Lodkin Yuri Evgenievich. Lodkin Yuri Evgenievich Bryansk. Activities in the regional Duma

In 1993, B. N. Yeltsin was illegally removed from the post of Head of the Regional Administration for disobeying illegal decree No. 1400. In 1996, he was re-elected as Head of the Bryansk Region Administration and automatically a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Born on March 26, 1938 in the town of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region. Father - Evgeniy Fedorovich Lodkin (born 1912). Mother - Lodkina (nee Eliseeva) Vera Vasilievna (born 1916). Wife - Evgenia Alekseevna Lodkina (born 1944). Daughter - Lodkina (Kulkova) I. Yu. (born 1963).

During the Great Patriotic War, for his family's connection with the partisans, he and his mother were driven to Lithuania (Alytus), where at the age of 4 he was in a fascist concentration camp for about 1.5 years. Received a special education at the Dyatkovo Industrial College with a degree in glass technologist (1954 - 1958). From 1967 to 1972 he studied at the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee, majoring in journalism. He began his career as a shift supervisor at the Slobodsky glass factory in the Kirov region in 1958. From 1959 to 1961 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. After demobilization, he worked as a worker, then as a technologist at the enterprise, post office box 15 (1961 - 1963). In 1963 - 1968 - at Komsomol and party work. From 1968 to 1984 he worked as a journalist in the district and regional press. In 1984, he was appointed head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU of the Bryansk region. From 1987 to 1993 he worked as a correspondent for TASS. In 1993, he was elected Head of the Bryansk Region Administration. He was elected as a people's deputy of the RSFSR, a deputy of the Federation Council, and a deputy of the State Duma. In 1993, B. N. Yeltsin was illegally removed from the post of Head of the Regional Administration for disobeying illegal decree No. 1400. In 1996, he was re-elected as Head of the Bryansk Region Administration and automatically a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Member of the Union of Journalists (since 1963), member of the Writers' Union (since 1984), member of the CPSU, and currently the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Awarded medals. Winner of the Bryansk Komsomol Prize for the book "Crystal Rainbow" (1972). Author of the books: "Crystal Rainbow (Skazy)" (1972), "Crystal Rainbow (Skazy)" (1982), "Cast Lace (Skazy)" (1986). Favorite hobbies: grandchildren (Alexey - 12 years old and Andrey - 5 years old), reading (historical and documentary), water skiing.

Dear readers! “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in Bryansk” opens a new section “Heroes of Yesterday”. Its heroes are Bryansk residents, who were well-known in the 90s and 2000s, and who remained in the people's memory, although they disappeared from the horizon.

The first hero of the new column was the governor of the Bryansk region, Yuri Lodkin. This year he celebrated his 80th birthday. He was elected head of the region three times: in 1993, 1996 and 2000. A Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent found out how Yuri Evgenievich’s path in politics developed and what he does in retirement.

Not allowed on central television

Most Bryansk residents know Yuri Lodkin as the governor. But he started as a journalist. He worked in the Dyatkovo regional newspaper. His sharp reports and analytical essays were noticed in the main regional media.

In Soviet times, all regional journalists dreamed of publishing in Bryansk Worker,” says Yuri Evgenievich. “And suddenly they hired me there as a staff reporter.” And a few months later they offered to become a special correspondent for the All-Union radio and central television. For approval, the approval of the local party leadership was required. I had already packed my suitcase when they informed me that my candidacy was rejected and they did not give me a recommendation. It turns out that the first secretary of the Bryansk regional committee of the CPSU, Ivan Konovalov, when he learned that I was going to the capital, said: “Lodkina to the All-Union Radio and Central Television? For his articles, the first secretary of the Dyatkovo city party committee and the chairman of the state executive committee were removed. If he gets to Moscow, get ready for him to start filming us!”

Barefoot to school

Yuri Lodkin developed the courage to speak directly with management from childhood.

At the age of four he ended up in a fascist concentration camp and spent a year and a half there. My father died when I was eight years old, and my younger brother was only three weeks old. Mom, so that we would always be “in front of her eyes,” became a cleaner, although she was an excellent diamond cutter. And I helped her, especially in winter, when her organization had to fire 16 stoves. I tied firewood with rope and dragged it to the fourth floor. This largely explains the passion with which I took up the gasification of the Bryansk region. We lived very modestly. I remember in fourth grade, all my classmates came to the First of September assembly wearing new shoes, and I was barefoot. I had nothing to wear. And when I came home, there were new canvas boots on the table. How happy I was then!

The first to talk about Chernobyl

After a successful career in journalism, Yuri Lodkin decided to change his profession.

Working as a correspondent, I was the first to raise the “Chernobyl” topic,” says Yuri Lodkin. “But the country’s leadership did not react to this. I understood: if people’s deputies do not raise the issue of the fate of the Russian Chernobyl zone, the matter will not move forward. I decided to go to people’s deputies, tell the whole country about this disaster and achieve the adoption of a law on eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the elections of deputies, 72% of voters voted for me. The law was passed, but poorly implemented. The whole problem lay with the local authorities. Then I decided to go to the gubernatorial elections in 1993.

Illegally removed from office

Five months after winning his first gubernatorial elections, in the fall of 1993, Yuri Lodkin was removed from office. He refused to obey Presidential Decree No. 1400. This document dissolved the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council. Later, the Constitutional Court declared the decree illegal...

After that, I sued Yeltsin for two years,” says Yuri Evgenievich. – This was an unprecedented case in Russian politics. They tried to persuade me to retreat and offered me the position of deputy minister or consul in any Western country. I refused. On the instructions of the president, Viktor Chernomyrdin negotiated with me. He said: “If you sue, we will slam you.” I said, "Try it." Later, at one of the celebrations at the Friendship Monument in the Klimovsky District, Viktor Chernomyrdin told me: “You did the right thing then by not agreeing. What was the tactic at the top: put a person in a position, hold him for three months, and then “goodbye”. Yeltsin wanted to do the same with you..."

Gas was provided at the expense of Tatarstan

One of the greatest achievements of Lodkin the politician is the gasification of the Bryansk region. Before he came to power in 1995, “blue fuel” was available to less than 20% of the region’s residents. And already in 2003 - almost 60% of Bryansk residents.

We didn’t have money for gasification,” says Yuri Lodkin. – But I found out that Tatarstan owes Gazprom almost three billion rubles. I proposed to Rem Vyakhirev, the head of Gazprom, an option for partial payment of this amount: Tatarstan, using one billion of its debt, was to buy equipment, pipes for the Bryansk region, and provide labor for laying gas pipelines. The plan was a success. In 2000, the volume of gasification in the Bryansk region exceeded the figures for all the years of Soviet power.

Order from the Motherland

Yuri Lodkin had a difficult relationship with President Boris Yeltsin. In 1998, the Bryansk governor was invited to receive the Order of Friendship.

People usually don’t call to the Kremlin to present such an award, but Yeltsin wanted to see me,” says Yuri Evgenievich. “I didn’t intend to go, but they persuaded me.” Fellow party members said that this order was not from Yeltsin, but from the Motherland, and I should accept it. After the presentation, Boris Yeltsin told me: “It’s good that our conflicts ended with the Order of Friendship.” I asked to speak: “I am grateful for the order. But I will ask for one more reward. Not for myself, but for the children of the “Chernobyl zone”. It is necessary to revive the “Children of Chernobyl” program. And for this, the president must take personal patronage over her.” “So be it,” said Boris Yeltsin.

They weren't allowed to serve a third term.

Yuri Lodkin nominated his candidacy three times for the election of governor of the Bryansk region. There was a fourth attempt in 2004. But on the eve of voting day, the court dismissed him.

Despite the denial, the court did not acquit me. Later I learned that the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, at the request of his wife, who was sitting at the same desk with the wife of ex-regional Duma deputy Mikhail Podobedov, gave the command: Lodkin should not be allowed to participate in the elections... Even now, many people say, if I had put up my candidacy in the elections head of the region in 2015, I was guaranteed a majority. But I have known Alexander Bogomaz for a long time and did not want to let him down.

Half a century in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

When he was governor, Yuri Lodkin was one of the few heads of regions who belonged to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. About a year ago he left the party.

My “experience” in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is half a century. But I wrote a long statement explaining that I do not consider it possible to remain in the ranks of the party when its leader is Stepan Panasov. Because our regional committee bureau and Panasov have turned into a “funeral bureau of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.” At one time, he did everything possible so that I would not be a deputy of the Bryansk Regional Duma. Then it turned out that he did this at the request of Nikolai Denin. For his “help” he was promised the post of first deputy chairman of the regional Duma. As soon as Panasov fulfilled his part of the deal, he was thrown out.

From politician to writer

The most difficult thing, according to Yuri Lodkin, during his leadership of the region was the lack of money:

Crumbs were poured out from the federal center. We found out that even under Soviet rule, a mistake was made when distributing transfers to the regions. Then my subordinates developed a new system for calculating transfers for the entire country. And with her I went to the Federation Council. With difficulty, but we “pushed through” it. Then the tranches from the federal budget for us were doubled. This system is still in effect.

After completing his political career, Yuri Lodkin became a writer.

I have written 15 books and have plans for three more. But since December, when my wife Evgenia passed away, I have not written a single line. I hope I can return to creativity in the summer.

The biggest problem is industry

Despite the fact that for more than ten years Yuri Lodkin has been engaged only in literary work, he closely monitors the political and economic situation in the region.

Now the biggest problem in the Bryansk region is industry,” says Yuri Evgenievich. - For the development of agriculture we have Bogomaz. But the industry needs to be saved - production needs to be repurposed. And assign a deputy governor to each enterprise so that there is personal responsibility. The governor needs to know a little about everything. And his deputies say a lot about a little. I recruited people into my team who had proven themselves professionally in one area or another. No other subsequent governor had a team like mine. And I think it won't be for long.

Dear readers! What interesting figure of the past days would you like to remember and read about? Write about it in the comments or send options to our email kpbryansk@mail.ru.

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Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin born March 26, 1938 in the city Dyatkovo. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his mother were driven away to the Lithuanian city of Alytus, where he was imprisoned. fascist concentration camp.

He began his career after graduating from the Dyatkovo Industrial College in 1958 with a degree in glass technologist. He worked at the Sloboda glass factory in the Kirov region and at the Dyatkovo crystal factory. In 1958-61. served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1963, he was elected secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol of the city of Dyatkovo, then went to work in the Dyatkovo city committee of the CPSU. In 1967-70. - Deputy editor of the newspaper “Flame of Labor”. In 1972 he graduated from the journalism department of the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1970-83 - correspondent, business manager of the Bryansk Worker newspaper. From 1983 to 1987 - head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the Bryansk regional committee of the CPSU. From 1987 to 1993 - TASS's own correspondent for the Bryansk region.

In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR, and in April 1993 - head of the administration of the Bryansk region. In December 1993, he was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 1995-96 — Deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, member of the Committee on Veterans Affairs, member of the Commission of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on Social Policy and Human Rights.

In 1996 - 2004 - Head of the Bryansk Region Administration. By virtue of his position, he entered the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation, where he was deputy chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs. In July 1998, he was approved as a representative of the Federation Council as part of the deputation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia as a leader, and was elected deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Yu.E. Lodkin author of books "Spiritual generosity"(Tula, 1970), "Crystal Rainbow"(Tula, 1972, 1980), "Crystal Makers"(Tula, 1979), "Cast lace"(Tula, 1988), "Crystal Facets"(Tula, 1990), “Labyrinth: notes on the margins of donated books» (Bryansk, 2008), “Russian zone of Chernobyl. From state silence to state oblivion"(Bryansk, 2009), “In the flow of troubled times: (notes of the first Bryansk Governor)”(Bryansk, 2011), "Bryansk Tales: for Children and Their Parents"(Bryansk, 2012), "Anastasia"(Bryansk, 2012).

Awarded the Order of Friendship (1998), two orders of the Russian Orthodox Church (1998, 2000), and medals.

Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia.


  • Bryansk writers: an anthology. - Bryansk, 2003. - P. 170-179.
  • Is it true life and image // Parygin, V. Bryansk literary region / V. Parygin. - Tula, 1985. - pp. 57-61.
  • Lodkin, Yu.E. Implementation of the principle of social justice is my political credo // Region - Center. - 2003. - No. 7-9. - P. 47-51.

Exhibition “Y.E. Lodkin - the first popularly elected governor of the Bryansk region,” dedicated to his 80th birthday, will begin its work at the Bryansk Museum of Local Lore on March 29 at 11:00.

Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin was born on March 26, 1938 in the city of Dyatkovo. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his mother were taken to the Lithuanian city of Alytus, where he was held in a fascist concentration camp.

He began his career after graduating from the Dyatkovo Industrial College in 1958 with a degree in glass technologist. He worked at the Slobodsky glass factory in the Kirov region and at the Dyatkovo crystal factory. In 1958−61 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

From 1967 to 1970, he was deputy editor of the newspaper Flame of Labor. In 1972 he graduated from the journalism department of the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. From 1970 to 1983, he was a correspondent and head of the department of the Bryansk Worker newspaper. From 1983 to 1987 - head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the Bryansk regional committee of the CPSU.

From 1987 to 1993, Yuri Lodkin was TASS’s own correspondent for the Bryansk region. In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR. Lodkin’s publications in the media and his speeches at the Congress of People’s Deputies played a huge role in the recognition of the southwestern regions of the Bryansk region as victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and the adoption of a state program for their rehabilitation.

April 26, 1993 Yu.E. Lodkin won the first popular election in the history of the Bryansk region for the head of the region and becomes the head of the administration of the Bryansk region. For his refusal to recognize Decree No. 1400 (on the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR), Russian President Boris Yeltsin removed him from office. In December 1993, Lodkin was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In 1995−96 - deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation.

From 1996 to 2004, he served as governor of the Bryansk region, winning elections twice in a row. By virtue of his position, he entered the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation, where he was deputy chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs. In July 1998, he was approved as a representative of the Federation Council as part of the deputation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia as a leader, and was elected deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Yu.E. Lodkin is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia, the author of more than ten books, the latest of which are “The Fall of the Bryansk Millions” (Bryansk, 2016), “Turns of Fate” (Bryansk, 2017). Currently, Yuri Evgenievich is working on two new books.

The opening of the exhibition dedicated to his 80th anniversary will take place on March 29, 2018 at 11:00. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see personal belongings, documents and photographs belonging to Yu.E. Lodkin and telling about his path in politics and literature, the Department of Culture of the Bryansk Region reported.

- September 25

Predecessor: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Barabanov Successor: Vladimir Alexandrovich Karpov Religion: Birth: 26 March(1938-03-26 ) (age 81)
Dyatkovo, Bryansk region, RSFSR, USSR Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Burial place: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Dynasty: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Birth name: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Father: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Mother: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Spouse: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Children: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). The consignment: CPSU Education: Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee Academic degree: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Profession: journalist Website: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Monogram: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Awards:

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Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin(March 26, Dyatkovo, Bryansk region) - Russian political and statesman, in - years - head of administration and governor of the Bryansk region. Deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation in 1995-1996 from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


Born in the city of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region. During the Great Patriotic War, for the family’s connection with the partisans, Lodkin, at the age of 4, together with his mother, ended up in a fascist concentration camp in Lithuania (Alytus), where he spent about 1.5 years.

In 1958, he graduated from the Dyatkovo Industrial College with a degree in glass technologist and began working as a shift supervisor at the Slobodsky Glass Factory in the Kirov Region. In 1959-1961 he served in the Soviet army. Later, in 1961-1963, he worked as a worker and technologist at the enterprise. In 1963-1968 he was involved in Komsomol and party work.

Regional leadership

On April 26, 1993, he was elected head of the administration of the Bryansk region, gaining 51.4% of the votes in the second round against 44.9% of the votes cast for the current head of the regional administration V.A. Barabanov. On September 25, 1993, Yeltsin removed him from office for disobeying Decree No. 1400.

On December 12, 1993, he was elected as a deputy of the Federation Council, was a member of the Social Policy Committee, and a member of the Credentials Committee of the Chamber.

Activities in the regional Duma

After being removed from the elections, Lodkin was elected to the Bryansk Regional Duma. In 2006, he was attacked by an unknown person and was treated in the intensive care unit of a regional hospital.

Literary activity



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  • http://lenta.ru/articles/2015/12/03/lodkin/
Alexander Mikhailovich Semernev
Bryansk region
Nikolai Vasilievich Denin
Alexander Mikhailovich Semernev
Member of the Federation Council from the Bryansk region

December 25 - January 31

Leonid Aleksandrovich Lushkin
position established
Deputy of the Federation Council from Bryansk constituency No. 32

January 11 - January 15
in connection with the new approval of the rules for the formation of the chamber
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Barabanov

Excerpt characterizing Lodkin, Yuri Evgenievich

- Or maybe you can tell us faster? – impatient Stella asked Miarda. - Who are they?
– They were brought from another world once upon a time. Their world was dying and we wanted to save them. At first they thought they could live with everyone, but they couldn’t. They live very high in the mountains, no one can get there. But if you look into their eyes for a long time, they will take you with them... And you will live with them.
Stella shivered and moved slightly away from Lilis who was standing next to her... - What do they do when they take it away?
- Nothing. They just live with those who are taken away. It was probably different in their world, but now they just do it out of habit. But for us they are very valuable - they “clean” the planet. Nobody ever got sick after they came.
- So you saved them not because you were sorry, but because you needed them?!.. Is it really good to use them? – I was afraid that Miard would be offended (as they say, don’t go into someone else’s house with boots...) and pushed Stella hard in the side, but she didn’t pay any attention to me, and now turned to Savia. – Do you like living here? Are you sad for your planet?
“No, no... It’s beautiful here, gray and willow...” whispered the same soft voice. - And good-osho...
Lillis suddenly raised one of her sparkling "petals" and gently stroked Stella's cheek.
“Baby... Nice... Stella-la...” and fog sparkled over Stella’s head for the second time, but this time it was multi-colored...
Lillis smoothly flapped her transparent petal wings and began to slowly rise until she joined her own. The Savii became agitated, and suddenly, flashing very brightly, they disappeared...
-Where did they go? – the little girl was surprised.
- They are gone. Here, look... - and Miard pointed to the already very far away, towards the mountains, smoothly floating in the pink sky, marvelous creatures illuminated by the sun. - They went home...
Veya suddenly appeared...
“It’s time for you,” the “star” girl said sadly. “You can’t stay here for so long.” It's hard.
- Oh, but we haven’t seen anything yet! – Stella was upset. – Can we come back here again, dear Veya? Farewell, good Miard! You're good. I will definitely come back to you! – as always, addressing everyone at once, Stella said goodbye.
Veya waved her hand, and we again swirled in a frantic whirlpool of sparkling matter, after a short (or maybe it just seemed short?) moment, “throwing us out” onto our usual Mental “floor”...
“Oh, how interesting it is!” Stella squealed in delight.
It seemed that she was ready to endure the heaviest loads, just to return once again to the colorful Weiying world that she loved so much. Suddenly I thought that she really must have liked him, since he was very similar to her own, which she loved to create for herself here, on the “floors”...
My enthusiasm diminished a little, because I had already seen this beautiful planet for myself, and now I desperately wanted something else!.. I felt that dizzying “taste of the unknown”, and I really wanted to repeat it... I already I knew that this “hunger” would poison my future existence, and that I would miss it all the time. Thus, wanting to remain at least a little happy person in the future, I had to find some way to “open” the door to other worlds for myself... But then I still hardly understood that opening such a door is not so easy just... And that many more winters will pass until I will be free to “walk” wherever I want, and that someone else will open this door for me... And this other will be my amazing husband.
- Well, what are we going to do next? – Stella pulled me out of my dreams.
She was upset and sad that she didn't get to see more. But I was very glad that she became herself again and now I was absolutely sure that from that day on she would definitely stop moping and would be ready again for any new “adventures.”
“Please forgive me, but I probably won’t do anything else today...” I said apologetically. - But thank you very much for helping.
Stella beamed. She really loved feeling needed, so I always tried to show her how much she meant to me (which was absolutely true).
- OK. “We’ll go somewhere else another time,” she agreed complacently.
I think she, like me, was a little exhausted, but, as always, she tried not to show it. I waved my hand at her... and found myself at home, on my favorite sofa, with a bunch of impressions that now needed to be calmly comprehended, and slowly, leisurely “digested”...

By the age of ten I had become very attached to my father.
I've always adored him. But, unfortunately, in my first childhood years he traveled a lot and was at home too rarely. Every day spent with him at that time was a holiday for me, which I later remembered for a long time, and piece by piece I collected all the words dad said, trying to keep them in my soul, like a precious gift.
From an early age, I always had the impression that I had to earn my father’s attention. I don't know where this came from or why. No one ever stopped me from seeing him or communicating with him. On the contrary, my mother always tried not to disturb us if she saw us together. And dad always gladly spent all his free time left from work with me. We would go into the forest with him, plant strawberries in our garden, go to the river to swim, or just talk while sitting under our favorite old apple tree, which is almost what I loved to do.

In the forest for the first mushrooms...

On the banks of the Nemunas River (Neman)

Dad was an excellent conversationalist, and I was ready to listen to him for hours if such an opportunity arose... Probably just his strict attitude towards life, the arrangement of life values, the never changing habit of not getting anything for nothing, all this created for me the impression that I must deserve it too...
I remember very well how, as a very small child, I hung on his neck when he returned home from business trips, endlessly repeating how much I loved him. And dad looked at me seriously and answered: “If you love me, you shouldn’t tell me this, but you should always show it...”
And it was these words of his that remained an unwritten law for me for the rest of my life... True, I probably wasn’t always very good at “showing”, but I always tried honestly.
And in general, for everything that I am now, I owe it to my father, who, step by step, sculpted my future “I”, never giving any concessions, despite how selflessly and sincerely he loved me. During the most difficult years of my life, my father was my “island of calm,” where I could return at any time, knowing that I was always welcome there.
Having lived a very difficult and turbulent life himself, he wanted to be sure that I could stand up for myself in any unfavorable circumstances for me and would not break down from any troubles in life.
Actually, I can say from the bottom of my heart that I was very, very lucky with my parents. If they had been a little different, who knows where I would be now, and whether I would be at all...
I also think that fate brought my parents together for a reason. Because it seemed absolutely impossible for them to meet...
My dad was born in Siberia, in the distant city of Kurgan. Siberia was not the original place of residence of my father's family. This was the decision of the then “fair” Soviet government and, as has always been accepted, was not subject to discussion...
So, my real grandparents, one fine morning, were rudely escorted from their beloved and very beautiful, huge family estate, cut off from their usual life, and put into a completely creepy, dirty and cold carriage, heading in a frightening direction - Siberia...