Everything about chakras - meaning, methods and methods of cleansing. How to open the muladhara chakra and restore its functioning

Muladhara chakra is the center of basic instincts and survival. As a rule, in humans it is quite active. However, the energy in it may be unbalanced. In this article I will tell you how to open and develop the muladhara chakra and restore its functioning.

The root chakra is located in the tailbone area, between the genitals and anus. Incorrect functioning of the first chakra is indicated by anger, aggression, greed, and bitterness. I have already written in more detail about this. Be sure to check it out if you haven't read it yet.

There are several ways to restore the functioning of muladhara. These are meditations, active points, chanting mantras, etc. They will be discussed below.

Each chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs, by pressing on which you can awaken the root chakra.

These points are shown in the figure - see photo.

First we will work with the hands. Find the active point on your right hand - it is located on the convex part of the radius bone. Apply light pressure with the thumb of your other hand. Massage it clockwise.

If you experience pain or discomfort, this indicates stagnation of energy in the muladhara chakra.

Massage until the pain goes away, but don't get too carried away. After this, repeat the procedure on your left hand.

Let's move on to working with points on the feet. Here the active points are located on the lower posterior edge of the heel bone. Massage in the same way clockwise, first the right foot, then the left.

This exercise will help open the muladhara chakra if it is blocked and will also help balance it.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on muladhara. Take a comfortable position. It is important that the spine is straight when performing the exercise. That is, you can sit, for example, on the edge of a chair.

Lotus or Turkish pose is not suitable for this exercise.

Direct your attention to the area where the root chakra is located - the base of the spine. A chakra is a spinning funnel of energy, try to imagine it in red. How does energy move?

  • If the movement is even, stable, smooth, then the chakra is working harmoniously.
  • If the movement is impetuous and uneven, this indicates stagnation of energy in muladhara.

Bring your attention to your feet. Through the soles of your feet, inhale pure red light from the earth. Imagine how this light passes through the legs and reaches muladhara. As you exhale, visualize a red column of light radiating from your root chakra into your aura and then back into the earth.

Perform muladhara activation for 5-10 minutes. When finished, direct your attention to the first chakra and try to determine what changes have occurred in its functioning.

Correspondence between chakra and element

In Indian philosophy, it is believed that the entire Universe consists of five primary elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Ether.

The element of Earth is associated with the root chakra, and in the image of the muladhara chakra it is symbolized by a yellow square. The main quality of the Earth is hardness.

The square has 4 sides, they represent the 4 cardinal directions, as well as 4 qualities that are mandatory for a person following the path of spiritual development:

  • directness;
  • honesty;
  • moral;
  • integrity.

Hindus believe that the square symbolizes the stability and order of the Universe. In accordance with this, our life should also be orderly, so we can develop the muladhara chakra and normalize its work.

Think of the Earth element as a living being. She also strives for purification and elevation.

And for this, the Earth needs to get rid of toxins and pollution received from human activities. Mentally send light and love to the Earth.

Let's move on to working with the first chakra through the element of the Earth element.


Meditation on the earth element will help in activating the mooladhara chakra. This exercise is best done outside so you can stand on the ground. If you can’t organize it, then you can study at home.

To perform the exercise, stand straight and straighten your shoulders. Breathe in and out rhythmically and relax. Then bring your attention to the soles of your feet.

Visualize yourself growing your roots into the ground through the soles of your feet. Let the Earth nourish you with its energy. This increases your resilience.

After 3-4 minutes, direct your attention to the top of your head. Visualize a white beam of light entering through the top of your head, down your spine, down to your feet, and then into the ground.

Send this life-giving energy to the Earth. In gratitude for the fact that she nourished you. Enjoy the fact that you act as a vessel for the exchange of energies.

Mantra for the first chakra

Working with mantras is directly related to breathing. Therefore, before chanting the mantra, you should perform breathing exercises.

Take a comfortable position, relax, but your spine should remain straight. The lotus position or Turkish pose is best.

For comfort, you can place a small pillow under the buttocks. Concentrate on your breathing. This promotes relaxation and calm.

Now you can start the exercise. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then mentally count to 5 again and exhale. Continue breathing for a count of 5.

If it is still difficult for you to hold your breath for so long, then try breathing on a count of 3. Over time, your lung volume will increase slightly, then you will be able to increase the time you hold your breath to 7 seconds.

While breathing, you need to focus on the tip of your nose. Try to feel the temperature change during the moments of inhalation and exhalation. Feel the air entering and exiting through your nostrils.

Continue for 5-10 minutes. After this, focus your attention on the muladhara chakra. Visualize white light entering it as you inhale and purifying it as you exhale. This completes the work with the first chakra on breathing, and we move on to getting acquainted with mantras.

Mantra Lam

Exercises with mantras are performed immediately after breathing practice. The muladhara chakra mantra sounds like “lam”. Her pronunciation has a deep “ah”. The sound “m” should be pronounced slightly “in the nose”. If you have studied English, then you are familiar with this pronunciation - these are words ending in -ing.

Mantras are chanted, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth and begin to chant the first half of the mantra: “la-a-a-aaa...”;
  3. cover your mouth and sing the ending through your nose: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. After completing the exhalation, take another breath and repeat the mantra from the beginning.

If you are a little familiar with music and know the musical tones, then try to chant the Lam mantra on the note C. However, this is an optional rule; choose the key that suits you.

Sing softly. You should feel vibrations in the area of ​​the root chakra, this will indicate that the work with the mantra was carried out correctly. To help yourself, concentrate your attention on the first chakra and direct the sound there.

The duration of chanting the muladhara chakra mantra is at least 5 minutes. After completing the exercise, do not get up immediately. Sit for a while and relax. Analyze your condition to see if it has changed after the exercise.

Yantra for Muladhara

Yantra is a sacred, mystical symbol. It serves for concentration and meditation. With regular practice, a person can increase the level of consciousness and develop the muladhara chakra.

Yogis and representatives of other esoteric movements use a variety of yantras. Each of them carries a special energy.

The Muladhara Yantra is a yellow square with a red triangle inside, pointing downwards. Prepare an image for meditation. It is best to print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Sit in the lotus or Turkish position. Place the yantra so that you can clearly see it. Breathe calmly, you can practice breathing with a delay for a count of 5, as described above.

The exercise is not limited in time, focus on your feelings. Relax and focus your attention on the yantra. Look at the yellow square. It symbolizes the Earth and its solidity.

Think about whether you have an energetic connection with the Earth? Do you have a solid base or foundation from which to begin your journey of spiritual development? If not, then later do the Earth Element Meditation (described above).

The color yellow is associated with intelligence, it will help you find out what changes need to happen in life for your development and self-improvement. In the initial stages of this path, the mind will be your best ally, but later you can rise above the intellect.

Think about the integrity of this symbol and the duality needed to achieve it. Become aware of your own dualism. Think about how balanced your masculine and feminine energies are.

How do you divide your time between work and play? Solving problems using logic involves the left hemisphere of the brain, while creative activities use the right hemisphere.

Think about your diet. It must also have harmony and balance to achieve the integrity of the body. Also think about whether you live in harmony with yourself and with other people. What is required for your spiritual development?

Video on activating muladhara

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video about activating and balancing the muladhara chakra:

Chakra location: throat.

Colors: blue, light blue, turquoise.

Additional color: red.

Symbol: a circle framed by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle with a triangle inscribed in it. A chakra stem extends from it.

Key words: communication, expression, responsibility, absolute truth, faith and devotion.

Basic principles: feeding, strengthening life.

Internal aspect: communication and willpower.

Energy: self-expression.

Age period of development: between 15 and 21 years.

Element: ether (akasha).

Sense: hearing.

Sound: "am".

Body: mental body.

Nerve plexus: the entire nervous system (however, some people argue that the throat chakra is not connected to any nerve plexus).

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Body organs associated with the chakra: throat, neck, vocal cords and organs, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, tops of the lungs, ears, muscles, hands and nerves (not everyone shares this opinion).

Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the chakra: difficulty expressing thoughts, speech delay, respiratory diseases, headaches, pain in the neck, shoulders and back of the head, throat diseases, including infectious diseases, diseases of the vocal cords, difficulties with communication, low self-esteem, lack of creativity, ear infections, inflammatory processes and hearing problems.

Aromatic oils: lavender, patchouli.

Crystals and stones: lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate, chrysocolla, blue tourmaline, blue quartz.

The name of the throat chakra “Vishuddha” translated from Sanskrit means “full of purity”. It is located on the surface of the neck, in the throat area, its petals are located on the front side of the larynx, and the stem extends down from the back of the head.

The throat chakra is the center responsible for communication, inspiration and personality expression. The chakra is associated with all aspects of communication - with one's own self, with other people, with cosmic force (communication here manifests itself in the form of faith). This chakra represents how we see ourselves and also creates an important connection between the lower chakras and the crown chakra. It represents a bridge between our thoughts, feelings, impulses and reactions. At the same time, it transmits to the world and expresses the content of all other chakras. Through this chakra we express who we are.

Through the throat chakra we express our vitality, laughter, tears, our feelings of joy and love. This chakra gives us the ability to consciously and clearly express what is happening and existing within us.

The intimate chakra, which is specially connected with Vishuddha, is responsible for our creative abilities. The throat chakra is a source of inspiration, it raises the creative principle to the level of creative expression, thanks to this chakra our creative abilities are expressed in the creation of works of art - poetry and prose, music, paintings, dances and so on.

The creative energy of the sexual chakra, as it passes through the other chakras, transforms into energy that is mixed with the desire for self-expression and self-determination, into the ability to experience and express feelings, and finally into the ability to express creativity in forms of art that affect not only those who create, but also on those who perceive.

This is an additional step towards the highest Divine inspiration, which is expressed in the third eye chakra and in the crown chakra: they allow you to invest wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the world into a work of art, as well as receive inspiration from above.

The more developed the throat chakra is, the more a person can learn, the more aware he is of what is happening inside him. He is able to recognize his inner impulses, needs and emotions and comprehend them by stepping back a little. As a result, a person gains the ability to control all his internal movements and distinguish between them.

Now he can decide which of them to send to the outside world, which to keep within himself, and which to get rid of. Thus, a person has the ability to think freely and objectively, his thoughts are not influenced by elementary needs or inappropriate impulses and feelings.

However, the throat chakra is important not only as a means of expression, it also allows you to listen. When a person is able to hear - both externally and internally - he can perceive deep knowledge from the universe. Listening develops serenity, calm and confidence, and in combination with the ability of objective judgment (which develops as a result of the work of the chakra), it allows a person to understand his inner world, as well as clearly and clearly understand what exactly is happening in the outer world. When the inner voice begins to speak, new knowledge about one’s self is born.

Harmonious work of the Vishuddha chakra:

When the throat chakra is open and balanced, a person can express their emotions, thoughts, opinions and inner knowings clearly, fearlessly and freely. When the chakra is balanced, a person experiences self-confidence, therefore, he is not afraid of revealing the weakness of his inner strengths in front of other people. Self-confidence, inner integrity and honesty towards others are signs of an open and balanced throat chakra.

When the chakra is open, a person can control his speech. He can remain silent and listen carefully to what other people say, he does not feel the need to raise his voice to make himself heard. Self-expression, determined by the degree of chakra opening, manifests itself in all areas of life. A person feels that he can express his individuality, his opinions, his faith, as well as his creativity in any area - in school, in society, at work, in the family circle. He feels a certain stability, and no manipulation can force him to abandon his opinions, beliefs or turn away from the path that he considers correct.

On the other hand, he feels stable enough to listen and accept other people's opinions (which are acceptable to him); he is not afraid that this will somehow damage his individuality, nor does he feel the need to defend his opinion at all costs unless there is a reasonable reason for this. He can clearly express his opinion in order to achieve the intended goal. He has a bright manner of speaking, a rich imagination, but at the same time he knows how to choose words in order to be understood by his interlocutor. Everything he says is simple and understandable. Inner integrity serves him well, even in cases where he is faced with various difficulties or temptations that can lead him astray. He can keep himself within limits, say “no” when necessary, but can also be flexible in his judgment and look for ways to reach a compromise.

When the throat chakra is open, a person feels free, independent and independent of others. He is decisive, has a correct idea of ​​himself, he can admit both his weaknesses and the presence of talents and good qualities.

Disharmonious functioning of the throat chakra:

When the throat chakra is in a disharmonious state, a person has difficulty expressing himself, how to express his self and his uniqueness on various levels. He is plagued by various communication problems, and two of them can cause serious conflicts and even a serious lack of harmony in all areas of his life.

The first is the problem of communication between the personality and the body, which may be inharmonious. A person does not hear his body, he cannot hear its natural needs and desires. This condition can be debilitating and the person may be unaware of its nature, making him susceptible to many diseases.

The second communication problem is the inability to establish a harmonious relationship and unity between emotions, on the one hand, and thoughts and logic, on the other. In such a state, a person may lose the ability to express his feelings, or his feelings will be illogical and unacceptable to him, prompting him to lock himself in a world of pure logic and reason in which there is no place for emotions. This condition may also occur when a person expresses unresolved feelings in thoughts, but is unable to express them practically or verbally. He is prone to daydreaming, has imaginary conversations with people for whom he wants to express feelings, but in reality is unable to express them to the object of his feelings.

The connection between the throat chakra and the physical body:

The throat chakra affects the following organs: throat, neck, vocal cords, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, upper lungs, nerves, ears, muscles and hands. An imbalance in the throat chakra is expressed in a tendency to frequent sore throats, infections and diseases of the larynx, dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), lung diseases, hearing problems, ear diseases and infections, speech disorders, stuttering, pulmonary infections, seizures, neck pain, neck muscle tension, hand problems and various nerve diseases.

Fears of expression usually get stuck in the throat muscles. This causes blockage of emotions, interrupts the natural flow of energy and defines limitations in natural expression. The throat is the organ through which we make our voice heard and express our thoughts, feelings and desires. We express our creativity, individuality, personal opinions and worldview through the throat. When there is a serious conflict between feeling and reason, or in cases where a person suppresses anger - with a suppressed desire to express something - the ability to express is impaired, and this can lead to throat diseases.

The throat is the center of our ability to change, and for this reason should express flexibility and the ability to articulate our opinions and how they fit into our own lives. Inertia and stubbornness, reluctance to change - even when the heart and mind tell you that it is necessary - can also be the causes of various diseases of the throat and neck.

This also happens in cases where a person feels that he is unable to express his “I” and demand that his desires be fulfilled. This is the function of the throat - to give us the opportunity to express what is in our hearts, to speak out, to present our opinions, desires and thoughts. When a person does not allow himself to do this, fearing others and how his demands or opinions will be perceived, he undermines the original most important foundations of the activities of this body.

This condition may well cause a throat infection, especially repeated infections. In such cases, it is necessary to check whether the person feels and understands his natural (and vital) right to speak out and freely express his desires, feelings and opinions. This is often the cause of chronic throat diseases in children whose parents try to speak for them, make decisions for them, or silence them when the child expresses his desires and thoughts.

Another problem associated with the activity of the throat chakra is loss of voice. Like various diseases of the throat, it can arise due to long-suppressed rage and anger, to such an extent that vocal expression is suppressed for fear that if a person speaks, the suppressed feeling of anger will burst out. This condition sometimes occurs in a person because of a deep-seated, instinctive fear of being heard, or because of the trauma that gave rise to this fear. Absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate can lead a person to lose his voice due to the fact that he does not know in which direction to direct his voice in order to achieve a certain goal and express a certain desire.

Like the throat, the neck also symbolizes flexibility as it allows us to look forward, to the sides and to turn back. When a person has serious problems with the neck, its mobility is limited, or muscle cramps appear (and this cannot be explained by prolonged physical activity on the throat), it is necessary to check and find out if there are any things that the person cannot see, or Isn’t excessive stubbornness an obstacle to its development?

The emotional layer that reflects jaw problems can also be affected by extreme repression of self-expression. A person feels that he wants to say a lot, but he clenches his teeth and with great difficulty restrains this storm of feelings that threaten to break out. Thus, feelings seem to fall into a narrow bottleneck, and he bears a heavy burden of emotions that are the result of unresolved conflicts between him and those people who play an important role in his life. Thoughts associated with the desire for revenge, indignation and anger can also cause various jaw diseases. Sometimes they manifest themselves in the form of teeth clenching during sleep.

Bad breath in the absence of obvious physiological reasons for its occurrence (for example, rotten teeth or digestive problems) may well be associated with the functioning of the throat chakra, along with disharmony in the functioning of the heart chakra. This state can become an expression of unclean thoughts, anger, habitual and frequent use of the mouth to throw out mental “trash”, for example, evil gossip or offensive, evil words.

Problems with the oral cavity may be associated with the condition of the throat chakra. The mouth represents the opening through which we take in food - physical, emotional and spiritual - and also expresses the ability to absorb new ideas. Oral diseases can be a reflection of closed-mindedness, unresponsiveness to new ideas, and stagnation of thoughts.

In cases of significant disruption of the throat chakra, a problem such as stuttering can be observed - sometimes this is accompanied by serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart, sexual or solar plexus chakras, or all three together. In general, stuttering can express a severe lack of self-confidence, a fear of expressing one's own opinions, or an inability to express deep feelings. In the latter case, stuttering may appear when a person tries to express his feelings towards a particular person or object.

The thyroid gland, in turn, is also connected to the throat chakra. The hormones it produces are important for maintaining the metabolic rate at the proper level and determining the degree of activity of the body. Moreover, these hormones increase oxygen consumption and protein production. Thyroid diseases are often associated with feelings of humiliation - the feeling that a person is “last in line” for the fulfillment of desires, a constant need to reckon with the desires and needs of others due to low self-esteem, which encourages the person to attract situations that “disturb” him satisfy your needs.

Chakra (from Sanskrit “circle”) is one of the centers of the human body through which vital energy passes. Chakras can be called a kind of spine along which energy flows move in circular movements. This is why the chakras are often depicted as the closed petals of a beautiful lotus.

Women's chakras rotate to the left, men's chakras rotate to the right.

According to the spiritual practice of Hinduism, a person has 7 energy chakras, which symbolize the development of human consciousness. Having gone through all stages of development (from the root chakra to the crown chakra), a person’s egocentric childish thinking becomes wise and perfect.

Almost all chakras are located along the spine and open forward. Everything except the root and crown. The root “looks” down and is closely connected with the earth, the crown is directed upward and connects a person with the Universe.

Each chakra has its own vital area and a certain vibration frequency.

Streams of energy pass throughout the body through the finest energy channels (Nadis), nourishing organs, tissues and glands. Nadi channels at the mental level connect all parts of the body with specific areas of human consciousness. All subtle energies that create a unique sphere are the human aura.

Why do you need to work with chakras?

Each chakra has its own color, element and symbol. The chakras connect with each other and vibrate harmoniously. The more chakras are open, the more energetically nourished a person is. For this purpose, they try to open all chakras as much as possible. When all energy flows flow intensively, it brings a person into a state of complete balance, serene calm, and self-confidence.

But achieving such a state is quite difficult. What's stopping you? Endless stress, negative emotions (anger, envy, hatred), illnesses, fears, as well as psychological trauma received in childhood interfere. All these factors disrupt the intensity of the energy exchange of the chakras, narrow and block the channels.

The primary task with which you need to start working with the chakras is a deep study of your own body. It is necessary to find out which chakras are narrowed and blocked, and also to establish the exact cause of the blockage.

The main practice for opening the chakras is meditation and yoga. Through daily exercises it is necessary to awaken the kundalini energy. The goal of the practice is to raise this energy from the lowest root chakra to the highest crown chakra. When a person just begins to engage in such practice, his kundalini is depicted as a coiled snake that sleeps in the root chakra. When awakening, kundalini rises and passes through all the chakras, reaching the highest and connecting with cosmic spiritual energy. Achieving such a result is associated with a strong and indescribable feeling of supreme bliss.

On the way to the top, practitioners can face all sorts of dangers. Often a person is tormented by causeless pain, fever, mental breakdowns, confusion, etc. That is why work with the chakras must be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

7th chakra
Crown chakra

Color: purple and gold
This is the crown chakra - the center of human perfection.
Parietal chakra, parietal center, Sahasrara (means “lotus flower with a thousand petals”).

6th chakra
Brow chakra

Dark-blue colour
At this level, the third eye, the inner eye, opens.
Frontal center, ajna (perception).

5th chakra
Throat chakra

Blue color
Laryngeal chakra, center of communication, vishuddha (purifying).

4th chakra
Heart chakra

Color: pink and green
Heart center, anahata (unharmed).

3rd chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow color
Navel chakra, navel center, spleen chakra, stomach chakra, manipura (luminous jewel).

2nd chakra
Sacral chakra

Color: orange and blue-green
Sex chakra, sacral center, polar chakra, sexual center, svadhisthana (sweet, affectionate).

1st chakra
Root chakra

Color: red and black
Main chakra, root center, base center, muladhara (root support).

Chakras are associated with various areas of human life and are responsible for feelings, which are often contradictory and dominate each other.

Root chakra – vital energy, fear.
Sacral chakra – creativity, sensuality, sexuality, indifference.
Solar plexus chakra – opening, uncertainty, fear of contacts. Heart chakra – love, giftedness, poverty of feelings.
Throat chakra – sociability, retreat.
The brow chakra is spiritual development, limitation.
The crown chakra is higher knowledge, spiritual confusion.

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All of these properties are expressed in certain colors. Therefore, each energy cent has its own color, or rather, a combination of colors. The purity of the color shade shows the state of the chakra at the moment.

Damaged chakras are restored with the help of harmonizing color. Color therapy has been used since ancient times to restore energy balance. You can practice color therapy every day - it allows you to be balanced and energetic.

Each color has a specific vibration frequency. The more saturated the hue, the higher the frequency.

The most basic way to use chakra color therapy is deep meditation using plain scraps of fabric in all available colors. Daily short sessions will help harmonize energy vortices and improve your sensations. Also, the color of clothing greatly affects the functioning of the chakras and, consequently, the well-being. To activate one or another chakra, you just need to put on the desired color.

Harmonizing colors and their use:

  • Red
  • To activate willpower, to increase activity, when losing energy.

  • Dark pink
  • If you feel inner emptiness, when you lose your goal, to concentrate your consciousness.

  • Light pink
  • To relieve internal tension. In cases where stress and tension are caused by external aggression, when a person is under severe pressure, or with loss of self-control.

  • Orange-red
  • If fatigue has accumulated, to overcome difficulties, to awaken.

  • Orange
  • When sad, a feeling of being overwhelmed for no apparent reason, with excessive sensitivity to overcome causeless fears.

  • Dark yellow
  • With severe irritability, severe dissatisfaction, serious illnesses.

  • Yellow-green
  • If you lack motivation to work and move forward.

  • Green
  • With an unstable psyche, with changeable mood.

  • Light turquoise
  • With strong daydreaming.

  • Turquoise
  • When overthinking.

  • Rich blue
  • With increased nervousness and impatience, with muscle tension.

  • Violet
  • To overcome strong inner agitation and feelings of hopelessness.

The picture shows the 3 main flows of the 7 chakras:

Involution - higher energy mixes with lower energy. Descending energy moves down from the head to the genitals.

Evolution – lower energy unites with higher energy. Ascending energy rises up along the spine from the sacrum to the head.

Central flow
The flow is located along a vertical axis and moves down and up.

The work of chakras, as energy centers, directly concerns a person’s feelings, as well as all the properties of his personality.

Counter arrows indicate the rotation of the chakras. It is important to take into account that in men the first chakra rotates to the right, the second to the left, the third to the right again, and so on. For women, it’s the other way around—the first chakra rotates to the left, the second to the right, and so on.

Other circles indicate the interaction between different chakras. The heart chakra connects the physical world with the world of spirituality and awareness.

At the next level, 3 circles link 7 chakras into triplets. At the lower level, the “Action” group of chakras (energy, feelings, personality) is directed physical activity and progress. At the average level, the group of chakras “Interaction” (personality, love, intuition) is the connection of the physical world with the spiritual. At the top level there is a group of chakras “Perception” (intuition, knowledge, wisdom) - subconscious perception that a person cannot control.

Each person has his own light or energy body - this is the aura. In turn, the aura is part of the universal energy field. The layers of the aura are energy bodies that repeatedly overlap and penetrate each other. Energy bodies move from the center up and to the sides. The outer layers are composed of subtler energies with increased frequencies.

Material level
At the material level there are 3 bodies of the human aura: etheric, emotional and mental. The etheric body is a protective field that provides protection to the physical body, serving as its support. From the etheric body the physical body is born.

The second layer of the material level is formed by the emotional body and relates to feelings. The emotional body is represented as thin colored clouds emanating from the physical body at a distance of 3-8 centimeters. The sensory body is in constant motion.

The third layer of the material level is formed by the mental body, which is located at a distance of 8-20 centimeters from the physical body. This structure refers to ideas and thoughts. The mental body plays with all the colors of the rainbow - this is how a person’s thoughts and emotional state are reflected. A clear and powerful idea has a very pronounced form. Emotional thoughts require the greatest amount of energy.

Astral level
At the astral level there is the astral body - this is the meeting place of the material and immaterial world. This structure is responsible for a person’s relationships with people around him. At the astral level, the interchange of physical and spiritual energy takes place.

Intangible Level
At the immaterial level there are the etheric double, the celestial body and the causal body.

The etheric body-double stores all forms of the physical level. This reflects the general structure of the aura field (chakras, organs, body shapes). The spiritual level can only be seen on a photographic negative.

The celestial body is an emotional reflection of the spiritual level. It is represented as a shining light that emanates from the human body. At this level, a person connects with the Universe. Meditation allows you to experience lasting spiritual ecstasy.

The causal body is the spiritual expression of the mental body. Being at this level of consciousness, a person can feel oneness with the Divine.
All-encompassing Divine love manifests itself in the form of a shining bright golden light, which is seen by everyone who has reached this level of development.

Remove clamps and holes in the aura. As a result, a person is filled with energy and vitality, which are necessary for a healthy, happy and harmonious life.

There are a great variety of energy sources in the world. A person finds it in creativity, favorite work, interaction with pleasant people and all other activities that give him pleasure.

It is important that all the energy received is spent correctly, and when it runs out, it is replenished in the correct ways. If the aura is healthy and all chakras work harmoniously and harmoniously, this is what happens.

But if there are problems on the spiritual level, energy cannot flow freely throughout the body, it literally “leaks away.” And a person, having lost so much of the vitality he needs, becomes irritable, tired, drowsy, and apathetic.

To eliminate energy problems, you need to work with chakras - energy centers, important components of the aura and soul.

There are several methods of working with chakras:

  1. Opening the chakras
  2. Cleaning
  3. Harmonization
  4. Recovery
  5. Activation
  6. Filling

These are the most important methods, but in general there are many more of them. Let's talk about the most necessary and necessary.

Opening the chakras

Opening is necessary so that the chakras can fully accept the energy coming from the surrounding world. If the energy center is closed, it stops functioning.

Depending on which chakra is closed, a person’s problems differ:

  • Closed sex leads to sexual disorders and negative, uncontrollable emotions such as anger, irritation, and aggression. The instinct of self-preservation disappears, a person may begin to risk his life and attract dangerous situations without realizing it
  • Problematic results in depressed states. Feelings of apathy and passivity arise, positive emotions and the desire to enjoy life disappear
  • Closed is the cause of self-doubt. The channel of success and well-being closes, problems with career and business may begin
  • The patient leads to a feeling of depression. The first symptoms are non-reciprocal strong love, the inability to broadcast your love to others, resulting in loneliness
  • Blocked leads to intellectual disability. A person experiences difficulties expressing thoughts and feelings, social problems and conflicts with others begin.
  • Closed “kills” intuition and intelligence. Memory and ability to concentrate deteriorate

Also, a closed chakra affects the state of health: the organ to which the blocked energy center corresponds begins to fall ill.

Chakra cleansing

Reasons why the chakras literally become clogged, preventing energy from flowing freely throughout the body:

  • Negative emotions and the habit of being irritated, angry, offended, etc.
  • Negative attitudes, beliefs, stereotypes embedded in the mind. Most often, the problem is rooted in childhood, less often - the result of social frameworks and the “work” of society
  • Damage or evil eye. It is not necessarily the fault of a stranger who wants to harm them. Most often, a person damages himself by reacting negatively to problematic and painful situations in life.

In order to clear the chakras and allow energy to flow freely throughout the body, you can use the following methods:

  • Contact a hypnotherapist or psychic
  • Practice meditation and other spiritual practices
  • Work with self-esteem and negative attitudes using psychological and psychotherapeutic methods

The easiest way is to control your thoughts and emotions, changing negative ones to positive ones. But this does not always work out for people who have not yet sufficiently developed awareness and self-control.

Chakra harmonization

It is very important that each energy center works healthy and correctly on its own, but also interacts correctly with the other chakras. When the entire aura system works clearly and harmoniously, this is harmony.

To harmonize the chakras, a special meditative practice is used:

  • Relax and free your mind from extraneous thoughts
  • Place your hands on each chakra one by one, from bottom to top.
  • Hold your hands over each energy center until you feel a tingling, warmth, or pulsation in your palms. Depending on the energy, the sensations may differ for each person.

You should practice this meditation for exactly a month every day. It is advisable to do this on an empty stomach, before sunrise.

Watch a video about methods of working with chakras:

Activation of energy centers

This step must be performed after diagnosis, opening and cleansing of the chakras. Once you remove the main problems, the energy centers need to be activated to fill them with energy.

The methods are simple and within the power of every conscious person:

  • Watch your thoughts, words and actions. Change negative thoughts to positive ones, drive away all the bad things from the subconscious. What you think about will definitely come to life
  • Get out in the sun more often. Solar energy enormously fills the energy and allows you to activate the chakras. It is advisable to be in the sun for at least an hour a day
  • Watch what you eat. The most energy-filled foods are not thermally processed. These are fruits and berries, vegetables and nuts, for example
  • Visualize each chakra more often: imagine in your mind what it looks like, how it fills with energy and emits positive vibrations, light
  • Wear talismans with minerals that match your astrological chart
  • Aromatherapy. Choose incense with pleasant aromas
  • Practice chanting mantras

This is not the entire list. Think and write down what things and activities bring you pleasure. This could be creativity, communication with friends and loved ones, hobbies, sports, active recreation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: