Which sign suits Gemini? Characteristics of a Gemini woman by zodiac sign: an impregnable fortress. Suitable Oriental Signs

Gemini women are cheerful and sociable, it is not surprising that many men who meet them want to know: what kind of men can the Gemini sign like? Those born under the sign of Gemini have very changeable natures.

How can a man please a woman according to the Gemini horoscope?

They are often guided by emotions, their opinions change very often, at one moment they act under the impression of something, and after a while they are guided by sober reason. They are difficult to understand, and now we will answer the above question.

Interesting, attractive, such girls attract attention, but you need to be careful, because as soon as you get closer to this girl, you will feel all the disadvantages of her character for yourself. Weak-willed men irritate the Gemini girl. If you are weak-willed, you can only become a friend, but she will not tolerate such a guy next to her.

To please the Gemini sign, your main qualities should be:



Confident in your abilities

Able to keep a situation under control

What kind of men do women like according to the sign Gemini?

Only such men will be able to be near a Gemini girl. She is looking for the perfect man. Each such girl made it clear to herself that there should be a man next to her who will replace both friend and lover, and at this moment will be a devoted husband and will become a support!

A man must be enterprising, able to handle several things at the same time. Also taken into account are communication skills, sociability, and the ability to present oneself in society.

The Gemini woman is an ambiguous nature. She has mental abilities and is intellectually developed, so her choice will fall only on an interesting and enterprising man who will be able to nullify all the ensuing conflicts and problems. What kind of men do women of this sign like? The answer is obvious - Aries, Virgo, Leo. These are the ideal men for a Gemini woman.

They don’t know what stagnation is, so girls will happily want to see a person next to them who will bring color to her life. You can win their hearts with just one candid look, and once the spark is lit, there will be no doubt that she couldn't ask for a better candidate.

Flirting, she gets indescribable satisfaction - play along with her, and you won’t have to wait long. Sex for her is like a toy for a child, they do not think about the consequences, so the partner must forget about all the rules so that the partner does not lose interest. If you have a complex character, then having any dealings with Gemini women will only be difficult for you.

Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell and Angelika Varum were born under the sign of Gemini.

Charming and mysterious, seductive and unpredictable... A Gemini woman will replace a man's entire harem in one person! She not only has the ability to support any conversation and be an interesting storyteller, but she is also an excellent listener and even demonstrates genuine interest in other people's problems. While other interlocutors will listen to you formally, but will ignore the essence of the problem that does not concern them, the Gemini woman will not only provide the opportunity to speak out, but will be ready to analyze the situation and give objective advice.

Geminis easily get close to people and form friendships. They tend to remember birthdays and send cards and SMS on time. But not a single Gemini woman will allow a stranger to look into her soul.

It is very important to her what others think of her: she craves universal love, although she herself does not sympathize with everyone. Gemini usually makes decisions quickly, based on his instincts and reflexes. Things are more difficult with concentration: her attention often jumps from one thing to another, everything new attracts the twins like a magnet.

Organization is not a Gemini's strong suit. When the need arises to do any work completely - from the very beginning to the end - the Gemini woman loses heart. Already halfway through, she begins to be overcome by mortal boredom, which is why new, creative and exciting ideas come to her mind, and the old ones are discarded as unnecessary, even if at the very beginning they seemed impeccable. There is no need to explain why this style of work is criticized.

Gemini women are very emotional, their mood changes at a speed beyond the control of a tsunami. For them, everything is always not enough: one job, one lover, one goal, one plan is not enough. Due to her tendency to mood swings and depression, she vitally needs strong support in the form of a man’s shoulder, on which she will lean in difficult moments.

Gemini women are generally gentle and kind-hearted, but are often perceived as cold and calculating. They are rarely satisfied with what they have, so they are constantly striving to change something: rearranging furniture, looking for a new apartment, experimenting in the kitchen, and even re-educating their partner... The thirst for change is the only stable and unchanging quality of twins.

In their intimate life, twins do not need romantic and erotic decorations. They will be quite happy with a car seat or movie “kissing places.” Only one thing is required from a lover: take your time, act carefully and not skip foreplay. Geminis can instantly flare up with a passionate fire and go out just as quickly, especially when the partner is in a hurry to get to the finish line too quickly. She prefers to set the pace herself, the man just has to try to maintain it.

They have a positive attitude towards sexual experimentation and easily combine several actions: for example, kissing and simultaneously stimulating their partner’s erogenous zones.

The ideal man of a Gemini woman should be waiting for her with a cup of hot coffee at 6 am when she returns from a long get-together, and at the same time not make scenes of jealousy. Only a man with a remarkable amount of patience can withstand the quirks of twins.

The ideal match for a twin is an Aquarius man. They understand each other perfectly and communicate on the same wavelength. Despite the tendency of both signs to “go left,” they extremely rarely actually cheat on each other. Their relationship has everything you could want: genuine feelings, fiery passion and mutual freedom.

A successful union with a Libra man, who gladly brings her ideas to life. In bed, both signs will complement each other so well that for many years after the wedding, “erotic sparks” will run between them.

A Gemini woman and a Leo man are capable of a long-term union, unless at the beginning of the relationship the Gemini is driven crazy by his insatiable need for recognition.

Aries men, like Libra, can bring even the craziest ideas of the twins to life. And they will do it with love! The only danger in the relationship of this couple is the contradiction between the twins’ desire for freedom and Aries’s need for tenderness and security.

A pair of two twins can happen, but both are so busy with outside affairs that they rarely meet in the marital bed.

The down-to-earth nature of Taurus makes Gemini sad. Gemini will be ready to sacrifice stability for the sake of novelty of sensations, so the union is obviously doomed.

With a Sagittarius man, the Gemini woman will spend one of the most memorable nights of her life, but the relationship most likely will not go further: they have too little in common.

The composure of Cancers and Capricorns will drive the Gemini woman crazy.

The Scorpio man will try to drive her into a corner, and the Gemini woman, in turn, will not be able to live under pressure.

The pedantry and tediousness of a Virgo man is even worse than the pressure of a Scorpio.

There will be no friendly or loving relationships with Pisces.

The Gemini woman is truly a multifaceted personality. No man can get bored with such a representative of the fair sex, because she never tires of surprising her chosen one with constantly changing roles: It’s easy for a twin to play the role of an exemplary housewife, a luxurious beast, and a soldier in a skirt. Such a girl simply cannot leave any man indifferent, and we will talk about her in more detail later in this material.

Gemini (from May 21 to June 20) is a very bright, intellectual sign, prone to adventurism. Such people are distinguished by constant mood swings; they are also often faced with real mental turmoil, they tend to search for themselves and are often carried away by various dubious undertakings.

Gemini belongs to the changeable and mobile element of Air; they are protected by the “restless” planet Mercury, which gives representatives of this sign sociability, dexterity and a lively mind.

In most cases, it is difficult for such people to achieve a state of complete life satisfaction and happiness, since they are constantly pushed forward by their own ambitions and endless ideas. A Gemini can feel comfortable only if there is constant movement and conquering new heights in his life.

Representatives of the Gemini sign are distinguished by their mobility, sociability, outward friendliness, and they are also dependent on society and receiving new information. Such individuals are distinguished by moral strength and determination, and thanks to their cunning and good intelligence, they successfully “get away with it.”

Due to their ability to always find themselves in the very center of important events, complemented by the correct handling of the information received, people of this constellation deftly manage the facts, and therefore often choose the profession of lawyer, journalist, public figure and even public figure.

Among Gemini people there are a lot of both geniuses and scammers. Although in appearance it may seem that Gemini is completely morally invulnerable, in fact the mask of demonstrative indifference hides a very sensitive nature. Suffering from imbalance and lack of stability, Gemini may lose their talent. Also, for the most part, such people are not very healthy, they tend to fall into depression and often suffer from allergies.

What are Gemini girls like?

The Gemini woman is characterized by inconstancy and unpredictability. Because of her sometimes unforeseen reactions, conflicts may arise. Since the mood of such a young lady changes quite often, she may experience either indescribable delight or be offended and sad because of little things.

The Gemini girl is distinguished by her wit and nervousness; on the one hand, she lives only in the present moment, but on the other hand, she has efficiency, well-developed thinking, and can disguise her true intentions under ostentatious frivolity.

With such a woman, a man simply cannot get bored. Indeed, thanks to her elusive, indomitable temperament, she will constantly strive for travel and adventure. She is also a wonderful friend, a well-rounded personality, distinguished by her dreaminess, kindness, demandingness, complaisance and inflexibility.

It is easy for her to find a common language with other people and she is able to carry on conversations on various topics. Such a representative of the fair sex impresses men with her attractive appearance, cheerful disposition, cheerfulness, initiative and activity.

She always comes to the aid of other people in difficult moments and will not ignore someone else’s grief or plea for help.

The Gemini woman cannot remain silent in situations where her pride is hurt.

The Gemini girl does everything very quickly: she moves, thinks, does some work, and also makes decisions. She manages to do a huge number of things in a day and doesn’t feel exhausted. It is almost impossible to see such a young lady sitting calmly, sorting out papers or walking aimlessly.

Very often, Geminis suffer from their own thoughts, because they flash through their heads with lightning speed and tend to overwhelm them 24 hours a day.

The desire for beauty motivates Gemini women to change the decor of their home. Such ladies can turn their apartment into a real paradise.

Appearance Features

We have looked at the character of the representative of the Gemini sign, now it’s time to turn to her appearance. The entire gentle face of Gemini women speaks of their mobility, variability and unpredictability.

As a rule, Geminis are distinguished by their slimness, average or closer to tall height, and youthful appearance even in old age.

These women have good taste and know how to present themselves in the best light. On gray days, they give preference to more comfortable things that do not restrict their movement.

Gemini woman in career

For the most part, representatives of this constellation are distinguished by their ambition in matters of career. This means that such a woman will strive to move up the career ladder, which, unfortunately, she does not always succeed in.

This happens for several reasons:

  • Geminis have difficulty concentrating on one object for a long time, especially if we are talking about monotonous activities;
  • due to her characteristic impulsiveness, such a lady is often inclined to act rashly;
  • and one more thing - optimism and self-confidence often become the cause of problems, because the Gemini girl often wastes her energy on dubious enterprises that do not bring profit.

But with all this, such a lady carefully studies all the details of the issue, strives to receive new information regarding her activities to the maximum, and also convincingly defends her position. Plus, she is independent and prefers to personally seek a solution to the issue rather than burden her colleagues.

Therefore, under favorable circumstances, it is quite possible to talk about successful career growth.

Gemini woman in love

Charming Gemini ladies will never allow a man to completely take away their precious freedom. But at the same time, of course, they strive to find true love and want simple female happiness.

The problem is that it is very difficult for such women to find a suitable partner for themselves, because they dream of an ideal life partner. In some cases, such searches can last quite a long time (sometimes even a lifetime!) and are not always crowned with success. All this is fraught with a lack of feelings, a feeling of incompleteness of life due to the absence of your soulmate.

But when the Gemini woman is finally lucky and finds what she has been looking for for so long, she can become very happy and make her chosen one happy.

Sometimes the illusion of amorousness and frivolity of Gemini girls is created. In reality, they are never guided by insidious motives or insincerity.

In relationships, such a lady is distinguished by nobility: she will never leave her loved one in trouble. But only a very extraordinary person with whom Gemini will be truly interested can achieve unconditional loyalty and trust. Such a woman will never choose a mercantile relationship format for herself if the man is antipathetic to her.

But when entering into a relationship with a Gemini girl, you need to remember that she is often extravagant, since her lack of prudence is also characterized by her reluctance to plan the family budget.

Gemini woman in sex

For such representatives of the fair sex, sex is not just physical pleasure; it is very important for them to have a spiritual and intellectual balance with their partner.

At the same time, the incessant craving for something new pushes Gemini women to become interested in representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, even being faithful to their loved one, they can show interest in other men.

With whom will the relationship be successful?

Speaking about the most suitable partners for Gemini women according to the horoscope, we must, of course, put the Gemini man in first place! In such a couple there will be perfect harmony and mutual understanding. But at the same time, such a union promises to be very emotional and eccentric.

In addition, other zodiac signs that are suitable for Gemini women are Leo, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

Now you know the whole essence and character of Gemini girls. You will get even more useful information from the following video:

Most of all, Gemini relationships ( May 21 – June 20) with other signs of the Zodiac depend on the partner’s willingness to accept variability, some inconstancy, and inconsistency of representatives of the Air element. Geminis themselves, with their unique ability to adapt to almost any conditions, get along with most people quite easily.

They just need to moderate some anxiety and nervousness for successful interaction.

You can understand which zodiac sign is suitable for Gemini, for partnership in marriage, business or strong friendship, if you take into account their weak willingness to compromise and their enormous fear of routine, monotony, and everyday life.


An extremely difficult relationship. Incredibly responsible Capricorn and Gemini, fickle, curious, elusive, are a strange couple due to mutual misunderstanding and intransigence of both.

Intellectual signs often find a lot in common, which becomes the reason for sympathy and friendship, but Capricorn will not be able to endure the talkativeness, constantly changing interests, and frivolity of a friend for long.

At first, the Gemini Man is quite fascinated by the unapproachable Capricorn Woman, but in marriage, the coldness, seriousness, and pragmatism of the spouse will quickly cause boredom, disappointment, and a feeling of constraint.

Inventive, full of vivid imagination, Gemini in business combines favorably with goal-oriented Capricorn. This is a huge advantage of such a partnership. In any joint venture they will be able to achieve a lot.


Among the signs there are very few who suit Gemini as perfectly as Aquarius. Relationships capture representatives of both signs entirely. The creative, free Aquarius instantly attracts the attention of Gemini. Such friendship will be incredibly useful, and common interests are very conducive to rich joint leisure time.

Some inconstancy caused by love of freedom and creative search can cause mutual love affairs and related problems. Gemini and Aquarius should be careful not to accidentally destroy such a magnificent union. A guy or girl is unlikely to be able to find a more suitable spouse.
It is interesting for Gemini and Aquarius to work together if their project is related to creativity or information. In other areas, they will need the support of more solid signs.


The commonality of interests makes the beginning of a relationship between representatives of the signs Pisces and Gemini extremely attractive, but a strong union will require enormous effort for both.

The Pisces guy must understand that, despite the huge plus in the form of charm and erudition, his Gemini girlfriend may then be burdened by a measured life together with a quiet, dreamy husband. This pace of existence will be difficult for her active nature.

In friendship, superficial Geminis are often not very capable of appreciating the subtle inner world of Pisces, becoming somewhat irritated by their slowness and penchant for solitude.

Creating a joint business is not a particularly good idea.


The ingenuity of both signs usually becomes the reason for mutual attraction. The desires and goals of Gemini and Aries often coincide, which greatly helps their strong friendship.

True, sometimes the immensely talkative Gemini can accidentally tell others some secret of a friend or partner, which will lead to a breakup.

In marriage, an Aries girl usually becomes a full-fledged leader. For relationships and households, this is definitely a plus - flighty, fickle Geminis are afraid of responsibility. In work matters, cooperation will be successful, but both will need more patience.


A strong union is problematic, and it is difficult for Gemini and Taurus to find mutual understanding. It's all about the incredible stubbornness of one and a certain tendency to argue with the other.

To silent Taurus, Gemini's talkativeness and fussy activity often seem frivolous.

Spouses should learn to live together if they intend to save the marriage. Being friends with such different Gemini and Taurus is not at all interesting, their lives

the priorities are too different. A partnership can achieve some success if the colleagues are truly united by a goal that is beneficial to both.


The unstable union of two active representatives of the sign Gemini is filled with chaos, spontaneity, and unusualness. Their marriage is more like a community of two free people.

Commonality of life priorities, interests, hobbies is a plus of such a marriage, and Gemini’s attention to partners will smooth out some fear of stable relationships and frequent mood swings.

In business, partnerships are hindered by impatience and lack of responsibility.


The compatibility of the cautious Cancer with Gemini is very controversial. They will have common features, communication is sometimes fascinating, but strong friendship is problematic - Gemini is too changeable for a close relationship with the vulnerable Cancer who loves security. Marriage is not always successful. The love for comfort, attachment to family and home of one collides with the love of freedom of another, and total disagreement on the most important issues related to coexistence can break the strongest bonds. For work and partnership, it is better if Cancer is in charge; he will be the more responsible of this pair.

a lion

Charming Gemini and Leo, the holiday man, create a simply magnificent combination in a couple. This is a very impressive union, just perfection. The stately Leo girl instantly captivates and intrigues curious Geminis. She is destined to be a leader, a queen in marriage; her partner will have to give up dominance for a successful marriage.

Friendship will open up new shades and facets of life, previously unnoticed by Leo and Gemini. In their work they find opportunities for the most fruitful cooperation.

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The realistic, organized Virgo is the least similar to those with whom Gemini is compatible in any activity. Such an alliance is often doomed to inevitable failure..

Fleeting communication can entertain a serious Virgo for a short time, but it is almost impossible for her to achieve real friendship with talkative, frivolous Gemini.

One cannot expect prosperity from a partnership between people who have such different ways of doing business.


Smart Libra understands erudite Gemini very well. It is extremely interesting for them to communicate; they are capable of many hours of informative conversations for both.

A prudent Libra girl can delicately restrain her husband’s irrational impulses; she will become the most rational part of the family.

The combination of signs leads to success in friendship, and in business, Libra’s partner is able to help in the implementation of Gemini’s bold ideas.


For Scorpio, the changeable, elusive Gemini is too incomprehensible. True friendship rarely occurs; rather, it is a friendly relationship without much intimacy. Their marriage will be somewhat painful - passionate Scorpios are too jealous for independent Geminis. If they can manage to not stifle each other's freedom of expression, the marriage can survive. When working together they can achieve amazing results.


A very successful combination of character characteristics. Gemini is similar to Sagittarius in its exceptional ease of attitude to what is happening, intelligence, and ability to have fun. They are able to find true friendship. The marriage of Sagittarius and Gemini is quite comfortable and harmonious, but it can become somewhat tense if the spouses are not attentive, tactful, and respectful of each other’s opinions, interests, and goals.

She is so unique - sensitive, understanding and at the same time inspiring, sweet and charming. The Gemini woman combines the features of a classic lady and an interesting friend who always remains faithful to her loved ones. Yes, she is changeable, she lacks a little practicality, specificity and prudence. But the twin doesn’t seem to need this - this girl walks through life with a flying gait, and even she treats trials and tribulations philosophically, knowing full well: behind the storm clouds there is always a ray of the Sun.

Twins (Latin: “Gemini”) were born at the very end of spring. In the starry firmament they are adjacent to Taurus on the left and Cancer on the right. Zodiac sign symbol- two twins, reflecting the diversity of these people, their love for diversity and constant change. Flowers that give the twins good luck, bright yellow, purple and dark gray shades are considered.

Gemini element is air. Open to everything new, they are in constant motion. Gemini is a bicycle that maintains balance only in one case: when it is moving. Airy people are easy-going and truly pleasant to deal with. They constantly feed their minds with fresh ideas, because this is, without exaggeration, their vital need. On the other hand, air is a changeable element. This is why the typical twin actually has seven Fridays a week and can quickly change her mind if she sees fit.

Talisman stones twins - chisoprase, pomegranate, and. Their patron planet is closest to the Sun - it is Mercury, responsible for thinking, logical schemes and the rational principle of a person. That is why these people sometimes think about things that would not occur to others. The twin's main enemy is boredom, which can even plunge her into prolonged depression.

It is not surprising that among the representatives of famous Gemini women we will find many bright, brilliant ladies who have become real sex symbols and style icons. On the other hand, these are not glamorous blondes with the notorious naivety, but thinking ladies who are distinguished by their bright intellect. These are Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie, Naomi Campbell and Nicole Kidman, Anzhelika Varum and Kristina Orbakaite. What unites all these people? By no means a model appearance, which is not typical for each of these lovely ladies. But inner charm, sparkling, but not obsessive sexuality - this is really the main feature of their common portrait.

Gemini woman: what the stars say about her character

Only the twins themselves can describe the character of twins. This lady is so multifaceted that entire volumes of encyclopedias could be written about her. True, this does not mean at all that we have before us a complex type of woman. On the contrary, Geminis have a rather easy-going, easy-going nature that can easily adapt to very different people.

Our whole life is a game

Yes, this is exactly how the Gemini girl feels about our sinful world. Perhaps she doesn’t realize this because she’s simply not used to delving inside herself. She loves to absorb information, learn something new about the world, than spend sleepless nights thinking hard about the properties of her soul.

It is not typical for a twin to be dramatic, throw hysterics and fall into a protracted period of deep depression. She walks along the brightest stripes of the rainbow and calmly ignores all the imperfections of this life. This is why the typical Gemini woman is always optimistic. She sincerely does not understand why she needs to be sad and concentrate her thoughts on the bad. After all, there are so many interesting and unknown things in the world.

Endless image changes

People who know the twin even remotely have more than once noticed a rather unusual picture: she combines such a rich palette of images that you simply don’t have time to follow the course of her quick thoughts, changing like the May wind. Yes, Geminis are fickle, sometimes even flighty. But this does not mean that they are not confident in themselves. It's just their nature. It’s just like one person is talkative, while another prefers to remain silent.

The twin is a cheerful, fluttering butterfly who does not understand why one's point of view should not change over time. This is at least inconvenient - after all, in our turbulent world, everything changes with lightning speed. Moreover, this lady is in constant search for something perfect, truly beautiful and interesting. She does not like categoricalness, she is not characterized by whims. Yes, sometimes the twins will enjoy playing this game too. But it will remain nothing more than a game.

Inner Charm

Appearance, as we know, is sometimes deceiving, but the mirror of the soul is the eyes. Gemini, like no one else, took this truth into account. Yes, there is something internally attractive about them that literally fascinates and disposes.

Gemini is not a fortress that needs to be stormed. But she is not an easily accessible lady either. She knows how to establish contact on the one hand and at the same time leave a slight secret, that very zest that so beautifies any representative of the fair sex. Her inner charm is always reflected in her eyes. That is why such a lady has no end to her gentlemen. It is interesting that the status of many of them is not defined - at different times they can be friends, lovers, or accomplices. And if such a rhythm of life confuses someone, then the twin feels like a fish in water.

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Geminis do not like pressure, restrictions, and especially overt manifestations of authority. Their ideal relationship is a classic partnership in which the man will be first among equals. Yes, she will gladly give him all the levers of control, because she does not want to rule for a second.

On the other hand, commanding the twins, forbidding them one thing and allowing them another, is a hopeless matter. The element of air is represented by the most freedom-loving signs of the zodiac. Yes, Geminis are not drawn to power, but they won’t allow themselves to be manipulated either.

Attitude to work and money

There is no way to suspect Gemini of hoarding. Rather, on the contrary, this girl loves to walk in style and relax as expected. She will not spare any money for sweet moments of pleasure. And if you go for a walk not alone, but with friends, it’s even more interesting. Yes, she can be a terrible spender sometimes. But this does not mean that the twin lives the poorest of all. The fact of the matter is that she somehow finds her way, dodges as best she can: a couple of right decisions - and here she is again on horseback. How she manages to do this is a mystery.

As for work, the Gemini girl is perfect for creative activities related to design, decoration, customer service or traveling activities. It is simply contraindicated for her to sit still and move papers from Monday to Friday. Geminis love everything unknown, they will willingly take on teamwork, because these people have a rather rare combination: they can express themselves fully and at the same time do not insist on recognizing their own importance. The twin simply enjoys the process - that’s her style.

What kind of man does a twin need?

Interestingly, the twins themselves will probably find it difficult to answer this question. Their ideal image of a man sometimes combines very contradictory features. Yes, on the one hand, these ladies prefer relationships in the “two bosom friends” or “older brother - younger sister” format. On the other hand, like any representative of the fairer sex, they would like to see a strong guy in front of them, who would forever save her from the difficult and painful need to make some decisions.

Therefore, in general, the portrait of her half looks like this:

  1. An easy-going, not boring and not harmful man, who will not argue for the sake of arguing, will not strike a pose at the most inopportune moment, and generally prefers to resolve all disagreements through an even, calm dialogue.
  2. Her ideal guy should be quite sociable. The twin does not like people from whom you literally have to extract words. Silence, from her point of view, is not golden at all.
  3. There is no doubt that only a man with intelligence is suitable for such a smart lady. If he knows nothing about fashion trends, is not familiar with the world of art and is completely far from anything beautiful, tender and beautiful, the chances are greatly reduced.
  4. Finally, kindness. No matter how trivial it may sound, a sweet, pleasant person with non-aggressive habits is a very important requirement for Geminis. Moreover, they fully deserve it. We can say that this is a very rare girl - she does not like to create scenes of jealousy or throw tantrums. It’s not that the twin restrains herself from such impulses - it’s just not her style.

How not to behave around twins

To offend a Gemini girl, you have to try really hard. She usually perceives people as they are. There are no huge internal difficulties, troubles or complexes in her that interfere with communication with others. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Geminis are the most sociable sign of the zodiac, incredibly tolerant of human oddities and outright shortcomings.

On the other hand, nature did not give her nerves of iron. Geminis, as a rule, prefer to be patient, but it is this trait that makes itself felt at the most inopportune moment. Nobody knows which will be the last straw. And if this lady is pissed off, she can really turn everything upside down. She’s just sure that she doesn’t deserve a bad attitude, because she lives by the principle: don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself.

At the same time, there are several “red lines”, if you cross them, you can seriously ruin your relationship with this harmless girl:

  1. First of all, twins cannot be commanded, as already mentioned above. If today she feels that she is simply being manipulated, it means that tomorrow she will disappear without saying goodbye.
  2. Criticize views this woman too not the best idea. She considers her thoughts mature and fully realized. Moreover, no one will be able to argue with this charming know-it-all.
  3. Finally, coarseness. Her twins not accepted in any form. They respect the personality and integrity of each person, so acting clumsily, playing an obvious aggressive game, is the shortest path to failure.

Who is suitable for a Gemini woman, and who is not so good

For Gemini, an older brother is more likely to suit her, who can replace her lover, her best friend, and her personal psychotherapist. Since the twin has many faces, she will not be able to live next to a monotonous, predictable partner. Yes, she needs a show - that’s the nature of this girl.

The stars paint the following picture of the compatibility in love of a Gemini woman with other zodiac signs:

  1. First of all, it looks absolutely successful. Both heroes tirelessly seek adventure, constantly change their plans and enjoy the unpredictability of life. In such an alliance, Sagittarius should not overdo it with his activity - if his bright temperament can find a diplomatic approach to the delicate twin, the tandem will turn out to be surprisingly strong and original. As for other representatives of the fire zodiac signs, the situation looks more complicated. This lady is unlikely to be comfortable with a jealous Leo and an assertive Aries.
  2. With the signs of the zodiac, the twins will have their own element. Both are a little out of this world, but their ideas about love as friendship and friendship as love can create an almost perfect combination. Another thing is that these two do not have enough practicality, so the stars recommend immediately competently dividing family responsibilities. Contact with Libra is less favorable - both partners are rather indecisive, so there is a high probability of eternally shifting responsibility to each other.
  3. It will be quite difficult for Geminis with water signs - Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. These people are quite complex and closed, they, as they say, “have their own minds”, so a twin is unlikely to arouse their approval.
  4. And an alliance with the representatives of the earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - seems completely unpromising. The practicality and predictability of these people will plunge the Gemini woman into despondency, and her changeability will begin to openly irritate them.

Twins in bed

Despite the fact that Geminis are extremely attractive, they do not make sex the meaning of life. Nights of friendship with endless conversations and unexpected plot twists are quite in their style.

In bed, they also prefer surprise and improvisation. Those who are friends with Geminis can wish to be ready for anything and always. But this lady has such a rich imagination and creative abilities that you won’t be bored with her either day or night.

A Gemini woman is multifaceted and interesting, open and at the same time with her skeletons in the closet. However, one can only envy those who find the key to her heart - not everyone succeeds in getting a best friend and a sophisticated seductress in one person.