What to do if you throw a broken glass. What to do if you were given something forbidden. Additional protective actions

Many people have encountered in their lives such a magical phenomenon as lining - in theory or in practice. And naturally one wonders about , how to find lining at home, on your own, and what to do with it. This is exactly what we will talk about next.

The lining is a serious thing in magic

How to detect planted charmed objects in your own home using magic - carry out simple manipulations. First of all, a candle will come to your aid; it is best if it is bought in a shop at a temple. Just light it with a match and let its flame burn for 2-3 minutes, and then walk around the apartment with it - where its flame will smoke and crackle, that’s where you should look. If the wick and the candle flame itself do not smoke and burn evenly, everything is clean there.

So it’s worth walking around the house several times, while taking a variety of candles - if the results of magical diagnostics are mostly the same, then it means there is no negativity in the house. A pendulum and frames can also help, but this is already the level of more advanced magicians and psychics.

How to find lining in your home or office

What to do with a negatively charged object

First of all, it is worth carrying out a general cleaning of the room. And then proceed to inspect the premises - our ancestors were very scrupulous about order. This is purity, both on the physical, mental and energetic levels. Particular attention should be paid to those places in the home and office that sorcerers “love” so much.

In the first case, look under the threshold - throwing something under it is simple, because you don’t even have to be in the house. Inspect the door jamb, into which a nail or a needle or pins may be stuck.

Also inspect the walls, the space under the baseboards - anything can be hidden under the wallpaper, from needles to cemetery soil. The next place to inspect both at home and in the office that is worth paying attention to is the bathtub and toilet, since the enemy can go into them for a couple of minutes and hide the enchanted item in privacy.

Windows - be sure to inspect the frames and window sills, radiators, even to the point of looking through all the flowers standing on them for any magical attribute buried in the ground. Be sure to look through the furniture and cabinets, personal belongings and handbags to see if there are any needles or pins stuck in them, or if there is red or black thread sewn on the side.

After inspecting the house, proceed to inspecting the car, where you carefully inspect the space under the rugs and the glove compartment, trunk and seats, removing the covers from them. It’s more or less simple here, unlike inspecting a private house, on the territory of which there is plenty of space for sorcerers for their activities. In addition to the house itself, carefully inspect all outbuildings, the garage, and the garden. The fence also requires attention, even the fence itself and the gate, those places that do not often attract your attention.

All these methods of detecting lining are also relevant for office premises - thorough cleaning and inspection of the entire room for foreign and incomprehensible objects.

What to do if you find a lining

Sweeping out the toss

If you do find a lining in your home or car or office, the question naturally arises: what to do next? At the very beginning, remember firmly that it is forbidden to touch the lining with your bare hands - this way you take upon yourself all the negativity contained in it. It is also strictly contraindicated to step over it or touch it with your foot.

What to do with such a lining - definitely get rid of it. Wear a glove or wrap a rag around your hand. If you find small debris under the threshold, for example earth or enchanted grain, it is carefully swept into a dustpan with a broom, and then all this is taken out of the house, to the trash.

Also, if you find an incomprehensible package or package, never unwrap it, because this is what magicians and customers of dark rituals are counting on. First of all, it is worth engaging in a ritual of cleansing the house and neutralizing the magic induced through the lining. It is best to burn an object of magic over an open fire, and also read the words of a ritual, cleansing spell or the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” over it.

It is recommended to carry out all these manipulations away from your home, and when burning an object, stand so that the smoke from the fire does not come in your direction. When burning, look at how the smoke behaves and in which direction it will lead - often the enchanted things fly out of the fire. Therefore, it is important to stand at a safe distance so that none of these jumping objects or sparks get on you. After the burning, go home without turning around or talking to anyone.

How to find out who made the lining

Identifying the enemy is half the defense

If you want to find out who made the lining, perform a simple ritual of magical diagnosis of the secret “well-wisher”. To carry it out, buy a loaf of bread at the store and place it on the table in front of the mirror at home. On a clean table, apart from this ritual bread, nothing should stand or lie and say three times:

“I will put bread on this table and I will invite my enemy to the table.”

Afterwards, leave this enchanted bread with you for 9 days, and after this period, take it to the temple and, placing it on a special memorial table, say:

“Whoever did harm to me and wished evil, the Lord will punish him with His will, and cover up all evil with His good. It’s your enemy to be sick and to suffer, if every other day you don’t stand at my doorstep.”

It is during the day that your enemy will appear on your doorstep. But if the enemy does not come within 24 hours, then do not despair and repeat the ritual several more times until the enemy shows his true face.

In the struggle between man and man within the framework of magical practices, a different arsenal of influences is used. One of the methods of black magic is “delivery of problems to your home,” that is, “lining.”

“Lining” is any rubbish processed with the help of rituals, slander, rituals in order to provide the recipient of the “lining” with an unpleasant life full of problems - ruin family relationships, bring discord, bring illness, bring misfortune, bring ruin, bring death. The essence of the “lining” is damage “with delivery”, so that the recipient of the “lining” steps into it, steps over it, and takes it in his hands. And thus, he ensured that the negativity embedded in the “lining” transferred to himself.

This is a crude and primitive, very common method of causing damage. It works almost always. Even if they didn’t enter into it, but removed it using the wrong method. And if the “lining” got into the house (in the garden, on the plot, in the yard), and remained there for a long time without being found, then the harm from it is even greater. Home source of radiation...literally.

The contents of the “lining” can be extremely varied. But the “dark makers” have a special price and respect as components: needles, pins, a lock key, a thread with knots, earth, a whisk of twigs, dolls, matted animal hair, lumps of wax, small change, an empty envelope in the mailbox, blood, feathers, husks, dead water (the water with which the deceased was washed before burial), dead earth (earth from the graves), dead thread (the thread of which was used to measure the deceased). But these things are not the only ones. A great variety of different garbage and rubbish can become a carrier of negativity in the “lining”, for example, donated items: a doll, a soft toy, a pillow, bed linen.

To start the mechanism of operation of the “lining”, which is delivered under the door (into the house, into the yard), contact with it or simply its presence in the house is necessary.

Those. Conditionally, “linings” can be divided into two types:

1) “Padding” designed for the victim to find them – this is a “lining” under the door, under the threshold. This “lining” begins to act as soon as you pick it up, step on it, or step on it.
2) Secret “linings” designed to not be found for as long as possible can be found inside donated items. It begins to act from the moment it enters the victim’s home.

It is possible that sometimes the “lining” is a “dummy” - for intimidation and psychological effect - they collected garbage, took soil from the flowerbed, poured it under the door and wait for fear and panic. But even if it’s a “prank,” you shouldn’t ignore it. As people who find a “lining” often say, “I took it, swept it off with a broom and threw it away.” And most then add - “And then it began...”.

It begins, where can you escape from this if you come into contact with this toxic garbage. Those who are more careful, or more “in the know”, take at least some precautions - they splash this garbage and this place with holy water, burn this garbage, read prayers. And this is correct, although sometimes it is ineffective and is not a complete guarantee of neutralizing the “lining”.

Let's now decide what to do if, God forbid, you find such a thing as a “lining” under your door.

If you are a cosmoenergeticist, and in your arsenal there are Firast and / or First Magic frequencies, First, we clean / neutralize the “lining” itself and the place within a radius of 5 meters. We collect garbage without touching it with our bare hands, if possible, burn it, if this is not possible, throw it in the trash (on the street) and once again burn the place where the garbage is stored. It’s better to throw away everything that touched the “lining” or burn it well with Firast. We clean the apartment (house and yard), and if possible, the household too. It would also be a good idea to look at the situation under Midi.

Now let's consider the same question for those who do not have a powerful energy practice like Cosmoenergetics. What to do if you find a “lining”.

People both enter and exit apartments and houses. Logical... And what should be done in both cases? Detecting a “lining” both at the entrance to the house and at the exit has its pitfalls, both in one case and in the second.

The first catch is the effect of surprise upon exit. In the morning absent-mindedness, it is very easy to “get into” this garbage without looking at your feet. The second catch when leaving is haste. Even if they noticed and suspected something was wrong, and didn’t even have time to get in, then “we need to hurry! I’m late!”, and the “lining” is either somehow put away in the trash can (it was they who dragged this toxic garbage home), or simply kicked aside or scattered along the stairwell.

And the pitfalls when entering the house... It's like a trap... After all, a broom, household gloves, holy water are inside! And you still need to get there! To get caught by stepping into the garbage, or into the place where it was. The second catch is - if you yourself know how to handle the “lining”, do your family know the same? Especially children and men. The first ones don’t understand, the second ones say, “I don’t believe in all this.” Stalemate situations when, at least a little, you catch the negative on yourself.

Now let’s look at how to ideally work with the “lining” in order to “discharge” it as much as possible and provide yourself with protection from negativity.

Option 1

Take the “lining” through a glove, a newspaper, a piece of paper, a napkin and put it in a bag along with what you used for the “lining”, for example a glove. If it is something loose (earth, salt, garbage...), then carefully collect everything scattered with a broom, a stick on newspaper/paper, and then in a bag with gloves and a broom.

The best way to destroy the “lining” is to burn everything, i.e. burn all objects that came into contact with the “lining”

If there is no way to burn it. You can bury the “lining” in the ground, away from the house, where no one walks (under a bush, under a tree). If you are a resident of a large metropolis, all this action is done within walking distance, i.e. You can’t carry all the negative garbage bag on transport in order to neutralize it outside the city.

Option 2

Let's start with the case when the "lining" was discovered while leaving the house.

The most important thing (and every specialist will tell you this) is not to take all “this” with your bare hands and not bring it into the house. Ideally, over the place where the “lining” was found, you should read a prayer, at least “Our Father”, and then “burn” this garbage with a candle - making the sign of the cross with a burning candle and reading the prayer(s). After which, sprinkle this garbage with holy water. Next, with protected hands (gloved), sweep away or collect this garbage in a separate bag or newspaper. Sprinkle the place where the “lining” lay with holy water, or even better, wash it with holy water. Without bringing the contents into the house, take it outside and burn it. With prayer or with mental wishes, “so that whoever does it will return to it.” Don't get caught in the smoke, this is important. There is no need to leave this in the house with the thoughts “I’ll burn it later when I get back from work.” It's better to just throw it away.

During all this work, read prayer(s). If you don't mind the dustpan and broom you used to clean up the trash, throw them away. Buying a new broom is cheaper than buying medicine and peace of mind. If you decide to leave them, wash them with holy water and do not use them for at least a day.

If you or your family get into the “lining,” be sure to wipe the shoes and soles with holy water.

After this, find the time and opportunity to order a magpie for health and other (of your choice) services for health in the church for yourself and your family. And after that, clean your home, and for prevention, drink holy water for several days. If you know any energy practices, especially working with the elements, then “clean” this place with the energies of fire and water.

This is the perfect combination of efforts that poses

wills to “reduce to nothing” the nastiness contained in the “lining”.

Option 3

Well, what if... Now about the “if”. If there are no candles, if there is no holy water, if it’s raining outside, if I live (work) in the center and they will look at me like an idiot when I burn

Is there trash on the lawn or near the business center where I work and found a “lining”?

Then so.

No candles - no problem. Cross this place and this garbage, and at least mentally read a prayer over it. No gloves? There are bags, newspapers, napkins. Protect your hands with them when picking up trash. No holy water? Take water from the tap, read the “Our Father” over it, sprinkle it on this garbage and this place, and then wash your hands with it. Can't burn your trash? Throw away away from people's access - in the trash. And after all this - prevention and prevention - more and longer than with the correct “anti-magic” treatment of the “lining”. More holy water, more frequent services, more regular cleaning of the house and yourself.

When we discover a “lining” when returning home, we usually do not have with us anything that is needed when working with the “lining”. There is a broom inside, no candles, no gloves, no water...What should I do? Go to the store, if it’s nearby, buy at least some water. Take out at least a sanitary napkin, at least a newspaper, at least a sheet from your diary. In case of emergency, ask for water and a newspaper and your neighbors if you communicate with them. Read a prayer over the “lining,” sprinkle it with water, pick it up without touching it with your bare hands, and throw it outside. When you return, find something to cover this place with. Once in the house, carry out additional treatment of this place - with a candle, and more water. Also, treat your shoes. In this way you can protect yourself from the effects of the “lining”. Well, if you still “got in”, took it in your hands, ignored it, and then “off we go”, then you have to clean yourself, your apartment, and perhaps your family as well.

You can't cope on your own.


Damage refers to diseases of the human energy system. This disease can completely change your life for the worse. Most often, damage is caused through the lining, which is not so easy to detect.

If you know where to look for padding in your home, then you have little to worry about except for your surroundings. But if you encounter damage in the form of a lining for the first time, then real problems can begin. Not everyone is able to notice and prevent negative, sometimes even fatal, influence from the outside. The thing is that such “gifts” are deliberately hidden in certain places hidden from your eyes. Of course, no one is protected from psychological attacks and evil from people, but we all have the power to protect our lives.

How to tell if there is lining in a house

Go into the apartment and inspect all the doorways in the house itself. After all, you cannot be completely sure that the lining was not left to you by one of your close friends or relatives. Feel the walls - they usually stick needles into them. Be careful, do not forget that foreign objects should not be touched with your hands. Walk along the baseboards - in new apartments they can be removed with one touch, which means the chances increase that the lining is located there.

How to get rid of lining

The first and, perhaps, the most important rule is not to touch a dangerous find with your bare hands. This way you will attract all the negative energy that is contained in the lining. Do not step over or step on foreign objects. Also, don’t start sounding the alarm: if you give in and feel like a victim, you will definitely become one. Keep calm. Ill-wishers can purposefully provoke you into emotions. Remember that most of them are energy vampires who feed on your fears.

Now you need to gather your thoughts and get rid of the lining using the means at hand. You will need something worn by you or one of your family members that you won’t be sorry to part with later. A broom and sponges for washing dishes can also serve you well, with which you can sweep away the lining. Instead of a scoop, you can take newspaper, paper or a bag.

Now we move on to the most important stage - getting rid of the lining. It must be put on fire. You will have to burn all the things that you used and that retained negative energy. Light a small fire somewhere away from the house and passers-by. Throw all items into the fire. Move away and avoid inhaling smoke. Believers are recommended to read the Lord's Prayer. Wait until the fire burns down completely, and then go home without looking back.

Or not, you can do it yourself, you don’t have to involve psychics and sorcerers in this. There are many charlatans among them, so trust only yourself. It is best not to delay the removal of damage - this is a very dangerous magical attack that changes the fate of a person and himself. However, one cannot blame ill-wishers for all the troubles. The reason for the black streak may be hidden within you, and it is not always an energetic intervention. Perhaps you have lost your way, and the Higher Powers

Believing it or not is everyone’s choice, but one of my close friends recently told me a story, after which I began to look more carefully at my feet and more...

A year ago, Irina got married, her family life was like a fairy tale: her beloved husband, a new and spacious apartment with a good renovation, ideal relationships with relatives, joint travel and nature trips with friends. But at one point everything began to collapse, and for absolutely no apparent reason.

When things started to come to a divorce, Ira, who was in complete depression and misunderstanding, what to do next, they advised me to contact a clairvoyant. The elder told her that it was all about the needle, which she accidentally stepped on. He also advised me to look under the threshold and in the door frames.

How to determine damage

After the friend came home and examined the places that the clairvoyant pointed out to her, she found several more “surprises.” These were the so-called “linings” to destroy family happiness Irina.

Unfortunately, there are many types of damage that involve placing an object charged with negative energy. The pads are united by one goal - to harm a person, but they have different directions.

Our editors have prepared useful information for you on how you can determine the evil eye or damage folk ways.


Of course, this does not mean that you need to dwell on the fact that they can damage you. However, being vigilant will not hurt anyone. Therefore, you should be more careful, look at your feet, especially at the threshold of the door.

And if you suspect that damage has already been caused to you, check the door jambs, the threshold, you can also inspect the windows, window sills and radiators. Shine a bright flashlight into the gaps between the threshold and the floor, the joints and places where the flooring comes off.

Here are the actions clairvoyants advise you to take if you find suspicious objects at the doorstep or in the house.


We wish you never to be exposed negative influence from other people! Be sure to share this information with your friends, perhaps it will help someone maintain health and a strong family life.

Nowadays, you can encounter such a phenomenon as lining. This includes various items that have been planted in your home, car or place of business. They can be planted either unnoticed by the one who was damaged through the lining, or in the form of a gift. If you want to find out who makes the linings and damage, how to find the lining in the apartment yourself, find out if there is a lining in the house, and also what to do if you took the lining by hand, then be sure to look at the site.

Not only a person who has witchcraft abilities can plant a charmed object. An ordinary person who is far from black magic can do this. Envy, greed, hatred, and resentment prompts you to lay a lining for a person or an enemy. The difference is in the strength of the placed object. This means that a magical lining made by a professional is much more powerful and dangerous than one made by an ordinary person.

It is important to remember that damage can be done to various objects that are not noticeable.

But there are some that will instantly attract your attention. There is a certain meaning of linings in magic, corresponding to their purposes. For example:

  • Women's toiletry items (combs, brooches, rings, hairpins). The purpose of such things is insomnia. Applies not only to the owner of the enchanted item, but also to the child, husband and other people living in the same living space;
  • Lining with a white thread means that someone has committed actions to cause discord in the family. In addition to the thread, you can see a pin, a needle;
  • In the case of coins thrown under the house, which have drops of wax on them, it means that a money lining was made. A person who finds coins and picks them up will suffer either one-time financial losses, or the impact will be long-lasting;
  • If you find small ropes or black threads tied into many knots, it follows that you are suffering from serious illness. Look carefully - the more nodules, the more powerful the damage;
  • Putting earth under the threshold means that they have done damage to death. It is much easier to remove the lining discovered this way. But if soil taken from the cemetery was added to your flowers in a pot, then you will have to work hard to get rid of it;
  • Salt base. Its target is an incurable disease. If you notice that there is earth in the salt, then you have damaged it with the aim of causing death. A tooth present in the salt means that a blood relative will be affected;
  • A pledge made in blood. Remember, if you notice drops of blood near the door of your apartment or on the threshold of your house, do not rush to panic. If, for example, a chicken was laid, then there should be a dead bird nearby. A mouse can also be used as a sacrifice. In its absence, you can easily get rid of it and avoid the consequences by burning the lining;
  • If you find a feather or bird egg near your home, do not try to take it with your bare hands. By doing this you will activate quarrels and misunderstandings in the family that you wished;
  • If a package was found near the door, inside of which various grains (rice, wheat, flax) were mixed with flower petals, or a wicker doll with a rusty nail inserted in the area of ​​the heart, then this is a love lining. It can be given to both a woman who has a beloved man and a married man. In this love spell, the attacker does not hope for love from the victim, but rather for short-term passion or an obsessive desire to be close.

How does the lining affect a person?

If you are unlucky enough to find a lining at home that was planted on you, then you should be armed and remember what the operating principle of this phenomenon is, so that later you can get rid of the lining in the right way.

Some pads can act immediately after they are thrown into your home or personal belongings.

A person will feel the negative effects within a couple of days. Only a person who practices magic can perform a spell from the lining.

If a lining is planted for a quarrel, which was spoken for a long period of action, then the impact will occur according to the snowball principle. First, a person will feel discord in his personal life, which will end in separation. Due to stress and depression, then problems at work, worsening financial situation, mild illnesses will appear, then severe ones. If you wished for death, then everything will end in death.

There are instant pads. This means that the harmful effect is activated immediately after you pick it up, step over it, etc. There is also a mortgage that affects a person’s thoughts and nervous system. The victim becomes irritable, apathy and indifference to everything and everyone appear, and a gradual descent into depression appears. As a result, there is an obsessive thought to commit suicide.

It should be noted that there is a case where lining can have a positive effect. This means that the person had previously suffered from damage caused to him, and then discovered a “gift” near his home or inside it. To begin with, past damage is removed from him. And then there is a double negative impact on the one who cast the spell and planted the enchanted item.

How to find a lining yourself

If you notice a series of sad events in life that, in your opinion, do not have a natural basis, then you should use methods like finding the lining using a candle or a pendulum. These methods are also used by those who are strong in magic. For those who believe in God, it is necessary to go to church and buy a candle there. If you don't believe me, any candle will do.

Stand at the front door, light a candle, stand motionless for two or three minutes, while silently reading a prayer that will help cleanse the lining of the negativity it produces. Then start moving around your home in a clockwise direction.

If you notice that the candle flame begins to crackle and twitch, then conduct a thorough inspection of this place.

A similar scheme is made with a pendulum. As soon as he starts making sudden movements, pay attention to the place.

How to clean and destroy lining

If you have discovered a lining, what to do and how to find out who made the lining, some tips will help. To begin with, do not pick it up with your hands. To get rid of it, use cardboard and a broom, which you won’t mind throwing away later. Transfer the item onto cardboard in this way. Leave the house at a distance of several tens of meters. Light a fire and throw something into it. The prayer from the lining should be read silently throughout the entire burning time.

Then collect all the ashes. It is necessary to bury it at the crossroads. To do this you will need a knife with a long blade. Dig a small hole with it, pour ashes into it, and bury the hole. Place a stone the size of a small apple on top of the burial site. After completing the actions, go home. At the same time, you cannot talk to anyone and look back towards the place where the fire was burning.

How to find out who made the lining

To find out for yourself who laid the lining for the enemy, you need to place an icon on the table located in the corner of the room. Write on a piece of paper exactly what you want to know. Fold the leaf in four, wrap the package with a thread with a cross on it. All actions must be performed at night. The very next day the person who committed the damage will come to you. At the same time, he may not find the reason why he had the desire to come. This could be a relative or a stranger.