Six of swords combined. What are the meanings of the six of swords in the tarot?

There are no completely positive and negative cards in the Tarot deck. Even the Tower, which is scary for many, carries within it a moderately optimistic potential. 6 of Swords (Tarot) has a more mundane meaning. This is a map of small, mostly constructive changes. However, it is not always able to cancel the destructive meaning of the major arcana, generally foreshadowing the availability of a way out of a problematic situation. Difficult? Let's look at what meaning the 6 swords (Tarot) brings to the table in a given situation, how it works in various combinations and combinations.

general characteristics

Six of Swords is a simple card. She talks about upcoming changes. After nervousness and worry, the time for calm analysis comes. Many interpreters associate the Arcana of 6 Swords (Tarot) with a logical approach. Its meaning, naturally, depends on the situation and is determined by neighboring cards. He may be talking about the road ahead. In principle, this is how the map is interpreted when considering everyday issues. In a deeper sense, this lasso portends changes in life. A person in the recent past went through a rather difficult period. It was a definite lesson that was learned one way or another. It's time to analyze your position, harvest and move on. This lasso speaks specifically about movement in physical or mental space. The situation will no longer be the same. By the way, it is often compared to the flow of a river. As the classic said, one cannot enter the same water twice. This is exactly the life situation that our lasso symbolizes. Irreversible changes have occurred either in the inner or outer world. They can be both bad and beautiful. But you will have to adapt to them, find your place in new circumstances. This lasso is considered generally positive. A person develops constantly, going through various periods. He needs to overcome obstacles, withstand pressure or fight. But there are also calm periods filled with harmony. This is exactly what the six of swords hints at.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

The changes are not understood by the client. He does not want to accept them and follow the destined path. This is indicated by the inverted card. Another option is that a person does not have the strength to cope with a difficult situation. He found himself in a hopeless situation. This does not mean there are no solutions. They exist, but the client does not see them or rejects them. In the ordinary sense, our arcana inverted speaks of an unsuccessful road. Problems with transport and natural disasters associated with water are likely. You may have to deal with flooding, an exacerbation of the disease that will cause suffocation. The meaning of the lasso is the impossibility of continuing the intended journey. The obstacle was not overcome. We'll have to learn this lesson again. A person will remain at a dead end for some time until he re-analyzes the current situation. It is necessary to calm down and develop a different approach to the problem. In certain situations, the lasso indicates a lack of information or narrow-mindedness. Changes in life are unlikely at the moment. You need to return to the starting point to re-develop your position and choose different tactics and strategy. Sometimes the lasso of six swords speaks of the disclosure of a secret that is undesirable for the client.

Tarot card 6 of swords in a relationship reading (upright position)

When you are interested in issues related to love, our lasso should be considered positive. It guarantees the normal development of relationships if there are no destructive cards nearby, such as the Tower or the Three of Swords. People trust each other so much that they are ready for closer contact. If you are dating, you can start planning your honeymoon. When married, offspring are likely to appear. Something is subtly changing for the better. People are satisfied with the current state of affairs and want more. But they do not expect a gift from fate, but they themselves actively create a favorable environment for the development of the union. In some cases, one can assume some pleasant surprise prepared by the partner. The 6 Swords Arcana (Tarot) speaks about this. Relationships will strengthen, become closer, more harmonious. Sometimes the lasso foreshadows a real journey together. It will also help you get to know your partner more deeply and feel his affection in a different way. In general, the lasso is good for love. It is especially positive for someone who is just planning to enter into a relationship. The six of this suit states that the choice was made correctly. There are a series of wonderful days ahead. Details should be determined by adjacent lassos. For example, the combination of 6 swords - Strength (Tarot) encourages a more active expression of feelings. But you should act gently, enveloping the likely panther with tenderness and affection. And if Peace stands with our six, a quick marriage will follow. He will be very happy. If our lasso is followed by the Devil, the fortuneteller’s partner is an economical person, but devoid of romance. Don't think that this is bad. He will make an excellent husband, although sometimes he will criticize his wife for excessive spending. When the Six of Swords is followed by the Tower, get ready for a break in your relationship. It will be fast and stormy. The pain will be followed by a new spring in the soul, but with a different person.

The meaning of the inverted lasso in a love reading

The appearance of our six in such a position is undesirable. The partner was chosen incorrectly. The fortuneteller feels betrayed. His soul is torn between the desire to maintain the current state of affairs and the need to follow his loved one. Falling out in the “past” position, the six of swords speaks of an unresolved problem. Certain circumstances prevent the development of relationships. It could be resentment or betrayal. The partners were unable to correctly assess what happened, which prevents them from achieving harmony. The chance for luck is lost or moved into the future. It is necessary to analyze the neighboring arcana. If a three and a six of swords appear between the forms, a stormy showdown awaits, which under no circumstances should be abandoned. Partners have accumulated so much negativity that they should throw it out so as not to get sick. With the right approach, the problem can be resolved without rupture. A favorable outcome in this situation is indicated by the World, the Star, the Lovers, and the Pope. If the partner's card is the Emperor, caution is advised. This person is not inclined to forgive insults. He considers it quite normal to take out his failures, failures, even fictitious problems on his loved one. The combination says that the fortuneteller has connected his life with an ordinary vampire.

The influence of the lasso in the upright position on the business alignment

The fortuneteller is entering a rather positive career period. This is the 6 of swords (Tarot) meaning. The work was most likely going well. Now a person has to do something new. Neighboring arcana will determine the prospects of moving to another position (place of duty). If they are all positive, it means that the fortuneteller will receive a long-awaited offer. His activity, determination, and initiative were liked by his superiors. They decided that the person deserves more, which they will soon notify. In this case, our six portends a chance for good luck. In a negative environment, she also speaks of wonderful prospects. However, a person is afraid of change and is not confident in his abilities. The described lasso appears to support the fortuneteller and relieve him of fear. Changes were ripe, and he himself strived for them. It's time to go on a wider stage. Failure in this case means degradation. If there is a new job nearby, it will be more profitable. The appearance of the Magician foreshadows the acquisition of certain knowledge and experience related to modern technologies. If the Six is ​​followed by the Moon, a confrontation with mystery lies ahead. Most likely, the fortuneteller will receive exclusive information, the correct use of which will significantly improve his financial situation. In general, the lasso speaks of movement in the right direction. Fears should be put aside and agree to participate in a new project. Everything will definitely work out. In addition, our six guarantees the support of colleagues and management at first, which will greatly ease the fortunes of the fortuneteller.

Reversed lasso in a business reading

The question was asked prematurely. The person is not yet ready for change. It is necessary to work on completing projects that were started earlier. Somewhere a mistake has been made that is hindering development. The desired promotion is postponed for an indefinite period. Arkan speaks of an unfulfilled task that ruined the reputation of the fortuneteller. The bosses or partners look askance at him, having ceased to trust him. The situation should be corrected by redoing the work for which he took responsibility. In addition, an inverted six portends failures in business trips. If it is included in the scenario, negotiations should be rescheduled or cancelled. Achieving success is currently impossible. In the Tarot deck, swords speak of the emotional component of the process. If they are inverted, negative forces dominate the fortuneteller. He plunges into the abyss of despair, not ready to face reality. The advice of our lasso: you should calm down. Nothing irreparable happened. If possible, go on vacation. But don't leave home. An inverted six does not guarantee a calm and successful road. She demonstrates fatigue from problems and lack of energy to solve them. If the Moon is nearby, the fortuneteller is being deceived. The tower foreshadows the loss of your current duty station (or partner). This will be an extremely unpleasant event, but it will allow you to gain invaluable experience. When our reversed six is ​​followed by the Devil in the same position, it is necessary to moderate your appetite. The fortuneteller displays stinginess in communicating with partners, which pushes people away from him.

Question about the situation (direct position)

Sometimes you shouldn't look so deeply at a combination of cards. Let's look at what meaning the 6 Swords (Tarot) brings to the situation. In the upright position, he says that a person has a chance for good luck. Whatever the question concerns, no obstacles are foreseen. We need to stop doubting the future. The fortuneteller acts correctly, has chosen the right position, and is surrounded by true friends. Usually the lasso foreshadows a certain trip related to the situation. For example, you need to visit relatives, communicate with partners from another region. We need to hit the road. It will prove successful and useful. The card also indicates that you will meet new people who will later become friends or partners. If the question concerned a specific matter, then it looks promising. Be sure to do what you planned. In general, the lasso speaks of the end of a period of excessive worries. Experience has been gained, lessons have been completed, now you can relax. This does not mean a vacation, but a calm flow of life, when everything works out, as if by itself. In fact, this is the result of work already done, a lot of effort and excitement.

Situation layout (inverted position)

The fortuneteller feels like a swimmer fighting against a powerful current. Unpleasant situation. Most likely, a person has a negative experience that does not allow him to correctly assess the situation. There is not enough information for this. If an inverted six appears in a reading, find someone who can help you. You won't be able to handle the situation on your own. Fighting against “windmills” that exist only in your imagination will weaken and deplete your strength. You need to stop and think whether the direction has been chosen. The Moon standing nearby portends deception. If the final card of the reading is the Emperor, there will be a clash with official bodies. The situation may turn out to be critical if you do not change your behavior. In addition, you should not hit the road. After this situation, it is not recommended to drive a car. Accidents and disasters are likely. The fortuneteller needs rest, his nervous system is overstrained. But there is hope for the future. A more detailed analysis of the current situation will allow us to see it. It should be done after you have dealt with the tension. Arcanum recommendation - talk to loving people. It is necessary to formulate fears in words in order to see them from the outside. So, you can find out that doubts and worries are far-fetched and have no real reason. It’s good when the final card of the layout is the Four of Wands or the Sun. This is a sign of the end of the problem period. Depression will be replaced by inspiration and joy.

6 swords of the Tarot: combination with other arcana

Not all combinations make sense to consider. Most of them are so individual that the meaning is determined depending on the situation. But there are stable combinations, the meaning of which does not vary too much. The six of swords in an upright position is strengthened by the following arcana:

  • Ace of Cups - perspective that takes life to a new level;
  • Four of Wands - inspiration, encouragement;
  • Ace of Pentacles - blessed fate;
  • Strength - determination, perseverance, intuition;
  • Three of Cups - joy that overflows the soul.

If our card appears in a combination in an inverted position, then the positive meaning does not change, the realization of hopes is only delayed. They weaken the lasso and give it a negative meaning:

  • nine of cups - depression;
  • eight of the same suit - change with an unpredictable result, fatigue;
  • four - apathy, indifference (bad for personal situations);
  • ten of wands - fighting without support, inability to take advantage of chances, even the inability to notice them.

The given interpretations should be included in the situation in order to correctly interpret the alignment. For example, if they are telling fortunes about love and see the Four of Cups next to our Six, there is no point in talking about reciprocity. The partner is not interested in communication. He doesn't care about the fortuneteller. If instead of a four there is an eight of the same suit, it means that people are fed up with each other, they are drawn to other lands, away from their former loved one.

Card of the Year

As a rule, the minor arcana are not involved in fortune telling for a long period. But sometimes they are also used to clarify prospects. If our six is ​​upright as the card of the year, breathe a sigh of relief. There is a positive period ahead, full of events and changes. You can take risks, but wisely. It’s good to change jobs, have novels, go on business trips and travel. What you wished for will definitely come true, probably not in the way you thought. However, the results will please you. But sometimes you will be overcome by doubts about the correctness of the decisions made. Arkan recommends nipping them out in the bud. No bad events are expected during this period. Even what is initially perceived as trouble will lead to success. An inverted lasso is another matter. It portends a rather unstable situation, many questions that cannot be answered. There will also be no one to rely on in the fight. That is, the year will be problematic. Married couples are advised to be more attentive to each other. Any disagreement can lead to a huge scandal, including divorce. In the service you should not rush forward. Perform your duties calmly and meticulously. It’s still too early to think about career growth. Use this time for spiritual growth. It won't work any other way. All year you will have to overcome fears, solve problems, cultivate willpower and wisdom.


There are seventy-eight arcana in the Tarot deck. Each has its own meaning, which has a positive and negative side. The six studied are no exception. However, it is considered a good card. The Six of Swords shows the possibility of moving forward. And it depends only on the person what to do with it. There is always a chance for well-being and success; it must, firstly, be seen, secondly, realized, and thirdly, used correctly. Maps won't help with this. They only give advice and warn of troubles. The rest is in the hands of the fortuneteller. Good luck!

Straight position

The Six of Swords is a map of dynamics, progress, and insights. In addition, a fairly important aspect of such an Arcana is openness, common sense, the ability to quickly perceive, for example, information, as well as objectivity. At an ordinary level, the Six of Swords can mean a successful way out of a difficult situation.

If you need to characterize a person with the help of such a map, then you can safely say about him that he knows how to find expedient ways to solve almost any problems. Other traits that in this case should be endowed with a person are self-control, calmness, the talent to leave sorrows and failures behind and move forward with new strength towards new goals.

If the Three of Wands appears next to the Six of Swords in the layout, then to the main interpretation of this Arcanum one should also add the possibility of expanding one’s horizons; if it is Strength, then we are talking about categorically firm decisions. Together with the Hierophant, the Six of Swords denotes personal wisdom and mercy as a consequence of a person’s rationality and adequacy.

Inverted position

In an inverted form, the Six of Swords has meanings that are almost completely opposite to those accepted for it in an upright position. That is, in this case we are talking about dead-end situations in which it is impossible to find any acceptable solution; Moreover, this can happen for both objective and subjective reasons. The consequence of this state of affairs can be, on the one hand, stagnation due to the fact that any actions are put on the back burner, and on the other hand, disastrous results, since they were caused by fundamentally incorrect actions and judgments.

The inverted Six of Swords should be taken as advice to return to their original positions so as not to aggravate the problem. In situational terms, this Arcanum is interpreted as a change of intentions, troubles, the source of which, most likely, will be water. As an interpretation of a person’s character, the card speaks of selfishness, unscrupulous use of other people for one’s own selfish purposes, and unprincipledness.

With the Emperor, the inverted Six of Swords means unsuccessful, but at the same time very persistent attempts to fix something, with the Chariot - a frantic search for a way out of the situation, with the Star - too much trust in people related to the esoteric sciences.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal relationships, the Six of Swords symbolizes equality between partners, accepted agreements and adherence to them, as well as sincerity and openness, which, perhaps, would be more correctly called frankness. In addition, such an Arcanum also points to the process of renewal of relationships and clearly tells the tarot reader that the fortuneteller and his partner are kindred spirits.

The Six of Swords indicates that the people appearing in the layout are almost certainly connected by something in common - the past, a secret, an ancestor, etc.

It is always worth paying attention to combinations of the Six of Swords with some of the Arcana. For example, with the Emperor, this card speaks of persistent attempts to correct a not particularly pleasant situation, and with the Wheel of Fortune - of confidence in the favor of fate.

Inverted position

The inverted Six of Swords denotes, firstly, serious disagreements between people living under the same roof, and, secondly, obstacles caused by one of the partners and creating a feeling of some kind of regression (for example, this could be stubborn resistance to moving to a new place of residence) . A person who has received such a card treats his loved ones frivolously, thoughtlessly, allowing himself unnecessary things and offending them. In a certain context, the reversed Six of Swords indicates a feeling of fatigue when a person begins to be burdened by relationships, considering them routine, overly everyday and not seeing any interest in them for himself.

It is advisable to take into account, among other things, that the combination of the inverted Six of Swords with Death is defined as forced, unwanted changes in life, and with the Moon - as intrigue or gossip in which a person inevitably gets bogged down.


Straight position

For career plans, the Six of Swords is interpreted as the ability to work harmoniously in a team, as the willingness to perceive and apply innovative ideas and methods in work, as well as the ability to think globally and on a large scale. This Arcanum involves the successful application of knowledge to solve very practical, utilitarian problems.

A person who has received such an Arcana will certainly find himself in the network business and will be able to achieve a lot in the scientific field.

Another distinctive meaning of the Six of Swords is the desire to work “for oneself” and aversion to hired work. In addition, in this case it is quite possible to talk about some kind of free profession, for example, an artist or a writer.

Having fallen together with the Sun, the Six of Swords suggests that the person has chosen the truly right direction of his professional activity, with the World - that his career will now certainly go uphill, with the Eight of Wands - that work will involve frequent trips and business trips.

Inverted position

The Reversed Six of Swords describes situations where a person is marking time all the time, unable to take a more prestigious or highly paid position, get the desired job, etc. And such a card may also indicate that a person is too cautious, is afraid of any risky step and generally “floats shallowly.” In essence, with the Six of Swords reversed, there is really no chance of making a dizzying career, but the likelihood of problems and failures is high. However, perhaps it is personal sluggishness and inertia that are to a large extent the reason for this.

When the Jester appears in a career scenario in combination with the inverted Six of Swords, it means we can talk about a restless job, in which, as they say, “the legs feed the wolf.” In combination with the Empress, such a Six symbolizes late payment of wages.

Never stop there, do not be lazy and take an interest in everything new that deserves the attention of a modern person. Any movement in the direction of aesthetic and intellectual development will one day play a positive role in your life.

The Arcanum, which will be the topic of our conversation today, usually raises many questions among novice interpreters. From the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck, it is difficult to understand the unambiguous and specific meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot. Someone sees a journey on this map, someone sees a departure to another world, and someone “reads” it as overcoming difficulties. Let's figure out what the symbolic field of the Arcana actually looks like. The Arcanum, which will be the topic of our conversation today, usually raises many questions among novice interpreters. From the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck, it is difficult to understand the unambiguous and specific meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot. Someone sees a journey on this map, someone sees a departure to another world, and someone “reads” it as overcoming difficulties. Let's figure out what the symbolic field of the Arcana actually looks like.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in layouts

To understand why the Six Swords of the Tarot can have such different meanings, it is worth turning to the plot of the Arcana. It shows a boat floating on the river. A man stands behind the oar, with his back to us, and on the boat itself there are two people - a child and a figure wrapped in a cloak with a hood. At first glance it is not clear whether it is a man or a woman. The bow of the boat is studded with swords - there are six of them. On the one hand, it seems as if the man manages to steer the boat quite easily, since the load is small - from this we can conclude that one of the meanings of the 6 Swords of the Tarot will be avoiding problems.
On the other hand, the strange hooded figure and the pose of the human passengers evoke some kind of sadness and melancholy, and the river itself may well be associated with the famous Styx, through which the boatman Charon transports the souls of the dead. Then one can interpret this Arcanum as a transition to another state, sometimes literally - to another world, a departure from reality. You can also interpret the map as a journey. We recommend that you use your own intuition and inner feelings when determining the meaning and interpretation of the Six of Swords of the Tarot.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

Since the interpretation of this numerical Arcana is very ambiguous, we provide a fairly wide list of keywords, and which of them are more suitable for the map - decide for yourself:

  • Willingness to leave something old behind and move on to a new life
  • Way out
  • Overcoming difficulties by distancing yourself from what is happening
  • Avoiding a problematic situation
  • New life goals, means, prospects
  • Transition from one way of being to another
  • Search for a “safe haven”, reliable shelter, security
  • Traveling or moving somewhere
  • Changing of the living place
  • Smooth and leisurely movement towards the goal
  • Discovering something new about yourself

Meaning of the 6 of Swords card in an upright position

So, the main meaning of the Six of Swords Tarot will still be a departure from existing problems or a transition to a different qualitative state. Of course, the circumstances and the process itself can be different, both positive and not so positive - it all depends on the surrounding cards. Despite the fact that a direct card does not pose any danger, a person can still be haunted by a feeling of inner melancholy, sadness, anxiety - as often happens when we leave the past behind and move towards a new life. These feelings are usually associated with the unknown - we don't know what awaits us around the next corner, and this is sometimes scary.

Meaning of the Six of Swords in reversed position

The Reverse Six of Swords is traditionally interpreted as the inability to find a way out of the current situation. It's kind of a dead end in every sense. Sometimes the Arcanum can report a risky event that will not bring satisfaction, and sometimes the 6 of Swords will indicate that this departure or escape is not well planned, so before it is too late, it is better to return and wait for a more convenient moment, to prepare better.

Video: The meaning of the Six of Swords card

The meaning of the card in layouts for love and relationships

The meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot in relationships is played out in a very multifaceted way. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

Straight position

The first meaning of this card will be the distance that separates the lovers. This could be some kind of business trip, an urgent departure, an escape, the disappearance of one of the partners, or internal distance, the need to be alone. Another meaning of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in love is a break in old relationships and a new connection, while the changes do not delight a person, since such a hasty start to the new does not always make it possible to instantly forget about the old.
In some situations, the meaning of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in a relationship can be as follows: this is a marriage or a love affair that began spontaneously, and sometimes it is an indicator of powerlessness, when a person, one might say, was “put on a boat and taken away” without asking him consent. With all this, the card does not carry any negativity; it is rather calm and harmonious, but not to the fullest extent: the calm here is very cool, and the balance is not particularly cozy, unusual.
Sometimes Arkan can communicate a person’s desire to be “taken and taken away”, about the desire to place responsibility for resolving the situation on someone else. This happens when a woman wants to divorce her already unloved husband, and hopes that the new “prince on a white horse” will simply come and take her to him.

Inverted position

In the reverse position, the meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot in love is the inability to find a way out, to escape from a hopeless and difficult relationship, or a moral unpreparedness for this, when a person packs up and leaves, but actually goes nowhere, so after some time he either returns or faces with insurmountable difficulties.

The meaning of the 6 of Swords in matters of health

How does this many-sided numerical Arcanum behave when divining a person’s well-being, diagnosing diseases and other health issues?

Straight position

If the card comes straight, this is a good sign. Healing from the disease is not far off. To improve your well-being, it is recommended to change your environment, go on a trip or go to a sanatorium. In very rare cases, this Arcanum can be an indication of physical death, but only when this is unconditionally confirmed by the surrounding cards.

Inverted position

The Six Swords of the Tarot has the following meaning in an inverted position: fear of open spaces, so-called agoraphobia, reluctance to leave the house, and sometimes asphyxia.

The meaning of the card in layouts for psychological state and personality analysis

It is curious that in the old days this Arcanum was associated with the state of the bride on the eve of the wedding. In those days, the bride saw her future husband only two or three times before the wedding, so living together with him caused complete uncertainty, fears and hopes, curiosity, and limbo. But let's see how this Arcanum is usually interpreted in modern times.

Straight position

A direct card will describe a person who is able to distance himself from circumstances, as it were, and is able to look at the situation as if from the outside. This is a broad-minded person who knows how to think logically and easily adapts to new circumstances. The meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot, if we ask about the state of mind, is a feeling of “suspense”, uncertainty about the future, fluctuations associated with ongoing changes.

Inverted position

The reverse Arcana, on the contrary, will characterize a person who does not see “beyond his nose.” This is a person who absolutely does not know how to adequately assess what is happening to him, which is why he often finds himself in difficult and confusing situations. In terms of mental state, this is a psychological unpreparedness for change.

The meaning of the Six of Swords in fortune telling for finances and work

Now let's analyze how the 6 of Swords behaves when we ask cards about work, promotion, profession, finances.

Straight position

The meaning of the Six of Swords Tarot in work is the beginning of a new project and the uncertainty associated with it. Arkan can also talk about the transition to a new position, the successful resolution of conflicts and disagreements, fruitful teamwork, and professionalism. If we ask a question about a specific profession, then this is an activity related to travel, transportation, research, sometimes freelancing, working from home. In terms of finance, this is a situation when money “floats” out of your hands for some reason.

Inverted position

The reverse card will indicate a hasty decision to start a project, or a rash dismissal, or a move to another job. Arkan can also indicate unprofessionalism and unpreparedness for conducting business. If we ask about finances, then this is evasion of monetary obligations, escape from creditors and debts, an attempt to hide one’s income.

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

By tradition, we present a list of meanings of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana.

  • : Spontaneous travel, road into the unknown
  • : Establishing contacts and connections
  • : A new outlook on life, family secrets
  • Empress: Complicated Pregnancy
  • : Moving to a new position or changing jobs
  • : Finding the spiritual path
  • : Make the final choice
  • Chariot: Finding Direction
  • : Gather strength
  • : Trying to attract attention, traveling alone
  • Wheel of Fortune: The Path to Destiny
  • : Postponement of an important decision, sentence
  • The Hanged Man: Willingness to make sacrifices
  • Death: Farewell to the past and the path towards change
  • Moderation: The Path to Healing, Restoration
  • Devil: The wrong path, a dead end, being captured by temptations
  • Tower: Failures and losses along the path of life
  • Star: Follow your dreams
  • Moon: "Undercurrent", get trapped on the chosen path
  • Sun: The right path, the road to happiness
  • Court: Punishment
  • Peace: Salvation, seek paths to reconciliation

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's look at the combination of the Six of Swords Tarot with figure and number cards.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Move towards the light
  • : Moving
  • : No turning back
  • : Find a “safe haven”
  • : Getting “out of the frying pan and into the fire”
  • : Improvement, movement to achieve better
  • Seven: The hope of finding peace did not materialize
  • Eight: Parting, breakup, flight
  • Nine: “Dry” reception
  • Ten: Drowning in a sea of ​​problems
  • : Moving to a child
  • : Lose your way, lose your bearings
  • : Get closer to a woman
  • King: Get closer to a man

With the suit of Cups

  • : The path to self-realization
  • : Positive changes in love, ending conflict
  • : Escape from a celebration, holiday
  • : An unsatisfying path
  • : Emotional crisis associated with change
  • : Return from the present to the past, moving to the father's house
  • Seven: Hasty escape from reality
  • Eight: Submission to fate, humble acceptance of change
  • Nine: Escape from troubles to happiness
  • Ten: Combination of the Six of Swords of the Tarot with the Ten of Cups - the end of suffering, returning home
  • Page: Romantic Journey
  • : Breaking up old relationships and starting new ones
  • Queen: The path chosen by the heart

Description of the Six of Swords card

The Six of Swords tarot card shows a boat being steered by a ferryman using a pole. There are passengers sitting in the boat - a woman and a child, with six swords stuck next to them. The boat glides easily along the serene surface of the water, with the shore visible ahead.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the Six of Swords of the tarot symbolizes the end of a difficult period in the life of the fortuneteller and the uncertainty of the transitional stage. The presence of this card in the layout suggests that the main difficulties are behind you, at the moment nothing depends on you, and you can relax and unwind, allowing the River of Life to carry you where it needs to go.

However, despite the temporary respite, a new shore and a new stage await you ahead, which means it’s time to stock up on strength. The changes predicted by the Six of Swords are for the better, but they will require you to put a lot of effort, patience and perseverance.

In addition, the Six of Swords tarot can mean travel, a long trip - most likely associated with water.

Basic interpretations of the direct card Six of Swords

  • The difficult stage is left behind
  • Travel, trip
  • Change of residence, relocation
  • Good news, change for the better
  • Uncertainty of the situation, the need to wait

Reversed card meaning

In the reversed position, the Six of Swords tarot means that you are running away from existing problems instead of starting to solve them. Perhaps by delaying making some important decision or turning a blind eye to something, you feel temporary relief, but this does not make the problem any less. On the contrary, sooner or later she will loudly declare herself, and you will no longer be able to ignore her. However, since you have already lost control of the situation, the result will not be at all what you would like.

The reversed Six of Swords tarot card warns you against dangerous passivity and inaction. The situation requires your intervention and control. By ignoring this fact, delaying time, or limiting yourself to half-hearted half measures, you risk losing.

Basic interpretations of the reversed Six of Swords card

  • Indecision, procrastination
  • Publication, announcement of a fact
  • Travel is delayed or cancelled, problems along the way

Other names for the Six of Swords tarot card: Spades, Leaves, Shields, Spears, Vines, Vini

The Six of Swords points to changes that can help us reach new shores. As a "breakthrough" card, it sits somewhere between a hero's joyful performance (Chariot) and a sad farewell (Eight of Cups). Its specific meaning largely depends on ourselves - on whether we rejoice at the upcoming changes, whether we are waiting for them, or, on the contrary, we are afraid. In any case, it symbolizes the path to a new shore, for which, however, you will have to leave the old one. What awaits us ahead is unknown. Therefore, it also means the bitterness of farewell, uncertainty, fears and worries, but also a certain curiosity and interest in what will happen. It must be borne in mind that this “new shore” awaiting us ahead does not necessarily mean a physical movement from somewhere to somewhere; this could be discovering something new in oneself, learning new rules of the game, new norms of life, or getting to know other cultures and religions. In the I Ching book and in mythology, crossing water always means a step from multiplicity to singularity.


"Virgin lands". This could be either dismissal and a move to another job, or the emergence of new tasks in the same place. In any case, the card shows that we will have to say goodbye to familiar activities and get acquainted with new ones, which usually inspires uncertainty, or even fear. If it were up to us, we would prefer to remain at least with one foot on the old shore until we get comfortable on the new one. However, the map shows us that parting with the old is a prerequisite, without which a new shore will not open to us. This transition always feels like a kind of “suspended” state, jitters, fear of failing the exam. However, as a rule, we can always count on the help of others, at least at first.


A gradual, careful approach to new ideas and concepts that were previously rather alien to us, usually under someone’s wise guidance. The rejection of old ideas and views, the “transition period”, the uncertainty of the first steps of acquaintance with the new - this is the main meaning of this card.

Personal relationships and love

Changes, both external and, perhaps, purely internal. Moreover, there can be any changes. For example, parting with a former partner and the path to a new shore. Or, conversely, parting with previous ideas (for example, about the inevitability of one’s own loneliness) and establishing truly strong relationships with a partner. In any case, we will have to part with the old, familiar norms of life in order to move on to new ones that are not yet familiar to us.

Inner meaning

Now everything is starting to change, but it is not yet clear whether for the better or for the worse. Perhaps you will go on a trip, receive a guest, or receive a message. No matter what happens, you are slowly emerging from the bad situation you recently found yourself in. Note that the meaning of the Six of Swords tarot card also includes a "declaration of love" - ​​either in a romantic sense or in the sense that someone will offer you their sincere devotion. If you actually have to travel from one place to another (as opposed to a change of mental or emotional orientation), then most interpreters agree that it will probably be on water (or, given modern possibilities, over water).

Combinations with other cards


4 of Wands: inspiration, celebration

Sun: vitality, enthusiasm

Strength: to judge with the heart, to be distinguished by the steadfastness of decisions

3 cups: spirituality, soul-filling joy


9 of Cups: depression, sadness

8 of cups: movement, walk

4 of Cups: feeling of apathy, depression, indifference

10 of Wands: pass by, fight alone



The science

Mercury in Aquarius

10°—20° Aquarius

Original title: Lord of Deserved Success Initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: to the right and left, two hands are extended from the clouds, each of which holds three swords, similar to the daggers of Air - the weapons of the Junior Adept-Zealot. The swords converge in the center of the map. At the place where they intersect, a red rose with five petals blooms, emitting white rays

Tiferet color according to the Prince's scale: the color of juicy salmon
The colors of Mercury on four scales: yellow; purple; grey; indigo with purple streaks
The colors of Aquarius on four scales: violet; sky blue; bluish-purple; white with a slight hint of purple
Formula: Six (Tifereth) + Swords (Yetzirah) + Mercury in Aquarius = SCIENCE.
In one of the chapters we were introduced to the small Rose and Cross, located in the center of the Hermetic symbol of the Rose and Cross. I confidently called them the “Rose and Cross of Genesis.” It is they who are placed in the center of the Six of Swords, where six identical and symmetrical blades converge, concentrating their analytical and discerning power on the mysteries of existence. This is Science. The austere beauty of this card suggests that the radiant balance of Tiphareth imbues the suit of Swords with a much-needed dose of nobility and sobriety.

The formula that determines the character of the card could not be more favorable for the suit of Swords. The analogue of the world of Yetzirah in the human soul is Ruach, that is, reason. On the Tree of Life, the center of Ruach is Tiphereth.

And finally, Mercury, the airy planet, finds itself here in a fixed Air sign, Aquarius. From an astrological point of view, those with Mercury in Aquarius are distinguished by a keen analytical mind and extraordinary powers of concentration. In addition, they are extremely inquisitive and tend to look at every issue from different angles. In a word, these are real scientists.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

When we carry the weight of what we should and shouldn't do, imposed on us by others, we become like that ragged, struggling man trying to climb a mountain. "Go faster, go harder, get to the top!" - shouts the stupid tyrant, whom he carries on his shoulders.

Straight position

If right now you feel like life is a struggle from cradle to grave, maybe it's time to square your shoulders and see if you're better off without that guy on your shoulders. You have your own peaks to conquer, your dreams to make them come true, but you will never have enough energy to do it until you free yourself from all the expectations that you have collected from others and now consider your own. They may exist in your mind, but that doesn't mean they can't weigh on you. It's time to let go of the heaviness and invite them to go their own way.

Meaning of the card

The true life of a person is the path in which he frees himself from the lies imposed on him by others. Disarmed, naked, natural, he is who he is. It is a matter of being, not becoming. A lie cannot become the truth, a personality cannot become your soul. It is impossible to make the inessential essential. The unimportant remains unimportant, and the essential remains essential, they are irreversible. The pursuit of truth is nothing more than creating more confusion. There is no need to reach the truth. It cannot be achieved, it already exists. You just need to drop the lies. All goals, ideals, ideologies, religions, corrections, improvements are lies. Beware of them. Become aware of the fact that in your current state, you are a lie, manipulated and cultivated by others. To pursue the truth is to be distracted and procrastinate. This is how you hide the lie. See it, look at the lies of your personality. Seeing a lie means stopping lying. To stop lying means to no longer seek the truth. The moment lies disappear, truth will arise in all its beauty and radiance. When you see a lie, it disappears, and what remains is the truth. (Osho)