Blue flowers. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about flowers Why do you dream about blue flowers?

According to the dream book, flowers carry a double meaning. Interpretations of what the sign means in dreams mention well-being and a sense of superiority. In another sense, these are empty promises, groundless hopes. The details in the dream will help you interpret with maximum accuracy what exactly your dream means.

Interpretations from various sources

Denise Lynn's dream book focuses on the ability of flowers to awaken the healing power inherent in each individual. True, subtle energy is not always on the side of the sleeper. Drops of dew are recognized as an alarming signal - harbingers of failure in a dream.

Meneghetti’s interpretation of what the symbol means in dreams reminds us that the flower is not yet a berry. Love and entrepreneurial potential is great, but will it be possible to unleash it? The art of pretending and excessive arrogance can result in trouble for the dreamer and his business or marriage partner.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

Interpreting what flowers mean in dreams, the Enigma dream book considers different possible options. In most cases, this is a favorable symbol of vital energy and prosperity.

Multi-colored inflorescences on one stem portend popularity with the opposite sex. When flower beds stretch to the very horizon, circumstances will be stronger, inevitable future events may be upsetting.

Miller's optimism

In Miller’s dream book, bright plants promise a wonderful acquisition, while faded plants will bring disappointment. A colorful bouquet as a gift from a stranger indicates secret admirers.

If you dream of flowers on lifeless soil, Miller advises not to give up: despite the difficulties, success, if not guaranteed, is quite achievable.

What Freud says

In Freud's interpretation, flowers are identified with the female reproductive organs. Light petals indicate omnivorousness, red petals indicate hunger for love or the approach of critical days.

The deliberate destruction of beauty in a dream indicates selfishness and sadistic tendencies. Withered flowers in Freud's dream book reflect the dreamer's rich experience and sophistication in amorous affairs.

Vanga's predictions

According to the clairvoyant Vanga, thorns in a given live composition warn of disappointment in the chosen one. If you happen to get hurt, the negative interpretation is once again confirmed.

The abundance of vegetation in the room indicates excessive isolation. If you weave a wreath in a dream, Vanga promises a fateful meeting.

Islamic forecast

The Muslim dream book ambiguously explains why flowers are dreamed of. The sleeper will experience mixed feelings: delight will turn into devastation, an unfortunate incident will bring unexpected luck.

If you give flowers, there is a heart-to-heart conversation ahead. The Islamic dream interpreter claims that the forecast may vary depending on the purity of the dreamer's intentions.

Gladiolus and other varieties

Dream books will help you find out why you dream about varieties of cultivated and wild flowers:

  • Gladiolus - the city takes non-standard thinking;
  • Spathiphyllum - it’s time to reconsider your worldview;
  • Asters - mystery, unknown, spiritual growth;
  • Orchid - a miracle will happen before your eyes;
  • Linden blossom - a hopeless patient will be healed;
  • Bell - some acquaintance will turn your life around;
  • Peonies are dreamed of by overly busy dreamers;
  • Calla - you will take an honorary position;
  • Pansies - fidelity in love;
  • Carnation - your social circle will expand;
  • Poppies - temptation, eaten poppy - good mood;
  • Cornflower - big changes are coming.

Water and fire

Esotericist Tsvetkov offers interesting interpretations of what aquatic plants mean in dreams. If you admire lilies from afar, a pleasant holiday lies ahead. Those who like to do useless things are trying to reach them.

For the bride, this is an alarming signal: the wedding may be upset. The lotus foretells the birth of an idea or a child. Underwater vegetation is associated with routine.

A fire in a flower shop is unfavorable for businessmen. It is advisable to refrain from risky ventures and dubious transactions.

What do the actions mean?

Explaining what the symbol means, the dream book clarifies what you did in the dream and what happened to the flowers. Martyn Zadeki's dream book considers the floral aroma to be a precursor to losses.

Creating compositions means thoughtfulness, a conscious approach. Singles will have the chance to find a soul mate, get married, and start a family.

Concerns about the well-groomed flowerbed indicate a willingness to make an impression at the expense of personal comfort. Its deliberate destruction demonstrates a desire to let go of the past.

Planting flowers

In the Small Veles Dream Book there are many explanations of why one dreams of planting flowers. If you sowed seeds in a dream, in reality you will have an opportunity to show ingenuity and mercy, after which you will be known as a wise, noble person.

If you planted seedlings, keep in mind that your idea is dangerous. For family dreamers, transplanting into open ground symbolizes the temptation to go in search of amorous adventures.

Saw a flowering

If you are lucky enough to see the flowers bloom, an unforgettable meeting lies ahead. If the buds instantly blossom before your eyes, trust your guardian angel.

If flowers grow in your own yard, you will emerge triumphant from a difficult situation. If flowers bloom in a lovers' dream, feelings will last for many years.

What did you do

When you water flowers in a dream, a period of prosperity is expected at home. If you searched for a long time, then found and picked the right specimen, enjoy close relationships.

It’s interesting to know why you dream of eating petals. When they taste good, positive changes are coming. There is bitterness - a sign of emotional dissatisfaction. When you happen to drink water from a flower vase, you will experience the “charms” of unrequited love.

I dreamed of a disaster in a flowerbed

The esoteric dream book will tell you why you dreamed of flowers in a deplorable state:

  • Withered - to a mutual cooling of feelings;
  • Withered flowers also warn of illness;
  • Dried up - a long separation awaits;
  • Frozen - the male dreamer will fail in intimacy;
  • If you dreamed about being uprooted, you are at the mercy of emotions;
  • Broken - to adultery;
  • They trampled your flowerbed - an enemy is trying to misinform;
  • If you threw away someone's gift - you are a master at burning bridges.

Fragments of a flower in a dream

The image may be partially dreamed. Dream books clarify why this or that fragment of a flower is dreamed of. The root symbolizes hard, thankless work. Financial problems will force you to exhaust yourself.

The stem represents obstacles that it is desirable to overcome. A great dream interpreter does not advise looking for workarounds: if you turn off the thorny ones, you risk passing by wonderful prospects.

A flower with many sprouts reflects at least several options for solving a pressing issue. The bud portends unexpected favorable changes.

An out-of-season or unusual exotic guest in a dream that blooms emphasizes the originality of the dreamer. Psychoanalysts recommend developing distinctive features. The sign also promises an unpredictable turn of events.

Gave flowers

Dream books will help you figure out why you gave or accepted flowers in a dream. The Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong promises separation from the donor. If a sick person gives a bouquet to a deceased person, recovery is not far off.

Fresh roses as a gift to a stranger mark the end of a period of loneliness. When deliberately voluminous armfuls are given, it is problematic to find a couple or company in the near future.

If you are given a houseplant in a pot, you will have to find out about someone’s death. A pretty basket as a gift portends disappointment after short-term joy or an unceremonious invasion of personal space.

Present for mom

Longo's dream book explains in detail why you dream of giving flowers to your mother. The symbol reflects the need for support and a feeling of security.

The touching plot is seen as a manifestation of sincere unconditional love that can overcome any differences. When a deceased mother hands over a bouquet in a dream, in reality a period of great achievements in various fields is approaching.

The dream characterizes the sleeper as a romantic with creative inclinations. Significant events will soon follow.

One, two, many

The numerology predictor specifies how many flowers were given in a dream. A single copy indicates that all thoughts are occupied by one person or idea. Two flowers represent the need for love.

It should not be forgotten that two or four flowers, as well as any other even number, are identified with mourning. In a dream, the symbol foreshadows deliverance from trouble and danger. When there are so many tulips that you can’t count them, your social circle will expand noticeably.

Why do you dream about color?

Dream books pay attention to what color the petals were:

  • Red, orange shades speak of harmony;
  • Beige promises a long-awaited invitation;
  • Raspberry symbolizes mutual sympathy;
  • Peach - you are friendly, but on your own;
  • Coral - creativity will bring fame and success;
  • Why do you dream about silver? Beware of envious people;
  • Silver is also identified with mysticism, mystery;
  • Purple represents spiritual rebirth.

Where flowers grow

Potted cyclamen, cacti, and aloe on the windowsill indicate homeliness. A multi-colored edge in the forest promises a successful completion of the task and a long-awaited rest. The glade evokes nostalgic moods.

According to the summer birthday fortune teller, the gifts of the meadow represent tempting prospects. The folk oracle considers a flowering meadow to be a harbinger of gossip that can bring you to tears.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about blue flowers” ​​from professionals for people.

Dreams are a special world that has surrounded humanity for many years. But the main images of dreams are drawn from the objects around us, and therefore the interpretation is strikingly different from those that were given, say, a hundred years ago. But there are dreams that are filled not with objects, but with colors. Such dreams are very memorable, it is interesting to find out the meaning of such an extraordinary dream, for such cases we turn to the dream book. Blue color - what does it mean?

Dream groups

You should always remember that in the world of dreams there is continuous communication between the human soul and his past, present and future. It is the dreams of the future that interest us most. They can be divided, in turn, into those that come true in the first three days and those that come true within two weeks, or long-term dreams.

Morning dreams are very often called empty, they can contain any little thing and any trifle of tomorrow, it is pointless to solve them. Midnight dreams, especially those that occur between two and four o'clock in the morning, especially carry valuable information. But you should not overload yourself physically and mentally, and it is not recommended to take sleeping pills at night. It is also not allowed to abuse alcohol, otherwise dreams will flow in a stream that no dream interpreter will understand.

Details of your dreams

So, you remember a dream in which you saw the color blue. We are looking for an interpretation of such a dream in the dream book: the color blue in a dream, what does it mean... Before turning to the interpretation of the dream itself, you need to remember what emotions you experienced. It is well known that each spectrum relates to a certain element, sphere of activity, even belonging to one or another organ of the human body. Blue is a magical color, but it evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, it is peace and tranquility.

Blue Color Meaning

If we start from the dream book: the whole dream was colored blue, this means that in reality you do not experience bright emotions, blue is considered a feminine color, therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of your femininity. You are missing something in life, you need more peace, less vivid emotions, anger, malice. That is, in dreams the principle of mirror reflection often works; if you can understand it correctly, you can solve some issues in life.

blue flower

For example, if in a dream you see yourself wearing blue clothes. This indicates that in life you are full of aggression, often think negatively, and perceive everything around you as hostile. Dreaming in blue may show you that you need to calm down, resolve issues wisely, with prudence and gentleness. For example, the dream book interprets blue flowers as follows: in addition to the color of the flower itself, it is necessary to determine which flower you saw in your dream. If, for example, these were blue violets, then very soon you will meet your love. If these were cornflowers, then a spiritual rebirth awaits you. In turn, irises mean that such a dream indicates increased carelessness to you, and you prefer a comfortable and frivolous life. But the blue buttercups you see in a dream can warn against betrayal and deception. It is also very important to remember what actions happened to you in a dream. Either you picked flowers, dropped them, gave them, or put them in a vase. Each action changes the interpretation of the dream itself. So, for example, dropping a flower means a quarrel; if you managed to pick it up quickly, then a quarrel can be avoided. Picking dried flowers means loss; tearing off petals means making yourself unhappy. Sometimes, according to the dream book, a bright blue color can mean some intrigues happening around you. It is important to consider and remember all the details of the dream. If the blue flower you dreamed of was beautiful, blooming, you smelled it, picked it in such a blooming form, then this always promises prosperity, happiness and peace, it can also mean the appearance of new love in your life, in any of these cases everything will be fine . The meaning of such images is unchanged and will remain so for many hundreds of years.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If the blue flower was withered, dry and broken, then be careful, in reality you may face troubles, quarrels, even illnesses of people close to you.

Today there are many dream books. Why do you dream of a blue flower? Each of them interprets it differently, but the semantic meanings are close to each other. so, as a rule, there is no uncertainty in this case.

So, for example, Miller’s dream book, which today is one of the most widespread and in demand, believes that the color blue, and not only it, but any other color, does not have any special semantic meanings. But according to the dream book of Denise Lynn, who is today one of the most famous psychotherapists and researchers, self-development trainers, the blue color promises only one blessing to a dreamer: love, faith, understanding, the ability to forgive, tolerance, sensuality, wisdom, nobility. In any of these cases, one should not forget how important the detail of the dream is, and the actions performed during this process are also important. All this together should form one overall picture, which will become clear to you as a whole. Also, according to the interpretation according to Denise Lynn’s dream book, such things as self-isolation, depression, passivity, self-rejection, and at the same time getting rid of self-pity are happening in your life.


In any case, the work done to collect information in dream books was the result of painstaking and many years of research by the authors. Just imagine: hundreds of people interviewed, thousands of dreams that we had to study, and not just study, but be able to connect with everyday collisions. Don't forget how important details, clarifications, even the times in which you live are important. Such knowledge will help to avoid many disappointments that our contemporary may encounter when turning to previously published dream books for help. But in this case we are talking about a dream in which the dreamer saw a blue flower. Such images are durable, inherent in the general type of human civilization and belong to the so-called collective unconscious. Such images, for better understanding, include flight, meat, flowers, wedding, bread.

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Dreams are very rarely “empty”, and if you decipher them correctly, you can get answers to many questions. Why do you dream about a flower? Interpretations of dream books are quite contradictory, but you can also see a “grain of truth” in them if you interpret the plot in a dream based on the smallest details.

All the details of the dream will be important: this is the color of the flower, its size, species, and growth phase. It is important to remember whether you just saw a bud in a dream, or did something with the plant, or maybe it was given to you as a gift?

Flower gift in a dream

According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, if a young lonely girl is given a flower in a dream, then in reality she will have a romantic acquaintance that will bring a lot of new things into life and make her look differently at the relationship between a man and a woman.

If the dreamer happened to give a flower to a pretty person of the opposite sex, then the dream book predicts separation. Moreover, you will be the initiator of the breakup, and you will have quite objective reasons for this. The plot where you gave a bouquet to a deceased person is interpreted completely differently: healing from an illness awaits you.

How the dream book interprets the personification of jealousy and envy is a plot where a friend or girlfriend gave you a flower in a dream. Your friend is secretly in love with your significant other. But this interpretation is correct only if the petals had an unusual color.

Was the plant from the dream alive or artificial?

It is important to pay attention to whether the bouquet in the dream was made up of artificial plants. After all, what a living flower means in a dream is the personification of life, flourishing, a new stage on the path to the goal, while artificial buds are interpreted in a completely different way by the dream book.

An artificial flower is a very bad symbol for lovers. The dream book predicts that a significant cooling of feelings will soon occur in the relationship, and it is possible that this will cause a quarrel or a complete breakup.

The color of the petals also matters

Why do you dream of a yellow flower? For men, such a dream is a harbinger of difficult days in business and career. But if the chrysanthemum petals were yellow, then you will meet your former love, who will stir up old warm feelings in you and make you regret the days gone by.

According to the interpretation of various dream books, seeing a white flower in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. For girls who have already found their love, such a plot may foreshadow a marriage proposal. And the single ones will soon have to attend a fun, but someone else’s wedding.

Why do you dream of a black flower? A gloomy color does not bode well for the dreamer. For married people, this is a sure harbinger of betrayal or divorce. It’s even worse if a rose with black petals was present in the dream: the dream book predicts death and mourning for one of your loved ones.

If you dreamed of a red flower, then it is important to remember the emotional context of the dream. If you couldn’t stop looking at the scarlet flower, then the dream book foretells a wedding. If the red bud did not evoke any emotions in you, then in reality you will become seriously ill if you do not take urgent preventive measures.

A boy or girl who sees a pink flower in a dream is currently experiencing romantic feelings. Do not be afraid of your new sensations - even if they do not bring any continuation, you will never regret your unfulfilled love, warm emotions will remain in your heart forever.

Shades of blue on the buds

The blue tint of the petals can be separated into a separate category, since the interpretations for each shade overlap slightly. It would be useful to remember what kind of flower you saw in your dream - maybe it was a non-existent blue rose, or an ordinary cornflower.

A bright blue flower in a dream is a symbol of your plans in reality. Notice whether it is fresh or slightly withered? In the second case, the plans are not destined to come true. If this is a mythical blue rose, then in real life you will be disappointed in love.

The purple flower is the personification of the hopelessness of the dreamer's love. If there is a person in your life whom you love madly, then do not expect reciprocity from him, you are not destined to experience love with this person.

For a girl, a blue flower is a reflection of the tender romantic feelings that are now arising between her and a guy she likes. Don’t miss the moment of sincere and pure love; most likely, this will never happen again.

A lilac flower is a sign of deception, a shameless lie associated with love. In reality, a betrayal by a loved one or a dishonest act by a friend who has set her sights on your lover can happen.

Caring for a plant in a dream

Individuals who care about home warmth and comfort can have no doubt why they dream of watering a flower. Soon your efforts will return a hundredfold, and you will receive waves of positivity and tenderness from your family.

Transplanting a flower from one place to another is a harbinger of drastic changes in life. If in a dream you saw that the transplanted plant has taken root well, then the changes will only be for the better, and vice versa - withering is a symbol of sad changes.

If a woman happened to plant a flower in a dream, and the action took place in a garden or vegetable garden, then the dream book predicts a difficult situation from which she will emerge victorious. At the most crucial moment, you will be able to make the right and wise decision.

The dream book gives a completely different interpretation to the plot where you had to plant a flower in a pot. If before this things were going well, then everything will take a sharp turn for the worse, and even worse, if the flower died after planting: you will not withstand the tests presented by fate.

Planting a flower in a dream for married people means the appearance of an “apple of discord” in family relationships. Try to make a concession to your significant other, trample on your principles, and then you will be able to keep family ties intact.

What type of plant was it in the dream?

Why do you dream about a rose flower? Most often, a rose of its usual color is a symbol of love and passion, but the presence of a black rose in a dream should be feared, it will bring troubles. The orchid reflects the dreamer’s relationship with the opposite sex - you show too much passion and sensuality, and this can scare away the person who is truly suitable for you.

A lily in a dream is a symbol of spiritual rebirth, the emergence of energy for new achievements and activity. The bell flower is a harbinger of disappointment in relationships, jealousy and betrayal.

Flower in a pot

If you happen to see an indoor flower in a dream, then first of all you need to pay attention to its condition: withering or blooming. The dream book associates such a plot in a dream with family relationships, and accordingly, its withering foreshadows discord, and its flowering portends complete mutual understanding.

For touchy-feely and modest people, what a home flower means in a dream is only the personification of secrecy and shyness. Try to develop strong-willed qualities in yourself, and you will immediately notice a change in your communication with others.

Why do you dream of a growing flower? If you were given such a miracle in a beautiful filigree pot, then in reality the dream book predicts that you will receive news that will carry sadness and grief, but will soon lead to a change in your life for the better.

A subjective look at the beauty and size of a flower

Why do you dream about a beautiful flower? If you look at a flower with delight and cannot take your eyes off it, then the dream book foretells that your soulmate will remain impeccably faithful to you.

The dream book interprets what a big flower means in a dream as an exaggeration of one’s own feelings. The emotions that you experience for a person of the opposite sex actually only intensify, but this does not confirm sincerity; most likely, this is a fleeting love.

An unusual flower in a dream is the personification of the dreamer’s originality. You know how to think differently from other people, and this makes you stand out from the crowd. Find distinctive qualities in yourself and develop them, and then a great destiny will be destined for you from above.

When the bud opens

Depending on the plant species, dream books interpret what a blossoming flower means in a dream. For a person in love, seeing a blossoming and fragrant rose is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the further development of a relationship without lies and betrayal.

If we consider the topic in general, then seeing a blooming flower in a dream is always good, no matter what type and color it is. The plot where the bud has opened right before your eyes is especially favorable. You are guided by a guardian angel who will accurately show you the path to happiness.

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, a blooming lily flower is a discovery of the feminine in oneself for a girl. You are ready for family life, for raising children, for sharing your life with the man you love.

Why do you dream of a blooming narcissus flower? The dreamer's selfishness and narcissism will soon be tamed with the help of bright feelings. It won’t necessarily be love for the opposite sex, perhaps you will have a child, or you will find a best friend.

If you saw a flower bloom in a dream, then the dream book predicts an unexpected meeting with a person who is dear to you, but you have not seen him for a long time. This meeting will end very well and will leave pleasant memories in the soul.

Wilting plant

Why do you dream of a wilted flower? All dream books agree that such a plot in a dream cannot be favorable. Most often this is a symbol of the fading of strong feelings, a sign of coldness and alienation in the heart.

If in a dream a flower withers before your eyes, then the dream book promises a break in relations with your loved one. This will not happen because of betrayal, feelings will simply cool sharply, and affection will dissolve, as if it never existed.

A dried flower is also a bad symbol. The dream book predicts that you will be overcome by a serious illness, which will affect not only your physical condition, but will also shake your psyche and cause loneliness.

According to another interpretation, what a wilted flower means in a dream is a warning from the dream book about danger. The person you feel good about is actually not as harmless as he seems.

Separate parts of a plant in a dream

The root of the flower is a symbol of backbreaking labor. If in a dream you dug it up with your own hands, then the dream book promises you physical work, which you will have to do not to achieve wealth, but to get rid of poverty.

According to another interpretation, seeing the roots of a small flower in a dream means small but annoying family troubles and troubles. You will be very nervous in the coming days.

Why do you dream of a flower sprout? The dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as a favorable omen. A new stage of life begins, when everything will work out, and any new business will become as profitable as possible.

A flower shoot that you cut from a larger plant in the hope of replanting is also a favorable symbol. The dream book foretells the presence of new prospects in an old business. Carefully understand the existing situation, and you will find a way out of the predicament.

An unopened flower bud indicates that you are on the path of serious changes. The dream book predicts that they will radically change your life for the better, and you will not have to make any serious efforts for this.

Buying a flower bouquet

If in a dream you happened to buy a flower as a gift for someone, then the dream book predicts that you will participate in a fun, festive event that will bring happiness and love to your home.

But if you bought two flowers, then the interpretations of the dream book will be radically different from the previous ones. Such an event in a dream predicts disaster, death and mourning. If each flower was intended for a separate person, then double happiness will overtake you.

Torn and broken flower branches

Why do you dream of a flower in your hair? Soon you will have to show all the patience and courage in order to withstand the current difficult situation. The dream book predicts a test from which you will emerge as an undoubted winner.

A broken flower is a bad symbol for family people. The dream book says that in the near future a situation will overtake you, the only way out of which will be a complete break in relations, you will have to forget your soulmate.

You will receive well-deserved praise if you happen to pick a flower in a dream. The dream book predicts that you will do an act for which you will be loved and respected.

Why do you dream about blue flowers? Dream interpretation

Flowers are symbols of fun and joy, and the color blue embodies intellectual energy and prudence. Therefore, blue flowers are a rather difficult combination for the interpretation of dreams. For lovers, this is an unlucky sign, as it foreshadows unrequited love.

However, the blue color of some flowers foretells a happy future. For example, blue forget-me-nots dream that you will be able to find your love. It is also a symbol of new true friends. Cornflowers dream of spiritual changes that will indicate the direction of life for several years. Blue irises are dreamed of by people who lead too carefree and comfortable lifestyles. This dream is a warning that something needs to change. But buttercups warn against treason and betrayal.

See also in the dream book

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about blue flowers, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see blue flowers in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Do you dream of blue flowers? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book

Flowers - A flower bed or flower garden - a pleasant event will not be long in coming. A flower greenhouse foreshadows the acquisition of works of art. Wild or forest flowers are a sign of sadness and loss; households in pots and flowerpots - finding hope; unopened flowers in buds - your cherished wish will soon come true; flowers in bouquets - there will be no end to fans; wilted and crumbling flowers are a harbinger of illness. Picking flowers means well-being and contentment; smelling them means good news awaits you. Seeing flowers in a greenhouse or pinned to a dress or hat is a frivolous pastime that will bring disappointment in the near future. Weave a wreath of flowers - you will have the opportunity to get married profitably. If you pick off the petals, you will be privy to someone else’s secret. An aster seen in a dream is a sign of unrealistic hopes. Cornflowers - a change in affairs for the better. Dahlias are favorable in everything. Geranium is an addition to the family. Hyacinths - separation from a friend. Jasmine - fleeting love. Cactus flower - change the situation. Daisies are upsetting news. Narcissists – infidelity and betrayal. Forget-me-nots are a joy to the heart. Marigolds - (calendula) - successful completion of the task. Dandelion – strong family ties. Peony - you will find happiness in love. Sunflower - ardent feelings, hot passion. Primrose (primrose) – quarrels and scandals. Chrysanthemums - obstacles and losses. Melnikov's dream book. The Ukrainian dream book contains a very confusing interpretation. Girls may dream of a small blue flower as a sign of a happy marriage or pregnancy.

Interpretation given by the Ukrainian dream book

If a man saw in a dream blue flowers growing in his home, according to Miller’s dream book, this means that he is looking for something that he cannot find. It could also mean failure in your career. However, if a man saw that blue flowers were delivered to his home, it means that great happiness awaits him soon.

Buds (flowers, bouquet). - Holding buds of still unopened flowers in your hand means tenderness from a loved one. Family dream book. If a man wants to congratulate his lady in his dreams and buys blue flowers, then this is a symbol of trust.

In your sleep, you may often dream of various flowers. Of course, you may be interested in the reason why you may see an unusual flower. Why do you dream of blue flowers in a field?, a famous psychoanalyst interprets dreams in which light blue plants are present as a sign hinting that the black streak is already behind.

Nuances of the dream:

Fragrant flowers - Smelling fragrant flowers means a date. Family dream book.Colors - As a rule, we see colored dreams because we live in a colored world. But if a certain color becomes dominant or appears in an unusual way in a dream, then it deserves more careful consideration, especially if the entire dream action takes place in an environment of different shades of the same color or if an object stands out for its non-standard coloring. Since many colors are traditionally associated with certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is archetypal and associated with JUNG theory. But you should not limit yourself to an unambiguous interpretation: the symbolism of color goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and related situations. If Jung's characterization does not suit you, try the free association method by comparing real-life images with the color of the object in the dream. Color: Positive aspect - negative aspect. Blue, light blue: Nobility, calm - depression. Black: Power is death or mourning. Brown: Earth, nature - scatological. Gray: Neutral - lack of passions, death. Green: Fertility, renewal, wealth - greed, envy. Red: Self-sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical mutilation. Orange: Spirit of adventure, change - forced change, destructiveness. Lilac: Greatness, positive personal growth is a cripple. Yellow: Enlightenment - cowardice, illness. White: Purity, health, sacred ritual - emptiness. Loff's Dream Interpretation. This dream is dangerous if you felt a breakneck speed. The wanderer will be able to appreciate his work, perhaps

Blue flowers in a dream.

Why do you dream of withered turquoise flowers at the doorstep? Enemies will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Blue bouquets given in dreams almost always indicate recognition. You are valued by your family and respected by your colleagues. But sometimes the interpretation of dreams changes in such a way that the meaning turns out to be negative, foreshadowing problems.

Dreaming of a field of flowers? Tell me your dream.

Red color - Happiness in love. Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse.

Picking flowers - For love success. Family dream book.

Dry stems or turquoise petals will tell of unfulfillment and hidden fear.

Gustav Miller personified the flowers with the dreamer’s life, or rather, with its quality. So, for example, if in a dream you collect flowers that are fresh, colorful, and pleasing to the eye, then this means that you are quite satisfied with the way you live. But to see yourself picking faded flowers in a dream means dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with yourself. See also in the dream book. Dream interpretation - flowers.

If one color scheme predominates in your dream, it means that this color is the main symbol of the dream and needs to be interpreted.

White color signifies purity and clarity in relationships. However, you are too cold towards people and you may end up alone.

If your dream was in white tones, imagine that another warm color (yellow, orange) is added to white.

Yellow or orange color means the blossoming of friendly relationships and fun in the company of friends.

Green color - all your hopes will come true. The business to which you devote your strength will bear good fruit, luck will accompany you in everything. If you dreamed about the color green, it means that it is a favorable time for new beginnings.

Red color - a new romantic hobby awaits you. But be careful: a love affair can take away all your strength. For married people, the predominance of red in a dream is a serious warning. Your family happiness is at risk. Try to control your emotions: passion will soon fade and you will be left broke.

If your dream was colored red, imagine that you wash off the red paint and paint your dream in any other colors with a positive meaning.

Blue color - someone's idea will give new impetus to your inspiration. A good period for creativity.

Blue color - finally all your worries will subside, life will return to a calm track.

Purple color - you should trust your premonitions. A time of intuitive discoveries and mystical revelations.

Burgundy color - elevation in society awaits you. However, be able to manage your new position with dignity and try not to lose face in the dirt.

Brown color means hard work, which, however, will be an excellent foundation for the future. Don't expect quick results: what you do now will pay dividends in a few years.

Black color - a period of failure and suffering has begun. But you should accept them with humility: adversity will teach you a lot. You will emerge from the crisis hardened.

To make it easier for you to get through difficult times, work through the dream by imagining that you add any positive color to black - for example, green.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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According to dreamers, flowers appear quite often in dreams. They cannot be ignored, because in real life they occupy a place of honor among people.

In general, flowers seen in night dreams can be associated with a symbol of beauty, happiness and health. But some dream plots with flowers can warn of possible dangers in real life.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

The most common question is why we dream of fresh flowers. Plants that have not withered in a dream carry only positive things. Such a dream foreshadows joyful events and positive emotions in reality, which can be associated with a variety of events in the real world. A dream in which many flowers appear is especially favorable for a woman. It is a symbol of the blossoming of femininity and sexuality.

Blooming flowers

If you see blooming flowers in a dream, then life provides you with exceptional opportunities. Try to take advantage of this and don’t miss your chance on the way to achieving your goal.

Floral scent

When the appearance of flowers in a dream is accompanied by a pleasant smell, it means that positive changes are coming in real life. But if you smell a cloying, irritating floral aroma, this indicates that you will have to become a victim of temptation in reality. An aroma that is not typical for a certain type of flower should also alert you. Such a sign warns that in reality you are mistaken in your feelings for a person.

Different flowers - interpretation of sleep

The types of flowering plants are very important when interpreting dreams with flowers. It is important to know what different flowers mean in dreams in order to understand what a certain dream indicates or warns about. Many bouquets composed of different flowers indicate that you are surrounded by good people. Therefore, you should not be afraid of anything in life in the near future.

Indoor flowers

Indoor flowers in pots are interpreted differently in dream books. The seer Vanga believed that receiving an indoor flower as a gift in a dream was not a very good sign. Such a dream may be a harbinger of illness in the dreamer himself or in someone close to him. But you should not worry, as healing will most likely occur very quickly.

I dreamed about home flowers

If you see home flowers in very beautiful pots, then in real life a period of prosperity and prosperity begins. But at the same time, an important condition for well-being is that the dreamer in reality does not think about money and how it can be earned.


When you dream of wild flowers, a person needs to prepare in reality for a renewal of feelings in real life. Unforeseen joyful events may soon occur that will lead to sensual pleasures. Sometimes a dream with wildflowers may indicate that your happiness is next to you in reality, but you simply do not notice it.

Roses - dream book

Different types of fresh flowers can have specific meanings. Very often rose flowers appear in dream scenes.

In night dreams they can be interpreted in accordance with their color shade as follows:
  • Scarlet roses foretell the fulfillment of a cherished dream soon;
  • Orange roses predict a joyful event in reality;
  • Pink roses symbolize the beginning of a romantic relationship, on the basis of which a happy and strong family can be created in the future;
  • Yellow roses warn of the deceit and cunning of loved ones; they can become a harbinger of betrayal of a loved one;
  • Blue roses symbolize cooling of feelings between partners;
  • Black roses foreshadow a sad event in real life;
  • Burgundy roses give hope that the faded feelings of a loved one will be reborn again.

Types of flowers - deciphering dreams

The interpretations of other types of flowers seen in dreams can be as follows:
  • Chrysanthemums may indicate that someone in your environment needs help;
  • Lilies of the valley symbolize purity and a cloudless life; sometimes they foretell a fun time in the near future;
  • Callas symbolize a person's closeness, which leads to loneliness;
  • Daisies emphasize the fact that it is very important in reality to learn to enjoy simple human joys;
  • Lilies or irises indicate the need for spiritual cleansing;
  • Magnolia portends life's temptation or strong passion;
  • Bells foretell dangers in reality, so in real life you should be careful.

It is very important to remember what shade the flowers seen in the dream were. This will help you correctly interpret the dream and make decisions about your behavior in reality.

White flowers

White flowers seen in a dream can have a variety of interpretations. Thus, white flowers in night dreams are very widely interpreted in Freud’s dream book. The main interpretation indicates that in real life there will soon be a period of melancholy and loneliness.

But at the same time, there are the following variations of plot transcripts:
  • For a man, a dream on Thursday in which he saw white flowers promises a meeting with a beautiful woman;
  • A lot of white flowers accentuate the fact of falling in love in real life;
  • Withered flowers portend illness and loss in reality.

See yellow flowers

Yellow flowers in a dream are always a warning:
  • Holding them in your hands in a dream means in reality you will encounter many difficulties on the way to achieving your goal;
  • For people in love, they are a harbinger of separation.

Why do you dream about red flowers?

Red flowers in many dream books are deciphered as a symbol of passionate love relationships. According to Vanga’s dream book, such flowers can be about a thirst for familiarization with a new world and a desire to gain new knowledge.

Picking flowers

Dreams in which actions are performed with certain living flowers are interpreted differently. Picking flowers in a dream means you will soon meet a person who will become a true friend for life. The fact that a happy period has begun in life, filled with joy and pleasant chores, is evidenced by the plot of a dream in which you were collecting a bouquet of flowers.

Giving or buying flowers in a dream

Another common question is why one dreams of giving flowers in a dream. Such actions in a dream promise in reality an acquaintance with a person who deserves respect. And if you have to buy flowers in a dream, then in real life you should expect a romantic date.

Flowers on graves

It is considered a good sign to see flowers on graves in a dream. After such a dream, you can be sure that a period of life has arrived in which there are no dangers.

Planting flowers - the answer to dreams

If you had to plant flowers in a dream, then such an action can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, such a dream foreshadows a prosperous and successful period of life. Soon the dreamer can expect to meet his soulmate, with whom a strong and happy family will be created in real life.

But if you have to plant flowers in wet and dirty soil, then this portends difficulties in business. But you should not despair, since the problems that arise will be completely surmountable.

Replant flowers

A dream in which you had to replant flowers indicates that it is unlikely that you will be able to relax in real life soon. You should prepare for significant changes, both in your personal and business life. Very often such a dream foreshadows a move or a long trip.

Flowers grow before our eyes

A very good sign are the flowers that grow before your eyes in your night dreams. This portends the successful implementation of your plans in real life. If one of the partners had such a dream during a period of falling in love, then it indicates the creation of a happy family and the birth of healthy children.

Watering flowers in night dreams

It is very good to water flowers in a dream. In accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, such a plot foreshadows rapid career growth. Also, such a dream may mean receiving an unscheduled bonus or reward.

Buy flowers

Dreams in which the dreamer buys flowers can foreshadow a variety of events in real life. It is very important to try to remember the place where you buy flowers.

If you buy flowers at a cemetery, it foretells a long and happy life. Perhaps such a dream is a harbinger that the disease that has been tormenting you for a long time has subsided.

For a man, a dream in which he buys flowers means that he will soon have a romantic date. Moreover, after the first meeting, he will be completely enchanted by his chosen one.

For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows financial expenses. Most likely, she will have to spend money on gifts for loved ones for some significant date.

When in the plot of a dream you see a stranger buying flowers, then in the near future in real life you will meet your soulmate. But at the same time, you cannot get hung up on this, otherwise the meeting will not take place.

Buy flowers in pots

A good sign is the acquisition of flowers in pots in a dream with strong and large buds opening. This portends that your relationship with your loved one is going well. You can be sure that this person will be your true support in life.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers in a dream always foreshadow unpleasant events in real life. Such dreams are always associated with failures and losses in reality. Dried flowers in night dreams have a similar interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book

In accordance with the decoding according to Miller’s dream book, in the near future in reality one should expect grief associated with interpersonal relationships. But if such flowers were made of paper, then the negative consequences from this will be minimal, since disagreements and problems will soon be resolved.

If a girl dreamed of artificially created flowers, then this indicates that the dark past of her chosen one may affect future relationships. Even if her lover manages to dispel her suspicions in reality, the secret will soon be revealed anyway, which will certainly affect the relationship.

It is very important to know why you dream of a bouquet of dried flowers, because it symbolizes the aging of the body or the withering away of feelings. Try to change your lifestyle and bring new positive emotions into your life that will raise your tone.

When you dream that you are buying artificial flowers, this is a symbol of deception. After such a dream, it is important to take a closer look at the people around you in real life. Most likely, they are not as sincere towards you as you thought. Some dream books associate the plot of a dream with the purchase of artificial flowers as the occurrence of health problems in real life.

An even more dangerous sign is buying dried flowers in a dream. Such night dreams foreshadow a real disaster that can affect any area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

Making artificial flowers

If you dream that one of your friends is engaged in making artificial flowers, then you can suspect him of insincerity in reality. If the person seen in the dream doing this activity is a stranger, then in real life one should be wary of new acquaintances.

Burn flowers

If you dream that you are not burning real flowers, then this means that the time has come to change your life. In addition, such a dream may indicate that a loved one does not need you, but the material benefit that you can provide him. Therefore, the sooner your paths diverge in different directions, the faster your life will be filled with bright, pure feelings.

Broken flowers

I wonder why you dream of broken flowers? If you see in a dream not real flowers, the branches of which are broken, then this means that your feelings for your partner have faded due to his unseemly actions. The number of broken branches indicates how likely it is that love can be rekindled.

The variety of scenes with flowers described in various dream books is enormous. But it is not always possible to find an explanation for your own dream. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to what emotions were in the dream when you saw the dream and listen to your own intuition.

Why do you dream about blue flowers?

You can answer all the questions listed above with the help of a dream book or your own intuition, which sometimes helps to accurately determine how significant what you see at night is. In addition, when trying to understand why blue flowers are dreamed of, it is necessary to pay attention to their freshness, because it is this characteristic, and not the color of the buds, that is often decisive. So, according to the Women's Dream Book, bright fresh flowers (blue flowers are just right for this interpretation), in addition to white and black, are described as the personification of happiness, love and serene joys.

If a woman happened to plant such flowers in her own garden in a dream, then in reality she will have to make some important, informed decision, as a result of which she will be able to make a very valuable acquisition. Finding yourself in a field surrounded by blue cornflowers in a dream, picking them and collecting them into a lush bouquet - means gaining knowledge and experience in reality, which will be very useful to the sleeping woman in her boundless future. Weaving a wreath of blue wildflowers in a dream means a new relationship in reality, which will definitely develop into something truly serious. But receiving as a gift a lush bouquet in a night vision, consisting of a variety of flowers, including blue ones, indicates that in reality the dreamer will have a lot of fans, however, this does not mean at all that this will bring her happiness .

What if you dream about blue flowers

Veles’s small dream book will also help you figure out why you dream of a blue flower, in which this night image is described as a harbinger of an imminent marriage, despite the fact that her chosen one will be a very decent and noble person. At the same time, dry or wilted flowers, according to this interpreter, promise the sleeper an extremely unpleasant surprise and some serious danger. If the sleeping person had a chance to decorate his head with bright wildflowers, then soon he will be lucky enough to have a fun stroll at a wedding. Receiving a bouquet of such flowers as a gift from a loved one in a dream symbolizes his constancy and devotion in reality. A cornflower field in night vision foretells a young woman the imminent birth of a daughter.

But being surrounded by too many flowers is a bad sign for the simple reason that then the dreamer will have to be seriously saddened. Some interpreters describe this image as a harbinger of mourning, but such an interpretation is not appropriate if we are talking about bright blue colors and most likely everything will be limited to some kind of shock that is not capable of significantly influencing the fate of the sleeper. If the sleeping person happened to see dew on flowers, then the matter that worries him will end in serious troubles and bitter tears. A limp flower symbolizes vile deception and betrayal in love. Dried flowers are generally considered a harbinger of the imminent death of a love relationship, which will be completely impossible to resist.

What do blue flowers portend?

In the dream book of the famous white witch Medea, it is recommended to regard the flowers seen at night as a reflection of real relationships that take place in the real life of the sleeper. That is why it is recommended to pay attention not to their color, but to freshness, because only living fragrant plants symbolize pure love, devotion and constancy, while wilted, dry or fallen buds, on the contrary, are a harbinger of heartache, betrayal and insincerity in feelings . Flowers broken in the stem can promise a final break in a relationship with a loved one or act as a harbinger of impending old age and death.

In the Gypsy Dream Book, blue flowers, like many other wild plants, are considered a harbinger of sorrow and sorrow. In addition, this night image often foreshadows weakness of mind and spirit, which will take the sleeper by surprise at the most crucial moment. Blue wildflowers (cornflowers, duckweed, bindweed, etc.) in combination with red ones (poppies) often predict a serious illness for a person, which will be extremely difficult to overcome. But a dream in which the sleeper was showered with petals of blue or any other flowers, on the contrary, is considered a very good harbinger, promising the most joyful events and an easy, carefree life for a long period of time. A vision in which a person happened to step on fresh flower petals will have a similar meaning.