Omelette recipe for a one-year-old child in a slow cooker. How to cook an omelet for a one-year-old: interesting recipes. Can children have an omelet if they have rashes?

As a general rule, to live a long and happy life, you should eat a healthy diet. Healthy habits should be developed into a person gradually, starting from early childhood. Therefore, a child’s food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Parents, for whom the health and development of the child is important, when introducing any product into the baby’s diet, ask certain questions and study information about the relative optimal age for eating. No exception is the problem associated with the age at which omelets can be given to children.

Useful properties of omelet

As you know, omelet is prepared from eggs, which are rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. This is enough for such a product to be present in the child’s diet. An important role is played by protein, which ensures the full development and growth of tissue and bone structures.

Among the beneficial properties of eggs are:

  • ease of absorption and digestion, which is important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as the removal of toxins from the body;
  • improvement of skin and vision condition due to vitamin A;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system due to the presence of vitamin B;
  • saturating the body with useful microelements;
  • maintaining healthy bone structures thanks to vitamin D;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Of course, an omelet made exclusively from heat-treated eggs should be included in a child’s diet. After all, raw eggs are dangerous for the body due to the risk of containing salmonella bacteria, which often cause the development of serious diseases.

According to experts, omelet in limited quantities should have a place in a child’s diet after he reaches one year of age. It is recommended to prepare the dish only from fresh eggs and milk, which are intended for baby food. If you use natural village milk, it should be boiled in advance.

It is advisable to prepare an omelet for your baby in the oven, although preference can also be given to steaming. But you should not feed your one-year-old child fried foods. This product can only be used after reaching the age of three.

Today, parents often think about at what age to give omelet to their children and in what quantities. According to pediatricians, the daily dose of eggs consumed should not exceed half of one egg. It is advisable to cook an omelet once every two days, using one egg. As a rule, children, especially at an early age, are prone to allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to use quail eggs, which are very healthy and are also rich in microelements necessary for development.

Basic rules for preparing an omelet

Once it has become clear, you need to think about the basic rules for preparing and consuming the product. So, you should definitely take care of the quality of the eggs. They must be purchased strictly from trusted stores. Industrially produced eggs with a stamp, which undergo thorough analysis and are monitored for the presence of possible viruses and bacteria, will be useful and safe for the baby’s health.

Before you start preparing the omelette, you need to wash the raw egg under warm running water using soap. Do not place unwashed eggs on the cutting table where food is cut. After all, salmonella, the most dangerous bacterium in egg products, is located on the surface of the shell and gets into the dish during contact or improper processing of the egg.

You should not fry the omelet, but cook the egg mixture in a water bath. The product must not contain liquid. The dish can also be cooked in a slow cooker. It should be noted that quail eggs are much smaller in size than chicken eggs, so their number can be slightly increased.

Now that parents know at what age children can be given omelets, they can easily diversify their child’s diet. By following the basic rules and recommendations, you will be able to avoid possible misunderstandings. Despite chicken, in turn, they will help provide the child’s body with the necessary amino acids, carotenoids and vitamins.

Main contraindications and harms of omelet

Eggs are among the foods that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby’s body. But we should also not forget that excessive protein consumption has a negative effect on kidney function. As a result, it is worth not only adhering to the basic recommendations for introducing omelets into a child’s diet, but also constantly monitoring the baby’s well-being.

It doesn’t matter at what age children are given omelettes, there is always a risk of developing salmonellosis due to insufficient heat. To avoid this, it is recommended to follow the rules for preparing the dish. However, you should still give preference to steaming.

Despite the fact that young mothers are also faced with the question of at what age can an omelet with whites be allowed, experts recommend starting to introduce the child to an omelet made from yolks. Unlike the protein component, they are better absorbed.

Chicken eggs are a strong allergen. It is for this reason that you should not give your baby an omelette in large quantities for the first time. However, it doesn’t matter at what age you can give an omelet, if an allergic reaction occurs, you shouldn’t worry and get upset, much less refuse this dish completely.

So, you don’t have to use chicken eggs to prepare this dish. An excellent product is quail eggs, which are rich in a huge amount of useful microelements. The main advantage is that they do not cause allergies in children.

To prepare an airy dish, the eggs must be washed, then broken into a container and mixed using a mixer. After which it is advisable to add 70 ml of milk and beat again. It is advisable to grease the container with 1 tablespoon of butter. A plant-based option is also suitable. The mold should be placed in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion as to at what age omelet is beneficial and does not cause allergies in children. It makes no sense to use eggs in the diet of a child under one year old, since his diet does not yet include the inclusion of all basic products in the menu.

Recipe for making an omelet in a frying pan

To cook an omelet for a child in a frying pan, you do not need to have any special knowledge in the field of cooking. You will need one exceptionally fresh egg, which should be broken into a container. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of milk, a little salt and mix the resulting mass thoroughly. It is important to consider that to prepare an omelet for a child, the eggs should be washed well with soap and running water.

When the resulting mixture is ready, you should heat the frying pan and grease it with butter or vegetable oil. Pour the mixture and cook the dish, covered, over low heat for 10-12 minutes. It is recommended to transfer the omelette to a warm plate to maintain its fluffiness.

Cooking an omelet in a slow cooker

Cooking this dish is the easiest. All you need to do is add a knob of butter to a heated bowl. After it melts, you should completely lubricate the surface of the container using a special brush. And only then can the mixture be added inside, turn on the baking mode and wait about 10 minutes until the dish is ready.

Steamed dish recipe

If you don’t have a multicooker at home, a double boiler is ideal. Preparing the dish will not be difficult. It is enough to take an egg, salt and a little milk, mix them and add them to a container, which, in turn, should be placed in a double boiler. Be sure to melt the butter. In 15-20 minutes, a tasty and fluffy dish will be ready.

To cook an omelet faster, it is recommended to use a microwave oven. In addition, this method is particularly economical, because it does not require oil. Thus, the omelette will not be greasy, and the taste will not be lost.

If a child’s body is prone to allergies, then it’s worth considering at what age children will benefit from omelet. You shouldn’t take risks, much less abuse foods high in protein. The ideal option is to prepare a dish using quail eggs. However, one serving should not contain more than 3-4 eggs. To make the dish filling and healthy, it is advisable to add pieces of meat or vegetables.


So, not all parents know at what age they can give omelets to their children. Faced with a similar problem, when choosing an appropriate recipe and method of preparation, young mothers, in addition to their wishes, should also take into account the characteristics of the child’s body. After all, eggs, as you know, cause an allergic reaction for many children. However, by following basic recommendations and tips, you can safely introduce the dish into your baby’s diet.

And they must appear several times a week not only on our dinner table, but also on the child’s menu.

From a very young age, from the age of 7, children are introduced to complementary foods with egg yolk, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s body. Protein is poorly absorbed by a fragile body and has a detrimental effect on the kidneys; in addition, allergic reactions may occur when consuming it.

Eggs are rich in many amino acids, vitamins and fats, minerals and essential microelements. For example, the fat contained in the yolk (and there is up to 5 grams of it) creates a favorable environment for the normal functioning of the brain and kidneys. And the polyunsaturated amino acids present ensure a smooth metabolism. Iodine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, vitamins D and E are especially useful for the baby.

A growing body requires several times more of all these important substances than an adult body, which is why it is so important to provide a complete and balanced diet for the child.

If your child, for one reason or another, does not like boiled eggs, then you can replace them, for example, with an omelet. However, for the reason that fried foods are not recommended for children, we will prepare a wonderful children's omelette in the oven, just like in kindergarten. In this version it turns out more tender and tastier.

Products for omelet:

  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • milk 1 tbsp. (we assume that 1 egg requires 50 ml of milk)
  • butter (for greasing the pan)

Children's omelette in the oven, like in kindergarten - recipe with photo:

Beat four eggs into a bowl.

Pour a glass of milk over them.

Mix all ingredients well; no need to beat. Only in this way will we get a fluffy omelette when baking, like in kindergarten.

Grease the prepared pan well with butter.

Pour the contents from the bowl into it.

We send the omelette to the oven, which we previously preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approx. 30 minutes.
We take the omelette out of the oven, which is similar to the one they prepare in kindergarten and school.

Divide the children's omelette into beautiful portioned pieces, garnished with fresh herbs.


(Age: from 1 year)

I am glad to welcome you to the site - we cook for children with imagination. I'm starting to keep my promises. One of our readers, Lyudmila, asked to publish a recipe - an omelet for a one-year-old child. I will gladly fulfill your wish. The recipe is posted in the and sections.

I have already written before how to cook an omelette for a child over 2 years old in the oven -. Today the simplest steam omelet for a child , which can be offered from a year. It is better not to include egg whites and cow's milk in children under one year of age, so omelet is not suitable for children under one year of age. So we figured out whether children can have an omelet and when it can be given to a child. Of course, you can steam it from a year old, and from two years old you can cook it in the oven, and when you’re about three years old you can cook it fried. Although an omelette prepared according to this recipe in a double boiler for a child is not only healthier, but also much tastier than a fried one. It turns out very tender, juicy, its preparation takes a minimum of time.

This is a basic recipe, which is what I started introducing my daughters to. Be sure to start feeding small amounts and monitor your baby's reaction. If there is no allergic reaction, you can later diversify the omelet and cook it with carrots, zucchini, spinach, etc. It turns out to be an excellent dish for dinner. My aunt lives in the suburbs and supplies us with homemade chicken eggs, of course, they are not comparable to store-bought ones. 1 year it is better to cook from quail eggs, they are less likely to cause allergies. Instead of 1 chicken, take 4 quail eggs. I wrote about the benefits of chicken eggs in the “Princess and the Pea” recipe, and more about the benefits. So, how to cook an omelet for a child.

Omelette for a child - recipe.

To prepare an omelet for a child, you will need:

(for 2 children's servings)

1. 100 g milk;

3. 1 tsp. butter;

1. Wash the eggs well under running water. Place them in a bowl and beat for 20 seconds with a mixer at medium speed. True, this is not necessarily possible with just a fork.

2. Add a little salt and beat a little again.

3. Add milk, beat a third time again for 20 seconds.

4. I cook an omelet in a double boiler for my child. Therefore, we take 2 glass bowls, or cups, grease them with butter, pour in our omelette mixture and place in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes. If you don't have a double boiler, make a simple steam bath. We select a saucepan that is small in diameter but deep enough to fit any enamel or glass bowl with a lid in which we will cook the omelette. Pour 1/3 of the water into the pan, bring to a boil and place a bowl with the egg mixture, also pre-greased. Cover with a lid and turn the heat to low so that the water does not splash out of the pan.

If you don’t have much time, you can use this recipe to make an omelet for children in the microwave. To do this, you need a microwave-safe bowl with a lid. I use the bowl you see in the photo and cover it with a saucer. We put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, that’s it, the omelet for a child in the microwave is ready. It’s just better to cook it rarely, when there is absolutely no time, yet the effect of microwaves on the stomach has not been fully studied, so steaming it is much healthier.

5. Our omelet for a child ready. At first it rises very much, it was higher than the edges of the mold, but when you take it out of the steamer, it settles and becomes like in the photo.

In the article: recipes for simple omelettes for the children's menu.

Unfortunately, any eggs, incl. and quail are classified as food products with a high degree of allergic activity.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for introducing egg products into your child’s diet by reading the article

Important: an egg, in its usual “yolk + white” form, can be introduced into the child’s menu when he reaches the age of 1 year (in the absence of individual intolerance to egg white or yolk, natural milk).

Daily intake of omelette

  • for a child aged “1+” - 50 g,
  • for a child aged “2+” - 75 g,
  • for a child aged 3-7 years -100 g.

Eggs should be included in the baby’s menu 3-4 times a week.

Is it possible to have an omelet during pregnancy?

It is possible, provided there are no medical contraindications.

Important: egg dishes must undergo careful heat treatment. A pregnant woman cannot eat fried eggs or eggs boiled “in a bag” if she is not sure of their quality.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have an omelet?

It is possible, provided there is no individual intolerance to the product (both mother and baby).

Eggs should be included in the menu of a nursing mother 3-4 times a week.

At one time you can eat 1 chicken egg or 4-5 quail eggs, i.e. the total amount of product is 3-4 chicken or 12-20 quail eggs per week.

Omelette in the oven for a child. Children's omelette from 1 year: ingredients and recipe (from chicken eggs)

  • chicken egg - 45 g (or 1 pc.)
  • salt - to taste

How to cook:

2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add salt.

Important: the height of the omelette depends solely on the size of the shape and the amount of omelette mixture. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelette.

Quail egg omelet for a child: recipe, ingredients, photo

Ingredients needed to prepare a 100 g omelette:

  • quail egg - 45 g (or 4-5 pcs.)
  • milk of any fat content - 60 ml. You can replace the milk with the formula your baby is used to.
  • hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, Dutch) - 16-20 g
  • butter for greasing the mold.

How to cook:

1. Thoroughly grease a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom with butter. Preheat the oven to 180⁰-200⁰C.
2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add finely grated cheese.
3. Mix the milk-egg mixture thoroughly.

Important: the mixture must be stirred, not whipped! The omelette mixture, oversaturated with air during cooking, will swell and then collapse. The finished dish will have the wrong consistency.

4.Pour the omelette mixture into the prepared pan. Layer height 2.5-3 cm.

Important: the height of the omelet depends solely on the size of the shape. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelette.

5. Bake the omelette in the oven. Baking time: 8-10 minutes. The finished dish has a light yellow crust. The consistency of the finished dish is elastic, homogeneous, soft. Before serving, let the omelet rest briefly in the oven (about 10-15 minutes).
6. The finished omelette can be additionally topped with melted butter.

Important: the dish is not suitable for diet 5!

Tip: If you don't use hard cheese, be sure to salt the omelette mixture before baking.

Steamed omelette for a child in a double boiler: recipe

The ratio of ingredients for the “correct” omelet is presented above. If you want to diversify the taste of your dish, add herbs, cottage cheese/cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. to the omelette mixture before heat treatment. All additional components, except for greens and cottage cheese/cheese, must be ready to eat. This means that vegetables and meat should be boiled or stewed.

If the prospect of baking does not please you at all, prepare a steam omelet. This is quite easy to do, and the result will please both you and the baby. In addition, this dish is suitable for dietary tables.
1. Prepare the baking tins: grease them with butter.
2. Pour the omelette mixture into the molds. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article.
3. Place the molds on the steamer grid. Place the mesh in a steamer with boiling water. Cover the steamer with a lid.

4. Cooking time is 10 minutes (from the moment the water boils).

Another great option for preparing a children's omelet is in a mug or jar.

1. Pour milk and egg into a clean, dry jar, such as baby puree, and add salt. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article.

2. Cover the contents of the jar with a lid and shake thoroughly.
3. Place a silicone mat or cloth napkin of a suitable size on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar with the omelette mixture and fill it with water (up to the shoulders of the jar). Cooking time: 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Using a slow cooker, you can either bake the omelette mixture or steam it.

Option 1. Baking

2. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil.
3. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the “Baking” mode. Cooking time depends on the volume of the mixture. For an omelet from 1 egg, 10 minutes is enough.

Important. The height of the omelette in this case depends on the volume of the omelette mixture: the more eggs and milk, the higher the omelette.

5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

Option #2. Steaming

1. Prepare the omelette mixture.
2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (to the minimum level marked on the inside of the bowl).
3. Pour the mixture into refractory molds, pre-greased with oil. Place the molds on a steaming grid. Place the mesh in the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the “Steam” mode. Cooking time - 10 minutes.
5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above).
2. Grease a convenient microwave-safe container with butter. These can be baking molds (ceramic or silicone), cups or glasses of suitable volume
3. Pour the mixture into a pre-prepared mold, place it on the oven stand, and cover with a dome lid (used for heating dishes).
4. Cooking time from 3 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven and the amount of omelette mixture.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above).
2. Pour the omelette mixture into a plastic bag or baking bag. If you choose to use a sleeve, tie it tightly at one end before pouring the omelette mixture into it. Tie the bag/sleeve with the mixture carefully.
3. Place the omelette bag in an additional bag. The additional bag should also be tied well.
4. Place the bag in boiling water. Cooking time: from 10 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the amount of omelette mixture).

5. Place the prepared omelette on a plate.

Video: How to cook an airy omelette in a bag - the simplest omelette recipe

At 1 year old, the baby’s main menu is still milk and dairy products. But vegetable and fruit complementary foods have already been introduced. It's time to introduce your baby to a new dish. This dish can be the well-known omelet. Almost all kids like it. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone - you must first make sure that the child is not allergic to chicken eggs. Omelette is not only a tasty and beautiful food, but also has a consistency that even the tiniest kids can easily chew.

Experts do not recommend feeding eggs to children under 7 months of age. Above this age, you can gradually give the yolk in small portions. In the absence of allergic reactions, the dose is increased, but it should be no more than one yolk per week.

Protein is allowed to be introduced into a child’s menu no earlier than one year of age. It is difficult for a small organism to digest and can cause complex allergic reactions. It is because of this that a mixture of eggs and milk is allowed to be offered to a child from 12 months.

Typically, an omelet for a one-year-old child is prepared from the following components:

  • egg;
  • milk;
  • oil;
  • a little salt.

There are many simple but incredibly delicious recipes for making an omelet for a child. It must be remembered that it is best to give your baby freshly prepared food. In this regard, the dosages in the recipes will be for preparing one serving of the dish. At first, the baby will have a lot of this, but it’s okay, because a high-quality omelet will appeal to any family member.

Cooking an omelet in a frying pan

His recipe is extremely simple: you need to take a chicken egg (the eggs must certainly be fresh, or even better, rustic) and completely break it into a bowl. Add a couple of tablespoons of milk, a little salt and beat the resulting mass with a blender until smooth.

Very important: the eggs must be washed thoroughly with soap and running water!

Place a frying pan on the fire, preferably the smallest one available. Grease it with butter and pour the resulting mixture. Covered over medium heat, the dish will cook for no more than 7–10 minutes. It is generally accepted that it is better to transfer the finished omelette to a warm plate, because on a cold plate it will quickly lose its fluffiness. If you have time and opportunity, be sure to use this trick.

Omelet recipe in a slow cooker

This recipe is the easiest. All that is required to prepare is to place the butter in the included bowl. When it melts, brush the entire area with a brush. After which the mixture from the previous recipe must be poured inside. Turn on the baking mode for 10 minutes - a tasty and healthy dish is ready.

Steamed omelette for a child

Instead of a slow cooker, you can use a double boiler. It's not difficult at all: beat an egg, salt and a little milk. Take a glass container that can be placed in a double boiler, melt the butter in it and then pour in the mixture. In 20 minutes, a delicious and fluffy omelette for your child will be ready.

Interesting fact: the most risen omelette is obtained in a double boiler. As it cools, it will fall off, but its taste will remain unchanged.

If you don't have a steamer, no problem. You can use a regular steam bath. This is done like this: take a pan and fill it a little less than half with water. Then put a bowl on top, grease it with oil and pour in the omelette mixture. Close the lid and wait on low heat for about 10 minutes. The omelet turns out light and tender.

The fastest way is to cook the dish in the microwave. In addition to being fast, it is also economical, since it does not require oil. In this regard, the finished dish will be less fatty, but the taste will still remain at a high level.

If your child is prone to allergies, and you do not risk cooking him dishes from chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs. They are much less likely to lead to allergies. To prepare a children's dish from quail eggs, you need to take 3-4 quail eggs per serving. There are no more differences in preparing an omelet. To make the dish more satisfying, meat or vegetables are often added to it, but this is for older children.

When choosing a suitable recipe and cooking method, parents should take into account not only their wishes, but also the characteristics of the child’s body. Only in this case the dish will bring the greatest benefit.