I dreamed of a ship at sea, why. Why dream about a ship? Interpretations of famous dream books

A ship in a dream symbolizes distant plans and distant prospects, and is also an aspect of inner freedom and personal strength. Dreams about ships, if they foretell changes, are not immediate, but in the distant future.
A favorable dream is a ship in which the sea vessel moves smoothly, without any unpleasant incidents, and there are no strong waves or storms at sea. Without taking into account other details of the dream, it means a more or less successful future, unlike, for example, a ship that has run aground, or suffered from a raging natural disaster, or a sinking ship. Big waves always promise extra difficulties and obstacles.

Steering a ship, standing at the helm, steering a large ship - the sleeper is the master of his destiny, and he has enough will and energy to bring his plan to life.
To be the captain of a ship in a dream means to receive an unexpected promotion, or some kind of privileges and opportunities.
Being late for a departing ship in a dream means that in reality some favorable opportunity will be missed.

What does a ship mean in a dream – small ships and yachts should be interpreted in relation to personal life. They symbolize new experiences and acquaintances. The water element in this case means feelings or close emotional contact.
Sailing on a ship yourself and meeting another ship at sea is a long-awaited meeting.
The mast of a ship is a phallic symbol, so in a woman’s dream a sailing ship with a long mast most likely symbolizes a man.
To climb onto the deck of a ship means you will soon enter into a relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
Sailing on a ship with a lover is a symbol of a promising relationship in terms of marriage.
Seeing a sailing ship far on the horizon means the meeting will not happen soon.
Seeing a ship that is not getting closer or is sailing away is a sign of illusions (usually illusions in love).

People quite often dream of ships and everything connected with them. Moreover, for this you do not have to be a sailor or live near bodies of water. But why do you dream about a big ship? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Much depends on the situation around and what role the sleeper himself plays.

Take a closer look at the ship. What material is it made of? Does it have sails? Thus, an old wooden ship can not only be a symbol of good luck in upcoming affairs, but also warn about the fragility of existing relationships. After all, wood burns easily. In addition, if such a ship sails into the distance, this may mean the imminent death of one of the relatives. In the mythology of many countries (for example, among the Vikings), this is how they were melted down to the next world.

No less often you can see a white ship in a dream. Since this color is associated with purity, joy and hope, this dream can promise success in any endeavor. For women, such a ship often foreshadows a meeting with a beloved man and an imminent wedding. There is a simple and understandable explanation for this fact. Every girl, like Assol, is waiting for her handsome prince.

A ship with sails symbolizes that the decisions recently made were correct and it is worth continuing on the same course. But if the sails are torn or cannot catch a tailwind, perhaps the sleeper cannot make the right decision. However, it must be taken quickly so that the ship does not crash. And not only in a dream, but also in reality.

However, this is not always interpreted as a premonition of trouble or danger in the dream book. The ship sank, but the sleeper survived, or he was even on the shore - this means that misfortune was close, and it was avoided. It is also possible that the intrigues of others can turn against themselves. Most likely, the sleeper has already understood this subconsciously, but is still experiencing what happened in reality.

It is also worth understanding your role in this dream. If the sleeping person is the captain of the ship, it means that in life he is at the helm and feels confident. Such a dream promises only success in business, as well as a possible career advancement. And even a storm on a ship can in this case mean only temporary difficulties that can be avoided.

However, if you simply sail on a ship in a dream without a goal or direction, then this means the same behavior in life. If a dream becomes intrusive, then you need to understand its reasons. A long aimless existence can lead to depression. Any dream book will tell you this - a ship at sea should not drift. That is, it’s time to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Why do you dream of a sinking ship? If you dreamed of a sinking ship, it foreshadows not the most pleasant events: from monetary losses to betrayal by people. A ship is also associated with family life, so a shipwreck in a dream can foreshadow a divorce (“the family boat crashed into everyday life”...).
Falling from a ship into the sea predicts love disappointment or an unsuccessful marriage.

As the dream book says, a ship loaded with any goods promises profit.
A burning ship is a symbol of the collapse of hope; some long-term plan of the sleeper, alas, will not come true.

A warship, like military operations at sea, denotes cruel intrigues or rivalry. If the dreamer's ship is hit, then in reality he may get tripped up on the official or career ladder.

Building a ship in a dream is a good sign and is associated with building the future. Perhaps the dreamer is preparing the ground for the implementation of some project.

The strangest dreams seem to be about alien ships. However, you should not be afraid of them. Most often, this indicates that an unexpected meeting will occur in the near future, which will greatly affect fate. A spaceship is also interpreted in the dream book. However, being the captain of such a ship is not a good sign. It is possible that in life the sleeper sees himself as a leader, but in reality this is not the case.

But do not confuse a UFO with a flying ship in the sky. Since this is simply impossible in real life, such a dream can mean futile attempts or failure. Most likely, the sleeper has decided to take part in some new business and doubts its success.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

Dreadnought, privateer, clipper, matlot, trireme, bireme, galleon, shebeka, unirema, cataphract, counter-destroyer, Vessel, small boat, border ship, torpedo bomber, deck ship, patrol boat, vessel, nave, battleship, flagship, Cutter, Ark, Boat, shuttle, dromon, kat, kran, two-masted, three-masted, Trough, Shell, little boat, shell, floating coffin, quadrirema, akat, gemam, scampaveya, pentecontera, sködia, tartana, turema, sloop, udema

Ship in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Under construction - exciting joy
  • Manage - prudence in enterprises
  • Without a mast - a misfortune from which there is a way out
  • Drowning - unhappy news will strike you
  • Floating is a big loss
  • Entering the port - salvation is in great danger
  • At anchor - do not back down from your decision
  • Unloadable - expect distant friends
  • Airy - fulfillment of aspirations
  • Flying on it is the fulfillment of bold aspirations
  • Loaded - profitable deals
  • Riding it is a joy.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Ship:

    Ship - under construction - exciting joy - to manage - prudence in enterprises - without a mast - misfortune from which there is a way out - sinking - you will be struck by unfortunate news - sailing - great loss - entering the port - salvation in great danger - at anchor - do not retreat from of your decision - unloaded - expect distant friends - sail on it - happiness, happy marriage - loaded - profitable business - airy - fulfillment of desires - fly on it - fulfillment of bold aspirations

    Why do you dream about the Ship? Esoteric dream book?

  • To be on a ship means to work in the social sphere, in public work.
  • New achievements in the public sphere.
  • Build - create your own business, party, organization.
  • Sailing on a ship means rushing towards big changes. Those who remained on the shore will fall behind in life.
  • Sinking with the ship means succumbing to group interests. Negative effects of group karma.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book if you dream about a Ship:

  • A ship on the water is a win; sailing on a ship is happiness; anchored - do not back down from your decisions; a ship sinking - bitter news, misfortune, a ship being built - a meeting with love.
  • If you dream about a Ship? IN Modern dream book:

  • A dream in which you see a ship indicates that glory awaits you. Also, such a dream is a sign of selfless work and inexhaustible energy. Seeing a shipwreck in a dream means that you are in danger of trouble in business. Dying in a shipwreck means that you will have to show willpower. If you dreamed that other people were shipwrecked, then your attempts to help your friends will be in vain. If you dreamed of a ship sailing during a storm, then expect failure when concluding a deal.
  • Interpretation of the dream Ship in Dream book of Yuri Longo:

  • If in a dream you saw a ship sailing on the sea, it means that you simply do not have enough fresh air and space. The dream can be regarded as an invitation to a country holiday. Sailing on a ship yourself in a dream - soon you will have a very difficult situation when you really need the understanding of your loved ones, but they will be busy with their own affairs, few people are interested in how you feel. So that you do not feel offended or unpleasant, give up all hope of understanding and rely solely on your own strengths. A sinking ship is a symbol of the fact that you once made a mistake, and this happened because of your naivety or short-sightedness. Now you are trying to correct the consequences of your mistake, but so far in vain. There will probably come a time when your attempts will be crowned with success.
  • Seeing a Ship in a dream Miller's Dream Book:

  • If you dream of a ship in a stormy sea, it means... You will find yourself unlucky in business and will not be able to hide some intrigue from the public, while your business partner will try to deceive you.
  • If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, it means that someone very close to you will call on your honor and your life.
  • If you dream of a wrecked ship, this promises political intrigue.
  • Seeing ships in a dream means honor and an unexpected promotion for your lifestyle.
  • If you dream that others are shipwrecked, it means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and your attempts to find protection and shelter with your friend will be in vain.
  • Finding out about a shipwreck in a dream means a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will deceive you.
  • Seeing warships in a dream means a long separation from friends and your country.
  • In general, a dream about ships can usher in a period of energetic activity in your life.
  • What does it mean to see a ship in a dream? Loff's Dream Book?

  • The steamboat symbolizes power, control, wealth, competition or travel. The likelihood of a dangerous situation is minimized - only an engine breakdown can interfere.
  • A sinking ship means fear of water, fear of drowning or incompetence. But more often than not, a sinking ship is an allegorical image relating to some specific aspect of your life. To more accurately determine the interpretation, look at who is sailing on the ship or, conversely, who is clearly missing there.
  • The meaning of a ship's symbols depends on its type. The most likely interpretations are isolation, danger, escapism and romance. Sailing and rowing ships are often found in similar environments. Sailboats portend wealth or disappointment; they can symbolize prosperity or romanticism, but are associated with a certain risk: after all, we are not always spoiled by a fair wind.
  • Do you recognize the ship?
  • What feelings do you experience - joy and relief or fear and anxiety?
  • Boats can symbolize completely different things: wealth, TRAVEL, isolation, danger, romanticism, and even complete disappointment and frustration. Boats and canoes generally only bob on the calm waters of lakes and rivers. Therefore, if in a dream you dream of a boat located far out on the open sea, then this implies a severance of peaceful relations with someone. Analysis of the surrounding situation will help to obtain a more detailed interpretation.
  • Also analyze whether it is clear from your dream why the ship is sinking.
  • What does a ship mean in a dream? Azar's Dream Book?

  • see an airship - fulfillment of aspirations
  • A ship entering the port is salvation from great danger.
  • waves - a lot of work
  • Ship in a dream Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • Seeing a ship with golden sails or other decorations is a symbol of happiness that will come in the country where the dreamer lives.
  • When you dream of a burning ship, it symbolizes a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that will worsen life for a long time and bring a lot of grief and suffering to the territory of the country where the dreamer lives.
  • Seeing a ship with a white sail means that happiness will come only when the life of your country is inextricably linked with a powerful and prosperous northern power.
  • Seeing a ship in red is a symbol that foreshadows bloody clashes and strife in order to establish happiness and achieve prosperity.
  • Seeing a ship explode is a symbol of a catastrophe on a universal scale: a collision with a cosmic body, an explosion of an environmental crisis, a nuclear war.
  • The ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life.
  • Seeing an old, destroyed ship - this symbol indicates that hopes for happiness are in vain, it is necessary to link one’s destiny with another country or change the political situation in one’s native country.
  • In a dream, see a ship. IN The newest dream book:

  • Space K. - an unusual message; make an extraordinary decision.
  • What does Ship mean? Family dream book:

  • A warship dreams of a long separation from friends and homeland.
  • A shipwreck promises a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will probably deceive you.
  • A wrecked ship promises political intrigue.
  • A ship sailing on a stormy sea means your loss to a business partner.
  • Ships dream of honor and unexpected promotion. As they say, for a big ship, a long voyage!
  • Seeing a Ship in a dream. IN Eastern dream book:

  • A dream promising a quick and successful marriage. Dreaming of a shipwreck means trouble. Dying in a shipwreck is a sign that you need to show willpower.
  • What does Ship mean? Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • arrival - unexpected success;
  • looking at the sailing - good luck in money, love;
  • shipwreck - betrayal by loved ones.
  • sailing on a ship - important changes, new beginnings, hopes;
  • What does a Ship mean in a dream? Noble dream book?

  • Traveling to distant countries means consoling loved ones.
  • To leave it is to achieve the goal.
  • To ride on it, to be on it - a change in relationships; road.
  • He drops anchor - some kind of embassy to you.
  • A ship or steamship is a symbol of hope.
  • What happens to him symbolizes the dreamer himself, the life situation in which he finds himself.
  • Seeing a big one near the shore means success in business.
  • A ship leaving into the distance - worries and sorrows remain with you, but hopes will sail away.
  • Shipwreck - tears.
  • Small – small joys.
  • He walks by - saying goodbye to a friend or the environment in general.
  • The meaning of the dream Ship in Gypsy dream book:

  • Sailing on a boat brings happiness. However, if the boat is sailing on rough seas, you will be extremely busy. Any sailboat can also be considered a symbol of spiritual development. A steamboat is a slower but more reliable vehicle, so the interpretation is the same. Lifeboat - you need rescue, try to get out of a difficult situation. See also individual types of boats.
  • Ship in Schiller's Dream Book:

  • happy marriage union.
  • Interpretation in Old Russian dream book Sleep Ship:

  • looking at the sailing - good luck in money, love; arrival - unexpected success; sailing on a ship - important changes, new beginnings, hopes; shipwreck - betrayal by loved ones.
  • Why do you dream about the Ship? Italian dream book?

  • Means company, community, or penetration into a mother's relationship.
  • IN French dream book if you dream about a Ship:

  • Seeing a ship in a dream is a lucky sign. He promises you sure luck. If the ship is richly equipped, it is possible that good times will soon return to you. If you dream that you are on a ship during a storm, this is a sign that your situation in life is stable and you have nothing to fear. But if your ship crashes in a dream, the dream warns you against danger or reckless actions.
  • If you dream about a Ship? IN Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • To control the ship - you need to subordinate your actions to reason; A ship in a stormy sea - to a conflict, stressful situation; A ship after a storm or aground means illness; Drowning is a sign of danger; Floating, loaded - to health and high performance; A small boat sailing from a pier or from a large ship - to pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Shared

    A ship dreamed of in a dream is an important sign, thanks to which you can understand what is happening now in the dreamer’s life, what events will happen in the future. However, in order to correctly decipher the vision, it is not enough to know the general meaning of the image. It is important to remember the details of what you saw and draw an analogy with your real life. After taking into account all the nuances, it becomes possible to find out why the ship is dreamed of.

    According to Freud’s dream book, the ship personifies the feminine principle, but the author takes into account who exactly dreamed of the image:

  • if a man saw a sailboat in a dream, he is afraid of dying during sexual intercourse;
  • a woman who dreamed of a ship fears the death of a relative;
  • if lovers travel together on a ship, they have problems with their sex life and should seek help from specialists.
  • According to Loff’s dream book, it is impossible to say unequivocally what a floating craft is meant for in a dream. This image, depending on the details, can symbolize events that are completely different from each other: loss of hope, long trips, danger, financial well-being, etc.

    Interpretations from other dream books:

  • Miller - respect from others and an unexpected increase in social status;
  • old Russian - a huge ship in a dream prophesies great happiness, receiving good news;
  • the seer Vanga interpreted the large white flagship preparing for sail as the dreamer’s desire to change his life; now it seems boring and monotonous to him, but he is waiting for enchanting events and a romantic trip;
  • Wanderer - separation from children, unfulfilled hopes;
  • Miss Hasse assured that steering a ship in a dream is a symbol of prudence, but if the ship was at anchor, the dreamer should be more decisive and not deviate from the decision he made;
  • Nostradamus compared a beautiful flagship with a happy life, but if the dreamed ship was equipped with golden sails, happiness awaits all residents of the country in which the dreamer lives;
  • Grishina interprets a beautiful, large airliner carrying passengers as an upcoming trip, thanks to which her career will skyrocket;
  • esoteric - in the public sphere you will reach new heights;
  • the Ukrainian dream book interprets a laid-up ship as financial stability; if the dreamer was sailing on a ship, joyful events are coming;
  • Tsvetkova - unexpected success if in a dream the liner moored to the shore;
  • the new family dream book considers the proverb “for a big ship, a long voyage” not just words, according to the authors, if you see a huge ship, fame, honor and unexpected promotion await you;
  • eastern female - marriage; How happy the marriage will be depends on the appearance of the liner;
  • old sage - receiving important news.
  • Often a ship in a dream is a sign that the dreamer has already decided on the direction of his life and has already set a course to achieve his goal.

    A ship with green sails promises positive changes

    Who dreamed about the ship: a woman or a man

    The gender of the dreamer in most cases plays a huge role in the interpretation of night dreams:

  • if a pregnant woman saw a ship in a dream, she will soon give birth to a boy who will become a sailor in the future;
  • For a young woman, a beautiful frigate promises a successful marriage;
  • if a girl saw a merchant ship, she dreams of a rich groom and sees nothing wrong with a marriage of convenience;
  • a temporary break in relations, a quarrel with a loved one is promised by a vision in which a lady dreamed of a warship; if a married woman saw such an image, this indicates an imminent divorce from her husband;
  • To a young man, a warship with raised sails indicates that in order to achieve his goal, he needs to show courage and bravery, and not just sit on the sidelines, waiting for everything to be decided by itself.
  • A ship sailing through stormy waves means that the dreamer is trying to capture the attention of a man in a not entirely honest way. Her plan will be revealed, which will bring the young lady shame and contempt from others.

    A woman steering a ship is a sign that the dreamer is stubbornly pursuing her goal and will soon achieve it

    Interpretation of sleep taking into account details

    When deciphering night visions, it is very important to take into account the type of ship, its color, size and other details.

    Vessel size: huge, big or tiny

    A small ship dreamed of promises not too global, but pleasant news. If the dreamer tries to sail on it, but nothing worked, his desires largely exceed his capabilities. You should reduce your ambitions and look at the situation sensibly.

    The image of the ship is associated with the symbolism of search and journey. It is also a symbol of refuge in stormy waters, like the island and Noah's Ark, and an image of salvation. So, for example, in Christian symbolism the church is likened to a ship.


    A large vessel promises major changes. In some dream books, this image is interpreted as the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Sailing on a large ship is a sign that the dreamer will be entrusted with an important task. If he does it correctly, it will radically change his life for the better.

    Being on an incredibly huge ship means that the dreamer has taken on too many things. However, this workaholism, unfortunately, will not lead to anything good. The maximum he will earn is nervous exhaustion and health problems.

    A white ship is a sign of pleasant changes and a happy life

    Color of the ship and sails: white, scarlet, black

    Bloody clashes and strife to achieve prosperity are prophesied by a red sailboat seen in a dream. If lovers sail on a ship with scarlet sails, their love will last a lifetime.

    The white ship has several meanings:

  • just seeing - to a cloudless future filled with joy and happy events;
  • swimming - to meet pleasant people who will play an important role in life;
  • climbing it means a new business in which you will need to take part.
  • A black ship is a bad sign that promises unpleasant and often very terrible events. This image may indicate the beginning of a war or natural disasters. The same interpretation is used by dream books when deciphering a dream in which a ship engulfed in fire appears. Black pirate sails are a sign of deception. You should be wiser and not trust strangers.

    A ship with golden sails is a sign of great happiness.

    Type of ship: military, wooden, flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship, which dream books classify as a negative sign. This image indicates unfulfilled hopes and illusory illusions. The dream may also indicate deception.

    The Flying Dutchman is a symbolic image of a man eternally wandering at sea. A sea ghost in the form of a ghost ship, whose appearance foreshadowed misfortune to everyone who saw it, was associated with great difficulties when passing the Cape of Good Hope.


    Meanings for other ship types:

  • a military frigate portends separation from loved ones and friends; perhaps you will move to another country or go on a long journey;
  • merchant, full of all sorts of good things - to a big win or to receive an inheritance;
  • a toy floating in a small puddle is a symbol of the frivolity of the situation; the business started by the dreamer will not bring him either fame or money;
  • pirate - there is some mistake in the past for which you will now have to answer;
  • a multi-masted sailboat - to receive a large sum or fulfill a cherished dream;
  • ark - soon a turning point will come when it will be necessary to decide whose side to take;
  • a wooden ship indicates the fragility of existing relationships; sometimes this image prophesies the death of a loved one.
  • A mighty huge brig with full sails promises great luck in all areas of life. Also, this vision may indicate the fact that the dreamer’s hard work will lead him to the fulfillment of his cherished dream.

    A rowing boat in a dream predicts a romantic trip, but it may be fraught with risk

    The dreamer's actions: sail into the sea, board a ship, be late, drown or escape during a wreck

    The actions of the dreamer are important for interpretation:

  • observing from the side - to promotion;
  • building a sailboat means starting your own business, which will soon bring good profits;
  • catching up with a huge ship on a boat and becoming its captain is an excellent sign foretelling the success of a new project;
  • to be on a ship overflowing with various goods - the dreamer will not know for a long time what need is.
  • A ship named after you in your night dreams brings great luck.

    A shipwreck in a dream indicates problems in your personal life.

    Being late for a ship in a dream means that in life the dreamer will not have time to do something important, on which his fate will depend. If you don't catch the sailboat, which soon begins to sink, you can avoid danger in reality.

    Interpretations related to shipwrecks:

  • being on a ship that suddenly leaks is a warning; you are about to take wrong actions that could ruin your life;
  • sinking with the liner - you need to show willpower, thanks to this your wishes will come true; according to the women's dream book, there will be a divorce, accompanied by quarrels and scandals;
  • to be saved - to get the opportunity to correct mistakes made in the past;
  • to die - someone close to you will appeal to the dreamer’s conscience.
  • Buying a ticket for a sailing ship is a sign that the dreamer should first understand himself, and only then make decisions. The purchase of the ship itself indicates global changes in personal life.

    Fire on a ship - to the collapse of hopes

    Other interpretations: empty deck, ship drifting in the water, being a captain

    A ship whose deck is strewn with corpses indicates a loss of savings and honor. The dreamer will remain completely alone, even close friends will turn away from him.

    Meanings of other unusual dreams:

  • ships docked in the port indicate the presence of big problems that you will soon deal with on your own;
  • an overturned floating craft - to dramatic changes that will cover both personal life and the professional sphere;
  • a drifting liner with lowered sails - you are disappointed in life;
  • a sailboat aground - to stagnation in business;
  • being in the cabin means a change of residence;
  • empty deck - you are not yet closer to your goal;
  • a deserted ship's hold is a symbol of failure and loss;
  • torn sails - to illness and troubles;
  • the mast of a sailboat in the distance - to new acquaintances and achievements.
  • A dream in which you saw yourself in the role of a ship captain speaks about prudence and decency. This vision also suggests that the dreamer controls his own destiny.

    The ship is a rather rare symbol that is never wasted. That is why you should listen to the opinion of dream books and try not to get yourself into trouble.

    A ship in a dream is a symbol of future changes. The type of sea vessel, the environment, human actions and other factors play a significant role in the detailed interpretation of such a dream. Understanding what exactly a sea vessel promises in night vision can be difficult. Each dream book is individual and has its own interpretations, which often contradict the explanations in other books on the interpretation of dreams. To understand the true meaning of a dream, you need to understand yourself.

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        The meaning of sleep depending on the type of ship

        At different times, among different peoples, a dreamed sea vessel often had different meanings. It was believed that a ship in a dream foreshadows stormy life events, especially if the sleeper acts in the dream as the captain of the ship.

        There is no unambiguous interpretation of such a dream. You need to pay attention to many details: the type of sea vessel, the weather, the presence of people, the position of the sleeper in relation to what is happening, etc. All this can radically change the meaning of the dream and help to interpret it correctly.

        • Classic sailing ships

          The most common ship that sails in a dream is a classic sailing ship with white sails, which can often be seen in films about pirates. By itself, it already indicates the subtle nature of the sleeper’s soul, his romantic nature and lively mind. Usually such a ship is seen in a dream by people of creative professions or travelers. A sailboat slowly drifting in calm water signifies the regularity of life. Events take their course and the sleeper does not actually experience life discomfort or dissatisfaction.

          Watching a sailboat from the outside means a desire for peace, tranquility, detachment from people, and temporary solitude. If the sleeper acts as the captain of the ship, in reality he confidently walks through life, is the head of the family and is accustomed to making decisions on which others depend. A raging storm around the frigate signals impending change, causing fear and uncertainty. It is necessary to take control of the situation and find the cause of fear. If in a dream a person observes this from the outside, then loud events are happening around him that he cannot influence. He is very worried about the situation in the country or his city, he is concerned about issues of a public nature.

          Seeing yourself as the captain of a ship caught in a storm means questioning the decisions you are making. A person has an inferiority or guilt complex and feels guilty for his actions, regardless of the consequences. Figuratively, he is afraid that the “ship” that he is leading through life, caught in an everyday storm, will sink. If a sailing ship full of people sails past an observer, he does not have close contacts with people in life and is wary of the company of colleagues or friends. You have to overcome your prejudices and fears and start treating people more openly, otherwise the ship called “life” will sail by.

          Traveling on board, where there are many people, indicates that a person is confident in the people from his close circle and can share life’s difficulties with them. This means that in reality the sleeper enjoys a certain fame. Strangers often ask him for something, which makes him feel uncomfortable, because he feels that he can’t get away from them. If in a dream a person leaves the ship on a boat, leaving the crew on board, in life he is dissatisfied with his surroundings or position in society. Such a dream means the need for change, which a person consciously suppresses under the influence of social pressure or his own beliefs.

          A ghost on a ship speaks of a lost opportunity in your personal life. If a sleeper leaves a sinking sailboat, he avoids the responsibilities that have fallen on him in life, responsibilities that he would like to get rid of. The dream means disobedience to authority or rebellion. This behavior is typical for teenagers and people who are in the stage of re-evaluating their life attitudes and principles.

          Modern ships

          The interpretation of dreams with modern ships has many interpretations depending on the type of ship.

          Civil ship

          If in a dream a person travels on a large, beautiful liner cutting through the surface of the sea, success awaits him in business or personal matters related to finance. Financial success is expected, as evidenced by women's evening dresses, men's expensive suits and the relaxed atmosphere of secular society. Acting as one of the crew members of such a ship in a dream, a person feels that his life is not going as he planned. Carrying out instructions from his superiors, he realizes that the holiday is not for him at all, the ship is not sailing to the place he dreamed of. Such a dream means change, a subconscious reluctance to live by someone else’s rules, the need to search for oneself and the meaning of life. If the sleeper is standing at the helm of a ship, his self-esteem is inflated. He expects big gifts from life, not wanting to make an effort. Driving a huge ship with hundreds of passengers in a dream is a subconscious projection of problems of self-perception, inadequate assessment of one’s abilities, and a sense of one’s superiority over others.

          Observing a sinking ship from the outside in a dream, a person unconsciously rejects the society that surrounds him. Detachment here is not only physical, but also spiritual. Rejection of the values ​​imposed by the environment causes a feeling of loneliness, even with frequent contact with people. Being present on a sinking ship, trying to save passengers or crew members may indicate possible new acquaintances. This is a subconscious desire to meet new people, a necessity in society. If you often dream of loved ones who have been shipwrecked, the person trying to help them in the dream is very afraid of losing them in life. Often in such dreams the person himself is not the main character, playing the role of a passive observer of events.


          Military equipment is rarely dreamed of by people not associated with the army or military reconstruction.

          For a man to see a warship in a dream means success in financial terms or business. This often means that in life a person leads an active business life, participates in negotiations and makes many important decisions. If a man watches from the side as a military aircraft fires, conflicts at work are possible. Tensions develop with colleagues or superiors; psychological tension has already reached a critical level. If this is the case in life, you should think about changing jobs.

          If a woman sees a warship, this is a harbinger that she may be forced to do something she does not want. The reason for the dream may be hidden in the relationship with your husband. Often spouses suppress their other halves without noticing it themselves. The woman probably lives in a demoralized, depressed state for a long time, without thinking about her situation and attitude to what is happening. If a young girl is present on board among the sailors and officers in a dream, this promises an early engagement to her lover. Seeing off your loved one on the pier is a sign of strong affection for him, fear of losing him.

          Both men and women, seeing military equipment in a dream, interpret it as a symbol of discord and conflict, although this is often not the case. Seeing a sea admiral in a dream is a sign of patronage. Soon a person’s life will have a reliable shoulder and protector on whom they can rely in difficult times. Seeing yourself in military uniform is a sign of ceremonial events. Possible upcoming holidays or name day of a loved one.

          Interpretations of famous dream books

          The most famous and respected dream books are:

          • Miller;
          • Hasse;
          • Freud;
          • Nostradamus;

          Miller's Dream Book

          According to Miller's dream book, a ship sailing in a dream is a good sign. Here it is interpreted as a symbol of change for the better. The ocean seems to be a vain world that easily absorbs and pulls to the bottom many people, drowning under the weight of routine duties and stupid conventions. Sails inflated by the wind are a sign of a thirst for knowledge and new discoveries. A shipwreck promises failure in business and deception on the part of envious people and ill-wishers. It’s worth reconsidering your business contacts, it’s time to conclude new contracts, look for new partners. A ship in a storm symbolizes a loss of control. A person keeps some secret information from his close people. Military ships, according to Miller’s dream book, symbolize parting with dear people and fear of death. A damaged ship that has run aground means that a person is being pestered by gossip and negative attention.

          Dream Interpretation of Hasse

          The interpretation of dreams according to the dream book compiled by the mysterious medium Miss Hasse always has a meaning that is different from many other interpretations and colored by a pronounced personal motivation.

          Seeing a ship under construction is a sign foreshadowing joyful events. If a young woman dreams of a ship, she can expect a new addition to the family. The ship here is a symbol of the emergence of something new, in this case, new life. Steering a ship is seen as prudence in undertakings and confidence in decisions made. A frigate without a mast symbolizes impending misfortune, from which, however, there is a way out.

          If the ship sinks, you should expect bad news. A ship sailing in calm water portends major losses in material terms. A ship entering a port promises great dangers from which a person will be able to extricate himself. A ship that has dropped anchor requires firmness in its decisions. If in a dream a sea vessel is unloading at a port, the sky is cloudless, in reality you should wait for distant friends. If it is loaded with goods and a person gets on board, sudden happiness awaits him in life. A ship with scarlet sails symbolizes the fulfillment of cherished desires.

          Freud's Dream Book

          Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, is known for his interpretations with characteristic sexual overtones.

          A ship in a dream is interpreted as a symbol of the feminine principle. A man traveling on a ship in a dream is afraid of having sex. Sometimes the dream is interpreted as a fear of death during sex. The option of fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, heart problems and other diseases due to sex is more often considered. Sometimes the meaning of a dream is hidden in the fear of impotence and inability to satisfy a woman. A woman traveling on a sea vessel is afraid of the death of a loved one, relative or friend. If the sleeping person accompanies someone close to him on board, he fears for the life of this person or his well-being in business.

          If a person travels on board with his significant other, he probably experiences discomfort during sex or does not achieve orgasm. A man who sees a ship passing is completely satisfied with his sex life and does not want changes. A woman who sees a ship passing experiences anxiety in her life because of her relationship with her partner. A man and woman looking at many ships on the horizon are prone to frequent changes of sexual partners. The dream is interpreted as a fear of choosing a life partner, which is why a person is constantly looking for other options. The dream means self-doubt, fear of losing attractiveness to the opposite sex.

          Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

          This dream interpreter differs from others in that it gives an interpretation of the dream and a forecast for the distant future. The interpretation of dreams is based on predictions and events that happened in the past.

          A ship in a dream symbolizes a new and happy life. Seeing a frigate with golden sails and other decorations is a signal of the well-being of life in the country. A ship with white sails is interpreted as a harbinger of success and prosperity, often as an unexpected arrival of a relative from the northern countries. A ship with scarlet sails predicts bloody events in which the sleeper will have to take part. In this interpretation, Nostradamus used the memoirs of Louis XIV, the French king, who interpreted this dream as a premonition of an impending war. Four months later, France entered the war with the Netherlands. An old or destroyed ship on land indicates that you need to leave for another country. Here the ship acts as a symbol of old foundations and a rotten civil society.

          Family dream book

          This book on dream interpretation views dreams as signs of small personal changes, successes or losses relating to family and loved ones.

          Dreams about sea vessels promise changes and fulfillment of desires, but can warn of danger. Sailing on board in a dream promises changes in your personal or business life. A ship that has dropped anchor means minor problems at work or in business. Climbing on board promises a lucrative financial offer. Business will develop and income will grow. Getting off near the shore means achieving your goals. If the sleeper goes ashore alone and the rest of the crew remains on board, he will face financial losses in business or the collapse of the entire enterprise. Seeing the lights of a lighthouse while at sea means being confident that your plans will be fulfilled.

          A ship in a stormy sea foreshadows the collapse of hopes and plans, disappointment in family life or loved ones, and fear of financial independency. Possible dismissal from work, loss of stable income. If a person sees such a dream in a painful state, it promises him a protracted recovery or death. Being late for the ship is a symbol of missed opportunities, unfulfilled hopes. A sinking frigate foreshadows divorce, but for a single person it means marriage. Dying in a shipwreck in a dream means there is a chance of losing loved ones soon. Falling overboard is a harbinger of tragic events in the family. Taking the helm means setting difficult goals and achieving them.


          Various dream books give many different interpretations of the same dream. Each person is individual, just like his inner experiences and worries. The dream book gives only a general idea of ​​what a dreamed ship means, but only the person himself can understand the true, deep essence of such a dream.

    In dreams we often meet familiar people. We see events that have already happened to us, we look into the future. Why do you dream about a ship? It's worth looking into.

    Why do you dream about a ship - the main interpretation

    A dream in which you dream of a ship will most likely promise you favorable changes in life. You will be able to discover something new, long desired. It is worth paying attention to the following details of the dream:

    · Where did the ship come from in your dream;

    · Have you sailed on a ship?

    · What was the weather like at sea?

    · Who else participated in your dream;

    · What was your emotional state during sleep.

    It is important to take into account everything, even the smallest details of the dream. Don't overlook anything. If you dream that you wake up on the seashore and see a huge ship calmly sailing into the distance, new horizons will open before you.

    You will be able to get a lot of opportunities to improve your life. You will be able to realize everything you have planned. You just need to trust the course of events. It is important to remember whether the weather has changed in your dream. If you see that the ship is sailing into the distance and it is still accompanied by favorable weather, you will be successful in your affairs to the end.

    But, if you dreamed that the weather suddenly deteriorated, you suddenly felt a cold wind blowing in your face - such a dream meant that you would be faced with problems that would be difficult to cope with. There will be sudden interruptions, created by people close to you. But don't be disappointed in advance.

    After such a dream, you should rely only on yourself, and no one else. Only you can help yourself in solving complex issues. When setting high goals for yourself, you simply need to calculate your moves ahead. As the captain of a ship, you must know exactly your destination and the most convenient route to it.

    If in a dream you see a ship being tossed by sea waves, the sea of ​​life will also toss you. You may suddenly feel a surge of strength and vigor, but then it will be replaced by disappointment and loss of strength. Such fluctuations will accompany you in life for a very long time.

    If during such a dream you feel unreasonable anxiety and fear, you will not be able to control the events that will happen in your life in reality. The dream book advises not to rely on outside help, to rely only on yourself. But, if you enjoy such wave riding, you like to see a lot of things change in life. You gladly accept changes and can always find advantages in them.

    This allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. Try not to go too far and not allow yourself unnecessary emotions. While frolicking on the waves of life, you can lose your vigilance. It will only hurt you. Everything should be in moderation.

    If you see yourself as the captain of a ship, such a dream means that you will not only control your own life, but also the lives of those around you. You may dream that someone else is steering your ship in your absence. Such a dream will mean that you cannot trust important matters to other people. Try to carry out your work and your responsibilities yourself, without shifting responsibility to others.

    If you have to ask someone for help in the near future, you will be disappointed in this person. He won't live up to your expectations. If you see that you are the captain of a ship and you lead it into a storm, you will create troubles in your life on your own. The dream book advises you to think several times before making important decisions. They can be fateful.

    If you see in a dream that your ship is being attacked by pirates, such a dream means that your enemies will soon reveal themselves. You should be on your guard and not give them a reason for gossip and intrigue. If in a dream you see pirates sinking your ship, such a dream means that you will not withstand enemy attacks.

    The influence of others is too great. It runs your life, not you. A dream in which you will have several ships, and you controlled all of them, means that life will give you several new and important chances. It's worth taking advantage of each of them. A dream in which you have a huge number of ships sailing into the distance and starting to fire fireworks means that you will soon get a lot of wonderful opportunities and options. You will be able to realize all your ideas. Success awaits you.

    If in a dream you see a sinking ship, one of your close people will need your help. A dream in which you see yourself on a sinking ship will promise troubles and losses for you. It is important not to give up and allow yourself to survive a difficult period in life with dignity.

    If you see in a dream how a ship is being launched, travel and new acquaintances await you. They will be favorable and will bring you a lot of joy and benefit. If you see a ship blazing on fire, you should take care of your own health. Soon chronic diseases will remind you of themselves.

    Why do you dream about a ship according to Freud’s dream book?

    Freud's dream book says that a ship is dreamed of as a symbol of new discoveries in the intimate sphere. Such a dream often promises change. But whether they will be positive or negative - to understand this, it is worth understanding the symbols of the dream.

    If a lonely woman dreams of a ship, then such a dream will mean that a new romantic relationship will soon await her. If she sees a handsome young man on board the ship, she will get exactly the relationship she has long dreamed of.

    If a girl in a dream travels on a ship and meets someone on board, it’s worth remembering who exactly. If she meets her old lover on board the ship, forgotten feelings will be renewed. If she meets someone new, the new acquaintance will be difficult and short-lived.

    If a married man dreams of a ship that sails out to sea in a storm, his family will face troubles and quarrels. The other half will begin to underestimate him and suspect him. If a man dreams that he is steering a ship, only he will be the eldest and the main one in the family. If he dreams that his beloved is sailing on a ship, his woman will become the mistress of the house.

    If a man dreams of a shipwreck, his hopes for a happy marriage will collapse. If he sees people drowning, one of his good friends will ask for help. If he sees people swimming to the shore on their own, such a dream means that the troubles will be temporary.

    If a woman dreams that a ship is split in half, this means a severance of old ties. Soon new relationships will come into her life, but they will no longer bring her so much joy and pleasure. The dream book does not recommend restoring old relationships.

    Why do you dream about a ship according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

    The Esoteric Dream Book says that a ship is dreamed of as a symbol of hidden desires and aspirations for change. If you see a ship sailing into the distance, and at that moment melancholy comes over you, this means that you have long wanted to change something in your life. If you dream that the ship is sailing away and you feel joy, you are ready for change.

    Perhaps you have already outlined the path of changes and changes, but you still do not dare to follow the call of your heart - the dream book advises not to hesitate and accept all the changes that life gives you. If you dream about one of your loved ones going on a trip on a ship, you should let the person go from your life and not control him.

    Why do you dream about a ship according to other dream books?

    The Women's Dream Book says that a ship comes in a dream as a symbol of honor. You may expect recognition of your merits at work, promotion, and other favorable events. Why dream of a ship in a stormy sea means failures and disasters. If a shipwreck appears in your dream, things will go from bad to worse. You should be prepared for such a turn of events.

    Grishina’s dream book says that the ship is dreamed of as a symbol of future changes. If you dream that you died on a ship. Don't worry. In fact, someone close to you will need your help. Why do you dream of a ship burning at sea - it means health problems. You will fight the disease for a long time, and eventually it will take over.

    Whatever the dream, everything can turn out differently in life. Dreams only give clues; you decide for yourself how to live your life. Dreams can become a support in making important decisions and in drawing the right conclusions.