Meaning of the name Lana. Lana - name meaning

Are you interested in the secret of your name? Still don’t know where it came from, what it means and whether it has an impact on your destiny?

Then we hasten to inform you that you have come to the right place, because in our articles we help you figure it out. Today we present to your attention an article in which we will reveal the meaning of the name Lana.

It is worth immediately noting that in Russia the most widespread version connects the origin of Lana with the ancient Russian word “lan”, which means “meadow”, “field”, “fertile”. The second common version is Alan, which is more common in Ossetia. According to her, Lana is the female version of the male name Alan. There is even an opinion that the female name Lana has Irish roots and is translated as “peaceful.”

An important point in the description of the name Lana is that it can act both as a full and as an abbreviated form of other names:

  • Milena, Milana, Melania.
  • Ruslana.

However, recently it is more often used not as an abbreviated form of a name, but on its own. A girl named Lana celebrates her birthday on the days of veneration of saints Svetlana or Melania, since in the Orthodox calendar these are the days of saints with the closest name to her.

It is often confused and put in parallel with the name Lada. In this regard, Lana is given the following meaning: “nice, feminine, sweet.” And even though in reality these personality characteristics often really correspond to Lana, these are two completely different names.

Main personality qualities

Girls named Lana are very positive, brave, and great inventors. Parents have practically no problems with them. But the main thing for these children is the atmosphere in the family. Parental support is very important to Lana. Even if she commits some offense, you should not immediately scold her and punish her.

Understand the situation - perhaps the girl was right about it. After all, undeserved punishment can provoke Lana into impulsive and unreasonable actions. If parents initially treat their daughter as an individual, then she grows up to be a very kind, charming and independent child. She can easily stand up for herself and her friends.

Studying is easy for a girl with this name, she is comprehensively developed, tries to get the highest score in any subject, and always be the first. Therefore, she gets upset when others succeed better than she does. Besides school, Lana is interested in many other things, and therefore attends various sections. The abilities that she has almost from birth help her develop her talents.

Lana also has a trait that is common to many women - being offended for no apparent reason. Only it manifests itself not over the years, but from childhood. It is useless to fight it; nothing will come of it anyway.

Anyone who does not know a girl with the female name Lana may think that she is frivolous and unreliable. But this first impression is deceptive - she is a real, loyal friend.

In addition, upon superficial acquaintance, one gets the impression that Lana is cold and distant. But in her close circle, the girl reveals a completely different side. Friends and family know her as a person with a kind heart; she will always lend a helping hand and support in difficult times.

In everyday life, Lana is very pragmatic, and a masculine mindset helps her in this. But she absolutely cannot be alone, she definitely needs to be in the company of friends. Cunning is another trait of her character; it is not difficult for her to pretend to be weak, especially in front of a man, when she understands that he will want to protect her and become a support for her.

Lana's main qualities are her prudence and prudence. The girl never commits rash acts, succumbing to momentary weakness. That is why troubles pass her by.

As she gets older, Lana becomes more and more interested in creativity and often begins collecting paintings or figurines. Moreover, she does not suffer from a lack of money. But he is not a spendthrift either; he does not allow himself to buy everything spontaneously. Makes purchases only when necessary.

The female name Lana endows its owner with such a character trait as falling in love. In her youth, she is attracted not only to her peers, but also to older men. She, of course, loves to walk with a fan in the park, kiss in the moonlight, but still expensive gifts are more important to her. In their absence from the boyfriend, Lana will part with him without regret. She would prefer to marry a wealthy man, so she is very careful in choosing her future husband.

After getting married, she retains her habits, never adapts to her spouse, as well as to the rules of her parents, which is why she prefers to live separately from them. The fate of Lana and her husband will not work out if they live with their parents, because only she should be the mistress.

The appearance of children pushes our heroine to achieve ever greater heights in her career, because she believes that they should have all the best. Therefore, she tries to be an example for them in everything, takes care of herself and always looks beautiful, which causes attention from strangers and her husband’s jealousy.

As for work, Lana most often finds herself in a creative profession; here she fully realizes her creative potential, if she really likes the work. She can make a wonderful artist, designer, performer. If she chooses a non-creative field, then, most likely, only for financial reasons.
Author: Natalia Chernikova

Short form of the name Lana. Lanochka, Lanulya, Lanushka.
Synonyms for the name Lana. Svetlana, Ruslana, Milana, Alana, Milena, Roxalana, Iolanta, Evlampia, Melania, Belyana.
Origin of the name Lana. The name Lana is Slavic, English, Catholic.

The name Lana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lana is a Slavic name. The word “lan” in Old Russian and Ukrainian means “wide field”, so the name Lana is interpreted as “fertile”. From the same root comes the ancient word “lanita”, meaning “cheeks”.

“Lan” in Old Russian means “land”; it is the Ukrainian word “lan” that precisely means arable, and in a broader sense, fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on infertile lands. Hence such names as Ruskolan - Russian land; Mediolan - middle land; Scotland is the land of pastoralists, distorted in our country to the name Scotland; England - the land of the Ingles, distorted into England, etc.; villager - living on the earth, village - place of residence on the earth.

According to the second version, the name Lana is the female form of the male name Alan, which has different versions of its origin.

According to the third version, the name Lana is an Irish name meaning “peaceful.” According to the next version, the name Lana comes from the Celtic “alun”, which means “concord”, “harmony”.

From Italian the name Lana will be translated as “fluffy”, “soft”; from Latin the name Lana is interpreted as “pretty”, “peace-loving”.

Most often you can hear the name Lana as a diminutive appeal to the names Svetlana, Ruslana, Milana, Alana, Milena, Roksalana, Iolanta, Evlampia, Melania, Belyan. But the name Lana is independent and is also used independently of the above names.

There is an opinion that the name Lana in the Slavic language means “sweet”, “feminine”, “okay”, but, most likely, the name Lana is identified with the name Lada, which is an independent name and is not related to Lana. They also give the meaning “white”, which is more suitable for the Slavic name Belyan, Belyanitsa.

There are options for translating the name Lana - “golden fleece”, “pride”, “floating, afloat”.

Name day of the name Lana - see the corresponding full female name.

Lana is a rather friendly, smiling person. She comes across as an unreliable person, but in reality she is a loyal and devoted friend. This girl is very touchy, sometimes she herself cannot even explain why and what she was offended by, so you should be very careful with her. Outwardly, she may seem withdrawn, cold, rude, but inside she has a kind and sympathetic heart, she will always offer help, express sympathy and provide support.

Lana has a masculine mentality and is practical in everyday life. But at heart she is a romantic, does not like loneliness and always tries to be in company. This girl knows how to charm those around her, but to really get to know her, you will have to try very hard and spend more than one year. She may pretend to be weak in order to gain your trust, especially if you are a strong man who will not mind providing support and lending a strong shoulder.

Lana is often characterized by prudence and courage. In her style, these qualities appear quite often. Of course, in different situations, Lana’s character manifests itself differently; she is subject to frequent mood changes. Lana effectively uses her strengths without even fully realizing them.

Lana is a freedom-loving woman and has an independent character. Likes to command, makes decisions quickly and without hesitation. The owner of this name gravitates towards stability, rarely changes jobs, preferring a proven place to risk. She is a hard worker.

Lana is a creative person. She loves music, poetry, and has a well-developed artistic taste. She embodies her love in interior design, writing poetry, dancing and clothing. She has her own view on everything, not burdened by stereotypes.

It happens that Lana’s indecision and laziness prevent her from achieving her goals. She will blame herself for all mistakes, but she will not be in a particular hurry to correct them, preferring to do something else. Lana doesn't always follow through. Many of her endeavors, in which she puts her soul, turn out to be successful.

Lana is in no hurry to get married. Having gotten married, she tries to command her husband, which any man will not really like, but not every strong man is able to subjugate her. Lana does not like sycophants and henpecked people. Lana is amorous and can be unfaithful in marriage. A good housewife, Lana appreciates cleanliness and comfort in the house. She is usually hospitable. Lana loves children, and children often love her back.

Lana can become a very successful poetess, singer, artist. It happens that Lana chooses a career as a director or actress. With effort, Lana can become a reporter or travel observer, although these professions are not the most popular among owners of this name.

Lana's birthday

Lana doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Lana

  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 - 2011) nee Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. In 1967 she emigrated from the USSR to the USA.)
  • Lana Turner ((1921 - 1995) real name - Julia Jean Milfred Frances Turner; one of the most glamorous and sensual stars of classic Hollywood)
  • Lana Gorbunova (TV journalist, former correspondent and economic commentator for Channel One. Since 2009, producer of the charity project “Parade of Star Dolls for Children”, co-organizer of the project to recreate the collection of dolls and toys of the children of the imperial family of the Tsarskoye Selo State Historical Museum)
  • Lana Jean Clarkson ((1962 - 2003) American actress and model)
  • Lana Lane (American singer. She sings in her own group “Lana Lane”, performs backing vocals in the progressive group “Rocket Scientists”. She also took part in the “Ayreon” project, the rock opera “Genius” and Eric Norlander’s albums. Fans call her "Queen of Symphonic Rock".)
  • Lana Azarkh ((born 1922) Russian artist, animation film director)
  • Lana Gogoberidze ((born 1928) Georgian film director, People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1979))
  • Lana, Lana Del Rey ((born 1986) pseudonym, real name - Elizabeth Grant; American singer. In June 2011, she signed a contract with Stranger Records, the label that published her debut single "Video Games". This song and video , created by Lana Del Rey on her own, instantly made the artist famous. In October 2011, Lana Del Rey won a Q award in the “Next Big Thing” category.)
  • Lana Parrilla ((born 1977) American film and television actress)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theatre scholar, theater critic, essayist)

Sooner or later, many people think about the meaning of the name they bear. Is it capable of influencing a person’s fate, what character traits does it endow with its owner. This article reveals the secret of the name Lana. Such information can help when communicating with these women.

Meaning of the name Lana. How did it appear

The female name Lana has several variants of origin. According to the first version, it has Slavic roots, and it is translated as “fertile” or “wide field”. In Old Russian, the word “lan” means “land”.

According to another version, it is generally accepted that this is an Irish name, which translates as “peaceful.” Researchers also found Italian roots in it, in which case it means “soft” or “fluffy.” From Latin the name is translated as “peace-loving” or “pretty”.

Most often it is a diminutive form of other, longer ones that can be shortened, like Lana. The full name of such women may be as follows: Svetlana, Milana, Iolanta, Ruslana, Roxalana, Alana, Belyana, Evlampia. However, it can also be independent.

Lana. Name meaning: childhood

She is growing up as a sympathetic and friendly girl. Lana loves communication and prefers large groups of friends. He also finds a common language with strangers very quickly and easily joins a new team.

Lana is a very touchy person. Sometimes, having already forgotten the reason, he continues to be in a bad mood. Studying is difficult for the girl; often her bad memory simply fails her. However, her ability to charm and childish spontaneity help her solve any problems.

Lana. Name meaning: character

She is a positive person, capable of infecting the people around her with a good mood. She loves dancing and music, they help her forget about existing difficulties, just distract her.

Lana will always complete a task if she is truly interested in it. She knows how to take risks, but all her actions will be carefully thought out and balanced. She is brave and sensible. In others, people do not tolerate sycophancy. A person in need will always be helped.

Lana is a freedom-loving woman with an independent character. If necessary, she can pretend to be weak and defenseless.

Lana. Name meaning: marriage and family

She usually gets married late. In marriage she tries to command her husband, but she rarely succeeds. However, she does not intend to obey her life partner. Lana has a very amorous nature, which makes it difficult for her to remain faithful to her husband. But he won’t ruin his family because of his hobbies.

Lana makes a good housewife; comfort and cleanliness reign in her house. She loves to host friends and is also not averse to visiting herself. Such a woman becomes a caring and loving mother.

Lana. Name meaning: career

She achieves good results in creative professions. Lana is not afraid of responsibility, she is independent. He always tries to push his ideas, but he also sincerely rejoices at the successes of his colleagues. She often becomes an actress, director, artist, singer, poetess. Of course, Lana can choose another profession, but they, as a rule, are not popular with owners of this name.

Lana (name)

This term has other meanings, see Lana.

Lana- female name. It spread both from the abbreviation Svetlana and in its own form. Although the origin of the name is disputed, it can most often be found in English-speaking countries like Alana, in Russian-speaking countries like Svetlana, and also in many European countries.

This name may conceivably come from the Gaelic word Eileen (Scot. Gaelic), which means "small stone".

Known media

Lana Del Rey
  • Lana Del Rey (born 1986) - American singer
  • Lana Azarkh (born 1922) - Soviet, Russian artist
  • Lana Gogoberidze (born 1928) - Georgian film director
  • Lana Clarkson (1962-2003) - actress and model
  • Lana Lane - American singer
  • Lana Turner (1921-1995) - American actress
  • Lana Parrilla (born 1977) - American actress
  • Lana Wood (born 1946) - American actress, writer, producer
  • Lana Trotovšek (born 1983) – Slovenian violinist

Will Svetlana and Lana be the same name or completely different names?


What does the name Lana mean?

Lana - Ancient Slav.
Origin of the name Lana

The name Lana is Russian, Catholic.
The name Lana is the feminine form of the male name Alan, which comes from the Old Church Slavonic “ancient Slav”.
Short form of the name Lana

Lanochka, Lanulya, Lanushka.
The secret of the name Lana

Lana is friendly, smiling, and freedom-loving. She is partial to art, especially music. Lana is a loyal and devoted friend. She is a romantic at heart, but in everyday life she shows amazing practicality. Lana is very touchy, sometimes it’s even difficult to determine what was the reason for her offense. Lana is often lazy, indecisive, and quick-tempered. She has an independent character; after getting married, she tries to command her husband. Lana has a masculine mentality, which she skillfully hides behind her charming appearance.
Svetlana is a unique female Russian personal name; the only one of its kind, which arose in Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century and a century later became widespread as a real personal name.

Previously, there were suggestions that the name was of Old Slavic or Old Russian origin, but they were not confirmed.

The name was invented and first used by A. Kh. Vostokov in the “old romance” “Svetlana and Mstislav” (1802); gained wide popularity due to the publication of the ballad “Svetlana”, created by the romantic poet Vasily Zhukovsky (1813). Throughout the 19th century, the name gradually entered into use in Russian culture, losing its connection with the ballad and the features of an artificial, literary name. Warships and enterprises were named after Svetlana; however, at that time it could not become a full-fledged personal name due to the conservatism of the system of naming people that then existed in Russian society.

As an equal female name, the name Svetlana came into use only after the October Revolution, with the abolition of church restrictions on naming people. A special role in the popularization of the name was played by the fact that one of its first bearers was the only daughter of the “leader of the people” I.V. Stalin. The popularity of the name has been actively growing since the late 1930s and in the 1950s - 1970s it became widespread; later the frequency of the name dropped sharply.

Recognition of the name by the Russian Orthodox Church (1943) made it permitted in the church baptismal rite.

*Run away bride*

Svetlana - bright, pure (Old Slavonic). The female version of the Russian male name Svetlan, from the word "svetl". In Greek it corresponds to the name Photina. This is the name they call Svetlana at baptism.

The name has been especially popular in the last 70 years; currently it is used less in cities than in rural areas.

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet Neptune.

Name color: blue.

Talisman stone: rock crystal.

Favorable plant: tree, lily.

Patron of the name: white hare.

Lucky day: Saturday.

Happy season: winter.

Diminutive forms: Svetlanka, Sveta, Svetulya, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.

Main features: lightness, activity, receptivity.
Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) of Palestine, reverend, February 26 (13).

Svetlana Samaritan, Roman, martyr, April 2 (March 20). She suffered under Emperor Nero for spreading the Christian faith.
Blue clouds on April 2 mean warmth and rain.
Svetochka is a very inquisitive child; she explores every corner of the apartment and discovers new objects with delight. She is growing up as a sociable, cheerful child who loves games. She has a rather cool attitude towards schoolwork, but she has a wonderful memory, an active mind, she quickly, easily, although shallowly, assimilates information, answers cheerfully in class - there are practically no problems with her academic performance. However, Sveta may become especially interested in some subject, then she studies it deeply, thoroughly, and it can subsequently become the basis for her in her professional activities.

Sveta is fascinated by films about love, she reads a lot, especially books on her favorite subject, and enjoys going to the theater and concerts of her favorite pop singers.

Sveta is a good organizer, the initiator of all activities in the class, she is active, loves to command, and is confident in her right to do so. But there is no cunning in her, she does everything sincerely. Svetlana is very receptive: whatever values ​​were instilled in her by her parents will be fundamental to her. But most often she is self-made, independent, hardworking, and adapts well to life.

The adult Svetlana is all woven from contradictions: she is kind to people and knows how to hurt them like no one else, she is selfless, but will not miss hers, she knows exactly what she needs, she chose the right path, but at the most important moment she turned away from the right direction.

Svetlana is very neat; she has been taking care of her appearance since childhood. She is always dressed in fashion, and this does not depend on her financial condition, on the contrary: difficulties activate her imagination, from two old dresses she will sew herself a breathtaking new one.

Svetlana is capable, if necessary now, of dramatically changing her views, intentions, retraining, and completely changing her profession. Svetlana finds herself in many areas of activity, most often she is a teacher, engineer, doctor, notary, accountant, psychologist, television worker. Svetlana can make a dizzying career.

Svetlana is very attractive, but cautious; she will marry in full confidence in the feelings and material capabilities of the applicant. But her fate is not always good, although opportunities arise from time to time.

Svetlana is sociable and sociable, loves to attract attention, loves to be liked. Life without men seems dull and inexpressive to her.

Svetlana is a very diligent housewife in the family; she strives to create comfort and makes preparations for the winter. A very caring mother, she considers it necessary to give her children a good education. Everything in the house is in its place, my husband always has clean shirts, a three-course meal during any crisis. She is faithful to her husband and is friends with her mother-in-law. Svetlana’s happy marriage can be with Vadim, Vladimir, Oleg, Eduard, Yuri, Alexey, Boris.
Svetlana Druzhinina (born in 1936) is a famous Russian film actress and director.

When Sveta was in the third grade, she herself, independently, went to enroll

Victoria Gizatulina

The names are different of course.
Lana - can serve as a rhyme for Svetlana, Diana, Tatyana, Oksana, Dana.
But still, if Svetlana likes to shorten her name to Lana, then she will be Lana. And Valentina, for example, is Tina. And Alexandra can shorten her name to Ali. Natalia - Nata, Tata. And many names have such abbreviations and different interpretations.

Meaning of the name Lana


Meaning of the name Lana
Feminine form of the male name Alan.
This woman is friendly and smiling. She is partial to art, especially music, and at the same time practical. Outwardly she may be cold, even rude, but in her soft and loving heart there is always a place for compassion and sympathy. She is very touchy, sometimes it is even difficult to determine what was the reason for her offense. This woman is not as simple as she seems. To truly get to know her, you have to eat more than a pound of salt with her.

She comes across as frivolous and unreliable, while in reality Lana is a loyal and devoted person. She is a romantic at heart, but in everyday life she shows amazing practicality.

Lana has an independent character; after getting married, she tries to command her husband (this is especially true for “winter” women); for this reason, her relationship with her mother-in-law is not the best. Lana has a masculine mentality, which she skillfully hides behind her charming appearance. Lana is not averse to pretending to be weak and defenseless, but not every strong man is able to subjugate her.

She cannot stand loneliness, she quickly becomes attached to people and places, loves stability in everything and does not change jobs unless absolutely necessary. Lana is amorous, but, quickly ignited, burns with an even flame, and very soon her feelings fade away, as if they never existed at all.

This is a pretty rare name these days.

Anchor points:

Meaning of the name Lana

A name with several meanings, this may be why Lana is multifaceted as a person. In the first variant, the name Lana is based on fertility; there is a possibility that Lana is peaceful; perhaps a wide field. But in all these options there is something warm and close to every person. Lana friendly, helpful, smiling girl. She loves large groups of buddies and friends, she likes communicating less with strangers, but she knows how to find a common language and join a new team without much effort. Lana does not have high learning abilities, her memory often fails her, but she knows how to charm both classmates and teachers with her spontaneity and ability to make friends. But Lana is also touchy beyond measure. Sometimes, having already forgotten the reason for his bad mood, he continues to radiate negativity.

Strengthening Character

prudent and courageous, she knows how to take risks, but will think it over and weigh everything first. At the same time, he tries to do everything quickly, without delaying it. For Lana, it is necessary to be interested in the outcome of the matter, otherwise she may not complete it. Lana loves music, dancing, knows how to forget about problems and have fun, infecting other people with positivity. However, people who are weak-willed, constantly moping, and cannot solve their problems on their own, irritate Lana. She will definitely try to change the character of this person and will obsessively demand changes. She will always come to the aid of the suffering, she knows how to console and support. Does not tolerate sycophancy. Lana is an amorous girl, she is romantic and dreamy. She likes men who are interesting, enthusiastic, capable of heroic deeds for the sake of the woman she loves.

Lana is improving

Lana can achieve good results in creative professions, she proactive, creative and is not afraid to take responsibility. She is independent and doesn’t mind bossing around her colleagues. He always tries to push his idea, but he accepts the merits of his colleagues with respect, without envy. Lana is a good housewife, she loves to clean up her home, it calms her down. She cooks well. But Lana’s wife may be unfaithful, she is still in love, but she does not want to destroy the family. Lana devotes a lot of time to her children, instills in them a love of beauty, and the moral qualities of her offspring are important to her. She skillfully receives guests, but does not really like them, since she prefers to visit herself.

Lana has several versions of her origin. According to the first version, the name Lana is a Slavic name. The word “lan” in Old Russian and Ukrainian means “wide field”, so the name Lana is interpreted as “fertile”. From the same root comes the ancient word “lanita”, meaning “cheeks”.

“Lan” in Old Russian means “land”; it is the Ukrainian word “lan” that precisely means arable, and in a broader sense, fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on infertile lands. Hence such names as Ruskolan - Russian land; Mediolan - middle land; Scotland is the land of pastoralists, distorted in our country to the name Scotland; England - the land of the Ingles, distorted into England, etc.; villager - living on the earth, village - place of residence on the earth.

According to the second version, the name Lana is the feminine form of the male name Alan, which has different versions of its origin.

According to the third version, the name Lana is an Irish name meaning “peaceful.” According to the next version, the name Lana comes from the Celtic “alun”, which means “concord”, “harmony”.

From Italian the name Lana will be translated as “fluffy”, “soft”; from Latin the name Lana is interpreted as “pretty”, “peace-loving”.

Most often you can hear the name Lana as a diminutive appeal to the names Svetlana, Ruslana, Milana, Alana, Milena, Roxalana, Iolanta, Evlampia, Melania, Belyana. But the name Lana is independent and is also used independently of the above names.

There is an opinion that the name Lana in the Slavic language means “sweet”, “feminine”, “okay”, but, most likely, the name Lana is identified with the name Lada, which is an independent name and is not related to Lana. They also give the meaning “white”, which is more suitable for the Slavic name Belyan, Belyanitsa.

There are options for translating the name Lana - “golden fleece”, “pride”, “floating, afloat”.

Name day of the name Lana - see the corresponding full female name.

Lana is a rather friendly, smiling person. She comes across as an unreliable person, but in reality she is a loyal and devoted friend. This girl is very touchy, sometimes she herself cannot even explain why and what she was offended by, so you should be very careful with her. Outwardly, she may seem withdrawn, cold, rude, but inside she has a kind and sympathetic heart, she will always offer help, express sympathy and provide support.

Lana has a masculine mentality and is practical in everyday life. But at heart she is a romantic, does not like loneliness and always tries to be in company. This girl knows how to charm those around her, but to really get to know her, you will have to try very hard and spend more than one year. She may pretend to be weak in order to gain your trust, especially if you are a strong man who will not mind providing support and lending a strong shoulder.

Lana is often characterized by prudence and courage. In her style, these qualities appear quite often. Of course, in different situations, Lana’s character manifests itself differently; she is subject to frequent mood changes. Lana effectively uses her strengths without even fully realizing them.

Lana is a freedom-loving woman and has an independent character. Likes to command, makes decisions quickly and without hesitation. The owner of this name gravitates towards stability, rarely changes jobs, preferring a proven place to risk. She is a hard worker.

Lana is a creative person. She loves music, poetry, and has a well-developed artistic taste. She embodies her love in interior design, writing poetry, dancing and clothing. She has her own view on everything, not burdened by stereotypes.

It happens that Lana’s indecision and laziness prevent her from achieving her goals. She will blame herself for all mistakes, but she will not be in a particular hurry to correct them, preferring to do something else. Lana doesn't always follow through. Many of her endeavors, in which she puts her soul, turn out to be successful.

Lana is in no hurry to get married. Having gotten married, she tries to command her husband, which any man will not really like, but not every strong man is able to subjugate her. Lana does not like sycophants and henpecked people. Lana is amorous and can be unfaithful in marriage. A good housewife, Lana appreciates cleanliness and comfort in the house. She is usually hospitable. Lana loves children, and children often love her back.

Lana can become a very successful poetess, singer, artist. It happens that Lana chooses a career as a director or actress. With effort, Lana can become a reporter or travel observer, although these professions are not the most popular among owners of this name.