Changes in staffing order sample. We draw up an order to amend the staffing table: a sample for all cases. In what situations is it necessary to make changes to the schedule?

Change of salary in the staffing table - how to register?

In case of increase

Sometimes such a pleasant moment happens in the life of workers as a rate increase. This can happen in two cases:

    if a person was transferred to a position with a higher salary;

    if management, planned or unplanned, decided to raise wages.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly formalize a salary change in these cases.

Increase in rate due to increase.

In this case, the increase procedure occurs in parallel with the transfer to a new position. Additional registration is being made. agreement with the employee, which indicates the name of the new specialty and the amount of remuneration for work. Based on the agreement signed by the parties, an order for transfer to a new position is issued in the established form T-5 or T-5a. It should indicate the amount of the increased rate. The personnel officer enters information about the transfer into the employee’s work book.

Increase in salary for current position

    if the innovation concerns a position, an order is issued to increase employee salaries and approve changes to the staffing table. With the help of this document, the manager can simultaneously increase the salaries of employees and introduce a new staffing table, which indicates current information about salaries at the enterprise. Employees affected by the pleasant changes sign an additional agreement. agreement.

Order to change the staffing table, increase salaries, sample

    if the rate of a particular employee increases, the actions are as follows: the employee’s immediate supervisor draws up a memo, which he passes on to the director of the organization. In the note, he justifies the reason for the promotion (for conscientious work or increased responsibilities). If the director makes a positive decision, then either an order is issued to move the employee to another position with a higher salary, or changes are made to the staffing table and a transfer order is made within one position. The employee also signs an additional agreement to the employment contract. This agreement is the basis for the relocation order.

In case of reduction

If organizational or technological working conditions change at an enterprise, the employer has the right to formalize a lower salary change. The main thing is that its size must be no less than the minimum wage. Otherwise, the employer risks worsening the worker’s situation, which is unacceptable, according to.

To carry out this procedure, it is advisable for the employer to have documentary evidence of the need to introduce innovations into the work process.

The employer's actions should be as follows:

    an order is issued to make changes to the staffing table. Workers are introduced to the order and signed.

    two months before the innovations come into force, employees are given notices indicating the reason for the salary reduction. You should also inform about possible dismissal if employees refuse to work under the new conditions. According to Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee is not satisfied with the amount of payment for work, the director will have to offer him another suitable job. If the employee refuses the proposed option, the employment contract with him may be terminated (clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    if the worker does not want to sign an order or notice of a change in working conditions, then the employer must draw up a statement of refusal. This document is also drawn up if the citizen completely refuses to perform work under the new conditions.

    If the employees agree, additional information is issued. agreement to the contract and order to reduce the salary.

Making changes to the staffing table or changing the salary in any direction is formalized using an order, which you can read below.

If the management of the organization decided to revise the salaries of employees, reduce them or introduce a new position, it will be necessary to issue an order to change the staffing table. In the article we will look in detail at how to draw up an order, and also provide examples of orders to change the staffing table for 2018.

Reasons for changes in staffing levels

  1. The emergence of a new position or unit: is formalized by an order on a new staffing unit, which should indicate the name of the position or new unit, the number of new units, as well as their salary (including additional payments and allowances);
  2. Exclusion of a position: formalized by an order to exclude a staff unit (or units), which indicates the date of change, name and number;
  3. Staff reduction: before issuing an order, employees are notified of a reduction in staffing rates (2 months in advance), and also offer other vacant positions. After this, an order is issued on a new staffing table;
  4. Salary change: before issuing the order, employees are notified of the salary change (2 months in advance), and are also offered new positions if, for example, the employee refused to work with the new salary. After this, an order is issued on a new staffing table;
  5. Changing the name of a department or position: the same applies as when changing the salary.

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Procedure for making changes

Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time as the need arises.

Important! The head of the organization decides how many times to change the staffing table. You can do this as often as needed.

If there is a change in the schedule of the position of any employee or his salary, the employment contract concluded with him will also need to be changed. At the same time, before making changes to the schedule, you need to formalize the transfer of the employee to another position. This can be done using an order using the approved T-5 form (see →), or using a self-developed form. The employee will need to enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract, and also make a note about the transfer in the work record book.

How to notify an employee about a change in staffing schedule

The employee retains the right not to agree to new working conditions; in this case, the employer sends the employee an offer for another job, also in writing. If the employer cannot offer a position similar to the previous conditions, then he has the right to offer a position that is lower paid and lower-ranking. If the employee refuses, he will need to formalize his dismissal, the basis of which will be: “refusal of a job offer due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties,” that is, clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the reason for making changes to the schedule, they also differ in how to draw up the order.

Here are examples of the main orders when changing the staffing table depending on the reason:

Those employees who are directly affected by the changes must sign the acknowledgment. A new schedule containing all changes is attached to the order itself. The order should indicate the date from which the new schedule comes into force, and also appoint someone responsible for the execution of the order. The responsible person can be the head of the organization or an employee of the human resources department.

Changes to staffing

As mentioned above, there are no restrictions on the number and frequency of changes made to the staffing table. The manager has the right to independently decide when to change the staffing table. This can be done both from the beginning of the year and in its middle.

Important! Even a temporary transfer of an employee to another position must be reflected in the staffing table. After the transfer is completed, an order is issued to change the schedule, and the period for which the new position is introduced is also indicated.

Responsibility for failure to make changes to the staffing table

Violation of the requirements of labor legislation, for example, a discrepancy between the number of employees and the staffing table, etc., entails administrative liability with a fine imposed on the organization and officials:

  • 30,000 – 50,000 rubles – for organization;
  • 1,000 – 5,000 rubles – per official.

In order to avoid unnecessary fines for the organization and its leader, it is necessary to promptly make changes to the organization’s staffing table in accordance with the requirements established by law.

The staffing table cannot be considered as documentation drawn up for a long period of time.

Adjustments to the act are required due to an increase or decrease in wages, changes in personnel and other issues in the activities of the enterprise. It is legally possible to make modifications to the schedule, subject to compliance with established norms and rules.

Reasons for change

The reasons why amendments to the staffing table are required may vary. As already indicated, adjustments are made to the act by changing the current schedule or creating a new one. There is no third option.

A complete replacement of the “staff” is carried out if there are serious reasons for this. This could be personnel changes, staff reductions or expansion, transfer of workers to another department, etc.

Minor adjustments are made to the schedule by issuing an order, which is signed by the head of the organization. An order is issued until the amendments are made. The reasons for issuing such an order may be:

  • changing the names of departments and divisions;
  • reduction in staffing levels;
  • renaming of positions;
  • making recalculations regarding wages;
  • introduction or removal of a position.

The listed grounds can be used to adjust the current act. The main step in making a change is issuing an appropriate order. Such a document should contain an explanation of the upcoming changes.

If the order is drawn up with violations, then the amendments made to the staff act are recognized as not corresponding to reality if a dispute arises between the employer and the employee or during an audit. In some situations, in addition to issuing an order and making changes to the document, additional measures may be required.

Design example

When changes in the “staff” affect not just a few employees, but the entire enterprise as a whole, a new schedule is issued. This is done to avoid confusion. An example of the issuance of a new act is an increase in the level of the minimum wage in the region where the company is located, provided that the salary of workers depends on this indication.

Situations arise that require forced measures to be taken to provide employees with a shortened working week or day. This happens during crises, a decline in demand for a product and other nuances. The employer's goal in this case is:

  • do not close production completely;
  • do not leave people without jobs.

Example of an amendment order

Such a decision is agreed upon with the employees of the enterprise, after which they are notified of the changes. An additional agreement attached to the employment contract is also signed. It is compiled in two copies.

In practice, it is difficult to make adjustments to the entire staff in the schedule, so a new one is created. Before modifications are made to the act, appropriate grounds must appear. Otherwise, the manager does not have the right to change the personnel structure at his own discretion.

Proposals for making adjustments are set out by the heads of divisions and departments and are set out in a memo. A note is drawn up in a free format.


The reasons for which the schedule is changed are indicated in the memo (also called a petition). When the document in question is drawn up, it is required to register it in a special journal.

It is not legally established who has the right to draw up notes. Most often, the act is drawn up by personnel department employees. To compile, you need to know what changes are coming to the document. Also, the management of the departments has the right to draw up memos.

Example of a memo

There are no specific requirements regarding the preparation of the document. The compiler must adhere to the general rules for filling out this type of document:

  • initially the “header” is written, which contains information regarding the originator and addressee;
  • the name of the act is written;
  • the document number is indicated;
  • describes the content indicating the reasons for the adjustment;
  • proposals for resolving this issue are included;
  • signature of the author and its transcript.

After writing, the document must be registered in a special accounting journal. This journal is intended to record notes. According to this journal, the note is assigned a number. Next, the act is transferred to the company’s management, who makes the final decision regarding the need to make corrections.

Change Order

In practice, two methods have been developed by which adjustments are made:

  • an order is issued to modify the document, which lists the adjustments made to the act;
  • a new document is approved.

In the case when minor adjustments are made to the act, the first method is considered the most appropriate. Accordingly, the second one is used for fundamental amendments to the schedule.

The order is drawn up in any form. The document indicates, according to what grounds the decision to change was made, and the date when the adjustments begin to take effect.

The grounds that are used to revise the act may be different:

  • increase or decrease in production volumes;
  • structure optimization;
  • reorganization;
  • others.

Sample order for amendments due to reduction

In a situation where an employee is dismissed from a company, this cannot be considered as a basis for removing the position he occupied from the schedule. The exception is cases of staff reduction.

When volumes in a company have decreased and management decided to remove a position from the staff, and after some time it was reintroduced, the employer should not forget about indexing earnings.

When issuing an order regarding any basis for correction, the originator must be extremely careful. This provision especially applies to filling out fields containing details. The order must contain:

  • name of the act;
  • Date of preparation;
  • the date on which the document comes into force;
  • description of all changes;
  • information concerning the person appointed responsible for the execution of the act;
  • management signature.

Sample order for correction

When errors are made in an order, it is declared invalid. In this case, the new “staff” will also be recognized as inconsistent with reality.

Change, optimization and renaming

Initially, when an enterprise begins to operate, as a rule, it has a narrow range of activities. This is due to the lack of established connections and regular clientele.

After the company has existed for several years, it becomes capable of providing a larger range of services than previously stated. For this reason, there is a shortage of personnel required to carry out the new volume of work.

Notification of amendments due to change of position

In this case, it is necessary to rewrite the position in the staffing table. Due to this foundation, new positions are added to it. The list of available departments can also be supplemented.


The document is subject to adjustment in the event of optimization of the activities of managers or redistribution of obligations. For example, an organization may initially introduce one deputy manager position, but later the need for a second deputy arises.

As a rule, the required volume for the introduction of a new rate is not enough, then one of the department heads is renamed to deputy, while increasing his volume of work and increasing his pay.

Also, additional staff units can be entered into the “staff”, while indicating a rate of 1/2.


In case of renaming a position, the legislator provides for a certain procedure that must be followed by the employer. The project is coordinated with the enterprise's trade union.

The reasons for which adjustments are made are attached to the project. The trade union reviews the project for a five-day period, after which it issues its reasoned opinion.

Amendments must be agreed upon in the following cases:

  • changes in the names of a large number of positions;
  • formation of a new division;
  • reduction of staff by more than five percent of the total number of workers.

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. An explanatory note is drawn up containing the rationale for the changes.
  2. Administrative documentation regarding making adjustments is issued. After reviewing the note, a manager’s resolution is imposed on it, with instructions to change the job title and prepare changes in the employee documentation.
  3. Changes are being made. Changes are carried out in accordance with the issued order.

Employees whose job titles are changing must be properly notified of the upcoming changes in the prescribed manner.

The manager offers the person a choice regarding agreement or disagreement with the changes, as well as choosing a vacant position to continue working. Notifications are given no later than 2 months before the relevant changes.

Notification of position renaming

Changes are made by issuing a new or adjusting an existing act. After the changes have been made, a number of documents must be completed:

  • additional agreement;
  • employee personal card;
  • job description.

It is also necessary to make adjustments to the work book.

Salary change

Initially, the schedule establishes the salary amount due to each position. As the company grows, there may be a need to make adjustments to this point, as the volume of labor increases and the financial capabilities of the enterprise increase.

Also, the grounds for changing the schedule may be provided for in legislation adopted at the federal level. Such acts establish an increase in the minimum wage.

According to labor law, the employer does not have the opportunity to set wages less than the minimum wage. For this reason, when making corrections to the value under consideration, it is necessary to adjust the schedule.

List of replacement and elimination of positions

An explanatory note must be prepared for the schedule, which describes the calculations made regarding the adjustments, as well as a statement of job changes. The head of the organization initially gets acquainted with the project, after which he makes his own adjustments and approves it.

According to the rules in force regarding the schedule, it is possible to replace one position with another. In this case, it is necessary to generate the statement in question. If necessary, some positions are removed from one department and new ones are created using them.

After the schedule is approved and approved, the statement must be drawn up as an integral part of the act or its appendix. Typically, positions that are vacant will be used for replacement.

The statement is drawn up in the form of a table. It consists of two parts. Example:

Sample job change sheet

The employer has the authority to exclude positions or structural units from the schedule only when staffing in the organization is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. The compiler will need the following documents:

  • employee documentation;
  • schedule;
  • forms developed for orders;
  • company documents;
  • legislative acts;
  • seal.

Order to make corrections in connection with the exclusion of a position

You can exclude a position if there are circumstances that are classified as special. An example is a crisis, changes in working conditions, etc. An employee whose position is being eliminated must receive notice two months before the changes take effect.

Next, an order is drawn up, in the header of which the name of the company is indicated. The name is written in accordance with the statutory documentation. The date and number of the issued order and the date when the changes come into force are indicated.

The order reflects the reason for its preparation and specifies the positions that will be excluded. An employee of the HR department is appointed responsible for execution. Next, the act is certified.

The position that is being eliminated is then eliminated from the current schedule. An order is also issued containing information regarding staff reductions. The order indicates the name of the position that is subject to exclusion from the schedule, and also specifies the details of the employee occupying this position.

The order is certified by the signature of the company management. The specialist whose position is being reduced gets acquainted with the document.

The legislator does not stipulate how often the “staffing” can change. This indicates the ability of the company's management to make changes at their discretion. If adjustments are made, the procedure established in the laws must be followed.

Change Notice

According to labor legislation, the head of the company has the obligation to familiarize employees with all acts adopted within the organization.

When changes are made to the schedule, it is not necessary to notify employees. The exception is the situation when adjustments affect the employee’s activities.

For example, when several new positions are introduced, familiarization is not required; if a reduction is made, then those whose positions are being reduced become familiar with the act. Also, when changes concern salaries or allowances, the person is notified of the upcoming changes.

Is it possible to change the unified form?

According to the Resolution adopted by the State Statistics Committee, number 20, companies have the authority to make changes to the unified forms developed regarding the staffing table, if such a need arises. It is noted that the details that are on the form cannot be deleted.

Adjustments made in a unified form are enshrined in the administrative acts of the organization.

The forms on which the schedule is drawn up are of a recommendatory nature, which means that the company can change them. It is permissible to expand or narrow columns and add loose leaves.

Despite the fact that the staffing table does not belong to the category of mandatory documentation, most organizations apply the act in question. To make changes to the schedule, you must follow the prescribed procedure.

They are introduced not only when the employer needs to introduce new professions. It also changes if it is necessary to remove a staff unit from the schedule.

You can do this:

    by order;

    approval of the new ShR.

Let's look at the order in which positions are assigned.

Exclusion of a specialty from the ShR

If the place is vacant

If necessary, the employer has the right to exclude a specialty or department from the work schedule. For this purpose, an order is issued to exclude positions from the staffing table. There is one caveat here: if the position that is planned to be removed from the document is vacant, then it is not necessary to issue a notice of reduction in headcount or staff.

Due to the reduction

In this case, it is possible to approve a new SR without including the specialties subject to reduction, as well as issue an order to exclude positions from the SR that are subject to reduction and approve a new document after the date of the upcoming changes. Employees who fall under must submit a written document signed two months in advance. There is an indication of this in Part 2 Art. 180 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this rule, the date of entry into force of changes to the work schedule cannot occur earlier than two months after the issuance of the order.

An order to exclude a position from the SR can be drawn up by the employer in any form. There is no need to indicate the rate or salary.

The order should indicate:

    information about the event;

    date of introduction of planned innovations,

    the name of the department, profession and full name of the citizens who will be affected by the reduction;

    rights and guarantees of laid-off workers

After issuing the order, the employer must familiarize the laid-off employees with it.

Storing orders

The SR, as well as orders regarding the removal of a position, should be kept at the enterprise permanently. And all proposals regarding its development and changes must be stored in the archives of the enterprise for at least five years. The same storage time is set for staffing projects.

And, accordingly, an order for its approval. This does not depend on the form of its ownership. If necessary, an order to change the staffing table is also added to the total number of mandatory documents. Why is it needed and why is it compiled? We need to figure this out.

Reasons for making changes

To begin with, it is worth noting that the basic labor law (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) does not require the presence of a staffing table as such. But the Russian Statistics Committee included this document in the list of mandatory forms required to record labor and pay at any enterprise in the country.

Due to various factors, the staffing table may be adjusted. All changes of this kind must necessarily be accompanied by the issuance of a corresponding order. From a fairly large number, several general reasons can be identified for which it is necessary to carry out such events:

  1. Changes in existing salaries, as well as additional payments and various allowances. This occurs mainly after changes in legislation or as a result of improvements in the operation of the enterprise.
  2. Changing the names of existing positions or introducing new ones. This often happens during a company reorganization.
  3. Carrying out staff reduction procedures.
  4. Creation of new structural divisions at the enterprise.

In any of the above cases, an order must be issued to change the staffing table, which clearly explains the reasons for carrying out this event.

How to register correctly

The order to change the staffing table is, in fact, an intermediate stage of the entire procedure. For example, consider a situation involving employees. In this case, the company’s specialists first conduct a study to study the operation of the enterprise. This is done in order to determine possible ways of its reorganization to improve the activities of the enterprise as a whole or its individual divisions. Research is documented in the form addressed to the director. Based on the results, a decision is made to carry out specific activities. Then a list of positions to be eliminated is determined. After this, employees receive notice of the upcoming layoff 2 months in advance. Then an order is issued to change the staffing table, and on the basis of it, an order for the upcoming reduction is already being prepared. Next, a commission is created, which already carries out the final stages of the procedure on the basis of current legislation.

Options for changing staffing levels

In the course of production activities at an enterprise, various changes may occur that need to be formalized by order. It’s the same with staffing. Any change made must be documented accordingly. Depending on the global nature of the reason, there are two options for changing the staffing table:

Both options are formalized by order for the main activity. In the second case, the changes made usually affect one or a group of employees. In this situation, there is no need to develop a new document, which is why an order to change the staffing table is drawn up. It can be titled differently: “On making changes...”, or “On changing...”, or simply “On partial changes...”. Any of the proposed names will be correct. It all depends on the reason for the changes being made.

Sample order

It is easy to make any changes to the staff schedule. There are no standard forms or mandatory conditions here. In principle, there is no example of changing the staffing table. A regular order is issued, which must certainly contain the following points:

The approximate structure of such an order is as follows:

  1. Business name.
  2. Date and serial number of the order issued.
  3. ORDER.
  4. Place of publication of this order.
  5. Name of the order (heading).
  6. The stating part, which begins with the words “In connection with...”. It indicates what actions or events led to the changes being made.
  7. The word "I ORDER".
  8. Administrative part. It usually begins with the words “Make the following changes to the staffing table.” The following is a list of changes being made, and the date of their introduction is indicated.
  9. The order ends with the signature of the director (manager) of the enterprise.

Changing the name (renaming) of a position

As an example, we can consider a situation related to a change in the name of an employee’s position. If it provides for a change in functional responsibilities, and this issue is one of the essential terms of the contract with the employee (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then first you need to notify him of the upcoming changes. This is done no later than two months before the change comes into force. In case of refusal, the (employment) contract will be terminated under Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, subject to all payments and guarantees. If the employee agrees with the proposed conditions, then an order is created to change the current staffing table. After this, it is drawn up with the employee. The next step will be an order to transfer the employee to a new position. This procedure ends with the appropriate entry for each employee in the work book. If the employee’s duties remain the same, then no prior approval is required. Changing a position in the staffing table is carried out as follows:

  1. An employee of the personnel department draws up a memo addressed to the head of the enterprise.
  2. Based on it, a corresponding order is drawn up.
  3. Changes are being made to the staffing table itself.
  4. An additional agreement is drawn up to the concluded employment contract with the employee indicating the changes being made.
  5. Immediately after this, an entry is made in the employee’s work book.
  6. From the date specified in the order, the employee is considered transferred to another position.