Advice from Vasilisa Volodina for Gemini women. Advice from Vasilisa Volodina for Gemini women What does the year portend for Geminis

The calendar year is coming to an end, which means that a new page of our lives will turn over very soon. Many study with interest all kinds of horoscopes, trying to determine their future by the stars. Today we will study the most accurate horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina according to the signs of the Zodiac - the famous astrologer, astropsychologist and TV presenter. So, what does fate have in store for us in December 2018? Let's learn more about star forecasts.


In the second half of December 2018, Aries will have a long trip abroad - perhaps it will be Italy, Spain or France. Such a trip will leave a lot of vivid impressions and pleasant memories if you first settle all current affairs and problems. In addition, the most accurate horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina warns that an unfavorable situation may arise on the road as a result of a combination of certain circumstances. If you postpone your trip until the first half of the month, an important life-changing event will pass you by. In the love sphere, strong and persistent Aries will be lucky - the end of 2018 will be the beginning of a new romance.


For hardworking Taurus, a “hot” time is coming - by the end of the year they will have to complete a lot of important work. However, your diligence will not be in vain, because career advancement, bonuses and other benefits are expected ahead. If you manage your affairs by the middle of the month and pay off your debts, then good luck will accompany you throughout the next year. According to the horoscope, on New Year's Eve, representatives of this zodiac sign will receive cash receipts, which will more than compensate for holiday expenses. However, it is important to take care of your health - in December 2018, Taurus may get a cold or get a work injury in the form of a cut or burn.


In the last month of winter, emotional Gemini will have to show maximum calm and patience, since any incontinence will cost too much. The stars warn against getting involved in gambling - otherwise you may incur significant financial expenses without receiving anything in return. As for relationships with loved ones, it is important to show sensitivity and warmth, pushing aside your own needs. According to the horoscope, in the last week of the year it is best for car drivers to give up driving - there is a high risk of getting into a serious accident. For a New Year's holiday, Gemini can go to Canada, Serbia or choose interesting options in Russia.


December 2018 will be a period of calm for Cancers - the stars advise this month to hide in the “depths”, coming less into the field of view of management. If you decide to ask your boss, you will most likely hear a lot of complaints and dissatisfaction in response. Therefore, it is best to take care of your immediate responsibilities, waiting out the unfavorable period in the shade. At the end of the month, fate may present Cancer with an unpleasant surprise in the form of a lost amount of money, so it is better to take care of the financial “cushion” in advance. Representatives of this zodiac sign will receive a festive “invasion” of relatives - however, through one of the guests, the stars will give the fulfillment of their cherished desire. According to the horoscope, Cancers should take care of their liver by giving up unhealthy and heavy foods.

a lion

Majestic Leos will be able to show their best qualities in achieving their goals - the ability to take risks, creativity and entrepreneurship. By making every effort, you will lay the foundation for a future successful life. At the end of December 2018, Leo will experience unexpected financial income - an excellent opportunity to treat yourself to a gift. But in love relationships, it is better for royalty to moderate their violent emotions in order to avoid a major quarrel and even separation. After all, all Leo’s experiences and suspicions exist only in their heads and have no real basis. The stars recommend celebrating the New Year with family and loved ones. It is better for Leos to devote the second half of the month to examining the thyroid gland.


At the end of 2018, Virgos will have an excellent opportunity to advance their careers and increase their salaries. To achieve your goals, it is important to take initiative without refusing to do extra work. If you are planning to change your field of activity, the horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina warns against such a step and advises you to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The second half of the month will be especially successful for practical Virgos - perhaps you will win a large sum of money and subsequently open your own business. The stars recommend resisting the temptation to throw a “scene of jealousy” at your chosen one in order to avoid the risk of completely destroying the relationship. Better engage in cleansing and rejuvenating procedures - and have a happy New Year.


New pleasant changes in the life of Libra will come precisely in the last month of the year - do not miss the chance to change your life for the better. However, the horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina advises avoiding gossip and conflicts, as well as careless statements. Otherwise, your words will reach the “ears” of your superiors and will be misinterpreted. If you are hesitating, not daring to spend a large sum on gifts for your family, you can safely go shopping - in December, Libra will receive financial injections. In addition, in the middle of the month your old dream of purchasing or renting real estate will come true. The end of 2018 is the ideal period to improve relationships and arrange a real holiday for your soul mate in a romantic setting.


Representatives of this fatal zodiac sign will be able to demonstrate their best professional qualities by the end of the year - your management will definitely appreciate such zeal. According to the horoscope for December, Scorpios can expect a big win in the lottery. Your significant other needs attention and care, so you can arrange a romantic dinner or other pleasant surprise. The stars advise to refrain from driving and contact with electrical appliances. In addition, Scorpios are not recommended to stay in the cold for a long time to avoid bronchial disease.


In December 2018, Sagittarius will begin to complete previously started tasks and projects. In addition, you can take on additional work or increase your workload - the reward will be solid financial income. According to the forecast of astrologer Volodina, representatives of this zodiac sign should avoid gossip and quarrels, especially in the middle of the month. In such an unpleasant situation, it is better to show firmness and restraint - otherwise there is a risk of remaining “extreme”. The stars warn Sagittarius against rash connections and adventures in love relationships, as this could end in a scandal and a break with a regular partner.


The last month of 2018 will be a period for representatives of this earth sign to take stock and lay the foundation for building a future career. When performing their work duties, Capricorns should be vigilant - the slightest carelessness can lead to major troubles. Family Capricorns are given an excellent opportunity to relax, giving their spouse the role of leader for a while. According to the horoscope, such a castling will only benefit the relationship. The star advises maintaining a proper sleep schedule to avoid serious nervous breakdowns.


In December 2018, Aquarius will have to make an important, risky decision - here the stars advise you to trust your intuition. The second half of the month is not the best for concluding financial transactions, as well as excessive expenses. By being prudent, you can avoid serious financial difficulties in the future. New acquaintances and novels are “contraindicated” for men, otherwise big troubles are possible.


The end of the year for Pisces will pass relatively calmly, without any special shocks or rush jobs at work. Moreover, the horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina promises pleasant surprises and the fulfillment of cherished desires. In general, the star forecast for the last month of the year is extremely favorable - Pisces can only enjoy!

So, here is the most accurate horoscope for December 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina - for each zodiac sign. As you know, the predictions of the famous astrologer almost always come true, so you will be prepared for any vicissitudes of fate.

The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for Cancer warns that 2018 is preparing serious trials for representatives of this sign, in which it will be necessary to resolve fateful issues on which well-being will depend in the future. Moreover, these decisions will need to be made at the very beginning of the year, and the success of the entire year will depend on how well the tasks are solved.

Cancers will be ready for a sudden change of situation

The astrological forecast indicates that the representatives of the sign face a whole tangle of contradictions, as well as controversial issues that will need to be resolved as soon as possible, while this will be very difficult to do.

These problems, which the 2017 horoscope promises, will firmly connect the past with the future, and in order to move forward, it will be necessary to solve them. Fate promises the signs to PROVIDE two very simple options that will help them find the right way out. In general, we can say that the Cancer zodiac sign will either completely get rid of the impending problems or get bogged down in them even more. Therefore, when making important decisions, representatives of this sign must think everything over carefully.

The first half of 2018 for the Cancer zodiac sign will be marked by not unreasonable feelings of their importance, as well as complete control over the situation:

  • things will go well at the place of work;
  • Certain successes in the field of social activities are also possible.

At the same time, the horoscope for Cancer from Vasilisa Volodina clearly indicates that representatives of the sign, who tend to be more often at home, close to their home, will try to leave work and social affairs in the background. The astrologer is recommended to take new opportunities responsibly, that appear, and use them to your advantage to the maximum.

In the second half of 2018, there will be a tendency towards a decrease in tension in material matters. Vasilisa Volodina in crayfish says that they will experience a significant improvement in their financial condition, thanks to which they will be able to afford what they could not afford before. It is during this period that Cancers will be in the mood for a sharp change in the situation, the result of which may be long-awaited travel, as well as games in a casino or an interest in another gambling game. It is very difficult to determine whether such hobbies will bring success, so before giving free rein to their emotions, Cancers need to carefully think and weigh everything.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer from Vasilisa Volodina for a man does not foretell an easy path, since by all indicators it will not be very simple in many respects.

  1. This year the Cancer man will experience many situations with true insight and rethinking.
  2. In addition, contradictory changes will await him.
  3. In the first part of the year, financial losses are very likely, resulting from unsuccessful financial investments, theft, and division of property.
  4. An unsuccessful period from the point of view of financial stability should end by the birthday, when all problems will gradually disappear “for comment”, and a time of stability and normalization will begin.

Horoscope for Cancer men does NOT foretell an easy path

The prediction says that the greatest difficulties in 2018 await representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer, who were born between the eleventh of June and the first of July. Their problems will continue throughout the year, and coping with this trend will be extremely problematic. A special problem for Cancers and the people around them at this time will be irritability and nervousness, which will manifest itself in all spheres of human life. That is why representatives of this sign are recommended to make every effort to control their emotions and pay more attention to proper rest, which will contribute to mental balance.

For people born from June 12 to June 22, fate prepares special surprises and is ready to PROVIDE serious financial opportunities.

  1. The most successful period of the year for men born under the sign of Cancer will be October, when almost all endeavors will end in success.
  2. During this period of cancer, luck will accompany you, as well as love.
  3. Small and infrequent failures will infuriate men, so the need to concentrate and restrain one’s own emotions will remain relevant.

Those born between the twelfth and twenty-second of July will tend to show interest in unusual things and events, so this year it will be logical for them to make original decisions. Despite this, Astrologers do not recommend thoughtlessly shocking others, since this can ultimately lead to sad and irreparable consequences.

The zodiac forecast strongly recommends using your own energy rationally, thanks to which men can have a Strong patron who will significantly contribute to the implementation of all plans and undertakings. All that is required at this moment is to orient yourself in time and make the necessary decisions.

It promises certain problems for 2018 for representatives of the fair half of humanity, who were born under the sign of Cancer. Speaking about the sign, Vasilisa Volodina clearly indicates that during this period its representatives will face numerous situations of an extreme nature, conflict situations, as well as surprises - which can only be dealt with by taking advantage of the natural optimism that almost all representatives of this sign possess.

  1. During the period from February to March, Cancers can expect unexpected trips over long distances, as well as communication with representatives of foreign countries.
  2. Among the pleasant events at this time, which promises the opportunity to get rid of an unloved job if she takes the advice of the horoscope for 2018 Cancer woman from Vasilisa Volodina, and is attentive to the changes taking place around her.
  3. For female representatives born under the sign of Cancer between the twenty-second of June and the first of July, astrology promises a significant surge of energy that will come from Pluto. This energy should be directed towards self-purification.
  4. The key should be a trip abroad, which will be carried out in the period from April to June, since it is thanks to it that it will be possible to solve problems that have been accumulating for a long time.

Cancer representatives face numerous extreme situations

The horoscope for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina shows that a woman with cancer who was born between the second and eleventh of July may face serious problems in 2018. The peak of the crisis will fall in March - September, when critical moral and physical vulnerability will be observed. The beginning of autumn promises to be successful and, along with the change of season, to bring serious changes in all areas of life.

Very controversial Changes are possible for women born from the twelfth to the twenty-second of July, since this is what will make them hypersensitive. According to Vasilisa Volodina, such changes are nothing other than preparing a person for love at first sight. The fateful meeting will take place in September.

Using the recommendations that the astrologer offers, representatives of both the strong and the fair half of Astrological Cancer can survive this very difficult hour for them without significant problems, and emerge from the situation as winners. In addition, Vasilisa Volodina recommends that all the trials that fate prepares for Cancers be perceived as a challenge that will ultimately make each representative of this sign stronger. You should also NOT forget that it is much easier to survive any difficulties and overcome them when there are loving people nearby who can come to the rescue. Situations are also NOT excluded in 2018 when a mere acquaintance will play an important and fateful role.

Detailed horoscopes of Vasilisa Volodina are popular among men and women. The high probability of an astrologer’s forecasts for the last month of autumn will help you make important decisions on time or put things aside and have a comfortable holiday: for each zodiac sign we have selected the most accurate horoscope for November 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina.


The astrologer predicts a rather difficult end of autumn for all representatives of the Aries sign in 2018. In terms of family and friendships, everything will be fine. But at work you should keep your ears open: a large number of ill-wishers can ruin your reputation. Rely only on your own strengths and do all the difficult work yourself. This way you can avoid conflicts with your superiors and solve the assigned tasks really well and correctly.


The positive course of affairs and comprehensive support for Taurus in the last autumn month of 2018 should not become the reason for their subsequent collapse. Even the most important decisions that will bring success may not give the desired result in the future. According to the astrologer's forecasts, Taurus just needs to gain strength and not turn their noses up. This will help you avoid unnecessary worries and problems at work. Be prudent and listen to outside advice, then the stars will help you meet winter in a great mood.


For Gemini, November 2018 promises a solution to any money problems. To do this, you should work tirelessly: a stable solution to the assigned tasks will bring good results and help you earn enough money. The astrologer also recommends accurately planning your time and actions during the last autumn month. Perhaps you will work with old colleagues again or establish relationships with new colleagues. In any case, the help of employees will be very important and necessary.


All representatives of this sign should control themselves and not create problems out of the blue. Any rash actions will soon turn into real difficulties, the solution of which must be resolved without delay. And don’t take it out on others: their advice can help you if you listen to it. And if you do not take into account the opinions of colleagues and friends, you can find yourself in very difficult life situations.

a lion

The most accurate horoscope for the end of autumn 2018 speaks of serious difficulties in the lives of all Leos. Their rash actions will cause long-term and serious problems. But any comments towards colleagues and friends can destroy your warm relationships. Try to control yourself and take each step after careful consideration. This is the only way Leos will be able to spend the last month of autumn without difficulties, problems and unpleasant communication.


All Virgos will have a hard time during the last autumn month. This is indicated by the exact horoscope for November 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina for this zodiac sign. Be prepared for constant cutting remarks and negative communication. Many of the people around you will try to disturb your peace. If you can’t avoid conflicts, don’t be upset, but come home and spend time with your loved ones. They will become your reliable support and help you forget about any problems.


At the end of autumn in 2018, new opportunities will open up for Libra. Most likely, your bosses will be ready to accept new ideas from you and launch new projects, while at the same time admitting that you are right and appreciating your professionalism. True, it will not do without communicating with enemies, but Libra is advised not to pay attention to malicious attacks. Know that close and loving people are waiting for you at home who will help you regain peace of mind and achieve all your goals.


The beginning of November 2018 for many Scorpios will be spent actively solving work problems. And yes, the first two weeks of the month, according to the astrologer, are ideal for implementing interesting plans. But the second half of the month will bring with it severe fatigue. Don't overwork yourself and take time for real relaxation. Otherwise, you will make many mistakes that can cost you not only your nerves and time, but even your job position.


According to the astrologer’s exact horoscope, Sagittarius will need rest in the last month of autumn. During the first weeks, it is recommended to work in a relaxed manner and not stay late at work. But as soon as your strength returns (and this will happen in the second half of the month), you can begin to translate new projects and ideas into reality. Just don’t grab onto everything in a row: unusual ideas will not always be useful and, moreover, will not always be appreciated by your superiors.


Representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will face financial difficulties at the end of autumn 2018. A lack of money can affect relationships with your family, so try to prepare your loved ones for such difficulties in advance and avoid conflicts. But at work, it’s unlikely to be possible to prevent problems. Keep yourself in control, try to maintain a calm state and you will be able to survive this month without any major quarrels with your bosses.


According to the astrologer’s detailed horoscope, Aquarius will experience quite pleasant events at the beginning of the last autumn month. Any job you are passionate about or hobby you take up will bring you real pleasure. But those areas of life that took place under the auspices of stability can bring problems. Lack of attention to family or friends will lead to quarrels and coolness in relationships. The same applies to work matters: you shouldn’t ignore your main job in order to enjoy your hobby. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid the displeasure of your superiors.


November 2018 will be the most difficult for Pisces. They will have problems in all areas of life, so they simply will not be able to mentally prepare for troubles. The best decision in such a situation would be to remain calm and make informed, wise decisions. Only a cool mind will help you gradually deal with all the troubles and return to normal life. Any panic and hasty decisions will only worsen your situation and can result in even more serious problems and real troubles.

The most accurate and detailed horoscope for November 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina will help representatives of all zodiac signs prepare for changes in life. In her forecasts, the famous astrologer described events related to relationships, work and health. Having studied the data for the entire last month of autumn, you will be prepared for any life situations.

According to eastern astrology, New Year 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. A dog is a man’s friend, so in general the year will be friendly and favorable to all zodiac signs. Harmony and peace, justice and prudence - these qualities will be brought by the Yellow Dog.

Due to the discrepancy between the Eastern and European calendars, the Dog will take power into its paws only on February 16th. But from the beginning of January its influence will be felt. We will be able to feel less anxiety and irritability, and become calmer.

In general, 2018 is the best time for spiritual development and putting emotions in order. A dog is an animal with a highly developed sense of smell. Therefore, listen to your intuition and inner voice more often. The friendliness of the symbol of the year will contribute to more good-natured relationships with people around you.

Don’t forget about physical health, because dogs are a source of energy and love to run and frolic. Therefore, the year is good for getting rid of bad habits and chronic diseases.

Try something new, for example, yoga: it will help calm your mind and improve your health.

The dog is a cautious animal and does not make rash movements. You should do the same - think carefully about your actions, and you will achieve success. After all, this year promises career advancement and improved well-being for many zodiac signs.

Significant changes are also expected for single people: there is a great chance of meeting a life partner. In general, this is a beneficial time for creating strong and reliable alliances - both in friendship, business partnerships, and in love.

Horoscope for 2018 for all signs from Pavel Globa

A famous Russian astrologer and predictor provided his view of the next year.

Horoscope for 2018. Aries

For the fire sign, this year has prepared many tense situations in which you will need to be very attentive and focused. This applies to both work and personal life. Of course, Aries are not afraid of such difficulties, because they are strong and courageous fighters. You just need to pacify your own emotions and ardor a little, then success will be guaranteed.


Next year, the sign will have a busy social and personal life: new acquaintances and job offers, romantic dates. Open up and show your best qualities, and then all your endeavors will undoubtedly be successful. Become more decisive and bolder; these are the qualities that will help you both in your personal life and in moving up the career ladder.


There will be many changes in the life of the sign: new events will replace the troubles of the past year. Treat everything that happens with due attention and increased responsibility. Set a goal and boldly go towards it. The Mistress of the Year is supportive of new creative thoughts and ideas, go for it! It is also possible to increase income, the main thing is not to miss the moment. In general, the year is quite productive and successful for Gemini.


Productive activity promises representatives of the water sign stable and good income. It is even possible to create a source of profit for several years to come. This can be either career growth or a successful marriage. Favorable months are April and May. During this period, long trips or a change of residence are possible. The stars also favor the fulfillment of cherished desires. But they do not advise changing jobs.

a lion

Good luck will accompany this sign throughout the year. Leos are adventurers, they are reckless and a little brash. The Dog loves these traits, which is why he so carefully protects his ward. Leos will have to overcome several difficult situations, but they will cope with it safely. Take a closer look at people, don’t trust them right away. Next year will be more favorable than the previous one - 2017.


Representatives of this sign are accustomed to a calm, measured life. But this year events will develop much more rapidly, and it will be very difficult to predict them. The year is favorable for a promotion, which Virgos have been waiting for for a long time. New work responsibilities will not frighten those in charge. They are unlikely to be able to rest in 2018, and due to their busyness at work, conflicts in the family are possible.


Quite a difficult year for this sign. The dog will test their strength: problems are expected in relationships between close people. In addition to your personal life, you will have to constantly pacify envious people and ill-wishers. Wisdom and caution will help them cope with such troubles. Everything will be decided in the first half of the year.


A rather contradictory period: there are new useful acquaintances and the loss of old relationships. People around you do not always understand Scorpios, which can lead to conflicts with colleagues. But at the same time, the year favors new discoveries and the fulfillment of a cherished dream. You don’t even need outside help to accomplish your plans. Lack of time will not in any way affect the all-round activity of this sign: they will be able to solve major issues and make important transactions, while still having time to relax and take a walk.


In the coming year, the sign expects many events and pleasant little things in all aspects of life. A large amount of work and intense busyness of Sagittarius will interfere with harmonious relationships with loved ones. You either have to learn how to competently combine your career and personal life, or make a choice in favor of one or the other. Your health may deteriorate, so you should visit a doctor.


Time for new opportunities and pleasant changes. Capricorns have long accumulated a lot of bold ideas; start implementing them, and a good result will not be long in coming. Representatives of the sign are accustomed to controlling everything and relying only on their own strengths - the Mistress of the Year will like this approach. Be more decisive and liberated in all aspects of life. Career growth is possible. Relatives and friends are also waiting for help from Capricorn, find time for this too.


The year is quite productive and positive: success in work matters and harmony in personal life. Lonely Aquarians will finally think about a serious relationship and creating a family home. Warm relationships will be established with parents and loved ones. In summer, the Dog recommends relaxing and unwinding: take your loved ones and go to the sea.


Career success, recognition, fulfillment of long-standing desires - all this awaits Pisces in the coming year. A good time for spiritual development: forgive old grievances and ask for forgiveness yourself. Relatives and friends need the help and support of a water sign. True, some family troubles are possible, but towards the end of the year everything will be resolved successfully.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Yellow Dog from Vasilisa Volodina

Star expert and one of the best astrologers - Vasilisa Volodina. Her forecasts are very popular. We invite you to keep up with trends and take a closer look at the horoscope for 2018 from the famous fortuneteller.


In the first quarter of the new year, Aries will have to solve many important tasks and problems. To do this, they must leave their comfort zone. And thanks to activity and complete dedication, Aries will be able to achieve positive results by the end of the first half of the year.


The next year prepared a lot of adversity and troubles for them. But Taurus does not intend to give up and “give up”; their proactive nature and positive attitude will help to easily resolve all problems. Representatives of the sign can also expect success in the business field.


Already at the very beginning of 2018, Gemini will feel an irresistible craving for change, both within themselves and in relationships with others. This will require a lot of effort, but the effort expended will pay off with interest when the goals are achieved. In family affairs, complete harmony and mutual understanding are expected, and the fire of passion will flare up again between the spouses.


Next year, Cancer should be extremely careful. Be prepared for any unforeseen situations. It is worth learning to control your own emotions, as well as level out conflicts. This will only strengthen your relationships with friends and colleagues.

a lion

This year will be truly triumphant for Leo. They strive with incredible zeal to conquer new horizons, while easily solving current problems. The Dog does not skimp on gifts for Leo, and therefore will offer good career options. Don't miss this chance.


The Year of the Yellow Dog has prepared quite a lot of pleasant gifts and surprises for the Earth sign. This is especially true for your personal life, this is where a lot of new impressions are expected. Single representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to find the love of their life. Everything will also be fine financially.


In the new year, rely only on your own strength. There may be some difficulties in communicating with people around you. Libras are naturally gifted with hard work and good intuition - these traits will help them prevail over all adversity.


2018 will be a period of uncertainty for the water sign. It seems that you need to take on the implementation of your plans, but at the same time, their solution will be associated with numerous difficulties. Despite this, persistent and full of optimism, Scorpios will achieve great results in their ideas.


The coming year for representatives of the fire sign is a wonderful time for romance and positive emotions. Lots of exciting acquaintances and dates, a whirlpool of interesting events. And for lonely Sagittarius there is every chance to meet their destiny.


This sign differs from others in its natural tenacity. Thanks to this, the Dog will give Capricorn the success he deserves. This will be especially noticeable in finance and in your career. Use your full potential to solve work problems, and by the end of the year excellent results will be achieved.


Next year the Dog will patronize this sign. No matter what Aquarius undertakes, luck and success await him everywhere. Small changes in your personal life are possible: someone will have a new passion, and someone will try to renew a long-standing relationship.


Next year will bring many challenges for Pisces. Representatives of this sign do not particularly like hard work, so they will have to make every effort. Make sure you have a quick reaction so that you don’t miss the problem and deal with it in a timely manner. The dog will keep Pisces, so to speak, in good shape throughout the year.

Horoscope for 2018 by year of birth

The Eastern (Chinese) horoscope was created several thousand years ago, but for such a long time it has not ceased to be relevant. It consists of a 60-year cycle in which 12 animals alternate in succession. Each sign rules for one year.

There are several guesses about the appearance of the Eastern horoscope, the main one is still connected with the Buddha: he decides to leave this world, and many animals want to say goodbye to the monk. Those who came among the first twelve became the rulers of this horoscope.

So, we define “animal symbols” by year of birth.

Each sign of the Eastern horoscope has its own characteristics and differences. What has the Yellow Earth Dog prepared for them?


Thanks to his charm, the Rat will be able to win the sympathy of the friendly Dog. Which will reliably protect the Rats all year. The main thing is that the Rat is generous and does not forget to enjoy life, and the rest will follow by itself. The stars advise Rats in 2018 to show their colleagues and superiors their talents in the professional field. It will be appreciated. Whatever field of activity the Rat is involved in, good luck will accompany it everywhere. Make a plan, set priorities, think everything through, only then get down to business, and then success is guaranteed.


In 2018, no particularly difficult situations are expected for the Ox, because the Dog favors this sign. Perseverance and ambition will help the Bulls climb the career ladder and make good money. In all aspects of life, apply a creative approach, change your external image, add novelty and creativity to everything you do. Think through everything to the smallest detail, and then you definitely won’t miss.


The dog will show care towards the brave and purposeful Tiger. Be open and honest, and then life’s adversities will bypass you. Try to avoid conflicts and quarrels. Intuition will not let the Tiger down, and will tell you in which direction to continue moving. Perhaps Tigers will want to become rich and open their own business, but for this they will have to study a lot and make useful contacts.

Rabbit (Cat)

Throughout the next year, the Dog will help the Rabbits in everything. After all, this creature is so cute and fluffy. The Dog likes the Rabbit's gentle and calm character, thanks to which success is expected in business and personal life. The main thing is not to miss the right moment.

The Dragon

To achieve his goals in his career, finances and amorous affairs next year, the Dragon will have to apply his magical knowledge. To take the position of a manager, improve your qualifications, undergo special trainings and seminars. The Dragon, of course, is also a dreamer, but in the year of the Dog, think only about real goals and plans, and then achieve high results. The Mistress of the Year will provide all the opportunities for this. Art, music and literature are exactly the path where creative Dragons should express themselves.


The snake is also a cunning one; with habitual ease it transforms from a cobra into a lizard. But the Dog hates lies and hypocrisy, so “put on the mask” of a nicer creature. Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect help from a friendly dog. Listen to yourself more often to prevent mistakes and mistakes. Significant success will be achieved in working moments, you just need to add a little creativity to them. Colleagues will appreciate this creative approach.


2018 will generously give the Horse happiness and financial well-being. No one will dare to interfere with this. Take some time to transform your own image. For those who love to travel, the Dog has prepared both work trips and family vacations in nature. Meet with friends more often and enjoy life.

Goat (Sheep)

Calm and diligent Goats are to the liking of the Yellow Dog. Therefore, she will surround the Goat with care and guardianship all year. Many pleasant surprises are expected in all aspects of life. The Goat likes absolutely any work. Feel free to take on the implementation of your plans: if you want to open your own business, then don’t be afraid of anything and just move forward. The dog will provide full support.


The Yellow Dog is friendly to cheerful and mischievous Monkeys. Unleash your talents to the maximum, demonstrate them to the people around you, and then you will certainly achieve success. No serious competitors are expected in this business, but there are always envious people. Monkeys who dream of owning their own business, go for it! The dog has already drawn up a future business plan. Natural beauty, of course, cannot be taken away, but you can add a little novelty to the external image.


Next year is a fruitful period for the Rooster. After all, to get what you want, you need to work hard and hard. As a result, your loved ones will be proud of your good results, your family will have prosperity, and it will also be enough to update your wardrobe. Just don’t start conflicts and quarrels yourself, or show excessive pride. Otherwise, the Dog will stop all support for this sign.


The Mistress of the Year, one might say, will take the Dog into a fairy tale. A successful career is going uphill, his personal life is completely idyllic, there are great chances of buying real estate and a car. Fate more than bestows gifts on the representatives of this sign. Naturally, the blood brother, the Yellow Dog, will provide help and support in absolutely any endeavor.

Pig (Boar)

The year is quite good for strengthening positions in the business sphere. Competitors will step back and give way to smart and enterprising Pigs. There is no end to investors and partners, feel free to enter into deals. And the Dog gives the go-ahead to all plans conceived by the Pig. The main thing is to correctly balance the expected benefits and possible risks, and everything will work out well.

Today there are a great many astrological forecasts and horoscopes, but you should not assume with 100% certainty that everything will be as predicted. After all, this is just general data that is for informational purposes only. Listen to yourself, rely on your own strengths and be prudent.

Happiness, health, good luck and prosperity in the New Year!