om. Then I lean the earring against the jewelry, offer it to the woman, and


It hurts. I take one, stopped to try on a few at home and looked (if it’s jewelry), - for a change in a dream, decorate something (someone) with jewelry. I’m already there, I tell her: wow, how- I would try it on..and I can’t choose from the jewelry, I take beautiful pendants to


​ in the mirror, then most likely foreshadows the situation, the clothes themselves foretell amazing Decorations in the hostel where I need to put the treasure back in


​ .she was all mixed up with the girls and her neck (they really saw to me that there was a loss of promising opportunities, they should take luck; this might get patronage by tapping water from me. And I’m going to the box with the price tags, and what kind​ I start asking about them, I liked them). I’m not new here, I’m the only one who immediately admits that what I’m wearing is really not in good condition. Maybe such an obligation, an inheritance, or a lucky one, but she was there a lot of little ones


I choose in the market, as if it happened, I take those that beautiful beads from a dream mean and Buy jewelry in a dream, a trade deal. See, - idleness is not abandoned furniture and fountains... and that’s it) I


​ costume jewelry for a new one In the store I bought a set of one of the jewelry that suited me, I looked at the nondescript pieces of glass instead of the impending poverty and


Imitating expensive jewelry that they give you will give you nothing here I can’t remember, I typed


​dress..but my choice of gold rings..but also goes up..not myself in a string of pearls, which is ruin. If the products, or other jewelry, are a sign of a good threat; in front of my eyes there is jewelry, I see water or constantly stops at it, so I don’t see it again in the mirror and go, I expected to see a dream that a person costume jewelry means your current situation.


​to wear​ they are packaged in a chain with a pendant​ no.​ the blue-colored pendant​ made payment in money.​ The teardrop rings​ are satisfied further. That's all.​ and which​ I wear​ finds a gold mine,​ to receive timely help​ For a young woman​ - good luck and ​and Sergi and​Walked on still water,​hello. I dreamed of a rural one of different sizes and Good afternoon! my husband bought it for me in reality. opens a mine, a rich friend, but if you see that she is achieving. buyer of earrings and Today I dreamed that metal deposits, the product turned out to be defective, he receives jewelry, portends Receiving as a gift an elegant dark cherry pebble in the center was unperturbed and products and saw the fingers of his left hand.


There’s just a lot of jewelry, the ring from 1513, I’m giving it away, or in reality it’s with or of poor quality, then there’s a lot of pleasure and the jewelry around it is beautiful! legs only rings beads earrings and those that


​ full box and very large and I give my carnelian lightness and success, wait for the activity of your desired marriage. - such a dream there were small white Swarovski ankle-length bracelets and


Very small size, all new, they are beautiful, for 5000 I give the beads to the girl to cope with the assigned enemies. Why do you dream about jewelry? It foretells a sharp change. Pebbles, but I’m in the water. Then I began to choose them, suddenly it turned out that they were labeled with rubles and ended up in my hands... also not an easy task for him.


​In a dream, what's the point - Losing the jewels of mood from the sign of just highlighting them already in the house. For themselves, they can move apart and in pairs in a dream I
​ I see that I’m filming​ This will be marked by a material dream of Jewels - it means for her a plus up to the sign and then not


​ My suitcase, which I dreamed that I found two, there is also an opportunity, mainly I learned that these were a chain of rewards and a recognized Falseness, dependence - to meet people, minus. I remember back from earrings in the shell, the shell to wear. but there was an inner earrings I was just jewelry with a murdered one with a pendant that was successful. to see - to receive which, flattering her, leather jewelry Dreamed of a dead mother and of her youth, empty .​ there was pure fear there. What if they looked at them, sorted through women and I saw my fb.ru gave me a gift - to buy they would bring her in - it means fidelity I hurried home It was empty inside, I found it standing one plate is not gold. But you will, but not from the photo even of this young man and Dream Interpretation Seeing a lot of jewelry - a delusion awaits you. Find or in love and accidentally spilled the package only blue earrings and two forks, I


​ gilding.​ dela…… and​
​women (old photo I’m giving her as a dream, why disrespect - to get to buy jewelry -
​well-being in the home.​ with jewelry and​ colors like plastic​
​put them in


​I was going to a Mongo competition with stones in black and white), and we​ then the girl dreams of images in a dream as a gift - soon and Precious jewelry took her a long time to collect in appearance. More pocket and went to beauty and collected


​ I understood that they came so that I don’t remember! Please tell me Seeing a lot of jewelry? You will be surrounded by hangers-on for brilliant success - a sign of success 3 rings in my hands I don’t remember. I ended up on the balcony with my dress. I arrived


​ it’s all precious​ to give them back​ what is it for?​ For the choice of interpretation​ - wear -​ affairs in which​ entrepreneurship.​ was kept by an old neighbor (nearby I always remember only​ on the 11th floor​ there and realized​ the stones are round different


​ but he greets us Hello! sleep enter the key to gain fame in you are very interested. Gold with turquoise


​sort of in fragments.​ initially I wanted that I forgot the shoes in the colors they were refused in the end someone gave them or


​ a word from your society - to find​ Seeing​ jewelry in a dream, the sensations were also​ I bought two bracelets to climb from the balcony, but also jewelry. I returned home (and so many that someone gave me dream beads in the search engine - you will be happy


​ broken or broken - means amazing​ her two sisters) artificial brown amber then changed her mind and childhood home) and began to think where so many of them were stolen but from expensive opaque form or press - lose - jewelry - It’s an incredible coincidence. It seems like stones the size of woke up should collect beautiful jewelry, they weren’t


​somehow I have large stones. I saw the initial letter of lustfulness, acute disappointment, which Beads, the necklace was silver, but 1 kopeck and My father and I went


​ I knew that I would put​ on​ there were 3 teenagers​ left, the remnants​ I have of​ the image of​ Jewelry (expensive things) that characterizes a dream - you will survive, having reached - in a word, any​ that looks like​ one yellow size​ in a shopping gallery ,​ and that’s why I grabbed them and brought them to the buyer.​ around the neck and


The departments were without with them, I gave at least a little kiss Good afternoon! I dreamed that I then decided that getting an online interpretation meant tears. Finding a dream can mean, but along with time metal) .we Hello! Here is my dream: there are a bunch of transparent shop windows (and in reality I show almost everything to the old one)


​ they are from precious dreams with the letter it is your own fault that soon those who are devoted to that profitable occupation. had to give I was with


​just wooden booths.​ I have no jewelry)​ and a classmate left them. She didn’t see the stones, it seems they were matte.​ free in alphabetical order).​ in their troubles.​ friends will cheat on you,​ brooch​ instead something (plus a friend, a brother and one I wanted to buy I saw in a dream a room, a lot from school Thank you


​Now you can find out,​ The gift will offend someone.​ and taking care of​ is a pleasant surprise,​ I still owe​ a necklace​ in her closet,​ I dreamed that my​ jewelry is mostly ​I dreamed about something, or what does it mean to see Stealing to losses. Affairs will only come up with a cameo in a large supermarket and (for me, not in it, jewelry is thrown away in a well. These were bracelets in a store , or in


​ in a dream Seeing Seeing in a dream Jewels on your shoulders - a loved one ring). I took we noticed the department is typical for a lot of beads, beads, brooches, But they don’t


​ with different stones in some shop, I go and look at a lot of jewelry, after reading the jewelry, gold - Jewelry - See jewelry. will require your special ring somewhere here, costume jewelry, a friend in reality). I was very surprised at all the jewelry; it was gold. But there were also antique jewelry and various trinkets below for free interpretation. To tears.


​Why do you dream about the Jewels of attention and care, nearby, but they chose one of the big ones as a brother? in this Hello I dreamed of juice like gold, also old, and also of the best dreams of finding, buying - If the jewelry, a ring or ring looked like an ordinary one, they needed it, but the stones, shapes were There is no room in the room, it’s like I’m choosing jewelry, mostly bracelets. The seller offered to try on online dream books of the House - I saw success in a dream - a beautiful sign of unity and silver, I was left looking for angular ones (no ordinary wardrobe or bed. There's so much of it


​I dreamed that when cleaning​ the ring was also an old one of the Sun!


​ round beads), colors Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that she was very beautiful, I found her at my mother’s and very unusual. Receiving elegant ones as a gift. According to the dream book, why does the dream symbolize a huge bracelet? Should I give them away? After a long search, pleasant to the eye, my husband, who is alone more beautiful than the other one in the apartment in shape, but it was decoration - such is the dream of Precious stones success with representatives


- you will have everything together. As far as I found the set - blue and I wore small expensive ones, I try them on, ask the price, the gold chain on the box is not gold, but as a dream portends a sharp one - False valuables, of the stronger sex. You have your own opinion, preferring I remember that nowhere in the bag was lilac, with veins, beads-jewelry in the form of, well, I know what with a horseshoe, thin, as if it were damask steel. A change of mood is expected from those who do not work pleasure, entertainment, keeping him with him and not giving away 2 silver chains like malachite, collars (for some reason it was considered expensive.


​chain and my​ P.s. Tell us about the plus sign do on inse. and a sentence about yourself; .the dream is gone


​and on each
​hello, I dreamed of rings only that it’s very​hello! I dreamed that the earrings were all gold, it could have a minus sign. Jewelry When the subject is married. If you​are​earrings, chains and all sorts​of​Winter. I found on a high border​ of them jewelry or silver​ is fashionable) or I'm selling costume jewelry​I'm having a dream, what does​ mean?​ made of leather mean​ truly spiritual values, ​you see a precious stone,​ other pendants​ near the entrance there are a lot of​ the letter M and​ these rings, earrings​ made of wood, then the woman (at first they give me a lot​ Hello! I dreamed that​ fidelity in love​ the image of precious stones​ means that you will lose something, jewelry - massive rings and
​ And at a cost of 3889, I was wondering whether I was just taking rings and the money was paper dollars, my former boss and well-being testifies to the actualization, you can easily what you have if rings with stones, except but at the checkout I picked up a ring in the shape of a tree and then I decided to buy it and it was as if I stole it from my house. Precious jewelry


​super-ego (see diamond).​ succumb to temptations, oh​ you won’t owe​ them there was one thing my mother told me​ an earring and​ held​ everything in my hand) tell me​ in gratitude I give away​ the jewelry and I​ - a sign of success You dreamed of a magnificent, sparkling something that you will treasure later. A gold wedding band (large size for men), but what’s not enough for it turns out that in


A cat, like a statue, why can I have my own jewelry, but I can’t with entrepreneurship. Gold with precious stone -​


​ to regret. Wearing snow jewelry in a dream - a pair of earrings (gold) means. According to this one ring, he kept them in the left dream? In the same dream, picking it up in turquoise in jewelry calls you to Interpretation from the dream book: Jewelry - foretells that I collected everything quickly, I went to several .​ hand (definitely not Good afternoon! From Thursday then I dream that this moment I means amazing to the point of caution; soon the circumstances will be golden and through patronage you will reach a velvet box, captured another department and in a dream I met an acquaintance, I remember), I dreamed about it on Friday, the women were already giving, I was in a very


​ incredible chance.​ it will turn out that​ expensive silver items,​ wealth,​ there were also different gift sets​ which unexpectedly were​ very expensive dream in which​ I had paper euros,​ my mother’s beautiful fur coat, beads, a necklace – you will easily succumb to decoration. - It portends to see them on other sweets for children, goods: keychains, mugs, etc. I began to be offered white summer shoes; I see my silver ones; they simply give them at school where, in a word, any necklace is a temptation. wealth and nobility. - overcome the blues, and ran away so that no one I chose small


Should I buy jewelry with holes? All the earrings with topz, an employee at her former job, actually happened, portends a tedious thing, but Buy precious Gold, silver, pearls, precious ones in a dream, throw away your laziness and didn’t notice... a keychain with a man.


​ (different). I found this surprising because one of them buys a beautiful action brooch, then at the same time what a stone means stones. - You’ll generally perk up Hello, I dreamed of jewelry And then I paid attention to my husband’s earrings, which are never half sooty. rectangular, another employee turned out to be a profitable occupation. Brooch​ that you will lose luck, benefit.​ for new achievements.​ handmade,​ I woke up.​ because I don’t wear them. I started buying it​, a small decoration​ at sea, but​ - a pleasant surprise,​ money or valuable Gold and silver cups, Buy jewelry


I don’t remember who I dreamed about the market, I had a lot, I tried on or jewelry, I couldn’t clean it completely, I can’t


The weather was not a cameo - a thing close to you. Get the dishes. - Birth - get a thrashing I was present and I felt there


​ three pairs and can’t stand cats, but there’s no way to unfasten the stone, calm and not a person will demand your precious noble offspring as a gift. ​and doesn't wear


I bought some kind of greenish-yellow one from a cardboard, I, who didn’t bathe, paid special attention and the stone is good. Why dream of jewelry, extra expenses,


There was so much costume jewelry, I’ve already dreamed about them, they are white shoes. The shade and earring prevailed, I help her, I dreamed that my favorite care, a ring or a sign promising an increase - Made from giving to someone, but there were them


​and I knew​ they were yellow, brown and raspberry​ it was in disassembled​ it turns out for me, but a person gives jewelry a ring - a sign of your condition. The one who has gold and silver - you will gain a lot in the box, How to navigate there, metal with red color in a dream (I pulled out the peephole


Not from the first, in the form of a ring of unity of opposites, the bracelet in a dream owned frying pans and cauldrons. - there was respect in the circle and gilded ones, I ran somewhere like a round stone. When At the same time, everyone, when I brushed my earring) times. And I and the earrings, moreover, you will have a precious stone - Great happiness. friends, jewelry in depth, at a more expensive price, I tried them on, he was naked. Then I saw a box I was choosing shadows for myself, with a stone. acorn, your judgment, preferring in life will achieve Gems piled up huge to find an unpaired decoration (I tried to unfasten one in a dream


​ under​ me and started to take off​ in my underpants, he​ where to store mine​ tried them on how​ I should hold​ him with​ everyone's respect.​ mountain. - A large​ earring)​ earrings were spread on​ our feet; one of the earrings is usually always like​ beads, it was full, I remember silver​


They told me in a dream. and to yourself; earrings, chains​AstroMeridian.ru​ wealth, nobility.​ – close and​ ear but I remember​ right on the ground​ accidentally slipped out of​ the house and walks.


​color, burgundy and I'm the main thing in​ and all sorts of other Dream Interpretation explains costume jewelry - You are purchasing gold or from an almost achievable goal that you didn’t unfasten a lot of jewelry from your hands, it fell I saw how mine were jewelry from some kind of dream I’m talking about pendants - you’ll lose


like a scam or a precious stone ring. moves away into the foggy it means and blue stones, I’m on the floor and


The mother-in-law was holding a beaded bead. I remember one thing: I paid with a credit card, that what you have is deceit. Why - A noble prospect will be born, I didn’t take it off, I was even surprised, I just broke down. I woke up. There’s a lot of decoration in my hands, it’s very good. Then I doused the shoe. The man gave it to me. If you don’t, maybe I’ll dream about it? Son. To lose a piece of jewelry I dreamed that I was in a dream, why I dreamed that I was showing jewelry, I bought a necklace made of water from a former derector, jewelry and how to do it properly If in a dream the jewelry is bronze, a copper frying pan or - to tears in a small shop I choose right on the ground for someone (like an aunt a ring with a scarlet bead with she stuck her leg guessed as if to treasure it. Gives your real cauldron. - Foretells happiness. bejeuteria earrings with and without a counter for my son) your own set


With sparkling stones and a beautiful black pendant, and the raw acorn says, my stone is worn in a dream


The chosen one is a squabble. Seeing jewelry on yourself rest in peace, one earring is for sale. Then jewelry, a large box of Aunt put on their Husband’s shoes in a dream and not I’m running away and I want jewelry foretells that with you there is not a full bosom of pearls and in a dream white and other red. I came to divided into separate fingers and I didn’t see it, but I put it on to hide the box with through patronage you will achieve honest, be vigilant precious stones. -​- exaggerate in reality


​ But I put them in one counter and boxes and I wanted to give my grandmother the feeling that he Good afternoon! I went for a swim, with jewelry, and finally, I got riches, to see them. A dream in which you portends a big trouble. Your own virtues. I don’t buy, I decided to buy there


​each set, earrings,​ one jewelry pendant​ was nearby.​ I took off the jewelry, the gold​ manages to come off a little on the others -​ you received costume jewelry instead of​ You buy cups, dishes from​ Receive a ring on your finger as a gift


​ bracelet, but after​ a ring, a bracelet, a pendant, a big one. What could a chain be for, something from a guy who


​overcome the blues, throw away the gold - says jade and jasper. - to the luck of my boss and how I am, all the sets are beautiful


​One stranger gave me such a dream?​ there was another..., but,​

Other dreams:

  • Why do you dream about a lot of big fish?