What Einstein invented. Einstein was a heavy smoker. After his death, the scientist's brain was stolen

Scientist Albert Einstein became famous for his scientific work, which allowed him to become one of the founders of theoretical physics. One of his most famous works is the general and special theories of relativity. This scientist and thinker has more than 600 works on a variety of topics.

Nobel Prize

In 1921, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics. He received the prize for discovery of the photoelectric effect.

At the presentation, other works of the physicist were also discussed. In particular, the theory of relativity and gravity was supposed to be evaluated after their confirmation in the future.

Einstein's theory of relativity

It is curious that Einstein himself explained his theory of relativity with humor:

If you hold your hand over the fire for one minute, it will seem like an hour, but an hour spent with your beloved girl will seem like one minute.

That is, time flows differently in different circumstances. The physicist also spoke in a unique way about other scientific discoveries. For example, everyone can be sure that it is impossible to do something definite until there is an "ignoramus" who will do it only because he does not know about the opinion of the majority.

Albert Einstein said that he discovered his theory of relativity completely by accident. One day he noticed that a car moving relative to another car at the same speed and in the same direction remains motionless.

These 2 cars, moving relative to the Earth and other objects on it, are at rest relative to each other.

The famous formula E=mc 2

Einstein argued that if a body generates energy in video radiation, then the decrease in its mass is proportional to the amount of energy released by it.

This is how the well-known formula was born: the amount of energy is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the square of the speed of light (E=mc 2). The speed of light is 300 thousand kilometers per second.

Even an insignificantly small mass accelerated to the speed of light will emit enormous amounts of energy. The invention of the atomic bomb confirmed the correctness of this theory.

short biography

Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in the small German town of Ulm. He spent his childhood in Munich. Albert's father was an entrepreneur, his mother a housewife.

The future scientist was born weak, with a large head. His parents were afraid that he would not survive. However, he survived and grew, showing increased curiosity about everything. At the same time, he was very persistent.

Study period

Einstein was bored studying at the gymnasium. In his free time, he read popular science books. Astronomy aroused his greatest interest at that time.

After graduating from high school, Einstein went to Zurich and entered the polytechnic school. Upon completion, he receives a diploma physics and mathematics teachers. Alas, 2 whole years of searching for a job did not yield any results.

During this period, Albert had a hard time, and due to constant hunger, he developed liver disease, which tormented him for the rest of his life. But even these difficulties did not discourage him from studying physics.

Career and first successes

IN 1902 year, Albert gets a job at the Berne Patent Office as a technical expert with a small salary.

By 1905, Einstein already had 5 scientific papers. In 1909 he became professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich. In 1911 he became a professor at the German University in Prague, from 1914 to 1933 he was a professor at the University of Berlin and director of the Institute of Physics in Berlin.

He worked on his theory of relativity for 10 years and only completed it in 1916. In 1919 there was a solar eclipse. It was observed by scientists from the Royal Society of London. They also confirmed the probable correctness of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Emigration to the USA

IN 1933 The Nazis came to power in Germany. All scientific works and other works were burned. The Einstein family immigrated to the USA. Albert became a professor of physics at the Institute for Basic Research in Princeton. IN 1940 year he renounces German citizenship and officially becomes an American citizen.

In recent years, the scientist lived in Princeton, worked on a unified field theory, played the violin in moments of relaxation, and rode a boat on the lake.

Albert Einstein died April 18, 1955. After his death, his brain was studied for genius, but nothing exceptional was found.

In November 1930, physicists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard received a patent for a refrigerator of their own design. The device, unfortunately, did not gain distribution and was not put into production. This device was not the only invention of Albert Einstein. We decided to talk about five famous developments of the famous physicist.


Einstein's refrigerator was an absorption refrigerator. Physicists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard began developing the device in 1926. It was patented on November 11, 1930. The idea of ​​​​creating a new refrigerator for physicists was prompted by an incident that they read about in the newspaper. The note talked about an incident that occurred in a Berlin family. Members of this family were poisoned due to a leak of sulfur dioxide from a refrigerator.
The refrigerator proposed by Einstein and Szilard had no moving parts and used relatively safe alcohol.
Despite the fact that Einstein received a patent for his invention, his model of the refrigerator was not put into production. The rights to the patent were bought by Electrolux in 1930. Since refrigerators using a compressor and freon gas were more efficient, they replaced the Einstein refrigerator. The only copy disappeared without a trace, leaving only a few photographs of it.
In 2008, a group of scientists from the University of Oxford spent three years creating and developing a prototype of the Einstein refrigerator.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons


Rudolf Goldschmidt and Albert Einstein received a patent for a magnetostrictive loudspeaker on January 10, 1934. The title of the patent was “A device, particularly for a sound reproduction system, in which changes in electric current due to magnetostriction cause movement of a magnetic body.”
It was assumed that this device would serve, first of all, as a hearing aid. Mutual friends of Einstein and Goldschmidt were the singer Olga and pianist Bruno Eisner. Olga Aizner had difficulty hearing. Goldschmidt and Einstein undertook to help her. It is unknown whether a prototype of such a loudspeaker was created.


On October 27, 1936, Bucchi and Einstein received a patent for a camera that automatically adjusted to light levels. In addition to the lens, such a camera had another hole through which light fell on the photocell. When photons hit the photocell, an electric current was generated, which rotated the ring segment located between the objective lenses. The rotation of the segment is greater, and, consequently, the darkening of the lens is greater, the brighter the object is illuminated.


Einstein took part in the development of the gyrocompass. It is known that he collaborated with Anschutz in the development of the device. Einstein, in particular, figured out how to center the gyrosphere in the vertical and horizontal directions, proposing the so-called induction suspension scheme.


Einstein, together with Konrad Habicht, designed a device in 1908 that measured voltages up to 0.0005 volts. This is how Einstein writes about his invention: “In order to experiment with voltages less than 0.1 V, I built an electrometer and a voltage source. You won’t be able to escape with a grin when you see the masterpiece I’ve created.”

There is an interesting story circulating on the Internet about how a young university student named Albert Einstein convinces his atheist professor by proving that God exists. Given the anecdotal nature of what was said and what Einstein said about religion, there is no reason to believe that this is genuine. Let's read this story.

Einstein about God and an argument with a professor

Once a professor at a famous university asked his students a question:
—Is God the creator of all things?

One of the students bravely responded:
- Yes it is!
- So, you think that God created everything? - asked the professor.
“Yes,” the student repeated.
“If God created everything, then He also created evil.” And in accordance with the well-known principle that we can judge who we are by our conduct and our deeds, we must conclude that God is evil“,” the professor said to this.

The student fell silent because he could not find any arguments against the teacher’s iron logic. The professor, pleased with himself, boasted to the students that he had once again proved to them that religion is a myth invented by people.

But then the second student raised his hand and asked:
— Can I ask you a question in this regard, professor?
- Certainly.
- Professor, does cold exist?
- What a question?! Of course it exists. Do you ever get cold?

Some students chuckled at their friend's simple question. He continued:
In reality, there is no cold. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is there is a lack of heat. Only an object that emits energy can be studied. Heat is what causes a body or matter to emit energy. Absolute zero is the complete absence of heat, and any matter at such a temperature becomes inert and unable to react. There is no cold in nature. People came up with this word to describe how they feel when they don't have enough warmth.

The student then continued:
- Professor, does darkness exist?
“Of course it exists, and you know it yourself...” answered the professor.
The student objected:
- And here you are wrong, there is no darkness in nature either. Darkness is, in reality, the complete absence of light. We can study light, but not darkness. We can use a Newtonian prism to break light down into its components and measure the length of each wave. But darkness cannot be measured. A ray of light can illuminate the darkness. But how can you determine the level of darkness? We only measure the amount of light, don't we? Dark is a word that only describes state when there is no light.

The student was in a fighting mood and did not let up:
- Please say so does evil exist the one you were talking about?
The professor, already hesitant, answered:
- Of course, I explained this, if you, young man, listened to me carefully. We see evil every day. It manifests itself in man’s cruelty to man, in many crimes committed everywhere. So evil still exists.

To this the student again objected:
- AND there is no evil either, more precisely, it does not exist on its own. Evil is only the absence of God, just as darkness and cold are the absence of light and heat. It is just a word used by man to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens to a person who does not have God in his heart. It is like cold that comes in the absence of heat, or darkness in the absence of light.
The professor fell silent and sat down in his place. The student's name was Albert.

What Albert Einstein Said About God

It recently emerged that Albert Einstein wrote a letter towards the end of his life in which he rejected faith in God as superstitious and described the stories in the Bible as childish. It seemed that Einstein would have agreed with Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins that religious faith belongs human childhood sort of.
If you read Walter Isaacson's wonderful biography, Einstein. The book presents a much more complex picture of the great scientist's relationship to religion than expected. In 1930, Einstein wrote a peculiar creed: What I believe”, at the end of which he wrote: “ To feel that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot understand, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiosity. In this sense... I am a devout religious person”.

In response to a young girl who asked him if he believed in God, he wrote: “ Everyone who seriously participates in the search for science is convinced that the spirit manifested in the laws of the Universe is a Spirit far superior to the spirit of man.”.

During a conversation at the Union Theological Seminary about the relationship between religion and science, Einstein stated: “ The situation can be expressed as follows: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind ”.

Einstein's thoughts on God throughout his career were to some extent consistent with the position of the highly influential German theologian.

In his 1968 book Introduction to Christianity, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, offered a simple but insightful argument for the existence of God: the universal intelligibility of nature, which is the precondition for the emergence of all science, can only be explained by appeal to the infinite and creative mind, which is turned to being. No scientist, says Ratzinger, began to work until he realized that the aspects of nature he was studying were known, understood and denoted by form. But the most interesting thing is that everything a scientist learns in the course of his scientific work, all this has already been rethought or realized by a higher mind.

Ratzinger's elegant argument demonstrates that religion and science should never be enemies, since both involve the idea of ​​the existence of God and reason. In fact, many argue that it is no coincidence that modern physical sciences arose precisely from Western Christian universities, where the idea of ​​​​the universe through the divine word was fundamental.

There is also an interesting expression by Einstein in a book called “ Albert Einstein, the human side" Helena Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, where the authors quote a letter that Einstein wrote in 1954: " … It was, of course, a lie that you read about my religious beliefs, a lie that is systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this and I make it clear. If there is something in me that can be called religious, it is an unlimited admiration for the structure of the world.

On November 11, 1930, physicists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard received a patent for a refrigerator of their own design. The device, unfortunately, did not gain distribution and was not put into production. This device was not the only invention of Albert Einstein. We decided to talk about five famous developments of the famous physicist.

Einstein's refrigerator

Einstein's refrigerator was an absorption refrigerator. Physicists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard began developing the device in 1926. It was patented on November 11, 1930. The idea of ​​​​creating a new refrigerator for physicists was prompted by an incident that they read about in the newspaper. The note talked about an incident that occurred in a Berlin family. Members of this family were poisoned due to a leak of sulfur dioxide from a refrigerator.

The refrigerator proposed by Einstein and Szilard had no moving parts and used relatively safe alcohol.

Despite the fact that Einstein received a patent for his invention, his model of the refrigerator was not put into production. The rights to the patent were bought by Electrolux in 1930. Since refrigerators using a compressor and freon gas were more efficient, they replaced the Einstein refrigerator. The only copy disappeared without a trace, leaving only a few photographs of it.

In 2008, a group of scientists from the University of Oxford spent three years creating and developing a prototype of the Einstein refrigerator.

Magnetostrictive loudspeaker

Rudolf Goldschmidt and Albert Einstein received a patent for a magnetostrictive loudspeaker on January 10, 1934. The title of the patent was “a device, particularly for a sound reproduction system, in which changes in electric current due to magnetostriction cause the movement of a magnetic body.”

It was intended that this device would serve primarily as a hearing aid. Mutual friends of Einstein and Goldschmidt were the spouses Olga and Bruno Eisner, singer and pianist. Olga Aizner had difficulty hearing. Goldschmidt and Einstein decided to help her. It is unknown whether a prototype of such a loudspeaker was created.

Automatic camera

On October 27, 1936, Bucchi and Einstein received a patent for a camera that automatically adjusted to light levels. Such a camera, in addition to the lens, had another hole through which light fell on the photocell. When photons hit the photocell, an electric current was generated, which rotated the ring segment located between the objective lenses. The rotation of the segment is greater, and, consequently, the darkening of the lens is greater, the brighter the object is illuminated.

Einstein induction suspension

Einstein took part in the development of the gyrocompass. It is known that he collaborated with Anschutz in the development of the device. Einstein, in particular, figured out how to center the gyrosphere in the vertical and horizontal directions, proposing the so-called induction suspension scheme.

A well-known figure in the world of natural sciences, Albert Einstein (life: 1879-1955) is known even to humanists who do not like exact subjects, because the man’s surname has become a household name for people with incredible mental abilities.

Einstein is the founder of physics in its modern sense: the great scientist is the founder of the theory of relativity and the author of more than three hundred scientific works. Albert is also known as a publicist and public figure, who is an honorary doctor of about twenty higher educational institutions in the world. This man is attractive because of his ambiguity: the facts say that, despite his incredible intelligence, he was clueless in solving everyday issues, which makes him an interesting figure in the eyes of the public.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the great scientist begins with the small German city of Ulm, located on the Danube River - this is the place where Albert was born on March 14, 1879 in a poor family of Jewish origin.

The father of the brilliant physicist Herman was engaged in the production of filling mattresses with feather stuffing, but soon Albert’s family moved to the city of Munich. Herman, together with Jacob, his brother, started a small company selling electrical equipment, which at first developed successfully, but soon could not withstand the competition of large companies.

As a child, Albert was considered a slow-witted child; for example, he did not speak until he was three years old. Parents were even afraid that their child would never learn to pronounce words when, at the age of 7, Albert could barely move his lips, trying to repeat memorized phrases. Also, the scientist’s mother Paulina was afraid that the child had a congenital deformity: the boy had a large back of the head that protruded strongly forward, and Einstein’s grandmother constantly repeated that her grandson was fat.

Albert had little contact with his peers and liked solitude more, for example, building houses of cards. From an early age, the great physicist showed a negative attitude towards war: he hated the noisy game of toy soldiers, because it personifies a bloody war. Einstein’s attitude towards war did not change throughout his later life: he actively opposed bloodshed and nuclear weapons.

A vivid memory of the genius is the compass that Albert received from his father at the age of five. Then the boy was sick, and Herman showed him an object that interested the child: what’s surprising is that the arrow on the device showed the same direction. This small object aroused incredible interest in young Einstein.

Little Albert was often taught by his uncle Jacob, who from childhood instilled in his nephew a love for the exact mathematical sciences. They read textbooks on geometry and mathematics together, and solving a problem on their own was always a joy for the young genius. However, Einstein’s mother Paulina had a negative attitude towards such activities and believed that for a five-year-old child, love for the exact sciences would not turn out to be anything good. But it was clear that this man would make great discoveries in the future.

Albert Einstein with his sister

It is also known that Albert was interested in religion from childhood; he believed that it was impossible to begin to study the universe without understanding God. The future scientist watched the clergy with trepidation and did not understand why the higher biblical mind did not stop the wars. When the boy was 12 years old, his religious beliefs sank into oblivion due to the study of scientific books. Einstein became a believer that the Bible was a highly developed system for controlling youth.

After graduating from school, Albert enters the Munich gymnasium. His teachers considered him mentally retarded due to the same speech impediment. Einstein studied only those subjects that interested him, ignoring history, literature and the German language. He had special problems with the German language: the teacher told Albert to his face that he would not graduate from school.

Albert Einstein at age 14

Einstein hated going to school and believed that the teachers themselves did not know much, but instead imagined themselves as upstarts who were allowed to do everything. Because of such judgments, young Albert constantly entered into arguments with them, so he developed a reputation as not only a backward student, but also a poor student.

Without graduating from high school, 16-year-old Albert and his family move to sunny Italy, to Milan. In the hope of enrolling at ETH Zurich, the future scientist sets off from Italy to Sweden on foot. Einstein managed to show decent results in the exact sciences in the exam, but Albert completely failed the humanities. But the rector of the technical school appreciated the teenager’s outstanding abilities and advised him to enter the Aarau school in Switzerland, which, by the way, was considered far from the best. And Einstein was not considered a genius at all at this school.

The best students of Aarau left to receive higher education in the German capital, but in Berlin the abilities of the graduates were poorly rated. Albert found out the texts of the problems that the director's favorites couldn't solve and solved them. After which the satisfied future scientist came to Schneider’s office, showing him the solved problems. Albert angered the head of the school by saying that he was unfairly choosing students for competitions.

After successfully completing his studies, Albert enters the educational institution of his dreams - the Zurich school. However, the relationship with the professor of the department, Weber, was bad for the young genius: the two physicists constantly fought and argued.

Beginning of a scientific career

Due to disagreements with professors at the institute, Albert's path to science was closed. He passed the exams well, but not perfectly, the professors refused the student a scientific career. Einstein worked with interest at the scientific department of the Polytechnic Institute; Weber said that his student was a smart guy, but did not take criticism.

At the age of 22, Albert received a teaching diploma in mathematics and physics. But because of the same quarrels with teachers, Einstein could not find a job, spending two years in a painful search for permanent income. Albert lived poorly and could not even buy food. The scientist's friends helped him get a job at the patent office, where he worked for quite a long time.

In 1904, Albert began collaborating with the journal Annals of Physics, gaining authority in the publication, and in 1905 the scientist published his own scientific works. But a revolution in the world of science was made by three articles of the great physicist:

  • To the electrodynamics of moving bodies, which became the basis of the theory of relativity;
  • The work that laid the foundation for quantum theory;
  • A scientific article that made a discovery in statistical physics about Brownian motion.

Theory of relativity

Einstein's theory of relativity radically changed scientific physical concepts, which were previously based on Newtonian mechanics, which existed for about two hundred years. But only a few could fully understand the theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein, so in educational institutions only the special theory of relativity, which is part of the general one, is taught. SRT speaks of the dependence of space and time on speed: the higher the speed of a body’s movement, the more both dimensions and time are distorted.

According to STR, time travel is possible by overcoming the speed of light, therefore, based on the impossibility of such travel, a restriction has been introduced: the speed of any object cannot exceed the speed of light. For small speeds, space and time are not distorted, so the classical laws of mechanics are applied here, and high speeds, for which the distortion is noticeable, are called relativistic. And this is only a small part of both the special and general theories of Einstein’s entire movement.

Nobel Prize

Albert Einstein was nominated for the Nobel Prize more than once, but this award bypassed the scientist for about 12 years because of his new and not everyone understood views on exact science. However, the committee decided to compromise and nominate Albert for his work on the theory of the photoelectric effect, for which the scientist was awarded the prize. All because this invention is not so revolutionary, unlike general relativity, for which Albert, in fact, was preparing a speech.

However, at the time the scientist received a telegram from the nomination committee, the scientist was in Japan, so they decided to present him with the award in 1922 for 1921. However, there are rumors that Albert knew long before the trip that he would be nominated. But the scientist decided not to stay in Stockholm at such a crucial moment.

Personal life

The life of the great scientist is covered with interesting facts: Albert Einstein is a strange man. It is known that he did not like to wear socks, and also hated brushing his teeth. In addition, he had a poor memory for simple things, such as telephone numbers.

Albert married Mileva Maric at the age of 26. Despite the 11-year marriage, the couple soon had disagreements about family life, rumored to be due to the fact that Albert was still a womanizer and had about ten passions. However, he offered his wife a contract of cohabitation, according to which she had to comply with certain conditions, for example, periodically wash things. But according to the contract, Mileva and Albert did not provide for any love relationships: the former spouses even slept separately. The genius had children from his first marriage: the youngest son died while in a psychiatric hospital, and the scientist did not have a good relationship with the eldest.

After divorcing Mileva, the scientist married Elsa Leventhal, his cousin. However, he was also interested in Elsa’s daughter, who did not have mutual feelings for a man who was 18 years older than her.

Many who knew the scientist noted that he was an unusually kind person, ready to lend a helping hand and admit mistakes.

Cause of death and memory

In the spring of 1955, during a walk, Einstein and his friend had a simple conversation about life and death, during which the 76-year-old scientist said that death is also a relief.

On April 13, Albert’s condition worsened sharply: doctors diagnosed an aortic aneurysm, but the scientist refused to operate. Albert was in the hospital, where he suddenly became ill. He whispered words in his native language, but the nurse could not understand them. The woman approached the patient’s bed, but Einstein had already died from a hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity on April 18, 1955. All his friends spoke of him as a meek and very kind person. This was a bitter loss for the entire scientific world.


Quotes from a physicist about philosophy and life are a subject for a separate discussion. Einstein formed his own and independent view of life, which more than one generation agrees with.

  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.
  • If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.
  • Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere...
  • If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French will say that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.
  • If a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind, then what does an empty desk mean?
  • People cause me seasickness, not the sea. But I'm afraid science has not yet found a cure for this disease.
  • Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten.
  • We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid.
  • The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.
  • Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.