How does the fairy tale of the little mermaid end? What does Andersen's fairy tale teach? What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”

Fairy tale by H.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" and their characteristics

  1. The Little Mermaid, the youngest daughter of the sea king, who fell in love with the handsome Prince and gave her voice for the opportunity to see him and be with him.
  2. The prince whom the Little Mermaid saved from death and with whom she fell in love. A handsome and honest young man who fell in love with another.
  3. The Sea Witch, a terrible monster who gave the Little Mermaid the opportunity to be human, but took away her voice.
  4. Princess, a sweet creature whom the prince mistook for his savior
  5. The Little Mermaid's grandmother, a wise and experienced woman
  6. Sisters of the Little Mermaid, five beautiful daughters of the Sea King.
  7. Daughters of the air, magical creatures.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

  1. Sea Palace
  2. Six mermaid sisters
  3. Boy statue
  4. The sisters visit the surface of the sea.
  5. The Little Mermaid turns fifteen
  6. The little mermaid saves the prince
  7. The little mermaid goes to the sea witch
  8. The little mermaid turns into a human
  9. Prince meets princess
  10. The little mermaid cannot kill the prince
  11. Daughters of the air.

The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences

  1. The Little Mermaid plays in her garden and waits for her fifteenth birthday to surface.
  2. The Little Mermaid sees the ship and saves the prince after the storm
  3. The Little Mermaid gives her voice to the sea witch's legs
  4. The prince finds the little mermaid and treats her like a sister
  5. The prince marries the princess of a neighboring kingdom
  6. The Little Mermaid says goodbye to the prince and becomes the daughter of the air

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

For his love, for his loved ones and for their happiness, a person is ready to give everything to the road, even his life.

What does the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" teach?

This fairy tale teaches us to love and never betray those we love. Teaches us to sacrifice our interests for the sake of the happiness of those we love. Teaches that even the saddest ending leaves us hope for the best.

Review of the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

The fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" tells about the great feeling that awakened in the chest of the little Mermaid. About how much she gave just for the opportunity to be close to the one she loved. This is a beautiful and touching story that I really enjoyed. This story has a tragic ending, but the last words of the fairy tale leave us with hope that the Little Mermaid will still be happy.

Proverb for the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid".

One heart suffers, and the other does not know.

True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.
You won't be nice by force.
Love is a great torment.
Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

Deep under the water stood the beautiful palace of the Sea King, in which the King himself, his mother and six sisters of the little mermaids lived.

The youngest Little Mermaid was the most beautiful, she loved the statue of a marble boy, which she placed in the garden.

When the little mermaids turned fifteen years old, they received the right to rise to the surface of the sea. Each of the mermaids was very pleased with this event. They talked about the wonderful sand, sunset, wide river, ice, and the Little Mermaid was looking forward to the moment when she too could rise to the surface.

And now the Little Mermaid turned fifteen years old. She saw a huge ship on which music was playing. And she saw a handsome prince who looked like her marble boy.

In the evening a storm broke out and the ship sank. The little mermaid saved the prince and pulled him ashore.

The little mermaid was sad and told her sisters about everything. They showed her the prince's palace and the Little Mermaid began to sail there often to look at the prince.

The little mermaid fell in love with people very much and regretted that she did not have an immortal soul. When a ball was being played in the palace, the Little Mermaid secretly went to the Sea Witch. The path to the witch was dangerous and scary, but the Little Mermaid got to the Witch.

The witch knew what the Little Mermaid needed. She agreed to make the Little Mermaid a human, but warned that she would have to give up her vote, and she would walk on knives. And if the prince marries someone else, then the Little Mermaid will become sea foam.

The little mermaid agreed to everything and the witch cut out her tongue and handed her a magic drink.

The little mermaid drank the drink and lost consciousness on the shore. The Prince found her there.

The prince fell in love with the Little Mermaid very much, and everyone around rejoiced at her sweet face and gliding gait. The Prince called the Little Mermaid "The Foundling".

"Mermaid"- Andersen's famous fairy tale about a young mermaid who is ready to give up her life at sea in order to receive a human soul and the love of a prince.

The Little Mermaid lives in the underwater kingdom with her father (the king of the sea), grandmother and five sisters. All five sisters are older than the little mermaid, and each of them was born a year after the previous one. According to established rules, when a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface of the ocean to look at the world. Therefore, every year one of the sisters became old enough to visit the upper world. After the return of her next sister, the little mermaid longingly listens to colorful descriptions of the surface and human beings.

When it's the little mermaid's turn, she rises to the surface, sees a ship with a handsome prince and falls in love with him from a distance. A strong storm begins, and the little mermaid saves the drowning prince. She takes him unconscious to the shore near the temple and waits until a young girl from the temple finds him. The prince was unconscious all the time, so he never saw the little mermaid.

The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother if people could live forever if they could breathe underwater. She explains that humans have a much shorter lifespan than mermaids' 300 years. But when the latter die, they (that is, the mermaids) turn into sea foam and cease to exist, while people have an immortal soul that lives in heaven. The Little Mermaid strives for the prince and wants to receive an immortal soul. She eventually visits the sea witch, who gives her her potion. It will allow the little mermaid to get legs in exchange for her tongue, since the little mermaid has the most enchanting voice in the world.

The sea witch warns that once the little mermaid becomes human, she will never be able to return to the sea. Additionally, when drinking the potion, it feels as if a sword is passing through the body. But when her health is restored, the little mermaid will have two beautiful legs and will be able to dance like no person has ever danced before. However, those who drink the potion will constantly feel as if they are walking on sharp swords, stepping hard enough to cause their feet to bleed horribly.

Finally, the little mermaid will be able to find an immortal soul only if she receives a kiss from true love, if the prince loves her and marries her, because then part of his soul will pass to her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after his marriage to another, the little mermaid will die with a broken heart and turn into sea foam. She drinks the potion and meets the prince, who is captivated by her beauty and grace, oblivious to the fact that she is mute.

Most of all, he loves to watch her dance, and she dances for him, despite her suffering from excruciating pain in her legs. When the prince's father orders his son to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, the latter tells the little mermaid that he will not do this because he does not love the princess. He also added that he could only love the young girl from the temple, who, he believes, saved him. It turned out that the princess was the girl from the temple. The fact is that she was sent there so that she could get an education. The prince fell in love with her, and the wedding date was announced.

The prince and princess get married, and the little mermaid's heart is broken. She thinks about what she gave up and the pain she went through. The little mermaid is in despair and thinks about the death that awaits her, but before dawn her sisters brought her the knife that the sea witch gave them in exchange for their long hair. If the little mermaid kills the prince with this knife and allows drops of his blood to fall on her feet, then she will become a mermaid again. All her suffering will end and she will live her full life.

However, the little mermaid cannot bring herself to kill the sleeping prince lying with his bride. She throws herself into the sea as soon as dawn comes. The little mermaid's body turns into sea foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she feels the sun and turns into a daughter of the air. The other daughters of the air explain that she became the same as them because she strove with all her heart to receive an immortal soul. The Little Mermaid will in the future receive her own soul through good deeds, and she will eventually soar into the Kingdom of God.

How unusual was the man who brought the magical world of fairy tales to Denmark - Hans Christian Andersen! “The Little Mermaid”... The summary of this work is familiar to us since childhood. A touching love story. Great love that settled in the soul of the sea beauty and transformed her world. She made millions of children's eyes shine when reading her story.

Coral Castle

Andersen begins to expound from the author in a classic narrative style. The introductory part of the work introduces us to the life of the underwater coral royal palace. The main character is the youngest of six mermaid sisters, daughters of the lord of the waters of the sea, the dowager king Triton. The prettiest of all mermaids is the blue-eyed sea princess. In the underwater world, she has her favorite corner with red underwater flowers and a marble statue of a boy that sank to the bottom as a result of a shipwreck. The grandmother who lives with the family helps her son manage the palace. The sisters (she has five of them) are friendly and have a fun time playing games, despite the difference in age (they were all born a year apart). According to the customs of the underwater world, after the little mermaid turns 16 years old, she is allowed to surface and examine the above-water world.

Upper world

Thus, as befits an experienced storyteller, Andersen sets the intrigue already in the title itself: “The Little Mermaid.” The brief content of the scene of the fairy-tale sea girl observing the upper world comes down mainly to her contemplation of the handsome prince on board a three-masted ship. The ship makes a pleasure voyage, the little mermaid hears music. The young man looks like a marble statue that Ariel has played with for years. When she first saw him, she fell in love with the black-eyed prince. A sudden storm causes a shipwreck. The prince drowns, the little mermaid saves her beloved by independently dragging him to land, who has lost consciousness. Leaving the prince near the temple, she, hiding, waits until the girl who came out of the gate finds him, and then swims away.

Unhappy love of a mermaid

Did Andersen include this fairy tale, “The Little Mermaid,” among his optimistic creations? The summary (5-6 sentences can already make it clear that there is a place of sadness here) is sad, and it probably cannot be otherwise. The great Dane believed that joy always coexists with sadness: both in life and in fairy tales.

Various, sometimes insurmountable obstacles stand in the way of love. This is perhaps the most famous fairy tale of the great Andersen. The Little Mermaid, a little blue-eyed sea beauty who later became a symbol of Denmark, is ready to make any sacrifices and hardships in the name of her love.

The author talks about the sorrows that love for a person promises a mermaid. At the same time, the Great Dane wrote in detail, about things understandable to his compatriots, since he took advantage of the folk beliefs of his homeland about mermaids - characters of Danish folklore. It is believed that they live longer than humans - three hundred years. However, these sea fairies are deprived of the main human wealth - an immortal soul. However, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, British, Germanic, Slavic epics keep stories of marriages of sea nymphs (mermaids) with people. In a happy family life, as follows from legends, sea nymphs become ordinary mortals, acquiring a human soul.

Self-serving sorceress

Having decided to love a person, our fairy tale heroine had to resort to witchcraft, says Andersen. The little mermaid Ariel goes to a powerful sea witch who can help her marry her beloved prince. She asks her to use witchcraft to replace the swift and irreplaceable tail in the sea elements with a pair of slender female legs.

The sea witch is far from selfless. In exchange for her services, she demands the magical crystal voice of the little mermaid - her main wealth. This turn of events was invented by Andersen; it no longer occurs in the epic. In this turn of action the author's intention is visible. Andersen writes “The Little Mermaid” as a multi-layered, not only magical, but also philosophical, deeply psychological work. A summary for a reader's diary can express the main idea in two words: love and self-sacrifice.

Ariel plunges into a maelstrom of feelings

To emphasize this aspect of the work, to make it more prominent, the author forces the wayward sorceress to present conditions more radically: if the little mermaid’s love does not evoke a reciprocal feeling in the prince, then this will threaten her with death - at sunset she will become sea foam. However, this does not stop the sea beauty. She acts emotionally, deciding to sacrifice everything to find love. At the same time, Ariel doesn’t even remember her father or sisters. The whole world, the whole meaning of life for her has come down to one thing - finding the love of a prince, and in comparison with this goal, everything, even her own life, is perceived by her as something secondary.

Boy with a Heart of Stone

Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" further follows the logic of commercialism: the prince does not stand the test of the love of the sea princess. His soul was not touched by the “talking eyes” of the numb little mermaid who was in love with him. He follows the wishes of his parents, because he believes that he “must marry” the passion they have long chosen for him - a princess from a neighboring country. She, by chance, turned out to be a girl from the temple who discovered the prince saved by the little mermaid. At the same time, tactlessness is obvious: the crowned egoist calls on the little mermaid to be happy for him!

“The Little Mermaid”... Andersen... The content of the fairy tale leads the reader to the obvious conclusion: the little mermaid was deceived, the handsome prince turns out to be, in essence, only a cold marble boy, unable to feel the beating of a loving heart nearby.

He marries someone else, the little mermaid's heart is broken.

Bravo, storyteller!

This is where the real magic of the pen is hidden! This is what makes the hearts of readers feel the true heights of love. It would seem like a plot completely divorced from life... Just think, a creature that does not exist in nature - a little mermaid in love... Andersen is an awkward, lanky old man who writes his fairy tales with a myriad of grammatical errors...

So why, having reached this point in the tale, did the reader’s heart beat again? Why do the eyes of children sparkle so much that they cannot be pulled away from a book? Hans Christian Andersen, a storyteller for all times, “simply” forces the reader to look at the blue-eyed little mermaid Ariel not from the standpoint of reason, but with special vision, the vision of the soul.

The Little Mermaid is doomed. However, it is precisely at this moment, in suffering, that an immortal human soul is born within her. She is now ready for self-sacrifice. She is ready to forgive the prince and wishes him happiness.

Indeed, one of those books that helps a child become purer was written by Andersen - “The Little Mermaid”... A summary (“School Knowledge” is one of the sites for posting the works of this author) will certainly help guide the child to read this particular fairy tale.

The little mermaid resigned herself. She made a choice of fate. She dies for love. Is everything lost for her?

Overcome temptation

The sisters find her. They found a way out. The mermaids asked the same witch to help. The witch agreed. But the girls cut their hair, they gave their braids and curls for this help. The sisters give our little mermaid an enchanted dagger given by the sorceress. It is now also possible for her to return to the appearance of a mermaid, to regain her carefree life in the coral castle. You just have to kill the sleeping prince with a dagger. And everything will return. This is a temptation.

Will Ariel be able to commit such a crime by regaining her mermaid nature? No, she chooses an immortal human soul and, having kissed the prince, she herself turns into sea foam.

Fairy tale appeal

The key is to make our sometimes gray world around us rainbow, to help it suddenly shine brightly, reflecting the gentle sun in different tones. The Little Mermaid Ariel is trying to shake up people who have forgotten that they themselves owe their birth to love, to return to real life, they must also love...

Unusual and unusual is this man himself, who made his name sound like music for millions of people in different parts of the Earth - the name of the creator and the title of his work: Andersen, “The Little Mermaid”... A brief summary of this exciting, childishly touching story about how The little mermaid in love exchanges her silver voice for a pair of slender legs, and then dies, turning into sea foam, without the reciprocal love of the prince, she cannot leave the reader indifferent.


For many, many generations of people on Earth, this is one of those fairy tales that shape the world of childhood.

At the same time, for any Dane, this work that Mr. Andersen wrote - “The Little Mermaid” - is a high cultural heritage. Since 1913, ships entering Copenhagen harbor have been greeted by a bronze sculpture of the little mermaid - one of the symbols of the country: a touching, gentle, loving sea nymph.

Hans Christian Andersen, through the image of the little mermaid, convincingly shows his readers that he always relies on the readiness to self-sacrifice for a loved one, that true purity of the soul is the willingness to positively perceive the happiness of this person even if he is not with you.

The magical world of the Danish storyteller's fairy tales is bewitching and beautiful. His fabulous magical creativity is dedicated to all people, regardless of age. The works of Hans Christian Andersen are filled with deep philosophical meaning, giving food for thought. One such fairy tale is The Little Mermaid, whose main idea is self-sacrifice for love. The main characters of “The Little Mermaid” are sea creatures and living people, their similarities and differences in behavior and feelings. “The Little Mermaid” is a touching tale about how dreams come true and are broken.

Characteristics of the characters “The Little Mermaid”

Main characters


A little underwater inhabitant, an inquisitive and smart little mermaid. Receives the right to swim to the top of the ocean when he reaches the age of fifteen. The little mermaid saw the prince and fell in love with him. The ship goes down and she saves the prince. Having laid it on the sand, she saw how some girl found it. The little mermaid wants to be with the boy, and in exchange for her voice, she gets legs. But the prince chose another girl, and the Little Mermaid's heart is broken.


A young man gets into a shipwreck during a strong hurricane and begins to drown. Having observed this incident, the little mermaid rushes to save him. She saves the young man and leaves him on the sand. Waking up, the young man sees the princess next to him and thinks that she is his savior. The prince meets the little mermaid, he is delighted with her beauty and ability to dance, and does not pay attention to her muteness. The young man confesses to the little mermaid that he will give his heart to the girl who saved him.

Minor characters

Sea king

Lord of the sea, father of many children. He has long been a widower, and his mother manages the estate.

Old mother

A wise, elderly woman, the grandmother of the little mermaids. She is very proud of her high origins, and teaches this to her granddaughters. Grandma loves mermaids very much, especially the youngest. The little mermaid loves to hear about people, and the old grandmother told her everything she knew about life on earth. She told her that people die, but their soul is immortal, so they do not die forever. And mermaids live only three hundred years, and then they become foam.

Year: 1836 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: The mermaid is the youngest daughter of the sea king, the Prince is her lover

The sea king lives with his mother and six daughters. When the youngest of them turns fifteen, she is allowed to surface and falls in love with a prince celebrating his birthday on a ship. The ship encounters a strong storm, and the little mermaid saves the drowning prince, leaving him on the shore near the nunnery.

She yearns for her lover and decides to make a deal with the witch: the girl’s tail turns into legs, but walking gives her unbearable pain, she loses her voice, forever separates from her family and is doomed to die if the prince marries someone else. During matchmaking in a neighboring kingdom, he finds the girl who, he believes, saved him on the shore then, and takes her as his wife. The sisters suggest that she kill the prince to lift the spell, but she lacks the strength and rushes into the abyss, but does not die, but becomes a daughter of the air.

The main idea. The fairy tale teaches us love and self-sacrifice. She shows how important it is to believe in your dream - it was thanks to her that the little mermaid did not die, but found a new life.

Read the summary of Andersen The Little Mermaid

In the deepest place of the sea stood the palace of the sea king. The king had been a widower for a long time, and his six princess granddaughters were raised by their old mother. All day long they played in the palace and garden. Unlike the other princesses, the youngest was quiet and thoughtful. She loved only her flowerbed with bright red flowers that reminded her of the sun, and the marble statue of a boy that fell from a ship. The little mermaid loved listening to her grandmother's stories about the human world.

Only from the age of fifteen were they allowed to go upstairs, but no one wanted this as much as the youngest. Year after year, the sisters surfaced and returned with admiring stories. Finally, the little mermaid had a chance to rise above the water. She found herself next to a ship, from the deck of which singing and music could be heard. The people were dressed smartly, but the young prince seemed to her the most beautiful of all. For a long time she could not take her eyes off him.

A storm began and the ship was tossed about by the waves. The waves swept over the ship and laid it on its side. It became dark, but when lightning flashed, the little mermaid saw the prince fall into the sea. She saved him by taking him to the shore where the monastery stood. Soon the girls ran out of the building, and one of them found the prince. He smiled at the girl, and the little mermaid felt sad, because he didn’t even know about her existence. One day she told her sister about everything, and soon all the sisters already knew everything. One of them led her to the prince's castle. The little mermaid wanted to achieve the love of the young man.

One day, after leaving the ball, she went to the witch. The sorceress agreed to make a potion for her that would turn a fish tail into a pair of slender legs. Her gait would be graceful, but every step would cause unbearable pain. At the same time, she would never be able to return to her family, and if the prince married someone else, the little mermaid would turn into sea foam. The princess agreed, and in exchange for the favor, the witch cut out her tongue.

Having sailed to the palace at night, the little mermaid drank the potion and lost consciousness. The prince found the girl and brought her to his palace. She danced so magnificently that everyone admired her and applauded her. Over time, he became more and more attached to her, but still treated her like a cute little child, with no intention of taking her as his wife. He admitted that his heart was occupied by the one who saved him long ago on the shore. The Little Mermaid was worried that she could not tell him the truth.

The prince's parents sent him to a neighboring king to meet his future bride. In her the prince recognized the very girl he was looking for. They celebrated the wedding and went to the young man’s homeland. The Little Mermaid has one last night left to spend it with the one for whom she left her home. Suddenly she noticed her sisters with cropped hair - they gave it to the witch in exchange for a knife with which the girl was supposed to pierce the prince’s hearts. His blood would turn her legs into tails and she could return to the sea. But the little mermaid did not find the strength to take her lover’s life and threw the dagger into the sea. She threw herself into the water and turned into sea foam. But the girl did not feel death - instead, wonderful creatures, daughters of the air, appeared before her. They took her with them to where the little mermaid would find love and happiness. Invisible, the girl touched the forehead of the prince's wife with her lips, smiled at the young man and ascended to the clouds.

Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Little Mermaid

Picture or drawing of the Little Mermaid

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