“He was given a choice - either sport or me. The Russian gymnast proposed to his beloved after winning in Rio! David Belyavsky stripped everything in the house

The Olympic Games mean, if not everything, then a lot for athletes. Arriving at the main competitions of the four-year anniversary, they fully concentrate on completing the assigned tasks. But sometimes at the Olympic Games there are athletes who can surprise with actions that are not directly related to sports. Like, for example, the Russian gymnast David Belyavsky. Soon after the team competition, in which the young man won an Olympic silver medal as part of the Russian team, he hastened to arrange a surprise for his girlfriend Masha Mikhailova. Yes, what - David proposed marriage to her!

“The guys just won a medal,” Masha recalls in an interview with Metro. “We went to congratulate them.” And here we are standing with the guys from the team, talking. Suddenly, gymnast Nikita Nagorny pretends that he needs to answer the phone. Taking his mobile phone, he tells David: “Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko is calling! He asks to congratulate you. He tells you to check your pockets!” And then David takes out a box with a ring. At first I was confused and started to panic. Imagine for yourself - my young man, in Russian equipment, with a medal around his neck, kneels in front of me, hands me a ring and asks me to marry him! Of course I said "Yes!"

In Brazil, Masha did not wear the ring - she was afraid that it would be stolen.

“But on the way home, in France, I put it on - and I’ll never take it off again!” – the girl assured us.

David Belyavsky admitted to Metro that before the presentation of the ring he was even more nervous than before the battle for silver.

“The idea to present the ring after the award ceremony came immediately, I didn’t think about it for a long time,” David tells Metro. – There were other options. If there was no medal, I would have done it later! Of course, I was worried, maybe even more worried than before approaching the projectile!

For several days now, Masha has literally been glowing with happiness. David's proposal came as a huge surprise to her!

– My guy is one of those who knows how to surprise! – admitted the bride to Metro. – Although he himself tells me that he is not a romantic. Apparently, now he has learned it (laughs). Although he has arranged surprises before. One day I flew to see him in Yekaterinburg from Novosibirsk. David organized a candlelit dinner at home, presenting a bouquet of teddy bears! I love them very much. He knows this, and for my last birthday he gave me a clubfoot who is as tall as me! Oh, how bright it was, I will remember it for the rest of my life!

The girl tries to keep up with her beloved and also pampers him with something:

“Every time he comes back from training camp, I do something - either cook, or buy a gift. David is rarely at home, so I want him to have the most “delicious” time possible. Most of all, David loves my signature dish - turkey in cream sauce. And also baking.

Masha’s closest friends were the first to know about David’s action.

– One of them, Katya, received the ring six days before, so she reacted very violently! – Masha laughs. – My girlfriends often asked me: “Well, when, when is the wedding?!” After all, we have been dating for more than four years! But I never rushed him. A person must make this decision for himself. Although personally, I realized a long time ago that I wanted to live with David for the rest of my life.

Of course, Masha’s mother, Galina Yuryevna, was also one of the first to learn about David’s creativity.

– Somewhere in our souls we were already ready for this! – says the happy mother to Metro. – We managed to fall in love with him, I say this absolutely sincerely! If you believe in fate, then this is the case! I am a mother, and my maternal instinct tells me: “They will be together!” We wish them happiness.

Galina Yuryevna is one of David’s big fans as a gymnast.

“Of course, we follow his performances, sometimes he comes to tears,” she admitted. – We are happy, less often we are sad. But I’m sure he will still surprise us! We believe in him!

Galina Yuryevna assures that David has a lot of positive qualities. Masha told Metro why she fell in love with the gymnast:

– When I saw David for the first time, I immediately noticed what beautiful eyes he had! I also really value his attitude towards life. He knows how to enjoy simple things - ice cream, carousels. He taught me to find more joy in the little things. I also respect him as a person and an athlete. How much effort he puts into his work! He is a very stubborn person, he always goes to victory. And he is very kind - I don’t remember him ever refusing to help anyone. Well, David treats me with trepidation. This is the first relationship in which I feel like a real woman!

David regularly goes to competitions - at first Masha was very afraid to follow his performances.

“Sometimes, of course, I came to the hall, but then one of his friends always sat with me to tell me what exactly David was doing, whether everything was all right with him. Now I watch all of David’s competitions, but my heart skips a beat every time. I feel like I can't even breathe when he performs. It’s very hard to watch, the emotions are overwhelming. And for these emotions that he gives me at tournaments, I love him too. After every medal my loved one receives, I cry with happiness!

Masha confessed her feelings to David eight months after they met. But the athlete himself did this only last year. Masha doesn’t hold a grudge against him for his long silence.

“I remember he brought me a big bear with the inscription: “I love you!” – Masha laughs. – I've been waiting for this for so long! But I didn’t rush him, because I always felt that he loved me. By his attitude towards me! David is the most precious thing in my life. I already miss him. Every meeting with him is like a holiday! I'm counting down the days until my dates. Finally I got mine! I really wanted to get married. And now, after some time, I want to have children. In the meantime, I’ll watch David perform at the Olympics in Rio - he’ll have his next finals very soon...


The love story of a Rio Olympics medalist and a beauty from Novosibirsk, who saw him on TV and fell in love - he left her after an unsuccessful performance, but changed his mind and proposed in the heart of Brazil

The love story of SibGUTI graduate Maria Mikhailova and Rio de Janeiro Olympic medalist David Belyavsky from Yekaterinburg began 4 years ago. During this time, everything happened - from youthful love to scandals, jealousy and separation. In addition, the couple had to defend their right to be together and face a choice between career and personal life. During the Olympics in Brazil, David surprised his girlfriend by unexpectedly and originally proposing marriage to her. Maria Mikhailova told an SHE correspondent about how she built her happiness brick by brick, what habits she forgives David and what she has to give up for the sake of her man’s career.


It so happened that I celebrated the New Year in 2012 alone. I watched TV from 4 to 5 in the morning, flipping through channels. I see the boy standing, preparing to perform in the exercises. As I later found out, it was a repeat of the World Championships in Tokyo. I don’t know how it coincided that the repeat, and even on New Year’s Day, shows little gymnastics at all. I liked him. Literally 10 minutes later I found him on VKontakte. She wrote that he had a charming look, something like that. I didn’t think it was fate; I was also just interested in communicating with a person from a field that you don’t know. David celebrated the New Year somewhere with friends, but he answered me very quickly. At first, I didn’t immediately admit to him that I saw him on TV, I said that I accidentally came across him on social networks, - David replied that such accidents do not happen.

The next day we corresponded almost all day. Everything happened very quickly. We talked for a whole month - days, nights, evenings. He offered to fly to him in Yekaterinburg. I thought, why not, you can take a risk once and remain happy for the rest of your life.

First meeting

He met me at the airport, however, when I left the terminal, I didn’t see him. I think, well, now I’ll buy a ticket to fly back. And he just stood at the top and looked at the arrivals area from the second floor. Then he said that he decided to excite me a little, so to speak. He is small in stature, but this did not bother me, on the contrary, I thought it was so cute - the two of us are so miniature. We are generally the same height as him - 164 cm. On the first day there was some kind of wariness. David was modest - he took me by the hand for the first time only the next day. Somehow everything was very timid, but everything was very nice, very decent. I was in Yekaterinburg for only two days. I flew away with such thoughts - God, I’ll land now, and if he doesn’t write to me, if he didn’t like me... But he wrote that everything is very cool, call me when you arrive - something like that.


In general, at first everything developed in such a way that it can be compared to falling in love for the first time. It's all very tender. Probably, somewhere I took more initiative, because I already understood that I fell head over heels in love. He very nicely took the initiative, for example, to draw something on the wall on VKontakte while I was sleeping. He was in no hurry to talk about feelings. At first there was a grind - quarrels, swearing, and sometimes there was no time for words of love. And they bit, and they were jealous, that’s all. David bought an apartment, I remotely controlled the renovation, drew the design, and we chose something together. There were no concrete conversations - now we’ll do the renovations and live together. When I visited him, he arranged a romantic affair. There was nothing in the apartment except a sofa; he made a makeshift table on some box. Plastic glasses, champagne. It was very touching. We started living together 1.5 years after we met.

First difficulties

We had a difficult situation. David's coaches told his relatives that our relationship was hindering the development of his career. I was very upset, it was unbearable to cry every day because of this, to worry. Sometimes I even wanted to leave, but not because I fell out of love. I thought - well, maybe I really should give up, maybe it will be easier for us and they will leave him alone. I also felt very sorry for him, there was pressure on him from all sides: he had to train, be focused, etc. They (coaches and relatives) thought that we would now start living together, I would definitely get pregnant, give birth to a child right away, and David would go to his family, and not to sports, not to the Olympics, which he was going to.

But in reality it’s not like that, we have a common goal, we walked towards this Olympics together. At one point he was given a choice - either sport or me. I don’t even want to remember all this. The turning point occurred when David simply said that this is my girlfriend and whether you like it or not, I will be with her, and then as fate will decide.

Of course, they didn’t leave us behind, but a warmth appeared inside me, I realized that I was behind him like a husband, behind a man like behind a wall, he would stand up for me. I was very often called selfish, that I would take away his apartment, car... By the way, I am still not registered here, all the real estate is registered in his name. I have my own car, my property is from Novosibirsk. For some reason, everyone thinks that, as an athlete, there’s a lot of money there. But what big money is there, he’s not a football player. Perhaps the questions were due to the age difference ( Maria is 4 years older than David. - A.B.). And we are still trying to prove that everything is not as they think. And confirmation of this is his sporting achievements and the fact that I still don’t have a child.


I always get excited when he performs. That the control training is closed somewhere, that the Russian Championships - this excitement cannot be conveyed. For the first time I went with him to the European Championships in Bulgaria. His friends kept commenting to me because I couldn’t watch. Now I’m watching, but I’m just as worried, shaking. I give myself this attitude - I need to inspire him through TV or personally: you will do everything, you will succeed, be confident in yourself, you can do it. Many didn’t believe it, but when I went to Rio, I knew there would be a medal, I just didn’t know what kind. He was 100% ready. We also went through the London Olympics together. By that time, they had been dating for 8 months, but there was no such attachment - they did not live together and communicated at a distance. By the way, after London he had something like star fever, because there were a lot of subscribers, fans, etc. He was very upset that he didn’t take the medal then, and told me the following phrase: “I won’t be able to give you what you want.” We broke up. It is difficult to say what motivated him then. But a week later I wrote: I can’t take it anymore, I miss you very much, I want to see you. We have already gone through this Olympics more calmly.

I wouldn’t want my children to make the kind of sacrifices that athletes make. Although if a person is happy in what he does, perhaps his choice should be accepted. I know David is happy about this. Without sports he is like flowers without water. I believe it is a gift to do what you love. Because most people do what they hate.

Next to such a pumped-up man, it is difficult to do without sports - he goes to his gym, I work out with a trainer in my gym, for physical tone. He didn’t tell me that I needed to lose weight, etc. But he explained that this is the same release of negativity. After this, you are a normal person - you have more energy, sleep more. With his success and confidence, he inspires me that I, too, can and should achieve certain things, be it sports or business. At the beginning of June I opened a manicure studio. I have an art education ( MariaGraduated from art school in Novosibirsk. - A.B.). By the way, I also give David a manicure. Previously, he had difficulty sitting down at all, but now he puts his hand in. ( Laughs.)

Got along in character

David has this quality - he is stubborn, always goes to victory. If something didn’t work out somewhere, he always finishes it as it should, at least he tries. And in life he is so balanced, calm, harmonious. It feels like there, in sports, you give all your perseverance. We argue, but at the level - either everyone will remain with their own opinion, or we will pretend that it is not worth wasting time on this. We have learned to value the time we spend together, it’s a pity to waste it on petty quarrels, and we rarely see each other. His socks in the corners don't bother me, that's for sure. It's not annoying that he can throw things around. They say that you love both the bad and the good in the person you love.

An offer of marriage

When they won silver as a team, we didn’t get to see each other in the hall, because the athletes leave through a separate entrance and are immediately taken to the Olympic village. I arrived, we are standing at the entrance to the Olympic village, I hug him and congratulate him. His teammate Nikita Nagorny pretends to be talking on the phone. He says: “Yes, yes, I’ll tell you everything.” And he tells David that Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko called, congratulates you and asks you to check your pockets. And then I already understand what is going on, panic began. David takes a ring out of his pocket and kneels in front of me, wearing this equipment, with a medal around his neck. And then, of course, I felt shock, tears, joy, some kind of crazy delight. I don’t want to go anywhere or leave anymore. But we literally had 15 minutes. We said goodbye, I left and, in fact, practically never saw him again until I arrived home.

As for the wedding, since the proposal was so big, I want to keep something for myself, do it very personally, so that no one knows anything at all. We note, most likely, in Greece - the birthplace of the Olympic Games. There will be a minimum number of people at the wedding, but we will sign here. Last name? I believe that a woman should always take her husband's last name. Otherwise, why would there be a stamp in the passport at all?

I admit, even before the proposal I was happy with everything as it was. I do what I love. He does what he loves. We love each other, and, probably, you couldn’t imagine a more ideal family, only if there are a couple of little ones in the future. And so, however, I sincerely consider myself happy.

Anna Bogdanova

Photos courtesy of Maria Mikhailova (1–4)

Reads: 38,393

Love is like a dream. A dream in the heat of Rio, filled with emotions and sports excitement. First, 24-year-old Yekaterinburg gymnast David Belyavsky won the heart of his beloved girlfriend Maria Mikhailova, and then a silver medal in the team all-around. The Olympic medalist, of course, dedicated his victory to his most devoted fan. Thus, two of the most cherished dreams of a Ural resident came true in Brazil. Of course, Masha could not refuse her beloved. Of course, she answered the champion “Yes!”

I never put pressure on David and didn’t talk about it myself. And it was a big surprise for me that this happened precisely at the Olympics. Of course, this event will be remembered for a lifetime, because two very vivid memories will be associated with Rio. Our two dreams are now the dreams of our family. Everything happened after our gymnasts were awarded. Unfortunately, we were not able to see each other in the arena. I went to the Olympic village to congratulate David. He performed a whole skit with the guys on the team. And then he got down on his knee and proposed to me,” the happy bride told Komsomolskaya Pravda in Yekaterinburg.

Now Masha has a gold ring with a diamond on her finger, but the girl has no idea how soon the wedding will take place. For her now, the main thing is that her beloved does not be distracted from training and performs successfully. Masha literally flew to David on wings. Wings of love. A 25-hour flight between Russia and Brazil is not a hindrance to happiness. Now Maria, together with her friend David, rents a two-room apartment in the capital of Brazil. She hardly saw her fiancé all this time: athletes have a regime. But the main thing for a girl is the opportunity to support her soulmate.

I am very glad to be here, emotions are overflowing. We cried with the guys when we saw that they were second. This is because no one believed in their medal. Although I knew that she would definitely be there. I just didn’t know which one it was. I believed in David, so I came and shared his happiness with him, what he had been working toward all his life,” Masha is happy for our team.

The couple have been together for more than four and a half years. The guys met in a rather unusual way. Maria, who lived in Novosibirsk at the time, watched an artistic gymnastics competition and immediately noticed a handsome guy. The girl was not at a loss and wrote to the gymnast on social networks, and a friendly correspondence began. A month later, the lovers saw each other and have never parted since then. Neither long separations nor long distances became an obstacle to their love.

For the first year of the relationship, Maria lived in Novosibirsk, and David was torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow. But for three and a half years now the guys have been building a family nest in the Ural capital. David bought an apartment here, and Masha was involved in its design. The girl also manages to communicate with the gymnast’s fans: she runs a Belyavsky fan club page on social networks. Masha also has her own small business. Just the other day her manicure studio opened.

We haven't discussed marriage yet. There was simply no time to sit down and talk. Now I am not distracting David from the competition so that he prepares as expected. We are going on vacation after the Olympics and it is there that we will discuss how we will plan the celebration. We must decide how it will take place, in what format. Will this be an event for the two of us or will we have a big wedding? But we are more inclined that it will be something personal,” Masha said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

David Belyavsky - who participated in the Olympic Games. He managed to get a silver medal in 2016 in the team championship. The athlete also received for exercises on the uneven bars. He also won bronze for the uneven bars at the European Championships. In 2015, he won the European Games in Baku.

Biography of David Belyavsky

David was born in the city of Votkinsk, Udmurtia, on February 23, 1992. From childhood, the boy grew up as a very active child and was restless. In addition, it was distinguished by unusual flexibility. He was able to do splits, bridges and other simple exercises with great ease.

David was raised by his grandmother, Lyudmila Viktorovna. She also went in for sports at one time; perhaps it was through her genes that the love for this lifestyle was passed on to her grandson. While ordinary grandmothers watch various TV series on TV, David’s grandmother was only interested in sports channels, mainly gymnastics. And he and she watched the gymnasts with great pleasure. They were an example for him, almost magicians. David was a big fan of Alexei Nemov.

early years

While studying in the second grade, David Belyavsky signed up for gymnastics. But I attended the school section for about a month. He didn't leave her because he wasn't interested there. It’s just that, according to his teacher, he knew everything that they could teach him in the section. He advised the boy to be sent to a sports school. The grandmother listened to the advice and took David to the Votkinsk children’s and youth sports school “Znamya”. There Sergei Zakirov became his coach. After this, David began to look at gymnastics not as entertainment, but as a profession. He spent whole days training, from early morning until late evening. He was on par with his classmates, but the coach wanted to find the best among his students.

David Belyavsky had the best qualities for an athlete: a great desire to achieve his goals, strive for better results.

Moving to Yekaterinburg

When the boy was about twelve years old, he was noticed by the famous coach Peter Kitaisky from the city of Yekaterinburg. And when he turned fourteen, he moved there and entered the Olympic Reserve School. This is what became the impetus for great victories. The move was very difficult for David; he missed home and friends very much, but he understood that this was necessary for career growth. Peter Kitaisky recalls that at first the boy was very shy, even too modest.

The children who studied with him tried to help David adapt to local conditions so that he could more easily endure separation from home. But since Belyavsky really liked what he was doing, and there was some success in it, this helped him. He almost always set himself the goal of winning, and that’s mostly what happened.

In 2008, he announced himself and became a silver medalist in artistic gymnastics in Switzerland, this was when he was part of the Russian junior team. The team consisted of Emin Garibov, David Belyavsky, Igor Pakhomenko, Matvey Petrov and Kirill Ignatenkov, they scored 263 points. They also received good results on the horizontal bar, pommel horse, rings, bars and vault. David also won a silver medal in the vault.

In 2009, David became a four-time champion at the Youth Olympic Festival in Tampere, Finland. He won first place in all-around in floor exercises and rings.

When there were artistic gymnastics competitions in Japan, David Belyavsky won gold on the vault, silver on the horizontal bar and bronze on the pommel horse. But in the all-around, he made several mistakes in the exercises on the rings, and therefore took fourth place.

Russian championship

He received silver in the vault at the Russian Championships, after which he joined the Russian team for the European Championships in Birmingham. But due to natural phenomena, they were unable to fly out and take part in the competition.

At the Russian Cup, which took place in the city of Chelyabinsk, David made it to the final on five apparatuses. When there was the all-around final, he was in the lead, but then he became fourth because he fell on the pommel horse due to placing his hand incorrectly. But he managed to get gold in the floor exercise, overtaking the best gymnast in Europe but finishing second in the vault. Thus, gymnast David Belyavsky joined the team for the World Championships, where Russia took sixth place.

Other victories

When the Olympic Games took place in London in 2009, David took sixth place in the team championship, fifth in the overall championship, and seventh in the pommel horse. These merits were received by the athlete when he was part of the team.

As a member of the Russian national team, gymnast Belyavsky received silver in the Olympics, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, for the team all-around, and bronze for the uneven bars exercises. In addition, the athlete still has many awards in his treasury. Also awarded a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation for the sporting successes achieved at the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013.

A native of Votkinsk, gymnast David Belyavsky has been in the Olympic Village of Rio de Janeiro for 8 days. He arrived there with the national team on July 25 and has already gone through an acclimatization period.

I thought it would be hotter here, since the climate is different. But everything turned out to be tolerable, in the evenings we even wear a sports jacket,” says the athlete. – We are still getting used to it here, we train twice a day, we managed to go on an excursion to the statue of Christ and to the Atlantic coast.

At the age of 14 he went to Yekaterinburg to build a career

As a child, David was very restless, and his grandmother Lyudmila Viktorovna, who raised him, sent the boy to gymnastics.

He spun and spun, could not watch TV calmly, he was restless. He climbed the walls and tore everything in the house. “I decided: that’s enough, I’ll send him to the gymnastics section,” says the grandmother.

David left at eight in the morning and returned home at seven o'clock. But constant training did not interfere with studies.

At school meetings they always set him up as an example: “Go and ask how David manages to train, study and get good grades.” He was an excellent student. Besides studying and sleeping, he didn’t need anything else,” says the grandmother.

By the way, at that time Belyavsky looked up to 4-time Olympic champion Alexei Nemov, he wanted to win and win like him.

But in Votkinsk, athletes went to competitions at their own expense. But in David’s family, finances were difficult. And when David was 14 years old, coach Sergei Zakirov suggested leaving for Yekaterinburg.

“When I took his little one to Yekaterinburg, there was a lump in my throat and I wanted to cry. David asked: “Grandma, I won’t have friends there, why are we going to this city?” I consoled him, calmed him down as best I could. Then he quickly became friends with the boys, they lived as one family. “I came twice a year,” recalls Lyudmila Viktorovna.

The result met expectations. At the age of 16, David, as part of the Russian junior team, became the silver medalist of the European Championship. In London in 2012, at the Olympic Games, as part of the team, he qualified for the finals and took 6th place, 5th in the overall championship, and 7th in the pommel horse.

“Rings are not mine”

– I’m doing well with floor exercises - in this event I always make it to the finals at the European Championships. Last time I was second, now I’m fourth. “Horse” has recently begun to work out well, which is why in Bern I managed to become second on this apparatus. But rings are more difficult. First of all, in terms of physical fitness. There you need to create static elements. That's not mine. Jump - with a good base it goes well, the main thing is to do everything, a big plus for all-around. On uneven bars I have now raised my basic score, this is one of my strongest events,” Belyavsky admitted in an interview with the portal.

Also for Rio, the athlete lifted the basic elements on the uneven bars. If previously preparation allowed you to qualify for the finals, now you can hope for awards.

The main competitors of the men's artistic gymnastics team are the Japanese. Six-time Olympic champion Kohei Uchimura consistently shows good performance on all apparatuses.


Belyavsky and his girlfriend opened a beauty salon

For 4.5 years, Belyavsky has been dating Maria Mikhailova, who moved to him from Novosibirsk to Yekaterinburg. This year the couple decided to start a business and opened a beauty salon.

We have wanted something of our own for a very long time. Of course, we have no experience in business, we learn everything as we go,” Maria admitted. - We mainly focus on the nail studio, but we have a master who specializes in eyebrows, eyelashes and makeup; we recently started doing braids. Things are looking up. I myself work as a master - I draw beautiful designs, almost paintings on my nails. I think that at the start it is very important to leave clients happy in everything, and no one will work for you as hard as you do! There are plans to open a second salon.

Maria herself did the interior design of the salon. He says it has become the new home for the teddy bears that David brings from all over the world.

We decided to create a cozy corner where people wear slippers and are treated to delicious coffee or lemonade. We started with wallpaper with bears and panels,” says the girl. - Our salon has become a home for bears, the collection is constantly replenished, now there are about 40 of them. We don’t give them names, since they are all foreigners; we distinguish them by nationality. The very first bear arrived from the last Olympics.

By the way, on August 6, the girl flies to Rio to support her athlete. He says this is important for David. Besides, they still rarely see each other.

He comes home once a month for about a week. Over the course of 4.5 years, I have already become accustomed to always waiting and greeting him, and the relationship is only brighter because of this. While he’s away, I’m immersed in work and training, we’re online for each other all the time, we solve all issues the same way as if we’re nearby! I'm no longer afraid of fans. I am confident in him, and his attitude towards me, with trepidation, still leaves no doubt!

The couple is not talking about marriage yet. Although, Maria admits that they have been living as a family for a long time.


David Belyavsky– Russian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports. Born in Votkinsk (Udmurtia) on February 23, 1992, a student of the Lokomotiv Youth Sports School (Ekaterinburg). Multiple champion of Russia, absolute champion of Europe. He won 4 medals at the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan, including one of the highest standard in the team championship. He was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation for high sporting achievements. Winner of the 1st European Games 2015 in Baku. The inscription on the left hand, Desipere in Loco, is a quote from the “Ode” of Quintus Horace Flaccus. Translated, it means “Be crazy when it’s appropriate.” Participant of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Education – higher, Ural State University of Physical Culture. He continues his master's studies in St. Petersburg.