Coloring pictures in African style. African painting. Contemporary African art

Classical African painting has many differences from classical European painting, which has always attracted the attention of both artists and many viewers.

Previously, this art of painting in Africa was considered primitive, but nevertheless has always been popular. African style has influenced many modern painting styles.

African painting is, first of all, the bright, rich colors of this continent. All shades of red, orange and yellow, brown and ocher are the colors of the sunny desert, the savannah of the earth. And, in contrast, bright green is the color of the jungle and various tropical vegetation.

A distinctive feature of African painting is also the practical absence of perspective, a single-color background with a small number of shades, and the presence of various ornaments and signs. There is often a connection between the plot of the picture and the world of spirits.

The artists’ works contain a lot of mysticism, vitality and expression. Basically, the plots depict everyday scenes of people's daily lives, or wild animals of Africa with the landscape familiar to them.

The oldest art of African painting

In general, all the art of African painting is quite diverse and the works of authors from different parts of the continent are very different from each other. There are many separate trends and styles, usually depending on the area. There are a huge number of them and it is not possible to describe them all at once. We will gradually get acquainted with them on our website.

There are several main areas of origin of African painting. First of all, this is the territory of West Africa - Guinea, the Niger River basin, Angola and Congo. The most ancient African civilizations were formed here, quite isolated from the rest of the world, and therefore having their own distinct authentic features.

The art of painting in the Eastern traditions bears the imprint of the influence of Arab Islam, since the inhabitants of these territories have always actively communicated with each other. Residents of Sudan, Ghana, and Mali actively traded with North Africa and Egypt, and therefore local art here has its own characteristic features.

The African coast of the Indian Ocean, with its cultural traditions, is closely connected with the art of Iran, India and the rest of the Islamic world.

The pictorial art of ancient Abyssinia, on the contrary, was little mixed with numerous others and is distinguished by its special, very recognizable style. Biblical images are popular in this area, with roots in the paintings of ancient Orthodox churches and illustrations of ancient manuscripts.

Separately, we can highlight the traditions of the ancient Yoruba civilization, the culture of the Zimbabwe region, and, of course, the pictorial art of the inhabitants of ancient South Africa.

Until the 19th century it was considered primitive, however, oddly enough, it had a great influence on European fine art. Unusual forms were adopted by various avant-garde movements. This became especially noticeable at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, African painting has come to be regarded as a serious art that requires special attention.

African style is distinguished by powerful expression and energy, which is embodied both in the forms themselves and in the symbols that accompany them. Another indispensable attribute is the presence in the works of African masters of a sacred connection with the world of spirits and Gods. Surprisingly, the colors that prevail in the paintings of African artists very accurately reflect the colors of the landscapes of this continent. Bright, green - like the jungle, yellow - like deserts and savannas, red - like the hot and scorching sun. In addition, the characteristic color for African painting is various shades of brown, ranging from fawn to almost red. Whether this combination of colors comes from rock paintings or is a later invention of local craftsmen is unknown. A lot of books and scientific articles have been written on this topic, but no one has ever figured out the secret of the unique painting of this continent.

Africa, especially South Africa, remained untouched and inaccessible to Europeans for a long time. Local tribes lived in their own world, without communicating with the rest, which is why their art is so different from what we are used to. It developed in the most unpredictable ways and, as a result, became so isolated and unique that the first viewers could not even understand that it was very beautifully and professionally done. Canonical forms, traditional motifs, life and everyday life, worries and worries, beliefs, fears and aspirations of the inhabitants of the continent, where there is no cold and snow, are reflected in their drawings and paintings and are incomprehensible to people who were brought up under the influence of completely different ideas and values . If our distant ancestors could fully understand and be imbued with such painting, then it has become increasingly difficult for modern people to do this.

What is it African painting!? If you try to talk about it in a few words, then this is: a single-color background, with several shades; the main motif of the work occupies almost the entire space; lack of perspective; the presence of ornaments and certain signs; the painting itself is made with wide and sweeping strokes or lines; grotesque forms; dynamics. Only from the outside does it seem primitive. Many avant-garde artists of the past and our time find a special genius in this. Such forms of modern painting as cubism, primitivism and some others were created only thanks to African art.

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Unbridled African style

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Price range

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Subtlety of the East

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According to a contemporary German artist Sabine Barbe(Sabine Barber), the inspiration for her work can be anything: be it a person or nature. Thanks to her extraordinary talent and unbridled imagination, she creates truly beautiful paintings in which life is in full swing. A wonderful selection of works dedicated to South Africa, which depicts not only ethnic portraits, but also colorful landscapes of wild nature, will help you verify this.

Sabina has been drawing since an early age, but only after becoming a mother of two children did she become seriously interested in painting, giving her preference to oil and pastels. According to the author, it is pastel that gives her unique freedom and spontaneity, making her work truly soft and deep. And it is not at all surprising that these paintings make an indelible impression on the viewer, giving a feeling of calm, harmony and tranquility, because there is something special in them that attracts attention, causing a smile, not leaving anyone indifferent...