From pea flour. Dishes made from pea flour. Hair Mask

Pea flour has inherited the beneficial properties of the peas from which it is produced. It is a valuable dietary product and at the same time a substitute for wheat flour for patients with celiac disease. It is used to prepare casseroles, puddings, and is used to make bread and buns, which taste in no way inferior to traditional wheat products, but are healthier and safer for the figure.

The nutritional value of peas, and therefore pea flour, surpasses most vegetables. It contains up to 6.7% vegetable protein and about 15% carbohydrates, of which 6% are sugars. The product is a record holder for the content of amino acids and proteins necessary for humans. Peas are also rich in nitrogenous compounds, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, D, E and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

The protein component is similar to meat and dairy, so peas and their derivatives are often compared to meat. The main differences between the plant-based version are the absence of cholesterol and the relatively low price.

Calorie content of pea flour: 71 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is the benefit

Flour obtained from peas has a number of useful properties:

  1. It is a natural source of amino acids such as threonine and lysine - they are vital for the functioning of our body.
  2. The pyridoxine contained in the product ensures the production and breakdown of amino acids. If there is a deficiency of this substance, a person may experience seizures or develop dermatitis.
  3. Selenium, which can be found in large quantities in peas (the exact numbers depend on the region of growth), has antioxidant properties and protects human cells from the effects of free radicals and carcinogens.
  4. The vegetable protein in the product is much better absorbed, without straining the gastrointestinal tract and without having the negative impact that meat products are capable of.
  5. Flour obtained from peas provides the body with energy, increases the body's performance and endurance.
  6. With regular use, heart function improves, the risk of developing hypertension and myocardial infarction is reduced, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented.
  7. Recommended for people suffering from tuberculosis and diabetes.
  8. It is characterized by a delicate diuretic and choleretic effect.
  9. The compounds included in the product improve metabolism and prevent the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Regular use is recommended for those who are overweight or simply watching their figure.
  10. To improve brain function and “feed” nerve cells, people with mental work should take 1 tsp before meals. pea flour.
  11. Due to its high fiber content, it helps to cope with constipation and other problems that arise during the digestion or absorption of food.
  12. Compresses with pea flour are used for local healing of wounds and abscesses on the skin.
  13. May be included in a therapeutic nutrition plan for endocrine diseases.
  14. Due to the high content of vitamins, baking with such flour will be useful for vitamin deficiency.
  15. Successfully used in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on both skin and hair.

Gluten Free Miracles

Since pea flour does not contain gluten, it can be used in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease, a disease associated with the human body’s intolerance to wheat protein (gluten in cereals).

Patients suffering from this (often hereditary) disease can eat not only porridges and soups based on peas, but also various baked goods made from pea flour: bread, buns, pies.

What's the harm?

No obvious harm was found when consuming pea flour within reasonable limits during medical studies. But there is a small list of contraindications:

  1. Tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes in the intestines. To prevent this, it is recommended not to overuse peas and their derivatives. When preparing dishes, it is recommended to add fennel and dill (fresh, dried or in seed form) to reduce the gas-forming effect. Also, you should not wash down dishes made from pea flour with cold water.
  2. Having gout or other kidney diseases. This is due to the content of purines in peas, which contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. It is better for patients to reduce the consumption of such flour to a minimum so as not to aggravate the symptoms.
  3. Exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis or stomach ulcers. A large amount of fiber provides additional stress on the stomach, so in case of acute conditions of the digestive system, it is better to avoid pea flour until complete recovery.

According to a 2013 study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, too much protein in the diet can lead to impaired kidney function, even in healthy people. Therefore, experts advise maintaining a balance and not exceeding the percentage of proteins in the menu equal to 10-35%.

How to cook at home

You can buy pea flour in almost every supermarket. But if you haven’t found it or have doubts about the quality of store-bought products, you can make it yourself.

  1. Choose good dry peas, wash, sort if necessary and be sure to dry. It is better to do this on paper or a piece of fabric, laying out the peas in one layer. Newspaper cannot be used in this case, since legumes easily absorb harmful substances from printing ink.
  2. To grind the beans, you can use a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder. The choice of device depends on what result you ultimately want to get. To obtain delicate and soft premium flour, an electric coffee grinder is suitable. A hand grinder or meat grinder will produce a coarser grind. As for cooking “the old fashioned way”, i.e. in a mortar, you will need a lot of strength and patience.
  3. Place the resulting powder on a white cloth with a layer of no more than 2 cm. Leave it in a dry room to dry. It is necessary to stir from time to time to ensure uniform removal of moisture. After drying, the pea flour will become a little lighter and will easily come off your hands.

A paper bag or fabric bag is suitable for storage. Homemade product should be kept in a dry place. Before use, pea flour, like any other, must be sifted.

Pea jelly

The most famous dishes made from pea flour are soups or purees. But perhaps the most useful is jelly.

Due to its enveloping properties, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the mucous membrane and improving digestive processes. This unusual drink can protect the intestines from dysbiosis, as well as remove toxins and lead salts from the body.

  1. Jelly is prepared in the same way as any other, but pea flour is used instead of starch. To do this, slowly pour cold water over it and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  2. Afterwards, the mixture is put on the fire and brought to a boil, stirring constantly so that the flour does not stick to the walls of the pan and does not burn.
  3. Even at the preparation stage, salt and spices are added to the drink to taste.
  4. When the mass thickens, remove the jelly from the heat.

You can serve pea jelly in portioned molds as an independent dish or, cut into small pieces, with fresh herbs, fried onions and mushrooms.

Application in cosmetology

Cooking is not the only area of ​​application for pea flour. The product is no less in demand in cosmetology. Masks are made from it to strengthen hair and care for facial skin.

Hair Mask

Strengthens hair, makes it soft and shiny. When preparing a hair mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pea flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. henna (can be colorless);
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock or natural olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The ingredients must be mixed and a little hot water added, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Place the container with the mask in the microwave for 15-30 seconds.

The mask is applied for 30 minutes to clean and damp hair. Wash off with warm water without using detergents.

Face masks

Homemade masks made with pea flour prevent the appearance of wrinkles, nourish and care for the skin.

For the anti-wrinkle mask you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pea flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without additives.

All ingredients are mixed and left for 5-10 minutes, during which the pea flour should swell.

The resulting paste is applied to the skin of the face and left for 20 minutes. Then carefully wash off with warm water without soap.

The acne mask has a good healing and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, take:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 100 g heavy cream;
  • boiling water.

All components are reduced to a homogeneous state. Liquids are taken just enough to achieve the consistency of sour cream.

The mask is applied to previously cleansed facial skin and fixed for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with water at a comfortable temperature. It is enough to carry out the procedure at least once a week, and within a month your facial skin will become clear and acne will disappear.

What to cook? You can make a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes from pea flour. Among them: soups, porridges, jelly, pates, pancakes, pancakes, bread, pies, puddings, vegetarian cutlets, lean noodles and much more. Choose!

Thin Armenian lavash PHOTO-RECIPE!

wheat flour - 500 gr. pea flour - 2 tsp.
salt – 1-2 pinches

Sift flour into a bowl. Add pea flour.

Add salt. Add enough water to form a stiff dough. To stir thoroughly.
Roll out the dough to form a thin cake 1 mm thick.
Place the pita bread in a dry frying pan. Bake over high heat on both sides until browned.

Pudla (Pea Flour Fritters) (Indian Cuisine)
2 cups (200 g) chickpea or pea flour, 1/2 cup (50 g) fine wheat flour, 1 tsp. cumin seeds, 1 fresh hot pepper, seeded and finely chopped, 1/4 tsp. asafoetida, 3/4 tsp. turmeric, 1.5 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. ground coriander, 2 tbsp. finely chopped coriander or parsley leaves, 1.25 cups (300 ml) cold water, 1 tsp. grated ginger (less is possible), 2 medium-sized tomatoes, finely chopped, 1 bell pepper (optional), ghee or butter for frying, 3 tbsp. lemon juice.
In a large bowl, whisk together chickpea flour, wheat flour and next 8 ingredients. While stirring, slowly add cold water until you form a thick pancake batter. If the dough seems too thick, remember that the juice of the tomatoes will thin it out. Place grated ginger, tomato slices and bell pepper into the dough. Leave it. Melt a tablespoon of ghee or butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Pour in enough batter to make three pancakes with a diameter of 6-8 cm at a time. It is not necessary for the pancakes to be completely round, but try to keep them the same thickness. Fry over low heat on both sides until golden brown and crispy (4-5 minutes). Continue until all the batter is used, using about 1 tsp. ghee or butter for each poodle. Sprinkle the pancakes with lemon juice. Serve hot. Poodles go well with any vegetable dishes. Dough preparation time - 15 minutes Frying time for one poodle - 5 minutes. This is a general recipe for poodle. You can add variety by adding cooked or raw quick-cooking vegetables, such as mung bean sprouts, grated carrots, chopped parsley or small potato cubes.

Pea jelly with butter or sour cream. First way
Boil three glasses of water; dissolve 1 pound of pea flour in 1 glass of cold water, pour in 1 tablespoon of sunflower or mustard oil, add salt and pour into boiling water, stirring so that there are no lumps. Pour onto a dish, cool and serve with sour cream or sunflower oil.

Pumpkin waffles (kaddu bhaji) (Indian cuisine)
1 pumpkin (about 450 g), peeled and seeded and cut into slices 6 mm thick and 4 cm long, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. turmeric, 1/4 tsp. ground hot red pepper (cayenne), 3 tbsp. coarse rice flour or pea flour (preferably chickpea flour), ghee or vegetable oil for deep frying.
Place the pumpkin slices on the tray one by one so that each subsequent slice partially covers the previous one. Sprinkle with salt, turmeric, cayenne pepper and leave for half an hour. Dry the pumpkin pieces with paper towels and place them in a paper or plastic bag with rice or pea flour. Shake the bag to coat the pieces with flour. As you remove, shake off excess flour from each piece. Then divide the entire amount into three servings. Pour enough ghee or vegetable oil into the deep fryer so that its layer is 5 cm. Place over moderately high heat and heat to 180 degrees. Fry each serving for 4-5 minutes until the pumpkin slices are a rich golden brown, then use a slotted spoon to transfer them to paper towels. Fry the remaining two portions in the same way. Sprinkle more salt if desired. For this dish, you can use any table varieties of pumpkin with orange and yellow flesh. Serves 4. Cooking time 20 min.

Eggplant pancakes
2 large eggplants (1 kg), cut crosswise into 1.5 cm thick pieces, salt, 1/2 cup (50 g) sifted pea flour (preferably chickpea flour), 3 tbsp. l. premium wheat flour mixed with a generous pinch of baking powder (or soda), 2 tbsp. corn flour, 1 pinch ground red pepper, 1/4 tsp. turmeric, 3 tbsp. finely chopped fresh cilantro, basil or parsley, 3 tbsp. water, 170 g cheese, preferably mozzarella, cut into thin slices, 1.25 cups (125 g) fresh or dry bread crumbs or 2/3 cup (115 g) fine semolina, ghee or vegetable oil for frying.
Place the eggplant pieces on a tray and sprinkle generously with salt. Leave for half an hour to remove excess moisture. Mix flour, baking soda, cornmeal, red pepper, turmeric, fresh herbs and 1/3 tsp in a bowl. salt with water and beat until a homogeneous dough is obtained. The consistency should be like a thick cream. (Add more water if necessary.) Rinse the salt off the eggplant pieces and dry them with paper towels. To ensure uniform pieces of eggplant, trim them with a 2-inch round cookie cutter. Arrange equal-sized circles in pairs and save the scraps for another dish. Trim the cheese pieces so that they are slightly smaller than the eggplant pieces. Place two thin slices of cheese between a couple of eggplant slices. Dip the sandwich into the pea batter, lightly shake off any excess batter, then roll in bread crumbs or semolina and set aside on prepared wax paper. This way, prepare all the eggplant sandwiches. Pour enough ghee or vegetable oil into a large cast-iron skillet to create a 1/2-inch layer and heat over moderate heat. Without letting the oil start to smoke, place the sandwiches in the pan and fry for 10-15 minutes on each side until the eggplants are soft and nicely browned. Control the heat carefully: If the temperature is too high, the cheese may break through the fried dough crust; if the temperature is too low, the pancakes will absorb too much oil. Serve hot, straight from the pan. Salting time: 30 min Cooking time: 30 min Number of servings: 4 – 6.

Pea cakes
Ingredients: pea flour - 1 kg, milk - 1 cup, water - 0.5 cups, lamb lard - 100 g, egg - 2-3 pcs., salt - 2 teaspoons, butter - 2 tablespoons (for greasing).
Add milk to warm salted water, break eggs, pour in melted lamb lard. After mixing, add pea flour and knead into a very stiff dough. Roll pieces of dough weighing 100-150 g into a ball and place on a greased sheet or frying pan. Press the dough lightly with your fingers. The thickness of the cakes is 2-2.5 cm. Bake in the oven or oven for 20-25 minutes. When ready, brush with oil.

Quick pea soup PHOTO RECIPE!

For cooking you will need 2 tbsp. pea flour, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, 200 g of ham or other meat products, 1 carrot, 1 onion.

1. 1.5 l. put water on fire.

Meanwhile, fry chopped onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil

2. Add vegetables fried until golden brown to boiling water

3. Cut the ham into strips and add to the pan

4. 2 tbsp. dilute pea flour in 0.5 tbsp. boiled chilled water or broth and stir well so that there are no lumps

5. Carefully pour the resulting mixture into the boiling soup, stirring constantly so as not to burn.

6. Salt and pepper the soup. Cook over low heat until tender, about 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add crushed garlic. Separately, fry the croutons in butter or make toast in the toaster, and add the drained butter directly to the soup.

7. Pour the soup into bowls, add croutons, sprinkle everything with herbs. Bon appetit!

Dhokola (pea flour bread)
For the recipe you will need: pea flour - 1/2 cup, green chilli - 2 pcs., grated ginger - 1.5 tbsp, turmeric - 1/4 tsp, salt - 3/4 tsp, asafoetida - 1/4 tsp, sugar - 1 tsp, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp, yogurt - 2/3 tbsp, baking powder - 1/2 tsp, baking soda - 1/2 tsp, warm water - 3 tbsp.
In a deep bowl, mix flour, finely chopped chili, ground ginger and turmeric, salt and asafoetida. Then add the butter, which is thoroughly rubbed into the flour mixture. Then pour in the yogurt and mix all the ingredients. The dough should be fluid and the consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and leave to ferment for about 8 hours.
Prepare the steam pan: You will need 1 large pan 1/4 filled with water, 1 round shallow loaf pan that will fit in the large pan, 1 flat sieve or metal cans to hold the pan above the water. Place the steam pan over high heat.
Stir baking powder and baking soda into the pea batter. Add water and pour the batter into a greased loaf pan. Place the mold in a saucepan, place it on a sieve or jars (the mold should not touch the water). Close the mold tightly with a lid and place a weight on top. Boil for about 12-15 minutes until the dough hardens and cracks appear on the surface.
Remove the finished dhoklu bread from the pan and cut into 12 squares.

Pea flour noodles PHOTO RECIPE!
For preparation you will need: pea flour - 500g, water or milk - 100-150 ml, egg - 2-3 pcs.,
Such noodles are popular in many cuisines of the world - this dish is, one might say, international.

1. Mix flour, eggs, salt in a bowl

2. Gradually add milk or water,

Knead a fairly stiff dough

3. Then roll it out and cut it into noodles.

4. Dry it a little and cook it like regular noodles.

Pea flour is rich in fiber, vitamins A and E, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. Pea flour is a product rich in selenium.

In the old days in Rus' they often prepared pea soups, jelly and porridge, and baked pies.

Benefits of pea flour:

Peas are an excellent source of protein. Peas and pea flour can replace meat, while they are much better digested, absorbed and do not cause the body the harm that we often receive from animal products.

Pea flour is useful for those who lead an active lifestyle - it helps the body endure stress, supplying it with energy, and increases performance.

Regular consumption of peas improves the functioning of the heart muscle, reduces the likelihood of heart attack and hypertension, prevents the accumulation of bile and prevents blood clots.

Peas have a mild diuretic effect and are useful for normalizing weight, as they activate fat metabolism.

If you take pea flour before meals, just 0.5-1 tsp, you can alleviate diabetes, reduce headaches, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize metabolism and improve nutrition of brain cells.

Pea flour in cosmetology

Preparations made from pea flour are used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Empress Catherine II made face masks from pea flour. For this I took 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. The mask was applied for 20 minutes and then washed off with cold tea.

Anti-wrinkle facial mask:
Take equal proportions of pea flour and sour cream.
The mixture is applied to the face two to three times a week for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Course - 1 month.

Pea flour is an excellent substitute for cleansing gel and scrub for oily skin. Mix a third of a teaspoon of pea flour with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Nourishing mask.
0.5 cups of pea flour, 0.5 cups of water, 100 g of thick sour cream or cream. Mix flour and water. Wait until the mixture thickens. Add sour cream or cream to the resulting slurry and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Place the mask on your face and keep it on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and wipe your skin with tonic. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week, especially in the cold season.

Hair Mask:
2 tbsp. henna (who doesn’t want tinting, you can use colorless henna) 2 tbsp. pea flour; 1 yolk; 1 tbsp. olive or burdock oil; Add boiling water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream and put it in the oven until it gurgles. Apply to damp hair for min. for 30 minutes.

When frying, pea flour does not absorb vegetable oil or animal fat.

Pea flour recipes:

Vegetarian pea soup.

Water – 1 liter,
Pea flour – 6 tbsp.,
Salt – 1 tsp,
Spices - to taste

Cooking method:
1. Dissolve pea flour in cold water.
2. Put the mixture on the fire, add fresh herbs, spices and salt.
3. Stirring, bring to a boil and turn off.
If desired, you can add vegetables to the puree soup.

Tomato pancakes made from pea flour (Pudla)

200 g - pea flour,
50 g - whole grain wheat flour,
3/4 tsp. turmeric,
black pepper, ground ginger, parsley,
300 ml cold water,
2 tomatoes
1 bell pepper (optional)
1 clove of garlic.
Olive or ghee oil for frying.

Cooking method:
1. In a large bowl, whisk together pea flour, wheat flour and all dry ingredients.
2. While stirring, slowly add cold water until you form a thick pancake batter. If the dough seems too thick, remember that the juice of the tomatoes will thin it out.
3. Place tomato pieces, bell peppers and finely chopped fresh herbs into the dough. Leave it.
4. Grease the pan with olive oil.
5. Pour in enough dough to make three pancakes with a diameter of 6-7 cm at a time. It is not necessary that the pancakes are completely round, but try to keep them the same thickness. Cook over low heat on both sides until golden brown and crispy (4-5 minutes). Continue until all the batter is used, using about 1 tsp. sunflower oil for each poodle.
6. Serve hot. Poodles go well with any vegetable dishes. Dough preparation time - 15 minutes Frying time for one poodle - 5 minutes.
If desired, the finished pancakes can be sprinkled with a little lemon juice.

Pea flour fudge

Pea flour -2 cups
Butter - 400 gr
Milk - 1 glass
Sugar - 1.3 cups
Poppy - 2 tbsp. l.
Almonds - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:
1. Melt the butter in a thick-walled saucepan, then add the sifted flour. Stir-fry for 15 minutes until the flour turns light brown.
2. Pour milk into another pan, add sugar and cook the syrup until it begins to stretch. After this, add nuts and poppy seeds, stir and pour the syrup into the flour and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens.
3.Remove the pan from the stove, let it cool slightly, put it on a plate and cut into squares 2 cm thick. When the fondant hardens, decorate it with poppy seeds and almonds. You can put the mixture in various forms (for example, in a bowl), cool, carefully turn over and knock out.

Sweet pea flour balls - ladoo

Pea flour – 400 g.
Butter – 450 g.,
Coconut flakes – 2 tbsp.,
Walnuts (coarsely chopped) - 2 tbsp.,
Cinnamon – 1 tsp,
Powdered sugar – 250g.

Cooking method:
1. Melt butter in a heavy skillet over low heat. Add pea flour and fry for 15 minutes, stirring continuously. Toasted flour gives a pleasant nutty smell.
2. Add coconut, walnuts and cinnamon, stirring. Fry for another 2 minutes, stirring well. Then remove the pan from the heat and add powdered sugar. Mix well, breaking up any lumps and distributing the powdered sugar evenly. Cool slightly.
3. When the mixture has cooled enough to avoid burning your hands, moisten them with water and make balls 3 centimeters in diameter.

Halva made from pea flour.

Pea flour – 300 g,
Cream 150 ml 10%,
Powdered sugar – 60 g,
Liquid honey – 2 tbsp.,
Ground nuts (to your taste) – 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:
1. Boil the cream, add pea flour, put on medium heat and cook for 10 minutes.
2. Next, remove the mixture from the heat, add powdered sugar and nuts. Let the mixture cool.
3. Add honey to the cooled mixture and mix well. Let the halva brew for several hours. You can also add raisins to the halva if desired.

Flatbread made from pea flour.

Pea flour – 200 grams,
Warm water – 400 ml,
Salt – 1/2 tsp,
Dried basil (any other spices) – 2 tbsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:
1. Dissolve salt in water. Then gradually add pea flour, basil (spices) and stir well so that there are no lumps. The dough turns out LIQUID!!! Cover with cling film and leave for 1.5 - 2 hours.
2. After the dough has rested, add vegetable oil to it and stir well again. Coat the baking sheet well with vegetable oil, sprinkle a little with pea flour and pour out the dough.
3. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes, the readiness of the farinata will be visible around the edges.


Frequent consumption of pea flour is not recommended for people who suffer from flatulence and bloating. In these cases, it is recommended to eat peas and pea flour with fennel or dill - these plants neutralize the effect of any legumes, reducing gas formation. It is not advisable to use it for cholecystitis. If you have gout, peas are contraindicated. It should not be used if there is circulatory insufficiency. Peas are contraindicated in acute nephritis, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.

You can buy pea flour in Nizhny Novgorod at the Living ECO store.

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older than many myths and legends about him. The ancient Greeks knew the taste of peas back in the 4th century BC. e. The Chinese, Indians and Africans tried peas 1,500 years ago. To green peas raw ( the most delicious, in my opinion) Europeans became addicted in the 17th century. Moreover, the British got such a taste for it that they began to develop new sweet varieties of peas. And the third US President, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than thirty varieties of peas in his garden!

Today, when the primordial and ancient is becoming fashionable in our country, peas have every chance to restore their former glory. And since you’ve probably heard a lot about green peas in the country and canned in a gastronomic pairing with boiled sausages, then, anticipating the trend, I’ll tell you about pea flour.

Pea flour ground from dried pea grains. Like all legumes, peas cannot boast of a wide range of vitamins, but those that exist are very necessary for the body: C, Pp, group B. Pea flour contains the same beneficial substances in crushed, and therefore easily digestible form. Traditional medicine recommends taking pea flour 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to improve skin quality and normalize metabolism. However, for some diseases of the stomach and intestines, pea dishes are contraindicated, so self-medication is not the best option here.

From pea flour They cook puree soup, bake flat cakes and bread. Tatar chumar and salma, Arabic falafel, Russian pea porridge, English mashy peas, Indian pea paste with curry - you can cook dishes from all over the world with pea flour.

And the most extravagant thing you can do with pea flour is take it fishing. Experienced fishermen claim that in combination with hemp oil, this is the best bait for white freshwater fish.

My first experience using pea flour was regular pancakes, to which I added half wheat flour and half pea flour. It turned out to be a tender and, I would like to believe, healthy dish. Next in line is falafel. And I wish you interesting culinary experiments with peas flour.

Pea flour, 500 g, 49 rub.

“I was born on June 21, the longest day of the year, on the same day as Prince William. I have two honors diplomas. I speak five languages ​​- Russian, English, Italian, French and Ukrainian, like my grandmother. I managed to work in various companies, and as a result I chose what I get great pleasure from: throwing words, catching them and putting them into sentences. I'm lucky and have great intuition. I can cook, embroider, drive a car. More than anything in the world I love Chekhov's stories, being lazy and eating delicious food. I almost always manage to combine these three pleasures.”

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Flour, be it wheat or rice flour, the benefits of which have already been discussed on the site, is perhaps one of the most popular products, because it is present in the kitchen of every housewife. And even if you are not a fan of baking, you still can’t do without flour. After all, it needs to be added to a variety of dishes. Basically, wheat flour of varying degrees of processing is found on sale. But if you try, you can find an alternative to such a product, for example, pea flour. Let's talk about how pea flour can be used, the benefits and harms of its consumption, and we will give recipes for cooking with such a product.

Recipes with pea flour


To prepare delicious and very healthy pancakes with pea flour, you need to stock up on one hundred grams of whole grain flour, ten cherry tomatoes, one medium bell pepper, three hundred milliliters of water, a couple of cloves of garlic and two hundred grams of pea flour. Also use a bunch of fresh dill, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, black pepper, salt and a pinch of turmeric.

Pour all the prepared flour into a bowl, add the other dry ingredients to it and mix well. Wash the tomatoes and peppers, peel and chop into small cubes. Also chop the dill into smaller pieces and pass the garlic through a garlic press.
Add cold water little by little to the flour while kneading the dough. Then add vegetables to the container and mix well.
Pour a little oil into a frying pan and bake flat cakes (pancakes). Serve them hot with natural yogurt.

Pea flour pate

To prepare such a vegetarian pate, you need to prepare one liter of soy or regular milk, a couple of glasses of pea flour, a medium red bell pepper, four tablespoons of olive oil and three cloves of garlic. Also use a tablespoon of beetroot juice, a teaspoon of ground coriander, a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon each of black pepper, nutmeg and dried marjoram.

First of all, prepare the food: wash, peel and chop the bell pepper as finely as possible. You can even use a food processor for this. Grate a small piece of beetroot and squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass using cheesecloth.
Pour the flour into a fairly large dish. Bring the milk to a boil, pour into the flour and mix well with a blender. As a result, you should get a thick mass of yellow color and without lumps (homogeneous). Add all prepared ingredients to the pea mixture except pepper. Blend again until smooth. Stir pieces of bell pepper into the prepared mixture and taste for salt. Place the finished pate in the refrigerator for several hours, then serve.

Pea flour soup

This is a very simple dish that is very quick to prepare. For it you need to prepare six tablespoons of pea flour, a liter of water, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of dry spices (to taste) and half a bunch of herbs.

Pour the pea flour into a bowl and dilute it with water. Pour this mixture into a saucepan, add finely chopped herbs, seasonings and salt. Bring the soup to a boil while stirring constantly. Cool slightly and serve.

Non-vegetarian split pea flour soup

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one and a half liters of water, one carrot, one onion, and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Also use two hundred grams of ham (or some other meat product), a couple of tablespoons of pea flour. In addition, you will need salt, pepper, and herbs to taste.

Peel the carrots and onions. Chop the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Prepare the frying: first fry the onion in vegetable oil until nicely golden, then add the carrots to it and continue frying for another couple of minutes.
Boil water in a saucepan. Add frying to it. Roughly chop ham or other meat and add it to the soup.
Dilute pea flour in a separate container with half a glass of boiled cool water. Stir the mixture so that there are no lumps in it, and pour into the soup in a thin stream. Stir well, add salt and pepper and simmer on low heat for fifteen minutes. Just before turning off the heat, add finely chopped herbs to the pan.

Benefits of pea flour

Pea flour is essentially dry peas ground into flour. This product contains quite a few useful components, including a lot of protein, which is well absorbed by the body. Due to its protein, pea flour is often used by vegetarians.

This product also contains useful plant fiber and a number of vitamins, represented by tocopherol and provitamin A. It also contains calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Pea flour is also valuable as a source of selenium.

Pea flour is useful for people leading an active lifestyle. It gives the body energy, increases performance and improves exercise tolerance.
Systematic consumption of pea flour has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system, liver, and gall bladder. It is worth eating for tuberculosis, diabetes and frequent headaches.

Pea flour - harm

Harm from pea flour is possible. So its consumption can provoke the development of flatulence, cause abdominal discomfort and constipation, especially if it is eaten in excessive quantities. It is better not to eat such a product if you have nephritis, thrombophlebitis and gout.