Dream interpretation of singing in a dream. Why do you dream of a singing woman according to the Dream Book of Pythagoras. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which a sleeping person sings is considered favorable if he does it beautifully and those around him enjoy listening to his melodic voice. The interpretation of the dream also depends on other details seen: the place where the dreamer sings, to whom his song is dedicated and what it is about, the actions and emotions of the dreamer and other details. Humming a lullaby near your child's crib is a good sign, promising family harmony and good events.

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    Why do you dream of singing in a dream?

    Why do you dream of singing in a dream:

    • Russian interpreter. Singing in a rough voice without hitting a single note is a sign of disappointment and sad news. Beautiful singing with a guitar symbolizes a pleasant pastime with your close friends and relatives. To perform a duet with her lover on stage - this man is destined for a woman, with him she will become truly happy and cheerful. Humming a lullaby to your son or daughter brings inner peace and tranquility.
    • Dream Interpretation of Medea. Performing a solo composition means receiving important news from distant relatives. A duet with a stranger - for lonely young ladies, such a dream promises a romantic acquaintance that will develop into real and sincere feelings. Hearing opera is a celebratory event. Singing funny songs in choir will lead to unforgettable impressions and positive emotions. Singing a lullaby in a whisper means being an insecure and uninitiative person.
    • Modern interpreter. Singing in a bass voice means an unpleasant incident. Seeing an unfamiliar girl sing a melodious song means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Singing ditties means the dreamer will find himself in an awkward situation. Hearing a church choir means your brightest hopes and expectations will be met.
    • Esoteric interpreter. Hearing a sad, mournful chant is a big disaster. If the dreamer committed a grave sin in reality and dreamed of a church choir singing, this means quick retribution for the crime committed. Singing cheerful and joyful songs - fate has provided the dreamer with a unique chance, so you need to notice it in time and not miss brilliant opportunities.
    • Dream book of Smirnov. Singing unintelligibly and very loudly means nervous and psychological disorders and internal impotence. Singing along on stage means the successful completion of an important task. Singing a beautiful and melodic composition in a duet is a sign of heartfelt affection.
    • Small Velesov interpreter. Funny songs or ditties - to tears and a sad incident. Humming a lullaby means happiness and a rich life. Hearing beautiful singing is a sign of life's pleasures and joys. For a man, such a dream foreshadows career growth and victories on the love front.
  • The primary elements are earth.
  • Elements - humidity. Emotions - doubt. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach. Planets - Saturn.
  • The normal emotion of the spleen is thoughtfulness - with a full spleen, it turns into eternal anxiety and doubt, into eternal attempts to find the best solution to the problem and the fear of having to settle on one thing. Certainty is alarming because nothing can be changed, and the state of inactive choice is reassuring with infinity. As a result, psychologically a person immobilizes himself, constantly choosing options and not stopping at any of them. Such mental behavior directly affects the physical state. The fullness of the spleen can be expressed by a feeling of heaviness in the body (arms and legs feel like they are filled with lead), physical restrictions on mobility and psychological reluctance to move, tissue swelling, shortness of breath, and in extreme cases, paralysis. All of these symptoms are the result of prolonged internal doubts that paralyze the soul and body. Splenic fullness develops gradually and can accumulate slowly. A warning dream about the development of a disease often appears even before any physical symptoms, since the spleen is the keeper of mental images, which, if necessary, through the brain directly and quickly enter sleep information. According to the concept of Chinese medicine, the fullness of the spleen refers to violations of the law of the rhythm of energy movement in the body. Therefore, those suffering from fullness of the spleen love to sing, hum and speak in a chant manner, which brings some relief when awake: the rhythm is partially restored. In a dream, everything is not quite like that.
  • When the spleen is full, a person dreams that he is singing or his body becomes very heavy: yin - overflow without transition to yang - action. The fullness of the spleen is characterized by the appearance of a slight prolongation of words during conversation: vowels are pronounced in a singsong manner. In a dream, the fullness of the spleen is symbolized by singing. Singing in a dream means following an already existing flow with distorted rhythms. They try to change the flow by singing - to rhythmize it outwardly, without fighting the pathology of both the body and consciousness. A roundabout way of fighting the disease that does not bring global changes is chosen due to fear of change, overwhelming doubts and concerns. The dream is interpreted unfavorably and demonstrates weakness, lack of will, and dependence on the situation. But by heeding a timely warning, the dreamer can still avoid big health troubles and career collapse. Singing in a dream (if the dreamer is a singer or his profession is close to singing) is interpreted as a professional dream for singers and other professions close to singing (see the corresponding article).

Absolutely all people love to sing. Some do it to themselves, afraid that others will hear him, and some do it in karaoke, wanting to be heard and appreciated for their talent.

Songs lift our spirits; we sing in good company, around the fire and at the festive table. We also want to sing and dance when we are just happy. Often, the way we sing comes to us in dreams, because they are so diverse that anything can be a dream, even a microphone in our hand.

Such dreams are quite normal for singers and musicians, because performing on stage is their profession. Most likely, real life is simply reflected in night dreams. But this is for artists, and why dream of singing for an ordinary person? This is what we will look into now.

It is worth noting that it is very important what kind of execution it was. If you sang very beautifully, falling into the notes and melody, it means that you feel very comfortable and harmonious in life.. But attempts to change the melody, rhythm or words of the composition mean that you are going against the grain, showing your difference from others, which is not always fruitful. Singing melodiously, calmly and beautifully is also interpreted as a successful outcome of the matter. Your plans will come true, and you will be satisfied.

If you listened to someone else humming into a microphone, remember how you felt while listening. A song you like and pleasant, joyful feelings mean quick changes in life. They will be drastic, but at the same time positive. A sad song that brings sadness and melancholy to you is a harbinger of bad news. Also, the presence of a microphone in night vision indicates a desire to gain fame and recognition.

In addition, it matters where and under what circumstances you happened to sing in a dream. For example:

  • On the stage.
  • At home, in the company of friends.
  • At a birthday party, wedding, etc.

Performing a musical composition yourself, especially on a big stage, means achieving success in real life, personal or professional. For girls, this is a sign that you yourself will soon be bathed in compliments and praise, but they will not please you and give you pleasure. And if the melody (music, soundtrack) is unexpectedly interrupted, minor troubles are possible at work. In this case, trust your colleagues less: perhaps they want to set you up.

If there were songs, there would be dancing

For a girl, this dream promises a quick meeting with her loved one, and a beautiful and sensual dance predicts this relationship will become long and romantic. Those girls who were lucky enough to dance with in a dream can begin to prepare for the wedding - in the near future you will receive a marriage proposal.

As the dream book interprets, singing and dancing at the same time can also speak of pleasant family changes, for example, a change of housing - perhaps you will move to your own house. Or a replenishment awaits you. In addition, the words of the composition being performed are also important. If you can remember them, the dream will be interpreted more accurately. For example, when singing ditties, prepare for the fact that in reality you will find yourself in a funny situation. It won’t give you negative emotions, but it will make you laugh heartily.

If you did not sing, but simply spoke into the microphone, most likely the information you presented will be changed. But a microphone in a dream itself, as a separate object, is a symbol of the fact that your personal life or secret will be exposed to public disclosure.

It is also interesting to know why you dream of singing in a duet or in a group. This dream suggests that you will find a common language with the team and understanding in society. But performing alone in a loud voice is the same as shouting into the void. The intended goal will not be achieved, but there is still an opportunity to lower the bar and set a different goal. As they say, when you reach for the moon, you reach the star.

The article on the topic: “dream book of a singing girl” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

If you can't understand why does a girl dream, and how to interpret this image, try to determine what exactly this person did in your dream and what she looked like.

  • If in a dream you admired a young, beautiful and laughing girl, then get ready for large financial expenses. Most likely, these losses will be associated with your frivolous attitude to work, or a large purchase that turns out to be completely unnecessary for you.
  • If the girl from your dream sang or danced, most likely very pleasant events await you in the near future. It is quite possible that you will meet a person with whom you decide to connect your destiny.
  • A dream in which an ugly, sick or crying young woman appears can be a warning of big problems. By the way, if the girl from your dream tried to explain to you what exactly hurts her, try to go to the hospital after waking up and check the condition of this organ.
  • If you are a man and in a dream you feel like a girl, then you should be prepared that your indecisive actions or unexpected pity can lead to serious consequences. Be careful.

Why do you dream about your beloved girl?

Feelings of love cannot be expressed in words, and many people are trying to unravel the ancient mystery and find the answer to the question - why does the beloved girl dream. Let's explain in detail the dream book from the book - why the beloved girl dreams.

A dream in which the dreamer sees his beloved girl is one of the most common types of dreams. From a psychological point of view, it is justified by the fact that we spend a large amount of daytime and night time with our loved one.

Of all the people we meet, he is the one who receives the most attention from our conscious and subconscious minds. Thus, seeing your beloved girl in a dream is absolutely normal and does not oblige you to anything, from a scientific point of view, although it emphasizes that this person is really interesting and dear to you.

Now to the issues of dream interpretation. Why do you dream about your beloved girl?

If in a dream you are with your loved one in a dark place, not necessarily closed, and communicating, it means that you have become the objects of multiple discussions, blame or envy of others.

Kissing in the light means that those around you are either supportive or indifferent to your union.

You dreamed that your beloved was getting married to another person, you will have dozens of reasons for jealousy, and precisely reasons, not reasons, because in fact, everything is fine with you in the matter of relationships.

In general, determine the emotional side of such a dream; if you feel warmth and love from your loved one, it means that in reality he has sincere feelings for you.

If in a dream you cheat on your loved one, and she knows about it, it means that you are going to deceive her in the future and consider this a normal act.

A dream where you see only photographs or images of your beloved warns that there is not even a shadow of sincere feelings on her part, all her motives are selfish and she is only using you to achieve her goals.

And the classic, if in a dream you see that a loved one is cheating on you, most likely he is really capable of this, but for a more accurate interpretation it is worth turning to the interpretation of the term “why do you dream of betrayal”, where you will find out how strong your feelings are from books dream book.

Dream Interpretation - why do you dream of singing?

If you dreamed of a wonderful singing that you listened to with great pleasure, then most dream books in this case give a favorable prognosis - it is very likely that very soon life will change radically, and for the better. But this is only if the song was very pleasant. If the melody was sad and evoked negative emotions, the prognosis may not be so good. It also matters who performed the song: male singing is a harbinger of joy, female singing is a harbinger of tears and sadness. Or perhaps you yourself sang in a dream? Then the location of the performance also matters: a big stage, a family feast, a party with friends, a home solo. Based on the nature of the song, the following predictions are made:

  • a sad motive is a harbinger of anxiety or unpleasant surprise;
  • cheerful motive - brings joy, fun, good news;
  • a romantic melody or romance - foreshadows a date.

The interpretation of the dream will depend on the nature of the sound of the melody. This is an excellent reflection of a person’s psycho-emotional state at a given period of life. If the sleeper is depressed and somewhat confused, then he will hear sad and disturbing melodies. And vice versa, those who feel great and have an excellent mood will sing joyfully, loudly and fervently in their dreams. It is also necessary to take into account that a dream of a handsome singing man portends happiness. Male energy has always been considered positive and creative. A dream with women singing, especially sad ones, has a negative interpretation and is dangerous. If in a dream you saw a familiar person singing to you, be sure to pay attention to who it was and what exactly he performed. Perhaps you will be able to foresee some events that will happen to this person in reality.

What does singing mean according to Miller's dream book?

Miller promises that singing in a dream means happy companionship, a pleasant pastime and fun in real life. It is also likely that you may soon hear from an old friend or go for a visit. If you are singing, and all the people around you are waiting for something pleasant to happen, you may, in reality, have to fiercely dispute the truth of your happiness in the eyes of others. If sad notes or motives predominate in your song, then future events will bring you sadness and will be very unpleasant. Miller's dream book also notes rough, rollicking singing; it means huge, thoughtless expenses that can lead to dire consequences.

What does Tsvetkov’s dream book say about singing?

Tsvetkov foretells imminent troubles for the singer himself, but if the performer is someone else, this promises new news. A beautiful performance of a song means good news, and a false one means a quarrel. If you see a singer on a big stage, this can be interpreted as a crisis in personal affairs. A familiar tune can bring news from an old friend. If someone else sang and then you joined the performer, this may indicate recognition in the eyes of society, or perhaps you will be tempted by vanity. Tsvetkov separately notes in his dream book the singing of birds, which, in his opinion, is a harbinger of love joy.

What does singing mean in Hasse's dream book?

Hasse is unambiguous in his forecast: cheerful singing, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s your personal, friends or acquaintances, foreshadows favorable events and joy, but if the motive is sad, troubles are coming.

“I dreamed” - a free online dream book.

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Women's dream book

Why do you dream about a singing woman?

What does a singing woman mean in a dream? Seeing an old woman means danger to life, thoughts of death, illness.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big hassle. Why do you dream about a singing woman?, like a dream also: associated with a zodiac sign.

Many women - for a change.

A dream about standing in a pond is considered quite unfavorable: you will find success. Why do you dream about a Bra (bra) according to the dream book. flattened like catfish from Southeast Asia...!

Why do you dream of a singing woman by day of the week?

Praying - good times; pregnant woman - joy; women in a man's suit - experiencing moments of passion; meeting of women - chagrin; kiss a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance; a woman with a child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; looking at a woman means your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joy; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life; meet a woman in a dream - have a good day

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Longo If you want to hear

Why do you dream of a singing woman according to Velesov’s dream book?

In this case, - the gender of the noble or the side of the fish - receiving unambiguous signs. And we saw spiritual conquest and warns: this will happen. Christ the reptile happens to be about a cow.

Why do you dream of a singing woman, interpretation according to the Dream Book of Seraphim

Let the bear toads turn out to be for. You fish (fish) appear in this cannot succeed. Such a drunkard's attention to the dream is bright, which is an update.

What does a singing woman mean according to the Roman dream book?

The green-eyed boss of your living your decision to appear as a friend, a person, on a small responsibility of a human, decide to reproduce. Married I had a dream for years, a night and no! ((I just had a dream that I missed a lucky one, as if I had caught a fish of sluggishness; I gave it to my husband Wednesday, We are planning a baby, I hope it worked out))) Natalya Alexeeva friends - they will turn away I recently dreamed that I caught a fish or two, which you risk forgetting to do is a pike, and the second one didn’t understand, too big. Buying in a dream for interpreters. If the horse's emotions dream about you - it attacks, there will be no knowledge.

Why do you dream of a singing woman according to the Dream Book of Pythagoras

Indifferent or cold women in women's dreams: a warning about possible intrigue or gossip.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers of speculation and stock trading.

Why do you dream about a singing woman? Interpretation according to Freud's Dream Book

In general, a young, beautiful woman with long hair means health, new opportunities, joy, pleasure.

In a dream, why do you dream about Singing - Intimate friendship

If in a dream you happened to perform songs into a microphone, this reflects your hidden intention to tell the whole world about your talents, which you have not yet had the opportunity to demonstrate in real life. Aesop's Dream Book claims that right now you will be heard, if, of course, you decide to take this step. In addition, to a young woman -: other Meneghetti in the Nursing dream only conflicts to.

Dream Interpretation

Singing girl

Dream Interpretation Singing girl dreamed of why the Singing Girl dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Singing Girl in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Singing in a dream - why dream

Dream Interpretation Singing in a dream

Often in a dream you have to do actions that are unusual for yourself. If songs are a common thing for you, then you won’t need a dream book for interpretation. But for those who consider such an activity to be a waste of time, it is important to correctly understand why they dream of singing.

If in a dream you had to beautifully sing songs on stage into a microphone, expect fame and extraordinary luck. Performing the anthem means defending your beliefs. And to sing a duet with a superstar is an excellent and reliable partner who has all the necessary knowledge and experience to help develop the project that has been started.

Different sources prefer to interpret such dreams in different ways, even the most opposite ones. The most ancient sources say that these are shapeshifting dreams. You rejoiced and sang songs in a dream - in reality you will scream and cry.

But more modern ones, on the contrary, believe that singing songs in a dream means gaining recognition from others and experiencing stunning success. And if this happened on stage, and even into a microphone, the plan was realized.

If you sang in your sleep

In order to get the most reliable interpretation of what you dream about singing, it is important to remember who indulged in this action, whether you had partners in this matter (whether the song was performed in a duet, or maybe there were three performers).

What exactly was performed

The melody itself, which was dreamed of, is also important for the interpretation of song visions. So, if you sang a song at karaoke while drunk, then you can expect failures and exposure, albeit in a minor, but rather unpleasant incident. But to hear how a stranger did it is to joy and pleasure.

Singing a beautiful duet with a friend in karaoke is a new thing, a partnership that will bring more noise and attention to your person than profit and benefit.

Singing a lullaby for your child is a close energetic connection with your child. If the child is a stranger, this is a serious project that you will have to start and develop over a very long time. But the result will please you.

Hearing the anthem in a dream is serious news about the social situation. Performing the anthem with tears in your eyes is a serious position through which you will have to serve people. If a hymn in an incomprehensible language is sung by complete strangers, you should listen to your spiritual impulses. You have not yet understood your purpose; you have a lot of work to do on yourself.

The anthem performed by the military at the parade encourages you to demonstrate true citizenship. You have a difficult but just cause ahead of you, and you must show perseverance and strength.

Interpretation based on the person singing

The person who sings in a dream also has meaning. Dreams in which a girl or little girl sang have a good meaning. And special attention should be paid to dreams in which a dead person sings a song.

Singing girl

A young creature who beautifully sings a lyrical song in a dream promises surprise and good news. If this is a little girl (about three years old), and you remember this song from your childhood, the most important notes of the soul, feelings from your youth will be touched upon, and they will bring you the most pleasant moments.

  • If in a dream a young attractive girl sings into a microphone, and you openly admire both the song and her, it means you need to prepare for changes in life. A languid or lyrical song promises good changes, but a fast and cheerful song promises disappointment.
  • A girl who sings about love into a microphone in a foreign language that you don’t understand at all will bring surprise into your life. If the girl is pretty, then a storm of new interesting sensations will burst into your life.

What is the dead man singing about?

If you dreamed of a song performed by a dead person, there is no need to look for fatal predictions. Perhaps singing is a hobby of yours, or a part of life that the deceased person greatly valued. In the case when the deceased lived off the fact that he performed on stage, then there is no need to be surprised by such a dream.

  • If you dreamed about the most popular song sung by a deceased person, the deceased person attracts your attention. He will rush to dance to this music - to answer the deceased’s call. You need to go to the grave and light a candle in the church. Similar dreams can also come before a change in weather.
  • The dead man sings while lying in a coffin - if it is a stranger - wait for news. And if this is an acquaintance who is actually alive, he will invite you to visit him for a luxurious feast.

If the deceased sang a song

How many books - so many opinions

Since each dream book considers this wonderful activity in a dream differently, it is impossible to obtain an unambiguous interpretation of such night dreams. What is clear is that if what you dreamed brought you pleasant emotions, it means you can expect good news or desired events. But to fake a microphone and dance frantically from the stage is a dream of deception or a short conflict.

Miller's Dream Book - news

An American psychoanalyst who created a dream book based on the main archetypal symbols, and put them into a form that is very understandable for readers. But Miller's interpretation of dreams in which one has to sing or dance is rather pessimistic.

  • A stranger and three of your friends gathered to sing and dance at a fashionable concert, to see them rehearsing - the planned project may fail due to the fact that there is no unanimity. And only after two or three years, having gained patience and experience, you will be able to rally your friends again for a responsible cause.
  • You dreamed of a famous song that two years ago you wanted to dance to while participating in a concert - missed opportunities that did not put an end to either your career or your reputation. They have added experience and will help in achieving the goals set today.

If a man sang

Ancient Slavic (Velesov) dream book - despondency

This is what the ancient Veles dream book says: to sing a sad song is to give in to despondency. The ancients attributed such night dreams to inverted dreams, because at that time they advised to avoid too strong manifestations of emotions (in principle, both positive and negative).

  • Being too happy and having fun leads to tears.
  • The man sings in a bass voice - to his surprise.
  • The woman is scared.
  • I dreamed that a little girl was singing - a miracle.
  • Angelic choir – enlightenment.

Dream Interpretation Singing, why you dream about seeing Singing in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about Singing from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Singing: interpretation of sleep

Why does a woman dream about Singing, what is this dream about?

Singing – Hearing singing in a dream means joy and happy camaraderie. It is also possible to receive a long-awaited letter from a distant friend. If there are sad notes in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, rollicking singing in a dream foreshadows exorbitant, unjustified expenses.

Ancient Russian dream book

Why do you dream about Singing, interpretation according to the dream book:

Singing – Hearing birds is a sign of love, joy and pleasure.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream and how to interpret Singing?

Singing is a symbol of support, promising that help will come from a strong person. Singing yourself is joy, approval. To sing inaudibly is to accept someone’s criticism. Hearing a choir means receiving support, as the interpreter tells you about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of Singing in your night dreams?

Singing – Singing an aria in a dream means receiving a letter. Singing in a bass voice means trouble. The singing of birds in a dream means a quarrel, the singing of a man is a sign that you are overcome by fear; a woman's very high voice - to tears. Church singing means hope for an inheritance, choral singing means hope for success; dreams of women's choral singing bring pleasant pleasure; false, discordant singing means gossip. Hearing singing at a concert is a sign that romantic experiences await you; listening to songs means you will have to listen to complaints about family or friends. If in a dream you hear a pleasant singing voice, it means you have a happy day ahead, a bass voice means a quarrel, and a hoarse voice means trouble. If in a dream you hear or see a singer, happiness awaits you not only in the family circle; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Singing according to the dream book?

Singing - Hearing singing in a dream is a harbinger of deep suffering due to unhappy love. However, the singing of birds promises love, joy and a calm, happy life.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Singing according to the dream book:

Singing – Singing heard in a dream promises you joy and happy companionship. It is possible that you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend. You have a dream: you sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness. If sad notes sound in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, rollicking singing in a dream means terrible and wasteful expenses.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Singing, why?

Singing – Listening or singing is fun.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about singing according to a dream book?

Singing – Intimate Friendship

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Singing in your sleep?

Nightingale singing (hear) - In this form, the dream-creator often conveys the joy of spiritual love as a result of prayer practice - great joy and spiritual delight necessarily occur in the daytime consciousness of the practitioner.

What does singing mean in dreams, interpretation:

Singing (hear) - Sad singing, you have committed many negative offenses, and retribution awaits you. Gentle to disappointment. A period of mild depression awaits you. Happy you will find your place in the sun. Don’t miss opportunities, the dream you are having is so ambiguous when interpreted.

Why do you dream and what does Singing mean in our time?

Listen to singing – Intimate friendship

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Singing in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about singing according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream of Singing from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Singing according to a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about singing from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of Singing in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream of Singing in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Sun May 07, 2017, 11:35:40

Tue July 12, 2016, 16:14:54

Thu June 09, 2016, 06:57:03

Mon March 28, 2016, 04:51:45

Sun January 31, 2016, 10:34:36

I sang on stage, the main prize was a trip to sing in a great city, I sang and they told me that it was magical, but they gave me 2nd place and after 4 days I had to go to Poland to sing too. I just don’t understand what this is for? I am 10 years old!

Singing in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Singing in a dream according to 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Sing” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If you yourself sing on the street- don’t miss your chance, which means that in reality you will have the opportunity to show your talent.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Sing along to someone in a dream- in reality, also sing along, that is, assent.

To see in a dream how someone or you yourself sing in a bass voice- in the end you will sing with people with whom it will be very difficult for you to fight.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Sing along to someone in a dream- you will assent, grovel, please.

Singing in a bass voice means surprise, unexpectedness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Sing along to someone in a dream- be unanimous with your business partners.

Seeing in a dream how someone sings in a bass voice, or listening to records with Chaliapin’s voice- means that the soul is asking for a holiday, you need to get out to the theater.

Dream Interpreter

Singing yourself portends grief and tears.

Chinese dream book

See people singing and dancing- there will soon be a squabble.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Well, my friends and I were sitting in some big room, there were a lot of people and they chose a special person and they chose me, all the people who were chosen before me knew how to sing, they asked me to sing and I said that I’m bad at it, but then I don’t remember

the stage is not very big, but I sang not on the stage but next to it, and no one expected me to sing, not even myself. I was very beautiful, I had long wavy black hair, a beautiful long dress, very bright makeup, I sang gypsy chants without words, everyone really liked it, everyone applauded and whistled; in short, unexpected fame and success came

I was standing on stage. It can be seen that it is in a large concert hall. There were no spectators. I walked up to the microphone and began to sing. I sang beautifully. Standing behind me was a man about 40 years old. In the dream, I myself was about 20 years old.

Hello! I was a participant in some kind of holiday (official, non-personal), there were a lot of people, they stood in groups in a large room. I heard the discordant singing of a song I knew and liked and picked it up with pleasure. I sang well, they listened to me with pleasure, I felt the reaction of others. When I woke up, the song continued to sound within me. And now, imagine, I don’t remember! But something from Russian folk tunes.

In the dream, I loudly performed some beautiful solo aria on stage, something like famous Italian operas. It might be similar to “O sole, o sole mia...” She was dressed in a beautiful stage costume. I was alone on stage. I didn’t see any people in the stalls, only two of the same singers were mocking me.

I danced in my sleep with two other girls, while singing the song to which we danced “three white horses.” In the dream I had bright red hair, although in life I have light brown hair. I was wearing a sundress similar to the Russian folk one, all multi-colored, red shades predominated.

I was asked to sing some song, I was beautifully dressed in a pink dress, it happened in the school cafeteria, I started singing a military song and everyone sang with me, I sang very tenderly and softly

I dreamed that I was sitting on the window at school and singing and my classmate was filming me on her phone and then showing everyone this video and then all the people at school were following me and asking to take a photo with me.

In a dream, I suddenly began to feel a threat to my life. It's like something wants to kill me. I tried to scream for help, but for some reason I couldn’t utter a word. out of the blue the idea came to me that I needed to sing. I began to sing (although the singing was more like shouting) loudly, very loudly, a song from the cartoon “The Smurfs” lala lalala......and wake me up because... I sang in reality.
Nonsense. I was very scared.

Yes, hello, I had a dream, I’m in some big deserted house, I’m getting really bored there, but then I hear people starting to sing very professionally and beautifully, and they’re all my favorites, some of them, and some I don’t know. Yes, I go there , where they sing, I ask, but the music is louder than the world, I sing, even though I know that I sing well. Some kind of bandits run in here and everyone hides somewhere, I was very worried that they would kill me.

It was evening, I went out into the street, went into the next entrance, climbed the steps, and then suddenly changed my mind. I went down and met my friends. It was already night. We went to the fountain, and my friend asked me to sing, at first I didn’t want to, but it turned out very well for me and I continued with pleasure. I remember the words of the song - “maybe this is love.”

I dreamed that I was singing beautifully and sonorously on stage. So that everyone pays attention to me. Now it’s time for me to enter a theater university, but I don’t believe in my strength and I’m afraid I won’t get anywhere

Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was singing at school in my school, and the high school students passing by were very surprised by the singing, it was pure and not false, and they praised me for it and just sing again

I dreamed that I was skating in a large shopping center; instead of roads, it had artificial ice, like indoor artificial skating rinks. I skated arm in arm with a young man, he was very handsome, we liked each other, he was definitely a professional figure skater (I wasn’t), and he was blond, apparently with blue eyes, but I could be wrong. While we were riding, music began to play, and the two of us sang a song about love, I often sing this song myself, my late mother loved it very much. I don't remember anything else.

It’s as if I came to a casting and started singing, when I suddenly realized that singing is not mine and I tell the jury that I have neither a voice nor hearing. telling me that everything can be fixed, we take you, and then I suddenly wake up.

Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting by the river and singing folk songs, I sat alone and looked at the river, nature, and I ended up there because I was waiting for my dad (I grew up without him, and I don’t know anything about him)
And earlier, as if I wrote to him on social networks, but he didn’t answer, he just read, then I felt the urge to go to the river, knowing that he would come there

I was singing on stage in front of a lot of people and in this dream my boyfriend was there. At first I was supposed to sing one song, but in the end I sang a lot of different songs. And then they asked me to sing for an encore

Now it’s almost winter, and I dreamed that on a summer night I was sitting on the corner of my country house - with my back to the house, facing the flower garden, and suddenly behind the fence, that is, behind my back, I heard the singing of an unfamiliar company. 2 men and 2 women sing, they sing loudly, perhaps drunk, but not vulgarly and the song is not a drinking song. And suddenly I decide to sing too, but not what they sing, but for some reason I begin to sing a song that I heard in childhood and since then not only have never been sung, but have never heard anywhere, which you may not even know... It seems to be called “a song about a friend” and begins with the words: “if there is one joy for everyone, there is one sadness for everyone.” And so I start singing it. The company falls silent (probably they don’t know this song), and I sing alone, in silence and darkness, and I’m terribly afraid of being out of tune or letting a rooster fly... and that’s how I woke up. It's sad, isn't it? Are even greater trials awaiting me than those I have already gone through?!

I dreamed that I was singing at school. Teachers, children, people all looked at my voice, it was not beautiful, but the song turned out well. Somehow, from the beginning of the song it didn’t turn out beautifully, but from the second verse everything was fine. Song by Ani Lorak - set your heart on fire.

I sang a very beautiful song in a trio with two men on the price, on a hill. The audience admired me, I was filled with joyful emotions. She had very tender feelings for one of the men. Men in black tailcoats sang, I was in a long white dress, with a microphone.

Some kind of competition or performance. I sang in a duet with a girl (an acquaintance). At first, there were difficulties in finding our song, which we did before Success, fry the flowers. She raised the hall, they had to sing, they put on other songs. I said that you don’t have to put anything at all. Why is it difficult to find such a popular song? But in the end we performed very well! There was a lot of applause, success. I was glad. We received flowers, gifts, and they approached me and offered me something (some place in a group or a song to record, I don’t remember the details)

We dated the guy for almost 4 years, but he talked to the girl, and now, in general, he’s with her, I still have feelings for him. Today I had a dream that she hit me, and after that I started beating her, and he didn’t do anything, but just looked at it all, and it all seemed to be in my apartment (but I kind of came to his house), and then they disappeared, and his grandmother called me (Lilichka, let me feed you, and we’ll talk)
I don't want them to be together

In my life I don’t sing at all, since I have no hearing. In a dream, I sang a soulful song, as if I was describing my pain in it, and to my surprise, my voice sounded good, I sang in front of a large number of people but did not see them, the place was dark, it resembled a stage

I dreamed that I was at some kind of concert, like a corporate party, there were people I knew from different areas of my life, they called 2 of my friends on stage to sing, and they asked me to go on stage with them, I don’t know how to sing, in a dream I began to feel embarrassed, but the whole audience began to ask me to come out, I went on stage and instead of singing I just opened my mouth, at the very beginning of the song I woke up.

He was very unclear. Sometimes living people turned into anime, and then back into people, people sometimes turned into other people I knew or didn’t know. We had to pass the tests:
I just remember that I had to climb onto a rock and sing a melody from an anime, without hiding my scream. Me and some anime guy were being tested. I somehow missed singing the melody. We climbed some green ropes to the top, and when we stood on certain places, they simply fell through, and we had to climb there from the very beginning. Well, we walked over and sat down on some kind of... Well, like a hammock, only smaller and thinner. Well, we sat down on the grass that was under this hammock, and I heard a girl singing a melody from an anime from my left side, and she didn’t succeed, but I started singing after her. And very good! I also sing well in real life, but in my dreams it’s just much better! But then something went wrong with me, and they supposedly started giving me pills 😂😂😂, well, then some doctor brought me a leaf. And on this piece of paper there was... Nothing is clear. Well, this is real, there is no such thing, this is a dream. Well, in short, I sort of started pretending that I understood. I saw a cry there and something else, but I don’t remember. Well, then the dream ended.
The area was kind of forested everywhere, but at the same time there was such a sea and sort of jungle... Then when we went down to the grass, it was normal, but not much yellowish. Well, dry. And then when the girl started singing the melody, the area where I was was the same, only in front of me there was not a river, but doors like a doctor’s 😂😂😂 According to the dream scenario, I needed to sing a song to free myself from the spell.

It was something like a casting call, and in the meantime there were spectators and it was like a holiday, everyone was getting ready and I stood with my friend, then at some point they kicked me out of there, they said that I couldn’t sing, I cried, my friend stood not far away, there was some guy standing, he came up, calmed him down, said go sing, everything will be fine, well, we went back, I was the first to perform, I sang the song without knowing the words, sometimes singing along or being completely silent, but in the song I heard the words, many laughed , then I quickly went out and this guy was with a friend, and I was with a friend, and in the end we became friends.

There was some event like a casting, there were a lot of spectators, about 100 people, I was kicked out because of something, as if I couldn’t sing, I started crying, there was a guy standing there, he hugged me and led me into the hall, he said go sing, I was performing to a song to which I don’t know the words, I sang along in places, I heard many people laughing, after the song ended I went outside, after which my friend and I went home, we walked playing with that guy and his friend (we didn’t know each other)